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19691451 No.19691451 [Reply] [Original]

Alex wants to cross a path and comes to such guarded by Zack. The two speak as follow: "Alex, if in the first sentence which you utter, a truth is spoken, you will cross. But without a doubt, if you speak falsely, you will be thrown into the endless pit."
Alex: "You will throw me into the endless pit."

Is Alex lying or telling the truth?

>> No.19691480

>Is Alex lying or telling the truth?
Neither, he is guessing about the future.

I guess that in that sense he is lying, because he does not know for certain the future

It doesn't matter that the content of the statement corresponds with the, whatever.
The statement was a lie because it made claims that were not known or unknowable

>> No.19691871


>> No.19692016
File: 133 KB, 832x1225, MV5BMDA4NjQzN2ItZDhhNC00ZjVlLWFjNTgtMTEyNDQyOGNjMDE1XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNTA4NzY1MzY@._V1_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol you can't expect me to believe the schizo metrosexual cook and the dude who wears FUCKING PASTEL PAJAMAS had this conversation

>> No.19693380

Alex is under the belief that his seemingly paradoxical claim will send Zack into a state of paralysis by uncertainty, evident by the fact that he is trying so hard to tease him with such a gay sentence. Therefore he is lying, as he doesn't think he cannot be thrown into the endless pit, and he is wrong about that fact also.

>> No.19693389

he doesn't think he CAN* be thrown
Since I made such a typo you should disregard my previous post entirely. I apologize.

>> No.19693456

It's a paradox. So he gets raped instead.