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19821955 No.19821955 [Reply] [Original]

Blackpill me on Deleuze
Why do people say I shouldn't read his books?

>> No.19822017

apparently he's a tranny marxist lgbt general degeneracy and etc etc supporter so you shouldn't

i don't think that's what's really up, though

>> No.19822018

Because they are 60% gobbledygook. You have to read everything twice just to figure out which passages actually convey any meaning at all, and then re-read those until you get a hang of what he is trying to say. Maybe i am just retarded, but i had to take it very slowly, a few pages at a time and i was genuinely not enjoying it.

>> No.19822082

Why would you care about what books /lit/ says you shouldn't read anyway? Pretty sure nobody reads on this fucking site.

>> No.19822088
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His most memed books are the least readable of course. Read Difference and Repetition, Nietzsche and Philosophy, and Expressionism in Spinoza

>> No.19822096

Because if you do then you'll end up rejecting Liberal Capitalism and become a solar anus wolf set forth on a global Aryan nomadic jihad.

>> No.19822119
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Most of his sources are hidden, ie his writings have more to do with esoteric speculations (a tradition of secrecy, symbols for insiders etc) than philosophy (an open pursuit of reason). The likes of D should NEVER have been admitted into the academia, which is an institutions funded by the people (regular taxpayers) and for the people, not some clique well-versed in some particular hermetic lingo.

tldr: Deleuze is a waste of time.

>> No.19822130
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When Deleuze says we all have to become women of color, it means we have to conquer the system from the outside like the khans of tartary. Few will understand the schizodharma

>> No.19822153

>for the people

>> No.19822179

>philosophy (an open pursuit of reason).
Says who? What is open about Kant's noumena or Hegel's Geist?

>> No.19822197

Same, 1000plateaus feels like written by GPT-2.

>> No.19822205

Liberal capitalism has been rejected by the rulers of the west themselves, it's time to stop living in the past

>> No.19822211


Cheap cynicism doesn't count as an argument.

In France unis are paid by the taxpayer (ie the people) and it's their function to serve the people, not the esoteric interests of some sketchy groups. At least in the past the dubious likes of Tomberg, Saint-Martin, Papus etc had the decency to be funded in other ways. In the XX century though people like Talmudo-Derrida, Satanic worshiper Foucault or believer in the most retarded superstitions Faivre were all recipients of state money.

>> No.19822217

ruined by trannies

>> No.19822318

You are implying that this wasn't always the intended result. It was. Liberal Capitalism was created to achieve a world of faceless managers ruling over brainless cattle.

>it's their function to serve the people
>not the esoteric interests of some sketchy groups

French Academia was created by Masons so that they could do weird magic bullshit without losing atheist street cred and by Vatican stooges who wanted to sodomize little boys. It was founded to let sketchy groups pursue their esoteric interests.

>> No.19822360

His work is a pretext for the furtherance of academic careers, a trend that got out of hand, and a form of intellectual money-laundering. If you start reading his books you've already been suckered in: It's like showing up to a time-share pitch expecting to walk away with their promised Applebee's gift card.

>> No.19822554

Except /lit/ doesn't have as much of a curiosity boner for his peers like Derrida and Foucault, who were both more popular than him (and maybe still are).

>> No.19822572

/lit/ is downstream of academia and picks up its trends a decade later. Derrida is a widely considered a dead meme in academia with no further pulp to be squeezed out; Foucault is basically canonical and not seen as very exciting or cutting edge. Deleuze is the trend that doesn't die.

>> No.19822642

/lit/ doesn't have curiosity period. Every complaint in this thread is just conservatives getting butthurt that Deleuze was esoteric (literally in >>19822211) and that you actually have to think about what he's saying. Why do you think memesters like Guenon are so popular? Because they're an inch deep and very open about it.

>> No.19822688

I've met the people who read Deleuze seriously. They all look like that janny who fucked over r/antiwork and humiliated the whole subreddit on Fox News.

Let's not forget that that same janny wants to become a philosophy professor.

>> No.19822703

I want to thank that anon who years ago sent me a youtube link where Deleuze speaks about the similarity between Dosto and Kurosawa - how both use characters being distracted by minutia as a way of dramatizing their grappling with irreconcilable existential problems. It was a really useful dramatic technique.
Aside from that I have no idea about him nor why you should read him, I just wanted to put that out there

>> No.19822759

I haven't read Deleuze, but I loved his alphabet series on youtube. He makes lots of interesting observations like that and he has a beautiful smile.

>> No.19822933
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Hegel was also a hermeticist

>> No.19822946

Your body will never have female organs.

>> No.19822965

>Hegel was fed some bullshit by his local lodge
>must mean he was a hermeticist!

>> No.19822974

Good. I am proud to be a heterosexual male.

>> No.19822975

Having a BWFO is based though.

>> No.19822998

My body will never have organs period

>> No.19823028

I know one guy who is unironically really into Deleuze and he's the biggest mess of anyone I've ever known. He's not a troon though, but his girlfriend is.

>> No.19823058

>N-no it's not obscurantist french schizo trash! Its obscure because it has to be because it's ideas are so deep!
Thank god for Sokal exposing these pseuds.

>> No.19823115


On surface Deleuze wants people to become schizos who "follow their desires" but in reality it's all about following the very much traditional path of occultism, which is based on levels (all these things are alluded to but never clearly laid out in most D books, most notably in his very Masonic book on Leibniz called "The Fold"):

1) follow your desires

2) realize that your desires are in fact more than individual (ie they follow predictable patterns of "foldability" through sense-making symbols that crystallize into supra individual multiplicities)

(3) (this level is hidden) realize through reading the secret sources (as laid out in the "Hermetic Deleuze" book) that all these symbols lead to Jewish eschatology (Saint-Martin / Papus / Van Baader / Masonic tradition)

This whole business is basically a rabbit hole ("Logic of sense").

>> No.19823130


He was specifically impressed by Bohme's speculative tendencies but if you read Hegel's Lectures you'll realize that Hegel had little consideration for hermeticism. Incidentally, the "Hegel and the Hermetic Tradition" book by Magee didn't convince me one bit.

>> No.19823133

Just look at his fucking nails if you can't figure it out

>> No.19823138

They're not gobbledygook you just don't understand them.

>> No.19823211

anon don't you have a new 'feminists getting owned on campus' compilation to watch?

>> No.19823309

Yeah that honestly does it for me.
I will never attempt to understand this freak.

>> No.19824641

gross, hope it's bait, for your sake

>> No.19824650

Don't do it, anon. After reading Deleuze I became an accelerationist. Nothing after deleuze has any meaning. Killing off mankind would be a mercy, if only it was enough. We must find a way to end the machines.

>> No.19824681

>Maybe i am just retarded
Don’t worry anon, with this much knowledge you should at least be able to understand Socrates

>> No.19824690

>On surface Deleuze wants people to become schizos who "follow their desires
Lmao if you have read even the first 30 pages of anti oedipus you’d know that this is not true
Tell me which “”””””lit YouTuber””””””” you got this bullshit from

>> No.19824834

Interesting. Was the complete opposite for me.
Was interested in accelerationism first but after painstakingly studying Deleuze for 2 years now I've discarded any care for acc shit and instead taken on the stand that the inherent message of Deleuze and Leibniz immanence is a great and valuable position that allows me to find meaning in things.
It's a very vital and positive philosophy in my opinion so I don't really understand where all the negativity and tranny death-cults come from. It's probably because they only ever read parts of anti-ödipus and a few pages of TP.

>> No.19824958

Post structuralist theory translated into English years later.
I used Derrida in my university art history thesis in 1984 (différence), Deleuze & Guattari in an essay on surrealism 1993 (a "minor" literature) and Bataille and Virilio (sacrifice and heterotopias) in my art history PhD 2006.
All provided a "theoretical framework" for the interpretation of the topic under discussion.
Reading this kind of philosophy can be fun if you dig it. If you dig it.
As anons have said, Continental Philosophy has become an academic corporate meme, particularly when it meta critiques that meme.

>> No.19825045
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My body will though but in reality Leibniz seriously is a tradition of secrecy. Read Difference and Repetition. Read Difference and Repetition. Read Difference and Repetition. Because they are his books. Blackpill me on tranny death-cults; basically a rabbit hole to sketchy groups street cred supporter: a machine of dissonance. Nietzsche does the same thing by different means.

Eliminate all that is waste, death, and superfluity, complaint and grievance, unsatisfied desire, defense or pleading, everything that roots each of us (yesbody) in the molar pseud academic Satanic believer state money solar capitalism pussy (based though) Socrates Killing campus gobbledygook Hegel's Geist cult.

>> No.19825316

>they're an inch deep and very open about it.
Deleuze is deeper? Recommend me some genuinely deep authors

>> No.19826642
