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19693084 No.19693084 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.19693088


>> No.19693106

A thousand pages of nothing.

>> No.19693702

I actually just started it today, I'll tell you in a month.

>> No.19693782

The atmosphere is good but the ending seems rushed. It's decent if you're a big Murakami fan, but don't expect some big plot payoff for all the reading you'll put into it.
I'd still rec it, just enjoy the journey and focus on that.

>> No.19693797

Couple other Murakami novels are very kino, 1Q84 is lackluster. But if you’ve never read anything by him yet, you might still be blown away. Depending on your affinity.

>> No.19693805

I love fuka-eri, she is so cute bros

>> No.19693859

This, it's one of his weakest novels

>> No.19694908

>Depending on your affinity

What do you mean?

>> No.19694910

it's boring and the sex scenes are cringe. i ended up not giving a fuck about the characters.

>> No.19694920

Shit writer overrated hack

>> No.19695035

Not him, just wanted to say: you've just described precisely how I enjoyed all other books by Murakami. Process and atmosphere.

>> No.19695057

The author has an IQ of 84

>> No.19695087
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>IQ 84
literally me

>> No.19695559

>Jap nonsense?
Racist trash.

>> No.19695579

Nonsense, and really the starting point of Murakami's decline.

>> No.19695610

It was kino for a bit but then started getting gay and I stopped reading.

>> No.19695641

Terrible book and the only book I have actually regretted finishing.

>> No.19695726

Nice book to take on holiday. I wouldn't say it was great, but it was fun at least.

>> No.19695749

Bit of both. Not worth it. The ugly detective was the best character. [spoile]too bad his ending was left ambiguous[/spoiler].

>> No.19695755

I imagine her just as Emmie but with massive tatas.

>> No.19695770

>The ugly detective was the best character
Yeah, he reminds me of Londonfrog

>> No.19695773

A few kino parts but way too much bloat and repetition.

[Spoiler]male protag fucked a brain damaged 17 year old and made up some magical nonsense story to assuage his guilt. Female protag fucked the evil cult leader she was supposed to kill, also made up a story. Then she got pregnant, and they both pretended it was male protag's so they wouldn't have to feel guilty.[/spoiler]

>> No.19695858

>Female protag fucked the evil cult leader she was supposed to kill
Did this actually happen? I remember Aomame being a slut, but not THAT much of a slut.

>> No.19695869

It did. Before that he goes through some magic door (if I remember correctly) and the cult leader goes on about some pseud-philosophical rant which even my 18 year old self thought was ridiculous. Stopped reading after that, so I might not be the best judge of the book.

>> No.19695875


>> No.19695880

Yeah, I remember the cult's leader rant about his world saving reasons to fuck little girls. It was hilarious. But I didn't remember Aomame fucked him too. I guess I just blocked it from my mind.

>> No.19695886

At least we got some good ones and it's almost been long enough to have a clear discussion of his work.

>> No.19695890

>that bit where she rubs her ass and thinks "oh god they fucked me in there too?!"
At least Murakami didn't actually describe the anal sex occurring, I doubt it would have been pretty.

Let's not forget the cult leader either
>i need to fuck little girls to uhh save the world or my followers or someshit

>> No.19695897

Could someone tell me if Kafka On the Shore is worth reading if I loved Norwegian Wood and DNF Wind-up Bird Chronicle?

>> No.19695907

>>that bit where she rubs her ass and thinks "oh god they fucked me in there too?!"
What? Don't remember that either. Does she get roofied and raped at some point? I was just re reading the plot summary in wikipedia and I don't remember even a third of the events, but it's hilariously bad. I wonder how I managed to read the whole thing.

>> No.19695910

waste of time

>> No.19695920

It's a lot better than 1Q84, but I still wouldn't recommend it. It's good enough not to be a waste of time, but there are just so many better books around. And it's nothing Norwegian Wood. Haven't read Wind-up Bird Chronicle, but I have a hunch it's closer to Kafka On The Shore.

>> No.19695929

No, it's a night out with her cop friend. They both pull some guys and spend all night banging each other.
Again it's not actually described, just meeting the men and the morning after.

>> No.19695930

I think it reaches something between the two.

>> No.19695949

KotS is probably his best work.

>> No.19695954

>Let's not forget the cult leader either
>>i need to fuck little girls to uhh save the world or my followers or someshit
And then he makes a master deal with Aomame. Okay, I'll let you kill me, but only if you accept that I protect your childhood's boyfriend with my super powers.

What the fuck was Murakami thinking with that character? Also wasn't he so muscular that he could barely move, but women found him irresistibly arousing?

>> No.19695977

They're hard to rank but you may be right. WBC is too rambling and scattered from being serialized.

>> No.19695983

Murakami is okayish but there's too much filler in his novels. Check out his short stories though, like the ones in "Men without women".

>> No.19695984

Has anyone read his first novel Hear the Wind Sing? Is it even available? I know Pinball, 1973 was reprinted much later in his career and I really liked it. It was much like a prelude to A Wild Sheep Chase with some same characters.

>> No.19695992

>Check out his short stories though
That one about seeing the 100% perfect girl was pretty cute.

>> No.19696009

The book was uninspired enough. There's no need to slut shame the characters too, except the pedo leader and Tendou for fucking an underage girl. That was a bit too much even for Murakami.

>> No.19696012

It's on libgen, it was a Birnbaum translation. I can't remember anything about it but I think it was alright. His style was definitely there at least.

>> No.19696016

Japanese nonsense is kino. They're aesthetically beyond westerner imagination.

>> No.19696026

>Also wasn't he so muscular that he could barely move, but women found him irresistibly arousing?

Yea he was pretty much stuck sitting there and everyone (Aomame included) just climbed on his lap and started riding, at least that was implied, if I remember correctly.

>> No.19696031

total and complete junk, anyone who enjoyed it is a retard

>> No.19696035

>Also wasn't he so muscular that he could barely move
Yeah. I think to remember that part of his justification for fucking little girls was something like "how could I rape them if I can't even move hehe."

>> No.19696047

Unlike seemingly everyone else, I actually do think there are answers to these questions. I just can't tell you what they are. You need to find them by yourself. But as a tip things certainly aren't "random" or "open-ended" in the sense that you can just answer them however you want. The book makes sense as a whole, and everything that happens should guide you in the right direction.

>> No.19696236

Unironically same here.

>> No.19696326

It's mostly jap nonsense, but Murakami was very clever in the way he dealt with the hot teenage character. The main character gets to fuck her, but he didn't really wanto to and does it for a matter of duty, so feminists can't complain about it.

>> No.19696515

In Kafka on the Shore there's a whole chapter where Murakami makes fun of feminists

>> No.19696769

I refused to read and listened to the audiobook.
Although Murakami seems obnoxious and repetitive at times (he keeps recollecting the same ideas over and over again, and throwing adjectives and analogies to describe things that didn't need much details), the book is impressively interesting and I loved it.

If it was a bit shorter, it would be a masterpiece, what ruins it are the side stories leading nowhere (such as Tengo's father and Aomami's pointless lesbian adventures)

>> No.19696776

And he makes fun of commies in a chapter of Norwegian Wood.
He is sort of based.

>> No.19696815

Gook garbage, chink trash if you will.

>> No.19696828

Nip nonsense, I should say.

>> No.19696997
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>Japs treat these semi- light novels as serious literature
I read Murakami Haruki's books with the same attitude as I watch anime. I solely read for the girls. By the way, my favorite is May Kasahara in Wind Up Bird Chronicles.

>> No.19697125

>jap as an adjective
Fuck off back to /pol/ you nazi incel.

>> No.19697182

It's one of his weakest novels but still worth reading if you like his other work.

Definitely better than the other Murakami Some of you retards were shilling him here and I fell for it and read one of his books and it was dreadful.

>> No.19697543

That's my interpretation, but I think it's justified.
>Aomame doesn't sleep with any men for a while, kind of traumatized since her friend she used to double date with is murdered
>Her only male friend is gay
>She's in love with a man she hasn't seen since childhood
>Goes to meet evil magic cult leader man
>Intends to kill him quickly, but gets sucked into listening to him and seems entranced by him
>She gets pregnant around that time
>Immediately afterwards, goes into isolation and has NO human contact
So you tell me, what really happened? Was the evil cult leader correct? He had magical powers that allowed her to get pregnant from the man she loved but never met? Or was she just lying as an unreliable narrator because she was ashamed of sleeping with an evil man, and didn't want to admit it to her "true love"?

>> No.19697640

ryu is objectively the better story teller and has had 5 of his novels turned into hit movies already... tard.