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19927389 No.19927389 [Reply] [Original]

Any books on how a person becomes an NPC?

I've read a bit of Kierkegaard's works on despair which somewhat get into this problem. Anyone else?

>> No.19927433

>can someone else feed me a collection of someone else's ideas so i can understand how, uh... "other people" become overly reliant on the advice and ideas of others?

>> No.19927448


Obviously the only thing to do is to not even reflect on other's ideas, as this is too NPC. No Anon. You must live in a sensory deprivation vat

>> No.19927458

Haha what? Your changed your diapers as a child? whos really the npc here haha

>> No.19927471

cute dubu

>> No.19927652
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This book is about npcs. Even the main character is an NPC.

>> No.19927705

Who is Sam?

>> No.19927710

Normie boyfriend of normie protagonist. Hes literally the only good character in the story. It pains me how you can make a 100+ page story about normies.

>> No.19927722

The NPC is a /pol/ meme designed to confer an underserved sense of superiority on those who use the term. Reminder if you have to bring everyone else down to the level of “unthinking sheeple”, it’s simply because there is so little exceptional about you that you have to denigrate everyone else to make yourself feel superior. It’s a cope basically. Also a slippery slope towards the dehumanising rhetoric of fascism, which explains its prevalence on /pol/.

>> No.19927733

double dubs speak the truth

>> No.19927736

If you are two or three standard deviations above the norm, people often do legitimately seem to be no more than picayune or Liliputian wanderers, with their sails unfurled and their hands off the rudder; they kind of just ride the machine wherever the winds take it, letting it translate wind energy into movement, they don't really care where they're going all that much because Holy Shit! they're fucking sailing! and they ultimately have no ability to plot a course, much less hold to it. They are the NPCs, the I/O machines, the dominant force of the world. I can see why you'd want to stick up for them, but unless that involves an accurate assessment you're really just as insulting and arrogantly held-above as the people who shit on them for it.

>> No.19927849

Back to Rebbit

>> No.19927908

Kek. Then consumerism and dialectical materialism are humanising?

>> No.19927921

When I first learned how to drive a car, everything was conscious, intentional, and slow. Now it's all unconscious muscle memory. I can accidentally zone out at the beginning of my drive and wake up at my destination. There are people who zone out and never come back. Autopilot handles everything. That's the idea behind the NPC. It's not necessarily a negative phenomena; they've simply reached equilibrium with their environment and no longer require new mental input. Social and cultural programming handle all known events. A brush with death or an age-related discomfort will sometimes trigger a cognitive return, but not always.
Broad-spectrum autism is an inability to reach autopilot with social interactions. The weaponization of the NPC meme is a coping strategy to handle the autistic inability to abstract human relations into default, meaningless categories.

>> No.19927936

Npc meme usually refer to p-zombies ive seen threads on here before /pol/ would even talk about it. What tou say is true but only because /pol/ misunderstands what an npc is.

>> No.19927973

>legitimately seem to be no more than picayune or Liliputian wanderers, with their sails unfurled and their hands off the rudder;
inflated retard detected. stopped there

>> No.19927990
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>Broad-spectrum autism is an inability to reach autopilot with social interactions
I'm autistic aren't I

>> No.19928003

How can someone misunderstand a dumb meme this badly while also being a pretentious projecting retard
Probably just a bait though

>> No.19928008


>> No.19928013

I disagree. There should be plenty of literature on the matter. Op is just gatekeeping, which is intellectually dishonest

>> No.19928014

That's just ableist nonsense. There's a reason why other spergs like myself no longer want to share the same land space with people like you.

>> No.19928018

To add, there's also no such thing as coping, everyone copes, so "coping" doesn't actually exist

>> No.19928034

>Everybody poops, so pooping doesn't exist.

>> No.19928038

Pooping involves something physical, coping doesn't.

>> No.19928047


> Everybody (feels feeling), so (feeling feeling) isn't real

>> No.19928056
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>> No.19928061

Yeah feelings are not actually physical matter, they are "existing" in the sense that "fast" "blue" "large" exist, they are concepts and not existing in any realities.

>> No.19928062
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Great great post. pic related book talks about what you mentioned. Although the book is focused more on the premise that conscious, focused training is what makes people great at certain things, the idea isn't far off from everyday life and you explained it perfectly

>> No.19928075

>this is your brain on dualism
If strict materialism is true, then feelings are homoiconic with the physical reality of the brain, thus they are physical events.
Your problem isn't autism; you're just cognitively incoherent.

>> No.19928195

Read about Heidegger's idea of Das Man

>> No.19928291

rebbit is fascist, retard.

>> No.19928492

Gravity's Rainbow

>> No.19928863

What you’re describing is somewhere between Foucault’s ship of fools and the Buddhist concept of Qi- I don’t see NPCdom here. The point at which you convince yourself you are beyond ideology, you ironically have never been more trapped within it. The implication of calling normies NPCs is essentially: “I have ascended to a higher plane of consciousness, while everyone else has defaulted to unconscious pre-programmed behaviours.” But the reality is the majority of people who believe this are just as subconsciously controlled as everyone else, they are simply in denial about it.

Didn’t say it was bad, just that the NPC meme is popular on /pol/ because it lends itself to fascist rhetoric. It’s not a big step to go from justifying violence against humans by referring to them as animals or insects (rats, cockroaches, etc.) to denying that they are even conscious (what lacks consciousness is not capable of suffering, after all).

Actually dialectical materialism doesn’t see human beings in the sense of individuals, it sees social relations as the most fundamental aspect of human nature. Consumerism isn’t humanising either, it reduces identity to an arbitrary collision of partial objects- what you own is what you are. This is especially true in light of the metaverse, since the corporeal form will be practically redundant once neurolink/brain-computer interfaces become possible. Who you are will be defined by your virtual real estate, the purest form of consumerism imaginable where the human is an inessential part.

Yeah there is an overlap, but the important distinction is that p-zombies are a hypothetical- there is no way to know for certain if they exist. on the other hand, the NPC meme is treated with unironic certainty, and in fact those who believe in NPCs will likely see the vast majority of the population under this label.

What’s there to misunderstand? NPC is just a shallow reframing of p-zombies that takes their existence as fact rather than speculation. It’s not complex in the slightest, but what is interesting is what it tells you about the kind of people who use the term.

>> No.19928903

I once had an internship at a bakery for two weeks. On the first day, I tried to talk casually with two employees there. Once or twice it happened that I said something, the conversation stopped completely, they stared with empty eyes for a moment and then went back to work as if the conversation never happened.
I didn't even say something weird, it just felt like they couldn't compute what I said. Crept me out. That happened to me even before the NPC meme came up, but it really felt as if they didn't find a script to go on with.
Then, on some days when the weather forecast predicts it's going to be cold the next day, most people outside wear hats, coats, and mitts, despite the forecast not being true. Even if it got two degrees warmer, they "updated" to winter clothes. Happens fairly often.

>> No.19928924

The NPC meme originated on /lit/ with Guenonposting

>> No.19928947

It's much more likely that you are a social weirdo that makes people uncomfortable, coupled with having zero self awareness and you don't realize you're doing it.

>> No.19928948

NPCS exist in a state of deep unconciousness, steming from a neurosis given to them by their parents who lacked the proper knowledge to raise a kid, and put their children into a deep slumber that many never awake from.
The reason alcohol is legal is because the NPCs would literally short circuit without it, as its the only drug that drowns out their brain and elevates conciousness in the body.

>> No.19928960

Not really, judging from interactions with other people who seem more like they think critically. Generally, I can easily talk to others and make acquaintances.
And it doesn't explain the winter clothes thing.

>> No.19928962
File: 13 KB, 549x98, Malcolm X Quote.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Autism is not a social disorder, its the lack of being able to abstract concepts in the mind. You need to KNOW something in order to speak about it at all when you have autism/ asergers.
Autism is basically the inability to lie, which can hurt socializing with people in a world where everything is non-direct and non-specific.
Autistic people need to have done something in order to speak on it, which is arguably a strength, as it means what an autistic person talks about, he truly knows and believes.

>> No.19928978
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The NPC phenomenon is real though. The bread and butter of America is deeply unconcious people, who are just follwing the herd wherever they are lead by their superiors.
Attractive people control the world, because everyone worships beauty, and thus they follow the attractive persons taste in music, their hobbies, the way they talk, how they dress, etc.
NPCs are just low ranking normies who follow the herd unconsciously.

>> No.19928991

>uh, why is this weirdo talking to me? I just want to get on with with work

>> No.19929006

Fr though, op calls other people npc while posting a picture of a k pop singer, one of the most blatant corporate manipulative scams that has ever existed. They’re literially called idols lol
But yeah OP is really a free thinker

>> No.19929009


>When I first learned how to drive a car, everything was conscious, intentional, and slow. Now it's all unconscious muscle memory. I can accidentally zone out at the beginning of my drive and wake up at my destination. There are people who zone out and never come back. Autopilot handles everything. That's the idea behind the NPC. It's not necessarily a negative phenomena; they've simply reached equilibrium with their environment and no longer require new mental input. Social and cultural programming handle all known events. A brush with death or an age-related discomfort will sometimes trigger a cognitive return, but not always.

>Broad-spectrum autism is an inability to reach autopilot with social interactions. The weaponization of the NPC meme is a coping strategy to handle the autistic inability to abstract human relations into default, meaningless categories.

The majority of people are bad and only a minority good. And not even psychologists who are the biggest proponents of American custom and morality would agree with your statement. "Autism" requires a lack of "theory of mind" which is not "automatic" like heart rhythm or strictly subconscious, but requires a degree of intelligence and abstract thought. People actually do THINK about what others THINK about them. And having a routine is a sign of good health for reasons having to do with sleep and your circadian rhythm, being employed vs. unemployed thus being required to conform to a schedule and repetitive activities. And being able to do small talk is another routine arbitrarily gained from experience. And you misconstrue and inflate the idea of good habits to defend your pet retard normies who are too stupid and soft minded to discern things correctly. And it reflects in their awful manner of taste in music, their faggot entertainment addiction.

"Thoughtfulness as weakness", you only think about things if you have too :^). And because that may be true in a small minority of people, and because there's a bell curve distribution and a critical mass, you frame everything from a perspective of justifying the greed and cruelty of that mass. And protecting it from harm where it is most vulnerable. What do you have to gain from defending mediocre, shitty people? Medium entropy people are not the best, averageness is bad when it comes to beauty and intelligence, or athleticism. How do I know you hate "racism" and pretend to like jazz music?

>> No.19929014

>What you’re describing is somewhere between Foucault’s ship of fools and the Buddhist concept of Qi- I don’t see NPCdom here
What I'm describing is what I'm describing, fucker. If I meant to drag Fuckass or Chingchong into it, I would have. I never said ALL other people are COMPLETELY unconscious. That would be a pretty fucking dumb statement, don't you think? Make the idiot yourself when you can't find him, I guess. Maybe Foucault would have something to say about that.

>> No.19929048 [DELETED] 

>Autism is not a social disorder, its the lack of being able to abstract concepts in the mind
Absolute nonsense, if autism made you unable to abstract, then it'd be impossible for autistic people to be great scientists, philosophers or even artists, which you can easily verify is not the case. You also assume that abstraction is a prerequisite to socialize, but not to be an intellectual, what's so abstract about socializing compared to that?

Autism makes you born with no innate social skills, and the analytic part of the brain is hyperactive, getting easily overwhelmed easily by social cues (This explains why we usually have ADHD, and also why we find eye contact uncomfortable). It absolutely is a social disorder

>> No.19929060

>Autism is not a social disorder, its the lack of being able to abstract concepts in the mind
Absolute nonsense, if autism made you unable to abstract, then it'd be impossible for autistic people to be great scientists, philosophers or even artists, which you can easily verify is not the case. You also assume that abstraction is a prerequisite to socialize, but not to be an intellectual, what's so abstract about socializing compared to that?

Autism makes you born with no innate social skills, and the analytic part of the brain is hyperactive, getting easily overwhelmed easily by social cues (This explains why we usually have ADHD, and also why we find eye contact uncomfortable). It absolutely is a social disorder

>> No.19929098
File: 69 KB, 744x800, Race mixing is a sin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As somebody who acted autistically often in the past and managed to snap out of it, I agree. I don't want to agree, but you are right. Once you get social finesse, you don't think, you feel out, do things naturally, ability to get with girls was way easier. Nothing was calculated, everything went with the flow. Now while this was one of the best times of my life, I felt how a part of my brain shut down. Maybe this explains the mind (or lack thereof) of an NPC.

>> No.19929742

Why would the most social and cooperative species in the world have astronomical rates of a disease that makes you unable to socialize?
Why would like 1/3 men have a disease that is the antithesis of how human beings came to where they are?
Autism is not a social disorder in the slightest. Its everybody else that socializes at such a shallow and vapid level, and the autist understands things at a much deeper level than a normie.
I was never afraid of eye contract because I was insecure.
I was afraid of eye contact because I can read you like a fucking book when I look you in the eyes.
Big difference, my NPC friend.

>> No.19929760

You don't "become" an NPC, you're born an NPC and eventually something may awaken you. Usually it's when your life goes to shit. Being an NPC is a blessing.

>> No.19929820

Korean beauty standards are hilarious.
These chicks so desperately wanna be white.

>> No.19930033

Not really.
White women have strong jaws, gooks shave their jawbones until they have baby chins.

>> No.19930069

This guy gets it, not sure about the other posers in the thread

>> No.19930247

thank you for this post. thought i was going crazy.

>> No.19930277

Since you are most likely an average person, you will most likely enjoy what the average person enjoys.

>> No.19930292

>Literature on the NPC phenomenon
The Bible
Jordan Peterson's books

>> No.19930314

information over-reliance when your "self" is underdeveloped.
It's not that NPCs are not human, it's just that their humanity was discouraged until it became a source of discomfort.

>> No.19930326

A lot of people wear clothes according to the weather report. It's sunny in the morning, but maybe it's just a fluke chance - do you trust the report or not? Quite rational to trust it.
Afterwards, you're already in the coat. Mostly you have nowhere to put it and anyhow, your body will adjust how hot it feels to whether there's anything you can do about it. None of our sensations are completely true to reality.

>> No.19931658

Unironically, this is a medium to reach enlightenment. I saw it on a movie.

>> No.19931674

We literally just spent 2 years cowering from a cough because the government told us to. Npc meme has been completely vindicated

>> No.19931677

I refuse to believe the average person does not experience constant morbid ideation and intrusive thoughts

>> No.19931678

>people ignore me
>it must be because they can't understand what i said

>> No.19931791

This is quite interesting though. It seems that OP wanted to shit on something, but as soon as he did the shitting, he became the thing he shat on. There are things that constantly plague us, but we simply cannot talk about it in a self-conscious manner.

I wonder if this sort of contradiction is what characterizes our society these days? Is it because of this self-transgression that we can't take any problem seriously, so that the problem can safely maintain itself in plain sight?

>> No.19931813



>> No.19931814

>Also a slippery slope towards the dehumanising rhetoric of fascism

Cringe moment.

>> No.19931818

Psuedointellectual midwit.

A tryhard too.

>> No.19931915

Only NPCs get offended and defensive when the concept is brought up.

>> No.19931935

This phenomenon is related to the vicious circle. The only way out is to bee yourself

>> No.19931939

>if you have to bring everyone else down to the level of “unthinking sheeple”
Not OP but I never had to bring anyone down, they always made it extremely clear on their own within 10 minutes of conversation.

>> No.19931996

Disregard what the trannies are saying, I perfectly understand the situation you described. It didn't happen in the early 2000s, so I think normalfag scale internet is to blame. Social media has fried people's brains.

>> No.19931997

seeing as this already got a lot of (You)s
the "weaponization" of the npc meme was done by average /pol/ losers and mildly edgy zoomers on twitter and youtube. In other words people lacking self-awareness who are almost certainly described by the meme just as well. It has nothing to do with autistic copes and you're obviously just taking that path to farm replies from insecure /lit/ dweebs.
If you were being sincere then your first response being "umm they just can't fit in >:(" is pretty telling.
>There are people who zone out and never come back. Autopilot handles everything. That's the idea behind the NPC. It's not necessarily a negative phenomena
How can you wave this away? A person who is on autopilot their entire life might as well be dead, or is at best functionally equivalent to an animal. People like this should be disenfranchised and silenced and any factors that might turn people into this should be opposed.

>> No.19932040

/pol/ losers are not NPCs. They might not be very smart or impressive people but they dont just mindlessly obey authority and they dont simply contradict the mainstream in a reactive contrarian manner either; they have an actual worldview they attempt to apply to stuff.

>> No.19932045

It's an neurotic communist faggot who will literally spend the entire day either replying to multiple posts in the same thread like that, or engaging deeply with a single effortposter in a thread and regurgitating left-Discord theory in an attempt to refute their entire comment sentence-by-sentence. if neither option is possible, he does that same thing unprompted like in >>19927722

>> No.19932048

kek I made a similar post long ago
>I genuinely believe that people buy books but don't read them. Ever since I've observed the pristine, never opened Twilight series on my SIL's shelf I have started to believe that normies skip a few steps in their mental process but actual humans anthropomorphize them so they look like they have flawed decision making. They do not actually have any decision making, they just go "this thing is for women and I'm a woman, I must buy it" or "this thing is for smart people, I have to buy it", but even less structured. It's like the raw impulse to masturbate that makes you wonder how did you end up masturbating when you're done. I think normies live in the abstract masturbation zone of their brains throughout their whole life, where they just do things for no specific reason. This is why if you're not a normie you see ads and you get angry and hate them and block them as often as you can because the ad isn't supposed to convince you that you should buy the product, instead it works on that subliminal lizard brain level and when someone does that you feel like some salesman is trying to grab your cock. You don't fucking want that, but the normie cattle just swallows the abstract marketing warfare and buys shit without knowing why.
Honestly I've become even more embittered since I wrote this.

>> No.19932062

we don't use that word here, nigger

>> No.19932081

>but they dont just mindlessly obey authority
t. /pol/cel who mindlessly quote Peterson, Joe Rogan and other posters on /pol/
>they have an actual worldview they attempt to apply to stuff.
Being a contrarian isn't the equivalence of having a world view. It's like saying dogs have worldview because they poop on the street, defying human's authority.

>> No.19932120

>peterson, Joe rogan
Anon you have no idea what you're talking about lol. Their worldview is based around a specific concept, that a jewish mafia runs the west. They arent contrarian, they just apply this concept.

>> No.19932130

Lots of /pol/ posters absolutely will just react to things which make them angry with copypasted or hivemind-tier responses. The amount of successful bait these days really makes that clear. At midday half the catalog is just fucking bait threads with tens or hundreds of replies, which is even worse than /v/ or /tv/, a sad state for a board that used to actually have effortposting on it semi-frequently before 2016.
It wasn't nearly as bad in 2017 because the discord-tranny trolls hadn't yet become a thing, but the election hivemind was already in full force by then and totally stagnated after a year of post-campaign Trump

>> No.19932148

They're mostly not very smart or stable people, I just wouldn't call them NPCs. I wouldn't call the communists on leftypol NPCs either for example.

NPCs quite literally just repeat headlines or what a celebrity says or something. Its almost uncanny behavior

>> No.19932150

Not him but I've had discussions with both right wing and trannies, whatever you want to call them. Right wingers by all means have a way to get into that street preacher sort of attitude where they lean heavily on the same two-three figures they worship, but if you confront them more articulately you can see the gears turning. I'm not saying that /pol/fags are all smart people and there are definitely indoctrinated retards among them, most of which I imagine are teenagers since they are immature on a general level, but in most cases I've seen that they're capable of abstract reasoning and a degree of logic. I have never seen this with leftists. When you start to push that barrier they just act dismissive. They could be 16 or they could be 45, they will always just go, "oh you're just a Nazi, uhh problematic. You're wrong because of my feelings, no no go away" and ban you from the place or whatever.
Another aspect of this is that I rarely see people who lean right attempt to involve other people in the chat. There may be other people chiming in but the discussion is a one on one dialectic. Leftists dogpile and they will always stop caring as long as they know that their opinion has critical mass within the environment you're talking into. They always do it.

>> No.19932153

you guys consider ordering at mcdonalds as social interaction.

>> No.19932162

>I wouldn't call the communists on leftypol NPCs either for example
Those people are actively hostile to humanity. The closest thing available right now to a literal agent of Satan.

>> No.19932186

Eh I've known quite a few commies in my life and they're not really that bad as people. Most of them just seem tremendously naive to me. Leftypol seems like a mix of these types and the slightly edgier type who has more masculine instincts but doesnt want to go full edgy so settles on being a tsnkie or something. They're usually fairly intellectual.

The psychopathic commies we see sometimes online or in antifa or whatever are a minority.

>> No.19932194

Hi /pol/ tourist here. Pol is a meme, don't fall for it.

>> No.19932359

>Most of them just seem tremendously naive to me.
The only naive person here is you.

>> No.19932382

I think communists are naive for three reasons
1. They think it's possible that a classless stateless society could exist, when all throughout human history since civilization began nothing of the sort has ever existed; it has always been a small minority ruling over the masses
2. They dont seem to think it's possible that the press, academia, courts, letter agencies, banks, etc have been infiltrated by bad actors
3. They dont seem to think it's possible that crime is a fundamental part of politics. That it's not just bad systems we can see, but covert criminal activity impacting politics. Eg epstein.

Why do you think I'm naive?

>> No.19932392

>Why do you think I'm naive?
Because you think the sneaky lies of communists are said in good faith. They are taking a mental note of every disagreement they're having with you and WILL send you to a gulag the very instant they will benefit from it from the state.

>> No.19932393

Materialism is false consciousness

>> No.19932399

I know many commies would send me to the gulag. I think most humans would honestly; I don't have a very high opinion of human mercy.

I just dont think commies are that much worse than other people. People like Lenin are obviously monsters but your average commie is just some naive confused person.

>> No.19932472

other commie here

I think you're naive for thinking your statements represent what communists actually believe.

no offense but #2 is insanely far off. Literally every communist believes all of these institutions of power are infested by bad actors (called capitalists).

I could go into the rest of it, but it's incredibly exhausting... I'll just encourage you to actually investigate communist ideas and/or marxist analysis. That's how I got started, I thought it was bullshit for many years until I actually read about it. For an easy intro watch Richard Wolff's lectures on youtube. He's not the best, but he is very good at succinctly explaining the main concepts without too much jargon.

>> No.19932485

You think CdC are lying about covid?
You think FBI are lying about white supremacy?

>> No.19932487

Lol we just want democracy and healthcare. A lot of us hate Stalin, dude killed more commies than anyone (besides the CIA murdering innocent people (aka filthy commies) in the third world).

>> No.19932509

White supremacy and covid response are just noise.

The root conflict of our time is between the people who own the means of production and everyone else. Every other conflict is secondary or manufactured.

>> No.19932521

You're a coward and you can feel it deep in your soul. You know what you're not allowed to say, and you are terrified of ever saying it.

>> No.19932524

>the people who own the means of production
Uhm... Who are these people exactly?

>> No.19932558
File: 33 KB, 355x533, Dahyun2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do people really think they're clever for pointing out K-pop is a "corporate manipulative scam"? Whatever that means

These are the same people who thought hating Justin Bieber in 6th grade made them rebellious. Hating K-Pop means you are an NPC.

>> No.19932568

It lacks guitars and/or dissonance I don't see the appeal of it, this applies to orchestral music, electronic, and/or certain types of rock music

>> No.19932599

I'm not saying one should ENJOY K-pop. You can acknowledge it is what it is without hating/loving it. There's no basis for K-pop being any worse than any other 20th century popular forms of music. K-pop is at least self-aware that it is fake, while American pop really worked overtime to convince it's viewers that it was real and organic.

>> No.19932693

kpop is exactly the same as justin bieber, the music is the same quality but instead of having a fuckboy aimed at young girls as a front, it's a bunch of plastic thots for feminized male porn addicts
I think if you have any test in you this shit is incomprehensible. It's like watching the Spice Girls but somehow even gayer

>> No.19932704

No no kpop is cancer. At least the western top 40 whores have some kind of branding. I do not like any of this music but if say, Beyonce or Lady Gaga died, they wouldn't be easy to replace with another thot as immediately as a kpop thot can be swapped out for a fresh one. There's a video where one of these plastic automatons faints and a few backdrop workers drag her away while the others continue without even looking, it was mind-boggling to see the level of bugman

>> No.19932708

I want to inhale her sweaty pubic hair

>> No.19932743

>There's no basis for K-pop being any worse than any other 20th century popular forms of music
You're not setting the bar very high.

>> No.19932785

Double dubs for a sad truth.
/pol/niggers calling others NPCs is actually very sad.

>> No.19932812
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>There's a video where one of these plastic automatons faints and a few backdrop workers drag her away while the others continue without even looking, it was mind-boggling to see the level of bugman

That's literally how any musical act that isn't Top 40 pop behaves. In a professional musical setting if a member gets sick or passes out, the rest of the band continues like nothing happened and finishes the song.

This has been the reality of artists and musicians for all of history. Ameritards became confused with Hollywood branding, PR and management.

Correct. People who have this visceral hatred for K-Pop don't understand how low the bar is because they don't have standards for art in general. They think their shitty underground black metal bands are "real" or authentic when it's the opposite. K-Pop is far more authentic than anything happening "underground" in the west.

>> No.19932827

Everyone outside of yourself is an NPC. This applies for everyone.

>> No.19932916

It's not some secret. People who own and operate corporations. The ultra wealthy.

>> No.19932929

I don't like K-pop because it's shitty, homogenous music created solely for commercial success. Commercialism seeps in everywhere, sure. But there is at least an element of rejection in other scenes. There is still an element of art for the sake of the art competing with the desire/need to Accumulate The Currency. Pop music in general is inherently inhuman. It's engineered to create human emotions, sure, but it is primarily a for-profit enterprise. Its only authenticity is its bare inauthenticity. Being authentically inauthentic isn't a victory. The criticism of inauthentic music isn't that it's hiding its inauthenticity. It's that it's inauthentic in the first place.

>> No.19932939

I know i don't feel like debating anything related to covid or race with someone who writes in the form of seething projections of their own impotent emasculated rage because they believe socialism = no iphone venezuela cuz daddy told him so.

You sound like a psycho

>> No.19932948

NPC = blindly following programming = blindly following authority figures

It's not a reference to single player role play games, or broadway show where you're the star of the show and everyone else is a supporting actor.

>> No.19932991
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Its simple
>We live in a world where we make most of our social interactions from a persona or construct, not a genuine representation of ourselves.
>The social desire to 'fit in' to a world of caricatures will inevitably leave a majority of people behind, as they are unable to develop a nuanced social self-image, and thus are pulled with the turbulent currents, rather than swimming freely.

>> No.19932999

Is she of age? I would betrothe her.

>> No.19933074
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I read through this thread because the first few posts were interesting but as with many threads on 4chan it has devolved into meaningless shit flinging.

My two cents (not that anyone cares): Everyone is an "NPC" to some extent, that is to say that their thinking (or lack of thinking) is influenced by the society they live in, and many people live their lives on autopilot. People who are contrarian for the sake of contrarianism are just NPCs in the opposite direction. A "PC" (player-character, a non-NPC) would be someone who lives their life by their own terms, and is conscious about it. Something akin to a PC has been described numerous times throughout philosophy: a superman (Nietzsche), a psychic (Plato), a transcended individual (Emerson/Thoreau), a self-actualized individual (Jung). None of these are entirely accurate to the term, and I think it is possible for a PC to conform if they have reached the same conclusion on how to live life as those who shape society for the masses have. But by using NPC as a term and bringing up its counterpart, the PC, you have to consider the medium for which these terms come from - video games. Many video games have a set storyline or goal, and the PC just goes along with that without any real thought. Even if a person is a PC they could still be bound to their storyline - and now this argument becomes one of determinism/fatalism. At the same time, plot/goal advancement in video games are left entirely up to the player and if they simply refuse to play the game with the intent of completing it, the player is then not bound to fate.

>> No.19933089

Yes, we are all blindly following our programming.

>> No.19933102

tldr you're an NPC
I'm not an NPC. I'm a protag, many of my screenshots and videos have made the frontpage of r/ImTheMainCharacter

>> No.19933111
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OK Mr. Protag. You call me an NPC, but have you given any thought to why you are on your quest? Is it a goal you personally which to achieve, or are you just doing what the game tells you to do? I am free to follow my programming, yet you feel compelled to finish the main storyline and sidequests like the slave you are.

>> No.19933123

pop music is largely a sexual negro beat accompanied by a whore making sexual motions. commerce is not the problem since many great works of art were made for commercial use (e.g. Shakespeare's plays) the problem is that pop music, as well as smut and action movies or violent movies are made to elicit low level lizard brain reactions that you could barely call emotions, like the catharsis of seeing an enemy die violently, or sexual impulses. Art on the other hand is about authorial vision, it is a product of human experience and individuality that transmits itself between humans like a bridge. It is communication, while the pornographic, whore art of today is a hormonal extortion.

>> No.19933127


Have you considered that you were literally Charlie Gordon?

>> No.19933296
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People will call you an "incel" but this is literally what happens out in the world. People are not right in the head.

Anyone who denies or mocks the NPC phenomenon is likely an NPC. Also many of these people have never had jobs where they're interacting with thousands of people over the course of years to see the absolutely bizarre behavior that goes on in close personal spaces.

And then there's the experience of building many close inter-personal relationships with people, getting inside their head, and finding there's essentially nothing there that wasn't planted. This is a real phenomenon people.

Kierkegaard explains it with a hierarchical system of despair. When someone first encounters despair, they either decide to assimilate into the crowd and accept "the narrative" in order to blend in and not have to think, or the despair pushes them towards God which creates individualization.

I don't know how true this is but I think it's poking around at what's going on here

>> No.19933306

>thinks someone's opinion of socialism has any implications about their character in the year 2022

tranny spotted

>> No.19933524

I remember this post because I thought "abstract masturbation zone" was such a perfect phrase. It has aged well.

>> No.19933717

>Anyone who denies or mocks the NPC phenomenon is likely an NPC
You absolute fucking nigger. This circular logic shit is the same cancer that lefties use for their gay racism/incel accusations. "Don't like it when we call others racist for absolute inane reasons? Looks like you are the racist"
To equate some mildly awkward situations with co-workers who probably grew up without 4chan influence into full blown tribunals over the lack of their souls is nothing short of retardation and hubris.

>> No.19933797

Not seeing a lot of recommended reading material. Fun thread though.

>> No.19933825

Not him but completely different scenarios. I suggest dilate and neckrope ASAP

>> No.19933834

Right on the head

>> No.19933908

as undeniably bad as american pop culture is, very few american performers are farmed as dehumanizingly as kpop idols are. how many american musicians are working child-in-a-coalmine hours from their early teens or earlier, crammed into dilapidated, tiny dorms like they're living in a slum, unable to ever be alone or control their life in the slightest? kpop fans cheer that "their girls/boys finally got a break!! rest well :)" when it's a weekend break to visit family (which they will not get again for at least a year). they wear expensive clothes but it is the only form of luxury their owners allow them. it is almost impossible to leave before their masters want them to. they are indentured servants if not outright slaves. it is the most exploitative and evil form of popular music that has ever existed on our planet. i agree with you that it's authentic; exploiting other humans is as authentically human as you can get.
at first i was going to say "why is everyone in this thread assuming op hates 'npcs' and doesn't see himself as one? his post doesn't say any of that. what if he's becoming or wants to become his idea of an npc, soulless yet peaceful, neither thinking nor suffering?" and maybe talk about actual books (unthinkable here, i know) but got autismsniped by anyone enjoying watching fellow humans get tortured and controlled to such a comically evil extent. this thread was unsalvageable anyway

>> No.19933967

It's simply reasoning in bad faith.
>if you disagree with it, then that is because you are it
How is anyone supposed to argue against that without just calling him names and dismissing it?

>> No.19934048

Hating K-Pop makes you an NPC. Liking K-Pop makes you an NPC. LOL!!!!!

>> No.19934068

You could just admit you agree with the liberals you claim to oppose about everything their institutions say. They tell covid is a real problem and you agree. They tell you white supremacy is a real problem and you agree. Naivety

>> No.19934129

>writes a bunch of pointless trash
Do you blindly obey your masters or not? Thats what npc means fundamentally. If you can't even imagine disobeying them then you're one of them. Think about the most taboo subjects possible, are you capable of thinking forbidden things about them or not?

>> No.19934358

non npcs dont give a fuck about k-pop one way or the other

>> No.19935021

Beeing yourself is the problem since we all are npc

>> No.19935026

It’s very common in people to hate sin when it is done by others, but if they do it it’s not that big of a deal

>> No.19935049

Like I said they are called idols, idols are false gods that people worship in a state of deception. You are being deceived by these corporations blatantly because they have enough awareness to call them idols. Girls raised like cattle to tickle your eyes and ears so that you spend money or give their YouTube videos views. It’s preposterous. Although you may say
>oh it’s just music and cute girls get over it
Then fine whatever, my conviction is that we all have to be judged when we die by Jesus Christ so I try to analyze everything I consume

>> No.19935113
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t. NPC

>> No.19935268

anon, it's just a symptom of being autistic and having a superiority complex. simple as. nearly everyone that uses the npc meme is actually just unable to understand basic social cues and thinks they're so much smarter than everyone else.

>> No.19935295

that means you don't like it lol

>> No.19935310

>As today his surroundings do not so force him, the eternal mass-man, true to his character, ceases to appeal to any authority other than himself, and feels himself lord of his own existence. Conversely the select man, the excellent man is urged by interior necessity to appeal to some standard beyond himself, superior to himself, into whose service he freely enters. ... Contrary to what is usually thought, it is the man of excellence, not the common man who lives in essential servitude. Life has no savour for him unless he makes it consist in service to something transcendent. Hence he does not look upon the necessity of serving as an oppression. When, by chance, such necessity is lacking, he grows restless and invents some new standard, more difficult, more exigent, with which to coerce himself. This is life lived as a discipline — the noble life.

>Nobility is defined by the demands it makes on us — by obligations, not by rights. Noblesse oblige. "To live as one likes is plebeian; the noble man aspires to order and law" (Goethe). The privileges of nobility are not in their origin concessions or favours; on the contrary, they are conquests. And their maintenance supposes, in principle, that the privileged individual is capable of reconquering them, at any moment, if it were necessary, and if anyone were to dispute them. ... It is annoying to see the degeneration suffered in today's speech by a word so inspiring as "nobility." For, by coming to mean for many people hereditary "noble blood," it is changed into something similar to common rights, into a static, passive quality which is received and transmitted, something inert. But the strict sense, the etymon of the word nobility, is essentially dynamic. Noble means the "well known," that is, known by everyone, famous, he who has made himself known by excelling the anonymous mass.

>As one advances in life, one realises more and more that the majority of men — and of women — are incapable of any other effort than that strictly imposed on them as a reaction to external compulsion. And for that reason, those few individuals we come across who are capable of spontaneous and joyous effort stand out isolated, monumentalised, so to speak, in our experience. These are the select men, the nobles, the only ones who are active and not merely reactive, for whom life is a perpetual striving, an incessant course of training. Training = askesis. These are the ascetics.
Ortega y Gasset

>> No.19935320
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>> No.19935325
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>> No.19935327
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The NPC is just a new name for the Aristotelian concept of the natural slave.
Pic related is just the wiki screenshot, but the gist of it is that a natural slave is happier, healthier, more fulfilled, and more fit to work towards the projects and aims of a different and less dependent sort of man - if left to lead his own life, he is confused and miserable. His attempts at thought are confused and unqualified, and his attempts at productive labor are aimless and inefficient.
In a liberal system the very idea that this is possible or commendable, except on an exceptional individual level, is basically blasphemy.
But it's generally a widely-misunderstood concept because the NPC in its own right originated as a 4chan meme and then immediately exploded all over the internet while still half-formed, due to the Trump culture wars (spiraling out of the hands of the outcast think-tanks into the hands of MIGA cattle who are exactly natural slaves)

>> No.19935332


>> No.19935340

this is true but most people who would agree with it are fit to be middle-managers at best

>> No.19935349

Okay, they wanna be neotenous white women.

Ultimately, they just end up looking like aliens a lot of the time.

>> No.19935356
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>Spengler asserts that democracy is simply the political weapon of money, and the media are the means through which money operates a democratic political system. The thorough penetration of money's power throughout a society is yet another marker of the shift from Culture to Civilization.

>Democracy and plutocracy are equivalent in Spengler's argument. The "tragic comedy of the world-improvers and freedom-teachers" is that they are simply assisting money to be more effective. The principles of equality, natural rights, universal suffrage, and freedom of the press are all disguises for class war (the bourgeois against the aristocracy). Freedom, to Spengler, is a negative concept, simply entailing the repudiation of any tradition. In reality, freedom of the press requires money, and entails ownership, thus serving money at the end. Suffrage involves electioneering, in which the donations rule the day. The ideologies espoused by candidates, whether Socialism or Liberalism, are set in motion by, and ultimately serve, only money. "Free" press does not spread free opinion—it generates opinion, Spengler maintains.

>Spengler admits that in his era money has already won, in the form of democracy. But in destroying the old elements of the Culture, it prepares the way for the rise of a new and overpowering figure: the Caesar. Before such a leader, money collapses, and in the Imperial Age the politics of money fades away.

>As soon as the election process becomes organized by political leaders, to the extent that money allows, the vote ceases to be truly significant. It is no more than a recorded opinion of the masses on the organizations of government over which they possess no positive influence whatsoever.

>Spengler notes that the greater the concentration of wealth in individuals, the more the fight for political power revolves around questions of money. One cannot even call this corruption or degeneracy, because this is in fact the necessary end of mature democratic systems.

>On the subject of the press, Spengler is equally contemptuous. Instead of conversations between men, the press and the "electrical news-service keep the waking-consciousness of whole people and continents under a deafening drum-fire of theses, catchwords, standpoints, scenes, feelings, day by day and year by year." Through the media, money is turned into force—the more spent, the more intense its influence.

>The only force which can counter money, in Spengler's estimation, is blood.

>> No.19935373

i disagree, we can never truly have insight into the thought processes of another. the description of a natural slave may be accurate from an external observation, but it is foolish to assume that people are thinking the way you think they are.

>> No.19935384

>Literature on the NPC phenomenon
Well, the NPC "phenomenon" is a /pol/tard literal meme and since /pol/tards don't read outside of a handful of fringe, obscure meme-books that appear on various x-pill meme-charts I would suggest consulting those.

>> No.19935391

Any books that will help me get a qt Japanese gf?

>> No.19935435

>And it doesn't explain the winter clothes thing.
and who the fuck are you to judge when people can and can't wear mittens lol. if your thought process is seriously "someone wore mittens on a day I didn't think it was appropriate to wear mittens, therefore, they are npcs that can't think for themselves and rely on the media to tell them how to behave", I've got bad news for you bud: you got a big case of the 'tism

>> No.19935501
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NPCs are people who will almost unconsciously conform to changes in their social environment.
They're swept up in the social current, essentially.

>> No.19935536

and how can you be sure they care one way or another about those changes and aren't just using them to some other end? An excellent example of this is the height of MeToo, when standards seemed to be changing by the day. From your perspective, these are npcs going with the flow, unable to think for themselves, having their opinions dictated to them by the media/elites. But imo they are far more likely to be either exploiting the current environment for their own gain, toeing the line to gain points of some kind, or staying silent altogether because they simply don't give a fuck. Without knowing the inner thoughts and motivations of people, it is impossible to prove there is such a thing as an npc.

>> No.19935549

She’s Korean.
Totally different thing.

>> No.19935788

Books on how to get a qt Korean gf?

>> No.19935899

gay kpop stans on twitter are npcs and particularly hating kpop more than american media makes you an npc

>> No.19935910

Very well put.
Its the fact that they can dramatically change themselves and their to whatever the new social trend is, and they are completely unconcious of the fact that they just changed.
The NPC is basically like an animal that has zero self awareness.

>> No.19935944

Not just conform. They will defend it like little agent smiths (whatever the content of the ideology the system currently upholds is of less importance than the social conformity aspect). The outraged church ladies of yore are today’s Twitter outrage mobs. Truly THEY are the conservatives. Names matter little. Liberals are today’s conservatives because they are hegemonic. See they clamor for censorship and wars in Syria and Ukraine to enforce global liberal hegemony.

>> No.19935977

The reason it became a meme is because it is true.

>> No.19935995


>> No.19936001

>muh /pol/
Kill yourself tranny.

>> No.19936011

Back to your redditor safespace, /lit/ is a /pol/ colony.

>> No.19936016

Kek you low IQ retard. If you think communism is feasible or would actually solve anything you deserve to be a wageslave pleb for the rest of your life.

>> No.19936486

>Like I said they are called idols
Yes they're being honest
>You are being deceived
Nobody is being "deceived" because they openly admit they are "idols". 20th century American pop music was deceitful, K-pop is not.
>Girls are raised like cattle
All musicians for most of history have been raised like cattle. Are you completely unaware of the classical tradition?
>We will be judged on our consumption choices
that I agree with

>> No.19936669 [DELETED] 

You and the libs both want to uphold the current systems of capital ownership which enables oligarchy. Besides culture war bullshit your goals and theirs are the same. Wedge issues like perspectives on covid and race relations are tools of distraction from class war.

>> No.19936696

You and the libs both want to uphold the current systems of capital ownership which enables oligarchy. Besides culture war bullshit your goals and theirs are the same. Wedge issues like perspectives on covid and race relations are tools of distraction from class war.

You might not agree with big pharma rn, but you don't want to seize big pharma and let the people decide how it's operated for the good of society instead of a few wealthy elites. This is why commies are chads and you are the true cuck boy.

>> No.19936714

Are there any books in English on the kpop phenomenon?

>> No.19936719
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Ellul, probably. His chapter on Human Techniques get into this.

>> No.19936728

4chan installed an NPC detector recently - if you're an NPC your posts end in singles

>> No.19936877
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>> No.19937308

Stirner and Nietzsche are the only ones I've come across that seriously deal with this. As for the rest. they are deluded by the prevaling atmosphere of humanism or are themselves NPCs.

>> No.19937378

Kpop is shitty music and so is Justin Bieber. If you enjoy that type of music, then you unironically have a low IQ. Pop music sucks ass, including most rock, rap, edm, country, etc. that you hear on the radio.
Of course, the women are hot.

>> No.19937417

lmao you have no idea what you're talking about.