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/lit/ - Literature

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19746782 No.19746782 [Reply] [Original]

Which books left you feeling optimistic and eager to make the best of your life?

>The reason I'm asking
Though I don't consider myself a miserable person, I have always had a depressive streak in me and a couple of years ago, I went through a long spell of feeling suicidal. Ever since, I feel like I have lost the will or ambition to dream about better times ahead. It's as if I have resigned to the fact I will someday just end it all so what is the point of even trying.

I'm not into fantasy, politics or any other weird shit, if that helps.

>> No.19747299


>> No.19747355

never read a book like that.

>> No.19747389

Unironically try BAP. Meditations might be a meme but its good too. Evola too. Sun and Steel. Some Nietzche. DESU a lot of the books and authors that get memed on are probably good for what you're asking for, autist literature readers are morbid creatures that like to mock anything positive or optimistic, not blaming them for it but its in their nature.

>> No.19747390
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>> No.19747438

Read non-fiction about people who were really ambitious and who lived interesting lives.

>> No.19747478

Could you tell me what BAP stands for, please? Thanks for the other suggestions. I do get the feeling /lit/ is overly pessimistic and fatalistic, and that any book about the good things in life is considered "pleb".

That's not a bad idea. Do you have any suggestions?

>> No.19747483

Thanks for replying, but I don't like anything too political.

>> No.19747529

War and Peace
Modern Man in Search of a Soul
Augustine's Confessions

>> No.19747637

Thanks for the suggestions.

Have you by any chance read the top review on goodreads.com of Modern Man in Search of a Soul? I'd like to hear what you think of it.

>> No.19747650
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Its pretty hard to summarize BAP, people say he's a regurgitation of Nietzche, imo this isn't exactly right, he's reinterpreting Nietzche to bring out his most life affirming, vitalistic, and mystical/esoteric qualities while also mixing in 4chan humor. Bronze Age Mindset definitely gave me great energy at a low point for myself.

There's one quote that stands out to me, I forget the exact words and I'm not even gonna try and remember the right words but the message is, "Our time doesn't need virtuous men, it needs men of action willing to plunge into the depths of darkness."

If you wanna see if you like him first you could try listening to some of his podcast.

Older shows: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCk4JO10zICcSGPvbgZ17j1w/videos

Newer shows: https://glycineputler.libsyn.com/

>> No.19747657

No, I read books, not reviews on the internet

>> No.19747684

Brothers Karamazov

>> No.19747724

I know he can't help it, but listening to his accent is about as pleasant as watching centipedes mate. Thanks for explaining it, though. I'm not very into internet culture, so I think most of the stuff he says and writes about would be lost on me.

>> No.19747729

Wilhelm Meister's Apprenticeship

>> No.19747757

His accent is much better in the newer episodes imo, or maybe I just got used to it.

>> No.19747762

He talks more about the ancient greeks and medieval artists then about the internet.

>> No.19747818

The ones my mother read to me when I was little. There were a few others that had some bits that seemed inspiring at the time, but it turned out to be naive, idealistic horseshit.
The closest thing to a whitepill is the fact that civilizations naturally go through growth-collapse cycles, because if they didn't they would stagnate. So if you're living through a collapse period, it's not actually the end of the world at all and will pass, although you'll probably be dead before it finishes passing.

>> No.19747877

>I'm not into fantasy, politics or any other weird shit

What the fuck do you even read then? Erotic romances that feature Fabio on the cover?

>> No.19747891

Feeling Optimistic And Eager To Make The Best Of Your Life For Dummies was a good read.

>> No.19747896

Last three books I read:

Céline, Louis-Ferdinand - Journey to the End of the Night
deWitt, Patrick - Ablutions
Fante, John - Ask The Dust

None of those feature any politics or fantasy.

>> No.19747917

If you have the ability and patience, unironically read UIysses. I return to certain passages in that book anytime I feel down or depressed, since it's the most accurate novelistic representation of how it feels to "experience life" that I've come across. It's full of gaiety and joy and affirmation of the good and bad, as well as just an endlessly fascinating tour through what is arguably the peak moment of modernity.

>> No.19748858

Aka Jewish Man in Search of More Kids to Rape

>> No.19748868
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>> No.19748938
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>Which books left you feeling optimistic and eager to make the best of your life?

None, because I am not a dork.

In order to optimally exalt that purpose in a mundane setting, before engaging in less mundane activities, I prefer to listen to Sofia's vibe: transce.


>> No.19750183

>None, because I am not a dork.
And yet you listen to arguably the most soulless, bland and least inspiring music ever produced.

>> No.19750263

Anything by derek sivers. Magical books this guy writes and they are all a quick read, each book taking about 90mins to read.
Also any book by erling kagge. Walking is amazing and Silence too.

>> No.19751024


>> No.19751254
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>Which books left you feeling optimistic and eager to make the best of your life?

Hermann Hesse - Demian

>> No.19751283

I read a book called 'Wild Children' for 8th grade and it was about the kids who had to survive during the Bolshevik revolution. It made me optimistic to never repeat that tragedy again.

>> No.19751728

Bump, also interested in this.

>> No.19752922
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"Trance" music: soulless? you are spiritually emasculated, and sonically tasteless.

>> No.19752936

Silas Marner. I read it right after a string of Hardy novels and it lifted my thoroughly deflated spirits.

>> No.19752954

emerson's essays always leave me feeling fresh as a daisy when i read them

>> No.19752960

when i was in high school siddhartha did the same

>> No.19752965

this but with chicane

>> No.19752974
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>> No.19753344

>you are spiritually emasculated, and sonically tasteless.

If that is what it takes to realise trance music is braindamagingly bad, I'll happily take it.

>> No.19753446
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If you could let the equanimity---an equanimity of mind which is not afraid to acknowledge the harsh and demanding deprivations of existence---of The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy permeate your soul, like a literary teabag in your tepid soul... Well, you'll be better positioned to deal with life's vicissitudes. Also Rabelais since it boils down to: you'll make a lot of mistakes and try on many personas but as long as you can find yourself with a fire at your back in a cozy Inn with a few conversants, cups of wine and shanks of mutton you're good. I also find stories novels and plays by Arthur Schitzler comfy, as well---funny, witty examination of how people get in their own way constantly. Maybe if I knew your interests I could offer better ones to you specifically.

>> No.19753455
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No, he's right: your taste is pathetic. I used to respect you; that's over.

>> No.19753714
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You lack the Millennial tincture.

>> No.19753841

Infinite Jest. I think that there's something to books that really embrace the futility of it all that make me feel alive. Nothing matters == everything matters.

>> No.19754496

Check out Robert Walser, start with The Walk

>> No.19754641

Read the Bible, anon. If you're really looking for truth, you can only ignore it for so long. But if what you're really looking for is "happiness" or something such...I don't know, just get addicted to a substance, because it's the closest you'll get.

>> No.19754651

Soulcraft by Plotkin

New Self, New World by Sheperd

Tibetan Book of Living and Dying by Sogyal Rinpoche

i also recommend magic mushrooms

>> No.19754673

your opinion immediately got invalid. mushrooms can either make or break someone don't incite a risk for someone you do not know that is not ok

>> No.19754684

I read siddhartha too in hs was it in 12th grade?
would be funny if we went to the same school or had a very similar curriculum

>> No.19754696

i respect him enough to assume he will do his own research and utilize them in the optimal manner

>> No.19756027
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Am I the only one feeling an overwhelming sadness when looking at OP's pic ?

>> No.19756043

Moby Dick made me want to be a sailor. Or at least go on some big life changing adventure. I never did, but that's how it made me feel.

>> No.19756057

A wild sheep chase by Murakami

>> No.19756088

Why? Some underlying theme, or just because old=good and new=bad?
Personally I think that if people still dressed respectably, it would make a big difference in how we perceive society. The street itself is nothing out of ordinary.

>> No.19756089

The Bible, but only after reading Plotinus, Aquinas, and the Corpus Hermeticum.