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19879203 No.19879203[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So I'm reading Jordan Peterson on "Transcending Ideology", by which he means that instead of thinking about things in terms of left and right, you need to take into account all the facts and come a "sophisticated worldview" that isn't based on ideology.

It just seems a bit strange though, because he has spent the last 5 years complaining about the left, woke-ism, communism, feminism etc.

I mean look at his Twitter, it's all tabloid headlines and culture war shit ... it reminds me of anti-SJW teenagers from 2016. He seems "ideologically possessed" himself.

So what does Transcending Ideology really mean? Is it just that he isn't practising what he preaches? How do you reconcile the work of a great thinking with his actions?

>> No.19879248

That image is so retarded.

>> No.19879252

>/lit/ - Youtube Discussion Zone
Read a book faggot

>> No.19879259

pure ideology desu

>> No.19879269

This is a hilarious post because Zizek's entire theory in the Sublime Object of Ideology is that one is always encapsulated in ideology. Once one realizes their ideology and takes active steps to escape it, they are, by definition, creating a new ideology they are trapped within. People are always the sum of their parts.

>> No.19879281

I think anyone who tries to defy ideology is in fact ideological itself

>> No.19879290

Translation: Don't be radical, stay a boring centrist, and never take action, so the status quo can remain in power forever.

>> No.19879296

As much as i hate to say it,
the only non-ideology is buddhist mindfulness practice

>> No.19879299
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>> No.19879300

Read propaganda by Ellul

>> No.19879302
File: 48 KB, 869x582, 12366225_1255440041139488_8405560744110543359_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Embrace anarchism.

>> No.19879309


>> No.19879339

Fuck off, why are you faggots so obsessed with this kike shill?

>> No.19879343

Why are you replying to me? Idgaf about Juden Peterstein I'm just saying the image is retarded.

>> No.19879355

>I'm not defending him I'm just defending him
typical fucking tricks

>> No.19879373

if this fuck makes both /lit/ and reddit seethe, he must be doing something right desu

>> No.19879404

>Saying some "political spectrum" image is stupid means I'm defending him

>> No.19879582

>So what does Transcending Ideology really mean?
Buy my book
Anyone who takes lobsterman seriously is a certified flatliner

>> No.19879633

>referring to what appears to be the 'elite' as bourgeoisie.

Immediate midwit sign. Why are chuds so fucking stupid?

>> No.19879645
File: 43 KB, 600x450, thanks-trump-youve-auvfld.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Defending Jordan Peterson is a bananable offense now

>> No.19879673
File: 158 KB, 1200x1188, 1571946956145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it's because he's more in favor of the status quo for it's inherent stability as a virtue rather than the status quo as being made up of any sort of ideologically derived structure. He's been anti-left while talking about being above the left-right dichotomy because he thinks society should be left alone in whatever reasonably stable and comfortably tolerable form you can manage to hold it together in and the left has been eager in overturning everything.

>> No.19879773

> stop thinking in terms of left and right
Twitter feed and YouTube channel non stop anti feminist, anti leftist stuff.
Motherfucker we need an entire book written on how he scammed the world

>> No.19879805

Read Jordanetics next