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19906237 No.19906237 [Reply] [Original]

Did any of you read it? what does /lit/ think of it?

>> No.19906251

No, did you? I watched the show.

>> No.19906258

The show was absolutely great, but Anime always has it's own flavour compared to what they adapt, I'm pretty LoGH novels are completely different in tone, I wanna check if worth the read for an anime pleb

>> No.19906372


>> No.19906379

/lit/ are really plebs huh, or too obsessed with reading all the edgy Nietzsche and other german nihilism bullshit first

>> No.19906393

I didn't realise that the novels were translated, I'll read it soon
The anime sounded neat but I don't like watching anime

>> No.19906418

>but I don't like watching anime
Why? You are missing quite a lot

>> No.19906424

I just find it slow and the animation doesn't really add much in my opinion

>> No.19906432

For me I used to consume anime like a rapid dog
Then I started reading manga which ruined anime for me(found it slow,annoying and what not)
And then got into reading lit which somehow ruined reading mango too

>> No.19906439

Also I think opening this thread on /a/ might give more helpful replies

>> No.19906495

the translation itself is not that great but there are small worldbuilding details such as how do simulate 24 hour days on starships and planets with varying rotations. and more fleshed out histories for characters.
Dusty Attenborough is not a character in the novels.

>> No.19906532

Would you prefer the novel over the anime

>> No.19907029

I don't like fujoshit, so no.

>> No.19907122

> edgy Nietzsche and other german nihilism bullshit
Wow so just like LoGH?

>> No.19907652


>> No.19907732

Great show, pretty garbage book.

>> No.19907736

it's okay, about as good as asimov's foundation series

>> No.19907762
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It's alright, I kind of imagine it in cooler aesthetics than in the show which makes it more fun. I'm on Dawn and they still have yet to describe how the ships look like and how they simulate gravity though. And Iserlorn lacked description too. But Oberstein is still based and does nothing wrong throughout the whole series.

It's very easy to read too, a great book for young adults.

>> No.19908774

Seriously? loved Dusty in the og show

>> No.19908948

OP is talking about the novels. LoGH was originally a novel series. And the new anime is the second adaptation, the original adaptation that everyone talks about is from the 80s-90s.

>> No.19909118

Fuck is it really mediocre? the anime was fucking good

>> No.19909142

The show is so good it made it impossible to watch other anime. I haven't read the books because an anon on /lit/ told me the translations were bad.

>> No.19909160

I did. The translation was dull and I thought that removing the extra elements that animation brings really hurt the quality of the story. I tried up till the first book by a different translator just in case it was purely down to the first guy, but the flaws were still there.

>> No.19909177

The translation butchered it a bit. Still readable but while the anime is a classic and probably the best of its genre, the books are simply just good.

>> No.19909202

It's mediocre genre fiction in the grand scheme of literature, which tells you all you need to know about how putrid dogshit anime and manga is if it's able to destroy 99% of it all in terms of storytelling and characterization. It's still visually mediocre though, would much rather prefer to rewatch a Ghibli or Yuasa over it any day.

>> No.19909277

This series very nicely fills a certain space opera niche that almost no others have for me. These aren't light novels. It's a Japanese SF series. How much difference that makes is a matter of debate though. There are 10 books in the series. The anime OVA is better, though it is rather slow to start It's difficult to say whether the TV series is better or not because it was my third time with the material, but I lean towards that the adapted works tend to have slight edge at least. As with any translated work of this nature, it's certainly not be to be read for the prose and there are some rough patches and mistakes because paying a translator, editor, and proofreader to do a suitable job isn't their highest priority.

>> No.19909514

filtered midwit

>> No.19910058

The books actually do a good job of showing Yang's contempt for how ineffectual the FPA is. In the anime he always came off as meek or apathetic when criticizing them.

>> No.19910061

He is in the novels but he doesn't show up till several volumes in.

>> No.19910417

Lovely, I will probs be buying these...

>> No.19910501

Loved the books. Good luck getting new copies of the series though.