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20017828 No.20017828 [Reply] [Original]

What books would you recommend on this topic? What do you have to say about this topic?

>> No.20017848

They were interesting on paper, but practice have proved them to be non-resilient against the decaying forces of society. Older values held on far longer - I doubt that we'll reach 500 year mark.

Enlightenment must evolve, but it can't as long as crooks occupy positions of power and have the potential to dictate the intellectual stream by essentially thinking for you, and then force you to comply.

Whatever the next thing will be, it must reject the crooks or it's all going to be for naught.

>> No.20017923
File: 83 KB, 722x720, 82CBC36D-5FD6-41EB-A953-5650FC6270FA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*btfos you*

>> No.20019370

>people who suffer most under capitalism are some of its biggest critics
wow really gets you to think

>> No.20019398

You would suffer the most under any regime because you're genetic waste and don't deserve to live.

>> No.20019425

Not an argument

>> No.20019910


>> No.20019934

>Turns of his stream when a book with a swastika is shown
The commie gets scared when his money is in danger

>> No.20019945

Can communism exist without the threat of fascism? Can fascism exist without the threat of communism?

>> No.20019974

if you suffer under capitalism you're literally an idiot

>> No.20019975

Yes and yes obviously. Communism is not simply because muh Jews and fascism is not simply capitalism but in muh decline. They both have their own political, philosophical and economic basis and just because they were influenced by the other doesn't mean they must per se coexist.

>> No.20019989

only on small groups of people

>> No.20020018

People who are capitalism's most vocal critics usually have wealthy or influential relatives

>> No.20020027

Yes. What a dumb question.

>> No.20020106

It's called bioleninism. These people are outcasts of the majority of normal society. People like transgenders, homosexuals, jews or people with disabilities. They don't fit in and as a result they want to force everyone else to accept them by any means necessary and communism which promises (in theory) equality offers a way. The problem then becomes however that even in a communist society they would still be different and often seen as a threat or as a liability anyway. In both cases they would be gotten rid of either through things like work camps or through eugenic programmes which the USSR was actually in favour of in the beginning. Capitalism here is not the problem but the people either being just physically or mentally inferior the normal or people refusing to fit into the status quo and thereby ostracising themselves are the problem.

>> No.20021403

I think communism can exist without the threat of fascism, but fascism certainly can’t exist without the threat of communism.

>> No.20021594


>> No.20021902


>> No.20021909
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Im sure the dude who made this pictures opinion is much more valuable on how to fix the world

>> No.20022543

isn't this the incel that didn't know what a vagina looked like?

>> No.20022567
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>> No.20022637
