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19916221 No.19916221 [Reply] [Original]

Are the leftists that read this actually interested in what the book says?

Or do they start reading it with the mentality of
>I'm deboooking it's racist
Because it contradicts their world view

>> No.19916315

It’s been refuted
IQ is an idiot test, a measure of no man.
Irrelevant. But yeah, the author is a crypto racist.

>> No.19916327

What exactly has been refuted?

>> No.19916387
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>What exactly has been refuted?

>> No.19916402

>a measure of no man.
Are you implying niggers are not men?

>> No.19916445

So what has been refuted?

>> No.19916448
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>le controversial best seller

>> No.19916483

it's not necessary to try and refute the empirical arguments laid out in the book. I think the conclusion is dumb:
if you are stupid -> you will have a higher probability to be poor
if you are black -> the probability of you being stupid and therefore poor is higher

yet, the argument should be thought in the opposite direction. how can poorness affect intelligence? how can lack of education affect intelligence?
also trying to prove genealogical inheritance for (lack of) intelligence, your arguments would need to have strong empirical data. it's hard to find "the stupid gene", but even without it, you'd have to prove that culture, economic status, etc. wouldn't affect the data. that's also hard, but we already know how those affect human intelligence in general, therefore it's an "easier"(less complex and less defisive) issue to deal with. and even if DNA affects the human intelligence, it would certainly be to such a small degree that the "nurture" side is far more significant

>> No.19916508

also, I think that DNA only strongly affects intelligence on both extremes. eg. a retard or a hyper autistic intelligent person are affected by their genetics, but most of the population will just randomly fall near the statistical mean. n

>> No.19916550

I see what youre trying to do with that reversal, but you have to keep in mind that IQ is determined by the environment only up to a point. Most estimates say that IQ has around 0.7 of heritability, which means environment has a relatively small area of influence and your question about how does poorness affects IQ has less of an explanatory power than the opposite question "how does IQ determines your environment".

>> No.19916783
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>It’s been refuted
>Provides no source

>> No.19916827
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Prepare to be intellectually raped:
Furthermore, your supposed "arguments" lack basic emperircal data, and are therefore of no value.

>> No.19917041

uhm based

>> No.19917097

why are you spamming this shit like it's a JF race realist debate

also all of the (((data))) comes from jews. I stopped trusting "science" since the covid hoax

>> No.19917137

their entire worldview is based on gaslighting, hiding facts and numbers and misrepresenting data in general, it really is that easy to make these faggot leftisst crumble

>> No.19917141

>why are you spamming this shit like it's a JF race realist debate
>also all of the (((data))) comes from jews. I stopped trusting "science" since the covid hoax
back to leftypol with you false flagging tranny

>> No.19917196

A book for individuals who read to confirm their prejudices and get their egos stroked. As such, it is useful in as much as it identifies worthless cunts.

>> No.19917201
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>it's this thread again
>this exact thread
>the words might be nominally different
>but it's this fucking thread again

>> No.19917231

stfu jabtard

>> No.19917245

These threads are consistently the lowest quality on the board. It's fortunate, in a sense, because the easily-accessible topic, with which everyone is aware and opinionated, can conveniently be tied into DA JOOZ, thus acting as a lightning-rod for idiots who got lost on their way to /pol/.

>> No.19917253

bell curve and vaccine bullshit in the same thread
wow and i thought intersectionalism was just for black feminists
add in some stuff about 5g or the loch ness monster and you can really get something going

>> No.19917279

certified reddit post

>> No.19917283

>certified retard post

>> No.19917295

reddit yes that's a good one
why don't you sperg out a bit about how 4chan is being "raided" or something
that should go down well with the other mouthbreathers

>> No.19917303

>reddit yes that's a good one
certified cringe moment

>> No.19917316

IQ you illiterate cunt

>> No.19917317

Want to know how I know the Americans and Canadians are waking up?

>> No.19917362


>> No.19917390

>It’s been refuted
Try looking into this even a little bit, lmao. Start with the validity of IQ as a measure of intelligence.

>> No.19917478

>i'm on here a lot and i expect everything to be curated for me
fuck off

>> No.19917605

>babbles on like a retard
No you're not that smart, bell curve has never been refuted

>> No.19917615

this site and boards are constantly getting raided by faggot commies from leftypol, resetera and discord tranny communities
Who exactly are you kidding faggot? Fuck off my board already

>> No.19917626

IQ has been refuted?
Is the new commie cope
Cause we know damn well if niggers had the higher iq than whites you faggots wouldn't even bother obsessing over the bell curve and "deboonking" your whole world revolves around loving niggers and coddling them, it's truly pathetic

>> No.19917643

What's your artistic intelligence quotient? How about your creativity quotient? Your applied-intelligence quotient? What is the precise mechanism by which testable IQ interacts with all of these things? Remember: be specific.

>> No.19917712

jesus fuck anon maybe stop filling your posts with every fucking 4chan buzzword you know huh
cringe cope seethe deboonk dilate wah wah wah oh god fuck off

>> No.19917714

Your general IQ is important because it predicts a lot of important things (success in education, financial status etc.) because it actually exists as an separate factor. Your types of knowledge do not even exist as separate realities thats why they arent takes seriously and are used only as a cope for those who fear the simple fact that general intelligence exists.

>> No.19917723

lol there is no connection between iq and financial status

>> No.19917732

Well, if IQ is so important, take it from someone who has a 99.97% chance of being smarter than you: your argument is dogshit and IQ falls apart under even rudimentary scrutiny. What, explain? Why bother? I'm just smarter than you are.

>> No.19917746

Post your IQ you fucking coward.

>> No.19917773

IQ is real if I get to use it to dunk on rightoids. Simple as

>> No.19917786

Seethe and cope, commie cunt. IQ is the ability of problem solving, that simple.

>> No.19917789
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Shaun BreadTube watcher detected.

TBC hasn't actually been refuted, just attacked from an angle of shifting the burden of proof.
"You can't say this is genetic until we do every possible study on every possible environmental
variable to rule it out". Yeah OK buddy there's a microscopic teapot that cannot be detected with modern instruments orbiting fucking Pluto, prove me wrong. The burden of proof is heavily reliant on verifiability. To expect "someone else" to do an infinite amount of studies on the infinite amount of potential external environmental factors just because the Occam's razor explanation is not politically correct is beyond retarded. Every single "refutation" of TBC relies on this braindead grift at some point. Sorry woketards, that's not how evidence works. Return to leddit.

>> No.19917809
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Bildung > Intelligence

>> No.19917822
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Blacks and leftards are notoriously low in this trait, which is clearly liked to IQ. That's wjy they seethe so much about it.

>> No.19917831

I've solved the problem of IQ. Take it from me, who, at twelve years old and without any test prep, scored higher than 99% of graduating seniors on the SAT. I'm telling you, from my lofty and esteemable position at the far right end of your vaunted bell curve, that I've given this problem a lot of thought. I have solved it, and I would say that IQ has too many methodological errors to be taken seriously. In addition, what little it DOES actually prove beyond infinitely fungible, post hoc interpretations of raw data by fallible human beings, is almost exclusively out of scope with claims made, both explicit and allusive, within this thread and elsewhere.

So, what now? Am I lying? Am I just fucking with you? Do I, from my position at least two standard deviations "above" you, have the ability to perceive and understand the world in levels of nuance and detail and, yes, beauty, that you'll forever be incapable of? Your choice what you want to believe, my dudes. I don't care either way. About any of it, honestly. Knock yourselves out, but please try to avoid burning the entire fucking world down in the process... at least until I've finished my book.

>> No.19917897

Yes there is, read up any relevant literature on this topic

>> No.19917907

It has to be Bildung AND intelligence, those who are naturally more intelligent have to be separated from those who arent and put in the harshest Bildung environment possible

>> No.19917933

You write like a manipulative woman, if you were as smart as you say you would understand that no one would buy into what one smart unproffesional random person thinks about IQ versus thousands of scientists who have dedicated their whole lives to specialize in one topic. Please kys

>> No.19917937

How do you feel about climate change?

>> No.19917956

I think its real and is intensified by humans, why you ask?

>> No.19917964

Low effort gotcha. I agree we should trust the science, but I think the editorializing

>> No.19917971

And subsequent policy change isn’t strictly relegated to the realm of scientists but also ethicists and political theorists. I’ve never read the Bell Curve, but I will along with what seem to be the most prominent arguments against it. Prima Facie stance is that IQ has much more to do with context as opposed to immutable features of the subject themselves but what do I know?

>> No.19917974


>> No.19917997

Well no one is arguing that subsequent changes should be left to the sciences. And its a consensus among todays scientists that general IQ has a big hereditary part, so it would be rational to believe in it rather than react negatively just because the opposite tribe benefits more from this truth. Else, you act like those who dont believe in climate change, just because it aligned more with liberal and leftist point of view.

>> No.19918349

good post

>> No.19918398

Anyone who thinks otherwise, and considers intelligence superior to Bildung should try swinging by a mensa meeting.

>> No.19918403

Broke retard hands wrote this post.

>> No.19918411

Academic mongs like to believe this.

In the end their "Bildung" is mostly "Einbildung".

>> No.19918416

>Academic mongs like to believe this.

I should know by the way.
I am one.

>> No.19918426

peak midwit tier post

>> No.19918480

lol you wish
The biggest retards I have ever known were the ones that heavily relied on their specific field of expertise in literally everything they did, instead of just showing a grain of intellectual adaptability.

These were the kinda academic retards that would start drawing up diagrams and models of how people should sit around a table, because additional people would join for lunch.

>> No.19918519

The same people had incredible problems explaining stuff and wrapping their minds around the thoughts of others by the way.

This is especially annoying in software development where everything revolves around lining up your thoughts with the abstractions of coworkers.

>> No.19918702

But that's were you're wrong. Bildung is more about refinement, abstract thought, cultural literacy and general knowledge, than just NPCs memorizing shit they read in some books.

>> No.19918710

>quoting a post twice
I'm stupid. I know.

>> No.19918839

Chrles Murray is not really a crypto racist, he was into the whole KKK fratboy scene back in the 60s. Even helped his friends burn a cross.

>> No.19918991

>even if DNA affects the human intelligence, it would certainly be to such a small degree that the "nurture" side is far more significant
What do you base that on? The actual truth is the exact opposite, genetics determine your intelligence entirely, minus deleterious environmental effects such as eating lead paint or huffing mercury fumes as a child.

>> No.19919007

>measure of no man
It is a measure of a very specific types of intelligence that correlates roughly enough to success along a certain ratio.
It never claims that IQ is the only thing that matters in human life. That is a delusion by radicals on both sides because they're very unintelligent.

>> No.19919108

Is OP interested in discussing literature with this thread?
Or did he just run out of cocks to suck?

With that out of the way, "The bell curve" is a book for losers: no man with any accomplishments whatsoever to his name will tell you "yep, it's all thanks to my good genes!", even the most gifted athletes have to train hard for years and years to get to the top, and even the very assumption that high IQ is automatically a desirable trait is laughable if you know about MENSA or Israel.
Basically, it's a book that appeals to the kind of american white trash that can't even imagine that american niggers and african niggers might be retarded in different ways because of their completely different cultures (despite their pretty much identical genes).

>> No.19919111

Race isn't even mentioned in it.

>> No.19919112

The new genetics of intelligence
>Recent genome-wide association studies have successfully identified inherited genome sequence differences that account for 20% of the 50% heritability of intelligence.

They base that information on a chimera, because there is none. For a group that extol science, genetics seem to be their Achilles heel. Here is another study on brain size and intelligence. Remember brain size differs among the different races. Even now we have couples using polygenic screening to select embryos. The study of genetics and intelligence seem to indicate the veracity of Murray's claims.

A Polygenic Score for Higher Educational Attainment is Associated with Larger Brains

>> No.19919280

>muh charts!

>> No.19919909

Bildung is literally the german word for education though.
If this is another /tv/ tier "kino" meme I wouldn't know, but around here we have the saying "Einbildung ist auch eine Form der Bildung" meaning, "Smugness is also a form of education".

Vice versa you will find a lot of highly educated people who are extremely smug but lack general intelligence and sense of pragmaticism.

>> No.19919990
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>> No.19920043

>It's been refuted
By who?
Let me guess liberal "scientists" twice as biased as the people who wrote this book