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19886180 No.19886180 [Reply] [Original]

Maybe one of the most important political and materialist philosophers in history, if not THEE most important.

>> No.19886189

Name one actual advancement in theory he made. He simply consolidated Leninism, he wasn't a great theorist. Even his writing on the national question is derivative.

>> No.19886225
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>Anarchism or Socialism
>Dialectical and Historical Materialism
>Marxism and Problems of Linguistics
>Economic Problems of Socialism in the USSR

>> No.19886270

Is this said because without the position he placed Russia in, the Nazis might have won WW2?

>> No.19886276

If Stalin allied with the Nazis how differently would ww2 likely have gone?

>> No.19886289


>> No.19886304

Stalin understood dialectical materialism in a way that fundamentally important. He knew that it is possible for the political superstructure to change the economic basis of a society. This manifested in the five year plans that jump kicked the Soviet economy and allowed in to meet the Nazi threat. Without Stalinism, the nazis would have won.

>> No.19887579

>butchered Communism forever

>> No.19887599

>A lot of books means he had a high theoretical output
Actually check them. Most of those are just letters or newspaper articles, etc. not major works. Same for Lenin or Marx. People wrote a lot of letters back then.
And again none of those you list are very fundamental. They're nice works but basically just defend and apply Marxist-Leninist theory before him.

>> No.19888486

There would not have been a war if say Hitler was a socialist.
And the Spanish republic would have survived if just the Italian socialists had succeeded.
Sure Churchill would have tried to get Roosevelt to fight the red tide in Europe, but he wouldn’t’ve bit. Pacific theater probably wouldn’t’ve happened either

>> No.19888498

Well, the Russians were the ones who put the blood and sweat into defeating the Germans, so without Russia, the die would've been cast.

>> No.19888502

As in somehow a moscow berlin axis would have curbed japanese imperial ambitions?

>> No.19888545

I can’t recall what sparked Japanese aggressions. I do hear that Roosevelt or someone maneuvered to get the attack on Perl Harbor so we could use that as an excuse to spend on war. Though we really wanted to start in Europe.
So I just leave it at “probably wouldn’t” the Japanese aggressions may have avoided angering the US and skipping Hawaii for just Lima Peru

>> No.19889258

Each of these books, along with the articles of Marx and Lenin contain a wealth of knowledge. More is said in a short work by Lenin than in a thousand books.

>> No.19889341

Shit bait. Do better. Be better.

>> No.19889442

I get it, no one will implement gommunism better than him.

>> No.19889451

Stalin was a child rapist; he wrote nothing of value. Even Mao said he hated Stalin and his works
>Stalin understood dialectical materialism in a way that fundamentally important.
That its basically bullshit, and you bullshit your way into believing it.
>He knew that it is possible for the political superstructure to change the economic basis of a society.
Ah yes, who could have thought of something so difficult to figure out, retard? The problem is, however, retard it wasn't for the better, and you'be hard pressed to find Marxists who defend the USSR's generalized commodity production as "socialism."
>This manifested in the five year plans that jump kicked the Soviet economy and allowed in to meet the Nazi threat.
It was American engineers who did that; not Stalin. Stalin caused World War II by helping Hitler invade Poland, giving it the oil to carry out Barbarossa and he handicapped the Soviet response by ignoring prior warnings and murdering most of his generals.
>the nazis would have won.
They should have won

>> No.19889469

>Stalin was a child rapist
Source? If you give me that Montefiore book, you are a pedophile
>That its basically bullshit, and you bullshit your way into believing it
Considering that he came up with DiaMat in order to justify a new communist orthodoxy that would be established in the USSR and the future eastern bloc, I think it's safe to say that he knew it better than "most"
>Ah yes, who could have thought of something so difficult to figure out, retard? The problem is, however, retard it wasn't for the better, and you'be hard pressed to find Marxists who defend the USSR's generalized commodity production as "socialism."
Yeah it was bullshit, but that's how ruling works you dumb nigger. You keep up some ideological pretenses in order for people not to overthrow the state. That was the whole point for why Stalin wrote DiaMat, Lenin wrote Left-Wing Communism etc.
>It was American engineers who did that; not Stalin. Stalin caused World War II by helping Hitler invade Poland, giving it the oil to carry out Barbarossa and he handicapped the Soviet response by ignoring prior warnings and murdering most of his generals
Ahistorical take
>They should have won
Still seething after 75 years?

>> No.19889489

Its common knowledge
>Considering that he came up with DiaMat i
Everything wrote by Marx and Lenin is bullshit. Stalin lived in a mansion while his policies murdered millions of people. Marxism is for resentful, lower class-inferior people who need a form of petty revenge to justify their pathetic lives. You just have a woe is me victim complex. Nobody ought to feel for you; your problems in life are your own.
>Ahistorical take
Its not ahistorical. These are facts. Just like the fact you will never be a woman, or live to see socialism or seize the means of production. And Kyle Rittenhouse did nothing wrong.
>Still seething after 75 years?
No one seething you communist lolcows. You're biggest jokes on the internet. Weak, cowardly, afraid to leave your house. Too pussy to do anything in life. You're nothing in life and always will be.

>> No.19889528

He refuted Japhetic theory? Called Epictetus the greatest of philosophers.

>> No.19889549

Yeah because they were the ones who got invaded

>> No.19889727

Not bait, if you'd read Stalin then you'd understand how significant his political and philosophical thought was.

>> No.19890901

behead those who insult stalin(pbuh)

>> No.19890910

love stalin, never cared about his politics though

>> No.19890949

You do realize he was barely literate, right?

>> No.19890959

Take a look at the complete works and tell me that...

>> No.19891006
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Then why did he have the greatest value theorist since Marx himself murdered?