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19881481 No.19881481 [Reply] [Original]

Have you read it?
Academic book, not just an opinion.

It took a lot of guts/balls to write & publish this.

>> No.19881503

>evo psych prof becomes an anti-semitic conspiracy theorist
Quelle surprise

>> No.19881530

Books 1 and 2 don't get nearly enough attention, they have been totally overshadowed by CoC. It is actually very good though.

>> No.19881699

A People That Shall Dwell Alone
Separation and its discontents

Those are better? Or they are all good.

>> No.19882093

It's good, although because of its academic nature it may seem a bit dry or slow paced sometimes. But he forgets the part about banking and media.

>> No.19882760

Did you read all of them?

>> No.19882921

>Insightful person says insightful thing
A rare occurrence for Twittertards like yourself

>> No.19882953

>some jew do thing i dont like
at last i truly see

>> No.19882994

Is there any point to reading this if I'm already antisemitic and consider jews a living plague sent by the demiurge to destroy humanity?

>> No.19883082

Yes but this time it's a multi book saga like Harry Potter

>> No.19883159
File: 99 KB, 1023x429, DIVERSITY IS OUR STRENGTH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the jews just do what they're told, the problem is who's telling them what to do

>> No.19883166

It’s almost like reality is anti Semitic

>> No.19883173

They are more interesting generally, at least for me, given that when I read them I was already a Jew hater.

>> No.19883191
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the jews are hapless fall guys for the chinese, moron

>> No.19883284

Welcome, Alex Jones.

>> No.19883286

*Alex Jones has entered the chat.

>> No.19883290
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I've played XCOM. The Jews are not a threat. HOWEVER...

>> No.19883401

I read parts of it a while back, I was surprised at the neutrality of its tone. There was nothing of the righteous indignation that I am used to in contemporary academia, his tone never becomes emotional and pathetic (in the original sense of the term). I also don't get what people are so outraged about (I mean, I do, but still), like 90% of the book is just reiterating what other researchers already said, at worst, read against the grain. The other 10 percent are things that are out there for all to see but are a big no-no to bring up, such as Freud's views about jewish-gentile relations or the involvement of jews in communist poland. The most lulzy bit that I read that would probably be too much for most is the part where he says that national socialism was just gentile judaism (there meant as judaism as an evolutionary strategy) lol.

I don't think it's perfect, it's more of a sketch, really, but anyone who considers it disingenuous has no right to consider the mainstream takes as not disingenuous, either, because CoC is just the mirror picture of normie academia where the ground zero of research is that the issue of antisemitism is wholly exterior to jews as a group and wholly internal to (a pathology of, in modern parlance) goyim. CoC just flips the table and assumes ulterior motives until proven otherwise while the academically approved methodology is the reverse of that, to assume zero ulterior motives to the existence and activity of jews in goy societies, therefore wholly laying the blame at the feet of the goyim who don't even get the benefit of "until assumed otherwise" because no answers that are not pointing every finger at the goyim are considered acceptable. This, naturally, leads to completely self-serving, bogus explanations whose irreconcilable logical contradictions beget voices like that of Macdonald's, who either just mirror the academic orthodoxy out of resentment for its lies (the worse option), or think the slate should be wiped completely clean and the field remade from scratch because appropriating faulty methodology can't end up doing anything else but producing more bogus results.

>> No.19883404

>who don't even get the benefit of "until assumed otherwise"
Meant to say "until proven otherwise

>like 90% of the book is just reiterating what other researchers already said, at worst, read against the grain.
Meant to say "at worst, being read against the grain

>> No.19883517
File: 436 KB, 1922x1082, XCOM 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For example, let's say that Central orders a raid on an ADVENT blacksite in the Nigerian interior. Although the juju bongos do not understand what the "free market" is, satellite coverage over Africa provides a crucial 30% bonus to Council funding, so Operation Senseless Engine is live.

Four minimally-equipped XCOM operatives can complete a mission with an average of 1.5 casualties, barring friendly fire incidents, transition-related suicide attempts, or sectoid mind control. Due to socialist budget cuts, the Commander can no longer afford firearms, so your operatives will be using their bare hands.

Signals intelligence indicates six-to-eight X-rays at the LZ. Over the radio implanted in your left testicle, Bradford reminds Strike One to neutralize all enemy hostiles for autopsy and minimize civilian casualties.

Failure to complete the op will result in increased panic throughout the continent and ultimately the destruction of planet Earth.

Remember, don't use explosives unless absolutely necessary: xeno corpses can be resold on the black market!

So what is the greatest threat to the mission? Mutons? the Jew—I mean, the Chosen? No. The threat is always the same. The Chinese virus. THIN MEN.

Have you watched those bastards fire a light plasma rifle? I've seen Titan-armored corporals brained behind full cover. Those Mulans could snipe the gay off a Californian.

>> No.19883641

Why is the book so hard to get? It's not like the dude lied about anything