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19722396 No.19722396 [Reply] [Original]

I want to learn French purely so I can include long untranslated passages of it in my novel to filter the plebs

>> No.19722419

But you don't know french, wich means that if you read long untranslated french passages in a novel you would be filtered, therefore you are a pleb.
Anon, why are you trying to filter yourself?

>> No.19722437

If I skipped learning it and instead google translated a few passages, do you think people who really know it could tell the difference and out me as a pseud?

>> No.19722446


>> No.19722450

imaginez ne pas être français lmao. Cela ne pourrait certainement pas être moi.

>> No.19722626

Charlotte Bronte does that a bit in Shirley lol. She was really proud of having learned French. (Reasonably enough given how tough her circumstances were.)

>> No.19722631

Je me suis délecté de tous les passages en français dans lolita

>> No.19722639

It's just 'mon cheri' like 50 times

>> No.19722653

But you don't have to go to all the trouble of learning French well enough to include long passages in the novel itself. Just look up some French quotations and put them as epitaphs at the start of the book or the start of chapters.

P.S. There are lots of quotations you could put at the start of just about any book and people would say wow it's so meaningful, e.g.

Toute chose sacrée et qui veut demeurer sacrée s'enveloppe de mystère.
— Stéphane Mallarmé

>> No.19722751

epigraphs, dammit

>> No.19723016

Yes, characters will cite French writers in conversation: "as Sainte-Beuve once said...", but the quotation will be a blind copy paste whose meaning I've no idea of.

>> No.19723232

this, but chinese