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/lit/ - Literature

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19971258 No.19971258 [Reply] [Original]

I think the point of art/philosophy/books is that one has to be geniunely passionate about the subject matter or enjoying the lifestyle of an artist/philosopher/intellectual. The problem arrives when through continuous exposure to life-experiences and problems and to a lot of material at hand, one suffers from a serious case of detachment. It becomes difficult to be excited about anything. I remember when I was younger and starting philosophy, the idea seemed exciting and it really felt like you were discovering important things and you even felt you had the creative capacity to effect change should you ever actively politically/philosophically/artistically engage. Alas, that is a naive young outlook, with age and experience both in concrete matters of life as well as in your subject matter, it becomes clear that history is just a long meat-grinder of people, plans and ideas and that your previous excitement was miscast and naive. If I sit down at a piece of blank paper today, I can hardly feel like anything I would put on it would matter to anyone and more importantly, it wouldn't matter to me personally at all. Quite the same, I feel nothing when I hear "great" music, see "great" art pieces or read "great" books or philosophy. I feel zero excitement towards it because it means nothing to me. I don't envy people who are too naive to not experience this detachment, I envy people who have somehow managed to continue being excited despite the obvious fact that it's all kind of pointless and frankly overrated and puffed up. I honestly don't get how people get excited about reading a book, or going to a gallery nowadays (except for free booze).

>> No.19971511

>“But I don’t want comfort. I want God, I want poetry, I want real danger, I want freedom, I want goodness. I want sin.”

— Aldous Huxley, Brave New World

>> No.19971525


>> No.19971540

The amount of time that you took to type this cope could have been used to read the Greeks

>> No.19971551

I already read the Greeks

>> No.19971552

I know what you mean. An average person might say “oh that’s depression” and try to dismiss you saying to go get on SSRIs or whatever, but I don’t know if that’s really legitimate.

>> No.19971556

Okay, first of all, using rich language won't create rich imagery. Dumb down your words, or you'll sound stupid.

>One must defy their false need for academic expressionism so that they might fuck themselves in the ass and cieadeungwr bqeub5oiq

Second of all, you're not supposed to become numb to new media. Work on your mental well being, and the rest will fall in place with time.

Treat your monkey brain for what it is. Find out how to be happy, to be able to be happy.

>> No.19971977

Disastrous existence entails hazardous persistence; and implies turbulent insistence; extensity of interest is directly proportional to intensity of inertia.

>> No.19972003
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Be careful

>> No.19972043


Same here, coming to terms with your personal insignificance hits hard in your mid 20s. I'm not sure if it's good or bad thing, to have held out longer than most people. The common man realizes his own insignificance as a very young age as a child, or maybe his horizon was always very small and he never had to experience the suffering of time and limitation. It's hard to tell since most people never disclose what they really think

>> No.19972129
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Such is the fate of all LARPers who enter into literature like an arraigned marriage that seems nice at the start because she's lithe and sexy and supple and you're excited and those first few years are great but you notice that she's getting a bit fat and her face is melting a bit and she doesn't do make up anymore or really try at all but you think "hey, even if we were never in love, we'll find love" but as the years roll on she has ballooned into a 200lbs bibi who always nags you and cries when you can't get an erection in your bi-yearly sex and you realise you haven't found love and you're staring down the barrel of 40 more years of this sickness unto death (more like thiccness unto death lol) so you begin flirting with the idea that atleast if you make some children maybe you can love them so you muster up your courage to dick down this brown beluga and she finally spits out some kids but you hate them too and you spend more and more time at work to avoid seeing them and you realise that your life is already over and the rest it slips away in coffee spoons and the bottom of the bottle until wet brain whisks away what little mental fortitude you have left
TLDR read and marry for LOVE not because you think it is hot.

>> No.19972150

you missed the point entirely. you don't need to marry and you don't need to read books.

>> No.19972166

>what too much nihilism does to a mother fucker.
go back and read the gay science and kirkigard again.

>> No.19972171

It's not just personal insignificance, but even the actual insignificance of things that are puffed up as "great". In reality, once stripped of the cloak of greatness we bestow upon them, they have no meaning to me at all, whatever their technical merits might be. They're a cultural artefact, which is cool but ultimately just...sort of there. What stands out is really the insignificance of it all once you take ego and socially conferred importance out of the picture. The genius of Picasso or Bach is impressive but it's still just a painting and still just a music piece. Beneath it all, you can smell the stench from millions of corpses of socially irrelevant anonymous painters and musicians. That's the fact of existence, the anonymous lives of historically insignificant people whose dreams and deeds died with no great fanfare. Plato, Kant and Wittgenstein are little more than idealistic escapism, to ask "who is right" totally misses the point, it's just another dead end in this meatgrinder. But of course, I am not a pessimist, you become detached even from the ills of existence and simply accept things for what they are. The debt, the cheating spouse, the wageslaving, the back pain, the alcoholism, the violence, and the declining health are all just part of it, applied variously to different individuals. There's a point where unless you're really making your ego a part of it, or living that lifestyle, then you're not going to really have any naive feelings or idealistic excitement left. Kant means nothing to me today. Just as I know a professional musician that does not want to listen to music, or a painter that does not want to go to galleries anymore. There's a reason for that. Ecclesiastes is right. The only "exciting" part is knowing they were so far ahead of the game, they already figured it out 2k+ years ago. With enough life experience, you can't go back to being genuinely naive again and if you're not heavily deluded, this detachment and appraisal of existence is a normal reaction, interrupted by the facts of daily survival.

>> No.19972173

i thought it was pretty coherent. there is nothing wrong with using "big words" (which i actually see none that are particularly challenging) as long as they are used correctly.

>> No.19972195

You need psychedelics and supplemental estrogen to make your self an unhinged adolescent again.

>> No.19972224

>Or, How I Solved my Mid-Life Crisis by Self-Inducing Dissociation and Psychosis, Developing Body Dysphoria and An-Heroing

>> No.19972269

>you can't go back to being genuinely naive again and if you're not heavily deluded, this detachment and appraisal of existence is a normal reaction, interrupted by the facts of daily survival.

ok so now you are at a cross roads where on the right there is the drones life of keeping ones self alive and healthy enough to reproduce with little regard to how you do it. On the left is suicide because who the fuck actually willingly goes right, that is a road you are forced down, not tread yourself. And finally there is the straight path, which in your own words is the one where you delude yourself into being a part of it anyway (what ever it is is up to you. im not saying continue to engage with literature but find something you do like engaging in). A lot of people have a problem with the third option because they are hopelessly stuck on this idea that their is a truth out there and if they could find it they would live according to it and be happy, but i dont think that is you or else you would have to admit that finding this truth would be the work to point your passion toward, and i would argue that that is correct and also that those people are already delusional. there are others that dont like the idea because of what other people would think of them (look at how ridiculous don quixote is!), but again you are talking about something that ultimately doesnt matter. if our lives are meaningless in the meat grinder than the opinions of others about those lives is less than meaningless. So you have your 3 paths. straight ahead is you forcing yourself into the fray time and time again until you are triumphant or die, instant release on the left, and the life of a robot (all be it a comfortable robot, except for that banging in his head) who is to lie down and die in the dirt like a dog. I personally will pick the fight. if nothing else i will understand the happiness of sisyphus.

>> No.19972393

You've clearly been subconsciously conditioning yourself to think this way.
The only thing I can recommend to reverse this is by meditating & practicing mindfulness. Maybe find a mentor such as a monk or psychologist.
Once you've learnt to condition yourself like a dog, you can pave your own life however you want.

>> No.19972418

What only-child syndrome does to a motherfucker

>> No.19972463
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Basically all that you've said is "I don't see a good future for myself", so what are we supposed to do with that? That's just complaining, if you don't like your life then do something about it

>> No.19972469

Anyone who posts a wojak is giving you a heads up their post is usually fucking retarded and only worth clicking the little red minus sign on before moving on.

>> No.19972507

Completely unironically do you have a blog or anything? I like your writing.

>> No.19972512

I have five siblings and related to OP

>> No.19972531

Fag was lucky he didnt have to fight in ww1.

>> No.19972592

Was meant for

>> No.19972642

of course nobody ever suffered before capitalism, and nobody will ever suffer once markets are abolished and people have to be forced to do the jobs nobody else wants to do anyway, oh but we'll pay people doing those jobs more, oh wait that's a market fuck

>> No.19972671

>my philosophy professor is conservative
They're not even trying to make these sound realistic anymore huh

>> No.19972784

Nirvana is Samsara. You fall in love with the GRINDSET
instead of pummeling yourself with a mean mantra like "all is empty, there is nothing new under the sun"
go affirm life! Go compliment a disgusting prostitute! Dulcenia!

>> No.19972789

That's called depression. I had such a phase too, thought art is worthless, all that same bullshit that everyone with some shred of internal life goes through during their teen years. Get your shit together one way or another (meds, lifting, drugs, fucking whores, take your pick) instead of whining about muh art not solving your nihilism or whatever you imagined was its job.

>> No.19972799

>filled with hate and bitterness
>thinks xe’s in a place to be giving advice to others

>> No.19972814

no but i appreciate it anon.

>> No.19973073

>Quite the same, I feel nothing when I hear "great" music, see "great" art pieces or read "great" books or philosophy. I feel zero excitement towards it because it means nothing to me.
Maybe you're just putting too much pressure on yourself forcing yourself to enjoy it. It's better to engage in art with a leisurely mindset not seeking any kind of specific purpose but just letting it affect you in whatever way it does. And seeking out the pieces that personally speak to you. I know what you're talking about anon and I usually experience that kind of detachment when I'm unwittingly thinking about the fact that I should be enjoying something rather than just enjoying it. You need to be able to turn off your mind or critical faculty a little bit. It's all about finding the right balance between being able to be detached enough to objectively look at a piece of art, but letting go of your ego enough to let yourself become subsumed in the characters or the world. The latter can be quite hard and in my experience gets harder to do the older you get.

>> No.19973382

Your existence is a mistake.

>> No.19974819

but what do if nothing seams worth it? literally anything else? thats crazy!

>> No.19974988

so, do you have passion for anything?

>> No.19975091
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This lecture series will most likely change your life.

>> No.19975254

You’re retarded

>> No.19975378

Being an only child does get very lonely at times. But maybe I'm only looking at the negatives and not appreciating that there may be downsides to having siblings

>> No.19975923

Really nice thread guys - I've been think about these things a lot recently

>> No.19975931

that's called depression

>> No.19975949


You've lost meaning because you live in a world of facts. This essay contains the answer. Skip to the last paragraph if you want.

>> No.19976096

>christfag shit
>petersonfag shit
>”””become””” a psychopath, which is a congenital neurological condition
This place has really gone to shit.

>> No.19976265

>use of colloquial language
>oh noes he's retarded