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19758331 No.19758331[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.19758348

>White men are terrorists
Nah, they're just weak cucks. They don't have the balls for terrorism.

>> No.19758354

That's a pretty slanted interpretation of baizuo, although it is correct that white libs are the laughing stock of the rest of the world

>> No.19758359

Very rich coming from the people that allowed their government to use 1984 levels of sophisticated surveillance software on them without any resistance or regulations whatsoever.
The Chinese are subhuman, just like the Amerifats.

>> No.19758372

Yeah wait a second don't they live in a literal tyrannical surveillance state

>> No.19758375

How are Islamic values backwards?

>> No.19758388

You do know that you live in Brave New World Shadow Oligarchy, right?

>> No.19758402

Backwards in the sense that it goes against the belief of the baizuo. For an example, many western white liberals have embraced the hijab which is a thing that controls a women's body. One would think that white liberals would hate the hijab since it has been historically used as a way to control a women's appearance. Just a guess I'm making at the point of usage in this context.

>> No.19758406

>the Chinese and the Americans are le subhooman!
at this point no one will be human

>> No.19758414

I mean I realised halfway through writing the post that the exact same applies to America.
They're both fucking idiots but for different reasons. The Chinese are simply bugmen with no political involvement, the Americans are only politically involved insofar as in participating in a spectacle.

>> No.19758550


>> No.19758579

The amount of seething and goalpost moving in this shit thread is pretty hilarious. It's impossible to look directly at the sun I guess.

>> No.19758628

They allow that doublethink because Islam uses violence against those that criticize it.

Violence is right. They would kow-tow the Christian line if Christians crusaded every insult against them.

>> No.19758656

Identity politics is a distraction from class politics. Intersectionality is a matter of degree. /pol/ can suck my cock.

>> No.19758673

Identity politics is a logical evolution of marxism

>> No.19758681

>snaps fingers

>> No.19758682

>miseducated historically illiterate retard edgelord (leftism is just a milquetoast attempt at being edgy for people who lack balls to murder kittens and eat bible pages, and would rather be at starbucks drinking an $8 coffee flavored milkshake)

>> No.19758684

I agree. It's time we start respecting ourselves, and give them a taste of their own medicine. Saying something disrespectful of my being, should be met with doing the same thing back to you. If you want to escalate things, and get violent, let's get violent. This is after all respecting your culture of, eye for eye.

>> No.19758689
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>> No.19758699

>if Christians crusaded every insult against them.
maybe we should start doing that again.
>says the same thing /pol/ has been saying since the end of OWS
>"/pol/ can suck my cock"
first of all you already cut your own cock off, tranny. second holy fuck are you one dumb fucking retard. want to know who all the bankers you talk about bringing down are? hint: they wear very small hats. /pol/ is more class conscious than you are. go buy another macbook and take the next product from big pharma so a billionaire can make another $50.

>> No.19758732

It’s not.
Die in a fire.
Guillotine em’ all, I don’t care what kind of hats they wear or what wooden doors they use.

>> No.19758747

Both are true of the rest of the west at the moment, most if not all of the revolutions of the past 30 or so years have been CIA coopted "color revolutions." Politics has become nothing but a spectacle, it is a fucking joke, any movement soon becomes coopted and either is astroturfed and killed off, or astroturfed and made the prime candidate for regime change. Peaceful change within the system is completely impossible, either people need wake the fuck up and stop complying against their slave masters demands, or those who know ought to unrepentantly commit orchestrated attacks of key infrastructure and organizers behind the front men.

>> No.19758748

>Identity politics is a distraction from class politics.

>> No.19758761

but isn't class an identity

>> No.19758782

>Guillotine em’ all, I don’t care what kind of hats they wear or what wooden doors they use.
cant you dumb assholes just understand that when /pol/ says "it's the jews" it's just a shorthand to prevent a paragraph long explanation of a hard to define group of moneyed shitbags
you're so insufferable i'd almost rather kill leftists than the rich at this point.

>> No.19758788

If you pull sophist bullshit sure, but you know what class means compared to modern identity politics. To define anything as anything means anything can be anything. But it doesn’t stop the wealth disparity and defining people by that larger economic and social analysis. To say that ascribing anything to someone becomes an identity is obfuscating a practical analysis on purpose.

>> No.19758801

If it was actual shorthand they would say “the rich” or “the bourgeoisie“ or “investment bankers” or “financial capitalists” or even just “capitalists”.

>> No.19758813

Demons Dostoyevsky

>> No.19758833

"kike" is much more succinct and accurate. you can't wage class warfare against the rich if you're terrified you might be called a racist to criticise any aspect of them, including to notice the pattern that the vast majority of the problems are ethnic jews despite jews being 2% of the national population. you're just a disingenous coward who says brave words to seem edgy and woke, but will puss out to actually corner, define, and criticise the true enemy. i don't want you as an ally and the rest of the right implicitly feels the same even if they can't explain quite why they wouldn't feel at peace to ally with you despite us, on paper, wanting the same thing. you have no follow-through and are only using class warfare as a seasonal fashion so you can pretend you're a decent person when in reality you're a lazy narcissist with a massive ego.

>> No.19758850

All capitalist pigs cause more suffering than they are worth, but not all Jews are capitalist pigs. Why be disingenuous and talk of all Jews instead of talking of all capitalists.

>> No.19758876

Friedrich Nietzsche when he discusses the slave and slave morality.

>> No.19758918

words words words

>> No.19758924
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>> No.19758939

because when you throw out an intentionally dividing word like "capitalists" you bring up connotations of shit for brains commies who oversaw all the greatest atrocities of humankind. youre doing exactly the same thing that dumb meth-smoking skinheads do when they larp as neo-nazis. you aren't interested in solving the problem, you want to use your play-pretend opposition to the problem as a fashion item to dress yourself in for presentation to your other petit bougie metrosexual friends to see who is more "modern" and can out-woke the other. you aren't interested in solving anything or doing anything, you're interested in adding a logo to your discord profile. that is why we hate you.

truly, i'd sooner shoot you than a "capitalist". my enemy is an enemy to my face. you're the dipshit down the street who pretends to be my ally only to frustrate all my efforts and waste my resources on displays for his own ego. go to hell.

>> No.19758947

Maybe your people should have worked harder.

>> No.19758951

I feed old people, help the poor, and participate more in my local community than your larping ass ever will. To continue to throw all these definitions and acts upon me as a rando on /lit/ is hilarious. You can’t perpetuate your hate and participate in a conversation at the same time. The only way you can make your point is to strawman me.

>> No.19758994
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>I feed old people, help the poor, and participate more in my local community
There's that classic larp that we all know and love.

>> No.19759006

Oh nice. Right. No truth on the internet. I forgot. I skin cats. Summon demons. And convince children they should disagree with their parents.

>> No.19759020

No, it's just that we all know the root of your problem, is daddy issues.

>> No.19759022

like you nonstop strawman the right? the left pretends to be some saviour of the working class, meanwhile you treat actual working class people with nothing but utter contempt and belittle them at every opportunity. you're the harmful bourgeoise element who should be lined against a wall and shot. you, you personally, and all your little friends and discord buddies. you larping little dipshit.

>> No.19759033

Wow all that ‘you’ language again. You don’t know me bruh. Again, I’ve actually helped working class people with the suffering of their day to day life. I don’t get it.

>> No.19759042

you didn't respond to not one facet of my argument. because you can't.

trotsky would have shot you.

>> No.19759048

I’m not a communist so he probably would have just drank with me in Mexico.

>> No.19759072

you started out larping about the evil "capitalists" and "rich people" and now you're coping by saying "n-nn-noooo i didn't pretend to be a hardcore communist soldier to larp on the internet".
you pretend like volunteering at a soup kitchen twice a year absolves you of the sins of being a harmful borgeoise element, and i'm telling you, trotsky, lenin, and stalin all alike would have had you SHOT. and I AGREE WITH THEM.

>> No.19759074

>but not all Jews are capitalist pigs
Yes, they are.

>Why be disingenuous and talk of all Jews
Because it is all Jews.

You only hold these opinions because you're trendy and socially acceptable. You are the worst kind of conservative there is.

>> No.19759088

It must be nice pretending that everyone will just let religion go away once we all have a 5 acre mansion in your utopia.
Jews killed Christ. They all deserve to hang and their legacy and writings destroyed.
Whether or not that's real, they think it is and their entire religion is shitting on Christians. For that alone they deserve to die.
But I must remind myself that I could be talking to a 17 year old. I'm not talking to the exact same people I did 10 years ago on this site... newfags and underageb& are born every day.

>> No.19759091 [DELETED] 

These people don't know about the Soviets, nor about Bloody Sunday, or any horrible fucking disgusting thing that happened under socialism.
They are basically commies larping inside their universities, and this shit is pushed by their own imbecile professors.

The only thing one can do is try to get away from them.

>> No.19759095

Wew lads, y’all mad.

>> No.19759097

I like how you larp about being a tough man that would kill for what you love, when the only thing that you actually do, is wine like lil gurls on the internet.

>> No.19759100

I'm getting away from this place.

>> No.19759108
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>Yes, they are.
Not true, some Jews are communist pigs. Read pic related for the best explanation of Jews.

>> No.19759118

Describe exactly how and how often.
It shouldn't take long. If I worked in a soup kitchen I would be able to add up all the days I've done so in less than a minute. It doesn't need to be exact, "Oh was it October or September that I started? Hmm! I guess I don't have to answer that capitalist pig, ha!"
Also, do you reckon you've done more than an average Eagle Scout? Remember, to be an Eagle Scout you must lead a community project of a size about as large as painting a walking bridge over a river, repainting all of the crosswalks, making a huge map for volunteer firemen to hang in their depot of the entire area they're in charge of with all of the roads and names of the roads on them, completely fixing a baseball diamond, or cleaning out a river.

>> No.19759131

you've yet to respond to anything stated and are coping by throwing out "y--y--yy-y-y-you guys are...uhhh....mad! yeah that's it, you're angry. haha"

pathetic. you're a terrible person and a failure as a man and ideologue alike.

>> No.19759142

In your own words, describe how being mad invalidates a position.
Describe how not getting mad when something is upsetting you is superior.
Describe how Stalin and Mao actually weren't mad when they had people executed.

>> No.19759159

Been a public defender for 2 years and have been helping the local senior center for 5+ years. Participated in the local community garden for about 4 years. Always answer the phone for my friends and family at any hour of the day. Helped in local elections. Helped people get social security disability for a few years before the public defending bit.

But it’s not that you’ll believe me nor will you care even if you did.

>> No.19759178

Well I'll admit you got me. That's more than I do.
I could argue "public defender where?" and imply you're defending murderers but I won't.

I suppose it's why people are mad at you. You'd figure someone like you would know what upsets your perfect little world.
I guess if you want to help more, maybe look into helping the old get their Korean war benefits.

>> No.19759179

Being mad distorts your ability to properly articulate yourself without succumbing to insult and vague linguistic aggressions. You probably have legitimate grievances, but it’s hard to take them seriously when you constantly project a strawman of your woke larper on me.

>> No.19759188

You should let the world know you found the answer to how to never get mad then. We've been waiting for thousands of years. Think of all the wars you could prevent, anon!

>> No.19759195

Lol I still shitpost myself, but I thought we were trying to be constructive here. Oh well! It’s a fun thread anyway.

>> No.19759197

That's exactly the point of Culture of Critique though. All Jews are Communists. All Jews are Capitalists. Ideologies aren't real, race is. A Jew will adopt whatever viewpoint he perceives will benefit him and the Jews as a whole. Any internal disagreement between Jews is just a squabble on what Jews think is best for the Jews as a whole.

>> No.19759202

How was, "You're mad" constructive?

>> No.19759208

Oh it’s not at all. But it stopped being constructive before that.

>> No.19759212

I agree with your post but when you say "all Jews are communist" I suppose you mean "all Jews have the potential to be communists." I just see a lot of people saying "Jews are left-wing" and then Jews pilpuling by saying "actually, Jews are Conservative in the UK."

>> No.19759228

Eh, I lost track of the fact that you're the guy who said class politics, not identity politics. If you want to say /pol/ can suck your cock after that then whatever. At least you still have sort of the right idea.
I doubt your the reddit type who goes into every thread and makes sure to post "Correlation doesn't mean causation!"
It doesn't matter what the label to the people who deserve a bullet is, just that they get a bullet for their crimes against humanity.

>> No.19759232

That's a fair point; there isn't really a good way to refer to this briefly though. Honestly, I was just setting it up so when the fag got would get butthurt at me pointing out that he's a conservative I could explain to him. But this works.