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19800743 No.19800743 [Reply] [Original]

Has anyone read this? Im thinking of getting it so that I can deal with the sudden rise in transphobia on our board here. I cant believe pol is shitting up all our threads

>> No.19800772


>> No.19801062

I have a theory that the transgender movement is the result of the loss of social Catholicism and a vocational worldview. A long haired poet is not feminine, and a tomgirl is not actually masculine, but our social roles have become overly homogenized by individualism and consumerism so people basically become mentally ill

>> No.19801268

>2% of the population
>makes everything about them
Hmm almost like another 2% of people

>> No.19801279

No, it's Blackrock

>> No.19801283

The transgender movement is born of narcissism and self-dislike.

>> No.19801307

They're an invention of the medical industry to gain more money. An average tranny in a first world country is quite the gold mine. They will continue to push it because it's profitable.

>> No.19801361

It's not /pol/, it's because it's natural to be repulsed by things that are unnatural and disturbing if you're of a sound mind yourself.

>> No.19801575

It is born of CIA plot. Trans don’t control the media

The fascists ?

>> No.19801893
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It's money, that is all. The same reason you're getting four, five or six shots. The amount of money that can be generated off one mentally confused early teenager is over a quarter million in medication, therapy and eventually surgeries with no long term plans needed as they eventually commit suicide.

It is, and always has been, about money.

>> No.19801899
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There are no coherent arguments against transgenderism. The moral case for adjusting our definition of womanhood to include transwomen is too strong. Not only does transitioning cure gender dysphoria, but the acceptance of transwomen as women lowers their suicide rate drastically.

The non-moral, purely rational argument for transgenderism is this. Womanhood is clearly a social construct. We can see this in the clothes women wear, in the way they act, the way they speak, the way they live their lives. None of these things are equivalent to female sexual organs, and yet in our society we recognise them as womanly things. There is nothing in female or male biology which says one must wear suits and the other must wear dresses -- and yet you will find dresses in the women's section of a clothing store and suits in the men's. This itself proves that gender is not equivalent to sex. Gender is rather a way of being that is hard to describe but which permeates one's entire life -- from the way you walk and talk and think, to what clothes you wear and whom you socialise with.

>> No.19801908

>The moral case for adjusting our definition of womanhood to include transwomen is too strong.
It's not. This is only in your head. Also, morals are entirely subjective.

>> No.19801942

>There is nothing in female or male biology which says one must wear suits and the other must wear dresses -- and yet you will find dresses in the women's section of a clothing store and suits in the men's. This itself proves that gender is not equivalent to sex.
Gender is not just clothing. A part of what constitutes gender stems directly from sex. Instincts, attitudes, roles, natural inclinations, etc. Virtually all societies are in a general agreement on what is manly and what is feminine, even before globalization, which wouldn't be the case if gender was purely a social construct. There is an inherent part of gender that completely stems from sex.

>> No.19802071


>> No.19802078

Become the statistic.

>> No.19802084

This is correct but the point is that those gender roles are not identical to male or female sexual organs. That means sex is not identical to gender, even though it maybe related. It is therefore possible for someone to be of the male sex but the woman gender.

>> No.19802092

to lose my time I would rather play video games

>> No.19802095

So a transgender woman is a biological Male that tries to act like a woman, got it

>> No.19802100


>> No.19802165

mean have you tried bringing up any books around your local lgbtsjwtfnpc marxist cattle? In no time you will see their beady stupid cowlike eyes light up in panic. Soon enough they will start with the usual subhuman bleating, screeching and snivelling hysterically as if begging to be put out of their misery "wasnt he sexist? Arent you being dangerously eurocentric? Hasnt it been debunked as fake news russian bot pseudoscience?Why read books by dead white men when you could have been streaming the latest diverse and inclusive workplace comedies at netflix hulu and disneyplus? your daily mandatory dose of ''ethically sourced'' child pornography? Didnt you know reading antything beyond YA literature is ableist towards people who are too retarded to read? How does this further the short term electoral goals of the democratic party? Are you saying child sex workers arent real sex workers?Have you been taking your daily recomended dose of high fructuouse corn syrup your SSRIs and HRT? it is very important that you take the medication dr goldstein prescribed otherwise we will report you to corporate for mandatory sensitivity training as per the domestic terrorism act of 2021"

>> No.19802203

What is the "lgbt community"snivelling priesthood of pedophilic apparatchiks cowardly hiding behind political correctness and victimhood in order to tape groom abuse and indoctrinate children on a deliberate and systematic basis?

>> No.19802232

So if someone said that transwomen are not women, theyd be correct?

>> No.19802244
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>The moral case for adjusting our definition of womanhood to include transwomen is too strong

The only thing too strong is the new additions to the Olympic weight lifting teams. Everything else is subversive, evil and anti-woman.

If woman was a social construct, it is not, it means your idea of a woman is too, I like the one we have now, it provides solid approximations of what to expect. Yours blurs definitions and makes it unclear, dangerous and confusing, this is the opposite of what labels are meant to do.

If you're desperate to parody the very thing you wish to portray, create a new label, a new social construction. We can call it Fuman, short for fucked up man.

>> No.19802258

>Implying the total subversion and debasement of feminism were its now about trannies and normalizing prostitution isnt based AF

Trannies are deep cover incels who made the ultimate sacriface in order to infiltrate feminism and destroy it from within as such i salute them

>> No.19802270


>> No.19802370

>The moral case for adjusting our definition of womanhood to include transwomen is too strong.
The moral case is to provide the best help possible to people that require it, not to satisfy their delusions. Framing the disagreement with current transgenderism as transphobia is pure propaganda. I had (emphasis on had) a friend who became infected with this, someone I had met through a ex. An obviously fragile individual, but he was doing fine until he met a girl who was working with trans and started dressing him as a girl. Then he got stuck into the online trans universe and it was too late. Even my psychologist friend who knew him was shocked when he came out as trans, and refused to accept it.
>Not only does transitioning cure gender dysphoria
>but the acceptance of transwomen as women lowers their suicide rate drastically.
Honestly just an argument not to be a dick to fragile people. You should, as an adult, be able to discuss delicate issues with fragile people without breaking them.
>Womanhood is clearly a social construct. We can see this in the clothes women wear, in the way they act, the way they speak, the way they live their lives.
So? Saying that genders are social constructs really doesn't provide you the power over it that you think it does. Its like the fags saying shame isn't a real emotion, ok, whatever, that's retarded, but even if it was the case, it doesn't deny the universality and deep connection we have to our binary gender structure.
Gender is a bio-socio-historical construct, really. A man who has a mental fixation on the wrongness of his sex does not gain the historical background of a woman when he goes on the operating table. He will never have lived the experiences that my, yours or anyones sisters will have, and its insulting to them to say the contrary.

>> No.19802586

"Gender dysphoria"

Ie. Becoming perverted from watching too much anime pornography

>> No.19802667

This. I for one think it would be beautiful if pride helped this little girl discover her true identity as a queer person or sex worker . after all BDSM is natural just like being gay or trans or a minor attracted person, all perfectly valid identities based on the self evident principles of science and love.

>> No.19802706

Pic in question. Only a heartless science denying paranoid bigot nazi would find anything wrong with this.

>> No.19802711

>It is therefore possible for someone to be of the male sex but the woman gender.
This doesn't follow. At least not obviously so.

>> No.19802734
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>> No.19802781

>Fuman = fucked up

>> No.19802836
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>Then one day, for no reason at all...

>> No.19802860

NS Revolution is the only solution.

>> No.19802865

You're right—it's the liberalizing logic of a free market. Nothing should not be for sale

>> No.19802892
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Alan turings famous test few people realize Computer=homo machine. This is a good chunk of you faggots. I dont get it why imitate women out of all things. The rest of us who presumably have some decency were lucky to grow up with respectable masculine role models such as sam hyde, ted kaczynski travis bickle and dostoevskys underground man.

>> No.19803002
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dude it's just the jews lmao

>> No.19803043

No; I already gave the argument for adjusting the definition to include transwomen here: >>19801899

>> No.19803075

just curious, were you molested as a child?

>> No.19803116

Trannies didn’t exist before 1900 thus they are a social construction, so should be discarded as the shitty, temporary, provincial zeitgeist that it is

>> No.19803238

>Gender is not just clothing.

No, if I wear African native dress it does not make me any more an African.

>> No.19803264
File: 104 KB, 800x1252, Bust_of_Elagabalus_-_Palazzo_Nuovo_-_Musei_Capitolini_-_Rome_2016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There was a transgender Roman emperor, Elagabalus, moron.

>Dio states that another "husband of this woman [Elagabalus] was Hierocles", an ex-slave and chariot driver from Caria.[5][77] The Augustan History claims that Elagabalus also married a man named Zoticus, an athlete from Smyrna, while Dio says only that Zoticus was his cubicularius.[5][78] Dio says that Elagabalus prostituted himself in taverns and brothels.[6]

>Dio says Elagabalus delighted in being called Hierocles's mistress, wife, and queen.[79] The emperor reportedly wore makeup and wigs, preferred to be called a lady and not a lord, and supposedly offered vast sums to any physician who could provide him with a vagina.[79][80] For this reason, the emperor is seen by some writers as an early transgender figure and one of the first on record as seeking sex reassignment surgery.[79][81][82]

>> No.19803357

>"the name Elagabalus is branded in history above all others" because of his "unspeakably disgusting life"

He was mentally ill pervert, that was hated and killed by his own people for his horrific indulgences. This is how people see you.

>> No.19803518

Maybe we shouldn't be too hard on the trannies, come on we practically grew up together on this horrible website, i mean that could have been you if you, fell for the wrong psyops or had really gotten into anime, if dad had been around less or the gym teacher diddled you a bid more, after all its an autistic person just like you, they just wanna be your friend! the lgbt crowd are pretty tolerant of neurodiversity, it is even said they will fuck anything that moves, some of them are self aware and more well read than the straights, its not like you have any chances with stacy, wouldnt it be nice if someone could touch you and make you feel loved? you have a moral responsibility not to inflict your cursed autism genes upon later generations so maybe you should just have weird degenerate gay sex with other borderline mentally retarded people as under a pathetic freudian compulsion to repeat the trauma traceable back to that time your uncle... maybe your obsessive and neurotic hatred of trannies is just a defense mechanism against the powerful erotic allure of the forbidden. dont you wonder what it would be like to stick your dick into one of those things?

>> No.19803547

It' simple really. It comes down to whether it is your problem or not.

Someone shits in my water supply and that's a problem.
Someone uses force to tell me what to do, that's a problem.
Someone extorts or exploits or lies to me for things we do together, that is a problem.
A system that rewards people for creating problems then solving them, that is a problem.

Trannies are not my problem. People who tell trannies not to be trannies or force me to exclude them are my problem.

It's really just that simple...

>> No.19803792

>the acceptance of transwomen as women lowers their suicide rate drastically
The only way to accept this is if you are some base sort of utilitarian. What you are doing is justifying lies. Distorting truth and twisting language because it will marginally increase the utility of a small group of persons. From the perspective of this base utilitarianism, there is no reason to not do so. It is a pure net benefit to the world because truth has no inherent value besides as an instrument for utility. Very few people would actually support this logic, however.

Also you don't understand gender.

>> No.19803841

>3 dozen people in the last 2000 years where mentally ill perverts who wanted to be woman, that means a thousandfold rise of transgenderism cases in the last 50 years in normal, bigot.