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19862679 No.19862679 [Reply] [Original]

Will it actually give me insight as to how he thinks about the world / what his goals are? Or will be exclusively propaganda? (Yes I know merely publishing it is for propaganda purposes to begin with)

>> No.19862700

It will give you an insight into what he and his editors want you to think his goals are.

>> No.19862713


>> No.19862761

Read Deng Xiaoping's books instead.

>> No.19862765


>> No.19862870

Deng Xiaping was pretty based but his perspective and overall philosophy has lost influence in China has it not? Part of the reason I asked is I want to know how this new administration with think and behave for the future.

>> No.19862932

I don't think his philosophy has lost influence, he's called the architect of modern China for a reason. That said, I haven't read Xi Jinping's books and I'd be somewhat surprised if you found someone on this site that has, so you might have to go for it yourself and report back. My first assumption is it'll be something like a Hillary Clinton book, in that it only exists to endear the politician to his base and provide generic platitudes and anecdotes.

>> No.19862937

It's just speeches

>> No.19863124

China's now imploding so Xi probably won't be around much longer

>> No.19863163

I recommend starting with Mao's little red book, if you haven't read it already. It's short and little, you could probably read it in a day.
You could Xi as leftward turn from Deng Xiaoping, now that china has developed it's productive forces they are solidifying their role in the economy by building giant infrastructure projects (also recommend reading up on Lyndon Larouche), cracking down on corruption, establishing party control into the '''private sector''', eliviating poverty, build allies through win win cooperation.
As communist nation they have 5 year plans where they set short term goals.
Some general ones are, 'building a moderately prosperous society in all respects' which is stated quite humbly considering all the achievements China made these last years, another goal is National rejuvenation.

>> No.19863174

Is China's goal just an empire? I feel like they want to larp as an ancient imperial force even though that model makes no sense under communism or 21st century geopolitics.

>> No.19863214

Is the eleventh jinping the best jinping?

>> No.19863264

What you mean with empire? Like how Brittain, Spain, France were an empire? China has never and will never be an empire like that.

>> No.19863302

I've heard people saying this for the past decades

>> No.19863323

read Wang Huning instead

>> No.19863329

The two biggest informers of the Chinese worldview that you have to understand are the idea of the Middle Kingdom and the Century of Humiliation. For its entire existence China has considered itself the center of the world with everything else in a cardinal relation to it. They've never formed some kind of European-type empire because why would they? They are the center, the most important part, it is everyone else's job to kowtow to them.

Until of course the century of 1850-1950, where the empires of the West and Japan worked together to bring the Middle Kingdom to its knees. So while it still views itself as the center, it does hold a large grudge against those who humiliated it. Who are backwaters like Japan and Britain and France and Germany to partition the most important country in the world among themselves? I think this will motivate China to act more pro-actively on the world stage than it has in history, but it will never be a conquering imperial power. China has and will always be demographic, not geopolitical.

>> No.19863389

Xi didn't write the book.some ghostwriters did.

>> No.19863475

lmao have you checked the news?

>> No.19863521

What news? China is stronger than it's ever been

>> No.19863635

Chang, I...

>> No.19863646

The Chinese view the linkages of the world not as discrete bodies connected by third-parties that transcend the first two, but rather as overlaps. The end result of this, after several degrees of abstraction, is that the Chinese believe that no one body of words can ever describe reality 100%. To that end, the use religions and ideologies as tools to discuss certain phenomena. Think of it like 4chan boards. /tao/ is for talking about health, wealth, and longevity, /ru/ is for discussing social harmony and moral cultivation, /system/ is for talking about gaining, using, and keeping power, /dharma/ is for discussing spiritual cultivation. This philosophy of overlap lends itself well to theories of correlation. This is what people are doing when they say "DUDE LMFAO THE USA IS ROME". The West has spent a of work getting really good at causation, and as such leaves correlation by the wayside. Correlation lets you set things up in such a way that whatever happens, it happens the way you want it to; maybe not the way that you thought it would, however. The problem with correlation is that it's not very predictive in a meaningful way. "It will be cold in the winter" isn't all that clever. Causation lets you do hard-fast predictions.

What then, is /commie/ for? Debate over historical progression and teleological prediction. The Chinks use Communism as a means to discuss theories of historical causation. The Century of Humiliation (as >>19863329 points out, this is a HUGE deal for the Chinese) cannot be explained via correlation. It can by causation. So yes, it makes no sense under Communism to do what China is doing, but remember that they aren't "Communist", they just occasionally "do Communism" because it fits certain ends. But the goal is always the health and welfare of China (WHICH DOES NOT MEAN THAT OF INDIVIDUAL CHINKS; CHINKS ARE DISPOSABLE, CHINA KNOWS THIS). "Doing Communism", for the time being, furthers that.

The CCP will be ousted when Doing Communism is no longer able to explain history. Currently, it's doing a damn good job. That doesn't mean that whatever garbage Marx said is true, of course, because "Doing Communism" is a discussion, and the Chinks aren't just endlessly citing Marx.

>> No.19863890

I'm not a Chinese shill I'm just saying for as long as I've been following foreign affairs everyone has been talking about how China is going to fall apart tomorrow and it never happens. A few years ago I thought that too but it just never seems to happen.

>> No.19863948

>. So while it still views itself as the center, it does hold a large grudge against those who humiliated it.
Slightly ominous

>> No.19863957

What, mutt?

>> No.19863989

you're retarded, China was looking great until it started cracking down a couple of years ago

>> No.19864018

America is close to imploding, China isn't

>> No.19864076

Again, people have been saying this for fucking years. They're going to cross the straight and people will still be saying "their economy is about to explode!"

>> No.19864182

no, America just has much more to lose

>> No.19864240

What books have you read that lead you to this conclusion, what sources do you have? I want to give you the benefit of the doubt here even though I think you're a clueless kneejerker who came here to post 'lol, enemy country suckz!'. The other posters are right, 'the news' has been saying 'China is about to collapse' for decades and it was always wrong.

>> No.19864250

>America is close to imploding, China isn't
china's buildings are collapsing and factories are exploding all the time

>> No.19864256

What are Xi's favorite books?

>> No.19864258

I'm an optimist, sue me

>> No.19864269
File: 1.08 MB, 1500x997, Civilisation 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well obviously. While the West has done its utmost to suppress any animosity leftover from past conflicts, the entirety of East Asia still seethes at each other over the endless wars and conflicts they've had. The only reason nothing much has happened in the past couple decades is because America's maintained a strong presence in the region, discouraging any aggressive actions other than the occasional Best Korea missile launch over Japan. But now that America's entering a period of decline and China's building up it's military (And Japan and Korea too now they've realised that America isn't going to glass their enemies for them) there's likely to be a lot of tensions over leftover hatreds in the area.

>> No.19864276
File: 1.23 MB, 1288x2076, china_is_done.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't read it but I worked with a lot of Chinese ppl who read it. Apparently does describe his vision pretty well. Tldr is focus on foundations of society (infrastructure) while seeking to advance in stem, and focus more on inward development in lapse areas (rural revitalization, curtailing systemic risks in culture, etc).

Anyone saying China is done is just memeing. They know less than baboons spit swapping faeces know about metaphysics. Picrel

>Inb4 chang, wumao.

>> No.19864286


It's just a collection of standard party line speeches, with reasonable sounding generalities on how to improve China via gommunism. It doesn't contain personal insights/vision beyond what's carefully selected. also fpbp >>19862700

t. own/have flipped through all three volumes, actually read the very first piece where he says Hey Thanks Guys upon being elected president.

>> No.19864383

>China's literally collapsing in front of our eyes
>Videos documenting all the buildings collapsing, cars and buildings blowing up
Pure wumao cope. Its so sad too. You're just gonna be a loser who working for someone else for the rest of life. If America collapses, you'll be under the foot of Chinese capitalists like Jack Ma. You're never going to be a party member or a part of the elite.

>> No.19865546

Very informative, thank you anon

>> No.19865575
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Yes, anon. Any day now for sure.

>> No.19865606
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Muttmericans will tell you about the horrors of totalitarian states and their propaganda brainwashing and then spill shit like this lmao

>> No.19865659

2 more weeks

>> No.19866186

Faust(like literally that is it)

>> No.19866282

When the yellow river changes course it's over for the chinks

>> No.19866623

careful wumao, an american might be your landlord soon!

>> No.19866644
File: 26 KB, 1024x205, zhang on america.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19866651

Twitter's not even legal in China lmao

>> No.19867017
File: 373 KB, 827x434, 948590684064964.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So yes, it makes no sense under Communism to do what China is doing, but remember that they aren't "Communist", they just occasionally "do Communism" because it fits certain ends.
One thing that Marxism predicts is that socialism will come about as the result of very advanced productive forces. Marx put forward the theory that under capitalism, you develop the productive forces, improve social productivity, and then you have to carry out a revolution and socialize the means of production. But what if there are no means of production? What if the productivity isn't there? What if you have no factories and only poor peasants? How would you build socialism in a place like this? The twist of history is that socialist experiments have been carried out in poor countries. Not a single developed capitalist country has moved towards socialism.

So, I think Deng and the reformers around him decided that you have to experiment, you have to build productive forces, build a socialist culture, and so on. And this will occur over a long historical period. And I think the CPC decided along the way that you have to allow various forms of private enterprise to operate at some point, while also limiting private business in other respects, and making it clear to the people who run these companies that they're not actually in charge of the country.

I think Western socialists tend to have this utopian idea that socialism is about eliminating capital and making everyone equal, while the people who support capitalism think that socialism means everyone being equally poor together. Cambodia is a real-life example of that. But I think the difference between socialism and capitalism -- from the perspective of these Chinese communists -- is the role capital plays in it. In capitalist society, the entire society serves capital, and capital controls real social resources and power. A socialist society requires capital to serve society, and capital can never be above society. Therefore, the top 10 capitalists in the United States can easily control the decisions of the White House, but the top 10 capitalists in China don't control the Zhongnanhai.


>> No.19867020
File: 182 KB, 650x530, 40c78bad-3bc3-487e-8428-6ac74f3ff4b2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think he's also a Hemingway fan.

>> No.19867127

Its not illegal, its just banned by their firewall. VPNs are perfectly legal and so chinese just use them to access twitter. You probably think Xi banned Winnie the Pooh in China too, right?

>> No.19867146

>its just banned by their firewall
>The government just bans social media; its no big deal bro
>You just have to break the law just to have freedom of expression bro, no big deal bro
Holy fuck, you need to kill yourself.

>> No.19867198

If you can take a serious look at the current year and come to the sincere conclusion that social media has earned its unfettered non-consensual proliferation into every nook and cranny of modern human existence, id say you're too far gone to save

>> No.19867207

And again, i said it is not illegal to use twitter or VPNs in china.

>> No.19867213

Murder yourself

>> No.19867419

If you can take a serious look at the current year and come to the sincere conclusion that CCP has earned its unfettered non-consensual proliferation into every nook and cranny of modern chinese existence, id say you're too far gone to save

>> No.19867531

Their party is called the CPC (Communist Party of China). Stop embarassing yourself when you don't even know the name of the party you're trying to criticize

>> No.19867561


Not him but in English, "Chinese Communist Party" and "Communist Party of China" is a distinction without a difference. You're doing that pedantic thing teenagers do when they don't have anything real to argue about.

>> No.19867756


>> No.19869632

no, the chinese are not an expansionist power and never will be

>> No.19869805


What a midwit take. China has been actively exercising it's economic influence and trading it for political influence. You really think that after the century of humiliation they would make the same mistake of staying in their corner of the world when they view the USA as modern day Britain?

>> No.19869909

>Handful of gore videos from rural and tier 5 cities in a developing country prove the entire country of 1.4 b people is collapsing.
>Troll strawman
Try harder doj fren