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/lit/ - Literature

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19898310 No.19898310 [Reply] [Original]

Everything is going to be alright edition
Previous thread >>19887398

For Prose:
>The Art of Fiction, Gardner
>The Anatomy of Story, Truby
>Story Genius: How to Use Brain Science to Go Beyond Outlining and Write a Riveting Novel (Before You Waste Three Years Writing 327 Pages That Go Nowhere)
>On Becoming A Novelist
>The First Five Pages
>Writing Fiction: A Guide to Narrative Craft
>How Fiction Works
>The Rhetoric of Fiction
>Steering the Craft
>On Writing, Borges

For Poetry:
>The Poetry Home Repair Manual
>Western Wind: An Introduction to Poetry
>This Craft of Verse, Borges

Related Material:
>What Editors Do
>A Student's Introduction to English Grammar
>Garner's Modern English Usage

Suggested books on storytelling:
>The Weekend Novelist
>Aristotle's Poetics
>Hero With a Thousand Faces
>Romance the Beat

Traditional publishing
> Formatting manuscript

list of /wg/ authors pastebin and anonymous flash fiction anthology

>> No.19898315

No one writes in /wg/.

>> No.19898325

yea they do, just genre fiction though

>> No.19898349
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You are going to write.
You are going to improve little by little every day.
You will actively seek critiques.
You will better your plot, characters, setting, and themes.
You will make it.

>> No.19898364
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I am unironically debating beginning a litGSG (grand strategy game) project. Could this be the next 200k patreon hit?

A lot of hurdles in form/structure however. I'll need to pack a lot of raw data on unit composition, map placement, and tech trees.

>> No.19898365

Burgerpunk is beyond genre fiction. It is the manifestation of pain upon the page. It is the horror of the modern human condition commodified in words. It is utter shit. I give up. You’re probably right. Never mind. Sorry. I’ll stop.

>> No.19898378

>Wendy's: your mental breakdown goes better with a Baconator

>> No.19898389

You're gonna have to explain your idea further

>> No.19898406

>LitRPGs make thousands on patreon
Okay fuck you guys I'm writing a LitRPG.

>> No.19898417

What the fuck is even a litRPG

>> No.19898418

>looking at the top 1% and thinking you're going to be a part of that
You're no different than the idiots who lose money on crypto. Those fags make bank because they got in early, were lucky, or some combination of the two. (You) will not see those results.

>> No.19898419

Am I allowed to write about opposing tyranny after doing nothing meaningful to oppose it when it happened?

>> No.19898425

plz post more Moner, I beg.

>> No.19898432

apparently it's a JRPG in book form. So some stupid shit like
>hehehehe, my Level 20 Ice Spear can easily defeat your Level 85 meteor. You waste time casting your giant unweilding spell, and for what? I just keep throwing Ice Spears at you. You can't run. "

HAHAHHAHAHA as the cold spear of death pierces the mage's heart.

>> No.19898439

Even if I'm top 50 that would be good. They can make their $200k. I'll be happy making $500.

>> No.19898447

You can make $500 with a genre that isn't total shit and is something you actually want to write.

>> No.19898450

Money will drive my will to write complete utter shit.

>> No.19898451


>> No.19898454

Who the ho?

>> No.19898457
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>> No.19898469

Aliens have invaded. One player takes control of the aliens that have secretly infiltrated the government and private sector. The aliens are uniform and powerful with big tech bonuses, but they don’t provide much variety. The other player takes control of all the dogs in the world. They are weak, but they have a strong sense of smell and loyalty and the different breeds provide a variety of different bonuses.

>> No.19898485

>attempt writing a novel again
>story all worked out, happy with it, writing things down
>early on get idea for a sequel
>now all I want to do is write the sequel for a novel I'm not even half way done with
why does this keep happening, I will never finish anything at this rate

>> No.19898497

Heheheh, that's a funny idea, I dig it. I don't see how you'd make that into a book though, or am I misunderstanding?

>> No.19898504

Why not finish your book quickly and the sequel is just the second half of your novel?

>> No.19898525

All of you need to stop trying so hard to be deep.
Be funny.
Write a comedy.

>> No.19898530

Well, it’s gonna take a while. I think I’ll make a book for each side with rules in them because of the unique play style. The aliens will be more akin to a warhammer 40k codex while the dogs will be more like a monster manual in 3.5. Lots of lore and research. Animal husbandry isn’t my strong suit, and I didn’t watch much of the x files.

>> No.19898536

comedy is the hardest thing to write.

>> No.19898549

I’ve learned that comedy is easy to write when you write something truly awful and painful and personal. It comes out like something a bully would laugh at.

>> No.19898565

Writing about Pagliacci the Clown isn't funny. Dark comedy is just sad.

>> No.19898569

Comedy is easy. Just write for your own kicks.

>> No.19898572

based level 20 ice spear poster

In all seriousness, creating a commercially successful LitRPG isn't as easy as you'd think. You have to meet the expectations of the readership. This means.
1. Eighth grade, or lower, grammar.
2. 3rd person, limited or otherwise
3. MC needs to be blandly inoffensive. The goals he may be limited to: I need to get stronger at X because of Y or Z will happen.
4. Power creep. But not so much that you hit DBZ levels of power creep. This is harder than it sounds.
5. A simple, but easily expandable, magic system.
6. Romance is a killer in the genre. Avoid it.
7. Alternatively, paradoxically, harems may be acceptable. Easier to avoid, however.
8. Embrace the cheese. Your story should not be serious. Your readers are not deep thinkers nor do they want to be exposed to deep concepts. Note: dude whoa we may be in a simulation is not a deep concept. Feel free to make ample use of that one or others like it.
9. Controversy should be avoided at all costs. Keep it simple. Simple motivations. Simple goals.

>> No.19898591
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Meet the top 1%

That other poster is a random anon but that's the gist of the idea- basically MC would be the king (or a player assuming the role of king) in a Total War game or Crusader Kings.

The genre is less character focused than RPGs traditionally but I feel like that could be fleshed out in a story. But I'm picturing a lot of "strategy meeting" scenes, and taking direct control of armies if it's full on video game.

It would be pretty experimental and might be total ass, but I think it could be fun as a next project.

>> No.19898604

Comedy is natural, because life is a joke.
Satire should exist in the non fiction section.

>> No.19898616

Ther'es a reason why something like Candide is the last great comedy. Not even Twain was able to write a good comedy with A Yankee in King Arthur's Court. Comedy is stupidly hard.

>> No.19898627
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The 7th-grader writing is somewhat endearing to me... because that's how 7th-grade me started his super epic magic story

...God, piano teacher had nice tits

>> No.19898695

Even from two sentences it just feels so clunky. The word choice, the sentence structure, phrasing, everything about it is just misshapen. It's like listening to a 16 year old's piano concerto after spending years listening to Chopin and Schubert.

>> No.19898719
File: 100 KB, 236x353, 143896_9eC5AiXV.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright lads, I think I've got everything I need to properly begin writing this.

See you fucks when chapter 1 is done, Have this

>> No.19898733

What is this? Anime?

>> No.19898740

You're right. There's nothing wrong with simple sentences, but ones he uses have so much dissonance in them.
>It was just another boring Monday morning.
Reading through the rest of it, there's nothing particularly boring about it. A more concise, accurate sentence would be.
>It was another ordinary Monday morning.
or even, to be even more brief
>Another ordinary Monday morning.
The second sentence is in passive voice.

>> No.19898752

That's what LitRPG is, complete with characters yelling their attack names.

>> No.19898782

He switches subjects and objects. This is actually really frustrating to read. Look at the blankets sentence.
>Jake, previously enjoying the sweet embrace of his blankets, was startled awake, fumbling around until his hand finally found his phone.
Previously implies Jake is already awake, so when we're told he's startled awake in the next clause, we have to mentally readjust our thoughts and try again. Then in the NEXT CLAUSE he's fumbling for his phone, with the -ing denoting that as he's waking up he's fumbling around, which wasn't at all included in the previous clause, so we have to change our thoughts AGAIN. In one sentence he took me out of his story two distinct times. And a third for me having to reread it to make sure I had the right image. This is basic shit here. Sentence composition 101.

>> No.19898788

>passive voice
Now now, no need to be a memester and hate on the writing for that when passive voice isn't even really a flaw. There are plenty of other real flaws it has which are far worse and easier to make fun of. For example, what the fuck is that first sentence in the third paragraph? Why are all of the paragraphs two sentences long except the first? Why is a third-person omniscient narrator describing something using a character's internal feelings?

>> No.19898848

I want to write a monologue. Don't worry about why it has to be a monologue. But I want to write a standalone monologue. I have no theme. No scenario. All I have is a vague character idea: he's a smoothtalker, the kind of guy who will make you crazy promises and after time passes you become convinced he's a liar. And then much later he somehow delivers. He's the kind of guy who never worries about details. He's very much "we'll cross that bridge when we get to it".
I don't know what industry he works in or much else about him other than these traits.
I need to know who he is talking to, why, and why he's talking at length?

>> No.19898889

Many of the greats from the 1800s onwards were writing comedy to some extent -- Celine, Proust, Flaubert, most of the big name Americans. It's not quite silly comedy in the way that something like Candide was, or Don Quixote, but I'd say there's close to as much comedic writing as anything else within the canon

>> No.19898900

r8 my first chapter:

This is my first attempt at any writing. Am I fucking up in any huge, obvious way?

>> No.19898928

>Bradley is a misogynistic
No one on that site will read it past that anon. Isn't that site very woke?

>> No.19898954

Laughed at the blurb. You'll do alright.

>> No.19899012

What's with critics and their rampant ego about "taking their time" to read a couple thousand words? Why do some (not all) critics pretend the excerpt they're reading is failing to meet their arbitrarily high bar?

>> No.19899049

The Eiffel Tower one was really cool

>> No.19899051

You handle your sentences interestingly, good luck

>> No.19899091

it was aight. keep at it

>> No.19899104

They just want to string you along and milk their power. Like Gordon Ramsay said: "All critics are just failed cooks wishing they were in your shoes."

>> No.19899138
File: 192 KB, 960x949, 4R2LLfb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Help me come up with a name for my fantasy world's currency. I'm thinking of cenz but I'm almost sure I heard that in a videogame not long ago and also it sounds too similar to cents.
Pic unrelated but cool. Nice visuals help me write.

>> No.19899146

copper, silver, gold

>> No.19899164

A) what do they call the king
B) what garments does he wear that denote power
C) Without currency, what's a common token of trade between peasants

>> No.19899165

Thought so but my world's coming into paper money. Think early 1900's blended with magic.

>> No.19899181

>paper money
scrips, like company scrips. or a more generic term notes. you better have a wildcat banking subplot if people are printing paper money.

>> No.19899184

Those are good help, but as you posted I started thinking of calling them Liber, like money = freedom. Money is an ongoing problem in the story so I figured it could work, unless it's too on the nose. Think I could get away with it?

>> No.19899186

How about something along the lines of Kuntzs: "My liquidity is good. You don't need worry, I've got a hundred Kuntzs in the bag and two hundred more under my mattress."

>> No.19899193



>I'll give you 200 berlies to fuck off

>> No.19899200

That's fuckin' cheeky, I like it.
Scrip is very good but I'm trying to avoid getting too into the financial aspect. Money has always been a weak spot for my knowledge so I don't wanna get into something I'm not totally confident about.
Hey that's really good. I'm using this, thanks.

>> No.19899211

You could always do what I did and write a program to generate fake words from real words for you. Might get some unpronounceable shit if you don't do it right though.

>> No.19899239


>> No.19899264

>6. Romance is a killer in the genre. Avoid it.
>7. Alternatively, paradoxically, harems may be acceptable. Easier to avoid, however.
The author of https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/25082/blue-core makes $14k a month, or $175k a year. It includes romance between a literal RPG dungeon and a harem of waifus as a key plot device, and is pockmarked with explicit sex scenes involving said dungeon.

The author puts commas in the correct spot, so naturally makes less than some other writers in the genre, but it's still a masterful application of your rules.

>> No.19899266

I take myself for a lifelong learner/ I've been told you can find a lesson in everything and I suppose I've set out to make some sense of what I've witnessed so far in this life. In my more prideful moments, I tell myself that that is more than you can say for most, but it don’t much matter.
It was firmly impressed on me by an array of experience, reading, and many, many jokes, that there were two types of people, and no one is quite clear what these types are. Some say men and women, and at my Alma Mater there are many dissenters to that notion. It also seems these days that everyone talks of those with color and those without, but this is not a natural division. Even Plato could see in those far-flung, unenlightened times that the world was not divided between Greeks and Barbarians, but that this was an illusion of perspective. I try to keep this observation in heart in dealing with folks different from myself, and I am still trying to work out the truth of the matter myself as to what the real division is, certain only that I fall on one side of it. I’’ve an inkling that certain people in my life fall on the other side.
My friend James came to me many years ago with an idea. You see, James was the sort for whom life was easy, and this made it intolerable. So he made to me some proposals to make his life more difficult, though that is not how he put it. “I’d like to challenge myself , give myself some more to do, and maybe build my resume,” he had said. We were students then, and he proposed to start ourselves a “humanist” society at our school.

>> No.19899296


>> No.19899312

>The author puts commas in the correct spot, so naturally makes less than some other writers in the genre
Is the LitRPG audience really this blighted?

>> No.19899349

>give out book to beta read
>re-read chapter
>This chapter is complete utter shit
>re-write it
Uh... do I give an updated version to my beta readers? Or just wait and see what they write?

>> No.19899361

The people donating to these Patreons have to be third worlders right. I don't know anyone who puts any money in people's Patreon accounts.

>> No.19899365

>175k a year
okay FUCK IT. FUCK IT ALL. I'm writing a fucking LITRPG as fucking anime as fucking possible.

>God summons a champion
>Summons some dumb piece of shit
>Tells him he's to enter a battle tournament against other champions
>He fucking picks the most stupid fuck skills of all time like making ice cubes
>Wins against powerful warriors and other shit by stupid methods such as eating ice cubes in a blazing desert while his opponent dies from heat stroke
>Wins the tournament
>Gets to go home


>> No.19899374

>has an ending
your patreon scam sucks

>> No.19899382

Make sure your champion is a stealth archer, necromancer, grim reaper, cannibal orc, goth, assassin, abused orphan, or anything similarly unique and original.

>> No.19899403
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Something about the constant changing neighbors here, howling dogs and other stuff throws me out of writing. Since I already write rural settings I think I need to move and build a house away from here and get inna woods.

>> No.19899415

Bro...just work on something else until you get feedback.

>> No.19899416

You guys are selling this scam good.
Do you think a little subversion on the premise would help or is this the kind of stuff that has to be as straightforward and cliche as possible to attract an audience? Because I had this idea where the protagonists are not the heroes that were summoned by a god but their descendants some generations later after they have to settle down as they never got to go back home.

>> No.19899432
File: 564 KB, 1233x654, received_1988500618076252.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>435 words tonight
>none of it was litRPG
>mfw this thread
>mfw thinking in the shower that the modern age's most successful and famous novelists (Dickens, Dumas, Hugo) were all serialized in their time
>stacked cash and pounded ass, even got paid by the line
>massive depression realizing I'm missing out on the dumbest scheme of modern literature and a certain way to cement my name and make dollar doing it
>mfw even if I cope by saying it's too late to start, the market is saturated etc., it's literally never too late and I'm just lazy and afraid of screaming into the void like a failure
>some part of me just wants to dink around and not try either
>some other part of me doesn't want to sell out
Sleep won't come like a thief in the night for me today, bros.

>> No.19899450
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Okay, wich of you 26 faggots is shilling this litrpg scheme and how much are you getting payed per commision

>> No.19899454

All of us. And we're all fucking stupid that we're not writing anything

>> No.19899455

the more important question is what is your magic system. plot you can fritter away here and there as long as there are battles.
to make your plot right now though
>one of the descendants gets itchy feet and tries to create a gate or whatever to get back to earth. this is your book 1. however he or she is not the true big bad they were being duped by a shadowy organization for their own nefarious purposes.
as cliche as cliche gets. focus on your magic system you'll be spending a lot of time describing whizzing zooms and whatever

>> No.19899462

We all are devastated realizing the pointlessness of writing. People would rather pay to eat shit than dine on good content. There is no point in anything except the struggle against entropy. You're witnessing the birth of 26 Dostoyevskys right now. It's over for us.

>> No.19899471

How do they make money? Donations?

>> No.19899507

I'm wondering should I create a vague scaffolding of a story, how do I make the monologue fit in it organically though?

>> No.19899509

Authors release their work free as a serial, with Patreon tiers that let you read X chapters ahead, where X might be as high as 50. Readers get sucked in by the free content and pay for a month to get up to date, then get funnelled into Patreon-only discords. If a reader cancels their subscription, they're 50 chapters behind the storyline, and they lose access to the discord where they've been hanging out.

>> No.19899510

Are you the anon who was writing poems for the olde english card game?

>> No.19899516

Jesus fuck that's brilliant.

And here I am editing my robot story hoping to earn a measly 15 cents

>> No.19899552

Litrpg writers are beneath me. If you become a litrpg writer I will not read nor acknowledge your shit stained pages of drivel and use your story as an example of what not to write.

>> No.19899559

I had just thought of something like that but with this timing you wouldn't be able tell haha.
The magic system will be hard, though, because I'd be reusing characters from an old project I never finished because I had no idea how to fit magic into it. Even then, each had pretty distinct abilities that will be a pain in the ass to fit into a single system.

By the way, how does a guy villain vs an all girl protagonist group with which he has been romantically involved in the past with sound?

>> No.19899562

You're like a stubborn peasant farmer refusing to embrace the use of tractors

>> No.19899571

We all have two options when faced with LitRPG, anon.
Waste your first million words practicing in solitude, or unleash them unto an unsuspecting audience for profit.

>> No.19899580

Terrible, you can't self insert. The shonen formula is what I need to follow. But I fucking hate Naruto, bleach and one piece.

Fuck demon slayer, jjk, and dbz

>> No.19899694

>you can't self insert
Shit, you're right.
I've never liked self-inserts and I had the girls' group dynamic mostly settled from back then but I guess I must give it a try.

>> No.19899703

>use your story as an example of what not to write.
An example for whom?

>> No.19899747

>give in and become a Litrpg writer since no one wants to read your work
>become successful
>actually start to make money
>think it could be sustainable
>realise your not passionate about it at all
>no one will read what you originally set out to write
>they'll only read trendy litrpgs with explicit content
Wouldn't you fags get depressed if you started writing shit you didn't care about? Wasn't the point of becoming a writer to write something belonging to you? Maybe I'm missing something, but I'm certain that none of us decided to get into writing for the money. Becoming successful as a writer for something you don't care about seems like a great recipe for suicide later in life.
Well, that's modern life as a writer, I guess.

>> No.19899757

Nope. Litrpg opens the door to your serious works. Like lewis Carroll

>> No.19899760

Honestly, if I play my cards well there's at least two or three stories I had abandoned that could be resurrected in this format and earn me money.
Provided I don't give in too hard into the genre checklist, of course.

>> No.19899787

You'd have the wrong audience to read those serious works, wouldn't you?

>> No.19899809

>tfw i picked a hard magic system
Now understand why you fags said never to go the science magic route

>> No.19899812

>Wouldn't you
wait wait wait... so are you despairing over problems you'd be lucky to have.
Guess what: treat it like a job.
You can work at Burger King, maybe as a manager, or you can work in an office. Is that any more or less soul destroying? I don't know. I don't know your constitution. But shit, when does anyone 'care about' their job.
Aside from the fact that if you're getting paid to write it means that you can treat your paying litrpg work as "developing my craft". You can do subtle experiments, in fact it's probably a good idea to experiment because you need a USP. You can A/B test different approaches to style. If it doesn't work, no problem - but also that experiment may give you valuable insight for your "passion/vanity" writing that you don't get paid for.
but also, treat it like a fucking job.

>> No.19899814

yes, yes you would

>> No.19899859

I honestly considered making the webnovel that I finished up the first volume for a few days ago a LitRPG, but I realized that I just fucking hate the genre and I'd never be able to live with myself if I did. Not to mention it would have ruined a bunch of the suspense and mystery if the main character could have just gotten a level and status from everyone.

>> No.19899860

>another episode of white girl goes to africa and gets a photo op with the local kids

>> No.19899866

here ya go, chap

>> No.19899868

If you pick a hard magic system but don't hate yourself, you'll do your best to never actually reveal how it works. The system I'm using is hard as fuck to the point of it basically just being technology, but I never ever reveal that fact and just use the mechanics to make the writing and uses of said system consistent.

>> No.19899902

Why do I feel like I could ape this style and write like this extremely easily?
>So this anon sent me an example of a monologue, it was entertaining, not as entertaining as watching one of those Thai pussy magic shows with the razor blades and stuff. I'm not comparing them, I'm saying it was a perfectly good monologue but I don't want to give the impression it was as entertaining as Thai Pussy Magic. It was very tangential which was good, again, like Thai Pussy Magic, like what does a razor blade have to do with a ping pong ball: there's no thematic unity there apart from the vagina. The Vagina is the key too all of it, it's like Jar Jar in the Star Wars Prequels, it's the key. But this monologue has some cohesion, like Jar Jar there was some cohesion, some motives, some thematics running through, I think something about sandwiches and death. Don't make it sound like I didn't like it, you know on a scale of one to ten where Thai Pussy Magic is a 9 and attending my nephew's 5th birthday party hungover and there's no single mothers is a 2, i'd put it somewhere in the middle. Unless of course it was a Richter Scale Logarithm. You know, nephew is a 2, then where is sandwiches and death? Like it's not Pussy Magic, but it's not Nephew's party. How do you make these decisions? Who has the right to make these fucking decisions? So I guess you could say it was entertaining... I'm sorry what was the question?

>> No.19899906

the autism inducing consistency is what shits me the most, you cant just do;

He reached deep within himself to draw out his power of wang and smote the evil spergeburger.

no you have to do;
because he only had 56% sperg left, and didnt want to get sperge burn he used 41% of it to power his wang and smote the trannies.


he cast x while flubber was charging his y and taint was j was activating her k. While flubber was smote by x, j used her k to incapacitate him.

>> No.19899962

I wrote a few pages of a pamphlet, anyone interested in giving it a look-see?

>> No.19899977


>> No.19899993

Thanks man. I completely forgot I wrote that til you mentioned it. I reread it and I think it could have had some longer inbetweens to build up to the disappointment of every department.

>> No.19900046

Your analysis is shallow and the point you wish to make is obvious. If you want to say that’s the point of a pamphlet, fine, it is pure ideological propaganda. People who read this and don’t know will be scared and angry at the obvious political players they believe are in power. The elected officials and the president and the bureaucrats. Easy. Obvious. Thanks for the freshman college essay for your political science 101 class that spends half a chapter on international foreign policy.

Any critique I have to say is based on materialist analysis. About how you posit concepts and ideas as if they are separate from the actual material world and geopolitical chess game going on. Like a professor that performs economic analysis with widgets or a policy maker speaking in terms of country A and B. I think you miss large swaths of historical policy and it’s ramifications on the topic and how it determines attitudes of those who make decisions.

But none of this will change your mind, and you probably posted asking for actual writing advice, which I’m not sure I could objectively give, seeing as, without the communicative goal in mind, I don’t know your audience or what exactly you want to get across to them to be able to suggest linguistic changes that further convince your audience. I’m blind sighted by the content so much I can’t give procedural advice.

>> No.19900169

Can I have some feed pack?
3.5k words shouldn't take more than 10-15 minutes.


>> No.19900430

>I think I’ll make a book for each side with rules in them because of the unique play style
I won't read your series but you're on the righ tthrack with this. Defining consistent rules is important. It makes the story more grounded. In your case, it reduces the number of internet autists criticixing you for dumb shit.

>> No.19900444

>horror of modern human condition
Why do people still believe this meme? Literally every age before modernity was hell on earth for 99% of the population. At least you don't starve to death or die at birth now

>> No.19900454

correction: they don't starve to death or die at birth in a minority of countries

>> No.19900476

>Why do people still believe this meme?
consider the possibility that by reducing the entirety of human experience to starvation or infant mortality, you miss... everything except starvation and infant mortality. there's more to life than just being well fed. it's entirely plausible that the societal sacrifices necessary to reduce starvation have resulted in unhappiness in other areas of life.

i know i'm responding to a low-effort jocko willink gruntpost, but still. you're shitposting, you have bad opinions, and most importantly, your shitposty bad opinions have absolutely, categorically nothing to do with writing.

unfuck yourself.

>> No.19900687

Sorry for the gruntposting, I'll expand on my opinion. I don't believe life nowadays is perfect in any way, but the assumption that there was less unhappiness in other areas of life before modernity is completely untenable, since basically before the invention of print (first) and the internet (much later on) so-called normal people mostly didn't write or documented their lives in any way. The overwhelming majority of historical documents you have are written by well-read, well-fed people, and anyone who studies history knows how difficult it is to reconstruct the everyday activities of lower classes (i.e. 99% of the population), let it be their "happiness" or anything concerning their psychological state. Nobody has any idea what the vast majority of poor, unfed, sick humans thought or felt while they slaved through their likely horrible lives. Nobody documented that until, in modernity, people started doing that (most eminently in literature around the 1830s, which is pretty late, some well-fed well-instructed people started writing about un-fed, un-instructed people: imagine how well they could do ther job). Nobody has any idea whether the vast majority of people were happier in any given historical period before modernity. What you can say is that the chaste of nobelemen/aristocrats/rich people felt a general sense of meaning to their lives - but would you say rich people today experience the "horror of modernity"?
I think that the idea that "modernity bad" should seriously be addressed as a sort of historical optical illusion. People see history like a block making perfect sense, most people who don't study it have no idea how history is reconstructed. Human beings mostly suffered and lived in horrible conditions for the vast majority of their recorded history - which isn't much, and which is likely preceded by tens of thousands of years of even worse life. And now you have people crying over how smartphones made us "disconnected" when you can literally have cheap, affordable food delivered on your doorstep in 30minutes.
Surely, there are many problems today: the climate crisis and environmental destruction, pandemic, efficiency in distributing labour and resources, and LAST OF ALL, mental health and happiness. But you can be concerned about your mental health and happiness only if you are healthy enough and fed enough not to have to deal with the primal necessities of surviving, like literally every human had to do on a daily basis before the modern era. I honestly think this idea of projecting "meaningful" and "happy" societies on pre-modern eras is very much a modern luxury. Notice that when the Greeks, the Romans and the Jew imagined their "golden age", the recurring elements are these: 1. humans were either immortal or living very long lives 2. food was available for free everywhere (rivers of milk and honey, etc.). They were not imagining "happyness". They were imagining not being sick, not starving, and being alive.

>> No.19900764

Thank you for this post, really, I wholeheartedly agree with you. The majority of people on this site are insane, but I am letting you know that you are not alone in your rational thinking.

>> No.19900772

A clear example of historical optical illusions can be seen with the recent discussion about the condition of women, ethnic minorities and the LGBT community. People on this board are histerical about PC culture and get angry for it suddenly wanting to change how the world has been seen for centuries to come - and, surely, PC culture also has a lot of short-comings in terms of rhetoric, etc.
But what has changed? Not much, if not for the fact that minorities, women, and literally every small, oppressed community (including incels, or people on 4chan) can now be vocal about it. The #metoo phenomenon is basically just people sharing stories and being vocal about how certain bad things happen on a capillary level in everyday life to every woman. What has changed is that now they can band together, write about it and have an historically audible voice. Before the internet (and before print) this simply wasn't possible: the vast majority of people could not share stories about how it shitty it feels to be them. Now they can, and the world is trying to change as a consequence. The same is true, I believe, for the more general fact of being human. What is emerging from internet discussions about dissatisfaction with "modernity" and the increasing need for mental health support and meaning has nothing to do with "modernity", in my opinion. It's a much larger phenomenon that concerns the fact that being born and being human is, essentially, a dreadful experience.

Does it ever happen to you that when you verbalize your experience and try to explain how you feel to someone, you suddenly become aware of things you wouldn't have been aware of without saying them out loud and listening to yourself while saying them? Or that you become aware of things about yourself when someone tells you a story about their lives? Maybe it's a bit of a stretch, but I believe that what we are witnessing nowadays is this kind of phenomenon, but on a global scale - namely, a gradual, global awakening to the general distress and suffering of the human condition, enabled by our enhanced capacity for communication and sharing of everyday experience. It has nothing to to with "modernity". We need to stop alienating the problem of being human into secondary order problems such as "not living in the right age".

>> No.19900868

Tell 'em

>> No.19901059

no but I bet hes handsome like me

>> No.19901076

post litrpgs

>> No.19901104
File: 250 KB, 869x943, 1620294581154.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LGBT/feminism is a psyop. It barely exists irl and is magnified by agents on the internet. They aren't suffering and never have because almost no one is actually gay or trans. Women working and voting was a plot to lower wages, same as bringing in wageless foreigners. This has been ongoing for centuries now. The real suffering is the effect of the modern global economy, as chemicals pollute our drinking water, our crops wither, our mountains are mined dry, and we're given cheap phones + internet to pacify us. They used to play dictator/democracy musical chairs but they don't even need to do that anymore! Jewish (actually, Phoenician) power is consolidating at an accelerating rate, having controlled the west for well over 2000 years and everyone else is feeling the vice. DuPont, Monsanto, Dow Chemical, the Rockefellers, the Rothschilds, Blackrock, etc are killing the planet and crushing the human spirit. It's 100% natural to be opposed to this plot and feel like we need to turn back the clock and live in a different time. What you may have a point on is that we shouldn't necessarily return back to the time of feudalism and primitivism. That's exactly the elites want and are pushing. The left right dichotomy, the alternative movements, even most conspiracies, they're all fake horseshit. Esotericism/occultism: fake. They want you to turn away from God, whoever that God is, turn away from your family, turn away from the land and your soil, and worship the almighty dollar. There is a healthy moderation found between monkey and machine, or the 1070s and the 1970s. There is no black and white solution, and any presented to you is 100% a psyop.
>would you say rich people today experience the "horror of modernity"?
Many of the richest elites absolutely hate living in the world their ancestors created. They destroyed classical art and music and literature in order to money launder, retard their subject's minds, and spread their propaganda and confusion, and now none of them are capable of producing anything of value. They have to create fake value, fake scarcity, to emulate the world they desire just as much as you and I do. Beautiful stained glass, cathedrals, statues, paintings, poetry, etc won't be created again until the chemicals that are retarding the general IQ are eliminated, citizens are properly fed, people highly educated and well-paid, and much more. Even our "masters" aren't immune to the microplastics and petroleum byproducts and jet trails (btw, they're just dumping pollutant byproducts because it's legal in the air, whereas it's illegal to dump it on land or in sea). They cannot make art and most can't appreciate it, but they know they're missing something in their life. They take out their seething jealousy and misery on us.
>cheap, affordable food delivered on your doorstep in 30minutes
Food that isn't food.
Art that isn't art.
Church that isn't church.
Men that aren't men.

>> No.19901107

They destroyed classical art and music and literature in order to money launder,

Right, hence NFTs.

>> No.19901114

They've been doing it way, way before NFTs. Read some of these articles by Miles Mathis. He's better at explaining the art schemes than I am because he's an actual classical artist who realized he would never make it despite being talented because no one (with money) wants real art, they want fake trash. And even many of the classics are fake, forgeries, sold entirely by an artist's name, all so that money changes hands and the transaction is above government scrutiny.


>> No.19901120

the dark souls jew still makes way more sense than you despite his comical facial features

>> No.19901123

Yep, that all makes sense. And of course the MSM never discusses this, but rather is complicit in promoting the money laundering as "art."

>> No.19901124

>Jewish (actually, Phoenician)
Be careful friend

>> No.19901125


>> No.19901131

>Food that isn't food.
>Art that isn't art.
>Church that isn't church.
>Men that aren't men.
Define "men that are men" instead of waxing poetic, Rupi Kaur.

>> No.19901138

>men that aren't men

>> No.19901143

Sex as a whole is suffering the same deconstruction as the other subjects. In this case, the crook is through the trick of making gender a separate concept that can be malleable and altered freely

>> No.19901148

and then while slithering around by saying that sex=/=gender, prescribing hormones and surgery thereby destroying a person's sex

>> No.19901153

That's the point. Sex isn't gender, but normies don't get that

>> No.19901162
File: 84 KB, 597x934, 1639675413322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's pretty spooky realizing that the Caananites were never wiped out and have been hiding among the Jewish people for millennia. Not all Jews are bad obviously. Most practicing Orthodox are actually highly moral and ethical people. Zionism was a psyop though (the ultra-orthodox know what's up). The "synagogue of Satan" is real. They hide, and live among us, taking our names. They aren't demons, they're not lizards, they're still people with their own system of (tainted) ethics. They should answer for their crimes but they aren't supernatural. That's just a fun little conspiracy they enjoy pushing to make people sound crazy.
Men in the context of times past. Some are wimps, some are farmers, some are chads, some are just... who they are. But they were men and knew they were men. I mean that in the context of constant propaganda from "every side" (IT'S ACTUALLY THE SAME SIDE), telling men to be more sensitive, or be more rugged, or be this or that, and wouldn't you know, if you buy these products, wear these clothes, cut your hair this way, use this particular set of vocabulary, you too can be a real man!
This, too.
Someday, I hope so-called conservatives and liberals can realize they're being hypnotized and stop buying the fake wars, the fake politics, the fake news, the fake food, the fake education. It's hard to admit that everything you know about history is distorted; not necessarily a lie, but it's not neat and pretty, which is a point >>19900687 makes well. We should "conserve" the best parts of the past and our traditions, and we should remain free in body, mind, and spirit, as "liberals".

>> No.19901169

but because "gender" is so malleable its a worthless descriptor. and certainly not something that someone's entire life should be based around. sex is what matters, sex is immutable - even if it is also destroyable via surgery and pills.

>> No.19901173

>Not all Jews are bad
I'd disagree. The basis for their cult is the genital mutilation of infants. They are categorically evil.

>> No.19901198

You are making a false correlation. Humans were always passive, listless, and resentful. This is the very essence of human condition that all spiritual systems, old and new, describe. History only keeps record of fortune and exception, not mediocrity. Consequently, you live under the impression of past glory and present decadence. But it is a personal delusion created out of your fear, and your rejection of the world. Circumcision a very ancient practice, by the way.

>> No.19901201

When comparing the "cult" of Jews, or any religion, you really need to compare it to what the modern aristocracy are preaching. The Phoenicians promote and pedal every possible fetish and fantasy, all for profit. They promote extreme drug use for profit, invade nations on behalf of fucking banana companies and the cocaine CIA cowboys, and then make the product they're selling illegal so they double profit off of incarceration. They are destroying our bodies, minds, and souls, siphoning our wealth to the point the trillionaire class is cannibalizing the millionaire and billionaire class. They may or may not secretly be engaged in child trafficking and ritualistic abuse/murder/pedophilia, which is perfectly in line with their totally amoral lifestyle and a direct copy of what their ancient Phoenician ancestors were doing, too.
Actual Jews are slightly more brutal and "backwards" in comparison to Christianity, but are absolute puritans compared to the Phoenicians that tarnish the Jewish name. At this point, it's almost impossible to separate the two, unfortunately, because they have been intertwined for 1000s of years. Circumcision, in this particular instance, is probably a leftover practice from the Caananite days when they'd just kill babies for Baal. All religions are under attack right now by the Phoenicians because it gets in the way of their plans to divide families, neighbors, and countries with their twisted consumer ideology.

>> No.19901209

>Men in the context of times past.
And what is "times past", can you delineate "times past" geographically and historically? You are clinging onto very abstract concepts. Until you are able to clearly define them, they are formations of your imagination.
>But they were men and knew they were men.
Where do you get this information from?

>> No.19901216

How many history books does one have to read to use this many specific examples?

>> No.19901222

>Humans were always passive, listless, and resentful
except that's not true. before the age of plenty if you did not work, physically toil, you would starve.

>Circumcision a very ancient practice, by the way.
I'm aware. Its a human sacrifice ritual.

>blah blah blah relativism
The jews need to be exterminated for their crimes against humanity. No I am not going to distinguish between the truly evil thought leaders and the masses they're hiding among. After millennia of being expelled from country after country enough's enough.

>> No.19901234

>except that's not true. before the age of plenty if you did not work, physically toil, you would starve.
"Except that's not true", to quote you. In the Middle Ages peasants worked around four hours in a day, not more. You were saying?

>> No.19901247

That proves my point. 4 hours of actual, physical labor while working in a small community where they knew everybody and they were all interconnected means they were explicitly not passive, listless or resentful

>> No.19901251

Christianity had dominated Europe and the West for centuries, anon. Men were told to be Christian men for the majority of that time. It's still an abstract concept because that's what manhood is. It's not something you can hold. It's not clothes that you wear, it's not the beard on your face, it's not your [insert broad characteristic]. Manhood wasn't debated. Men were men, end of discussion. It was only the effeminate elites classes that jumped onto early fashion trends, blowing their wealth away on extravagant wardrobes and codpieces. This eventually "trickled down" to the masses as they, too, gained disposable income. And the Church's influence waned, so the debate on manhood became an open discussion, which isn't necessarily a bad thing but the voices are drowned out, right now, by sick government propaganda to confuse, humiliate, and spread consumerism.
History books are written by paid propagandists to distort or gloss over facts, such as how Gavrilo Princip never assassinated the Archduke Franz Ferdinand.


>> No.19901274

>4 hours of actual, physical labor while working in a small community where they knew everybody and they were all interconnected means they were explicitly not passive, listless or resentful.
No it doesn't logically mean that. There is no logical correlation. You are saying that one simply can't be resentful and passive in a smaller community of interconnected individuals, logically it is nonsense. Do you think humans were devoid of such negative qualities back then? Do you have any anthropoligical awareness? Laziness and hatred have always existed. All mythologies and spiritual systems decribe these phenomena.

>> No.19901293

>can you delineate times past geographically and historically
With ease. Put a finger on the Gobi desert, and you can say with some degree of confidence that in 1005 AC mongols lived here

>these are very abstract concepts
So are numbers, but the applications of Math are very tangible. The problem with masculinity is that unlike "Male: the sex" wich is biological, "Male: the gender" is cultural.

>they were men and knew it
Because there was less culture behind them and thus were closer to an instinctive animal than a sentient one.

A bitch doesn't date around and see wich dog would make for a better partner, she simply goes into heat and lets her hips instinctively position themselves to welcome the first comer. Chief Ungabunga from 10 000BC Middle east lusts, and so he rapes. Johnny's dad from 1980's Idaho also lusts, but doesn't rape. Instead he goes to rock concerts and smokes cigs to be a bad boy and get pussy, wich is different from Hans in 1800's Germany who had to put on overalls and sing in a high pitch to get pussy.

From my example, does manliness=raping? Maybe, but that cannot be discussed without throwing in other implications. Instead, we can say manliness=assertiveness, which can be best proposed when you compare the number of patriarchal societies as opposed to matriarchies.

With all of this in mind, "Men before were manly and knew it" with the argument that current men aren't manly, means that the culture incites Man to relinquish his assertiveness and take a more passive stance in society so he fits into the Male Gender culture. That's good when you want New York, but is 2022 New York something you really want? Such is the argument.

>> No.19901297

Sure it does. The spiritual malaise of our current atomised globohomo reality is far more stultifying than the small, interconnected communities of the middle ages.

>> No.19901299

Christian faith makes no explicit descriptions of "le maculinity", you think Christianity is the manosphere or something? Is the Bible about manhood in your view, what does your post mean exactly? You seem to have a schizophrenic interest in "fashion trends" and label them as inherently effeminate, but in reality attention to ornament and wardrobe was an integral part of every culture's tradition throughout history independently of location. Yes, in the Middle Ages as well. Why do you equate manhood with simplistic clothing and femininity with non-simplistic clothing, what is this strange and historically inaccurate conception of gender?

>> No.19901302

>The spiritual malaise of our current atomised globohomo reality is far more stultifying than the small, interconnected communities of the middle ages.
Says you?

>> No.19901317

>The structure of my opinions and beliefs is logically comparable to the structure of mathematics

>> No.19901333

I’m gonna start an argument with myself about “Show, don’t tell” just to derail this mess.

>> No.19901342

The average cow today lives worse than the average cow in the middle ages because its place as a cog in a machine and the functioning of that cog is more controlled. Agree or disagree?

I'd agree, because even if the cow was still going to be eaten after 5 years, medieval cow ate better food, breathed better air, and wasn't getting pumped with steroid cocktails that would make /fit/ blush.

Modern society can decide "If I want gender equality, I need to teach women to pump it up and men to tone it down". The goal of gender equality can be a good thing, but it requires men and women to go against their nature, that built-in bias that makes babies racist. The current culture is antinatural, now you decide if that's a good or bad thing.

>> No.19901345

How about you show me yo mama's tits so I can tell her she's a hoe

>> No.19901347

>With ease. Put a finger on the Gobi desert, and you can say with some degree of confidence that in 1005 AC mongols lived here
Ok, so I can assume that you are talking about "all past times, everywhere in the world, at all points in history, from the Gobi Desert to the Roman Empire, to Edo Japan, to South-Eastern Asia, to Kievan Rus, to Imperial Russia". I will not ask up until when is "past times" (men are still men) and when "not past times" begins (men stop being men). So, men of past times in these geographical locations were always men, but men today are never men. Why?

>> No.19901351

I'm confused, why did you bring up Burgerpunk?

>> No.19901356

>Average cow lives worse universally means that average human lives worse.
No it doesn't mean that.

>> No.19901357

Fine I'll fight with you.
Show don't tell is a meme that has been twisted by the Jewish elites and the Phoenician trillionaires to retard the entire writing population's IQ. Showing a sequence as it stands and allowing the emotions to permeate is generally good rule, however, it can make for exceedingly dry literature where you're banking on the intellect of the reader. Telling the reader what happened is also good since it cuts out superfluous writing, however, people will abuse it to skip over scenes that can be drawn out for nuance.

>> No.19901372

I can’t fight you if I agree with you.

>> No.19901382

>you are talking about all past times, anywhere
Yes. I can make a guess about anything. The confidence in my guesses depends on how much I know about the time and place.

>Men today are never men
That's a question for the other poster. He sounds like a first worlder and so doesn't get to catcall women on the street with the boys as often.

You forgot your soijak pic, but that just shows you have nothing else to say. Oh well

>> No.19901390

This post is more "Tell" than "Show"

>> No.19901391

Show = Male Gender (Christianity, assertiveness, rape, manhood)
Tell = Female Gender (Phoenician hoax, globohomo, unhappy cows)

>> No.19901397

>You forgot your soijak pic, but that just shows you have nothing else to say.
I said all what I had to say, your post is a non-argument, since the entirety of your post revolves around equating humans to cows. I cannot respond to a post that is nonsensical in its very essence.

>> No.19901400

*all that I had to say

>> No.19901402

>(vi) Break any of these rules sooner than say anything outright barbarous.

>> No.19901406
File: 118 KB, 800x533, cocodrilo-Gustave-1024x509.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wich way white man

>> No.19901407

Because I wrote it and I thought it was funny, but it probably wasn’t that funny.

>> No.19901417

Oh gotcha, you were saying anons in /wg/ threads only write Burgerpunk, which I would probably agree with. I usually come here for the list of book recommendations and then leave.

Also I had no idea "burgerpunk" was even a thing, kek. https://old.reddit.com/r/burgerpunk/

>> No.19901429

pretty based.... but what makes a burger...punk?

>> No.19901462

""""burgerpunk"""" is literally just pomo with an excuse to be less talented. there will never be a single work of """"burgerpunk"""" that isn't eclipsed completely by gaddis or delillo. the entire meme is just a very poorly-differentiated take on issues that were pressing, even back in the 50s. on top of halfwit, poorly written hot takes on established postmodern conventions, """"burgerpunk"""" adds a veneer image of cell phones, computer screens, and intermittent conflicts between the color red and the color blue. nobody will ever gain anything from associating themselves voluntarily with this half-baked meme cooked up by retards with highly limited artistic vocabularies and an ignorance of literary history matched only by their arrogance.

don't use that word. it's fucking stupid, and you're fucking stupid if you try to use it except to shit on it in passing.

>> No.19901468

>assassination of Ferdinand
Last I read of this was in Tragedy and Hope. Quigley downplayed that the assassination was important at all, Ive heard some anons opine that WWI was somehow spur of the moment and that everyone cared about the Duke.
The picture I got from reading was that the war, and most any great turn of history is by many elements aligning together (happenstance, demographic cycle, perhaps mingled with collusion) and for WWI there were several things I saw: that treaties of berlin 1878 whetted appetites while satisfying no one, liberal forces revolutionized public education and abolitionist movements to enable public armies over mercenaries, and war strategy became incredibly inflexibleand driven by total war policies (media insisting public opinion favorable to a point of view, many newspapers tied to followers of John Ruskin). Many more reasons were cited so you have a point that the focus on the Duke seems like a hat trick and the bombing was just a fuse.
While Quigley tried to dispel what you are saying he sometimes questioned the absurd profit and power that certain groups found as if they had planned each eventuality, though some forces waxed and waned over others (bankers, managers and technocrats with varying level of influence).

>> No.19901478

I read Poe's 1002nd story of Scheherazade and he "told" so much that I got bored at first until halfway where I saw what he was doing.

>> No.19901635

So... erotica is really popular huh?

>> No.19901724

I tried writing erotica of me with my waifu for personal consumption but it was hard for me not to cringe at it.
I wish I knew how to do it properly and without having my real name attached to it.

>> No.19901752

It's probably because you didn't write as well as you do now, and you read it when you weren't horny.

Depending on your...client, the measures change, but an erotica is like an action movie where the sex replaces the fight scenes

Writing under acronyms is everyday stuff, the real question is where can you sell it

>> No.19901757

I think the primary issue with show don't tell is that people overdo it. Explicitly stating characters' emotions and motivations is gay and for brainlets, so setting up your writing in a way that conveys emotion instead of outright stating what the reader is supposed to feel is good 99% of the time. The problem arises when the writer gets baited by the notion that EVERYTHING has to be deep and detailed, which leads to overwritten, overexplained garbage where you end up explaining the texture of the floor for 2 pages.

>> No.19901846

Right, that's why I suggest it as a pacing tool mostly. There are times when you can speak at length and point something more clearly, but there are times when you can be punchy and only allude to what is going on. I'm reminded of the last scene before the epilogue in Crime and Punishment (normally has huge blocks of text from all the telling) is sparse and disorienting, we do not get to see what Rodion thinks about in the govt office concerning one of his most important decisions. The silence of showing makes the textures of the situation paint the picture and the reader is offered a chance to give it meaning, and I had some discussions this week over exactly what Rodion thought at that scene. It's not that telling is particularly pedantic but I almost think the modern complaint over telling is a cultural one. Problem is if you dont vary delivery of the narrative, it's monotony and that will absolutely kill a story.

>> No.19901895

>The problem arises when the writer gets baited by the notion that EVERYTHING has to be deep and detailed,
And, on the flip side, the notion that NOTHING can be explained, deep, or detailed is ludicrous. Then you might as well be reading dictation. "He said this. They did that. They looked over there. She looked over here." You can use action to draw out the subtleties in your characters and in fact I'd argue it's the best way to do so, but like >>19901846 said it can lead to monotony. So you change it up by doing something like telling the inner thoughts of the character explicitly, rather than leaving the action of the character to imply to the reader what he's thinking about.
I'm breaking out of this habit myself and trying to add more tell in my stories. Usually there is where you can really strongly stretch your prose.

>> No.19901949


>> No.19901959

Who here is not writing a litrpg? What are you working on.

>> No.19902007

A war story told from the perspective of a small church lead by a indecisive vampire who wants to end the war peacefully but can't decide which side to choose and how to do it.

>> No.19902148

Literary fiction set in a 22nd century rural farm house. I say that but it will have to go to an agent and say it's speculative scifi and southern gothic.
I actually started thinking about cow-anon's posts because I still need to gather more reading from writers about the decline of WesCiv (Spengler and Evola and others I guess) because I'd like to have the perspective in a historic fiction set 2700 years ago. There's a particular drama surrounding Jews and Samaritans that I think would be great setting to explore the angst and drama over what/who wrecks civilizations.

>> No.19902224

A story of a crazy man who thinks he's a machine brutalizing a bunch of people while looking for an obsidian pyramid because the voices in his head told him to.

>> No.19902339

Sounds like some Close Encounters gone wrong shit. I love it.

>> No.19902358

Your post is peak Burgerpunk.

>> No.19902367

I swear that I have never taken a look at this shit because seeing what it's like might send me in an even deeper depression.

>> No.19902376

There's a guy here who has a Burgerpunk RoyalRoad he hosts his flash fiction on. It's pretty funny to read.

>> No.19902478

Well it's in first person from the crazy man's perspective, and his delusions are entirely consistent. In fact, one might say he's not crazy at all, he just doesn't fully understand the situation. However the best quick summary of the story that isn't preferentially biased towards his viewpoint is that he's just a nutcase because there's zero proof of pretty much anything he believes about reality.

>> No.19902497

>Basically, I don't do sit-ups because I'm ALPHA AS FUCK.
I like it.

>> No.19902522

1st person vaguely mil sci fi, tale of a Ceasar-like figure rising to power on an abandoned ice planet centuries after an interstellar civilizational collapse.

Mostly trying to just be fun, but play with themes of long lasting consequences vs impermanence of human actions.

>> No.19902540

>write litRPG under online name
>write your real books under your real name
You now have all the money you need, and you don't have to worry about how your actual passion projects perform financially.

>> No.19902545

>he cast x while flubber was charging his y and taint was j was activating her k. While flubber was smote by x, j used her k to incapacitate him.
luckily your audience will eat this shit up

>> No.19902590

Man goes on a desert adventure with a caravan

However, I'm meeting with a teacher acquaintance that might be interested in buying custom stories for children

>> No.19902715
File: 276 KB, 1311x1311, -gbxemr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My mood depends on the amount of pages I'm able to write in a day. The more pages, the happier I am. Makes me feel like my life is going somewhere

>> No.19902734

I really need to start actually writing.

>> No.19902959

alright bros give it to me straight, i need answers on something that's been troubling me from continuing my personal project. obviously every story needs to have some kind of themes ; but what i get stuck on is that i feel like in my story, whilst i have central themes obviously, i worry that specific chapters and stuff don't say anything; or i worry that the themes are too general and not something that "only i can say". am i being pretentious or does this mean i have to rethink my story? also once it's done i was thinking of publishing it for free online, is royalroad good for that or is it just the litrpg place

>> No.19903054

Well, I'd say that what you write should matter to characters and progress the plot. The themes and your voice should probably be under the interesting story, those who care will see it in their own way, those who dont still get the story.
As for site, RR is probably one of the biggest sites and while it has its standout genres, readers are not set in the preferences.

>> No.19903122

The name of the money should be short and memorable, usually a single syllable. Say it out loud in a few different sentences. As another anon said, if it sounds natural in "I'll give you $200 berlies to fuck off", you're golden.

>> No.19903123

you just know

>> No.19903129

The point most people are missing as to why most of those lit-rpg's are successful is the level on engagement and self delusion. The ones that make the money sit on discord for hours at a time and espouse the virtues of their stories world, characters and intricacies. They legitimately believe what they have created is unique and groundbreaking, whilst disregarding any reasonable criticism about how their work is 50% filler and pockmarked with plot holes as envy based lies.

You want to write a story that's all well and good, but please for the love of all that is holy! 'Make it consistent and engaging without half the words you write being fucking superfluous!
Otherwise your no better then a soulless meekater.

>> No.19903191

If you eat a cake without stopping to swallow or drink you will choke, unless it is a small cake. There's nothing wrong with having parts of your story that serve the fucntion of setup or cooldown, as long as it doesnt become filler

>> No.19903193

sure post it on RR and if you want ill add it to the /wg/ author pastebin so anons can read it.

>> No.19903216

That she'd be a good mommy to my children?

>> No.19903439

>i worry that specific chapters and stuff don't say anything
nothing's more tiresome than authors who need every single thing to have some kind of discrete, tangible (of course, often obfuscated) capital-m Meaning to which everything can be distilled. too much attachment to Meaning leads to books that are more unfolded like a piece of paper to find the nugget you've written at the center. once you've unfolded the piece of paper and you've read the nugget, well... that's it, folks. pack up and go home.

i just think that truly great literature is about more than that, with explicit respect to Meaning. this tireless search to "say something" is like fucking for virginity. let what you want to say be said on its own. don't say it yourself. nobody wants to be dictated to. they want to discover and extrapolate and they want the food and the mulch from which these things can feed and grow. don't just give a reader something dead and finite.

>> No.19903604

I think this is true of the novel form, but not so much of a short story. In a short story parsimony is valuable. In a novel it's a hinderance. If a novel is a "loose, baggy monster", a short story is a latex bodysuit. That said, I agree with you that a story should not have arbitrary constraints placed on it, inasmuch as a short story should not be forced into a novel form and vice versa.

>> No.19903695
File: 117 KB, 792x865, 1596596028380.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do you do when the words refuse to come out? Not that you don't know what you want to write, but that the words that come out are nothing but pure garbage?

I don't think I've ever had it like this before, and I worry so much. Writing is the only thing I have left at this point. I'm scared, guys.

>> No.19903699

>am i being pretentious
These words are a fucking toxin. The line between pretension and greatness is literally just accomplishment. When it comes down to it, writing at all is an arrogance. It's the implicit statement that you have something worth adding to the running discourse of the human race. If you're really worried about being pretentious, don't write at all. Otherwise you'll just end up shadowboxing in a distorted mirror, whose cracks and waves are the internalized approval of people who'd like nothing more than to see you fail out of spite.

Seriously. Worrying about shit like that will poison you. Cut it off at the head.

>> No.19903700

Just keep pushing out the garbage until it comes out clear again

>> No.19903738

Take a 15 minute break. Drink a glass of water, send memes to your gf, just sit down for a bit. Then get back to work.

You can also just write what you want to happen as key phrases that you then expand into paragraphs and edit accordingly

>> No.19903808
File: 240 KB, 640x360, aaaaaiiiiieeeeeee.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Deconstruct what you want to write by asking questions and answering them. Don't hesitate. Start throwing bullet points onto an outline about anything you might want to talk about. Feelings you have, motivations, events, symbols, settings, ideas, anything. The good thing is whatever you put down, you don't have to keep it if you don't want to work on it. Don't think there's anything wrong with you, you're not used to organizing your thoughts.
If there's an emotion you want to convey, ask yourself the last time you felt that way. Last time I wanted to make a character angry I recalled one time I seethed about someone that hurt my pride. Trying to describe a setting, then go back there in your mind, observe it if you want in person or video. If you are trying to make some aphorism about an idea but you don't know how to think about it, put the idea there and ask questions about it. If you still aren't sure, perhaps reflect on what's happened to you today, last week or year. You could also read a book. Good books stir your imagination and keep you thinking about something so much that you will turn it over and over until you synthesize something out of sheer obsession.

>> No.19904035


>> No.19904048


thanks bros. you both are right. in hindsight i feel like i always knew cuz' it's not even like i plan to write anything insanely groundbreaking or avant-garde, but i have a close relative who's a novellist and i've absorbed lots of tiny things like that from him. i already feel the motivation to write again!

>> No.19904106

oh god i have cockroaches in my apartment
they sprayed the entire building just a month ago and I just killed another one
give me one (1) reason not to kill myself

>> No.19904122

A screenplay and >>19898848
this. Your theme comes out in the plot points, the arcs, the conflicts you choose to advance the story.
What does seeing the Opera or watching the Narrator's aunt carry groceries down the street have to do with the 'theme' of Swann's Way? Not directly. But it's serves to tell the story which gets across the theme.
Work on your outline. Then again I'm really bad at plotting. I'm really good at structure, but the specifics I'm bad at: and that's when I find myself in the situation you're in, words come out, but I'm groping at nonsense. I find my character has been sitting on a settee for five paragraphs doing nothing but making silhouettes with their fingers or brushing the lint of the settee because I don't know what the 'plot' is. So work on your outline

>> No.19904162

it’s your choice, do what you will. just know that nothing awaits you on the other side.

>> No.19904231

if you kill yourself all the thousands of cockroaches currently in the walls of your apartment will find your corpse and enter through the mouth to eat it from the inside. Once they've eaten the brain, they will know your memories, so they will reanimate your corpse and immediately go see your family to eat them too

>> No.19904241

Stop being a pussy.

>> No.19904245

How do you avoid having tropes in your work and make sure it’s original and daring and new but also diverse and respectful of other cultures and gender identities different from your own?

>> No.19904258

this may sound farfetched, but its true
t. exterminator
Sometimes in my line of work I have to track down the big ones. The aftermath can be pretty bad.

>> No.19904265


...I've heard this too....

>> No.19904266

>How do you avoid having tropes in your work and make sure it’s original and daring and new
don't worry about it, everything is a trope
>but also diverse and respectful of other cultures and gender identities different from your own
who cares, stop being a fag. your story should be interesting and fun not that gay shit

>> No.19904273
File: 14 KB, 474x255, agentk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sometimes in my line of work I have to track down the big ones. The aftermath can be pretty bad.

>> No.19904281

How does this sound for a story they find bigfoots and it turns out they’re intelligent and so people want to give them recognition as people and as citizens of the United States however as someone researches their history (recorded on cave walls) they determine that the bigfoots were almost driven to extinction by the native Americans around 10,000 years ago and so the native Americans lead a political movement to deny the bigfoots personhood and discredit their culture to avoid seeming like bad guys because their current culture is based so much on victimhood at the hands of the white man.

>> No.19904284

I don't avoid anything except bad writing

>> No.19904285

Great premise but you'll never be able to publish it.

>> No.19904291

I like the idea. Megafauna extinction somehow becoming a political debate has always amused me ans this is a neat way to turn that into an actual story.

>> No.19904313

Why not?

>> No.19904314

Sounds based, good luck. Like the other anon said it might be a touchy subject so self-pubbing might be good

>> No.19904320
File: 499 KB, 500x227, Oh-so-ferocious.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck yes /wg/ is finally back. Missed you guys, even the crab.

So bros, how do you write effective gore? The kind of horrific gore that makes the reader wince without being pointlessly edgy. I'm having a hard time making it not sound like something out of a 14 year old's shitty creepypasta.

>> No.19904344

I have such a craving and I can't satisfy it because I can't identify it.

I can't write, I can't consoom any media because none of it has what I'm looking for, but I'm not even sure what IT is. I just know I want to wrap myself up in it like a blanket the way a kid hides under the covers because of the monster under the bed.

>> No.19904373

Kill them
t. Floridian

>> No.19904385

You said it yourself >because their current culture is based so much on victimhood at the hands of the white man

>> No.19904449

yo wtf

>> No.19904503

Too didactic. Anachronistically projecting contemporary western identity politics onto a society that probably had no concerted or conscious need to 'otherfy' or dehumanize their enemies, it seems especially silly since it emerges spontaneously in any case of Soccer Hooliganism. There isn't a concerted political effort. Nope! They just start glassing each other.

>> No.19904529
File: 53 KB, 801x402, 5gpQhPP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried, but I think I missed the mark

I think what sells gore - both in movies and rekt threads - is contrast. I've always been queasy with blood, but it's easier to watch an isis execution if everyone's shouting and there's music in the background than it is to see a man split open in the middle of the road with deathly calm eyes while his jaw opens in three sections. it's like the guy isn't in pain

But gore is edgy by design, don't fear being a little cringy

>> No.19904636

How do I learn to appreciate writing buildup again instead of rushing?

>> No.19904702

Does this sound finished to you guys?

I spotted a catenary,
Suggested by light.
A slack thread hiding,
Just out of plain sight.

From bough to green ground,
Some spider spun it there.
He's long gone and left it here,
So I can stop and stare.

>> No.19904725

I liked it

>> No.19904744
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This reminds me, I had to clean out an abandoned condo once and there were little half inch-long roaches. When they are young they are really thin and they get elliptical as they get bigger. If you ever see the little ones the place is infested. Fridge smelled awful, actually made me wretch for a minute straight.
Only other memorable run-in with bugs, I had a reoccurring flea infestation once when I lived in an apartment under ground level. I can't remember how many things we did besides the fumigation. It was at least 3 rounds attacking the apartment and the paranoia you get living around fleas is maddening. People would randomly yell, start muttering and slap about. You panic yourself to sleep and you can't stop imagining the feeling until maybe 2 weeks after they're all dead.

>> No.19904850

Would read better if there wasn't "here" at the 7th line

>> No.19904869

Not sure about 'suggested' but it still works, so maybe it doesn't need changing.

>> No.19904900

One tip is to use textured language. Attack your reader with sensations, don't just say what it was.
>he touched the sticky peanut butter; vs
>the peanut butter stuck to his fingers
Also if you haven't read Cormac McCarthy, he elicits disgust and horror in me pretty often. The end of Blood Meridian chapter 4 is horrific. Some of the imagery was not gory but it fit the bizarre scene like the whitefaced pony clause. The were different forms of violence and atrocity in one breathless sentence for half a page gave the impression of this incredible chaotic scene.
While you won't always need the pacing of that scene, the context of where you put the gore may show how you might depict it. The last sentence stuck out to me the rest of the book as the image of the scalp trade:
>Dust stanched the wet and naked heads of the scalped who with the fringe of hair below their wounds and tonsured to the bone now lay like maimed and naked monks in the bloodslaked dust and everywhere the dying groaned and gibbered and horses lay screaming.
Notice the dry/wet juxtaposition with the dust and the heads then the red soaking ground, as if the ground should look red! Just the term "bloodslaked dust" is horrible because it gives the impression that the earth does not mind to drink our blood. In the ascetic imagery, the word tonsure was not a haircut, it's a verb because it was inflicted upon the soldiers. The three sounds all starting with cacophonic sounds G and S and they work well to end the chapter like a chorus.

>> No.19905134

Do any of you write porn stories? Where can I read them?

>> No.19905171

Straight to the point, are you? I like that.

>> No.19905190

Why do agents and publishers discriminate against slow, meaningful writing, especially if it's from wh*te men?
Could you fucking imagine if GRRM or John Grisham tried to publish their flagship novels today?

>> No.19905213


>> No.19905267

I like it, but this site has me laughing at the name Pajeet.

>> No.19905276

Comfy. I agree with these two, though.

>> No.19905287

I want to start writing them. But what if I'm a virgin?

>> No.19905405 [DELETED] 

So I've finished the story, though, weeks later, I feel like there is so much more I could add. I don't want to fuck up the flow I have though, what do?

>> No.19905444

I've been working on a project I mentioned on here once, about going through some classic short stories and annotating them in terms of writing craft. I've learned a surprising amount doing this and am wondering if anyone else is interested.

Here's a sample (first chapter of Pushkin's excellent The Queen of Spades, which I partly reconstructed from several translations). Annotations appear at the bottom.


>> No.19906122

>to your gf
Shut the fuck up

>> No.19906142

Have any of you gotten rejected by a publisher? What was it like? Do they just send you an email saying that your book is rejected?

>> No.19906259

If you don't have experience, use observation (of books and people describing it, images and videos) and imagination.

>> No.19906298

Do you know any writers who write about porn?

>> No.19906336


https://www.literotica.com/storyxs/writ_stor.shtml is my source for if I ever wanted to write porn.

>> No.19906375

Very helpful! Thank you anons!

>> No.19906382

Absolutely horrible advice. >>19905287 don't listen to him. Think about a fujoshi landwhale who writes about gay sex, but has never had anal intercourse. Cringe, right? You will be in the same position.

>> No.19906384

I'd actually like a beta reader to see if my stuff is good. Interested?

>> No.19906392
File: 1.23 MB, 460x816, this aint fantasy.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Working as intended. Pajeets splatting themselves on the street is a pretty common occurrence here

>> No.19906396

Have sex incel

Or just read erotica
Or find a website that doesnt give you 12 viruses and erp a little

>> No.19906400
File: 37 KB, 193x220, no poop allowed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Queen of Spades
Be honest with me. What am I gonna find when I open this link?

>> No.19906417

A short story about a guy

>> No.19906482

It's alright, I suppose? It felt a little...in Hermann's words, superfluous, but someone else might find it much more helpful

>> No.19906543
File: 123 KB, 750x653, AFB41F5A-4CFA-4950-BC4C-D1D53C79C73A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19906577

What did anon mean by this?

>> No.19906613

Just ignore it. Almost positive this is the follow4follow retard again. The pseud doesn’t stop at his marketing advice as you can see.

>> No.19906667

I've seen ads for this on my own Facebook. I think they're AI generated humor posts. There's a few pages like that.

>> No.19906687

That’s it. I’m starting a YA litrpg and linking it to a patreon. This is not a joke.

>> No.19906702

Do it then

>> No.19906721

if you're not a total grifter it will fail
you simply can't pull this shit off if you're not a snakeperson

>> No.19906767

I'd love to read your story, but I just can't bring myself to download anything off of this here cambodian reed farmer website.

>> No.19906776

I pirated a book from libgen that was really nice, it was like a guide to writing characters, and it had like 9 or 12 different character archtypes (think, like, Myers-Briggs personalities; the helper, the leader, etc) and how to write them together in an engaging way
Does anyone know what this book is called? Or any similar to it? I would really like a handy guide to writing characters and how to think like other people

>> No.19906858

Sometimes it seems to me that writing is torturing one's soul until it gives up its secrets. For a long time, it reveals nothing but trivialities without the slightest interest. And then, suddenly, just when we thought she really had nothing interesting to say, she goes into a sort of lightning mania. She starts to talk and we can't stop her. She says everything about everything. And then she returns to her rest.

>> No.19906956

I think so too. You have to reflect upon things, try to see something a new way or follow a rabbit trail to its end. Even if you end up saying nothing new, it could be in new context that surprises and helps readers realize that at the time of writing people still thought about the topics on which you wrote. Do you hope people will understand this era after reading your writing, after this century is long gone?

>> No.19906985

NTA but I hope so. I've written a book exclusively with regards to my sense of humor, cultivated from various internet and pop culture sources, and if there is ever a book written about my life I sincerely hope they point to that one book as the Bible for understanding [author name] as a person

>> No.19907074

Challenge for you anons:
Make a brief rhyme with at least one of these randomly generated words

>> No.19907087

>moderate conglomerate
Jumped to mind quickly.

>> No.19907112

He took advantage of the ocasion historic to argue for the nation's president's rhetoric.

>> No.19907428

How should an abuse victim stuck in an abusive relationship ask for critique? They need it, they crave it, but they also mentally shut down when it gets too rough and they lose the will to work on their story.

>> No.19907434


>> No.19907473

They say that one of the best ways to learn is to mimic your favorite writer(s). So my question is:

How did you find your favorite writer(s). I read broadly, and certainly I have authors I like and authors I don’t, but there is no one author none that, really stand out to me. At least no modern authors anyway.

>> No.19907523

i am my own favorite writer

>> No.19907528

>Everybody freaks out about how bad the primal hunter is
>Nobody even mentions this https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/22518/chrysalis
This dude is still making more than the average engineer for writing some of the worst-edited slop I've ever seen.

>> No.19907582
File: 19 KB, 428x368, 1620338382533.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why can't I write? Why are there so many walls in head. Why do I cringe at my existence when I try? Is it because I hate myself?? Ughh...FML.

>> No.19907627

I found I liked Fitzgerald after reading This Side of Paradise. There were a few passages where he moved from clear dialogue to a really moving description of a scene that wasn't heavy-handed or purple. I really liked how he painted the picture for me and tied what he described to the feeling of the characters. He didn't give you sentences with hundreds of words and he rarely gave you gimped ones either. That turned me on to his style.

>> No.19907650

Have you ever finished a text? If not: try to.

>> No.19907778
File: 19 KB, 491x488, [oppressive laughter].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I looked up reddit for writers and this is the very first thing I found
>sensitivity readers
americans are fucking insane
they literally pay transexuals to censor their works to be more SENSITIVE

>> No.19907903

I'd absolutely "hire" these faggots for zero dollars, then make sure to edit my story to piss them off even more.

>> No.19907917
File: 156 KB, 1242x1394, chadd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why yes, I *do* hire sensitivity readers to make my work even more offensive, how could you tell?

>> No.19907945

>How much it cost: not relevant in my case, I'll explain why, but I can tell that I spent less than $100.

>> No.19907967
File: 45 KB, 760x526, r-writing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is worse out there.

>> No.19907971
File: 748 KB, 220x163, rensw.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I spent less than $100.
that's more than I ever earned actually creating shit in my whole life

>> No.19907979

It's not hard. There are third worlders on upwork making thousands of dollars transcripting videos and other basic tasks.

>> No.19908052

>people are making money doing something unrelated to what you want to do
I understand but I am unable to wageslave. I could earn a lot of money in corporate work very quickly but I felt miserable when I did. It's like I am cursed

>> No.19908095

How do I say the architecture was Neo-classical or Gothic if it's a world where those terms don't exist?

>> No.19908149

you just describe it.

>> No.19908156

Gothic architecture leans towards verticality, with sharp-pointed arches, with a more subtle concept of influencing reflection and spirituality by making the ceilings well-lit and unreachable. Much like the arches, roofs also extend plenty in height, be that in a spire-like roof or vertical ornamentations

tl:dr: what >>19908149 said

>> No.19908230

>pad the word count
I like this idea

>> No.19908334

That's hilarious

>> No.19908368

You're playing a cheap shell game and it isn't working.
>The #metoo phenomenon is basically just people sharing stories and being vocal about how certain bad things happen on a capillary level in everyday life to every woman.
#metoo was a house cleaning program that incidentally empowered suburban white girls to complain on twitter about being catcalled one time. It was revolutionary in the secluded entertainment industry and has virtually zero impact outside of it.
Almost every sentence you wrote is disingenuous at best and frankly not worth reciprocating the effort you put into it.

>> No.19908493

fucking filler cucks!

>> No.19908516
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>> No.19908563

The buildings profile conformed to the hamburgerler style of construction, that is to say its ornate, domineering peaks and intricate sconces, held true to the origins of its slave based decadence.

Fucking idiot.

>> No.19908752

It will be in YA style. Each chapter ends on a soft cliffhanger. The universe I’ve created is infinitely expandable and I have a few arcs ready. Eventually I’ll have a patreon for early viewings of chapters and also to view nsfw chapters.

>> No.19908772

>that is to say its ornate, domineering peaks and intricate sconces, held true to the origins of its slave based decadence.
That's half of architecture

Fucking idiot.

>> No.19908811

Go look at a lot of gothic or neo-classical architecture in person because it would give you a better sense of scale and the physical space it fills and shapes, and because it would be fun! (Bring a notebook so you can write your description as you see it) If you can’t do that then look at pictures and just describe them in whatever tone you need to. If you can’t even make an attempt your a retard/autistic and maybe should’t be a writer

>> No.19908836

What you said is as reductive as saying ''you cant call a building a building!''

Fucking Idiot.

>> No.19908845

Pal if you are too stupid to research the differences in architecture, describe them, and staple a new word in to classify them, there's only one fucking idiot here and that's you.

>> No.19908847

Are you going to add sex scenes?

>> No.19908882

the characters are all underage, 13-16.
so only for patrons

>> No.19908928

That isn’t me. They’re all above 18 and there will be sex scenes but only for patrons.

>> No.19908939

Neither of these are me. They're all above 74, all male, and there will be graphic scenes in which they piss and fart and shit and cum in each other's mouth but only for patrons.

>> No.19908949


>> No.19908953

if it's a gift instead of a skill, nobody actually knows how to write. it's just that people with the gift write, and those without keep treating it as if it is a skill.

>> No.19908958

That’s not me, it’s all hardcore furry fan fiction porn, only for patrons

>> No.19908991

That's not me. There will be no sex scenes except when the self insert listens to his waifu get bred in the adjoining room by a strong half orc man who emasculates him publicly.

>> No.19909191

It's certainly a skill, but I would never go full Waldun and claim there's no such thing as creative geniuses. He's just coping to make up for his own insecurities.

>> No.19909200

this, of course, will be mandatory reading for all non patrons. patrons will be allowed to skip.

>> No.19909285

Forgot to specify, it's about a little cat girl that goes to the city and lives in a homeless shelter and gets raped. For patrons in the 100$ tier, of course.

>> No.19909376

As a creative genius I can confirm that I certainly do exist.

>> No.19909464

Books for improving prose? I grew up reading ya genre fiction and fanfiction, so my prose is mediocre and not fit for writing

>> No.19909557

You might benefit fron this anon's proyect >>19905444

>> No.19909648 [DELETED] 


>> No.19909721

Bread >>19909716

>> No.19910674

is that emily bloom lol