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File: 51 KB, 346x465, 256F37F8-2446-44B6-BA82-34B20D75E0A0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19806328 No.19806328 [Reply] [Original]


Dead >>19800146

Theme https://youtu.be/wwm14GkT_Ig

>> No.19806339

Bakker is King

>> No.19806340

It's going to be OK

>> No.19806342


>> No.19806366

I know on some level that I need to readjust my expectations and find contentedness with a normal boring life. However, I am worried that I would only be lying to myself. Pushing that dissatisfaction down rather than resolving it. I think I would get to 40 and still feel dissatisfied and then kill my family or something.

>> No.19806367
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I love Björk.

>> No.19806404

Anger and sadness is on my mind.

>> No.19806486

> https://youtu.be/AR8D2yqgQ1U
> https://youtu.be/djV11Xbc914
> https://youtu.be/PSoOFn3wQV4
Life's over.

>> No.19806506

you make these threads too often, the other one is just on page 4

>> No.19806544

i have a girlfriend now what

>> No.19806601

For the first time in my life I got on the scales and realised I've got to watch my weight. Luckily I'm disciplined with that kind of thing and only haven't been in the gym because of holidays and omicron, but still, was a bit of a wake up call.

>> No.19806646

Some throwaway thoughts I have been having.

People who are aggressively pro-family in their rhetoric in reaction to the tendency of modernity to dissolve traditional family structures are also contributing to that dissolution by reducing the idea of family and hetero-romance to a one-dimensional dunk on their enemies framed in the language of 'duty'. It becomes just one more easily replicable sentiment in the side-show of 'culture war'. Reproduction becomes a numbers game, a matter of quantity, soulless, industrial.
Some people will internalize it and enter in to loveless marriages because they were told it was BASED to do so, they will divorce at the same as people who married for CRINGE reasons.

Meaning is the strongest drug. People will do anything for it. Offer it and they will die for you.

As the complexity of civilization stretches beyond the horizon of human comprehension all ideologies enter superposition in terms of explanatory reach. The rest is a matter of aesthetics.

Modernity is the negation of distance. Spatial and temporal.

I wish I knew how to talk to my mom. I feel like I am not making the most of the time I have left with my parents.

I don't trust people who try to alarm or panic me followed by immediate calls to action. I am tired of everything being the apocalypse, of being told to 'act now before it is too late'. I think I will sleep in.

2010's Right-Wing Populism ultimately could never surmount the challenge of a normie expressing the sentiment "That's racist" and then disengaging with disgust. All the 4 hour HBD race science videos, the infographics, the catchphrases. Nothing. "That's racist" was the ultimate Chad Yes/Nordic Gamer meme, except real. A bold, uncritical, from the gut, intuited Affirmation/Negation. The NPC meme was a cope.

9-11 and Covid bookend the first era of this century.

Despite how horrible everything is I am excited to see what is next.

Someone made a post on here a few days ago along the lines of "I Have Nothing To Say". This is something that has always stumped me when attempting to write fiction. But the thread has inspired me to try my hand at writing some completely vacuous fiction.

I wonder if guns will ever be imbued with the same mythic significance as swords. There is certainly a romance around some firearms, but it doesn't yet feel cosmic in the way a sword does.

Some days the endless circle of predation and suffering makes me want to cry. Other days it feel like I am made of stone, even in regard to friends and family.

>> No.19806647

Barely, I almost don't have any hope left.

>> No.19806677

Filter your partners until you find one worthy of marriage and of bearing your children.

>> No.19806869

Ok this is serious. I watched some fucked up porn videos and I can't remove them from my mind. Literally all day they are playing in my mind at it feels very very bad. Now, should I just stop watching any of this shit and hopefully wait until they disappear from my mind, or should I watch some soft porn until it replaces the fucked up porn?

>> No.19806872
File: 55 KB, 760x1209, maximalist.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are size queens like this?

>> No.19806886

The longer you been without cumming the harder it gets the post nut syndrome. Does this happen if you cum in a woman you love?

>> No.19806890

I don't like Björk. Too kitschy

>> No.19806892
File: 253 KB, 1080x1350, 1623945404471.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate women but also want to cuddle with them. What do?

>> No.19806906


You don't hate them. You hate what you think they are. They're just people.

>> No.19806926
File: 198 KB, 1080x1109, 1627684290356.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But Anon, I've had relationships and flings before and loathe everything about female nature - the shameless lying, manipulation, promiscuity, vapidity, narcissism. And yet, I can't get rid of coombrained longing for their soft warm bodies.

>> No.19806929

Why do you hate them? Just accept the way they are and dont expect to do things which they cant.

>> No.19806943

>Just accept the way they are and dont expect to do things which they cant.
If only that would've worked on the revolutionaires

>> No.19806945

Sometimes I wonder how many of these punks know that based originates with Lil B

>> No.19806947

All of them probably. Why?

>> No.19806948

At this point I'd much rather accept voluntary celibacy but breeding instinct won't leave me be. As implied in the post, it's not even the pussy I miss so much but intimacy - even though intimacy is just an illusion in vast majority of cases.

>> No.19806965

>People who are aggressively pro-family in their rhetoric
I'm beginning to think that anyone who is aggressive in their rhetoric will almost never be worth listening to

>> No.19806979

>tfw I realize my ex was absolutely nothing like this whatsoever

>> No.19806983

basically anyone who is too excited about being right, whether aggressive or not, although aggression is what makes a yellow flag red

>> No.19806990

>nothing like this whatsoever
While it's possible, the more likely option is that you've simply been blind to her games. Dissimulation is woman's #1 evolutionary trait, just like competitiveness is man's primary drive.

>> No.19806991

I remember thinking long ago that this was the true art of Donald Trump: his ability to cause a stress-reaction, to inflame

>> No.19806994

this is not how it is. I will say that there is an element of manipulation, but it is more like inter-cultural diplomacy going wrong mixed with immaturity. No malice.

>> No.19807000

Should I even bother to get into philosophy as a hobby? I'm just trying to be able to describe what I'm feeling and seeing, describing my metaphysical awareness and everyday projections when interacting with the world and art etc. so I can find people who truly feel the same

>> No.19807007

I think the thing to do is pick up some book and have a look. don't think of it as some defining project. I'd recommend pretty much any intro to philosophy book and then just follow whatever trail seems interesting. just be curious you know.

>> No.19807010

>No malice
No empathy either. They're programmed to walk away with the victorious tribe, the only genuine feelings women have are for their children.

>> No.19807022

Ok great I’ve done that too. Now what?

>> No.19807025

fuck man you can have it better than this. it fucking sucks that you feel this way but I'm telling you you can have it better than this. I don't know who failed you but it seems like they really did. I also carry resentments of this nature against people, just not her. Probably we can all make it.

>> No.19807038

That's simply how it is, nature isn't nice or nasty on principle. Delusion is very tempting, but behind the veneer of makeup and sweet talk you're looking at a cynical eugenics machine.

>> No.19807054

I did go for a walk after breakfast today. it was good. I thought about how I should tell my mom about all the facets of my mental illness she missed while she didn't care. I'm not sure if she cares now. I'm not sure what use there is in making her sad. I don't know what our relationship can be if I keep protecting her from my sorrow. I was unhappy, but I was largely alive, and now feel quite at ease. This seems a step forward.

>> No.19807055

>should I just stop watching any of this shit and hopefully wait until they disappear from my mind

obviously this

>> No.19807067

Make it a habit, Anon. Ever since I've started going for nightwalks two months ago my mental health and clairty improved significantly. Much better sleep also, that's probably essential.

>> No.19807076


Yeah even the simple act of leaving the house at least before midday has a noticeable difference on my mood. Even better is working up a sweat for 15 minutes in the morning, but a simple walk is great too.

>> No.19807170
File: 2.64 MB, 750x1334, 05CB1F6D-DB06-47A9-83F1-1C326E1BF57A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Movement of any kind is fantastic for every aspect of your life. I’ve started swimming at least 500 meters every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday and my physical health and clarity of mind has improved drastically. I highly recommend it.

>> No.19807236

>2010's Right-Wing Populism ultimately could never surmount the challenge of a normie expressing the sentiment "That's racist" and then disengaging with disgust. All the 4 hour HBD race science videos, the infographics, the catchphrases. Nothing. "That's racist" was the ultimate Chad Yes/Nordic Gamer meme, except real. A bold, uncritical, from the gut, intuited Affirmation/Negation. The NPC meme was a cope.
I disagree. The Nordic Yes meme is supposed to be atavistic, whereas "that's racist" is simply Pavlovian.

>> No.19807316

i've become unable to do basically anything than come to work and sit on my ass all day just staring at the screen doing almost nothing, and working from home doing almost nothing.
I've stopped reading, I've stopped making music i just hang out sporadically and that's it
lost all my ambition, lost my motivation
i really need the money
so basically i ended up how i feared i would ( for now) and how a lot of guys here don't wanna end
I'm a wagie

>> No.19807328

just laying in bed repeating my own name in order to remember that I am a person with a will and a history, and who is supposed to have dignity.

>> No.19807352

my will is not free insofar as I do not decide what I perceive to be my options, or, probably, my goals, except very broadly speaking (this life or the next). I also can not decide outcomes. I do not, as Xavier so pointedly asks, have the free will to turn this desert into an ocean, ocean, ocean, ocean.

My theory is that I've been granted this morsel of "freedom" so that Gods complete freedom, wisdom and greatness can be seen as relative to mine own. I, limited in every way and pitiable, appear to exist in order that He be seen for what He is as compared to me. Though God only knows, really.

>> No.19807354
File: 53 KB, 828x813, photo_2022-01-23_18-56-16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always wanted to be a boy when I was younger, and while I have come to terms with my female body since, I still feel more like a femboy than an actual woman.

>> No.19807366

Post tits pls

>> No.19807383

Ask your mom

>> No.19807395

Rude cunt

>> No.19807409

Wtf, that's no way to talk about your mom

>> No.19807431

I just wanted to see tits and received nothing but bullying.

Thanks for reminding me that females are subhuman and shouldn't be interacted with.

>> No.19807445

I'm non-binary though

>> No.19807450

That's okay, sorry for lashing out, I'm just lonely

>> No.19807454

Children of the Grave by Black Sabbath ought to be some kind of zoomer anthem.


>> No.19807491

I'm sorry too, hope you meet a nice girl who will let you touch her boobies

>> No.19807504

>The Nordic Yes meme is supposed to be atavistic, whereas "that's racist" is simply Pavlovian.

We flatter our own chains while condemning our rivals for theirs.

>> No.19807521

You too

>> No.19807530
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>> No.19807754

the Godfather gets boring after the wedding

>> No.19807777

Leonard Cohen is based

>> No.19808101

I'm just really tired and sad. I don't think I'm depressed, if so it's a new kind. I just think I'm really overwhelmed. It's like the fucking slipknot thing- it's made of all the things I have to take. It has been made of all the things I have to take for so long now. I repressed a lot of memories for a long time, while I was wading throug the other things I have to take, and mainly some things I had to take then, which I don't have to take now, but the reason why.. well it turns out that the reason why I had to take them then- some of them at least, were repressed, and now that I don' thave to take those things anymore I remember why I took them, and that also is.. quite an unrelenting psychological problem.

I bet I am gonna make it tho. Fuck you Corey Taylor, and your book on satanism.

>> No.19808124
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I think I'm gonna take a break from /lit/ by a while. I realize that I don't think it's fully possible to get definitive answers on certain things, and eventually, you just gotta live life instead of thinking about it.

>> No.19808175
File: 53 KB, 800x515, Bundesarchiv_Bild_183-1987-0529-029,_Berlin,_Tagung_Warschauer_Pakt,_Gruppenfoto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19808189

my brain has been balkanized

>> No.19808191


yes all women are like the low class whores that let you fuck them after 2 days of knowing them

>> No.19808252

I love her..... But she.... She doesn't louve me.....

>> No.19808275

I feel there are females -- females in this thread

>> No.19808288


>> No.19808295

Yes; UNmistakable

>> No.19808318

how does one actually become this guy? I've been on 4chan since 2005 I think and I still don't know

>> No.19808342

>Someone made a post on here a few days ago along the lines of "I Have Nothing To Say". This is something that has always stumped me when attempting to write fiction. But the thread has inspired me to try my hand at writing some completely vacuous fiction.
It might be best to hold back on creating any art until you feel that spark of inspiration. The Greeks were onto something with the idea of Muses; without that spark, we are pretty much powerless to make good art.

>> No.19808350

Yeah, you do that. Get some air to that schizo brain of yours. Delete your dumbass gif before you go too.

>> No.19808376

>I'm not sure what use there is in making her sad.
After enough time with mental illness, you learn it's best not to tell anyone unless they explicitly ask. For one, no one's going to get what your problem is unless they've had it themselves. But also it can make them feel awkward and/or helpless, and usually doesn't benefit you in any way. Still, if she's like "Why don't you wanna do stuff with me more?", it's best to be honest rather than make up excuses.

>> No.19808382

Don't you ever think about how weird it is that more musicians don't care about lyrics? There are like a dozen artists I know with really great lyrics that add a lot to the music (usually indie or folk rock), and for most other artists they're just kind of there

>> No.19808387

>worry not ladies I'm a gentleman avert thine eyes from this foul beast
You don't have pretend my fair princess for my love is as wide as your mother's hips that you unfortunately didn't inherit bury yourself in it so you may bear us fruits

>> No.19808394

Give me her number and I'll make her the happiest female in the world

>> No.19808428
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2 years ago I had the chance to hook up with the most beautiful girl at my college (and one of the most beautiful girls I've ever met) but I blew it in the most autistic way possible.
A few days ago she called me out of the blue. We haven't been speaking; the last time I talked to her was a year ago when she messaged me on instagram just to say she was back in town and asking how I was. A week later she liked me on hinge but I thought it was friendly. When she called she was so excited that I picked up, and told me she wants to catch up. This saturday we are getting dinner/drinks.
I'm oscillating between extreme excitement and self-doubt. The same doubt that made me think her hinge message was friendly, the same that made me autistically blow it with her years ago. I know not to listen to it, and that lady luck has given me a second chance that I need to take, I just can't figure out why. She's gorgeous and was highly sought after in school. I'm strange looking, not conventionally attractive at all, only art hoes seem to like me--and while she's an artist, she's not that type of girl at all. Girls like her find me ugly. She's rich. I'm broke. It just seems unreal, something I never would have thought could happen in my wildest dreams--but that's how I felt that night two years ago.
I guess I'm just preparing for disappointment. I try never to expect anything, things never go how I want. But I need to make sure that I don't make my mistake a third time, that I don't cuck myself by assuming she's just friendly. Why else would she have called?

>> No.19808445

Literally didn't read

>> No.19808452

Anyone else think it's crazy how you die in just 3 days from lack of water?

>> No.19808459

thats fine, its "write whats on your mind" not "read whats on everyone elses mind"

>> No.19808473

Yet you have failed at the former

>> No.19808480

He - he louves someone else

>> No.19808486

Or or - or he has m-more than me? I- I

>> No.19808490

Get over yourself faggot.

>> No.19808494


>> No.19808500

>I blew it in the most autistic way possible.
couldn't have been that bad if she's calling you

>> No.19808512

>n-no senpai please! PLEASE! don't expose my inner thoughts and feelings!! I'm shy have some mercy!!!!!
The burden of high IQ

>> No.19808517


>> No.19808525

"Who dares, wins." Affirm to yourself right now that you don't care whether you get laid or not. You are going to take your shot because you should always take every shot, but that doesn't mean you are salivating over fantasies of what will happen if you succeed. You are just taking a shot, one of many, because it opened itself up as an opportunity.

Not only will this clear your mindset about the matter and allow you to focus and relax, even more importantly it will stop the thousand stink lines of desperation and low value you will be giving off if you don't do this. Women can smell that shit from a mile away, they are instinctive body language experts, experts are interpreting voice tones and shit.

The fact that she wants to hook up could be anything. It's 50/50, you either stuck in her head for some reason and she now wants to feel validated (recent breakup?), or she's using you for validation and a date but has no intention of putting out. They do this a lot, mostly unconsciously, it's like breathing for them. But no matter what, you will both put yourself through hell and ruin your chances of fucking her if you don't radiate self-confidence and self-respect. If you are radiating "please please please let me get laid tonight" or "god I have no idea why she's 'giving me a chance' like this, I can't figure it out so I don't know what to do, oh god," she will smell it in a hundred ways and you will lose everything.

Even if she is just using you for validation, there are still paths to victory. You can still have a nice time and get a little bit more dating experience, at absolute minimum. But even if she is just using you, you could still get laid by surprising her with how self-respecting and self-assured you are. Women have an achilles heel in that you can always surprise them and breach the fortress, it's just rare.

>> No.19808529

The absolute state of the charges officer?

>> No.19808532

I better leave because I drop another redpill that God won't forgive

>> No.19808533

More likely she's in some ambivalent state between the two extremes, and doesn't even know herself what she wants. Again, this kind of back and forth like breathing for them, it's instinct. It's a lot like edging in male masturbation, she is prolonging all the little feelings and dynamics of validation and he-loves-me-he-loves-me-not. She is probably at least potentially open to you being surprisingly cool, just as much as she's open to you being a slightly disappointing simp who nevertheless makes her feel wanted for an evening and a few days of flirty texting.

So wipe your mind of all expectations. Assume you won't get laid. But learn to take your shot with grace and effort even while operating under that assumption. At the same time, lean into apathy a little bit (not too much) and don't ever let her feel like you want what she has more than she wants what you have. How desperate you are for this to go well, so you can have sex, is nothing compared to how desperate women are for validation from men they temporarily find impressive or alluring. And a man's allure can be a confluence of a woman's emotional, hormonal, and life-situational states. So there's really nothing you can do other than take the damn shot and do it well, without expectations.

>> No.19808546

These two posts go together, ran over the character limit. It would really help my schizoposting if they increased it to 4000 like some other board recently got.

>> No.19808549
File: 90 KB, 508x677, 1632011764816.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was
>at party
>I start talking to her
>spend the whole night together, commiserating over the terrible relationships we both just got out of
>she's so far out of my league that the whole time I never even considered the possibility of hooking up
>eventually make our way to the roof
>sitting on the roof, under a blanket together
>she puts her head on my shoulder
>suddenly her friend bursts in
>"x, your roommate is really fucked up, you gotta take her home
>of course, it was too good to be true
>get up, head back inside
>on the stairs she puts her hand on my shoulder
>I turn around
>"all you have to do is tell me you're sad and vulnerable and I'm yours"
>look at her
>"I am sad and vulnerable"
>I walk away

>> No.19808551

fucking Ding Bang Ow

>> No.19808592

I have too much stuff to do, feel burnt out, lost and stressed. Buying a house, doing a masters degree and also working nights.

>> No.19808627
File: 317 KB, 589x410, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's on drugs again. Mark my words

>> No.19808628

Sounds like fun.

>> No.19808631

Thanks, I know not to be at all unconfident when I see her, I don't usually have a problem being bold and smooth with women (I get accused of being flirtatious a lot) but this case is so surreal that my mind doesn't believe it. My biggest concern is letting that doubt ruin my game. But you're right, if I never thought I was gonna fuck her it doesn't matter if I don't, I just have to do what I can to know I didn't miss a chance that was there. If the chance wasn't really there, so be it.

>> No.19808641

I honestly cannot imagine myself being in relationship.

>> No.19808649

Hot take: The covid related government mandates are based on pretext and preparatory to an authoritarian shift in response to a long-awaited economic collapse and ensuing social unrest. The databases and identity authentication procedures put in place for verifying vaccination status can be mapped to a generic civilian surveillance program.

>> No.19808663
File: 32 KB, 680x680, b7d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I walk away
ur fucking retarded bro

>> No.19808669

"whaaaaa this girl im incredibly attracted too likes me back but im a massive faggot so unbelievably stuck in my own head she can't possibly like me right even though she's gone out of her way to seek me out later in life whaaa"

you're such a fucking child dude how old are you? obsessing over some dumb bitch because you maybe could have slept with her years ago as if fucking her would make you not a miserable sack of shit. go fuck your whore bro, im sure itll work out

>> No.19808679

im pushin p

>> No.19808704

>walk away

>> No.19808749

Why do girls gasp so much?

>> No.19808774

Their consciousness has no depth, they're perpetually giddy and their ideal way of life is skipping from one charming dalliance to the next. They can be thrown under an emotional stormcloud because some milk spilled one moment and then be literally happier than you will ever be in your life the next moment because you told them you remembered your anniversary. Everything is a surprise to them, good or bad. They love gasping and they love seeing the random arbitrary colors of some random thing while walking around a random location.

>> No.19808849

Why do boys masturbate so much?

>> No.19808867

Feels good man

>> No.19808883

Does two women talking about God pass the bechdel test? What if it's specifically about Jesus?

>> No.19808891

damn todays wwoym is especially bad

>> No.19808916
File: 44 KB, 474x717, 3601C06C-E404-49CC-9FE1-681F19D36D4F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See, I'm quite happy now
See, I'm quite happy
And feel fulfilled
I know what I want, see?
I got this certain direction, see?
I just follow
I got to know this
Oh, this great guy, see?
I, I just do as he tells me
Oh, I'm scared
I believe - I believe!
I'll do anything
Just ask - I believe!

Oh! I'm in this relationship now
See, we in turn we work together
I do the dirty work for him
One in one, spit your soul
Quite good, you see
He's still busy - he's still busy
He's hanging on the cross all the time

See, I believe and I'm willing to
I'm willing to convince everyone
I believe!

Come on, follow us!
It's quite good
You don't have to think
He'll think for you - you just follow
Oh, I believe!

>> No.19808938


>> No.19808943
File: 18 KB, 500x563, FA50142B-27BF-4139-9EBC-0B2B556F7BA2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off.

>> No.19808953

Censoring whore. How did it feel to report him, to call down an anonymous higher authority to impose your morality on him because that authority happens to agree with you and not him at the moment? Some anarchist.

>> No.19808981

>write whatever you want
>writes whatever I want
>is mad

>> No.19809002



>> No.19809013

That's some pathetic casuistry. Anarchists are good people, when accused of power-tripping they have a kind of sixth sense that they should take a step back and ask themselves whether they've fallen prey to the temptation they spend their time diagnosing in others. You don't have that instinct, which is appropriate since you're not an anarchist, you're a social democrat lapsed puritan.

>> No.19809021

This is the sort of book we like
(For you and I are very small),
With pictures stuck in anyhow,
And hardly any words at all.

You will not understand a word
Of all the words, including mine;
Never you trouble; you can see,
And all directness is divine —

Stand up and keep your childishness:
Read all the pedants' screeds and strictures;
But don't believe in anything
That can't be told in coloured pictures.

>> No.19809061

Too bad childish racists never step back to question their trained ignorance

>> No.19809076

Has nothing to do with what I said, so you've both demonstrated you have no answer to the criticism of your inconsistency as a self-proclaimed anarchist, and demonstrated that I'm right: you don't have the anarchist instinct. When pushed, you move the goalposts and try to distract.

You're a censor and hypocrite. Just another tyrant wishing they had absolute power and hiding behind the jackboots of whatever nearby authority will enforce at least a little of their will, to give them the illusion of wielding and participating in that authority.

>> No.19809082

Absolutely based
Not only did you acknowledge your weakness and express your desire and interest in her, but you also forced her to make the right choice to take care of her roommate instead of hooking up with you by removing yourself from the equation. I hope you got her # so you can go on a date in the future.

>> No.19809092

I changed my underwear today

>> No.19809099


>> No.19809112


>> No.19809176

you bet

>> No.19809185
File: 58 KB, 976x850, 1614596615288.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do Asians complain about being fetishized? Literally the only white men attracted to Asians have an Asian fetish. Normal whites are simply not into Asians because white girls are more beautiful.

>> No.19809189

>white men
Should've said men* there. PoC men are into white women too.

>> No.19809217
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My family moved out of Boston into the suburbs a few years ago because of the city becoming more and more desegregated, causing crime rates to skyrocket in places that where once perfectly safe. We couldn’t do things that I grew up doing and go places I grew up going to because of the increasing crime. Now our governor just implemented a new law that forces suburbs to build more (((affordable housing))) each year or be fined by the state and lose funding. Niggers are fucking inescapable these days. They ruin everything because they’re so violent and have zero impulse control. Worse yet, the media and general public treats them like gods.

>> No.19809252

I will never live around them again. I went from being unironically antiracist to ironically racist to unironically racist. I still want the best for them but they actually radiate chaos energy like some evil race from a fantasy novel. Everything around them begins to decay and break down, violence and randomness of life increase exponentially.

I wish them well but not in my community, not ever again

>> No.19809263

I acted like a sperg in a date and now she just ghosted me lmao. Idk how girls can be so cruel. It's like if you don't meet their standards they treat you like a piece of shit undeserving of any attention. It would be ok if she said "I'm sorry I don't think it will work out" or something like that. Then we could respectfully say our goodbyes and leave. But she literally just ignores me like I'm an unworthy dog.

>> No.19809267

Every american group has to find somethinf to complain about. Its just the culture. Americanized gooks really are the worst too. I love the fobs though

>> No.19809287

In hindsight you'll look back and cringe at how you cared and kept messaging. That's if you're lucky and learn the lesson that this is how women are, and don't end up either hating them to an unnecessary maladaptive degree or denying it and remaining a simp forever.

It's like getting mad at a deer for getting away from you while hunting because "I fucking drove all the way out here and waited 8 hours, I step on one twig and all my efforts are for nothing, the least that fucking deer could do is let me take a shot" etc. It's a category error to think the deer is part of some ritual dance with you, with mutual obligations. It's the same category error to think women give a shit about fairness or even see you as a human being once you've failed your shot with them.

All you can do is minimize the amount of shots you miss, and even more importantly, minimize the amount of self-humiliation you do after her behavior declares that you officially missed your shot and won't be getting another. Even if you remain a fumbling sperg forever, you can still at least have dignity if you learn the principle that you should never even think of a woman again the moment she ghosts you. Erase her from your mind and start over with a new woman, even if you have a bunch of deer-thoughts in your head like "but we were talking for three months" or "but she literally said she'd fuck me." None of that matters, all you can do past the point of ghosting is humiliate yourself further and inflate her ego by showing you care.

>> No.19809291

I wish I had a friend that was proficient in Python and Data Science to ask questions to.

>> No.19809297

I try not to go into the city with my gf too much even though she's always asking to. I really just do not feel safe after dark.

>> No.19809298

Iktf man but you should try to at least not sperg out about your sperging out. If you blew it on the date and she doesn't respond to your first communication afterwards just drop it there. Don't hassle her and keep trying to get ahold of her; that'll make it worse. Ghosting is unfortunately the normal thing to do now and we just gotta deal with it and respect it.

>> No.19809305

Yeah, I shot one in self-defense during a home break in recently.

>> No.19809310

I grew up without any women in my life. No mom, grandma, aunts, female cousins, or sisters. It was just my dad and my brothers. My dad is deeply misogynistic and a womanizer. He also hates my mom with a burning passion and still to this day likes to tell me how evil and horrible she is. I never had female friends or acquaintances. I did have one gf in high school. It was an extremely intense and toxic relationship. Since then I've been totally isolated from all females. I dont know bros. Women are so alien to me. I dont know what to do

>> No.19809312

They're unconsciously excited by their perception of being "fetishized" and are subtly leaning into it. They're trying to become the unattainable and elusive fetish object by complaining about being fetishized and (the logic goes) becoming all the more desirable for it.

>> No.19809319
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>> No.19809323

Unironically consider therapy. You might even want to seek a female therapist if you could stomach that but maybe a male would be easier for you to connect to and get started with.

>> No.19809345

It’s the exact opposite for me. The only male figure in my life growing up was my father, and he was an abusive drunk. I was raised by my mother, grandmother, and aunt alongside my two female cousins. Because of that, I’ve never been able to make male friends.

>> No.19809377

What I would give for the mods to do their jobs.

>> No.19809390

isn't that the actual ending in the book anyways

>> No.19809406

yes. /tv/ and reddit are freaking out though

>> No.19809411

Every time I make a post someone tells me I need therapy. I think it's time I accept this.

>> No.19809417

It is pretty depressing that it is difficult to have an original idea regarding game design, but there are still so many good games which are yet to exist.
For instance, I want to play a Fantasy Open World Action RPG, but on Xbox we just have black desert online which isn't that engrossing to play (it's more of a grindfest).
For upcoming games, there's like Elden Ring but I've never been a big fan of Dark Souls combat mechanics. I guess I'll have to see how that goes..

>> No.19809418

what do yall do for a living im looking for a comfy career?

>> No.19809425

Seek help

>> No.19809436

I’m a nursing student. Nursing is a decent gig. The pay and benefits are good (especially right now because of the Kung flu), you only have to work three twelve hour shifts a week, it can be a very easy job depending on what specialty you go into, there are travel options where you can travel anywhere in the country you want to and be paid more for it, and you can take classes online to get your masters degree while working to become a nurse practitioner and make well over $100,000 a year.

>> No.19809455

Why are so many nurses self-important cunts who think their parking spaces should be closer than the doctors'?

>> No.19809466

Because most of them are women

>> No.19809516

finished republic commando again, such a cool game

>> No.19809542

>Why do Asians complain about being fetishized?
>Literally the only white men attracted to Asians have an Asian fetish
Are you fucking stupid or something?

You guys are such huge pussies, it's unbelievable. If you act like a jumpy honkey, people are obviously gonna fuck with you. You look out of place, uncomfortable. Just be cool and you won't have any problems.

>Fantasy Open World Action RPG
There are so many games fitting this description dude

>> No.19809549

>You guys are such huge pussies, it's unbelievable. If you act like a jumpy honkey, people are obviously gonna fuck with you. You look out of place, uncomfortable. Just be cool and you won't have any problems.
I can’t tell if you’re a nigger or a nigger lover, and I can’t tell which would be worse.

>> No.19809562

You aren’t right because you don’t know what you’re talking about. You have preconceived definitions of your terms. You’re a tard and won’t acknowledge anything criticizing your argument. A dishonest troll.

>> No.19809570

Poverty caused the crime rates to skyrocket, retard.
Why Bloom-frog?

>> No.19809576

But then you have to deal with nurses all day

>> No.19809580

That’s not a problem if you’re a man. Women only start drama amongst themselves.

>> No.19809584

>If you act like a jumpy honkey, people are obviously gonna fuck with you. You look out of place, uncomfortable. Just be cool and you won't have any problems.
Uh oh, the cool street smart city slicker who has a trust fund and got his Musicology degree at Berklee is going to tell us how to be sufficiently "with it" to dodge inner city violent crime when blacks and hispanics commit 90% of it.

You alt right chuds just don't understand the black man's struggle like me!

>> No.19809601

Oh wow. Perfect for single men in the early 20s

Why aren’t nurses allowed to have employee parking?

I hope they stick you wrong next you see em

>> No.19809621

>You guys are such huge pussies, it's unbelievable. If you act like a jumpy honkey, people are obviously gonna fuck with you. You look out of place, uncomfortable. Just be cool and you won't have any problems.


>> No.19809623

You guys always have the same generic response to this shit, and it's just to smear people who disagree with you as rich kids who don't get it. Again, you're a huge pussy. Stay in your faggy suburb and clutch your pearls.

>> No.19809628

>Among people who have learned something from the 18th century (say, Voltaire) it is a truism, hardly deserving discussion, that the defense of the right of free expression is not restricted to ideas one approves of, and that it is precisely in the case of ideas found most offensive that these rights must be most vigorously defended. Advocacy of the right to express ideas that are generally approved is, quite obviously, a matter of no significance.
Noam Chomsky

>Unlimited freedom of propaganda, speech, press, public or private assembly, with no other restraint than the natural salutary power of public opinion.
Mikhail Bakunin

>Do you want to have freedom to speak and write whatever seems right to you? Do you want to have the liberty to meet and organize? It is not from a parliament that we seekers of freedom should ask permission, nor must we beg a law from the Senate. We must become an organized force, capable of showing our teeth every time anyone sets about restraining our rights of speech and meeting
Peter Kropotkin

Dumb, sad, lonely old bitch. You can't even read a post, no wonder you haven't talked about books in years and all you do is blogpost. All that was sad enough, but now that I know you can't even understand fundamental principles of anarchism, I've discovered new levels of pity for you. You truly are empty, you don't even have a nominal knowledge of or loyalty to the thing you talk about constantly.

>> No.19809645

Shut the fuck up faggot. Your babbling means nothing next to the statistical fact that blacks are responsible for almost all violent crime and most social problems. The fact that everybody can tell you're a caricature of a rich college kid who listens to rap just by your posting style is only icing on the cake.

Nobody will ever care what you think and you will never be authentic. Go have an opinion about Kendrick Lamarr with your poly girlfriend.

>> No.19809674

>Defending the spamming of the N word as free speech
There’s the freedom and then there’s a law enshrining it. And then there’s somewhere in between, that being a person’s home or hosted gathering place.
Take a look at the rules of the place again. You don’t understand anything.

>> No.19809695

>It is not from a parliament that we seekers of freedom should ask permission, nor must we beg a law from the Senate.
You also know for a fact that the rules were never put in place democratically, and if a vote were held today 90% would vote to remove the anti-racism rule as gay. Only affluent tranny twitterfags like >>19809623 would vote for continued restrictions on free speech.

Once again you retreat into casuistry to defend rules and traditions you like against democracy and anarchism. You are a fraud and a stupid, stupid retard.

>> No.19809714

The time for thinking is over.

The time for action is now.

>> No.19809721

Marry her and fuck her until a baby comes out.

>> No.19809730

What part of English don’t you get?
Ah, but never mind. You’re just a cracker ass trolls seeking to undermine any civility.

>> No.19809731

>college kid
>who listens to rap
All wrong, try again. You grew up in a Boston suburb man, you aren't the archetypal working white man

>> No.19809749

Yeah I texted her twice (which was probably once too much) and she just doesn't care. Girls are just pitiless creatures it seems. They look so gentle and meek and friendly and caring but it's literally all just an act. Underneath they are just the most arrogant, judgemental people.

>> No.19809758

>tfw there is no time

>> No.19809778

They don't even know they're doing it, honestly. All this shit you go through to get dates and worry about whether you fucked it up, they don't have to do that so they just don't. On the one hand that's unfair because it's weird that they have so much power over you and don't even have to think about the resultant power dynamics. On the other hand it kind of helps deflate the tension of dealing with them when you realize they are carefree airheads who simply don't have the space to overthink their judgements and rejections the way you can.

Unless you make it worse, they give as much thought to rejecting you as you give to not picking one bag of chips over another bag of chips when you're buying chips. You looked at maybe 6 bags, you scanned your eyes over dozens of bags, you narrowed your choices down to the two that really excited you, and you bought one. The rest was background noise. That's what you are for a woman who isn't interested in you, background chips.

Unfair, dehumanizing, yes, but far less personal than you think, and navigable once you get the hang of it. Well, somewhat navigable since shit is fucked right now but if you're getting dates in the first place you're probably fine.

Quiet, tranny.

>> No.19809782

Have some perspective here dude, some chick ghosts you after a shitty date and you're going all in with this "women are evil" shit

>> No.19809793

bro what the fuck are you saying, you scared her off because youre autistic and you made her uncomfortable. she's not going to tell you that because she is a woman and by nature unconfrontational

>> No.19809809

baby stuck what do i do now

>> No.19809812

I dont understand how theres so few of them in the country, but no matter where I go they're causing problems

>> No.19809817

How has that affected you?

>> No.19809828


>> No.19809846

there's more time than you think but less time than you want.

>> No.19809849

I’ve never had many friends. I never got involved in activities other boys did and it’s hard for me to interact with other guys. We don’t have shared interests or experiences. I’ve had some female friends over the years, but that’s not really a proper substitute for male friends. People generally bond better with people if their own gender so I’ve always been kind of the odd one out.
Also, I’m gay. I don’t know if me being raised by and with women and my father being abusive has anything to do with that, but it definitely might. (He was never sexually abusive, just mentally and physically.)

>> No.19809863
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How long are they going to get away with it bros?

>> No.19809871

Thats definitely the reason you're gay

>> No.19809872

Hitler's dream of a jew free Ukraine will finally be realized

>> No.19809879

There is no way out, only forward.

>> No.19809880
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>you are now imagining the jews in your country talking openly about how they may need to all simultaneously leave soon

>> No.19809892

They'll just remote control it. The president of Ukraine is Jewish.

>> No.19809933

I'm not going anywhere. Israel sucks. Such heat.

>> No.19809974

Yeah you’re probably right. I guess they’re just so accustomed to having massive social support groups where everyone is giving them affection and telling them how pretty and amazing they are all day, that they begin actually believing they’re above everyone else. They probably don’t even realise how cruel their actions are because they’ve simply never had to face loneliness or rejection or any expectation to impress or come across as confident in social situations. They just sit passively like princesses and wait for the world to be their jester.
It’s immensely cruel to ghost someone after you’ve been talking for weeks just because they were nervous when you met them. Did I act like a pervert? Did I touch her? Did I do anything that suggested I want to rape her or harm her in any way? No. Was I rude? No. I was simply nervous; and the whole cause of my nerves was because I know those stupid bitches act like this.

>> No.19809986
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Well okay.. but no usury and no pornography

>> No.19810085

I reckon it may get even hotter in the oven

>> No.19810130

I don’t understand why people complain that “nothing ever happens” when the 2015-6 European migrant crisis happened only 5 years ago. It was the most important event in European history since the fall of Rome and everyone just moved on.

>> No.19810135

>Did I act like a pervert? Did I touch her? Did I do anything that suggested I want to rape her or harm her in any way? No. Was I rude? No.
Anon, the problem is that these things aren’t accomplishments, they are the baseline, what is expected. To attract a women you have to go above that.

>> No.19810156

thats racist

>> No.19810182

I don't care if she's not attracted to me that's her choice. This discussion was never about that, but about the cruelty and arrogance needed to simply ghost someone with no explanation or goodbye.

>> No.19810268

Been feeling nostalgic for Lil B after realizing I hadn't said "based" in years because other boards ruined the term in their overuse. I've listened to so much Lil B in the past couple weeks now, including the duration of 05 Fuck Em, which I rarely listened to in the past because of how long it is. Still afraid to touch the Myspace and 855 Song Based Freestyle tapes, which have daunted me since they dropped over a decade ago. But I've also been listening to ballet music because I was watching Princess Tutu, so I would go from hundreds of Lil B songs to Swan Lake or The Nutcracker or Satie's ballets, then to Rain in England in a vain attempt to link Lil B to Romantic art music. And I'm listening to a Korn CD in my car during my commute, which is quite different from everything else. Together, these things are allowing me to push off becoming an hero for a little longer, as silly as that may be.
For /lit/ things, I've been reading a lot of Lafcadio Hearn, whom I believe represents a rejection of Western Judeo-Modernism in his weeaboo reverence for Japanese folklore. I prefer his freer essays during which he meditates on subjects that are not always connected to Japan.

>> No.19810278

Sometimes, very rarely, I get brief, lucid glimpses of the absurdity of life. They will appear randomly and without structure, sometimes when I just wake up, sometimes when I'm driving or eating or walking down the street. They come on suddenly: I immediately feel as though I am transported to a "third person" view of things, all my prejudices and desires and thoughts are eliminated, and I take a fresh look at life. Then I just scoff and laugh because I see the world and human beings for what they are: frauds pretending that this whole thing matters in the least bit, all desperately anxious because of the passing of time, feeling that they need to make something of themselves, invariably failing. Then I snap back into my old self and carry on the same pantomime.

>> No.19810302

I don't have any problem with gay people but it's a massive red flag to me if a girl has a lot of flamboyant gay male friends.

>> No.19810322
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>because I was watching Princess Tutu
unbelievably based

>> No.19810369

You think I could make this goal?

>> No.19810417

I miss my drug phase even if I can never go back. They were one of few viable ways for me to obliterate the static self and behave in ways contrary to my habit. I acted as an "other" reifying Rimbaud's saying that "the self is an other." Although I did nothing good, I at least did what I thought I was incapable of. The soundtrack of my life took on a certain stark , exhilarating yet dark aspect.


>> No.19810437

Issuing a Dear John for every prospective mate can be tedious. Its less awkward just to cease contact. Its not like you knew her super well

>> No.19810438

>It was the most important event in European history since the fall of Rome

>> No.19810443

NPCs control history. It’s in their hands and always have been.

>> No.19810457
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Beauty, good, and truth are the same thing, and I can recongnize beauty when I see it.

>> No.19810465
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>> No.19810466

Why even bother with anything? I have no interest in useful things. I couldn't care less about money. There was a time when I cared about social status, but all of that has gone. All of my material ambitions seem to have vanished. I don't want a family, and I don't want to reach an old age, I will probably commit suicide before reaching 40.
All I care about now is art, and it isn't even out of enjoyment, but out of necessity. I don't know how to describe it, but it feels like something as important as eating or sleeping.
I feel so distant from the world, or from people around me. Some of my old friends and my family think I've gone insane.
All I do all day is read, listen to music, and daydream. I don't eat much, I'm underweight rn, and I go to bed when the sun is coming out. I've got some ideas to write about that have been consuming me. I don't know if I will try to publish them, probably not, but I feel the need to make something.

>> No.19810469

I tried making friends with one of those gay dudes who hovers around girls, as another (hetero) guy. He was very friendly to me for a week, then totally stopped hanging out or sending any messages. It was very lame. Saw him again ~6 months later and declined to chat, and the girls he was with acted like I just told him to fuck off or something.

Normalfag relationships really confuse me. Why are they so shallow?

>> No.19810471

It definitely changed the genetic character of europe forever and likely Islamized Europe

>> No.19810473
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>> No.19810474
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Is coffee the best drink in human history?

>> No.19810484
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That would be Coke Zero

>> No.19810485

We'll just kick them out when the fourth Reich comes around, spare me the end of history crap

>> No.19810488

Certain parts of Europe will become a bit more Middle Eastern genetically, it's not a big deal nor unprecedented. Race is not unimportant but it doesn't matter that much unless you follow one of those meme authors /lit/ and /pol/ shill so much who act like race determines everything

>> No.19810494

This is exactly how i feel, but i don’t feel the need to make something.
So i’m literally going insane.

>> No.19810498

It led to the rise of Islam as the dominant faith in Europe and the replacement of Indo-European language family by Arabic dialects. It was more or less the same as the migrations of late Antiquity.

>> No.19810500

Nigga, you can’t even make the Nazi salute or read an unannotated , non-pozzed version of Mein Kampf in Germany

>> No.19810521

I've thought about suicide a lot
but I don't think I'm ever going to do it
I asked myself why I wanted to kill myself, and I came to the conclusion that it's equal parts an immediate need to escape pain and suffering, but also equal wants to experience happiness and calm
I don't believe in afterlife or souls, in my mind, death is final, the last stop of one's existence

to escape pain through death is illogical, for you cannot reap the benefits of it, the dead does not feel, the dead does not think, the dead does not exist

>> No.19810536

You talk as if she goes on dates every single day with multiple men so that it's so tiring for her to write a single sentence saying she's not interested. I paid for her fucking drink and food and brought her a gift and tried to be nice and she doesn't even have the humanity to say goodbye to me before ceasing contact forever. All because I was nervous. I don't get how you can defend this.
Anyway, fuck it and fuck her, it's not a big deal and I don't give a shit anymore about these whores.

>> No.19810572

Weimar happened before, you're just a retard

>> No.19810589

>The time for action is now.
which actions though?
Make time. Or at least do things more efficiently
>I don't know if I will try to publish them, probably not, but I feel the need to make something.
I find it interesting - why does publishing enter the equation for you when you care not for social status anymore? What would be satisfying for you: the finalization of a 'good' draft? What would be the intent with publishing? If you were pseudonymous or anonymous, whom would you like to read and enjoy your writing? Would their aesthetic enjoyment for you be sufficient to satisfy you or would you hope that your work conveyed some kind of message?

>> No.19810608

>which actions though?

>> No.19810631

I didnt give you End of History crap. The Europe genome has absorbed a new set of genetics into it. They arent going away

>> No.19810636

Its not so much the genes themselves but rather the heritage. Europe is now married into another people and culture. That will give Europe going forward a new character

>> No.19810637

I don't know what to do with myself. I don't do anything with other people, and I don't do much alone anymore. All my hobbies except reading have slipped away.

I've been thinking of enrolling in an English program, or at the very least taking a couple online courses to see if I'd want to commit to a degree. Just thinking of having to participate in class, having my thoughts judged and graded by other people, makes me so anxious that I can't even bring myself to start a single online course.

>> No.19810652

>having my thoughts judged and graded by other people, makes me so anxious
Pain is information. Take this as an opportunity to napalm your thoughts, to kill all the cancer of your mind and allow new strong things to grow. Your anxiety about being judged by people who, lets face it, by virtue of their youth don't really have much credibility to judge you is because you're already judging and critical of your thoughts.
Why is that? Why instead of fearing what other people think aren't you trying to come to terms with what you think is so critic worthy of your thoughts?
Or to put it another way - whom would you like to be graded by? Living or dead. Who do you think has the authority? What are the standards of thinking they would expect of a nascent writer like yourself? (Yes, I am saying "don't be too hard on yourself from the start" because it is a evolutionary progress).

>> No.19810663

She dodged a bullet.

>> No.19810726

>I paid for her fucking drink and food and brought her a gift
You're a chump. It's not a quid pro quo.
I've never bought a girl a gift on the first date. Why would I, if she doesn't like me on a personal level, why would material goods change her opinion? Aside from the fact, why would I buy her a gift if I don't know if I like her yet?
>and tried to be nice
Why did you go on a date if you have to 'try' to be nice? Maybe it's just a poor choice of wording on your part, but it makes it sound like being 'nice' - which is a word that conveys mediocrity, of the bare-minimum for social interaction - is an effort on your part. A conscious choice. Which it shouldn't.
There's an expectation that people be nice all the time. People don't put up with anything less than nice. You shouldn't ever try to be 'nice'. The only time exception is when you're in customer service and someone is shouting abuse at you - that's trying to be nice rather than retaliating. It's a date, it's not a fucking Nuclear Powers Summit. You don't try to be nice. You try to be better than nice.

>> No.19810746

>There's an expectation that people be nice all the time.
Nah. People who are nice all the time are fucking weird. Maybe polite, but not nice

>> No.19810758

I think the strangest thing is that you can tell the gay guys can't really stand the women that cling about them. It must be weird knowing you are a token friend / accessory to some milquetoast white woman. But then they remain friends with them anyway so maybe I'm wrong.

>> No.19810827

Oh, great. We are getting Jordan Peterson spam at this very moment

>> No.19810834

Daddy had a interview recently. It’s time to rebuy his books!

>> No.19810846

I'm so pathetic and dumb. Things that are so easy for everyone else are impossible to me, I fucked up so many times. I wish I knew what is so damn wrong with me.
And I had to hear people in school and college telling me how smart I was because some things that are hard for them are easy for me and the worst of all is that I believed them for some time. Now these people are moving on with their lives while I rot hopeless.

>> No.19811083

Y-you too.
Rue is my wife, but I found it hard to concentrate any time Ahiru's armpits were on display as Princess Tutu.

>> No.19811253

Yeah I don't get it either. That whole dynamic seems so insincere. I don't dislike gays or women categorically either.

>> No.19811296

The longer I've spent in college, the more I've realized just how much I hate it. It doesn't matter what subject I'm studying. There's something inherently joyless about sitting inside grey rooms with a bunch of other people that clearly don't want to be there, knowing that the vast majority of your week is not your own. I hate being around other people, being stared at, judged, and evaluated. Even walking around campus is enough to make my mood plummet. People infest every inch and space like rats. Getting to my classes is miserable shuffling past countless unknown faces. At this point I really would just like to make some $ and retire young find some place isolated far out where I never have to see another human face ever again. Though in truth I know that on my own I would not be happier just less discontented.

>> No.19811337

Honestly it sounds like you're living the dream to me. I would kill to just fully disconnect from everything like that.

>> No.19811339

i wish i studied humanities instead of engineering. i just want an art hoe girlfriend i dont care what it takes. you'd think there'd be more grimes-types looking for elon musk-types but no

>> No.19811379
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>> No.19811381

The grass is always greener. I'm finishing up my english degree and rn it's hitting me hard that I don't have any future and that I've wasted four years due to my indecision and uncertainty about what I truly want from life.

>> No.19811405

Nah I don't see the point. Delusions are superior to being a well-rounded sociable person. I would love to live like a child again, to spend every day immersed in fantasies and ideas that have no real world use.

>> No.19811428

Love her

>> No.19811439

I wish to have my political views be appealing to African American women. They are the single most powerful bloc in the USA. If Black women supported my views, we’d win inside of a year.

>> No.19811440

Living properly is a real world use.
Your irregular sleep schedule is also messing with your brain, but the trouble probably goes deeper

>> No.19811444

Id recommend checking it out, but don't expect anything life-altering to come from it necessarily.

>> No.19811450

Night walks are awful for me mentally, I find I torment myself with my thoughts whenever I'm given the chance to be alone. Physically though they're great.

>> No.19811452
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I've been debating on whether I should take my MA in Political Science online or irl and if I want to lose the opportunity to talk to specialists in my field and maybe make friends or just be able to play vidya. Also the further I descend out of my real life into the internet the more I find myself growing feelings of inter-body shame and its been getting worse and worse despite me lifting considerable more (I managed 2pl8 for bench and squat this winter). Hope it doesn't turn out to be trans or some shit but if it does any recommendations for books about identity etc.

>> No.19811458

Why tho

>> No.19811525

I haven't spoken to a friend in nearly two years. I spend my entire days in college classes, surrounded by people, but have never been lonelier. The only thing that gets me through the day is having enough shit to do to distract me. Whenever I get free time I just sit aimlessly listening to music and tormenting myself with memories. I always feel like I'm going to cry, I constantly think about suicide. I can't stand it anymore. Every day feels like some comic trial where I have to endure everyone else living a normal life as they mock me for my failure, my inability to be what they are even though I want it so bad.

There's a 200ft tall bridge a few miles from me. Thinking about jumping.

>> No.19811545

>Your irregular sleep schedule is also messing with your brain, but the trouble probably goes deeper
I'm not that anon. I wish I could live his lifestyle but unfortunately I need money. Either way I see no reason why I should care about real world use. Fantasies are more interesting than reality.

>> No.19811553

How's your sexuality? FtMs alway seem the most crazy sex wise, redirecting their disdain for femininity onto themselves or other women.

>> No.19811571

I had the strangest job interview today. It was like a reality tv show. It was a group interview with 20 other people, they separated us in to smaller groups of 5 and gave us childish tasks like drawing "the perfect customer" which we then had to give a group presentation on in front of everyone else. Had to do roleplays too.

>> No.19811574

Don't do it, you can choose to have a better life.

>> No.19811581

I would never realistically, I'm too scared. And it's too pathetic. You're right, it could be so easy to improve in theory. I just can't seem to do it.

>> No.19811587

I struggle to understand how people love college so much. It's such a retarded institution.

>> No.19811599

Sounds like one of those stupid high school projects. No doubt a women dreamed it up

>> No.19811600

Maybe you're romanticising your suffering. Don't make an excuse for yourself, live to what potential you have.

>> No.19811601

The only good thing about college is the library access.

>> No.19811623

I think I was for a time, but I've consciously been trying not to. I've tried to play normie for a little while, go hang around public places, attend whatever events might be around, try and start a conversation or two. It hasn't worked well, honestly. I'm such a nervous wreck and anytime someone tries to talk to me I just want to collapse into a black hole. I can't imagine opening up to somebody, it seems so mean, so burdensome, so risky.

I wasn't always like this, even, I know on some level it's not true. I feel like I'm losing my mind.

>> No.19811642

Maybe you should see a therapist or something

>> No.19811681

I probably should.

>> No.19811702

any diphenhydramine enjoyers in the house tonight

>> No.19811731 [DELETED] 

Can we all unianimously agree that the sun is brown? ANd the sky is brue? And the man is tran? And the miaow'd sound is from a cow? Huh? Can we unanimously agre that the forwn has a smile upside down? Can we? Superman is blackman. The sheep is sheepman. Everything is its own thing somewhere. Well? London is falling down into the ground by Mexicans? This is an alternative universe. Somewhere. The governor of Texas is a woman? The governor of Texas is a tran? Somewhere.

>> No.19811771

Women are the scum of the earth, why do I still love them?

>> No.19811799

>Woman travels to foreign country
>"Anon, you have to buy me a plane ticket home!"
>Buy plane ticket
>>"Oh no anon! I can't fly because I'm in Brazil and they actually have a "traveling allowance of $3,500!!!

Is this a fucking shit test that women do? This is the second fucking time this has happened to me.

>> No.19811830
File: 36 KB, 240x279, 1EEC96C5-4F74-4716-A22C-DEE3A03D9964.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop being stupid


>> No.19811970

Wow you make my eyelashes flutter and my lap like steel my ears are playing pédales d'effets as you trompe-l'œil on my monitor into my abode

>> No.19811996

id imagine those people use their time at college as a mixture of social club and brothel

>> No.19812009

You're fucking useless, as usual butterfree.

>> No.19812024 [SPOILER] 
File: 93 KB, 605x692, 1643175630938.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You love them because at least your instincts work

This scenario doesn’t makes sense. What’s going on?

>> No.19812029


>> No.19812043

>This scenario doesn’t makes sense. What’s going on?

Honestly, probably just a fucking scam

>> No.19812236

Vacation Pay

The length of the tapeworm had more than doubled since I last measured. Satisfied, I fed it back down into my throat, anticipating next months statistics.

I threw up on my vestibule valet, then scurried outside towards the abandoned worm farms. The beauty in it was that nothing much changed since the farmers had died, if anything, things were moving at a much greater pace.

I ducked into the perfumery, specialising in corpse-coutre but they were all out of "Monday Morgue".
A crying shame, however, was on sale.
I bought a few vials.
Atomising them onto the couch stained sidewalk.

Rent was due,
so I killed myself.

Once resusitated I felt my front pocket for my life insurance check.
"Well, that takes care of February!"
I said aloud,
inside my head
to nobody,
to everyone,
to myself
I'd already made my mind up to spend it on wormfood.

Parasites give so much,
and ask for so little in return.
We loathe them for their honesty.

Tapeworm and fluke
Together in puke
Formaldehyde fruits
Their lack of names
I prey

>> No.19812243

Yoink that shit out.

>> No.19812269

I threw up on my vestibule valet, then scurried outside towards the farms. The beauty in it was on sale.
I bought a few vials.
Atomising in corpse-coutre but they were all out of "Monday Morgue".
A crying shame, however, was on sale.
I bought a few vials.
Atomising in corpse-coutre but they were moving at a much changed since them for my life insurance check.
"Well, that takes care of February!"
I said aloud,
inside my head
to nobody,
to everyone,
to myself.

Rent was than doubled sidewalk.

Rent was due,
so I killed sidewalk.

Rent was due,
so I killed myself
I'd already made my vestibule valet, their honesty.

Tapeworm farms. The beauty in it back of February!"
I said already made my head
to everyone,
to nobody,
to everyone,
to my life in corpse-coutre but the couch greater pace.

I ducked it was on sale.
I bought a few vials.
Atomising in it on my throat, anticipating much greater pace.
I few up to them on wormaldehyde moving at takes give so little into nobody,
to everyonesty.

Tapeworm farmery, specialising in coutre already mind up towards the but of February!"
I due,
so my vestibule valet, anticipation Pay

The than doubled out the that nobody,
to much gread
to much statistibule into spend fluke
Togethe loathem on my life in puke

Parasitated worm farmery, specials.

I prey
Amen salet, anythings were but of "Monday Morgue".
A coutret, the their heas sittlen Pay
A chad sty.

They valisit theck.
A couty lisitsitapeworm fore lites stion wor much giveryince loublet, tathengthand inside faran shade lifed a for lit ths cryoned, han morm few up the a fruit fards sainsusin patics.

I'd insittle monest my fruit the bod. Sat throating my had sitake
For theck.
I sinsuside fed was so muchad
to mady my inestaticialk.

I farand I forms. They

Once cry,
to shade lastaid up thince.

Once the an due".
"We pace corm and ming thereturn.

>> No.19812292


>> No.19812472
File: 23 KB, 500x594, I pretend I do not feel it.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just got dumped via text message

>> No.19812474

We just got dumped on by another soįjak

>> No.19812528

Its very awkward and difficult to tell a person you're not you interested in them, hence the prevelance of ghosting, plus look at the venom you carry within you, know the possibility for upsetness people have, or hurting s person's feelinga directly, it's easier to just completely cut free

>> No.19812671


>> No.19812697
File: 1022 KB, 2000x2665, sasha-luss-by-marcus-ohlsson-for-vogue-japan-november-2015-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I spergged out on pppplebbit when someone wrote a meaningless empty statement to the effect of WAGMI if you work hard at something... anything... just give me updoots
Some redditors tried to "help me" as a way of disproving me, and basically all their advice can be reduced to handballing my questions to google or asking "an expert in the industry" or "an old boss".
I feel so empty now, because what did I expect to happen? Deep down I hoped some super big brain genius would drop into the thread and take pity on me and say "here's a map that if you try really hard will solve all your career problems... now here's a practical action you can take to start...", but I should have known that it was never going to happen. So now not only do I feel ashamed for letting my emotions get the better of me, I didn't make anyone see the wizard behind the curtain, and worst of all: I didn't get any practical information or knowledge I could apply to my problem.

>> No.19812707

to add to this, this is the core of an insidious loop of behaviour that brings me to this very thread:
>1. identify problem
>2. can't find actionable steps to remedy it
>3. go online with secret wish of serendipitously finding a secret answer to problem
>4. try to be funny online
>5. after a few hours of idle searching go outside, or jerk off, or struggle to write

>> No.19812708

i've never ghosted someone and never would, unless I've already made it clear to them that I don't want to talk with them anymore and they keep pestering me about shit. You're defending an inhuman practice, one that leaves me in a state of uncertainty and embarrassment, wondering whether she will eventually text, wondering also what I did to scare her away so much that she won't even say goodbye. It's literally the equivalent of turning your nose up at someone and refusing to acknowledge their existence. Fuck women.

>> No.19812709

I watch soft porn

>> No.19812760

NTA but if you keep thinking about her anon, she wins
>one that leaves me in a state of uncertainty and embarrassment, wondering whether she will eventually text
lol anon, she's not gonna text. never. there is no uncertainty - it is utterly clear that she has washed her hands of you. game over. move on. stop letting her live rent free in your brain, she's already forgotten about you

>> No.19812779

porn with flaccid dicks?

>> No.19812780

Not sure, but you sound self-centred.

>> No.19812784

Ye I will eventually. Doesn't make whores any less cruel.

>> No.19812798

Why are you letting her win? Not eventually. Do it now. Take control over your own mind and emotions, isn't that what distinguishes men and women? The fact that men have more frontal cortex emotion inhibition?

>> No.19812810

master in something employable if you wanna

>> No.19812824

Bro I have no friends she was the only person I talked to in real life in years. Obviously it's going to be hard. I'll get over the anger in a couple of days. Meanwhile I'll use it for more effort at the gym.

>> No.19812832

half true; im starting to feel as if matters of ethics are to be judged by our aesthetic sense only and will thus always present themselves before us

>> No.19812839

you would inevitably become depressed; just look at what happenend in the first year of covid

>> No.19812840

>false color photograph
What did he mean by this?

>> No.19812844

You sound like a fucking faggot ngl

>> No.19812846

Don't understand, please elaborate

>> No.19812856

i can squat 2pl8 but can barely bench 1
fuck this faggot earth

>> No.19812858

The only way to thoroughly grasp the flow of subconscious thoughts, that is, what REALLY is your mind, is not to sleep several days and enter the state of delirium.
Then you just relax and let the flow go. The longer you keep the flow going, the less coherent minds will sound, until the moment that you will start speaking gibberish remotely resembling the language.

I had it about four-five times in the last 10 years an It sound like this:
>You are waving cocaine et despendo armia butta gol it will have trumpet traces lucid ona wardo karma but be bitchy drivel to grave in essence of laquimo septus enra.

Notice: no white noise, no just sounds. It's wording, but it makes completely no sense.

>> No.19812861

I think I'm genuinely autistic because I can't understand why people fake their emotions or even when they are doing so. I always assume everyone is being genuine with how they act. For example if someone told me a joke and I thought it wasn't funny I wouldn't laugh out of some desire to be polite. It seems like everyone fakes being nice to you when in reality they couldn't give the least shit about you.

>> No.19812868

> "here's a map that if you try really hard will solve all your career problems... now here's a practical action you can take to start...",

Let me paint you a map for the last 15 years.
You will find something to cope with the pain, staving shit away for several months. Alcohol, plebbit, games, movies, whatever makes you distracted. Once a year you will still have shitty episode which will drive your life down because you won't give two fucks about it, maybe even leading to failed suicide attempt. Rinse and repeat.

Hell, one time I didn't jump off the building just because some guy did it just before I arrived.

And when the distraction doesn't work, you go into looney house and hope that they will help you, or at least, give you magic pills.

I am at that stage now. Going to looney bin next friday. Either they fix me, or it's over.

>> No.19812890

I think you should go irl. I made the regretful decision of choosing a university close to my home because it's a lot cheaper if I just drive there instead of living there. But now I regret it a lot; I've made no friends and it's hard for me even to join any clubs or societies, because I will have to drive 30 minutes each way just to go there. I mostly watch the lectures online and it's really depressing. I regret this a lot.

>> No.19812894

Is it strange that I can't take my female professor seriously? I go to her lectures and she just reminds me of a nice auntie who should be baking cookies and breastfeeding children, not someone who's going to teach me something about philosophy. I don't understand why we can't make it so women teach women and men teach men.

>> No.19812941

The strategy I have found successful both in my career and with women is to not put myself forward, but rather invite assumption. People don't want to know who you are, instead they want to find some fantasy or ideal they have in their head. You simply allow them to project their fantasies on you and don't go out of the way to contradict them. Let them believe. It isn't always going to work, obviously. Sometimes you will just be too far off the mark for this to occur, but people will ignore a lot, fill in the blanks, for the sake of some story going on in their head.

This can be sort of isolating. When it comes to work who cares, but with relationships I am often reminded of that scene from the new Blade Runner where he gets a prostitute and has his hologram gf project on top of her. This is what navigating a social life succesfully really comes down to, being the foundation for someone's hologram.

The alternative, being myself, just means going back to being a broke no-pussy loser.

>> No.19812973

i suspect that's exactly how I ended up with my first girlfriend

>> No.19813009

Scrotes are the scum of the earth.

>> No.19813038

How do I finance my art project how do I finance my art project. HOW DO I FINANCE MY ART PROJECT

>> No.19813044

Ah, my favorite! Shaking the mysterious locked box and concluding that inside the box — is rattle.

>> No.19813045
File: 28 KB, 744x435, 18FBE5D0-2E6F-43DF-A733-42E4431E112D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are the essential philosophy books to read and in what order?
I want no filler and the shortest list possible. I just want to get a basic understanding so i can at least follow conversations.

>> No.19813046

>I want no filler and the shortest list possible
Deleuze - 1000 Plateaus
Deleuze - Difference and Repetition

>> No.19813061

>no greeks
will i not be lost?

>> No.19813122

The shortest fasted path would be getting a book on classical syllogistic logic, and one of any number of books that attempt to provide a history of western philosophy.

For the first I would recommend Kreeft's Socratic Logic. I recommend it because 1. It covers all the bases for classical logic, and 2. It is still in print.
There are better text books without Kreeft's tangential polemics against modern logic systems and postmodernism, but they are out of print and extremely expensive.

For the historical overview I would recommend Durant's The Story of Philosophy, or A New History of Western Philosophy by Anthony Kenny.
The first has a more conversational tone and is brief, the second is longer and much dryer, but more comprehensive.

>> No.19813274

can anyone recommend a good one-volume history of philosophy in german?
>inb4 Richard David Precht

>> No.19813445
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Russian Far East has the coolest looking fauna and I'm not just speaking of tigers. I fucking love the sea eagles.

>> No.19813451
File: 108 KB, 220x165, tenor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and likely Islamized Europe
>you will live in an era of germanic technical excellence and statescraft mixed with sharia

>> No.19813466

maybe it will end up being nursing. that would be a well dignified way to go. it would have to be in a while, but maybe. it is.. it borders on being realistic. I am not a folksy guy though. what do I talk to these 80+ year old hoes about? maybe they've had time to become decent conversationalists

>> No.19813660

The new thread >>19813651

The other >>19813399

>> No.19813788
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>evolutionary trait
1. Evolution isn't real
2. Humans aren't animals

>> No.19813847
File: 429 KB, 678x382, 1636486450272.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This never happened this is like a scene from a movie
>tell me you're sad and vulnerable and I'm yours
who talks like this! this is never said.this is written. by a writer

>> No.19813862

Extraordinarily based

>> No.19813868

Sounds like the girl has a fetish desu.

>> No.19814028

>Denies the science
>Shows the proof
Hahaha man, you’re a dumb ape or a monkey? Show us the tail.