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File: 69 KB, 259x400, bartleby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19750000 No.19750000 [Reply] [Original]

Name a better short story.

Protip: you can't.

>> No.19750068

I prefer not to

>> No.19750075
File: 46 KB, 338x345, 1640836697326.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19750079
File: 168 KB, 426x567, swimmer 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell me you haven't read the swimmer without telling me you haven't read the swimmer

>> No.19750103

Chess Story and Buchmendel by Zweig

>> No.19750657

The lightning rod man
Billy budd
The piazza

>> No.19750824

For Esmé—with Love and Squalor

>> No.19752080

The Encantadas

>> No.19752129

Cock A Doodle Doo
Poor Man's Pudding, Rich Man's Crumbs

>> No.19753646

good one

>> No.19753667

I really want the expression "not for worlds" to come back into vogue.

>> No.19753680

Quads can't go wrong. Bartleby is one of the best. I would include it in the pantheon along with A Good Man is Hard to Find, The Dead, Hills Like White Elephants, Gold Coast, My First Goose, and the Overcoat (among others that don't immediately jump to mind)

>> No.19753698


>> No.19753779

I couldn't believe it when I heard this story was about alienation and exploitation within capitalist society...

>> No.19753855

Goodbye Mr. Chips or Chess Story

>> No.19753863

I haven't read your story.

The Bet by Chekhov is excellent. Lost Face by Jack London is alright.

>> No.19753876


>> No.19753883


>> No.19753889
File: 51 KB, 840x835, JoeTzu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Better, maybe not, but of equal quality?

A Good Man is Hard to Find by Flannery O'Connor.
The Tell-tale Heart by Edgar Allen Poe.
The Fall of the House of Usher by Edgar Allen Poe.
The Overcoat by Nikolai Gogol.

>> No.19755256

>A Good Man is Hard to Find by Flannery O'Connor.
I found this story to be complete dogshit. What makes you rate it so highly?

>> No.19755401

this, bananafish, maybe blue period. i love eskimos but dont know if its bartleby tier
no but its good.
>Billy budd
not in its current form, but bartleby would probably be better
>Hills Like White Elephants

>> No.19756350

>not in its current form, but bartleby would probably be better
It’s current form is fine are you retarded

>> No.19756883

Is this really Melville's best short story?

>> No.19757102

He only wrote short stories for a few years in the 1850s, then the novella Billy Budd towards the end of his life. He then selected 5 of them for The Piazza Tales and added The introduction/short story The Piazza to contextualize them all as parables about modern life back then. I've read Bartelby for a class, on my own, and in context of the sequence. IMO The Piazza, Bartelby, Encantadas, Lightning Rod Man, Bell Tower are as good, but Bartelby is the most appealing. However, Benito Cereno is the weakest thing Melville ever wrote after Moby Dick including Israel Potter (which is the closest thing Melville wrote to a convention novel), yet it's still better the the best story Hawthorne ever wrote.. Probably not Irving though. Billy Budd, I like the best overall, since it deals with his themes of his poetry the best and I like the sort of jarring, yet philosophical style. The early chapters where he contextualizes the Martyrdom and talks about Tennyson's poem on Nelson, but ends with Doggerel on Billy Budd is great. The last sentence on the chapter before is haunting. I've also never read any of the non-Piazza Tale stories. I assumed he didn't think highly of them since he never collected them in book form. The only thing from Melville after Moby Dick I've never read.

>> No.19757110

the Dead. but quads don't lie

>> No.19757125

Although, John Marr, and Rip Van Winkle's Lilac I guess technically can be considered short stories and those are absolutely amazing imo. They're both in the late collections of the LOA edition of his poetry. Those 2 are better than anything I listed. John Marr may be the best thing Melville ever wrote period. For me it's always After the Pleasure Party though.

>> No.19757187


"A Perfect Day For Bananafish" is better, but not by much.

>> No.19757195

You are 100% a pedo.

>> No.19759474
