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19858460 No.19858460 [Reply] [Original]

A lot of the time I’ll see someone on here that’s really aware of a lot of historical stuff that few people seem to know (like the bloodlines that have been around for hundreds of years pulling strings, occult influence in politics/history, inorganic roots of popular movements, etc). Is there any solid literature (even if academic, just not reptile person conspiracy kind of stuff) on this subject? All I know of is Picrel and some stuff I’ve seen Jay Dyer mention, but aside from that I have no idea of where to start. Any suggestions?

>> No.19858473

all you have to know is that the banks control the money supply, thus the economies of the whole world. their 'bloodlines' and such are irrelevant.

>> No.19858501

Well yeah, but how can they be fought if all we say is "bankers bad"? The bloodlines are completely relevant, the same people have been in power for centuries and teach their children the methods they used and they continue to enslave the people of the world to this day

>> No.19858514

>how can they be fought
overthrow your government and pass legislation prohibiting the private ownership of credit institutions. it's not that hard.

>> No.19858546

Marxism, basically. I reject this view. Economic reductionism ain't it.

>> No.19858556

ok but the problem is economic

>> No.19858573

>it’s not that hard

>> No.19858579

I don’t see the problem as economic, but rather that the economic means by which the ruling class controls the slave class help to perpetuate the problem. The system is evil, sure, but so are the people running it

>> No.19858606

I have Tragedy and Hope, the sections before the 20th century are really interesting but the vast majority of the book is 20th century analysis and it's dreadful how long it is. I took a break after getting right to WW2. His perspective is really nice.

>> No.19858625

You are not going to be able to get rid of 'evil people', however you can get rid of the means through which they exploit others. Public ownership of credit institutions will not only result in social benefits, but economic ones as well. When money is no longer a commodity in itself but a measure of value then banks will no longer have a need to give out an exponential amount of loans to keep the economy from breaking.

If you want to remove qualities of people which you do not like then find a way to enforce eugenics, which again will have to be through a state.

>> No.19858627

Yeah it’s an interesting book for sure. Do you know of any other books like it?

>> No.19858899

Death by government by Rummel
None dare call it conspiracy by Garry Allen
Antony Sutton's books

>> No.19859002

Thank you, actual response I was looking for itt. None dare call it conspiracy was good, but I had trouble backing up some of its claims

>> No.19859223
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Kerry Bolton is actually a good supplement to Quigley. He will familiarize you with a lot of other names like Quigley's and give you the lay of the land. The Banking Swindle and other books, plus poking around his website. Here's a nice series of articles:

Excerpts from Tragedy and Hope:

By the way, Anglo-American Establishment is easier to read, if you want to start there. Another good book is Martin Lee, The Beast Reawakens.

>> No.19859259

Great suggestions, will check them out. Thanks bro.

>> No.19859468

See, you don't have a clue...

>> No.19859479


>> No.19859492

Rothbard has a lot of these details about behind-the-door shenanigans. You can check some of his lectures about American history for starters (when he says like: "it was illegal but nobody was doing anything about it because everybody was in on it" (politicians - and he names a lot of names)

>> No.19859509

They easily control the state apparatus and use it as their force multiplayer - they don't pay for state services which are notoriously being used for their own private benefit. (JP Morgan was sponsoring _both_ Republican and Democratic candidates at the same time). Making something "public" is absolutely counterproductive - central banks outside of the US are totally "public" and are not a iota better.

>> No.19859518

I said go seize control over the state.

>> No.19859838

>private ownership of credit institutions
Im a idiot but this would mean regular people couldn't invest in big enterprise right?

>> No.19859849

Not the anon but how would you do this without a king?

>> No.19860244

Jared Diamond
James C. Scott
Murray Rothbard

>> No.19860797


>> No.19861033
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>> No.19861047

This book is retarded gibberish for faggots like Jay Dyer with deranged persecution complexes.

Read selections from the 12 Candles series by the John Birch Society on any subject that interests you. Really the only way you'll stop being a retarded faggot who does things like posting on /lit/ and listening to Jay Dyer is by learning to follow your own thoughts and cultivate your own interests.

And if you want to know about bankers I recommend Ezra Pound's radio broadcasts (which exist in book form), and The ABCs of Economics.

Seriously conspiracy theory culture is the most tedious fucking garbage imaginable. Just read history books written before 1945 on anything that genuinely fascinates you and you'll stop being retarded eventually.

>> No.19861055

You didn't give any arguments you just called everybody retarded.

>> No.19861064

John Birch Society is great but no need to shit on Quigley. Quigley is great.

That reminds me of None Dare Call It Treason and Blacklisted by History to give you some good info on the communist menace (they've outright occupied our government since before WW2, it's really bad).

>> No.19861075

OP didn't ask me why jay dyer is retarded, he asked how to understand non-goylem history. The answer is to cultivate taste and follow real personal interests.

>> No.19861148

Yeah exept he went agains one big world conspiracy narrative and said the banks lost a lot of influence at the end of the 30s

>> No.19861199

Fuck offf glowfag.

>> No.19861223

Why is Caroll Quigley retarded? He is a real historian.
And why do you think JD is retarded?

>> No.19861251

Unfortunately no, I'm not a serious historian and my reading is cut between history, literary fiction, philosophy and science. I do have Persian Empire by Kuhrt but no comment on it, havent got a good look yet. There's really well documented history starting with Greeks but Persia and then Bronze Age before it become more obscure.

>> No.19861402

Easy! They’re never gonna be fought lol! People are to concerned with worrying about their own problems and surviving day to day to take time to overthrow the government. Best thing you can do is live as a renegade or off the grid or some shitty untouched 3rd world country

>> No.19861417

""""""true"""""" history. You have much to learn. No such thing

>> No.19862872

some of the history told isn't true at all...fabricated...particularly in case of the CCP's hold of China...

>> No.19862946

>Seriously conspiracy theory culture is the most tedious fucking garbage imaginable
There is value in being able to sift it, but it is rare to be able to sift it. Most people into it are not capable of reading real books and using the conspiracy stuff to nuance them and reveal the occult history lying beneath. But precisely what it so fascinating about Quigley is that he treads the line between perfectly mainstream legitimate history, he was Bill Clinton's favorite professor after all, and basically openly stating what anybody else would be called a conspiracy theorist for stating. It isn't a "theory," he's telling you, openly, that financial powers have steered and then increasingly controlled most great power politics and by extension geopolitics since the late 19th century at least.

There is even value in reading stuff like Poncins' The Occult War, but Quigley is not in that league.

>> No.19863192

The Bible as long as you're avoiding masorite mistakes

>> No.19863614
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Quigley actually dispels a number of conspiracy theories in it particularly ones from before WWII. Did you even read the book? One of the few things that I suppose is a conspiracy is the followers of John Ruskin all forming clubs that founded many of today's dominant news media. Quigley didn't accuse them of some schizo conspiracy, merely that they abused their positions (such as in South Africa) as trailblazers in the 2nd wave British Imperialism.

>> No.19863628
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>> No.19863647

Miles Mathis's website and essays.

>> No.19865016

then he is wrong