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File: 44 KB, 400x540, Lovecraft.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19653004 No.19653004 [Reply] [Original]

>H.P. Lovecraft lived with his mother until he was twenty-nine years old

>> No.19653008

What's the problem with living with the only people who love you?

>> No.19653015

Many people would argue that it's a sign of immaturity.

>> No.19653029

I live with my mother. We just cook all day together and then I read at night. It's pretty comfy.

>> No.19653037

In other countries outside the US it’s normal for children to live with their parents after 18. It’s also normal to not have a car, and just use public transportation.

>> No.19653038

He also had a cat.

No, its normal for plebs to live with their parents. American culture is sick.

>> No.19653039

How old are you?

>> No.19653041

HP Lovecraft isn't even good
I read at the Mountains of Madness. It's literally just giant penguins in a cave and a meme dump about alien squids
Literal trash

>> No.19653044

It's considered deeply disturbing in most Western cultures for a man to live with his parents, especially if it's just his mother, after the age of twenty-five.

>> No.19653054


>> No.19653056

Name five countries where that's normal.

>> No.19653059

A sign of immaturity is believing you can face the world alone and with your own strength. It's fine if you leave home to go to live together with your partner, but staying with parents is not wrong if you have conquered your space of independence within the family.


>> No.19653060

How do your friends, co-workers, neighbours, childhood friends and prospective girlfriends feel about this?

>> No.19653066

Depends on the character of the man. Most people are rentoids anyways. Broken family preprogrammed.

>> No.19653072

All the Mediterranean countries, but it's also common in Scandinavia and northern Europe in general. Usually you move out when you have a wife/husband and you can recreate a family.

>> No.19653081

here the government wants people to continue living with their parents until they're 25 lmao

>> No.19653082

How did he become so popular?

>> No.19653085

How are you expected to attract a female mate if most women desire men who are financially independent, ambitious and who aren't coddled?

>> No.19653089

In V4 countries (Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary) the average age of moving out is like 30.

>> No.19653090

That's the American mindset (and, yes, Australia and Canada are just American appendices). Do not mix everything up please. The rest of the world is different.

>> No.19653095

i love my mom :)

>> No.19653096

Generational households used to be the norm not the exception

>> No.19653110

>if most women desire men who are financially independent, ambitious and who aren't coddled
Because that's not what European women deem important. It is, but it's neither the only nor the foremost factor they look at.

>> No.19653122

What is the reason for this? Expensive houses?

The same thing applies to Europe except for the slavic countries, Italy and perhaps now Spain and Greece (due to the economic crash). In the heartland of Europe (the United Kingdom, France, Germany, etc) to live with one's parents after the age of 25 is evidence enough that a man is mentally unbalanced, probably psychologically stunted, and deeply, deeply unwell on a fundamental level.

>> No.19653127

>s after 18
he was 29 not 18.

>> No.19653131

What's the most important factor?

>> No.19653145

Maybe the love and pleasure that they feel with the male partner...?

>> No.19653149

>Expensive houses
Partially, but more importantly there's no social stigma attached. Slavic and Italian men have always been mommies' boys.

>> No.19653172

They had fun together. When he was little she'd dress him as a girl and Niggerman would chase him around the house.

>> No.19653175

Why does the 80/20 rule exist then? The talent, most handsome, most wealthy men must be extremely loving, this trait must be immediately visible on platforms like Tinder where only a tiny minority of the men (namely, the aforementioned type) reap any kind of reward.

>> No.19653179

If I liked my mom I would. Being a rentoid is cringe

>> No.19653183

Apparently their neighbours reported them having loud arguments late at night, only to be informed later on that they were actually reciting Shakespeare with one another with great delight.

>> No.19653199

Makes you rather qualified to write about cosmic horrors.

>> No.19653209

>In the heartland of Europe (the United Kingdom, France, Germany, etc) to live with one's parents after the age of 25 is evidence enough that a man is mentally unbalanced, probably psychologically stunted, and deeply, deeply unwell on a fundamental level
Anyhow, it's not as scandalous as it is in the United States.

And I also pose the question if it is right in absolute. It might be in the macho-capitalist perspective (defeat everyone else, live alone to be better than everyone else, seek the success at the expense of the inferior, success and realization are your only Gods) but is it in a Christian perspective? Is it in a perspective where inner fulfilment, health of the soul and commitment to your native environment are more important than material success?

>> No.19653221

>Why does the 80/20 rule exist then?
But that rule exists in the American mindset only. If you tell me it also exists in Europe, I reply that it is of American importation.

>> No.19653234

heckin cute

>> No.19653243

What's wrong with renting your own home as an adult man? Is the prospect really so dreary?

Let's say you get up at 7:30am, prepare for work, travel to work, spend nine hours at work and then return to your own rented home at around 6-6:30pm. Realistically you will spending ONLY around 30% of your monthly salary on rent (with additional money on gas / petrol, clothing for work, food at work, etc) and will thus have AT LEAST 60% of that money all to yourself to buy food, clothing, internet and other necessities. In the process you will be HELPING the economy by funding the economic activity of your landlord(s), who are very likely to be an elderly couple who are looking for a reliable source of passive income or some kind of investment vehicle (e.g., hedge fund) which employs numerous staff whose salaries need to be paid somehow. Renting is the ideal form of living. It is truly Buddhist in outlook, applying the philosophy that one shouldn't be attached material things and so on.

When you eventually meet a girl, let's say she has a handful of other potential suitors lined up. It may very well be the case that your display of masculinity and maturity (i.e., by living independently) will be the detail which just about pushes her to choose you over those other suitors. Do you REALLY want to take that risk and have a girl tell you that you tick all her boxes but that she can't overlook that you spend much of your recreational time outside of work sleeping, bathing and goodness knows what else merely meters away from your MOTHER? Do you think ANY girl will fall in love with you and gossip positively about you to her confidantes knowing that she may be asked where you live and face the prospect of informing them, blushing all the while, and deeply ashamed, that you live with your mother? Very few girls would be willing to do that.

>> No.19653258


>> No.19653259

I live with my parents and I'm 29, should I apply for some kind of mental disability? Can I live off of government gibs?

>> No.19653261

this bait sucks anon

>> No.19653288

Who gives a fuck as long as he and his mom enjoy themselves?

>> No.19653302

Chances are you are already on some kind of list. I can only imagine the pent-up frustration, the deeply-stored list of minor transgressions in your daily life together, side-by-side, forever rubbing against one another. I can only picture your mother quietly weeping at night while your father stares stoically at the ceiling wondering where it all went wrong, meanwhile you are in the next room playing CS:GO with a bunch of Russian twelve-year-olds and you aren't even halfway up the leaderboard. Your abstract, frankly bizarre so-called "accomplishments" (e.g., reading an obscure novel, interpreting a recently-released movie beyond a superficial level) appear to them as the ravings of a madman, a deeply stunted, very likely resentful, disturbed, childlike, leech of a human being who has identified the vulnerability of his care-givers and decided to take full advantage of that vulnerability by clinging onto them well beyond the age when such behaviour was considered cute or a sign of sensitivity. Do they proudly talk about you to their friends and family members? Of course not. At this age you are merely a spectre haunting the narrow hallways of your tiny home, someone they silently pass on the way out of the bathroom as you wait to go in and defecate another day's worth of processed food and candy that your mother, the eternal nurturer, continues to purchase for you as she did decades ago. All you would need to tell the welfare agency is that you are 29 and living with your parents and that will be sufficient for them to register you as an irredeemable mental case. Deeply sad.

>> No.19653312

Seethe troons, this crazy incel's name shall ring through history. Must really suck that a racist anglo idiot will have more fame than any of you can dream of.

>> No.19653321


>> No.19653327

The moral of this post is to get good at CSGO and start topping the leaderboards.

>> No.19653337

>is it in a Christian perspective?
Protestant work ethic
>inner fulfilment, health of the soul and commitment to your native
None of that is Christian

>> No.19653350
File: 327 KB, 696x479, 17.18.05-696x479.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haha yeah

>> No.19653374
File: 1.14 MB, 2000x1125, Cocullo, Abruzzo (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being born in a place like this, where you can carry on the secular business of your family and live in a fairy-tale house surrounded by history and beauty, and instead you choose to move into an intoxicated unhealthy city where you will live like a bug in a two-room apartment that you don't own, to work a frustrating job that only feeds the capitalist vicious cicle, surrounded by nomies and whores. Yikes!

>> No.19653376

I am 28 and I live with my mother. I know it is not healthy. I would prefer something else. It is IMPOSSIBLE to find a woman who accepts this. But I know very well why I got to this point. I wasted a lot of time.
Many men of my generation are in the same situation (for different reasons), in a shitty country, with a shitty economy. It is very expensive to live alone and it is also difficult to find a job. Shit.
Now I work to be better, to leave this country and live like a man.

>> No.19653377

Men should either live with their mothers or with their girlfriends. Women are natural caretakers, so it makes sense for them to provide for the man while he protects the property from invaders. If someone tries to break into the house, what is a woman going to do? Cry? No, men should stay at home. Women are far better at handling the petty socialization that occurs at a workplace, too. Only prejudice separates man from this harmonious order of things. Think about Plato’s Republic: the warriors spend their time training, not wasting away at a job where they are expected to assume the submissive position toward their fat-cat employers. No, much better for a woman to do this. You say you cannot get a woman this way, I say you do not understand women. Do you not know that women will seek out a man without money, given that he is ferocious enough? They are Dionysian creatures. She will seek out whoever applies the whip to her. Apply the whip to women! Make her work!

>> No.19653379

>Apparently their neighbours reported them having loud arguments late at night, only to be informed later on that they were actually reciting Shakespeare with one another with great delight.
Yes, and HP would dress Niggerman in little outfits for Negro roles such as Othello or Caliban.

>> No.19653383

>Protestant work ethic
= capitalist work ethic
>None of that is Christian
that's not implied in the post you replied to

>> No.19653391

Blessed post

>> No.19653392

Cringe post

>> No.19653397

>but it's also common in Scandinavia and northern Europe in general.
no, living with your parents past the age of 22 or 24 comes with a strong social stigma here

Northern europeans usually move out very early (if they can)

>> No.19653416

What kind of business thrives in that kind of area in the twenty-first century? There is a reason that most of Italy is comprised of ghost towns now, and even those which aren't are filled with elderly people and people without children.

>> No.19653422

You also wrote the post about the truck driver, lol

>> No.19653423

I still fail to see the point of moving out for the sake of it if:
1) you don't have a partner that you love
2) you don't have a job that forces you to work far from home
3) you don't have an obstructing family or an extremely small house that prevents you from being independent.

Honestly, if you move out without at least one of the above conditions being true, you are moving out for the sake of it because you fear what other people think.

>> No.19653439

My bf is the one who unironically takes care of me
He cooks and encourages me to get therapy and drives me places

This must be what bum men who leech off women experience

>> No.19653451

I'm 25 and this is my line of thinking. IDK what the point of moving out to just sit in an apartment alone is. I work full time too.

>> No.19653454

lol you don't sound worth anyone's time in all honesty. Imagine cooking for some cunt who posts on 4chan saying 'WAHHHH YOU NEED TO COOK AND TAKE ME TO THERAPY WAHHHHHHHHHH.'
Dumb bitch, rot in hell cunt.

>> No.19653455


>> No.19653457

Weird, I thought it was traditional for sons to be kicked out of the house at 18?
Was lovecraft a non anglo immigrant?

>> No.19653460

>What kind of business thrives in that kind of area in the twenty-first century?
Restaurants, bars, farm houses, local craftsmanship, small boutiques. Yeah, unfortunately not much. But it's not a problem inherent in the nature of the area or the urbanistic aspect of the villages, it's merely a political problem. There are thousands of villages like that in every region, if politicians wanted they'd be thriving with jobs and activities, it's just a matter of dislocation and re-organization of the services to the population. But they want, it's written in the globalist agenda that such places must die to feed Moloch.

>> No.19653468

I guarantee u I contribute more to society than you do.

>> No.19653474

>1) you don't have a partner that you love
You should have found somebody by the age of twenty-five at the very latest. Anything beyond that is likely to be a case of settling for someone whose best years are also beyond them and who, like you, are just hoping to meet someone because it is marginally better than being alone. The failure to find a romantic partner by that age is likely a symptom of deranged psychological maladies or a clear sign that you have been coddled beyond repair.

>2) you don't have a job that forces you to work far from home
Even if your job is within a short distance of your family home, it would be psychologically healthier to extend your commute if it means renting a place of your own. Comfort breeds laziness, and that something that can't be fixed beyond a certain age. The clock is ticking.

>3) you don't have an obstructing family or an extremely small house that prevents you from being independent.
Your family home could be a mansion, with several spare bedrooms, but to continue to choose to live there beyond a certain age is a sign of deep psychological malady. Could the Buddha have written his perennial texts and discovered his world-changing wisdom had he remained cloistered within the confines of his princely realm? No, it took humility, courage and independence to discover the truths which are now shared by countless millions. No species-defining, world-changing literary work or philosophy will be produced by somebody who rots away in the degenerate comfort of his childhood bedroom. This fact is illustrated superbly in the 2001 anime 'Spirited Away' in which the malevolent witch keeps her gigantic, pathetic baby coddled inside a giant creche, in which he spends his time having tantrums and understanding the world only by means of the pictures of the outside world which has mother has painted on the walls surrounding him.

>> No.19653476

Your Onlyfans only contributes to the death of society, dumb cunt.

>> No.19653490

>American larping as Japanese
>uses kids movies as a point of reference

>> No.19653492

No, I’m actually in school for something important unlike you

>> No.19653500

Listen, dude, I have already moved out, it's just that I don't see any difference between now and before.
Before: I had a job, I used to read in all my free time, I lived with my parents.
Now: I have a job, I read in all my free time, I live alone.
Not a big deal, my American friend.

>> No.19653511
File: 141 KB, 940x1024, fuck landlords.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>denying (((landlords))) money

>> No.19653513

>female gets useless degree x1000
>mooches off her boyfriend and needs 'therapy'
Yes you are a worthless consumer, and you're right I finished school and have a job now LOL. Dumb bitch.

>> No.19653527

Hmm still doesn’t prove your degree was anything useful. Keep trying :)

>> No.19653542

You don't even work you dumb cunt and I had a STEM degree. What is yours?

>> No.19653547

EU policy has all but neutered the average European farmer, and Houellebecq depicts with great solemnity the suicides of these once-venerated figures in his novels. The kind of "bars" which exist in the average Italian town and village are a mixture of tourist traps (unprofitable during the winter months) and a place in which the sad, miscast dregs of modern Italy go to distract themselves (via inebriation) from their grim reality. These aren't hot, vibrant little joints full of well-groomed olive-skinned Massimos eyeing the dark-haired Maria who sits blushing and nursing her first martini on the far side of the room. They are places of death and decay. Restaurants have about as much economic relevance in the average rustic Italian settlement. Locals crafts are well-beyond the point of obsolescence, and only a niche market of online consumers still exists to prop up the ageing diaspora of woodworkers and stone masons whose skills are no longer needed by a modern Italy of steel and plate glass. Small boutiques are again reliant on tourism, which in the post-COVID age is not at all a reliable means of income. If you want an image of modern Italy, picture a deserted street of empty stores whose owners stand in their doorways, eyes-bulging, desperately scanning the horizon for a tourist or young family on a day out shopping, only to find an elderly pair of local poverty-stricken Italians vecchios being mugged by a gang of men from Senegal.

>> No.19653559

>No species-defining, world-changing literary work or philosophy will be produced by somebody who rots away in the degenerate comfort of his childhood bedroom. This fact is illustrated superbly in the 2001 anime 'Spirited Away' in which the malevolent witch keeps her gigantic, pathetic baby coddled inside a giant creche, in which he spends his time having tantrums and understanding the world only by means of the pictures of the outside world which has mother has painted on the walls surrounding him.
yup it's bait

>> No.19653568

STEM is vague. Some of those majors are useless without higher education. I would know, I was a biology major. I’m in med school rn.

>> No.19653583

at least he managed at 29. i'm 32 and maybe beyond repair

>> No.19653592

Congratulations for pointing out the effects of capitalism! Pasolini did that 50 years before your post. What have you gained with your destructive fresco?

>> No.19653597

I have a job, you will not have any meaningful job for many years while you are waste money on school and need therapy while being unsatisfied by a weak man. Cope more. You contribute nothing and nobody trusts doctors anyway, not that you'll even be one for another decade LOL.

>> No.19653598
File: 30 KB, 960x960, 1619621399042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gigantic, pathetic baby coddled inside a giant creche, in which he spends his time having tantrums and understanding the world only by means of the pictures of the outside world which has mother has painted on the walls surrounding him
Literally me

>> No.19653628

>Pasolini was born in 1922

>"In January 1950, Pasolini moved to Rome with his mother Susanna to start a new life. He was acquitted of both indecency charges in 1950 and 1952.[11] After one year sheltered in a maternal uncle's flat next to Piazza Mattei, Pasolini and his 59-year-old mother moved to a run-down suburb called Rebibbia, next to a prison, for three years; he transferred his Friulan countryside inspiration to this Roman suburb, one of the infamous borgate where poor proletarian immigrants lived in often-horrendous sanitary and social conditions. Instead of asking for help from other writers, Pasolini preferred to go his own way."


As another writer who lived with his mother until after the age of twenty-eight, it is safe to say that Pasolini's resentful scribbling can, in one stroke, be swept into the dustbin of history.

>> No.19653632

>Japanese anime
>opinions of women

Off yourself.

>> No.19653635

Waste money? I go to an affordable school and residents make money… I’ll be a resident soon. Depending on the specialty, I’ll clear $250k minimum per year, probably $300-400k though. I can retire early. You keep wageslaving though till dealth and being pretentious on lit.

Who cares if people don’t trust doctors? I don’t.

>> No.19653639


>> No.19653646
File: 200 KB, 1194x1209, pasolini.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And yet he expressed what you have to say better than you.

>> No.19653654

Yo, it's the truck driver poster

>> No.19653658


>> No.19653674

what hp lovecraft mythos stories aren't copyrighted? i know
>everything he wrote
>the king in yellow
>a few of clark ashton smith's stories
>i think a few of frank belknap long's stories
are public domain but what about derleth and howard? what about howard's conan stories? brak man morn? breckinridge elkins (not cthulhu but one of REH's works)

>> No.19653685 [DELETED] 

>I will make this much money one day!!!!!!
Keep dreaming tranny you will not be making that anytime soon, and your therapist will demand a heavy check! Either way, yes women can only think money = success. You'll always be a slave, and won't have a strong man to lay down the law on you.

>Who cares if people don’t trust doctors? I don’t.
Ah, so even if you make money you admit you still won't be contributing to society meaningfully. I could live as a vagabond if I like to, yet I'm working now for thrills. Perhaps, I'll hit the road next summer and not continue to 'wageslave,' while you'll still be a 'resident student' fretting over schoolwork and whining about your cuck boyfriend to a therapist!

All aside from the original point which is 'men that don't want a women that is useless like me are immature.' Alright, then I guess I'm 'immature' LOL. Have fun with finals and hopefully your boyfriend's cage comes off for the new year, so you could think about me while he's fucking you HAHAHA.

>> No.19653742 [DELETED] 

Enjoy never having financial freedom hun.
Even if people don’t ‘trust’ doctors, I’ve seen many people in my rotations who appreciate and listen to me. I matter. You don’t. I have to go work on my WIP now, another thing you probably don’t do, write… or even read.

My therapy is completely unrelated to my bf. I’m happy I got a guy who is a high earner and takes care of me financially and in other ways.

>> No.19653758

omg he deleted his post
anyway I won

It’s okay to live with your parents if you’re in school or saving up for a home

>> No.19653765

Ok Chris.

>> No.19653785

I lived with my mother until I was forty years old.
I'm forty years old.

>> No.19653787
File: 11 KB, 171x434, 1640819590988.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anon, full of despair, still has hope and a goal in his life
>"Duuuh CRINGE!"

>> No.19653795

>I matter
You obviously don't matter, IDK why you even have to blatantly lie to both you and me.

>I have to go work on my WIP now,
Good chance it is something I'd have no interest in reading. Emotional and gay. Is this bait?

>another thing you probably don’t do, write
Of course I write. Would never want you for an audience though.

>or even read.
If by reading, you mean the ordained classic canon that every retard undergrad worshipped, then no I have my own taste. Reading isn't work either if you read the right stuff, odd insult... Why would you think to even say this? Is there anything remotely organic about you. Also, most likely a bored guy baiting, so you got me.

>> No.19653802

90% of Asian countries. Most of Africa.

>> No.19653820

>The anon who feels the need to LARP as a feminoid on a mongolian porn addict imageboard.
>The retarded anon who feels the need to feed.
Honestly, I can't say which one is the most retarded.

>> No.19653824

I did not
No, you got btfo badly, nothing you said was effective at all. You merely tried to one-up me and stand for nothing, you are a weak woman with no values of their own.

>It’s okay to live with your parents if you’re in school or saving up for a home
Nobody cares what your opinion on things is LOL. Also, when did I say I 'live at home.'

>> No.19653833

Probably me, since it's obviously a man baiting, but IDC there's enough people irl that think like that I had to continue with it.

>> No.19653848

How has the experience been overall? What made you decide to live with her all this time?

>> No.19653870

My mom is too poor to live on her own.

>> No.19653872

Sure Bateman, take your xanax before going to bed tho.

>> No.19653882

who is this in reference to?

>> No.19653888

So? I'm 30 and live with my mom.

>> No.19653896

>going to school instead of starting a family as women
Women being in the workforce is a net negative for society so you are officially more useless to society then the neet you are arguing with

>> No.19653901

Sex isn't the raison d'être for everyone.

>> No.19653907

Which country?

>> No.19653915

>the neet you are arguing with
I'm not even a neet kek, just a wagecuck. She's a pathetic roastie don't even bother.

>> No.19653931

Only because that's what the TV and pop culture taught you to think. Guys who live with their families tend to spend a lot less money, fancy that.

>> No.19653939 [DELETED] 

I wasn’t talking to you. I was posting to the OP
you seem quite sensitive wageslave
Most women have to work anon, the average man can’t support a whole household on his own salary

>> No.19654174


>> No.19654230

United States of America

>> No.19654237

I also love my mom :D

>> No.19654527

Pretty normal is South America. Both of my parents lived with their parents till they married (late 20s).
Only Anglos think this is somehow preposterous.

>> No.19654697

sounds like a jewish family/rich family in general

>> No.19654731


>> No.19654747

Given the absolute state of familial relations in the West, doing the opposite of what the Westerners do in this sphere is a good idea.

>> No.19654762

He was an ugly loser regardless of his feats.

>> No.19654768


Also 99% of Asian countries

>> No.19654822
File: 26 KB, 640x480, YakkosWorld.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mexico, Panama, Haiti, Jamaica, Peru;
>Republic Dominican, Cuba, Caribbean, Greenland, El >Salvador too
>Puerto Rico, Colombia, Venezuela, Honduras, Guyana, and still;
>Guatemala, Bolivia, then Argentina, and Ecuador, Chile, Brazil
>Costa Rica, Belize, Nicaragua, Bermuda, Bahamas, Tobago, San Juan;
>Paraguay, Uruguay, Suriname, and French Guiana, Barbados, and YOU WILL NEVER BE A REAL WOMAN

>> No.19654827

all that is mostly American culture, it's not the norm in other parts of the world

>> No.19654860

Plenty of modern women live at home too nowadays, if they seriously wouldn't date you over something stupid like living at home they're superficial cunts. Saying this as someone who lives on their own

>> No.19654958
File: 182 KB, 866x635, 22DA75AF-B0B2-49D3-81CB-F112C0C8C7C6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Comfort breeds laziness
Work breeds mediocrity. You are essentially a camel priding itself on how much weight it can carry: a slave. You lack the aristocratic orientation of the Ancient Greeks and are destined for a slavish existence. A dry, impotent soil that can give birth to nothing but quantitative gains—that is your being. And while you are sucking your boss’ cock, I will be fucking your wife. Adieu!

>> No.19655031

none of those people exist

>> No.19655304

I'm 30 and live in my parent's basement. I can honestly say that I have become the very thing that I never wanted to be. But I'll be DAMNED if you think I'm going to work three jobs just so I can live in a shitty little apartment by myself.

Fuck you, housing is too goddamned EXPENSIVE

>> No.19655324

You're just a contemptible bourgeois.

>> No.19655470


>> No.19655491

so much this, I plan on moving out but living in california is insane. The craziest part is that these libs see nothing wrong with this state.

>> No.19655518

Nice projecting, tell us more

>> No.19655536

>In the heartland of Europe (the United Kingdom, France, Germany, etc) to live with one's parents after the age of 25 is evidence enough that a man is mentally unbalanced, probably psychologically stunted, and deeply, deeply unwell on a fundamental level.
1/5 of that age group is mentally unbalanced, probably psychologically stunted?
Those aren't up to date, I think. In America it's worse.
>52% of Young Adults Now Live at Home–The Highest Rate in 80 Years
When I graduated high school, my sister found a two bedroom loft that cost $750 a month. Now, a roach infested studio in the ghetto costs nearly $1000 in this town. The market has been fucked.
Such situations weren't unusual in Lovecraft's time. Men tended to marry in their later 20s, even 30s. The postwar to baby boom generation changed that, and now it's gone right back and it's even worse.
It's now a generational issue. And a lot of those who move out are living paycheck to paycheck in studios or one bedroom apartments. They're not living in houses, or accumulating wealth. They're working past part time while getting into debt via student loans.
We're becoming just like Latin America, where this is pretty common.

>> No.19655717


>> No.19656063

Getting along with your immediate family well enough to tolerate living with them into adulthood is a better place to be in life than being financially independent and, at best, sighing resentfully at the thought of any sort of reunion. Not that the two things are mutually exclusive or whatever, but my point is that anons here skriking about living w family would do well to consider how much worse things could be.

At the fin day luh semane they gonna die and you prolly not gonna be happy about it. So, it's generally best not to drag your issues with yourself into your relationships with your family because there's not a lot worse than realising somebody died while you were still on shaky terms with them, or feeling that you didn't do enough in your time together to let them know you love/appreciate them.

I'll leave you with this quote from Benjamin Franklin: Time is a bitch, nigga, so don't be a bitchnigga.

>> No.19656205

29 is after 18, you nitro retard

>> No.19656275

Lol holy shit imagine using that as a metric on what you should do, newsflash guy literally no one cares about you or your life except the few people you are close to

>> No.19656303

>getting your morality and culture from hollywood
Lmao amerifats are cringe

>> No.19656315

>he's so autistic he cares about what the NPC's might think of him

>> No.19656326

my old drug dealer lived with his grandmother, girls had no hang up about sleeping with him
also worked with a guy that lived with his mother when he wasn't working (oil rigs) he had plenty of women around.

>> No.19656336

Lol I can feel the contempt you have for him reading this, that's why men shouldn't do that

>> No.19656352

This bait is good. I know it is bait but I want to kill you anyways.

>> No.19656363

why would they judge badly for this?
>co-workers, neighbours
who fucking cares what they feel? They don't think about you.
>childhood friends
why repeat friends? to add another category just for the sake of it?
>prospective girlfriends
well, that's another matter and the only one that counts. Obviously, in general they don't find this appealing but in the prospect of going to live together if would be possible

>> No.19656387

very good

>> No.19656395

I'm about a quarter through Lovecraft's Complete Works. Should I bother with his non-fiction? I kinda want to, he seems turbobased the more I learn about him.

>> No.19656418

That's really not that weird. A lot of adults take care of a parent when they're alone.

>> No.19656461

Nah, you're just conflating Ameripig "consoomer culture" with Western culture. Its entirely normal for adult children to live in the family home until marriage. In Lovecrafts case what was the disadvantage? He lived at home, cared for his mother, she cared for him, the outgoings are reduced, literally no disadvantage to it. If it wasn't for the fact that I didn't want to live in my country of birth then I probably would have lived at home until I had the cash to buy a home and get married. My sister stayed at home until she was 27 and was able to buy her first home outright.

>> No.19656487


Yes because being rentoid is "financially independent", meanwhile living at home saving thousands per month to buy your own place/invest is lacking in ambition, and of course if you live in the same home as your parents you're coddled and don't contribute financially or in other important aspects.

Can already tell you're a perma online incel who spends money on porn and dating coaches. You've the warped Amerilard idea of what women want based upon living on social media and watching too much tv. Literally go outside and have sex.

>> No.19656544

unequivocally, literally, and metaphorically: americans are a disease

>> No.19656585

obvious samefag

>> No.19656625

I live in a fairly conservative part of India and all these people would judge me like crazy (except prospective gf I guess) if I were to move out.

>> No.19656643

I'm just laughing so hard at this thread rn. Looking at my 55 year old neighbour who lives with his parents. Absolute kek

>> No.19656658

Grow up and get a sense of maturity. Or better yet kys.

>> No.19656666

Wtf are you talking about. The only thing I find funny is that how Amerimutts think the world revolves around them

>> No.19656813

Westoids truly are fucked in the head for kicking their kids out at ~18 or at least pressuring them. Holy fuck, how do you even live with yourself?

>> No.19656820

I'm absolutely sure there are burgers out here making fun of people living with their parents at 25 but moved out and lives financed by mommy and daddy.

>> No.19656828

>caring what over people think when doing what you enjoy
Fuck off NPC faggot

>> No.19656841

that's just americans.
Europoids at least wait until about 24 when the person has finished at least a large part of their education.

>> No.19656849
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>> No.19657016

Add Philippines to the list of countries other people already mentioned.

>> No.19657170
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Every country on earth aside from northern Europe, UK, and US pretty much. Pretty fucking insane how much pressure there is on young ppl to get their own homes asap. What an absurd thing to expect from young people. Especially with housing crisis and whatnot.

>> No.19657180

Due to corona I moved back in with my mom and its actually really nice, I do alot of the chores like cooking cleaning and gardening inbetween my online classes while she vents about her work. It honestly is really comfy and wholsome imo, but only if you do your fair share of work too. Its sad and pathetic if you make her do everything

>> No.19657329

I live in a multigenerational kulak estate that's as big as three McMansions. Tf I would wanna move out for?

>> No.19657381

Holy based

>> No.19657969

>"Lovecraft, for all his championing of independent thinking, was much in thrall to his widowed, ailing mother Susie, who seems to have made of her son’s personal appearance (tall, gaunt, with a long, prognathous jaw and frequently blemished skin) an image of moral degeneracy. A neighbor recounts that “Mrs. Lovecraft talked continuously of her son who was so hideous that he hid from everyone and did not like to walk upon the streets where people would gaze at him,” a statement the neighbor considered “exaggerated.” (Mrs. Lovecraft was believed not to have been told the cause of her husband’s syphilitic dementia and death, and associated Lovecraft with his father. Yet it must have been she who encouraged her son to wear his deceased father’s clothes as a young man.) It would not be until Mrs. Lovecraft died while institutionalized, when Lovecraft was thirty-one years old, that he would try to free himself, at least sporadically, from his housebound, claustrophobic existence."

>> No.19658081
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So younger than most of /lit/?

>> No.19658103

>for all his championing of independent thinking
Around 20% of his works are about people who get wrecked precisely because their thinking is too independent.

> It would not be until Mrs. Lovecraft died while institutionalized, when Lovecraft was thirty-one years old, that he would try to free himself, at least sporadically, from his housebound, claustrophobic existence."
A lot of his stories are about isolation. Interestingly enough one of the earlier ones was about a dude finally being able to escape the castle where he had been magically imprisoned since birth, only to realize he's a hideous monster once he interacts with society.

>> No.19658170

>nooooo you HAVE TO move out by 25 and get 3 loans to cover all the expenses you suddenly have to face because you were barely able to save up any money
>you can't be a good, dependent paypig this way!
The absolute state of am*ricans.

>> No.19658570

Shut the fuck up trannyfag and get back in your wheelchair

>> No.19658907

Trannies are the best kind of paypiggies. Constantly on meds to cope with their mental illness and shelling out loads of dough for pointless aesthetic surgeries. No wonder it's such a popular movement in america.

>> No.19658928


>> No.19659175
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Redpill me on India.

Is it true the coins issued by the state are difficult to tell apart from one another? Like imagine if pennies, nickels, and dimes were the same size shape and color. Is rural India as much of a barbaric shit hole as I've heard? Is there frequent power outages? Do some people really sacrifice humans to Kali? What's the difference between Kali and Shiva? The former seems the same as the latter except feminism


>> No.19659250

those arent people

>> No.19659290

>Like imagine if pennies, nickels, and dimes were the same size shape and color.
Or even worse, imagine if the coin sizes were random, and they didn't correlate with value, LOL! Can you imagine?

>> No.19659381

As all men should be. Imagine not focusing on the only person in the world who can truly love you. I live alone with my mom and support her and ignore succubi who try to steal my mana.

>> No.19659613

my mother lives in my house
what now?

>> No.19659632


>> No.19660785


>> No.19660821

>be nigger and jew hating autist who writes about schizo other dimensional tentacle monsters lurking us in the depths while being frustrated with your mom
couldn't be more /our/ guy

>> No.19660891

Two people living under the same roof? That's communism! Didn't he have a car?! Marxist!!!

>> No.19660904

Western ≠ anglophere and its fucked up offspring (USA, Canada, Australia)

>> No.19661525

This idea came into vogue in the USA because of the economic stability and abundance that made it not just possible, but totally advantageous for people to buy their own homes at 20. That worked fine when average Americans were prospering out the ass, but the expectation doesn't line up with reality anymore.
That being said, anybody who acts like it's not 100% preferable to have your own place if you can afford it are lying. That's so retarded I don't even believe they believe it.

>> No.19661534

He was an uncle like the rest of us

>> No.19661542

>living to help the economy
>paying for the privilege of not being homeless
>pretending to have some buddhist mindset when your entire life in a city is harmful to every living being on the planet and blatantly encouraging consumerism

This post is too harmful to be let alone, even if it is bait. You need to know this is the same as if it had been written by the devil himself
You are a cancer

>> No.19661544


>> No.19661589

Australians have high rates of kids living at home. I'm 23 and live with my mother and step father, and I used to live with my dad but he's too hard to be around. My stepfather lived with his mother until he was like 25, and now he's looking after her by building a house on his old land making a house nearby for us to move in. I just spent the Xmas with his mother and she is lovely, although living with cancer. I hope she gets through it so we can move in next door and have a happy family block.

>> No.19661632

No wonder he was all 'nigger this, nigger that god i want to fuck an octopus'.
It really does happen to mf that have no sex.

>> No.19661639

He was neurotic and sickly. This is to be expected. Someone who was well adjusted to society could not have written works as original and dark as his.

>> No.19661641

His wife had to bribe him with textbooks for him to even be interested in intercourse.

>> No.19661642

>he was all 'nigger this, nigger that god i want to fuck an octopus'
You haven't read him.

>> No.19661646

>American culture is sick.
Plenty of young Americans live with their parents. Me and my brother do.l and we are allin our early 20s

>> No.19661647

And I don't need to watch all of twin peaks to know when something is lynchian.

>> No.19661655

I'm a shitty person but I was really satisfied when so many of my peers graduated college, didn't find good jobs and moved back with their parents. I had no friends in the hometown for 4 years and suddenly everybody was back with nothing to do. Kind of like high school again.

>> No.19661661

I'm back at my parents' place for Christmas and they're basically my servants. It's great.

>> No.19662928


>> No.19662932


>> No.19662997

I'm 31 and still live with my parents fuck the police

>> No.19663002

Are u a writer?

>> No.19663825

>Be south euro
>average sallaries are 800
>average matchbox apartment is roughly the same as that

Only way to move out would be to have a gf. I would like to move out,but I wont until ive gotten my affairs in order and I could own my own place/have a business
My parents advise me to stay and save as much money as posssible
I dont think Americans realize this

>> No.19663840

Post age.

>> No.19665702
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>> No.19666039

I am going to spend the rest of my life baking, cooking, hiking and reading books with my mother and there’s nothing landoids can do to stop me

>> No.19666090

americans are insane

>> No.19666158

Didn't he then move in with his aunt after he broke it off with his wife?

>> No.19666176

I'm almost 25 years olds and I live with my mother and I think this won't change in the following years. I don't have a couple to live with and due to my autism I'm sure this will never happen. Why would I move from mom's basement to live alone in a tiny apartment wasting more money like a retard? That would be absolutely pointless and I'm good terms with my mom anyway. Do americans really have this urge to move from their parents house as fast as possible? why?

>> No.19666571

Based. The greatest authors lived with their mom to produce great art without having to be a slave. See Marcel Proust and Gustave Flaubert.

>> No.19667471
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its normal at youre moms house retard

>> No.19667473

you should consider writing short fiction, if you already don't