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19820935 No.19820935 [Reply] [Original]

Why is it so much easier to watch a shitty stream I don't enjoy or go on an unfulfilling youtube binge than it is to pick up a book I enjoy reading?

>> No.19820954


>> No.19820974

Internet videos transmit tons of audiovisual information that you passively consume and thus don't have to use your mind much to make sense of. Books have a much lower information content and so your mind has to actively construct the meaning of the sentences.

>> No.19820982

It’s the difference between passive and active engagement and it’s nothing wrong with you specifically. It’s pretty natural. Keep reading and over some time you should come to prefer reading, as long as you’re not so hard on yourself in the mean time.

>> No.19820984

quick dopamine hits
I bet you watch that white shirt long haired monotone loser all the time.
>It's literally like...

>> No.19820998

Critikal? Nah I watch even worse shit.

>> No.19821002

Oh god...to be fair I can't criticize you. I spend about an hour every day watching "Watch People Die Inside" or "Unexpected Meme" compilation videos. I also like the Oblivion NPC ones.

>> No.19821005

Fixing 8 years of this bad habit will take a while but there's no way it's not worth it.

>> No.19821013

Do you have a job where you can get your fix? I listen to some base shit when I’m coding and when I’m on my stationary bike, and that’s usually enough for me to not desire it otherwise.

It helps because then it feels like I’m saving my best self for my own time.

>> No.19821014

That's the death drive. You didn't get castrated well enough so you indulge in petty pleasures until you're full and leave your desire in the sidelines

>> No.19821016

Do you watch Hot Tub streams?

>> No.19821019

Those always start off fun and then I start really feeling that I'm wasting my time but usually can't turn it off for a little while. After a couple hours of this I'll angrily close my laptop and do something else or drop down to the floor, do some push ups to wake up, and then move on.

>> No.19821025
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Never thought about that method, but I could incorporate it into my work hours. Cheers!

>> No.19821037

This, I've started to play audiobooks while at work because it's mind numbing and rote solitary work so I can just put on an audiobook for 8 hours a day

>> No.19821051

Nah, I'm not a coomer thank christ. I watch a lot of streams where some nerd or other with nothing good to say other than some cool historical facts, plays a boring grand strategy game and opens his mouth to commentate once every 10 seconds. These are small streamers because boring people like this don't get an audience. These kinds of streams double fuck me up because I could be the one playing the game instead of watching someone else do it.

>> No.19822491

Books simply require more effort

>> No.19823248

But they're also so much more rewarding. It's unfortunate that the brain doesn't care about that as much as the effort required.

>> No.19823439
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Because you're fucking retarded, have no attention span and grew up with constant rapid stimulus and instant gratification.

>> No.19823457

Unironically this. I started taking Adderall a little while ago and I’ve been reading like a madman. Its good shit.

>> No.19823467

The industrial revolution and its consequences

>> No.19823527

But honestly, reading for as long as you can handle every day and gradually increasing the amount of pages read in a session does work. Building up a better attention span is a long process. Keeping your phone/computer out of arms' reach is a good idea.

>> No.19823566

it do be like that sometimes

>> No.19823696

When a show has shitty or boring parts you just have to sit there and do nothing. When a book does you have to make the effort to keep going to get to the interesting parts. I go on reading binges every once in a while where I'll crush a lot of books related to a topic or in a series and the main thing preventing me from starting one is getting through the first 2 chapters of the first book