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/lit/ - Literature

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19916480 No.19916480[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What do you think of his library?

>> No.19916566

what's up with the Gavals ?

>> No.19916576

Not literature. Just meme crap. Where's Jane Austen? Where's Hitler?
Also, Nick appears to be morphing into a literal hamburger.

>> No.19916588

Extremely based

>> No.19916634

This looks photoshopped. How small is Nick?

>> No.19916643

Tbh, it's pretty good for a kid his age.

>> No.19916646

>a kid his age
He looks about 30. Shelf looks like pol lit for american cons at any rate, ie utter trash.

>> No.19916651

>literally every book has clearly never been opened

>> No.19916654

Guarantee he’s only read 3 of them

>> No.19916680

>Shelf looks like pol lit for american cons at any rate, ie utter trash.
dilate tranny freak

>> No.19916684
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>It hasn't been opened because...it hasn't OKAY!!

>> No.19916698

This docu will be kino

>> No.19916707
File: 89 KB, 640x640, Nicholas J. Fuentes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nick Fuentes' favourite books 2017:

1. Modern Man in Search of a Soul
2. The Clash of Civilisations and the Remaking of the World Order by Samuel Huntington
3. The Death of the West by Pat Buchanan
4. The Decline of the West
5. Revolt Against the Modern World
6. Life of Christ by Fulton Sheen
7. Thus Spoke Zarathustra
8. Bowling Alone
9. From Dawn to Decadence: 500 Years of Western Cultural Life by Jacques Barzun
10. Reflections on the Revolution in France

>> No.19916718


>> No.19916748
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We will drink catboy cum like water!

>> No.19916752

He's in his mid-20s.

>> No.19916767

>Bell Curve
every time

>> No.19916772

>they are coming for what is ours
>everything is collapsing

>> No.19916788

A disproportionate number of manlets go into the alt-right. Why is that, some kinda compensating or projection

>> No.19916797


>> No.19916807

Shallow vague "le ebic grand narrative" nonsense, as expected. Would love for his to "discuss" any of the subjects and topics he peddles around with an actual expert in that field and get exposed like all pseuds like this
>2. The Clash of Civilisations and the Remaking of the World Order by Samuel Huntington

>> No.19916818
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>> No.19916823

The guy's a pseud. Unfortunately I used to take him seriously back in the day.

He's interesting to watch for different reasons these days. He's a transparently closeted homosexual who's grappling with a quarter-life crisis. His worldview is completely incoherent.

>> No.19916832

I'd be more interested in his uncle's library (A. Theroux).

>> No.19916833

>I used to take him seriously back in the day.
What changed?

>> No.19916837

Dont you understand anon they want to destroy us, they made us overthrow their governments and install dictators and teach them terrorism

>> No.19916843

he works for the powerful financial interests directing the rightwing movement

>> No.19916844

>>2. The Clash of Civilisations and the Remaking of the World Order by Samuel Huntington
Confirmed glowie asset

>> No.19916845

>Unfortunately I used to take him seriously back in the day.
same, I don't think he believes in what he preaches, he just tries too hard it sounds so fake, he is larping as a 50s conservative and not even a realistic one, but the one you see in ads and political propaganda at that time.

>> No.19916855

Christchurch, for the most part.

>> No.19916870

What about it?
Why would someone who used to watch Nick no longer do so after a shooting in New Zealand?

>> No.19916887

Wasn't that before he became a paleoconservative?

>> No.19916889

Same, except i became far right due to the paki rape gangs and constant islamic terror attacks

>> No.19916894

I think the Louis Theroux method of discrediting freaks by filming them until they have a meltdown is passe, but he makes it work. Modern counterpropaganda is see-no-evil.

>> No.19916896

I wasn't just watching Nick, I was basically a borderline Nazi by that time. I just wasn't really aware of what I was consuming, and when I saw the online response to it from the right I was kind of put off. Spent a year away from 4chan, came groveling back anyway because I don't know anything outside of this place and others like it.

>> No.19916898

You sound like a loser

>> No.19916903

>Reflections on the Revolution in France
This "book" is a 200 page long letter with zero chapters. It has a lot of interesting stuff, but is disorganized to say the least.

The pragmatic Liberal Conservatism of Burke inspired the managed reforms of Woodrow Wilson. Wilson also ironically invoked the phrase "America First" in his 1916 campaign. I doubt Mr Nutjob appreciates the irony.

>> No.19916907

You sound like a faggot, go watch your that autistic pedophile apologist Vaush tranny

>> No.19916912

lol I struck a nerve.
People like you who jump from one extremist ideology to the other are weird. unironically get medication.

>> No.19916917

In theory you're on the right board to fix that. The problem with most people who grow up on 4chan is that they have no frame of reference for reality beyond what they've learned here from memes, infographics, e-celebs, and for the rare few extremist books. Read real works of history, journalism, and literature to build up an independent frame of reference so you don't have to come back here to make sense of stuff.

>> No.19916921

If you want someone to get better you don't bully them. You may as well be asking him to surf alt-tech shitholes by your behavior.

>> No.19916933


I'm not that guy. I haven't jumped from "one extreme to the other". Tankies are retarded faggots.

I've read plenty since that time, I've done the whole "broaden your intellectual horizons!" self-improvement thing. Politics doesn't really endear itself to me beyond my very childish online engagement with it. I'm a selfish person, and I'm going to grow fat and die off the backs of poors in the global south who die stitching my sweaters.

>> No.19916935

I don't really care and I don't think I can help someone like him get better.
The internet is filled with people who go from extreme to extreme. Maybe you can overlook it if they're very young but I doubt it.
And if he thinks Nick is 'borderline nazi' he still is confused about what that is.

>> No.19916940

Struck a nerve with that faggot, you're probably a commie and he's a nazi, two dumb brainwashed extremist faggots, you're no different

>> No.19916941

I'm neither.

>> No.19916944

>borderline nazi
What would you call him? I'd just say internet racist.

>> No.19916948

who? louis theroux or the guy wearing a hat indoors?
i'd imagine louis has a pretty good library given that several members of his family are well known writers

>> No.19916949

Internet racist, sure. Old fashioned conservative perhaps. Not very found of democracy and with more of a focus on order and socially anti-liberal.
Not borderline nazi.

>> No.19916971

I think you're giving him a very positive portrayal. "Old fashioned conservative" is a really nice thing to call a college dropout who runs a podcast. Borderline nazi gets closer to the truth given his overt racism and Holocaust revisionism.

>> No.19916972

>those people we radicalized and trained in terrorism are doing their thing
>we have to become fascists to combat this
>its passe to film people uninterrupted and let them spout their gibberish unimpeded
there is a lot more to leftwing politics than tankies, or 4chans inane belief that "corporations are lefting"
Read Chomsky
>he pointed out the central hypocrisy of my philosophy so I must have struck a nerve
I came to 4chan already leftwing

>> No.19916987

"internet racist" would be a kid play CoD who cant stop saying the gamer word
How does "old fashioned conservative" fit into all that, just how do you define that?
And what order? Order for who? Order for those with wealth and power that have constructed this shit and told these fools that maybe they'll get a few breadcrumbs to trickling down.

>> No.19917006

>Borderline nazi gets closer to the truth given his overt racism and Holocaust revisionism.
please don't lump him in with us, he lacks the ideological courage to tackle such issues head on and instead relies on irony, memes, and ambiguity to keep up his grift. Authenticity is the generational problem of the zoomers and Fuentes is prime example why someone shouldn't literally LARP as a political leader until they're 30 or so.

>> No.19917018

his tryhard internet memer taste is only counterbalanced by how hilariously seething the losers itt are

>> No.19917030

mental illness moment

>> No.19917033

loser itt hilarious seething is only counterbalanced by how tryhard your post is

>> No.19917037

>Read Chomsky

>> No.19917047
File: 143 KB, 976x649, _123115894_24348788-high_res-louis-theroux-forbidden-america.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His library is one-sided and undereducated. If you hate Marx, read Marx so you can hate him properly.

I see not a single classical work of philosophy on his shelf, nor a single work of classic literature. It is mostly a pulpy mass of punditry and polemics, which admittedly is very fitting for self-proclaimed american "conservatives".

What I do see however, in a non-cropped picture, is the most beautiful encapsulation of the irony of the american "conservative" movement. To the right of Theroux, you see a silver crucifix right next to collection of cheap plastic trinkets, most notably what appears to be an action figurine of Ronald Reagan doing a salute. This mixture of the basest of trinkets and the symbol of holiness is aptly placed directly below "The Decline of the West" by Spengler, the only book on the entire shelf that arguably has at least some philosophical merit.

>> No.19917051

why is this child wearing a suit

>> No.19917070

Based. There is no such thing as a conservative. Every single instance of someone proclaiming themselves a conservative of the past 50 years is actually just a retarded whore of mammon praising holiness and transcendent values in words while doing nothing but sucking the demon cock of mammon in every single action they take.

>> No.19917071

decent post

>> No.19917093

>What I do see however, in a non-cropped picture, is the most beautiful encapsulation of the irony of the american "conservative" movement. To the right of Theroux, you see a silver crucifix right next to collection of cheap plastic trinkets, most notably what appears to be an action figurine of Ronald Reagan doing a salute. This mixture of the basest of trinkets and the symbol of holiness is aptly placed directly below "The Decline of the West" by Spengler, the only book on the entire shelf that arguably has at least some philosophical merit.

You could've just said you're autistic and huge homosexual

>> No.19917120

>pointed out the central hypocrisy of my philosophy
He called me a faggot who watches tranny Vaush. Are you mentally ill?

As in the view conservatives of a few decades ago had about social issues. Order as opposed to what is happening in various parts in the country. Where people who should be in jail for various behaviour are instead let out to immediately commit crime again.

>Order for those with wealth and power that have constructed this shit
Not sure how you came up with that. The wealthy people and institutions have clearly picked a side with the left socially economic liberal camp. That's how they remain in power, give breadcrumbs to the blacks/gays etc. Then no one really gives a shit how houses are unaffordable and the U.S being involved in foreign countries.

>> No.19917124


Stream here in like 7-ish hours.

>> No.19917126

>people took this spic seriously at any point in time
Cant wait for the mutts to rip themselves apart. books for this?

>> No.19917134

>I wasn't just watching Nick, I was basically a borderline Nazi by that time. I just wasn't really aware of what I was consuming, and when I saw the online response to it from the right I was kind of put off. Spent a year away from 4chan, came groveling back anyway because I don't know anything outside of this place and others like it.
You never went to /pol/Lit/ threads?

You never read a single fucking /pol/ essential book recomendations?

What a fucking pleb.

>> No.19917142

Its very funny, so many idiots nowadays reading "decline of the west" without the background of historical and cultural knowledge from around the world that is necessary to fully understand it. Not to mention it basically dispels any form of "cultural superiority" or "conservatism" people like this fag spouts.
I disagree with much of the book because I despise these "theory of civilization" type ramblings and Spengler himself was limited by the historical knowledge available to him. So Most of his takes regarding cultures outside the "west" are sometimes flat out wrong. But I at least respect it as an obvious work of real thought
I really wonder how these idiots interpret so much of what flies over their heads

>> No.19917147

I read a bit of lolbert stuff, that's about it. Hoppe and a few others I've forgotten about.

>> No.19917170

I think you're a liar

>> No.19917385

No, I'm real. Don't know how I could convince you though.

I got into all this shit through ibs etc.

>> No.19917878

we need some sperg to make a list of all the books in his library and then make it into a book chart. in the coming documentary they are obviously going to show more angles of his bookshelf so be ready. there is also a possibility he hid some books from display; the more "important," "influential," or "not optical" books most likely. nick is a man that thinks about everything he does so keep that in mind as well. I've been trying for YEARS to get him to recommend books over superchats but he's always refused.

>> No.19917908

Have you read Pinheads and Patriots?

>> No.19917919

It's a bobblehead of himself.

>> No.19917920

of course, that's currently the only book on my shelf

>> No.19917928 [SPOILER] 
File: 169 KB, 1400x1050, 1644772544327.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why is this child wearing a suit
would you prefer an intellectual giant, like Ben Shapiro

>> No.19918129

>not recognizing the B&N copy of TBK
Stop trying so hard to sound sophisticated in your seething at the rival political sports team.

>> No.19918164

Turning into a hamburger is the fate of all Hispanics that are assimilated into the American zeitgeist

>> No.19918174

why is he doing the same finger thing that isis do?

>> No.19918191

>Read Chomsky
The guy who's not at all a leftist and votes Democrat?

>> No.19918203

Let's be honest, these kind of faggots only read Decline of the West because of the title.

>> No.19918237

>The guy who's not at all a leftist and votes Democrat
What is he supposed to do when there's only two choices? Organize a Communist revolution all by himself?

>> No.19918244


>> No.19918246

>truth given his overt racism and Holocaust revisionism.
he isn't racist, just Italian.

>> No.19918254

Not voting for the ultra capitalist corpo-worshippers would be a start.

>> No.19918263

And Mexican.

>> No.19918272

How is that a start when there are zero "ultra capitalist corpo-worshippers" on the table who can win elections to begin with?

>> No.19918313

>He's in his mid-20s.
God, I hope not, we are the same age. Have my early 20s come and gone?

>> No.19918323

Well, there's your answer. Don't vote.

>> No.19918326

Cant see it with that retards overaged faggot head in the way and the gay out of focus because he needs to show off his cardboard boyfriend. Probably a lot of crap he will never read for posturing to his audience i presume

>> No.19918330

He's 23, that's early 20s.

>> No.19918334

Is that Ram Z Paul by the way??

>> No.19918367

how to bomb the US government spotted

>> No.19918384

I though his favorite book was thus spoke zarathustra

>> No.19918387

>rightoid funko pops and Jesus section of the shelf
you cannot make this shit up, holy fuck

>> No.19918409

there's not a single funko pop there

>> No.19919000
File: 2.43 MB, 1353x1327, Ellul Propaganda Herme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You gotta read. Read moar.
I'm back ; here check these out.

Reviving the Living: Meaning Making in Living Systems

Rise of The Network Society

CASTELLS Comunication Power


PDF: Autopoiesis and Cognition



The Structure of Magic Vol-1 by Richard Bandler and John Grinder

The Structure of Magic Vol-2 by Richard Bandler and John Grinder

>> No.19919019


Airing soon! Get in here!

>> No.19919034


Positive Desintegration; Dabrowski.

>> No.19919040

>t.tranny abuser

>> No.19919214
File: 61 KB, 417x447, levola.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19919224


>> No.19919238

Do you have some bobbleheads anon?

>> No.19919391

>If you hate Marx, read Marx so you can hate him properly.
nah commie lol

>> No.19919522

That episode was kamedy gold.

>> No.19919595

If you're under 30, you don't know shit about politics or the world. There's a reason you aren't allowed to run for a president in your 20s.

>> No.19919616

ok boomer

>> No.19919626

>His library is one-sided and undereducated. If you hate Marx, read Marx so you can hate him properly.
>You have to step in shit to know its bad

>> No.19919638


I see Inferno to the left of The Bell Curve. Can't tell if it's Dante.

>> No.19920492

sounds like you are easily influenced.
no need to be a nazi just because you post on 4chan.

>> No.19920646

he's got a copy of the mde book.


>> No.19920664

The Louis Thejeux interview that makes my blood boil the most is where he clearly antagonized Eugene Terre'Blanche by acting like a fucking weird retard for 3 hours and then cut it down to 3 minutes of Terre'Blanche explaining VERY specific things after what were obviously VERY specific requests by Louis, but with no context so it just looks like he's a ranting raving guy. That fucking conniving little propagandist is a disgrace to real journalism and will burn in hell.

Poor Terre'Blanche, he was just a deluded crazy person with a crazy conspiracy theory about black violence against white farmers in South A-
>Terre'Blanche, who had lived in relative obscurity since the decline of his organisation,[64] was murdered on his farm Villana, just outside Ventersdorp, on 3 April 2010. He was beaten to death with pipes and pangas (machetes) whilst napping. His body was found on his bed with facial and head injuries.[65]
>Chris Mahlangu's announcement to other farm workers that he was "now their boss" fuelled suspicions that the murder was politically motivated.[75] The murder took place amid a racial controversy in South Africa involving the singing of a song by African National Congress Youth League leader Julius Malema,[64][66] which includes the lyrics "Shoot the Boer" ("Dubul' ibhunu").[71][76]
>Terre'Blanche's murder has been linked to attacks on farmers in South Africa.[81][82][83]

>> No.19920939

All it takes is one 6'1 to join, and BOOM we are all 7 inches taller.

>> No.19920962

holy cringe. I doubt he's even read any of this.

>> No.19920977

>Read Chomsky

>> No.19921021

What's with all the pundit meme shit? I'd honesty rather his shelf was full of unopened classics since at least he would be *trying* to seem smart then. The only book on there I would even consider reading is the Benjamin Franklin biography.

>> No.19921244

Fuck the mold bug, but read Curtis

T.post ancom absurdist

>> No.19921363

Theroux can be surprisingly close-minded for someone whose journalistic ethos rests on being the "neutral 3rd party" kind of guy. When the message is something simple and obvious like "Gambling is bad", it works because the situation is simple enough to capture in a short documentary. But every issue is assumed to be as simple as this even when it's not, like the South Africa situation. So the effect is that Louis becomes a mouthpiece for mainstream media, conveying the BBC-approved take on every issue and never having to seriously defend his views since his opponents are usually dumbasses like the skinheads in the neo-nazi episode or Baked Alaska. I think the BBC genuinely gaffed setting him up with Terre'Blanche because whenever Theroux makes a political point, he's supposed to be obviously in the right. So when you have a guy who can competently argue back, it looks weird because Theroux's enemies are supposed to be dumbasses. Usually this is innocuous, but this case really proves how Theroux's takes (which is really the establishment takes) can be ignorant and almost apathetic to their consequences. Maybe Louis does feel bad about what happened to Terre'Blanche, but even if he reversed stances after that the damage was already done.

>> No.19921487

You're all a bunch of pseud aspies. To not see the irony in demanding a reinassance man par none lead the fringe right when the presidency of the most powerful nation in the world is permissibly ran by a clinically disabled dementia patient is telling. No - that the legacy of power in this country has for the last 70 years been preserved by midwits with not a lick of classical education, but that its almost intolerable that one man with an IQ higher than (especially nowadays) most of this board cannot be allowed to succeed as much as he has, says much.

>> No.19921500

Why on earth would that change your beliefs?
You either have a belief or you don't. What someone else does because he's a retard has no bearing on you. Do you think Hitler would actually have liked that retard who shot randoms and kids?

>> No.19921507

Is that Sophie?

>> No.19921532

Quintessential pseud post. Owning a sentimental bobble head trinket nullifies your religious sincerity? Breathe through your nose retard, that's on Breezewood levels of reactionary puritanism. The fumes from the cum rags under your bed corrode your books at night, hows that for a mixture of dissonant symbolism.

>> No.19921548

Not him & I have no horse in this race, but you have to admit that having a bobblehead hula gorl on your dashboard is both tasteful and charming.

>> No.19921559

He's right you know. You see the same things come and go a couple of times, have your youthful idealism roughly fisted a couple of times, it gets you thinking.

>> No.19921630

Seethe harder.

>> No.19921640

wow great documentary keep them coming

>> No.19921672

hes 5'8"1/2

the reporter is just 6'2" or 6'3" he made beardson look like a midget.

>> No.19921676

this was what made him a paleoconservative

>> No.19921681


>> No.19921831

>excellent and concise perception and observation that ridicules manlet in chief of the groypers
>no end of seething groypers in the comments
extraordinarily based

>> No.19921955

I genuinely thought that was one of those 'please be patient, I have autism' hats

>> No.19921998


>> No.19922019

>trying* to seem smart then
He's at a level of intelligence where he believes the pundit shit signals intelligence

>> No.19922025

>To not see the irony in demanding a reinassance man par none
I see more varied and interesting collection of books by the average history or philosophy student compared to this shit
You're just signaling your retard political motivations clouding your standards
>one man with an IQ higher than (especially nowadays) most of this board
I find IQ to be largely bullshit, but if I was going to work within its parameters I would say his iq is almost definitely between 115 and 120

>> No.19922040

He fell for a glowie psyop
Many such cases

>> No.19922047

>the paki rape gangs and constant islamic terror attacks
*drone strikes, invades, debt enslaves, and funds militants in another country*

>> No.19922113

don't care, not /lit/

>> No.19922208

>Read Chomsky
Based status quo enjoyer

>> No.19922318

kek I love when people try to shit on some political movement like this and they just end up making themselves seems like sad retards

>> No.19922386

Anyone who cares about politics is retarded, don't pretend like you are above this.

>> No.19922451

docu was kino
Nick and Baked did well, manlet beard came off as a loser.

>> No.19922465

>therefore, rape justified and multiculti good.

>> No.19922473

homie really doesn't want to delve into any other viewpoints than his own, wow

>> No.19922514

They all were cringy as fuck to be honest. Imagine being an unironic incel and meme spouting sperg on national television.

>> No.19922516

Being 22 and having senators and congressmen come to an event you set up yourself?
Yeah very cringe

>> No.19922525

No, therefore I wouldn't be so confident to get on a soapbox and start preaching monolith morality

>> No.19922536

Kek, always surprised seeing unironic fans of this retard.
>22 and having senators and congressmen come to an event
Sounds cringe

>> No.19922540

You're not very convincing.
Are you millionaire yet or do you not bother with cringe things like money?

>> No.19923049

>diss pol
>get called a tranny
you must be 18 or older to post on 4chan

>> No.19923120

Didnt stop Alexander from taking over the known world at 27 retard

>> No.19923139

>I haven't read these but the titles and authors sound cool and like they fit my narrative

All E celebs are grifters and this one is also a fucking teenager.

>> No.19923415

The guy on the right looks like the chud meme.

>> No.19923530

oh yeah, the glorified cartoon character from the antique is most modern guys in their 20s

>> No.19923647

NIck Fuentes is a faggot and his zoomer following needs to be culled from existence. A blight upon the political scene.

>> No.19924143

This thread reminded me how retarded this board is.

>> No.19925182

>You're not very convincing.
I thought the same about the master your simp over
>Are you millionaire yet or do you not bother with cringe things like money?
So THIS is the power of so called "right wing" internet zoomers? They are attempting to conflate their little political orgies of troglodytes with money and the power it brings?
Or am I speaking to a child who got fleeced by this mexican streamer for cash and is now trying to justify the whole situation?

>> No.19925204

It's hard to tell whether his net effect is good or bad. He has done a lot to shift the overton window of zoomers toward racial realism, ethnonationalism, and criticism of Jewish influence. A lot of the zoomers he reaches are people who can only interact with the internet through social media, they can't be expected to read or think very much (at least not until they're older). So he may be reaching an audience that would otherwise drift by sheer inertia into the standard complacency traps of late liberalism.

It only stands to reason that an emissary to the zoomers would have to be a manic zoomer himself with the soul of a "streamer." Some of the shit he's doing, inconsistently punching right at "wignats," is stupid, but a lot of the wignats ARE retarded stormfront boomers, the right's equivalent of discord trannies who do more damage to it than good.

Personally I think his ideology is too thin to do much long term damage to the right's worldview, and he's pushing people toward fascist metapolitics regardless of what he says. The way he organises is also a model and interesting pilot program for populist organisers who might come later, or he might himself become more radical later on, who knows. Overall I think his specific message will be absorbed in the wider right wing movement, but his actual praxis is galvanising and accelerating that movement, so it's a net win for the right.

>> No.19925286

Why is the entire Theroux doc just quibbling over whether or not it's right to call him White Nationalist? Yeah the media could use it to slander him if he says, "Yes we are white nationalists", but it's not like any potential fans of him will be deterred by seeing the label, and once people find out what AF is really about they're not going to care whether or not they accept the label since it's obvious what they believe.

It just seems like another case of media stupidity