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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 275 KB, 900x1200, AB33E0F1-88CE-4C73-9A46-E26F56E66AD9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19937217 No.19937217[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>current book
>how you’re holding up

>> No.19937230

>The Tunnel
>Really good.

>> No.19937231

Data mining thread, will post surprising % of fakes to skew your data

>> No.19937246
File: 31 KB, 265x400, 9781107678262.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this one
i feel sick, my gf broke up with me, i've gone cold turkey off my meds so i can start new meds, it's hot, i'm annoyed, i can't concentrate

>> No.19937251

>I am espervacis or as americans say "muergerous"

>> No.19937258

I have been around the sun twenty nine times. I am reading The Grapes of Wrath which is beautiful and quite sad. My disposition is crestfallen and lonesome. I have resolved myself against suicide. I'm also studying German and have been seeing significant progress. I read Rotkäppchen and Schneewittchen recently, the first stories I've read in German. It was almost euphoric reading in a new language, hard to describe. Suicide in German is called self-murder.

>> No.19937313

What's up with this girl, what's she up to lately?

>> No.19937322

she's been dead for years

>> No.19937324

in isolation cause I got the 'rona

>> No.19937353
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>Decameron by Boccaccio
>Doing well. Have been busy at work. Need to make friends.

>> No.19937355
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Locus Solus
Got a migraine.

>> No.19937360

>22 tomorrow
>The completed poems of Yeats
>feeling really good lately, probably the best I've felt in three years

>> No.19937366
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Ah, good for you. Fuck that vaccine.

>> No.19937380
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>pic related

>> No.19937386 [SPOILER] 
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大个提 也就是说報告線及其故事
pic related

>> No.19937389

>Solitude by Albert Woodfox
> It's too fucken hot

>> No.19937401
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>fiction: The Last Steppe / non fiction: >Melchizedek And The Last Supper
>all my friend are morbidly depressed and i dunno what to do about it, im feeling aight tho

>> No.19937432

who is it?

>> No.19937449
File: 33 KB, 275x220, 4th Ending.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Protagoras and Logos: A Study in Greek Philosophy and Rhetoric by Edward Schiappa and A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man by James Joyce
>pic related

>> No.19937453

43 wtf

>> No.19937463

she ded dude

>> No.19937469
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rumor has it she OD'd a couple years ago

>> No.19937481

Jean Grondin, ¿qué es la hermenéutica?

>> No.19937495

31. Working wage slave job. Reading The Authorized KJV Bible with apocrypha. Not doing well mentally. Not many friends. No girlfriend or family. Introvert. Made a couple million in crypto last year so that was cool. Money doesn’t bring happiness. Deep Faith, and a strong relationship with God brings true happiness

>> No.19937503

I don't care lick about this girl or her underage pussy.

>> No.19937514

dag yo

>> No.19937546
File: 1.61 MB, 1293x1293, 9ad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Autumn of the Patriarch
>Not well. A friend broke up with me and it's really been fucking with me the past few months. I want to love people so much, but I feel so rejected by the world; I wish I didn't need people in my life sometimes.

That was hauntingly beautiful. I wish you good luck friend.

Good, stay with it.

Stay busy is my advice for the day, also good luck. WAGMI

>> No.19937551

>who is it?
A girl I should have dedicated all my possible powers to providing for, caring for, marrying, protecting and saving

>> No.19937564

>Made a couple million in crypto last year so that was cool. Money doesn’t bring happiness.
Give me $10,000 grand then? If it doesn't bring you happiness, maybe parting with something me will, it's worth a try aye?

>> No.19937572

>Don Juan
>I'm in a weird spot, I may be transfering university across the ocean soon, it's a source of a strange anxiety kissed by glimmers of hope

>> No.19937574

>Vinland Saga
>comfortable numb right now

>> No.19937603

>Retrato en la Geografia
>Grad school, a profession, and a marriage are fucking draining some days. If it wasn't for her sometimes I would not be able to find the motivation to do it all

>> No.19937630
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My muse

>> No.19937638

>re-read of the complete Sherlock Holmes
>just fine

>> No.19937647

y u so old ?

>> No.19937650

happy for you anon :D

>> No.19937662

that cat looks cheesy af

>> No.19937720

Dude she was a dope fiend, she OD'd on heroin in a hotel room (assuming she didnt just have an intervention and was made to fake her death) even then why would you want a slut who posts their nudes all over and camgirls for older men? I didnt even follow the ciara threads and even I know this, just look up her discord screen caps.

>> No.19937735
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>Memoirs of Hadrian
>Pretty bad, but that's how life goes, I guess

>> No.19937743

She obviously needed help. Drugs are a substitute for true love. The right person/people could have helped her be well

>> No.19937746

I hope you recover okay

>> No.19937750

shadow of the torturer

>> No.19937753
File: 20 KB, 600x350, 7ECAC2BC-EE08-48B7-804D-72B7F7642BA2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>current book
Storm of Steel
>How you’re holding up
Something is wrong with me, I’ve been off for the past month ever since I got back from the holidays. My discipline is fucked. I can’t focus. I have no energy. Nothing interests me. I stay up way later then I used and don’t really get out of bed and start working until much later then I did. I’ve gotten lazy with all my chores. I’ve started ordering out nearly every night. I think about binge drinking and doing drugs when I didn’t really think about it before. Worst of all I’ve turned into an absolute coomer, more then I’ve ever been. Fapping at least 10 times every day. It’s gotten so I’ve started skipping gym sessions to fap, I would very rarely ever skip a gym session before.

I feel like there’s something on the whole that’s wrong with me I have no idea what it is though

>> No.19937764
File: 510 KB, 1014x819, F01CDAAD-9603-4587-9F7C-0D7ED8192910.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss her bros. I know it was my destiny to marry her.

>> No.19937770

>Drugs are a substitute for true love.
Right. This guy does drugs because he is missing true love. Right. Not because he had to sleep next to his sister getting raped by his father every night for years and drugs are the only way to escape from that reality. It's true love he's missing. And he's not missing true love because he does drugs to begin with, which makes the whole process of what isn't happening harder

u r a simp

>> No.19937771

You could probably snag a nice church girl. Do you go to church?

>> No.19937773

Watch for the whole 2 hours and take notes.

>> No.19937809
File: 113 KB, 760x507, 263998300_d303c9128a5b66e7ab49a7df76567800_800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because, I the single individual as the single individual am higher than the universal and as the single individual stand in absolute relation to the absolute. And she is my infinite passion who I've infinitely renounced and who defines the whole content of my life. She exists as my muse in the form I want her to exist in and through faith I regain her within temporarility and finitude, even though she is a dead drug addict and it's completely impossible, by virtue of the absurd, as I want her to be.

>> No.19937820
File: 47 KB, 619x453, EA57365D-69C7-4927-B999-5EE2DC2B9464.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She’s so cute bros. I could’ve saved her.

>> No.19937826

Buckle the fuck up man this ride can last years.

>> No.19937827

Stop being a s imp.
Shes a dead dope fiend.
I dont even like girls who've lost their virginity, let alone those that go full on prostitute. Have some fucking standards you motherfucker.

>> No.19937832

>Sketches From a Hunter's Album
>it's over

>> No.19937847

>he doesnt know

>> No.19937858

She's not really dead, idiots.

>> No.19937866

Parzival (compared to other reads, finding it hard to get into; De Troyes' version had fewer images and I'm just a brainlet). Might just drop it for now for something more relaxed.
Dad passed away yesterday. I think I'm coping okay but can't help but feel like I'm ngmi. ex-gf is being supportive but obviously hinting that she doesn't like her current bf and wants me to take her back. Trying to find someone better and putting in the effort but feel like it's going to take awhile. Feel very little interest in what I am studying. Can keep the discipline up but almost feel like it's a waste of time. At least the field pays well when I finally graduate... Only have 1 irl friend that I'm really close and can be honest with. Everyone else seems like an impenetrable blob of superficiality.

>> No.19937871

u like?

>> No.19937879
File: 457 KB, 692x767, Screenshot 2022-02-14 1.58.43 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Book and the Sword by Jin Yong (Louis Cha)
>currently in a "fuck it, absurdism it is" mood

>> No.19937898

>The Canterbury Tales
>The Mrs left me over Christmas and my life has spiraled since then. Lost my house, got accused of sexual assault by a tinder sloot and tried to jump off a bridge 2 nights ago. I see no future for me

>> No.19937924

Ok I agree, to an extent. But the drug of true love is one of the greatest possible hopes of not needing hard drugs of substances.

>> No.19937964

>republic, shadow of the torturer, count of monte cristo as audiobook
>pretty good, nothing stressful going on at work
atm which is nice

>> No.19937971

>The Duel and Other Short Stories by Chekov
>Probably going to have to drop out of my PhD program as ABD

>> No.19937990
File: 117 KB, 1080x1311, c9263ee0d786a84c92f06f02b861e87f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Double by Dostoevsky
>Horrible largely due to CPPS (Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome)

>> No.19937993

>it's excellent.

>> No.19938003
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>The Tunnel
>very fucking bad but it can always be worse
Don't know why you niggers believe that bitch is dead, women never pull the trigger only the worse meth heads do, and maybe they die when they do something stupid, overdose or get ran over by a fucking car, that bitch pulled off the old "fake my death and delete my Internet persona thingy" probably to shake off her 4chinz past because no sane man wants to date a crazy bitch that posts her tits on a bhutanese meat market

>> No.19938011

The Book of Disquiet
It's exhausting taking care of my three stolen puppies but I love them

>> No.19938034

not /lit/

>> No.19938045
File: 323 KB, 882x1342, 81GHAhK2ngL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Battle Cry of Freedom: The Civil War Era
> I think I'm ok. My personal life is slowly waking from convalescene after the metaphorical head trauma it sustained. I have a bf for the first time in my life who is actually intellectual and handsome and kind. Work is slowly killing me though. I've lost all motivation, and am subconsciously trying to get away with more and more. It may not end well. I need to re-learn discipline.

>> No.19938083

>Growth of the Soil, and the Tao Te Ching
>pretty content

>> No.19938099

If this is true, you can take solace in that this is probably rock bottom and things will only look up from here if you do the right thing

>> No.19938107

Bronze Age Mindset

>> No.19938128


>> No.19938133

Based kirkegaard reader

>> No.19938136

"I hit rock bottom, then I fell in a hole, then I fell through the floor in that hole some more" -some juggalo fuck

>> No.19938143

If it means anything you sound like a pretty interesting person.

>> No.19938149

Didnt she always post shit about any of the dozens of boyfriends she had always nutting in her and other psycho bpd shit?

>> No.19938151

>The Autobiography of Malcolm X

>> No.19938158

>Ok I agree, to an extent.
thank you
>But the drug of true love is one of the greatest possible hopes of not needing hard drugs of substances.
Sure if I grant you that, what makes you think you would be the one? Do you know how many orbiters she had? was there any proof she didn't love the guy she was with at the time?

>> No.19938162

>some sentences in the Gospels, that's it

i am not well. i had covid, then i got a horrible reaction from the vaccine that lasted months. my body feels unwell. i have been unemployed, living at home, can't get a job after college that isn't food service. i drink, i get a hangover. i use cannabis, i have depersonalization. i haven't been to the gym in 6 months. it is winter, it is cold and the sky is unending grey. every day i wake up and feel unsettled in my body. i have random headaches. i don't read, i don't watch films. my therapist is a gay man.

i love my brother and mother. they're important to me. but I now I need to leave in order to grow. where, how. i need to be independent from my mother but part of me is deeply afraid. can i handle it? can i handle my own self? living away? empty apartments at night. what do I do? family is important to me but I am of no use just sitting at home. or working a deadbeat job.

i have an opportunity to go to grad school. for religion. I will take on debt. I'm not sure I believe in god but i trust him. i am a sinner, i trust jesus. dark night. is this the right path? is this the right choice? will i have the strength to do this? or do I just work in restaurants, get a shitty apartment and not participate in any community where people want the best for each other. i want to be around people who want the best for each other.

>> No.19938172

The Third Policeman
Getting drunk at the bar. Girl at work thinks I hate her cause someone told her I do. Gave me the cold shoulder all night. It didn't upset me until just before deciding to shamble in here. Otherwise holding up ok

>> No.19938181

>crime and punishment, the divine comedy (purgatorio), book of the new sun (sword), and the power of now
>I think about killing myself every single day. I can't remember the last time I haven't thought about it. I've thought about it more today than I have collectively in the past few weeks. I am not doing good, bros

>> No.19938196

The Genealogy of Morals
Overworked, I decided to take 20 credits this semester and I don't have time to see friends or date.

I don't know about graduate school man. I feel like for me it will get me friends and a social life but its also just delaying...its so hard to get a job in Academia now.

>> No.19938216

Eternal rest grant unto him, o Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon him. May his soul, and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace.


>> No.19938233

>Industrial society and it's future
Not because the book tho, and the book argued that low-self steem and unreliability is a leftists trait, wich I have, I don't want to be recognized as a leftist frens

>> No.19938397
File: 138 KB, 500x704, 1623382855207.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Moral Animal by Robert Wright

>> No.19938401

realist capitalism
quite good

>> No.19938404

capitalist realism kek, I'm falling asleep as I type

>> No.19938424

>was there any proof she didn't love the guy she was with at the time?
Would evidence suggest he was enabling her drug use?

A frail crazy 20 yr old girl cannot sustain their life on heroin, she could not bear freedom so she deserved to lose it for her own good, holistic utopian drug free rehab in a rural area, no access to internet, plenty of animals and organic farmers markets, could have at least been a step towards trying to do the trick

>> No.19938430

No. Not the cat!

>> No.19938435
File: 57 KB, 500x533, 1548650019031.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just finished Flowers for Algernon
>cried a few times
>not sure who the retard is after finding out people read this shit in 8th grade and I wavered on it (mostly just lack of interest but still my ego took a blow)

>> No.19938437

>Oswald Spengler's Decline of the West
>Living at home, drinking all the time, want to kill myself, trying to find God

>> No.19938441

Interesting to break down the etymology of the word: Demiurge


>> No.19938449

ya that book hit when i was a wee lad

>> No.19938463

really makes you think

>> No.19938464
File: 58 KB, 533x496, 1642400614595.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mein Kampf (Ralph Manheim translation)
>Good. Made dean's list in college and have a girlfriend I love

>> No.19938481

>Would evidence suggest he was enabling her drug use?
i don't think so. people predicted she would die of overdose for years before she did. she posted nudes everywhere, self-harmed, and did drugs before she met him, and her trajectory was never a good one.
>holistic utopian drug free rehab in a rural area, no access to internet, plenty of animals and organic farmers markets, could have at least been a step towards trying to do
but there's a million presumptions built-in here. first that she would choose you over anyone else, or believe you, or even like you at all, over the hundreds of other orbiters she's had, the next that she feels the same way about that kind of life which you would ever get her to understand and is somehow unique in what orbiters had to offer, the third that she would agree to no internet access in spite of her lifestyle being completely online since she was young, the fourth that she could ever live like that without drugs, the fifth that it's even a step at all (it seems like a tautology to me, "she'd be alive if she never did heroin")

>> No.19938494

She's good looking

>> No.19938495

>Reaper Man, Terry Pratchett
>I'm just depressed and want to read something comfy

>> No.19938501
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How Democracies Die
taping paper MAGA hats onto range targets and grinning behind my mask at the horrified looks I get from boomers

>> No.19938507

no shit because she's 14-17 in 99% of the photos posted on 4chan. i bet she didn't look too good when the heroin finally hit

>> No.19938512

what's that got to do with anything

>> No.19938522


>> No.19938531

that of course she looked good in a selfie as young as she was they all do, but she died at 19 not 15, and reality isn't a selfie

>> No.19938537 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 3 KB, 208x242, 1645077738729.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Metaphors We Live By
Check it out if you have the chance. Don't know if I'll be able to make good use of it


>> No.19938543
File: 3 KB, 208x242, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>19937217 (OP)
>Metaphors We Live By
Check it out if you have the chance. Don't know if I'll be able to make good use of it


>> No.19938550

I'm sure everybody already knows that

>> No.19938554

>how you’re holding up
worse now that im reminded Ciara is dead

>> No.19938563

Dead souls

>> No.19938620

>Working wage slave job
>Made a couple million in crypto last year
Why are you still working you retard

>> No.19938628

not you >>19938494

>> No.19938638

best post in thread

>> No.19938651
File: 3.02 MB, 2688x1792, This Much I Know Is True.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anabasis of Alexander
I don't really feel anything anymore. I don't know what happened. I somehow feel old. No wind in my sails, ambition waning. Sometimes I wonder if I just lived a comfortable life with absolutely no major desires or goals then I can just accept that over time and be at peace. I guess that's just coping. I don't like being alone.

>> No.19938656

Thanks guys

>> No.19938665

>Despair by Nabby
>better now but still feeling pain after the passing of my grandma

>> No.19938666

Just finished Siddhartha
I'm doing well. Asking my gf to marry me next month.

>> No.19938675

what'd you think of siddhartha?

>> No.19938688

not good, actually surprisingly boring, there wasnt much to the prose either.

>> No.19938696
File: 2.00 MB, 1067x1200, 1644879550280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Infinite Jest
>pic related

>> No.19938698

Into the Miso soup (about 20% through and I still haven't seen any cooking recipe)
Doing terribly. Might kms soon. Trying to read as many books as possible before ending my life.

>> No.19938701

Well, I'd wanted to read it for a while because I'm a big Yes fan and their song "Close to the Edge" was inspired by it (listened to the song on full blast on my way to work tonight after I'd finished reading). I've also been interested in Eastern spirituality. It was easy to grasp but it will take me some time to fully unpack and mull over its themes and see how they apply to my life. I wasn't crazy about the character Siddhartha at the beginning of the book but by the end he was like an old friend and I was happy that he had worked things out and found enlightenment in his own unique way.