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/lit/ - Literature

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19884586 No.19884586 [Reply] [Original]

Why do women read more than men nowadays?

>> No.19884591

Would wait until marriage

>> No.19884592

When women read books written literally for 8-year olds, it’s expected they would “read more” books than their superiors.

>> No.19884593

Men are too busy playing vidya and masturbating and competing on the rat race.

>> No.19884594

I save that term for literature exclusively. Women consoom YA fiction, they don't read.

>> No.19884595

all women whom you see reading on the internet do it for attention and it's always the same 7 books
the reason there's more female booktubers is because they have the audience of simps

when it comes to actual readers and not booktuber shit, it's 50/50

>> No.19884601


>> No.19884602

Why do women pose like this? Big smile with closed eyes? It's getting on my nerves

>> No.19884603

Because most “men” born after 1995 are addicted to video games and porn.
Women “read” YA and erotica almost exclusively, so it hardly makes any difference.

>> No.19884617

men born after 1993 can't read
all they know is watch porn, play vidya, post twitter screenshots, eat mcdonalds and lie

>> No.19884620

>Big smile with closed eyes?
Drives engagement. Same with the soiboy gaping mouth. Most of the people who do it in their youtube thumbnails know these faces are stupid, but they get noticeably fewer views if they don't.

>> No.19884629

make that 1998 or so
t. 1994

>> No.19884630

Men born after 10,000 bc can't fly and communicate telepathically, all they know is eat grain, calcify pineal, mind controlled by squiggles on page.

>> No.19884634

>How dare women occasionally make that one face that drives my autism batshit insane!
They just aren’t thinking about you, bro. Settle down.

>> No.19884639

Based vargposter

>> No.19884687

The education system is designed to make boys dislike reading and learning.

>> No.19884691

Because modern books are trash and like knows like

>> No.19884696

This. Men have to read black feminist shit in school. People whine about having to read the classics in school because they're too hard but it's not even like that anymore.

>> No.19884700

Follow my order. Sauce please

>> No.19884723

This is a huge reason. Males are full of energy and want to engage into activities suitable for that energy. The books they give people to read during childhood are generally things completely uninteresting to them and as such reading becomes a chore and unlikeable.

Parents should read adventure stories for their boys. They will pick up the habit real fast.

>> No.19884729

because modern literature is trash and that's what girls enjoy. parents and the educational system don't present quality material for children to explore and so the boys grow up thinking reading is stupid.

>> No.19884731
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We've gotten really good at having this thread after having had it twice a week for the past ten years.

>> No.19884738
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Because Hegel.

>> No.19884736
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Kat is the real life Rory Gilmore

>> No.19884746

Do you think she's a virgin?

>> No.19884756

Is Kat a lesbo?

>> No.19884759


>> No.19884798

>thread mentions women
>incel union comes in rage

>> No.19884813

Women only read young adult fiction, because their brains do not develop past the age of fifteen

>> No.19884840

holy shit you're autistic. but thanks for the reply

>> No.19884841

They don't. Their vapid, capricious rat-like brains make them pretend to read for the social media clout. It actually makes me fucking simmer with rage, the thought of a woman pretending to have understood Dostoevsky.

>> No.19884848
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>> No.19884854

I can literally smell your virginity through the screen

>> No.19884889

Someone post the photo for this anon

>> No.19884900

I've seen it, it's fake.

>> No.19884903

What photo??

>> No.19884911


I actually have a friend who claims she writes "reviews" of books so that an instabaddie can pretend to seem more well-read and intelligent. I'm, like, 80% sure she's full of shit, but who knows.

>> No.19884916

It’s not. That’s just cope from incels obsessed with e-celebs

>> No.19884921

then post the whole thing instead of just "her" cropped face

>> No.19884925

Who is the whore and why do I see her face spammed all over the board?

>> No.19884930

It’s never her cropped face, you can see her entire body and her spreading her legs open

>> No.19884933

Men have turned to video games instead. They usually provide a quick hit of everything modern man is lacking in the hellscape that is now.

>> No.19884935
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i want to protect her bros

>> No.19884967


>> No.19884982

So, a whore?

>> No.19884989

Kat is tradwife material

>> No.19885090

Because men are stupid and products of failed evolution. They're still stuck in the phase of animalistic barbarism and only truly become human when they're more feminine than other men.

>> No.19885095

Only if she’s won over to Allah, the beneficent, the merciful. A weak Christian would let her cuckold him.

>> No.19885102


>> No.19885123

its not her you mong, its some czechia pornstar that looks like her at that angle

>> No.19885133

>Men have to read black feminist shit in school
Lol, take your meds

>> No.19885144

Men are too busy working

>> No.19885146

I had to read black feminist shit in school

>> No.19885148


>> No.19885164

>all this steaming rage
I’m starting to think women are the true chads of the internet

>> No.19885168

I wank at work so whats the difference

>> No.19885175

Because they read YA pozz and race crap. My sister is mid twenties and one of her more recent reads is entitled 'Why I'm not talking to White People about Race'. Yeah, I'm sure that involves a lot of brain engagement and comprehension. And a girl I used to talk to (who I quickly dumped) reads, according to her and I quote, 'LGBTQ+ YA',
I honestly think fucking video games are more effort than those sort of books. Meanwhile I've only read one book this year and 57% through my second, though its actually useful and difficult to break down

>> No.19885184

Allah will CRUSH you!

>> No.19885192

reading is seen as gay
men are women now
man used to be spirit
woman used to be flesh
now it's the other way around

>> No.19885198

because more books are written for them

>> No.19885217

What’s the name of the “pornstar” that coincidentally looks exactly like your eceleb crush, you fucking loser

>> No.19885226

Holy… extremely accurate and profound reply. The satanic inversion perpetrated by the People of the Lie.

>> No.19885250

Not even incel shit here, just chauvinism.

>> No.19885251 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.19885255

Nice picture of Kat, lad

>> No.19885259

>it’s real
Oh no how will e-cels recover?

>> No.19885355

>Here’s your bookworm girlfrie-
>Haha wait Anon, she’s recording a review now
>You can meet her later haha
>*pulls you away*

>> No.19885369

He's right though
t. zoomer

>> No.19885375

That was SextaSeptima on pornhub (not anymore), aka Evie Davis https://onlyfans.com/evie_davis

>> No.19885378

Conservatives think that book-learnin' is feminine and you should be focusin' on the truck instead

>> No.19885381
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the liberal arts (or the arts for that matter) are for girls, basedboys, and libtards. i don't concern myself with trivialities and subjectivities. i concern myself with science, technology, engineering, the stock market, things that aren't a waste of time to my big human brain. i concern myself only with reason, as I believe the only problems that really matter are ones that can be solved with reason and science. there are no gray areas if you think hard and long enough

>> No.19885391

Are you lost

>> No.19885392

t. urbanoid who's never spoken to an actual conservative

>> No.19885401

no, i am here to advocate for reason

>> No.19885402

Dude rural people are 100% like that. Talk to them. Not even declaring it bad or good, but you don't know the average American cares little for this stuff.

>> No.19885406

You got the first two right, at least.

>> No.19885413


>> No.19885416

>the rat race
the last one is right too. all of my close male friends never shut the fuck up about their next money making scheme, whether it be crypto, NFTs, penny stocks, etc. it's all they ever want to fucking talk about aside from what new piece of shit car they're driving or their boat or something other gay shit

>> No.19885418


>> No.19885421

search "books" on tiktok and watch the videos women post, its all just cancer modern romance books and literal smut, they also unironically consider jerking off to harry potter wattpad fanfictions reading.

>> No.19885424

Oh fuck the "side hustle" garbage. Because exactly what society needed was an artificial, needless pressure that a person should, in fact, be working beyond their full-time jobs.

>> No.19885425

there is no reason within the chaotic abyss

>> No.19885426

Boomercons are like 99% of the market for Presidential biographies and books in that vein.

>> No.19885430

You mean you spend all day arguing about the pointlessness of literature on a literature board. Very advanced thinking anon, much impressed

>> No.19885434

i believe anyone who says something like this simply hasn't read enough science. educate yourself. start with Jordan Peterson

>> No.19885436

Most of that is that they're too lazy and uneducated to actually join the rat race. So they're buying into the next shitcoin hoping for a single big win.
All that time they could have found an in-demand industry and socked money away making 12-14% average/year.

>> No.19885440

Superficial political books are retarded. I see boomers as costco looking at whatever latest sensational ghost written book by a generic commenter on a topical issue that wont be relevant this time next year.

>> No.19885449

Jobs are for making a living, side businesses are for making you wealthy.

>> No.19885457

? Just saying, I've been draining my nuts regularly with her content. Good sex, lots of anal and pissing too

>> No.19885459

At least you see them buying the books at Costco for $15 instead of the outrageous $30 at Target or Barnes and Noble.

>> No.19885464

As atrocious as these Boomers taste in literature is they are way too based to shop and Barnes and Noble or Target

>> No.19885469
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you must be 18 or older to post here

>> No.19885481

Shame what Sarina Valentina looks like as of late

>> No.19885494

this was the first tranny i jerked it to

>> No.19885498

How do I encourage my future sons to read?

>> No.19885502

I do this
or rather
I wish I could do this
these stuff are all written for girls from their perspective and what they find attractive and arousing

I guess this is what having a niche fetish feels like

>> No.19885515

Make that fucking retarded; there will always be idiots. I am 19 and read enough for my whole major cohort

>> No.19885521

She has a really tiny penis

>> No.19885529
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>educate yourself. start with Jordan Peterson

>> No.19885534

Why do so many posters here have such a generous and unjustifiable opinion of themselves?

>> No.19885536
File: 21 KB, 212x270, Kurt_gödel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you need godel

>> No.19885539

american website

>> No.19885547

A coping mechanism for deep rooted insecurity. The most smug anons are also the most fragile. Something something narcissistic personality disorder

>> No.19885555

Read to them, encourage them to read aloud

>> No.19885565

are the scholastic book fairs still a thing?

>> No.19885574

Yes. My brother is in 2nd grade and he has one right now. Its all woke garbage

>> No.19885576

ah, such a shame

>> No.19885580

Read might be a loose term, doesn’t she listen to audiobooks while “reading” a book?

>> No.19885588

>le armchair psychologist
>le x are the most not x
I guess pro-gay people are the biggest closet homophobes

>> No.19885590

you didn't know?

>> No.19885597

That doesn't make any sense, go to a book store that sells new books and it's almost 90+% stuff marketed at women, by women. The market doesn't lie.

>> No.19885601

I see I bruised your ego. You're obviously offended but still acting smug. Case in point.

>> No.19885604

Does Jordan Peterson have books on epistemology / philosophy of science that I don't know of?

>> No.19885605
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>> No.19885607

I didn't read when I was a kid because I was busy playing in the forrest with my buddy. We lived the adventures you read about in that forrest. A stick became a sword, nettles became the enemy. A fallen tree was a fully equipped spaceship with a gunner and a cockpit. The river was a challenge, could we create a dam? We could.

>> No.19885608

I don't know why this annoys me so much
something about switch the act of reading into a passive stream of content

>> No.19885611

Holy soul

>> No.19885613


>> No.19885614


>> No.19885619

The market caters to the lowest common denominator. Cheaper and more profitable to shit out a particular type of book to a reliable demographic

>> No.19885627

It literally is made up gobbledygook. Men and women were always a mix of spirit and flesh. Anything else is denying humanity.DA

>> No.19885634

But if I’m offended I’m actually closet non offended

>> No.19885635

>punk 57
oof, I read that one

>> No.19885639

Sounds based to me. Must suck being an old-fashioned stick in the mud with culture rapidly passing you by. :)

>> No.19885648

Just proves that the cover is extremely important despite what people say. Every last one of these you can tell they're shit immediately.

>> No.19885649

Yes anon. It is a cope. I am coping by achieving financial independence and living a life as a free man. A self-enslaved serf wouldn't understand.
How's he doing, still a brain-addled drug addict living in Russia?

>> No.19885652

oh no, don't get me wrong, I've already had that experience and came away fuller, I'm sad for them that they won't have that chance, but then again, they were probably doomed from the start since "U.S. Education"

>> No.19885660

Just have a job that pays what you need. Invest from that. But taking on jobs beyond your main job is just setting yourself up for wasting your fucking life lmao

>> No.19885663

Fantastic digits and parenting advice. Read your sons the classics, start them on books that interest their boyish sensibilities, and give them literary role models

>> No.19885671

Exactly, fully accepted

>> No.19885680
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Women "read" more than men just like they "play more video games" than men.

With video games they play shallow dogshit mobile games. with books they read shallow dogshit YA novels.

>> No.19885685

this thread smells like ass

>> No.19885687

Anon do you write? That was an excellent paragraph

>> No.19885688

Active listening is a thing. I don't get why people see audiobooks as inferior. The themes or prose can affect you in the same way. In some cases, like Shakespeare, listening to it is closer to how the author intended it to be experienced.

>> No.19885690

>Just have a job that pays what you need. Invest from that.
Thats contradictory. If you're working a job that only sustains you, you will not have much resources to invest.
>But taking on jobs beyond your main job is just setting yourself up for wasting your fucking life lmao
You're confusing a job with your own business. The former is working and kissing ass to make another man rich, the later is working and kissing ass to enrich yourself.
The key is how much funds can you make beyond what you need to live. But just an extra thousand a month can buy you a house in 10 years.

>> No.19885691

you know damn well they're not doing that
they put that shit up as noise why they do something else

>> No.19885702

School is just there for socializing and learning a work ethic, according to his parents at least. Most of his education occurs at home. Due to this he is academically performing a few grade levels beyond his peers.
I am concerned that the social environment will have a negative impact, as it did with me, but he apparently is very well liked and respected in his class and has a lot of fun. Granted due to covid conditions and wokeism there will be a certain innocence he wont get to have, but at his age most of it goes over his head.

>> No.19885704

Kats ass?

>> No.19885713

What you need, including investment to achieve financial independence in a reasonable amount of time. You absolute autist.

>> No.19885731

men's ass

>> No.19885739

>including investment
You say that like it's a set amount. As if your living costs aren't going to substantially increase in the future.
If I make an extra k, of course I'm going to do a little pondering how I can make an extra 1.5k. You're problem is that you settle and that's why you don't win at life.

>> No.19885749


>i am le sheep

>> No.19885752

fuck off fart sniffer

>> No.19885763

Nice. any scat?

>> No.19885769
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Thanks. Not yet, but working on an outline for a book I really want to write.

>> No.19885780

I wish you the best of luck with it, I hope it doesn't elude you.

>> No.19885828


>> No.19885863

Because what they read is so simple you can essentially skim over while getting the gist of it. It's no coincidence YA is their book choice.

>> No.19885878

Worst realization is that this kind of shit sells the most.

>> No.19885885
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because men don't exist in the modern world, just overgrown babies. overgrown babies who'd prefer information in the form of brief youtube videos because they have to make time for league of legends with friends or whatever faggot shit people play.

>> No.19885928

I was born in 94 too and literally none of my friends read. Only my -00 cousin does.

>> No.19885939
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>i am 19

>> No.19885949

t. lives in parents basement

>> No.19885956

I want to kill all women

>> No.19885963
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>Work sucks
>Work even more in spare time to make it seem like a temp thing.
Mike Rowe approves.

>> No.19885973


>> No.19885975

So much cope, he posted twice.

>> No.19885981
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>> No.19885997

from reading actual literature? you are a brave simp.

>> No.19885999

Get some friends and you won't be so miserable.

>> No.19886005

It's ok man. Just get a job and move out. Lmao

>> No.19886020

Just buy a house at the house store.

>> No.19886030

Work is great. Having a job is good. Having 7 jobs on the side is either an unfortunate product of being poor or someone who is too stupid to find a better way to be rich. Should be every decent person's moral mission to shame people that encourage inefficient side jerbs in addition to their full-time jerbs. People are becoming automatons.

>> No.19886031

Because they are fucking smarter

>> No.19886032

It's call the 'Home Depot'.

>> No.19886049

You do understand that many ceos hold roles are multiple organizations? For instance, James C. Smith holds both roles at Pfizer and Reuters so that he can make you get the vaxx.

>> No.19886055

Unfathomably based

>> No.19886065

Do you think I'm talking about CEOs or the guys bringing the DoorDash. THINK.

>> No.19886081

Those aren't people with their own businesses, those are i9's that THINK they own their own business.

>> No.19886197

correct they are afraid of a classically educated chad as he would not standard for modern society

>> No.19886210

What over-theorizing does to a mf

>> No.19886229

>coping with the fact that there could possibly be two people that think he's retarded

>> No.19886271
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she looks like spinoza

>> No.19886328

I've asked women what they read and it's always shit like harry potter or the latest romance novel.
Also who the fuck puts tabs in a book?

>> No.19886347

Yes, but she listens to audiobooks whilst reading a paper book. That’s why she claims to read a thousand books a month or something ridiculous.

>> No.19886459


>> No.19886576

>There could be two 'people' who want to wageslave for the rest of their lives
It's a valid premise, but ot doesn't make them less retarded

>> No.19886586

I have watched every video that emmie has posted

>> No.19886600
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>> No.19886631

I always mistake The Bell Jar as The Bell Curve

>> No.19886639

mmm, I want to rub her shoulders verily

>> No.19886661
File: 1.26 MB, 1321x944, emmerz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Girls are so cute!
Girls! I salute
you with my toot.
Come in my arms
I'll turn your harms
away, come girls.
Put your little curls
on my shoulder.
'Tis a colder
world without you.
Beautiful brew
we make together
in this heather.
Girls are so cute!
Come, I'm no brute,
Come jolly Emmie !
I shall put gently
my thumb inside
your ass, I'll ride
you in winter
till comes summer,
and from June
to the clear Moon.
You'll suck my cock
shinning as rock
under the sun
of your sole one:
your beautiful clit
covered with spit.
To lick your cunt!
To make you grunt!
To kiss your crone!
To hear you moan!
I love your sex
hairy, complex,
greasy, stinky,
tasty, dinky,
pink, dry or wet,
but always het
for me my love.
Your breasts above
are my seasons,
crushing reasons
they breath with you
your joy anew.
Your whole body
knows nobody
but my warm hands
it understands.
Girls are so cute!
And I'm en route
To fuck you Emmie!
Beautiful Emmie
You'll soon know me.

>> No.19886684

The way she talks is is too affected, atleast it got better recently though.

>> No.19886694

you understand that Brave New World is a utopia, yes?

>> No.19886696

It's not but okay

>> No.19886716
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>> No.19886789

This probably bait but browsing /lit/ has been very revealing. This board obviously has a higher proportion of female posters than most other boards, especially the ones I use. They have this style of communication that is easy to identify. There's this snappy, catty way of communicating. It's like I can hear the upward inflection in their writing. But whats most interesting to me is that a lot of them resemble the bitter incel in how they approach the topic of males. Obvious lack of engagement with the opposite sex, a lot of resentment, broad generalizations, condemnation of the whole group on the basis of one anecdote, etc. Theres clearly a massive divide between males and females and the alienation of one from the other is creating a negative feedback loop.

>> No.19886842

I basically use her as my normie metric, keeps me tethered to reality on what normal fags are reading these days
but the one where she rates the worst book she's read last year genuinely made me laugh

>> No.19886886

shes is so close to becoming a failed normie but it'll never happen

>> No.19887073

hard kek

>> No.19887148

The humanities had a certain concern about reason in the past desu. Now it's hardly the most important subject.

>> No.19887196

Is there a different poem for when she says she won't suck your cock?

>> No.19887229

Not yet because it hasn't ever happened

>> No.19887239

she actually looks cute there

>> No.19887241
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Almost 200 posts in and no one has posted her feet? Oh how /lit/ has fallen.

>> No.19887250

what do you mean not yet lol
if she says no, you'll ask her to wait then a few hours later sheepishly send her a poem dissing her

>> No.19887286

That's a simple answer. Women are better at time management.

>> No.19887291

a few minutes maximum

>> No.19887295
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do sisters really grope each other like this?

>> No.19887301

they do

>> No.19887311

That's a simple answer. Women are better at time management.

Wrong replay on a upper post.

>> No.19887315

I will not let you ravish me!

>> No.19887318
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>> No.19887323

>tina fey
>amy poehler
gross libshit

>> No.19887324

are you okay anon?
is it really that hard to take a second to double check your posts?

>> No.19887329


>> No.19887502

It's cute because it makes them look girlish, vulnerable, and silly.
> I'm just a silly little girl who gets overwhelmed by her big happy emotions teehee :D
I get that they do it because the algorithm rewards it, but I find it endearing. It makes me want to hold them in my lap, rub noses, and cuddle them.

>> No.19887508

>tfw you will never live in Hyperborea before the fall

>> No.19887518

Dunno anon. It made me want to cum in her face, though

>> No.19887611

Is that her sister?

>> No.19887707

>does not know the difference between executive office and directive board

>> No.19887794

I watch them with my morning/evening coffee

>> No.19887822

At least you have friends

>> No.19887828

>Why do women read more than men nowadays?
Woman do "read more" but most of it is shit

>> No.19887829

Did I make the assertion he held an executive role at both? Oh, wait I didn't. Maybe you shouldn't be on the /lit/ board if you can't read. Maybe /b/ or /trash/ is more your speed, huh Sparky?

>> No.19887842

>the stock market
>things that aren't a waste of time to my big human brain

>> No.19887869

You should start sending this to them

Mark but this flea, and mark in this,
How little that which thou deniest me is;
It sucked me first, and now sucks thee,
And in this flea our two bloods mingled be;
Thou know’st that this cannot be said
A sin, nor shame, nor loss of maidenhead,
Yet this enjoys before it woo,
And pampered swells with one blood made of two,
And this, alas, is more than we would do.

-John Donne

>> No.19887914

you can see how she's almost breaking free from the conditioning

>> No.19887920

the depression is a sign

>> No.19887976

Women read this stuff because it's safe. Living in a post sexual revolution world where you're no one unless you're fucking someone and any interaction with a man could potentially become sexual is very threatening to women who would otherwise have been very chaste and graceful Christian girls. So they adopt non-standard gender and sexual identities (demi-sexual, gender non-binary, etc.) as a self-preservation strategy and maximize on wokeism.
If they lived in a traditional patriarchal Chrisitan society wherein they would be under the protection of their father until he married them off to a respectable young man in the community, they would be absolutely lovely little things.
Instead they're forced into an environment which is a very bad evolutionary fit, get into toxic relationships, "experiment with girls", and internalize all sorts of values which are completely antithetical to their interests and well being because no one is giving them any guidance and all their dumb gen-X parents ever said was "I just want my children to be happy".

>> No.19887992

how so?

>> No.19888013

Women will always find one way or other to get the attention they lack in their families, plus, men are meant to pay for their shit.. so they don't n e e d to spend time in important stuff like getting a job or pursuing higher education in actual important careers.

>> No.19888050

her scathing review of the Alchemist was pretty kekworthy

>> No.19888052

Have sex

>> No.19888112

she's getting introspective

>> No.19888114

>passively absorbs information
like DNA

>> No.19888177

why? because she made a few videos about feeling sad, then visited her grandmother and is now feeling fine again?

>> No.19888202


>> No.19888222

So you think that financial independence is freedom? You're really making that superficial, boomer-tier argument? You should buy yourself a really tall house and then kill yourself by jumping off of it lmfao, fucking laughing at your life.

>> No.19888231

I listened to Off to Be the Wizard on audiobook. I'm a programmer so the premise was interesting to me. I listened to it while driving. It was pulp nonsense, but I enjoyed it enough to get a few other audiobooks. I listened to them while exercising. They were good to listen to while walking and letting your mind wander. If you missed half of it because you were thinking about something else nothing of value was lost. Each book got more and more woke as time progressed until they became utter nonsense with nothing to do about programming or spellcrafting. The plots became facile unfollowable mediums for the female Mary Sue to save the clueless males from their own 2 dimensional misogynist schemes that went predictably awry.

So I'm going on a second date with this chick because she let me stick my thumb in her ass while drunk-fucking her on the first date. I'm desperately thinking of something to fill the silence and I bring up these books as a guilty pleasure of mine, and she says she reads them. But she says they keep getting better and better and it's one of her favorite series.

>Why do women read more than men nowadays

Because writing for women is easier and pays better.

>> No.19888238

Me and you will be in the ground all the same, God-willing you first.

>> No.19888256

I hate when book series get more woke. I read Annihilation because I liked the movie. I was really interested by the premise and wanted to get to the conclusion but the final book was literally all about gay sex.

>> No.19888285

how is gay sex woke? I associate wokeness with annoying self-insert preachiness and forced morality lessons. Does the book have a lot of that?

>> No.19888286

Who is this booktuber btw? What's her name? I see her face spammed here all the time

>> No.19888290

Homos are evil

>> No.19888304

No, I suppose not. But a sci fi series about a guy summoning interdimensional aliens devolving into books about gay sex was pretty disappointing.

>> No.19888708

I'm an arachnophobe, does this mean I want to fuck spiders?
Are there cute spiders?

>> No.19888739
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>> No.19888765

this. reading catcher in the rye in high school is what made me get into literature.

>> No.19889066

Very few men have the luxury of being able to marry someone that will provide for them economically of course it's what a lot of men between 18 and 30 talk about.

>> No.19889538
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That selection's a bit white for my tastes.

>> No.19889544
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>> No.19889553

This. Boys should get aggressive beautiful books about war and virtue. Homer got me into literature because I want to be as cool as the lads.

>> No.19889592
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>> No.19889601

> Meanwhile I've only read one book this year and 57% through my second
you’re literally projecting your inability to read onto women lmao

>> No.19889622

No wonder fantasy went to shit.

>> No.19889788

Oh am I talking to one of those NEETS they warn me about?
Yes being able to support yourself without reliance on your job is a good thing. It gives you more options with how you run your life and is honestly less expensive than being poor.

>> No.19889793

Letting others know they are ready for cum.

>> No.19889794

>we're all going to die why strive for anything?
I swear it's the same loser replying to me. I notice all the replies are the same shit with no argument.

>> No.19889817

>The Young-Girl privatizes everything she apprehends. Thus, a philosopher is not a philosopher to her, but an extravagant erotic object, and likewise, a revolutionary is not a revolutionary, but costume jewelry.

>> No.19889819

Women cannot read

>> No.19889823

Women are not real. Therefore, no one can have sex

>> No.19889876

You should be watching actual productions of Shakespeare

>> No.19890835

You really seem to be the autistic one.

t another anon

>> No.19890856

t. went to school in the 90s before niggers even existed in Europe

>> No.19890881

Not that guy, but I actually did go to school in the 90s and I had no idea how awful shit had gotten in schools until my little brother started talking about it from time to time. Apparently, they have cameras tracking every student in every room and hallway except the bathrooms, and a school App you have to install on your phone that allows them to track everything you say and do, even during your off-school hours, on that phone. The level of propaganda these days is almost impossible to believe, teaching new generations of kids things that are in no way based on reality... and its working.

Sometimes I wonder when the other shoe is going to drop.

>> No.19890882

I am 25 yo and french so no

>> No.19890938

Why do you post here if you don't read?

>> No.19890944

Hey, finish high school first and then begin posting here.

>> No.19890951


>> No.19890962

Excellent answer

>> No.19890990

I'm not going to listen to the opinion of people that got bullied in school. You probably deserved it lmao.

>> No.19891004

Hasn't this always been the case since literacy became widespread?

>> No.19891022


>> No.19891035

I wasn't bullied. Everyone was too scared that I would be a school shooter to be mean to me.

>> No.19891079

RPGs are literature.

>> No.19891100


this but with my dick

>> No.19891353

Wait, people actually think
this girl >>19884586
this girl >>19885251
are the SAME girl? They're barely close in resemblance. The nose is completely different. And I have zero skin in this game as I have no idea who the girl is in the OP or the chick taking it deep.

>> No.19891367

it's deep lindy

>> No.19891384

it's this pretty much, curriculums aren't designed to give boys interesting things to read, school curriculums barely cover any classics anymore
we all had to read black feminist shit in school in muttistan

>> No.19891781

English class is basically a teen girl support group at this point. I fucking hated it. We would literally draw pictures and make posters. the most actual english would be the equivalent of blogposting about our feelings. The books we would read would be exclusively about sad minority girls.

>> No.19891790

Every male zoomer I know despises English class and English teachers. Apparently all the girls are super bitchy to the guys the second the class starts. Tons of woke propaganda too. Easily the most pozzed subject in public education.

>> No.19891951

how old is she?

>> No.19891978

The females I've been involved with (romantically) recently have told me they like to read. One reads murakami and the other one had been reading cortazar

>> No.19892075

Kek. For me it's that pose where some thot stands akimbo but takes one leg and raises the knee into the air with the foot tiptoed.

>> No.19892076


>> No.19892123

All my uncles and my mom are like that, they were all raised by a taxidriver and all four of them have or had weird small businesses that worked somehow.

Just the ones I can remember:
- Three different sushi shops.
- Pizza place
- Roast chicken stand
- Software company
- Preschool
- Small Baking factory
- Sexshop
- Jacuzzi selling.
I guess it's way better than some speculative bs like NTF's or crypto

>> No.19892150

The majority of women (at least in my personal experience, and from most women booktubers) tend to read YA, fantasy, or otherwise commercial literature that offers next to nothing in terms of stimulating the higher faculties. It offers no intellectual value to speak of, and the dearth of emotional nuance is so great it dumbfounds me how the, supposedly, more emotionally mature of the sexes is able to drudge through these books. Readers of high-quality literature have always been a minority - I couldn't tell you for certain which sex is most represented, though I think it is an even split - however, it has become a trend for women to "read" and they inflate the numbers with their low-quality books.

>> No.19892195


It's probably 75/25 men to women who read decent lit. The more difficult and containing abstract concepts, complicated psychology, harsh tragic, comedic, or philosophical themes. Anything like that is pussy repellent. Lolita is popular with women for example. Because of the floried proses and lack of underlying ideas and themes motivating the work

>> No.19892314

I hate women so goddam much it's unreal

>> No.19892367

I love women so goddam much it's unreal

>> No.19892382

Sandra Cisneros is unreadable. This is the only purpose I can possibly think of for assigning her books

>> No.19892411

I simultaneously obsess over women while hating them

>> No.19892430

Women are like children. It's not that deep.

>> No.19892451
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>the only women that marriageable are the ones that dont want to fuck me

>> No.19892484

>Why do women read more than men nowadays?
It's like "studies" showing 50% of "gamers" are women because they play Candy Crush once a month.

>> No.19892539

that's how i prefer 'em

>> No.19892552

>that sign
>those books
>that shirt
i just can't do it anymore bros

>> No.19892574

I was scrolling through before and after pictures of sex reassignment surgeries. All the men had tiny and gross looking penises. I wonder if theres a correlation between small dicked males and trooning out

>> No.19892604

Don't try to make sense of the mentally ill

>> No.19892623

After looking at a dozen pre and post op cocks I figured that I'm probably mentally ill myself

>> No.19892627

Men are much more pragmatic. Most written lit at this point is not pragmatic. Philosophy has been pushed to the side and science put in its place given most want to know causally how things work rather then why. Fiction is on par with videos and video games and the latter two are much more interactive so saying you've read something that is not non-fiction is laughable anyhow. On top of all of this the modern world only allows you to have so many areas to spend time in and lit is the main one to be cut due to it being effectively inefficient as a whole as far as information spread. I myself never read and only listen to audio books (all be it I have bad dyslexia, and don't' even read 4chan posts and just put it into text to speech.)
This post is made from a point of resentment. Your friends are talking about an area you have little interest in; however, you must realize that they are being more future oriented which is good. Its better to think about those types of things then not.

>> No.19892647


>> No.19892649
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Just don't watch how they do it and what goes into the after surgery care. It's far worse than just dilation.

>> No.19892676
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It's too late for me anon. I probably know more about neovaginas than most trannies

>> No.19893450

How so? What are the tells?

>> No.19893916

I like you.

>> No.19894111

Women read a lot

>> No.19894132

I like to think that if we still had patrician culture not so many people would have taken this bait.

>> No.19894261

This is a well-known and often studied phenomenon. The answer is most likely the culture of schools, families, and masculinity. This article offers focuses on how schools might disadvantage low-SES boys:


It also helps not to be an incel spending hours on a hentai image board asking other incels if they should read Schopenhauer or Hegel and just read a book instead.

>> No.19894544

It's the only thread on /lit/ that matters.

>> No.19894911

Borg assimilation of YA protagonist directly into their personality

>> No.19894938

yes before he reads marx

>> No.19896222

That article wasn't very insightful.
>boys from shitty families do worse than girls from shitty families
>schools play some role in disadvantaging male students
Pretty vague otherwise.

>> No.19896263

I want to kiss her on the cheek and give her a warm hug

>> No.19896308

Lol remember when you niggas made this catholic girl take her channel off youtube because you went on her mom's channel and start writing a bunch of creepy shit?

>> No.19896492

I remember
>whole board completely in love with her
>proceed to bully her into deleting her account
Just how autistic is /lit/?

>> No.19896508

I've been on /lit/ for 2 months now and all I've seen is religion and women obsessed over endlessly.

>> No.19896621

What was her name? I want to creep on her instagram. She was legit pretty

>> No.19896640

Leave while you still can

>> No.19896784

for me it's duck face which is luckily out of popularity now it seems

>> No.19897512

Dont trust a bitch who poses like this