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19933983 No.19933983 [Reply] [Original]

Write What’s On Your Mind: Harry Potter edition

>> No.19933993

Previous bread: >>19926361

>> No.19934030

Possibility. Is there a more beautiful, liberating concept than the idea that reality can be altered infinitely?

What is the shape of possibility? What do you picture in your head when you attempt to visual the concept? What image represents it?

I see possibility as a nexus of nonlinear branching paths. The paths do not all lead in one direction, but certain paths are intertwined or loop back around in a rhizomatic. Possibility resembles something like the brain. A web.

Answer me.

>> No.19934034

What a fucking cow!

>> No.19934044


>> No.19934053
File: 27 KB, 500x500, 1481581090669.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Interpersonal relationships have become secondary in my reality.
I only exist as a projection in my mind.
Everytime I eat it is out of habit or extreme hunger, it all tastes drab.
Letting go of everything is what I'm feeling but know I am not practising

>> No.19934077

What is she writing in her journal, /wwoym/?

>> No.19934089 [DELETED] 


>> No.19934096

ive asked a stranger out and got rejected today. went down pretty smoothly. it was my first time asking a stranger out like that. i dont feel bad for now but maybe i will later. any related experiences or wisdom?

>> No.19934099

Wouldn't mid being a woman's slave desu.
After all, that's what majority of married men are nowadays.

>> No.19934101

greetings from kazakhstan!

>> No.19934110
File: 48 KB, 622x960, ohdamn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't even know how to balance between my work life, gym, reading, writing and studying.

>> No.19934111

I’ve given up all relationships and burnt all bridges years ago, except mom

>> No.19934119

The more familiar the person becomes the harder the rejection will hit. also go for the rejection instead of regret.

>> No.19934127

What did she say?

>> No.19934167

This reminds me of this brazilian video where a guy asks random girls out and you can feel their disgust

>> No.19934170

I'm not religious but I realize that the death of religion has exerted devastating effects on western society. People are lost and aimless. They live for pleasure alone. They have no universal cultural touchstones which unite them around a shared purpose that transcends their petty differences. They root their identity in those identities alone, which are themselves vaporous nothings. They take pride in what who they are not what they do. They live for themselves and are miserable. Suffering makes no sense to them, and so is multiplied a thousandfold. There is no noble virtues to maintain, no structure to values. Not incidentally, the decline in religion correlates with a rise in sin; what does western culture now embrace? All seven: lust (porn, promiscuity) greed (crypto, boomers, usury), pride (social media), envy (also social media, celebrity worship), gluttony (fast food, fat pride) wrath (BLM riots, mass shootings, random violence) and sloth (food delivery apps, amazon, entitlement culture).

There are no lodestars, no fixtures of the moral universe, to guide and orient and lend coherence to society.

>> No.19934176

If God told me to be a pussy, I wouldn't do it. I'd rather bend over and let the Devil shove fistfuls of burning coal in my asshole.

>> No.19934178

>They root their identity in those identities alone
They root their identity in those *differences alone

>> No.19934187

>pride (social media),
I would also add identity politics to this category of sin

>> No.19934192

All of this is a direct consequence of christian slave morality. Just look at the pope now - sucking on brown immigrant toes and tweeting, desperate for zoomer approval.

>> No.19934193

1) ThA SeVeN DeAdLy SiNs are not a biblical concept.
2) There is actually a rise in people following religions, nothing's stopping anyone from joining a religion.
3) Human vice is not inherent to contemporary society, phenomena you have described were present throughout the entirety of human history and this is why all religions condemned them. "People are lost and aimless, they live for pleasure alone" is the core basis of the Buddhist religion, for example. So what the Buddha saw around him was not that different from what we see around us! But religions are not enough to eradicate human vice.

>> No.19934196

>identity politics are a product of the 21st century
Religion wars were literally identity politics. Revolutions? Identity politics.

>> No.19934214

How's life for you know?

>> No.19934220

Better than ever before, other people were the source of my misery all along. If you're a schizoid, solitude is paradise.

>> No.19934224

Despite being irreligious myself in that I cannot will myself to believe in any of it, I am sympathetic to it because of its cultural function as a unifying binding agent. I believe in the power of belief . Behind everything a culture does is what it believes. Faith builds resilience. Shared faith instills solidarity.

Now I am not ignorant about the bad side-effects of religion. As Pascal said, "men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from religious conviction." the endless wars of religion, the catastrophic schisms over theological quibbles, blind fanaticism and relentless inquisitorial repression, the closed mindedness and incuriousness, the suffocating restrictiveness of living under the One and Only Truth, That said if I had to make a trade between the benefits and the costs, in the main a society with some religious backbone is more stable than one left to wallow in nihilistic hedonism and base consumerism.

>> No.19934227

The girls of a third world country are bound to be less open to direct approaches than in first world countries where dates are seen as something fairly casual and common. You have slightly above average looking guys like ThatWasEpic on YT asking girls out directly and succeeding. You need to be confident, relaxed, reasonably assertive and not look like a fucking creep.

By having the balls to approach a female stranger you already mog 90% of users on this board, don't pay attention to their blackpills. Ponder upon what went wrong and improve yourself accordingly. Better luck next time.

>> No.19934228

>can somewhat talk with girls
>can somewhat flirt and make them laugh
>it comes to physical contact
>cant do it and back off

>> No.19934237

>1) ThA SeVeN DeAdLy SiNs are not a biblical concept.
It doesn't have to be a biblical concept. It is a nugget of enduring wisdom derived from godly contemplation.
>2) There is actually a rise in people following religions, nothing's stopping anyone from joining a religion.
Nothing's stopping them, but nothing's making them. People are picking and choosing their religions as if shopping in a market. It's a lifestyle choice, and for the most part inauthentic because it is not engrained.
>3) Human vice is not inherent to contemporary society, phenomena you have described were present throughout the entirety of human history and this is why all religions condemned them. "People are lost and aimless, they live for pleasure alone" is the core basis of the Buddhist religion, for example. So what the Buddha saw around him was not that different from what we see around us! But religions are not enough to eradicate human vice.
But modern culture promotes vice at scales never before realized. It encourages it and bases everything on it.

>> No.19934246

I am not greedy or seek material gain but am excessively rapacious nonetheless. Yesterday I spent seven bucks more than I should have on groceries and I'm still thinking about it right now. I spend less than 700 euros per month despite living alone and having to pay rent and bills myself, but I still feel like I'm splurging too much. I need to learn to stop clinging to my money like that, especially since I am not jewish.

>> No.19934252

It's time to touch, but you can't do it: What do you do then? What is your next step?

>> No.19934281

i shid and farde and coume

>> No.19934288

I just continue flirting and talking. Eventually she realizes that Im not romantically interested in her and moves on.

>> No.19934293

Start simple: handshakes, shoulder taps, loosely hug female friends. Repeat until you realize physical contact is no big deal.
Stop watching porn if you do.

>> No.19934295

I fucking hate my Literature Program so much

>> No.19934302

Got pictures of women reading in the nude? I didn't know this was a thing I needed before today, fuck you!

>> No.19934318

And I might add it's not only for society's benefit. Strength of faith also uplifts the individual and helps them to live with purpose, conquer fear, overcome loss, and cope with suffering.

>> No.19934333

Had a buzzcut lately and thinking I look like Mishima in the mirror desu

>> No.19934374

>Eventually she realizes that Im not romantically interested in her and moves on.
You can just tell her with words that you are romantically interested in her. You can tell her that you are shy about touching. Your problem is that you don't communicate. Touch is a message of love. If you cannot touch them, then you have to send the love message in another way. But you have to send something!

>> No.19934386

Yeah i thought the same
We talked a bit, probably because she thought i was also waiting for the bus. I told her i was having a stupid day and i didnt want the regret of not asking her out on top. She said she wasnt very social (i said me too so this is a big step for me) and there were lots of m-maybes or uhmmmms so I told her it was completely fine to say no and i would say no right now if i were you while trying to be humorous about it and she changed the subject to talk about another time a guy tried to ask her out by sending his friend and i joked ooo the oldest trick in the book and i wish i did the same and all that. All this doesnt translate well to a post but it wasnt as awkward as i thought it would be at all. then we talked about what we studied because i had my guitar with me and she had one of those big folder bags. She was studying art and showed me a sketch book and it honestly was pretty incredible but maybe im easily impressed because im not in the business. She told me she didnt know what to do after graduation and i said i didnt either and suggested applying again to study winemaking (again as a joke, doesnt translate well either) and when her bus came she said maybe ill see you on campus. We didnt learn each others names but she did smile and go along with the jokes all the way through.
Definitely wasnt like this
Thanks. Dunno what to improve. Maybe she just wasnt into me like that, but i do feel proud

>> No.19934390

my brain has been balkanized

>> No.19934391

Yeah, you're right. I guess I need to decide if I want her as something more than a friend. I had this one experience where I asked one girl to reject me so I could move on.

>> No.19934395

>modern culture promotes vice at scales NEVER BEFORE realized
Prove it. Define "vice". I am sceptical of your belief that contemporary vice happens at scales never before realized, when such practices as human sacrifice were normalized in any Pagan culture throughout antiquity (and afterwards in geographical areas outside of Christendom). Take a look at Aztec culture. Human vice never before realized! How about you learn some anthropology?

>Nothing's stopping them, but nothing's making them. People are picking and choosing their religions as if shopping in a market. It's a lifestyle choice, and for the most part inauthentic because it is not engrained.
Prove it.

>> No.19934408

>She said she wasnt very social (i said me too so this is a big step for me) and there were lots of m-maybes or uhmmmms so I told her it was completely fine to say no
Should've said something like: Yeah, maybe it's a bad idea. But maybe it's not. I want to go out with you. I really do.

>> No.19934411

Tranny janny deleted the OP thot!

>> No.19934418

I've finally looped back to optimistic skepticism

>> No.19934422

That's very good, I appreciate it. If you want to see and discuss coomer shit go to a red board, that's it. This is not a free discussion board. You people have to realize that you are cancer for this board, but you are blinded by your addictions. You are definitely better suited for /r9k/, go there. This is a literature board.

>> No.19934424


>> No.19934428

based. And based jannies

>> No.19934432

dis is ribrary!

>> No.19934437

wow fuck incel mods removing the only good pic on the board rn
watch all the uncles respond to this post.

>> No.19934449

Based dubs

Cringe dubs. Nothing wrong with appreciating female beauty, many books dedicated to it, in fact. Your day will come, Janny

>> No.19934453


>> No.19934455

Any femanon wanna be my gf

>> No.19934565

Being addicted to dumbass monkey neuron activation porn triggers does not equal "appreciating female beauty".
"NOOOOO I NEED TO SEE LE FAT COW TITS AND ANAL PROLAPSE OR I WILL DIE!!! I'M GOING INSANE!!!" - this has nothing to do with beauty. Only in your cope fantasies.

>> No.19934571

I didnt want to seem too insistent, since we were at first on the same bus and then on the same subway line and we got off at the same stop (by coincidence, i swear) so i was afraid of coming off as a creep. I wasnt like o-oh i-its okay i-ill just go away then, but i also wouldnt want to go out with someone i wasnt into so i didnt want to put her in that position.

>> No.19934576



>> No.19934577

Are you feminine and submissive? I'm a closet lesbian fujo.

>> No.19934585

bro, don't try to ask out a woman in public transportation
an unwritten rule is that you only ask a woman out when she's in a place where she willingly puts her defence walls down, like in a bar, or in a party, or in a nightclub

>> No.19934589

look at all the destroyed coombrains who can't even see a picture of a woman in a bra without reverting to a primal state and losing all mental acuity.
you are the ruined ones, anons. go outside and smell the fresh air. talk to a person.

>> No.19934600

You are mistaken. I can very well see a picture of a woman in a bra without reverting to a primal state, but I don't want to see such pictures on this board because every such picture automatically derails the discussion into "HOW DO I GET A GF" and "WANT TO COOOOOM" and "I HATE WOMEN". It's so fucking boring to see people talk only about this in every thread when I'd rather talk about philosophy.

>> No.19934613

then don't derail the discussion?
we're kind of agreeing right now, except you don't see that YOU'RE the only one doing the wrong thing.
let a picture be a picture; even when it got deleted you coombrains had to start posting like crazy to let the rest of us know. if you want people to focus then focus.

>> No.19934642

How writing apprentices used to be commonplace but aren’t anymore.

>> No.19934656

This board is a collective and we express our opinions as to what we want to see and don't want to see within this collective. It is normal to speak about the board and I don't believe I am doing the wrong thing. Half of this board is about sex shit, just browse the catalog. Threads with 200+ replies about le women and le sex sit next to threads with 5 replies about ACTUAL FUCKING BOOKS LMAO, THE ABSOLUTE STATE. I don't believe I'm doing the wrong thing when I say I don't like it, thankfully we are 4chan and everyone can say what they think. There should be some kind of board ethic.

>you coombrains
I just said I wasn't a coomer but go ahead and make a strawman out of me.

>> No.19934657
File: 771 KB, 1079x1352, JannyCantTakeIt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dubs again, but you're still wrong. I say the female form is a aestheticly pleasing and helps all the shitposts go down easier.

>> No.19934658

The bible thumpers are like you are also a cancer, but the non pornographic OP is nothing to worry over. The takeover of monocultural Books of faith are.

Censorship of this sort is disgusting. Just stop masturbating so much. Easy.

>> No.19934660

That's because no one in /lit/ reads.

>> No.19934664


>> No.19934673

>/sffg/ is the only General where people read
>It’s getting derailed constantly by spam and trollposts.
I just don’t understand why mods won’t do shit.

>> No.19934674

Dude, what? I am not religious. What the fuck are you talking about, lol?

>> No.19934676
File: 293 KB, 1600x941, in_bed_women_women_with_glasses_model_reading-307029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's too little, too late. I have already begun curating a collection of fine female forms reading books less than fully clad.

>> No.19934682

pretty simple: a collective is made up of individuals, the board is made up of posts. you don't want the board to linger on a certain topic, don't post about it even if others are.

also I'm not making a strawman out of you, Im making a relevant example: your past of cooming hasn't been health with properly, now it haunts you and makes you run from it where it doesn't exist.

>> No.19934688

Why are you faggots trying to make /lit/ into /r9k/?

>> No.19934690

>What image represents it?

a fraying rope. this is a funny image to represent possibilities as a frayed rope is also an image for endings. although maybe that is appropriate, as possibilities are imaginary too.

>> No.19934694

I don't have a past of cooming? Lmao

>> No.19934701

>I didnt want to seem too insistent
Maybe you should be more insistent. If you really want to hang out with her, be forthcoming about it: "This is what I really want. You may be unsure about it, but I'm not". You don't have to experience and frame the situation the way she does. You don't have to be all uhmmms and maybes.

Being forthcoming won't make you seem like a creep. Unless you are a creep, or are liar (i.e. a creep).

>> No.19934706

you do? Lmao

>> No.19934730

I can drink more than you

>> No.19934788

A month ago i started dating, im mid 20, couple of dates were bad. Then i meat this one girl i do actually like. Become very serious in less than a week. But now i hear about the massive amount of casual bed partners i will have to face. And it botters the fck oit of me. Any thought frens? Why cant a woman keep her legs somewhat closed?

>> No.19934797

Whenever I see people suffering or dying I want to do everything right, I want to act in the best and responsible way possible but I don't know what that is, especially not in our absurd and chaotic world, it isn't clear to me what I should be doing or how I should feel. I get stuck in an pragmatic identity fundamentalism and abandon all the things that defined me only to end up detached and without an identity. I overanalyze everything about it's utility. I want to fight but I don't know what, perhaps life itself.
And sometimes I think it's beauty that will help people but it makes me even sadder to realize that some arbitrary bs like that gives people meaning. It's like I have to pretend I don't know that I'm actively deluding people into something that maybe isn't real or truly transcendent. It's like giving them drugs. I pray that God is in control but I can't cope with the fact that he will send people to hell.

>> No.19934803

Do you still like her?

>> No.19934818

Bruh don’t follow r9k and let the bedpartners in and of itself be a variable, just use it to judge the promiscuity and accept that you have something all those didn’t.

>> No.19934848

Don't even ask, she won't tell you the truth anyway. 10 admitted cocks will disgust you but that's just the number women are comfortable with these days, in reality it could be three times as much.

>> No.19934856

An atheist prude. An anti-sex anti-woman antinatalist is it?

>> No.19934880

The classic American Pie
>the actual women bodycount is whatever she says multiplied by 3
>the actual men bodycount is whatever he says divided by 3

>> No.19934882

Touch grass and have sex.

>> No.19934884

Prove your point. Neither is exactly provable. The promotion of hedonism is reinforced by capitalism which wants you to indulge every excess and appeals to human vanity and weakness. Liberalism turns vice into a virtue by permitting anything "so long as it doesn't impede the rights of others." Degeneracy is rampant. The youth pollute their minds with vanity inducing apps like tiktok and whore themselves out.

As for the second claim. Religion is not woven into the fabric of secular society. Whatever religion one chooses comes down to a matter of taste. There's something to be said for being born and raised into a tradition.

>> No.19934885

It's always been that way

>> No.19934889

Actually, I love the smell of shit and lube on my murlock dildo. So, no, I'm pretty open minded about sissyhypno. But this is lit, not clit, okay? Keep it clean, keep it lean, be supreme, be a queen.

>> No.19934894

>>the actual men bodycount is whatever he says divided by 3
Unless their gay. In which case square it.

>> No.19934986

Yeah I pale, blonde, and skinny. Do you have a strap on?

>> No.19934993

Anon, you're replying to a woman. Once you realize which posters are female everything makes more sense

>> No.19934998

This is the average /sffg/ post >>19934952

Yet, mods refuse to do anything about it.

>> No.19935010

Well you can lower your standards to where whoredome and faithlessness are acceptable in a teenage girl or you can be forever alone. As a man you no longer have options. Unless you want to join a church and find a boring girl whose idea of socializing is the weekly bible study group. I opted for that but it's boring the shit out of me desu.

>> No.19935015

>join a church
That's no guarantee of a virgin gf either, girls there fuck around in their teenage years too

>> No.19935016

Thats actually based. Good for /qa/ anons for keeping diversity quota shit off the board

>> No.19935017

I used to not need anyone and was self-sufficient on my own. Now with time I constantly crave validation and attention to stave off some existential terror that lurks in the darkness of my wounded solitude.

>> No.19935036

Thats what I always heard until I actually joined a church. Maybe my church is an outlier but the girls who want to whore around leave the ministry as soon as they hit college. The dedicated ones are guatenteed prudish.
Which kind of sucks. In my area at least the lifestyle choice is always all or nothing. Nobody appreciates moderation anymore. I dont mean that in a quantitative way, as in theres a moderate amount of sexual partners which is acceptable. I mean in a qualitative way where people either deep dive into total decadent hedonism or live as if they're cloistered.

>> No.19935057

My existence is marred by profound boredom and redundancy owing to the repetitive nature of my job. It dulls and denatures my spirit.

>> No.19935064

My heart is open.

>> No.19935068

bit scared of moving forward 2bh. moving outside my comfort zone, outside myself. need to strengthen my will sufficiently to overcome the resistive force of my fear of change. books for this feel? (besides nietzsche, already (re-)reading)

>> No.19935081

>girls who want to whore around leave the ministry as soon as they hit college
From what I've seen they just whore around until college, then find a virgin tradhusband and both pretend that the whoring never happened. If it's an exceptionally clueless husband, he might even believe he married a virgin. Many such cases with Catholics.

>> No.19935089


Yea thats really tough. Because I experienced the same thing. And probably ruined my life due to the difficulty of decision, the most unsuredness of commiting to life direction. Only advice I could give would be just narrow down the things you are skilled at, can become skilled at, fascinate you the most, have best job prospects, and just dive in, head down and go for. Most everyone is locked into careers, you are you in the same boat, you all wake up, work, cone home, free time, weekends etc. Pursue what you can do and tolerate, proudly work towards being one if those productive members of civilization, and do what you want in freetime

>> No.19935096
File: 68 KB, 890x839, 1584041775730.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Everyone I know is fake about themselves except for me
>All of them go back on their ideals and morals time and again except for me
>I remain steadfast in my beliefs, but everyone else's seem to change on a dime
Any books for this feel, lads?

>> No.19935103

>I used to not need anyone and was self-sufficient on my own.
Not really. No one ever really is.
We’re all social animals though. Alone time and taking care of yourself is good, but we all need company sometimes.
Make some friends

>> No.19935104

Catcher in The Rye

>> No.19935114

have a song

>> No.19935136

If the greater world is all wrong and dissatisfying, maybe I shouldn’t withdraw but find the smaller world between myself and the greater world. Is that the world of interpersonal relationships?

>> No.19935292

it's unfortunate that schizophrenic bibleniggers circularly suck enough sloppy (you)s out of each other to permanently shit up this board

>> No.19935369

this contributed to not insisting. i wont in the future
>hmmms and maybes.
i wasnt this, she was. i was pretty take it or leave it. also from her point of view i might have been lying. otherwise youre right

>> No.19935374

I am such a terrible poster I want some kind of klaxon that goes off when I wake up and get on /lit/, everybody should be alerted to my presence and should start fear sweating in anticipation of my awful, uninteresting posts

>> No.19935529
File: 35 KB, 320x374, 1643796586392.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am not interested in suffering people. I don't enjoy their company. I don't like thinking about them. I like being around healthy, happy people. I don't have a bad conscience. If you want to help them, if you have to help them: help them. But leave me in peace, or accept me as I am.

>> No.19935626
File: 12 KB, 500x324, 2B3568DE-B0ED-486E-BCB6-C3CFE23223D3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based. reminds me of a post I made here recently >>19916142 I never did get to ask her because she hasn’t worked the register at all this week…

>> No.19935638

>being proud of never changing
sign of immaturity

>> No.19935640

I hate american liberals so fucking much I think I glow with a visible aura of hatred whenever I read their shit

>> No.19935652

sounds boring as fuck desu and like you’re hiding from something

>> No.19935657

>never changing
Anon didnt say that. He said he has integrity in his values while those around him espouse values which they don't practice. Surely you're not meaning to say that only hypocrites are mature?

>> No.19935695

>anon didn’t say that
>says something I didn’t say
Surely, you don’t mean that changing beliefs in light of new information makes you a hypocrite?
> I remain steadfast in my beliefs, but everyone else's seem to change on a dime
Sorry but this is a sign of immaturity. Not to mention posting about it in WOYM threads. You should always carry with you a proper paranoia that you could be wrong about everything, and not be conceited about how little integrity everyone else seems to have

>> No.19935718

>you should not have any values because you can't ever know if you're right
See, I can twist someones words too

>> No.19935728
File: 2.40 MB, 2871x3715, 9a081353967982ecc132333f29ea8419.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm hiding, as I've said, from the sick and the poor, because I dislike their company. Whether or not I'm boring is up for debate. Personally, I think I'm quite hip.

>> No.19935811

Having no compassion is pathetic and weak willed desu

>> No.19935914
File: 324 KB, 1123x1419, 4EA4471F-6FB4-4900-AB78-F9AA41EB1669.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19936053

I was raised by my parents.

>> No.19936069

Based and redpilled

>> No.19936079

Low iq take

>> No.19936091

I was raised by my cats

>> No.19936100


>> No.19936107

R u a dike?

>> No.19936126


>> No.19936137

Posted this in last thread but anon didn't re respond:

Let me know if this might be a clue to understanding the hard problem of conciousness guys:

About how many atoms are split in an atom bomb, which result in that immense release of energy explosion?

Wooaahhhhh whattttttt??!?!!?!!

This is one of the craziest facts I have encounterd about reality, absolutely bizarre, absolutely gobsmacked, absolutely founded dumb.

About how many atoms are in the brain areas thought to be responsible for conciousness?

Could the apparently inherent bizarre infathomable quantities and qualities of energy in atoms, some how be novally utilized by body brain mind systems?

I think the hard problem of conciousness is more fundamental then the how of qualias; it is the how is an established energy matter chemical electro magnetic system capable of being established that allows for an experiencer to experience experience. That the qualias are re cognized, seen. How is a see-er possible, how is awareness possible. How is conciousness possible.

Are you saying conciousness is purely the fact that when different waves of light hit a sensor a different chemical reaction takes place; or are you avknowkedgeing, that in order for red to be known as the color red, and blue as blue, there obviously is an observer of this; a something that sees and experiences the colors;

You are suggesting the fact of the differences of colors is the fact of the seeing the differences and there is nothing more?

Or understanding the: light wave to Red™ translation process auto understands the fundamental mecahnisms of entirely what conciousness is? (Obviously I don't mean Red is also the taste of garlic and salt; but by understanding one occurance of mental external signal sense translation one captures the fundamental mechanical essence of how conciousness exists?)

Would you suggest conciousness may be nothing other than light itself? When one is seeing light: light trapped in a matter body, spun around the reflecting slowing down gearwork of brain system: that conciousness is only garlic taste and light and mozart sound itself? And then the mechanical material energetic chemical electromagnetic totality of what conciousness is and how it works is duck pond park sunset ice cream sprinkles boobs? That as one can explain all parts of a car and how it operates and the minimum maximum amount of parts that can be removed and still function, that sensation itself is all the quantity and quality we call awareness is itself?

>> No.19936158

you're going super saiyan my guy congrats

checked. are you trying to meme me into a snafu? i hear him shilled quite a bit in these parts which makes me sceptical but admittedly i know little/nothing about evola, really. i know he's admired by the hard right types, which i don't mind one way or another. anyway, if it's a genuine recc. i'll give him a look.

panther? i hardly knew her!?

>> No.19936163

There’s nothing wrong with cleavage

>> No.19936209

Which of you would be cool to hang out with, what would we do for fun?

>> No.19936219

I'm that anon but honestly I don't understand half of what you're saying. I don't even know how to ask for clarification, so responding is difficult. I don't believe in a "quantum mind", or that consciousness itself is contingent upon some special properties of light or subatomic particles (there's no proof for this). I just think consciousness is a sort of epiphenomenal emergent property of some matter configuration. But this isn't an answer for why quality emerges from quantity. What would be a sufficient answer? There doesn't seem to be one. This is the hard problem. I don't have an answer for the hard problem, to me it shouldn't be happening at all, it makes no sense.

>Are you saying conciousness is purely the fact that when different waves of light hit a sensor a different chemical reaction takes place;
>or are you avknowkedgeing, that in order for red to be known as the color red, and blue as blue, there obviously is an observer of this; a something that sees and experiences the colors;
I don't see these as mutually exclusive, I agree with both of them. Neither even begin to answer the Hard Problem though.
>Or understanding the: light wave to Red™ translation process auto understands the fundamental mecahnisms of entirely what conciousness is?
Yes, if we could understand that process somehow (I don't think we can, but if we could) then that would solve the Hard Problem. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Knowledge_argument

>Would you suggest conciousness may be nothing other than light itself?
No I wouldn't suggest this. Matter is something other than light, because in order to get light from matter, you need antimatter, and we are not made of antimatter.

>That as one can explain all parts of a car and how it operates and the minimum maximum amount of parts that can be removed and still function,
This is an interesting thought. What I've always wondered is, what is the Minimum Brain? If we remove 1 neuron from your brain, of course you'd still be alive, still be you. If we remove, a million neurons? You'd still have qualitative experiences right? Well, what's the minimum brain? How many brain cells would still constitute an experience? Two maybe? This always makes me consider pantheism as a viable option

>> No.19936221

Drink beer and make racist jokes

>> No.19936230

Well you were talking about the will and overcoming which is a core theme of Evola's works, he was also influenced by Nietzsche. He is a very masculine writer though.

>> No.19936234

drink beer at the pub with my other friends or if we were alone we could drink and play gamecube. we could watch a movie if you really wanted to but i dont really like watching movies with people

>> No.19936252

fuck like rabbits, if you're cute

>> No.19936346
File: 147 KB, 717x1024, fernando_pessoa1-WEB_1024x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the city has always been the same. these streets and people. the man reading the evening newspaper on the tram, same as 100 years ago. tattered and weary characters going here and there in the night. the crowd drinking and laughing on the corner, they were also in babylon.
what was the first city with lonely people?

>> No.19936457

chad. I kneel.

>> No.19936518

I think I have ADHD

>> No.19936521

What makes you think I don't have compassion?

>> No.19936638
File: 25 KB, 525x297, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The girl I want to ask out is literally always with her friends when I see her. Looks like I'll have to do it with an audience, this makes me anxious but I have to do it. Who knows, this might impress her a little.

>> No.19936641

Find a woman that doesn't fill you with disgust and that you can respect. Sex and love are complex and very important things and if she's lived her life in a way that is incompatible with your beliefs you just find someone else.

>> No.19936645

My doctor is convinced that I have ADHD, even though I've seen the top ADHD expert in the country and he said 'probably not'.

>> No.19936784

It seems to be fate that my life would succumb to my self-destructive nature. That I was inherently doomed by the creeping habits from deep within myself. I've only had to sincerely desire to please my desires. To live a life of pleasure and satisfaction. To spend my essence in my prime. To weaken my very soul. To expedite the rotten inevitability of old age, recklessly burning the flame of youth. I've settled for only a glance at a magnificent vision, and speak my days away to the others still viewing.

>> No.19936796

the conversion of mass to energy is well understood by physics and not unfathomable at all. it is just surprising to the naive human mind which is ill-equipped to understand reality without great struggle. the same is true of the brain. it's not surprising that we should fail to intuit how everything we do and see and feel can be the result of gears and levers turning in a giant machine. but it can and there are no real questions that are left unanswered.

>> No.19936800

Made a soup with lentils and mushrooms and spinach, looking very based

>> No.19936807

I'm not creative.

>> No.19936828

>This is an interesting thought. What I've always wondered is, what is the Minimum Brain? If we remove 1 neuron from your brain, of course you'd still be alive, still be you. If we remove, a million neurons? You'd still have qualitative experiences right? Well, what's the minimum brain? How many brain cells would still constitute an experience? Two maybe? This always makes me consider pantheism as a viable option
what it should do is make you realize that the self isn't fundamental and when exactly you decide to call something a self is arbitrary. just like when you decide to call something a mountain.

>> No.19936839

What if god made us and we're souls

>> No.19936867

Hows high school

>> No.19936886

23 and in college

>> No.19936895

Of course not. Your brain has been balkanized

>> No.19936909

Probably because the mods are the ones doing the shitting.

>> No.19936922

How can I get Tito to mend it together again?

>> No.19937014

I sort of like that. It also sort of captures the relationship between entropy and possibility. That is to say, you cannot have possibility unless a stable equilibrium or perfect order of regularity is maintained. Some chaos has to be introduced for things to loosen up enough for them to become rearrangeable at will.

>> No.19937058

I have friends. I just didn't need them as much when I was younger. You're not deep.

>> No.19937086
File: 50 KB, 850x400, 1633439663561.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19937108

Trance is the best edm

>> No.19937127

>Hitler is the logos

>> No.19937146
File: 822 KB, 3545x2423, hitler_blitzed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the german variety of reason where you reject all rationality or accountability to reality and go stark raving mad drowning in your own delusions of grandeur.

>> No.19937174

i HAVE BEEN TETERING ON THE VERGE OF SUICIDE FOR YEARS NOW. mY BAlance is immpecable. Like a tree on a cliff. What are my roots?

>> No.19937181

wenn u nut and she keeps sugging

>> No.19937232

Can someone articulate why I, as person of color (albeit a very privileged one), despise white liberals with a burning passion? I think it's something to do with their sanctimony, collectivist mindset, and always acting like they're on our side but only to be at peace in their own minds.

>> No.19937242

Do you have family you can reach out to? Family keeps me grounded. Or do you have a close friend, even one you may have fell out of contact with? I'm sure they would be happy to hear from you, contrary to the reasons your mind may come up for not doing it. Reach out.

>> No.19937263
File: 192 KB, 621x938, leftist_self_hate_chapo_cuck_house.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because you're a disgusting dysgenic golem and leftism is a mental illness where they actually want to be killed by non-whites.
when white leftists cuckolds jerk off over malcolm x and the black panthers it's because there is a part of them that want militant niggers to go into their homes at night and rape and kill their family.

obviously both white leftists and their indoctrinated non-whites pets like you are absolutely horrible people. you're literally like a mindless screaming beast.

>> No.19937343

Damn great reading comprehension bro. /b/ might be more your speed sweetie.

>> No.19937356

Also just to add, people like you are just as degenerate/NPC as leftists. Literally 80% of your brain is occupied by muh dying race and unfounded paranoia at any given moment.

>> No.19937359

>what it should do is make you realize that the self isn't fundamental and when exactly you decide to call something a self is arbitrary. just like when you decide to call something a mountain.
this is why i consider pantheism a viable option in the sense that i'm basically just arbitrarily circumscribed in this "self", while i could very well be a cog in some greater experience that i don't experience because i am not that greater whole that gets the emergent property of that experience or whatever

>> No.19937367

look at this dumb animal. never post on /lit/ again.

>> No.19937375

>but it can and there are no real questions that are left unanswered.
brainlet. it is a complete and utter mystery with nothing even remotely approaching an answer as to why particular frequencies of light would map to particular qualia, or even why qualia exists at all https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hard_problem_of_consciousness
read before saying something so ignorant next time

>> No.19937405

I reject the existence of there being a hard problem of consciousness, a common position in phil of mind and cogn neuroscience. it is you who should read more.
>particular qualia
qualia is a very imprecise concept and contributes to the confusion. dennetts article quining qualia makes a strong case.

>> No.19937548

I almost universally find black women unattractive. Like, I've tried, but I can't. I'm on multiple dating apps and something like 99.5% of the black women I see on there are physically unappealing to me. There are women from other races that I don't find attractive either, but with black women it's almost universal.

The one black girl I actually did find pretty hot was actually from Nigeria, so she doesn't even really count.

>> No.19937620

The self is at minimum the minds consistant reflection and association with it's understanding of sharing a continous history has in it's body

>> No.19937699

>qualia is a very imprecise concept
How sensation is possible.
Sensation exists.
I see. You see. (We all see for ..)

In order for sensation to exist, sensation must be sensated.

Something must sensate sensation.

You are something, sensation occurs, light enters your eyes and interacts with brain mechanisms and somehow whatever the heck the youness is that is reading this is aware of this process.

Let's take 10,000 people, let alone 5 billion if we need to;
Either a large number of people see in their heads something similar when they look at McDonald's logo or they do not.

A number of people are colorblind so we know that is possible. Nature has fastened many regularities across humanity from person to person.

Knees, ribs, lungs, elbows, eyes, hair, blood types, there are some differences but there are tremendous similarities.

There is evidence people can relate to one another the feelings of happiness or sadness, the feeling of excitement for sports, the perception and understanding of a stop sign.

So either there is no congruent relation between people's experience of redness and blueness, there is some congruent relation, or there is large congruent relation.

You, me, awareness itself, does not itself perform the existence or redness, it is given to me, like the tapping of our knee might give a kick, or our heart beat is given to us.

There is light outside our head. It comes in our head, redness is presented to our awareness (...our awareness I might as well say; us; right) but our awareness, is present before the red appears, and after the red stops appearing.

This is the big mystery. The greatest known yet science trick of reality. How the heck did this dumb dirt and mud and rock and star stuff, put together this whatchamacallit thingermajig. As we can know how a video camera and particle accelerator and volcano and rain and photosynthesis exists and works, how the heck does the existence of our awareness work.

>> No.19937765
File: 197 KB, 750x371, 1611029631247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I keep having intricate erotic thoughts that inspire me to masturbate. I'm a writer and a poet and this is the evil side of my creativity. I am capable of writing erotic fiction directly catering to my fetishes, and good enough to fap to. It's by far my greatest challenge, in terms of giving up porn and cutting back on masturbation. I can swear off porn, erotica, and sexy images completely. I can never watch another video again. But I still wind up jerking off anyway because I can generate sufficiently erotic thoughts in my own head, and turn them into sufficiently erotic stories. It's one of the most vexing problems I've ever encountered. How do I police my own thoughts? Especially while retaining my creativity and the freedom of my mind, which generates so much good creative stuff, too?

>> No.19937766

>why particular frequencies of light would map to particular qualia,
Uhhh... neruoscience bro
That's not the hard problem of consciousness,
The question isn't how can we perceive red as red or why... that's the soft problem: why we can experience sensations such as 'redness' or 'sharp' or 'sour' is a mystery, it's a soft problem because while it's currently a partial mystery it can be solved through cognitive science and neuroscience because we can eventually understand the mechanisms by which energy like like, or contact with the skin and the impulses through nerves forms patterns and eventually concepts in physical terms in the mind. There's some observable systemic cause and effect no different from observing, say, how a tiger hunts.
The hard problem of consciousness, as I understand it, is what distinguishes (if there is any distinction) between a sentient being and a rock or a laminar of smoke. We know that the laminar of smoke doesn't experience "upness" or "flow" because it doesn't have a nervous system, however does it experience a vague something at all?

>> No.19937789

Most people are very good at getting things done, but seem to be very bad at setting goals which make things worth being done. So they get sad because they get on the hamster wheel and ask: "where am I going?"
I on the other hand am terrible at getting things done, but seem to be excellent at setting goals that if I could get things done would be worthwhile. So I end up not going anywhere, because I don't know where to start and notice: "I'm not moving anywhere at all."
If only I could meld my skill to find purpose and other people's practical skills together to form one self-satisfied unit?
I'm an "ideas" guy aren't I?

>> No.19937844

>Uhhh... neruoscience bro
Uhhh... no amount of neuroscience is ever going to answer why 550nm wavelength light means green and not blue, just that it does. No amount of science, no amount of brain-scanning, no amount of MRI or CT scanning, is ever going to be able to detect whether or not someone is having conscious experiences. This does not work with vegetative patients. The only thing you can do is see how they respond to stimuli and infer that, because they respond to stimuli like you would, that they are experiencing consciousness.

>> No.19937884

My roots necessitate immobility, no reaching out. Only swaying in the breeze.

>> No.19937899

What the fuck are you talking about just start comparing colorblinded people with non-colorblinded people for a start. You could compare dogs whom we know see in monochrome to people and so on and so on until you find out what kind of neuronal structures are responsible for color processing.
You're not thinking very hard about this at all are you?

>> No.19937907

you havent seen enough porn then, watch a black girl give a loud sloppy bj then come back here

>> No.19937935

i thought mulattoes were hideous even before i became a racist. i don't just find them unattractive, looking at them gives me an uncanny valley kind of feeling

>> No.19938071

Yeah.. how vision/perception is possible at all.

Light hits things, light interacts with things.. it just so happens when it interacts with what we call living beings, when it hits eyes, it goes through tubes behind the eyes into the brain, the before then it's translated into electric pulses ajd signales. Somehow the awareness/perception/conciousness display area projection theater center screen visualizer "Experiences" the means and modes and ends and results of this wavelength interaction through the eyes.

The eyes recieve many of these wave lengths at once, continously, so that you can see green grass and red brick and blue sky at once, many shades in fact.

And the eye tube brain system always (mostly for most) keeps it all organized in place, like pixels: if wave comes in at c33 it is blue, if q775 its green.

Internally we see this all smoothly at once. The grass, the sky, the tree, the leaves, the bricks.

All that light slamming into our eye heads. Imprinting itself in our brains.

The light forcing itself to be seen, forcing itself to be known. Insisting upon itself, that it carries the locations and vibrations of trillions of atoms.

Is the perception awareness mechanism in the head necseerily 3d/4d perception, for color to be possible? This is a startling mystery and I'm losing mind.

>> No.19938135

>Yeah.. how vision/perception is possible at all.
Read a fucking neuroscience book and it'll tell you. Your retina is covered in rods and cones that project impulses down the optic nerve into your visual cortex where by the Hebbian principle certain neuronal clusters fire off when particular patterns in the visual field projected down the optic nerve manifest, such as contours, shadows, highlights, very very basic elements, these then in turn fire to higher level arrangements, such as letters or shapes and even memories. Most of the visual information is in itself 'filled' in by memories: you're not actually seeing things, but it is being extrapolated and filled in
> theater center screen visualizer
What the fuck are you on about!? You don't actually believe in the homonculous theory do you?

>> No.19938153

Bare-handed martial arts is literally the stupidest thing there is. Why can't we just go back to sword duels? Only a nigger wants to get in a fist fight.

>> No.19938210

God is testing me with the arrival of this thot. I admit I do have fault in getting drunk and acting too masculine in front of her limp-wrist friends but I love only one women. I don't care if she keeps me waiting in this limbo, resisting my advances and sending me mix signals, I love only one women.

>> No.19938226

>You don't actually believe in the homonculous theory do you?

>> No.19938267

If super advanced robot ai aliens showed up to earth with crazy cool tech and told you to worship them, they won't hurt you, but you have to do what they say and work for them, mining materials and stuff, having gay sex, pretty much anything they could think of, but if you refused to get on your knees 3 times a day and worship them , they would brutally torture you, what would you do? (There's no way to kill yourself, they watch a monitor you at all times)

>> No.19938282

well i would do what they say and fall in love with one of their women in the process and they would accept me after we have children

>> No.19938288

Striking based martial arts competitions are often times highly nuanced and strategic. Wrestling is nothing more than a strength competition, and has more in common with something like power lifting than it does with something like boxing.

>> No.19938295
File: 9 KB, 768x438, milne-timestopped.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just had the weirdest interraction at the bookshop bros
>Get a text that they're having an 80% off sale
>It's probably shit, but I guess I'll check it out since it's on the way home
>Get there. Ask about the sale. It's shit.
>Just a large unsorted pile of vegan cooking books, books with the word fuck asterisked out in impact font, cancer guides and harry potter
>Decide to look through it anyway
>After 20mins I find not one but two copies of a $50 musical reduced to $5
>Decide to buy both and guve my gf one
>As i'm paying the clerk says "oh nice, that's a bargain"
>I say something like "Yeah, it's great, have a nice day"
>Suddenly a weathered shingleback finger taps on the cover of the two books i've purchased
>It's this old shaking fella who obviously has some neurological/speech impediment
>"I'm sorry what?"
>The clerk cuts off his clarification with "He's asking where you got those"
>"The pile"
>The clerk translates again "Which pile?"
>I start getting flustered
>"The pile...the..the...fucking SALE PILE. The pile!"
>He seems to take these words in for a second nodding
>"He's saying two copies is greedy"
>"Alright. I really don't know what to do here. I'm just going to leave"
>As I turn to leave he makes a lunge for the books
>"Dude, no, I will punch you. I will PUNCH you"
>Suddenly everyone is looking at me and the clerk looks at me with an expression nothing short of disgust
>"You'll PUNCH him?"
>Realise that I'm never coming back here again
>"Yes. I will punch him. Have a good day"
>Leave as people start coddling the retard and shooting me glares.
>Saved a lot of money

>> No.19938314

you don't deserve to have a gf

>> No.19938321

So if you are just sitting there in front of a green field of grass, lined with green evergreen trees, and see blue sky over the tree line; memories are filling parts of this in? Well sure you likely are having all sorts of thoughts about memories, but interestingly you are seeing thr grass trees sky uninterrupted pure steam vision while you are seeing all your thoughts and memories, so I'm going to ask given your neroun explanation where you, the awareness I am speaking to fits into that, Then neurons are signalling: A1green a2green a3liilttle darker green a4dandelion a5light green grass blade .......zvfd988 cloud......afgd755 tip of 1 evergreen tree ...

And the light streams I your eye, reflecting continously off all the blades of grass, all areas of sky, all evergreen leaves right into your eye, right into your neurons, your nerons translate and equal this light stream in some capacity, and ultimately this light 'collides' into 'something' which recognizes, which does the experiencing part, the you that sees the grass and trees and sky.

Is it the neurons that see grass trees sky, am I speaking to nerons right now?

Are the nerons/firing ultimately the terminus of sensation, the focal, the signal experiences itself ultimately? Or does the signals ultimately collide with a somethings which produces awareness of the signals?

Or is the optic nerve traveling the signals and the neuron cascading is that somethings the signals collides with to produce the awareness of the qualities of the signals?

The signals interact with some 'like-bedding' some like sensor like detector ultimately to define the values of the signals ultimately as new signals are constantly processed.

So the whole system is in constant shock wave from all sensation signals and this shock wave constantly reports from different locations back and forth the nature of the shocks/waves/signals, and somehow different sensors record and report this activity in such a way that the various parts of that local biology 'feel' 'see' 'know' are aware holy shit it's an impenetrable mystery

>> No.19938329

If they have a problem with capitalism they probably shouldn't be working at or running a capitalist business.

>> No.19938340

Why is that?
That's what i'm saying! But also mostly, don't fucking touch me or my books.

>> No.19938363

>"Yes. I will punch him. Have a good day"

>> No.19938394

If trans women are women, does that mean that a featherless hen is a human?

>> No.19938400
File: 243 KB, 976x1000, ouroboros.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I start a new job tomorrow morning but I went out to the bar tonight and got drunk. I think ill be ok though. I try to convince myself that I dont drink most days but its all a lie. Its been weeks, months. Maybe even years now.

Also I want to smoke weed so fucking badly. 3 months changed nothing.

>> No.19938405

>so she doesn't even really count
why not, nigeria is like the blackest place on earth

>> No.19938433

>small brain: putting in 100% on the first day of work and setting an expectation and standard you'll be expected to maintain for the rest of your time with company
>big brain: put in average effort like it's any other day, so you have some in reserve when you need it
>galaxy brain giga chad: putting in virtually 0% on first day, setting low expectations, then over week showing 'fast improvement' which you can personal ascribe to your manager who will now feel a personal sense of pride and take credit for your progress... still never have to put in 100%

>> No.19938438

Gratuitous admiration of bodily function is what I take issue with. It's animalistic. Weapon on hand has always been the default modus to settle disputes and conflicts throughout our history.

>> No.19938601

Hey. I just want you to know I'm doing better now. I'm protected. I just got more confirmation it is true.

>> No.19938602


>> No.19938632

You are extremely self destructive and self sabotaging. Why?

>> No.19938649
File: 49 KB, 408x500, 61BxgDxZlLL._AC_SY780_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trying to find informative books about Kazakhstan/central Asia
>this one is 99% of results


>> No.19938703

Just bombed a job interview cest la vie

>> No.19938710

do u thihnk theres shiza crust on her foot?

>> No.19938733
File: 99 KB, 768x616, 1540570735808.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

try to write -- while i'm writing all the other information in my head is atrophying --> try to read -- while i'm trying to understand the work, many hours are passing by and i've only read 50 pages from one of the 250 books im in the middle of reading all which is a drop in the bucket of my reading list before i can even begin to feel like i've read a drop in the bucket --> in this time i haven't applied to any jobs --> in this time i haven't hung out with any friends that i don't have, or exercised, or made real food, haven't even begun to have a life ---> 100 tabs of information have piled up that need to be sorted, phrases, expressions, words i dont know, forgotten as soon as they're filed, need to be glossed over again --> there will never be time to look back and sort anything, it's all clutter, its 11pm now time to take benadryl otherwise theres no way i will ever sleep --> stories need characters, characters need long sustained effort, each of them, they need to be three dimensional, how do i make a character other than myself --> i haven't done anything today and i need a job --> overqualified nobody will hire me but for what im qualified to do --> im qualified to do nothing, i need experience to get experience --> information in my brain that i paid good money for atrophying as i type this --> many textbooks to study, questions that will be asked in interviews, but i didn't do any of that today --> my mind only does one thing at once --> i wish i were dead --> and yet life is as easy as it gets for me right now

>> No.19938756

More and more pieces of her are dissolving from my mind each day. It's a slow, cruel process. There's no distinct difference from one morning to the next, but every couple of months I wake up and realize I've lost a new detail. I've started to wonder if I've lost the true sound of her voice. What I know for certain is that I have to strain to imagine it. It's no longer simple, no longer something as easily accessed as memories from only a few seconds ago. I miss her, dearly. But if one day I've forgotten it all, then what will be left to miss?

>> No.19938777

Does anyone have that poetry chart that ranks poets from entry level to patrician and the final tier is mommy’s proud iirc?

>> No.19938782

lucky trips of truth, somebody better have it now

>> No.19938861

Good thread all around but posts like these make me feel like I'm at the edge of being depersonalized. It's not your fault either, my mind is just overly sensitive these days.

>> No.19938865

What was the deleted picture?
Was it pornographic in content?

>> No.19938883

Same thing, 23 is basically still children age.

>> No.19938892

why do i feel so much confusion and intimidation when children/subordinates rebel against me?
why cant i be a dad?

>> No.19938896

>I would that there were no age between ten and three-and-twenty [...] for there is nothing in the between but getting wenches with child, wronging the ancientry, stealing, fighting -- Hark you now!

>> No.19938902

you are being a dad, read Freud. you might also be insecure that you're doing it all wrong, and their rebellion is the right way, which is probably also part of being a dad

>> No.19938911

The boredom of sobriety is an interesting thing to wrestle with. It's boring as hell but boredom is infinitely better than the way booze and drugs leave me feeling. I guess I gotta find something else to do.

>> No.19938914

what freud

>> No.19938933

introductory lectures on psychoanalysis (it's short and very clear) and then civilization & its discontents

>> No.19938936
File: 88 KB, 631x700, FK8KKw5agAElR7V.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whenever I ask someone "why does X happen?" they always give me this long-winded history of X from the very beginning. What is a way I can better phrase my question?
>I think it started in my childhood, my neighbor was 4 years older than me and developed early, she sometimes babysitted me and often bullied me...
>Hundreds of years ago in Japan they would conduct outdoor festivals where rituals evolved into short dramatic tellings
When what I'm asking isn't the origin story, I want to understand what continues to sustain a behaviour or activity. I don't want to know where Kabuki came from, I want to understand why people continue to sustain the tradition. I don't want to know when you first had a beer, I want to know what triggers you to start drinking today.
I wonder if any /lit/ authors discuss this peculiarity.

>> No.19938943

An open horizon. An unfamiliar landscape stretching out.
It's actually more particular than that, an image from a dream. A vast bridge stretching out into the unknown. Blue sky. No one else. Only the sensation of going away like an adventurer into the new and undiscovered, away from everything known, happily and without looking back.
That's one of my favorite feelings I've ever experienced in a dream. I wish I could find it while awake. I'm not sure if it exists.

>> No.19938955

I hope you don't mean modern trance because it sucks absolute ass, like any contemporary variants of a 90s genre.
I've been listening to 90s trance and dnb/jungle a lot lately. amazing. the modern counterparts that carry the name of those genres have absolutely nothing in common with the wonderful music they made ~25 years ago.

>> No.19938960

your response makes no sense you illiterate cunt

>> No.19938967

>from Nigeria, so she doesn't even really count

>> No.19938975
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It's 4 AM, I have a test at 8 AM, I haven't studied at all. I planned to, but my stomach is churning and I feel sick. This sucks

>> No.19938982

Not him, but why do people expect there to be an answer, or the possibility of an answer? (do you?) A tool cannot be used on itself, an eye cannot see itself. An I cannot see itself. Why should consciousness see itself for what it is? You'd need a mirror. I guess we don't have one. Or maybe mirrors is all we are.

>> No.19938985

great input from the 24-year-old

>> No.19938990

purity is attractive. it looks exotic and true.

>> No.19939001

>Wrestling is nothing more than a strength competition
Anon.. you don't have the slightest clue what you're talking about. Grappling arts, including wrestling, are as much about intricate technique as anything, and arguably go much deeper than striking. It's a very complex dance of balance, subtle shifting of weight and body positioning, limb manipulation, etc. Of course strength does matter, a lot, as it does everywhere, it's two bodies struggling against each other, and if the strength gap is too large, it can nullify technique to a large degree, but the same applies to striking. Where strength is similar enough, the depths of skill involved can be immense.

>> No.19939002

I'm a very sociable and conversational guy, I can get along with strangers really well. But what I can't do is fucking brown nose and 'network'. I guess I have this disagreeable streak in me that means I'm filled with revulsion if I have to do anything just because someone is useful or superior to me. Perhaps it's pride. Well it's been nothing but a detriment to my career. Anytime I try to change I'm overwhelmed with disgust and decide I'd rather have no job at all. I gotta get into some other industry.

>> No.19939011

The struggle of an honest guy.

>> No.19939014


>> No.19939016

are you a mutt?

>> No.19939027

Don't know why you feel disgust but such a visceral reaction certainly warrants further self investigation. I don't want to speculate on the reasons for it because I'll probably just be projecting.
But as a similarly social person who makes friends easily and finds it impossible to brownose, who without intentions or designs finds it very easy to talk to anybody, but the second I have a goal or professional objective involved it causes me to feel like I'm weight training I understand dat feel bro
Not that anon but I think he's saying that the girl from Nigeria exhibits purity from coming from Nigeria, something that he can't say the same of other black women

>> No.19939032

you can be childish and true, or mature and dishonest.
go figure. maybe it's because it's woman's world now.
but there's something to be said about today's emotional hedonists who seem to fear the concept of self-control altogether and use "honesty" as an excuse to abuse their peers and throw fits.

>> No.19939037

Yes, she is really sweet.

Thanks anon some friends told me the same thing

No i think she is being honest with me. Its way higher than 10 tho.

That kinda makes me sad anon.

I respect her. But i guess i just feel anger that she didnt respect herself. I wouldnt have minded 30 genuine exes that had respected her. But these little brats with which she had casual sex with are hard to confront. I guess its just gonna take a while for both of us to accept.

Also the whole shit is making me feel like a little boy again. I struggled early 20s, but bit through them and felt like a god. Now i feel a bit miserable again. The lows are back. The highs arent that high. But i am starting to really like her.

>> No.19939039

if you dont feel at least a little disgust at the prospect of your own inferiority (thats what is implied by the need to change) then you are an ubermensch.

>> No.19939045

the most beautiful concept that i'm aware is the concept of a big tittied goth gf, represented by the image of a goth girl that is your gf and that has big titties.

>> No.19939046

being a brown nose is not mature way.

>> No.19939050

>accept that you have something all those didn’t.
a righteous girl doesnt need to learn from experience. it's called faith, and judgement. without it. you dont have love, but a shallow, materialist appreciation as a result of trial-and-error.

>> No.19939055

"sure it is"
"you do what society demands of you"

>> No.19939057

I still don't understand. What does brow-nosing have to do with inferiority? Most people talk down or patronize children, none of them think they're inferior to a child. In fact that's why they patronize them.

>> No.19939064

if he's your boss, he's not your child.
disgusting is having to show submission to your "betters" or having to put on a fake personality because your own is somehow inferior.

>> No.19939069
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Thinking about sex

>> No.19939086

>if he's your boss, he's not your child.
I never said your own child, I said people in general patronize children.
>disgusting is having to show submission to your "betters"
Okay I think I see the problem. You're not going to like it but I challenge you rather than immediately dismissing it maybe not respond just think about it. You might wake up tomorrow and think "there might be some truth to that anon's post" or you may think I was way off the mark. Don't form an immediate emotional reaction, process, think about it. Could it be true?
Anyway: You believe you're inferior because you don't have their social position. So you're disgusted with yourself because you don't feel you're good enough because you've internalized this stupid idea that social hierarchy is objectively a sign of who is better.
As I said, patronizing a child is never a sign of submission (in spite of what some Lacanians may think. Fuck 'em)
You could even make the argument that the reason you fear brownosing is because you don't think you're as good or better than them, this is pure speculation on my part and probably isn't all true but consider this: if you truly believed you shouldn't be submissive or subservient you would have no problem with brownnosing, greasing palms and climbing the corporate ladder because for you it is a foregone conclusion that given time you'll transcend all of them. That your rightful place is above all of them.
Your disgust response isn't at the thought of kowtowing, it is because you fear it might be fair - that you belong on the bottom. That if you brown-nosed you wouldn't get to the higher position you long for. Maybe?
Could that maybe make sense? There's bound to be a fragment of truth in it.
Is there some crucial fact I'm missing out on that would change how it sounds?
I don't know, I don't know you.
All I know is that fakeness is not an act of submission.

>> No.19939132

Sex seems scary.

>> No.19939138

nice tiddies

>> No.19939148

no. I just have no idea what the fuck you're saying. how does someone from Nigeria not count when you're talking about black women? are YOU a mutt?

>> No.19939157

Nowadays, it is. Zoomer girls hate intimacy and your fucking will be judged as an atheltic performance - ridiculed or praised among all her friends. Maybe even commented on social media.

>> No.19939172

That only makes me avoid sex even more.

>> No.19939352
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I got lucky and scored regular highschool pussy (free, fresh, fun) then went volcel. Current dating culture is disgusting and women are only becoming worse every year, so all in all it's a complete waste of every resource you have in exchange for used up pussy. No thanks.

>> No.19939359
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I still don't get the difference between Subject and Object.
A photographer can make a object their subject.
I can subject you to punishment, and you can object to it. But maybe that's because it is in opposition to your Objective.
Objectivity is not the study of Objectives, but of some kind of universal reality as opposed to Subjectivity which is individualized.
And then 'Project' just confuses me more. Here I have a Project, the Object of which is to do something or other. If I am looking at things "subjectively" I am "projecting" my own feelings onto things, things that may be Objects.
And what's all this Marxist thing about being made into a subject?

>> No.19939379

>why 550nm wavelength light means green and not blue
green is just a certain wavelength range.
>No amount of science, no amount of brain-scanning, no amount of MRI or CT scanning, is ever going to be able to detect whether or not someone is having conscious experiences
science isn't restricted to MRI or CT or EEG scans. see dennets heterophenomenology.
not weird, they're vulgar.

>> No.19939383

Oh and how does Subject Verb Object fit into all of this. I know that Who/he/she/they is the subject, and Whom/Him/Her/Them is the object... but how does this relate?

>> No.19939426
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Gazing up into the darkness i saw myself as a creature driven and derided by vanity, and my eyes burned with anguish and anger.

>> No.19939441

>missed the teen sex
>missed the uni sex
>it's getting worse and worse dating wise
I was meant to be a virgin after all.

>> No.19939457
File: 77 KB, 800x800, godnight apu pride.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We were running through the graveyard
And we laughed my friends and I
We swore we'd be together
Until the day we died
Until the day we died
And it's such a sad old feeling
All the fields are soft and green
It's memories that I'm stealing
But you're innocent when you dream

>> No.19939501

I just started reading again after not really reading for a few years.
you know why?. because my waifu would want me to. (probably) she's basically supergirl if supergirl was also brown and an autistic /lit/fag.
i even print out a picture of her and put it on the inside of every book i read
is this autistic? yes. am i retarded? probably. but i felt like sharing it anyway
i like this board.

>> No.19939588

Might fuck around and sleep on the couch tonight

>> No.19939597
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>missed the teen sex
Not necessarily...

>> No.19939768
File: 99 KB, 885x885, A4F8CC1C-6CEC-4022-AA4B-37B14F38722E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was told I should go kill myself again today.
Help me god.

>> No.19939828

Who is your waifu?

>> No.19939846
File: 48 KB, 600x600, 23EF96BF-B013-4A83-8AD9-80E97601FC34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is your favorite whisky?

>> No.19939872

What's the BEST way to fuck with my employer, now that I've decided to quit? Because of my union involvement, I've been targeted for retaliation. Everyone knows it, but of course, I can't exactly prove it -- or if I could it would be so exhausted and I would definitely incur further harassment anyway.

I'm thinking the $6,000 copier for starters.

>> No.19939877

i just wanted to see my friends and i ended up having a few drinks. Im ok now though. Not hungover

>> No.19939882

I really want to make the pilgrimage to Santiago De Compostela (and visit Taïzé along the way), even though I'm not religious (somewhat spiritual though, not an atheïst). Even if I don't experience any religious revelation, I still feel like it would be an experience of spiritual significance. I haven't been able to find god by being in my room and reading books, perhaps that this would be the way? It might be too larp-y but idc too much.

>> No.19939886
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being sick fucking sucks

>> No.19939895
File: 73 KB, 640x624, 1DC6D154-A386-4DC5-84B8-17AEA0AB23C6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did we go to the moon?

>> No.19939915

Meme magic is real, it is a form of egregore magic. Look it up.

>> No.19939932
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I've learned the unintuitive truth about university. The coursework itself is easy - if you just DO IT you're essentially guaranteed success. The hard part is making yourself do it. When you find yourself failing an exam, 9 times out of 10 it's because you just never went and learned the material.

>> No.19939950

Pretty girls think i’m handsome and literally approach me and introduce themselves all the time. But i never pull the trigger. I’m such a boring person and i still live with my parents that i don’t bother to make an effort. I also don’t think i can stand doing normie date things like going to dinner or the movies with a happy and ditzy girl. I can’t fake it.

>> No.19939957
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It's time that the tale were told
Of how you took a child
And you made him old

Oh, people see no worth in you
Oh, but I do

>> No.19939958

Who told you that?
Personally, I think that you shouldn't.

>> No.19939960

>first world problems

>> No.19939971

Oh, good question. However: I don't drink. So, what about you? You come here often?

>> No.19939979

I'm glad to hear that you enjoy being around her and that she is good to you but be wary of the fact that she's slept with so many men. It informs you of some kind of instability in her mental state and a mindless pleasure seeking. Relationships are about sacrifice and trust, can someone who has lived for themselves for so long(at a detriment to their own well being) be trusted with your heart. Just be careful bro.

>> No.19939996

being born pretty and autistic is a special kind of torment I understand friend

>> No.19939997

This is probably why i’m depressed and suicidal. Capitalism and comfort was a mistake.

>> No.19940003

I’m glad someone can understand this.

>> No.19940024

There's no way around it: Harry Potter and it's indirect spin offs have proven disastrous for literature and people interested in it. Pretty much every single woman whose apartment you visit, you'll come across Harry Potter books, merchandise, fanart, references or props. There's a whole generation of adults whose idea of reading revolves around children's books. There's people proudly presenting their bookshelves filled with tomes upon tomes of Harry Potter-esque children's books, proudly showing off the fact that their intellectual development stopped at age twelve. There is an entire industry feeding on, and increasing, a growing subsection of the adult population which are mentally and emotionally stuck in their early teens. Whose ideas and patterns of thinking revolve around a fictional universe written to get children to read. And Harry Potter is merely the beginning of this. Star Wars, Trekkies, TV shows being binge watched, anime addicts, people living through others' lives via social media, television, soap operas etc. Sportsball, fantasy leagues, video games - those are the themes and things these people care about. These are the people teaching your kids. These are the people voting on your healthcare system. These are the people allocating public funds. These are the people supporting everything someone promises them as long as it lets them continue living in their imagined worlds where good will triumph over evil - because it just does, okay? These are your colleagues, your neighbours, your cousins. These are the people around you. Do you like it?

>> No.19940037

it's actually not that bad because you keep meeting people who consider you a fixer upper and try to teach you how to be a normal person

>> No.19940048

Aberlour double cask 12yo

>> No.19940055

i feel you anon, had shivers, fever and cramps on sunday, but as soon as i vomited everything out i felt a lot better, and by monday i was only slightly feverish and didn't want to eat, but it did get better quickly. it'll get better for you too, fren

>> No.19940059

I don't think I've ever been, dunno about you.

>> No.19940062

my ass it's a torment. imagine being ugly and autistic.

>> No.19940078

I don't like going to social functions(outside of generally being uncomfortable around most people) or out with people in general because if there are any girls present they will do something or people will try to set me up with their friends or relations. I'm sure to some people this all sounds like a positive but it's very painful for me. I just stay inside and focus on the things I enjoy, maybe someday I'll meet my Suzannah. Most women want things that I have no interest in giving them and are not particularly interesting company.

>> No.19940094

I'm thinking of what to read to prepare for my political science study. Any good book recommendations?

>> No.19940184

plato the state
you are going to have to read that one often

>> No.19940200
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Hearty kek

>> No.19940222
File: 748 KB, 950x952, 564A0F08-18E2-46A1-A497-73A7EDDF6A19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don’t speak to your kind
comfy choice

>> No.19940233

Fuck off at least you know you never had a shot.

>> No.19940247

No. You fuck off with all this humble bragging.
>brooooooooooooooooooo, I'm just like Brad Pitt but depressed whaaaa whaaaa

>> No.19940259

>This is an interesting thought. What I've always wondered is, what is the Minimum Brain? If we remove 1 neuron from your brain, of course you'd still be alive, still be you. If we remove, a million neurons? You'd still have qualitative experiences right? Well, what's the minimum brain? How many brain cells would still constitute an experience? Two maybe? This always makes me consider pantheism as a viable option
Not only quantity. Quantity and quality. Not nessecarily a matter of how many, but how many of which ones

>> No.19940262

Yea i’m definitely bragging about how great it is being a miserable failure. It hurts more when your actually so close to being normal.

>> No.19940278

Atleast you HAVE a chance. Take therapy or meds. You're going to regret wasting all those years.

>> No.19940283

Because I like mysteries becoming no longer mysteries, I like understanding, I like eliminating my ignorance, I like games and challenges and the reward of seeing what I was previously blind too, when there were no man and only monkeys, there was only mysteries, the ascent of man has been the curiosity to eliminate ignorance and mystery.

>> No.19940306

That's a man ain't it?

>> No.19940315

>Because I like mysteries becoming no longer mysteries
I don't. The appeal of a mystery is the Mystery itself, not its death.
>to eliminate mystery
what a horrific idea.

>> No.19940320

Jim Bean

>> No.19940351

Comfy fren

>> No.19940365

>the ascent of man has been the curiosity to eliminate ignorance and mystery.
BIG KEK. The more knowledge we gain as humans the more mysterious the world appears (because it is mysterious in nature). We don't even know how physics work.

>> No.19940382


>> No.19940396

Dude. 310 is the bump limit.
We’re going to get another pictureless thread with that

>> No.19940402

Got a voicemail from my school that just left me speechless. They rescinded 3 of my loans. I suddenly owe $4000 to the school by the 20th, or else my schedule is canceled. There's literally no way I can pay this. It's all fucked

>> No.19940410

Sounds like a scammer

>> No.19940422

You know, the more I pour over the data and crunch up the numbers it appears there is some cosmic chicanery afoot

>> No.19940546

Whyd they rescind
Univerisites are scammers

>> No.19940557

I checked. It's real
I stopped coming to class last semester. Was in the process of filing a withdrawal when they hit me with this, demanding all the money back before I could possibly pay it. If I have to drop out I'm never attending uni again, fuck this cursed place

>> No.19940577

>I checked. It's real
Damn. The only two things I can say to you is, first, good luck, and two, trade school isn't so bad and you can make even more money while debt-free.

>> No.19940582

I know the feel anon. My first year at university was like a prison sentence. Horrible experience. Dropped out. Try to appeal it if possible though. I've been directionless for years now

>> No.19940601

Thanks. Instead of trade school I'm thinking about trying to claw my way into IT by building up my portfolio and just spamming applications until I snag on someone. It's an objective downgrade to the position I'm in but if that's my only choice...
I don't think I have a single good memory here actually. For some of us it's just a mistake

>> No.19940651

One who finds appeal in mystery is a monkey proud of their ignorance. One who seeks knowledge and understanding of Truth, is a child of the creator, God.

To be a part of Gods creation, purely as an ignorant creature, as opposed to like a plant scaling a wall or rod to the light of sun, feeding on the creative genius that lays beneath the appearance of the world, is for the merely created being to construct themselves in the divines image.

>> No.19940753

I had three years of college. Not a single good memory of any of it

>> No.19941362

Today is my thirtieth birthday and I sit on the ocean wave in the schoolyard and wait for Kate and think of nothing. Now in the thirty-first year of my dark pilgrimage on this earth and knowing less than I ever knew before, having learned only to recognize merde when I see it, having inherited no more from my father than a good nose for merde, for every species of shit that flies—my only talent—smelling merde from every quarter, living in fact in the very century of merde, the great shithouse of scientific humanism where needs are satisfied, everyone becomes an anyone, a warm and creative person, and prospers like a dung beetle, and one hundred percent of people are humanists and ninety-eight percent believe in God, and men are dead, dead, dead; and the malaise has settled like a fall-out and what people really fear is not that the bomb will fall but that the bomb will not fall—on this my thirtieth birthday, I know nothing and there is nothing to do but fall prey to desire.

>> No.19941394

wt 101