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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 8 KB, 235x215, B9CC64B7-1A51-46BB-A1C7-A631AC875EFF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19642051 No.19642051[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why does the left write better than the right? This is even we're comparing well read individuals from both sides.

>> No.19642055

Because reality is left

>> No.19642062

>trannies are actually women!
lmao no, reality favors the right.

>> No.19642066

leftists are smarter

>> No.19642068

>Why does the left write better than the right?
They don't. Chateaubriand is a better writer than Sartre, for example.

>> No.19642071

This is true for everything. Why are leftists always funnier than right wingers? Why are breadtubers and streamers always better debaters than right wingers? Has a right winger even won a twitch debate in years?

>> No.19642079

>Why are leftists always funnier than right wingers?
They're not. Trevor Noah is not funny.

>> No.19642086

>there are people on 4chan that go on twitch and unironically watch debates between man children
holy shit politics is for fucking faggots go outside and lift some weights

>> No.19642087

The left doesn't though

Left pop culture is all soulless garbage with some version of a Jewish producer with "whites are racists" as the theme half the time.

Leftist philosophy is just sophistry and self abuse

The right has religion, ethics, justice, spirit, community, nation

It's really about as simple as the left having a passion for death and the right a passion for life

Ps ywnbaw

>> No.19642102

They don’t pollute their brains on 4chan like rightoids

>> No.19642106
File: 90 KB, 750x1000, media-7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The right is literally the only source of political humor lately. Left memes are bricks of text designed to make you embrace things that all of human history wants you to reject. It's endless browbeating and designed to give feelings of superiority to the worst people.

The right, meanwhile, is hilarious precisely because the left is so self- righteous and absurd

>> No.19642117

Worse. They pollute their minds on twitter.

>> No.19642123
File: 75 KB, 1280x720, MelonBTFORightoids.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rightoids are incapable of making art.

>> No.19642126

They're very well read


>> No.19642128

>Leftist philosophy is just sophistry and self abuse
honestly the second i read a sentence like this i usually just dumpster you and your opinions.

what makes you think anyone's going to take such a retarded statement like this seriously? you might as well announce you don't read and are an ignorant shithead.

>> No.19642136

How though? Ideologies don't change brain structure

>> No.19642141

brain structure influences ideology

>> No.19642146

There's plenty of dime a dozen second rate leftie writers but the right wingers that are good are really fucking good. Current day lefties really don't have much to gloat about desu. Memes the right wins bar none, left memes are way to preachy and didactic where it just comes off as midwittery just due to how the meme medium works. Its a place where the rights retardness is in its favor

>> No.19642156
File: 111 KB, 828x664, 1640625427171.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The right has religion, ethics, justice, spirit, community, nation
That's what you say but left-wing events don't turn into twerkfests run by based prostitutes. Even the mainstream Democrats are more wholesome. Everybody was laughing at the "high hopes" dance cringe but that was far healthier than this.

>> No.19642157

Maybe the best right memes are better than the best left memes, but the vast majority of right memes are boomer facebook shit like Let’s Go Brandon and Biden pedophile photoshops

>> No.19642158

Leftism is just resentment towards the superior people. Being uglier takes a toll on the leftist mind.


>> No.19642160

Those are still funnier on a meta level than leftoid memes in a way

>> No.19642168

There's something magical about getting fucked in the ass on a daily basis, you know

>> No.19642175

"The left can't meme" is literally a rightwing meme. Then the left copied it with "the right can't meme." Even when they want to mock the other side, leftists have to use the other side's memes, which will never not be funny.

>> No.19642183
File: 145 KB, 1600x900, 103998711-GettyImages-611921540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More money

>> No.19642188
File: 2.19 MB, 1264x1268, 2423423432.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19642195

>One of the most effective left wing meme is some incel wojak and basically goes against their ideology of not judging others based on how they look

It is pretty funny

>> No.19642197
File: 568 KB, 853x1082, 1636115344452.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not right-wing but this is clearly false. Just look at the existentialists and modernists: Dostoevsky, Borges, Ezra Pound, WB Yeats, TS Eliot, Louis-Ferdinand Celine, Knut Hamsun, Yukio Mishima, Thomas Mann, DH Lawrence, Gertrude Stein. All rightoids.
Many of the best satirists in history were conservative in temperament, if not in politics. Aristophanes, Juvenal, Pope, Swift, Waugh, the list goes on.
Embarrassing that Fantano would post that. The existence of Wagner and the Beach Boys is sufficient to refute it.
That should give right-wingers an advantage.

>> No.19642212

Some pretty good critics like Johnson and Mencken as well

>> No.19642221
File: 1.50 MB, 906x1270, 23424323.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek it's pretty funny. like in pic related they basically say being a faggot is wrong, which goes against their demographics and ideologies.

>> No.19642224
File: 174 KB, 1440x1043, jwj-sanity-rally-0185b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think conservatives have embraced a similar Obama-era liberal cope ala Jon Stewart that what matters is yucking it up and being "funny" and then pinching yourself on how clever they are. Trump was like a conservative Jon Stewart character getting elected president. LET'S GO BRANDON. Ha ha see it means "Fuck Joe Biden."

You could just say that. You don't have to be clever.


>> No.19642225

Why does the right always go history, history, history? Why don't they talk about how the left trumps them nearly everywhere right now?

>> No.19642247

The left is the establishment. They control cinema, publishing, art. A rightwing artist cannot easily thrive in a lefty dominated establishment.

>> No.19642268

Because most right-wingers get a real education in STEM.

>> No.19642298

Retard, debates are being talked about here not media. The average left trumps the average right in any sort of debate or ''gotcha'' exchange on social media. The left does not rush to the phones of rightoids and type their stupid arguments for them, do they?

>> No.19642318

Debates? Who was even talking about debates? From what I've seen lefties get destroyed just as easily as right-wingers on social media. It's all about individual skill. But what I've also seen is that leftist want to shame rightwingers with things that are consider le problematic in the leftist world, which doesn't make sense.

>> No.19642324

Most right-wingers I know are bumbling retards or just vote republican for the tax breaks. There are very few hardcore right wingers in higher education.
t. stemfag

>> No.19642327

>genetic dead end currently being replaced by migrants
>the future

br*adtube is astroturfed, shill trash. AR had to get banned off youtube to stop driving search hits

>> No.19642337

>a real education in community college/trade school

>> No.19642341

Social "science" is not STEM.

>> No.19642349

>trade school
Even an electrician is worth more than a modern humanities graduate.

>> No.19642350


>> No.19642357

>eternal poverty in a libarts degree
>living wage in a socially productive occupation

who could be behind this post?

>> No.19642376

The real answer is that the right shames men for expressing themselves or participating in non-masculine hobbies and undereducates women and keeps them jobless or in the same 2-3 career paths.

>> No.19642378

Left, not liberal.

>> No.19642385

And how are non-masculine hobbies related to intellectualism?

>> No.19642386

>No true Scotsman

>> No.19642391
File: 271 KB, 960x720, 1609036646546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a chemist, retard.

>> No.19642392
File: 1.66 MB, 290x290, 1634864169604.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>world's greatest literature written by white men during the 1800's-1900's when nationalism was an unassailable given

>> No.19642396

You don’t see how huge chunks of right wingers would see reading and writing about feelings and imaginary stories as unmasculine?

>> No.19642402

Because the right doesn't have any ideas

>> No.19642426

>The left is the establishment. They control cinema, publishing, art. A rightwing artist cannot easily thrive in a lefty dominated establishment.
Hollywood is liberal but Michael Bay is the modern master of films aimed at the pleasure centers of the middle American conservative:


>> No.19642427

>reading and writing
Since when the right consider these as non-masculine?

>> No.19642433
File: 966 KB, 1078x1120, 1617400227017.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's funny because it's true

>> No.19642447

>All rightoids
And none of them, except Mann who later on became a leftist, are all that good, at least compared to the best leftist writers.

>> No.19642449

The right wants you to be a good goy cattle that goes to work, reprodooces, and doesn't complain. To that end, education and reading must be vilified.

>> No.19642452

>best leftist writers
Which are?

>> No.19642453

>attractive = superior
this just proves that conservatives are more stupid and shallow

>> No.19642461

Like Joyce for example. Or Pynchon.

>> No.19642475

...cries out in pains as it strikes

>> No.19642484

I mean, even leftists use the chad and giga chad meme. You can't escape natural impulses and notions.

>> No.19642490

Rittenhouse doesn't even look like the other guys.

>> No.19642495

>Be me, /lit/izen
>Tired of the political fighting
>Hmm, let me explore other boards
>Wow, no politics here, unironically good conversation
>Come back to /lit/
>Board full of shit threads like this one
Rename this board to /pol/ 2.0, it's useless. /tg/ is unironically a better place to discuss literature than this hellhole.

>> No.19642496

chad and gigachad are gay memes for faggots

>> No.19642506

I know we all get a laugh pretending to be leftists, but it's getting too far. Because of these shitty threads this place is slowly getting filled by redditors who believe they are in good company. Das Kapital made this year top 100 for fuck's sake.

>> No.19642511

/lit/ and /sci/ are uninhabitable wastelands

>> No.19642512

polak supremacy

>> No.19642525

>he says, while posting art made by right wing

>> No.19642526

There’s been like 6 threads about hating jews just this afternoon

>> No.19642544

Art is inherently leftist. There's a reason why the term is LIBERAL arts. You never hear about someone going to college to study conservative arts, do you?

>> No.19642546

>Art is inherently leftist
Why though

>> No.19642547

>Art is inherently leftist
No true, art is fascist.

>> No.19642551

Because the left are focused on seductive alternate versions of reality that will implode when confronted with real reality. Plato knew this long ago.

>> No.19642559

>the term is LIBERAL arts

>> No.19642560

Kek I love how leftists contradict their views and ideas all the time and also in this very thread.

>> No.19642573
File: 46 KB, 371x382, 1567328608051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate American politics so much it's unreal.

>> No.19642597

Most rightoids write like shit because they're poorly educated rednecks.

>> No.19642607

the problem is that /pol/, /lit/ and /his/ overlap with none of them being optimal. /pol/ is not really for political discussion or theory, it's a schizo board frequented by literal retards. /his/ doesn't allow anything resembling contemporary politics even if it's still considered humanities (which is fucking stupid but whatever) so that just leaves you with /lit/ since political philosophy is technically allowed

>> No.19642624

>Left memes are bricks of text
Yeah, much like the right's attempts to persuade with walls of text and 5,000 spergy links.

>> No.19642625


>> No.19642631

Right-wingers are so bored of this bait no one is even going to bother BTFOing you again.

>> No.19642646

The cuckservative right is so impotent politically that it needs unfalsifiably subjective shit like "muh left can't meme" to feel in control. Likewise, the cuckservative right needs secret 4D-chess plans and anonymous cockteasing muh-insider sources because political reality is too harsh for the do-nothing cuckservative.

>> No.19642654

Post your best left-wing meme

>> No.19642657

Marx is probably more conservative than you and your enemies are.

>> No.19642658

Click on any thread. All hilarious.

>> No.19642669

This is bait.

>> No.19642670


Most of these arent funny tho, the santa one is kind of wholesome tho

>> No.19642675
File: 7 KB, 218x265, 1639119263300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i hope you are joking these are awful

>> No.19642682

If they are so awful why are you laughing then?

>> No.19642687

No, not interested in your petulant little na-na-na-na game.

>> No.19642693

>Has a right winger even won a twitch debate in years
Twitch debate, the apex of political discourse

>> No.19642696
File: 1.56 MB, 1326x1476, pcm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's one about retarded anti-vaxers I thought was really good.

>> No.19642698

It is wholesome in a way. The left prides itself on being the “compassionate” wing of politics that sides with the disadvantaged and disenfranchised.
Well the right can do it too, this is right wingers sympathizing with a marginalized group, sex workers.

>> No.19642709
File: 601 KB, 1155x962, megapedes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Far-right memes are funnier than any /pol/ Trumpnigger / MAGA boomer trash, and they can even get away with more text.

>> No.19642713

Kek. Far right are the sole driver of internet humour nowadays.

>> No.19642715

LMAO. These are hilarious, but to get them you must know the original shitty comics to get how they are getting twisted. Fuck Stonetoss.

>> No.19642720

Looooool these are so funny actually.

>> No.19642722
File: 24 KB, 279x304, 1639982352373.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What qualities make someone a left-winger versus a right-winger? Many of the things considered left ten years ago are considered right today.

>> No.19642728

Basically leftists are trannies or tranny-adjacent. That's all theere is to it.

>> No.19642733

Unironically anything to the right of actual communist is right wing. This includes even the USSR since the means of production still didn't belong to the people and they still used money.

>> No.19642740

This. Couldn't have said it better.

>> No.19642745
File: 143 KB, 1000x1340, 1626923413857.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Leftists = tranny enablers, drug addicted greasy people, trust fund kids slumming as "activists" and antifa because they know political judges will have their charges dropped

Right wingers = anti-capitalist, anti-bourgeois, anti-semitic (all the same thing)

"Conservatives" = tranny enabler enablers, lawyers for big business and finance, crypto-jews

>> No.19642765

>This includes even the USSR since the means of production still didn't belong to the people and they still used money.

so leftism has never existed? got it

>> No.19642770

This makes the left look evil. If the left was about compassion and reason and not about superiority then why post this? It makes martyrs out of the right.

>> No.19642773
File: 9 KB, 253x200, christkikes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like this. Not side-splitting funny but for some reason seems to infuriate Christkikes more than any other meme I've seen.

>> No.19642775

"Liberal arts" goes back to ancient times, and had nothing to do with corporate American perversions of libertarianism. It simply referred to a well-rounded education.

>> No.19642778

>compassion for racist anti-science uncompassionate chuds

>> No.19642781

Well son let me tell you about 28 days in Budapest in October/November of 1956.

>> No.19642890

Why do christcucks seethe at gays? The bible is pretty clear that all sin is equal, and that persecuting gays isn't what Jesus would have wanted.

>> No.19642905

Morons pick a worldview based on their own gut feeling and then twist an ideology to back it up

>> No.19642958

yeah because christians are totally persecuting gays?

The only reason anyone cares is because gay people want to force christian priests to give them a christian marriage (why would they even want this out of spite) and demand that christians believe having gay sex isn't sinful

>> No.19643115


It does not necessarily; lefthandedness is merely a benign atavism from when the right hemisphere of the brain dominated creative function.

>> No.19643125

Only true after WW2 when almost everyone became a left-liberal (for a while). The decline of the US will break this tendency as the memory of WW2 as a new moral center fades.

>> No.19643131
File: 18 KB, 261x258, 17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Excellent bait.

>> No.19643147

The right does violence better than the left. This tends to matter over the long run.

>> No.19643170

Every great writer/novelist/poet was what you would consider to be "right wing."

I think you're confused because most political theory comes from the "left"

>> No.19643198

The answer is very simple, my ignorant frog-poster. The left are by and large gripped in a feeling of powerlessness, which allows them to vent their ineffectual rage into their creative passions, whatever they may be. The right are under the Faustian delusion that they may and can act on their problems or overcome a situation via self-improvement or some kind of practical plan. The result is that those on the right typically end up working on mortages, having children, exercising at the gym and so on, and when they do write it is not especially practised or passionate. Writing has always been an obsessive's game. I hope this helps.

>> No.19643535
File: 178 KB, 1001x999, FHnzQDRXMAcUhBJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19643547

In the short term. In the long run, victory goes to those who can win the battle for hearts and minds.

>> No.19643576

This has historically never been true. The character of a nation is always characterized by its elites, including today.

Unironically name a single good left wing author. Literally all the classics were written by right wingers.

>> No.19643583

If the left/right distinction doesn't make sense, why use it?

>> No.19643601

Should the church refuse marriage to a couple who gamble?

>> No.19643602

>This is even we're comparing
good write!

>> No.19643609

...those arent meant to be memes though so im not sure why you would post this. are you confusing literally just people exchanging information with memes???

>> No.19643614


>> No.19643616

I mean do leftists really want to take sole claim to the absolute state of most medias right now?

>> No.19643622

Gays can't get married to eachother. You're literally changing definitions. Marriage is an institution based upon the formation of a relationship that bears children, its really like magic if you took off the materialistic goggles.

Gay are entirely a relationship about pumping semen into eachothers assholes.

A marriage can be formed between a sinful man and woman as the institution of marriage and the family itself is holy and redeeming, but two faggots licking eachother dingleberries out of their bootyholes isn't marriage.

>> No.19643626

>Gay are entirely a relationship about pumping semen into eachothers assholes.
Start with the Greeks

>> No.19643629

They literally didn't recognize gay marriage as a thing.

>> No.19643632

>Many of the things considered left ten years ago are considered right today
This is the case throughout history, the right is always dragged kicking and screaming to progress, trans rights will probably become a right wing position in 40 years or so now that the homophobia zeitgeist has been defeated.

>> No.19643633

>right has religion, ethics, justice, spirit, community, nation
I wish that was true here in the US.

>> No.19643647

Saying leftist positions from 50 years ago are considered right wing today is basically an admission that the right lost and caved in.

>> No.19643648

>Because most right-wingers get a real education in STEM.
No they try to start their own business in landscaping or selling used cars. Otherwise, they would have to write essays and reports which is left wing indoctrination.

>> No.19643657

Retard, i hope this is bait

>> No.19643661

Well, yeah no one is denying that modern right caved in.

>> No.19643669

Not just the modern right, this has been going on since the French revolution, even before if we're talking in proto terms.

>> No.19643670

Yes but they recognised the value of homosexual relationships

>> No.19643680


>> No.19643690

The left dominates nearly every cultural institution of note and the political institutions in any growing urban area, so any competent people looking to advance themselves will adopt a leftism to some degree.

>> No.19643698

Depends. Leftists definitely write more, so you will probably find more left leaning works that are good to begin with, simple probability.

>> No.19643702

This is surprisingly accurate for /lit/.

>> No.19643710

I'd encourage you to watch Blackpilled video on Die Hard, because it kind of explains how Hollywood supplies material for right wing viewers.

>> No.19643716

Greek homosexuality wasn't comparable to the modern day kind. This took place exclusively in classical Greece, and only a select few city states. But really it was on average a mentor/mentee relationship, most did not involve any sexual acts, and those that did only really did thigh sex.

As well whether or not they found any value in these relationships thats not even the question at hand here, they thought of them as completely different from the relationship between a man and woman which is what concerns marriage.

Also heres a hint Romans were the true homosexuals retard. Bunch of fucking degenerate coomers.

>> No.19643725

Bay hasn't been relevant for a decade.

>> No.19643729

>working on mortages, having children, exercising at the gym
I guess 95% of the adult population is right-wing according to you

>> No.19643735

Different dominant residues. Leftists are intellectual combinators, they like to solve problems by inventing new ways of circumventing them, right wingers are more direct and pretend to keep things as they are while just weeding out the garden so to speak. This means that eventually rw defends previously left wing derivatives, with the reason for why fascism is so demonised being that it went waay back on a lot of topics instead of comfortably catching up with leftists. The problem LW on the other hand has is that eventually it starts counting crime rate differently to "lower" it etc. as in they become all appearances and no effect. All bark no bite. Once the typical rw comes to the point where they defend all bark no bite while the left only barks louder and louder is the point when the regime is toppled either from inside or outside, usually by people who are far more bite than bark(think of Robespierre as viewed by de Maistre - as bad as he was at least he realised you need to execute the human filth that came out of sewers after revolution).

>> No.19643737
File: 341 KB, 469x452, 1628087186717.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SHUT UP STUPID GAY HOMO NIGGER FAGGOT!!! *kills you, shits on your dead body. Smears some of the poop on your face, takes a picture of it, breaks into your parents' home and destroys/deletes all their photos of you, replacing them with the dead poop corpse photo of you so its the only thing they'll have to remember your face with*

Now what, bitch? Too late to be sorry

>> No.19643747

>95% of the adult population goes to the gym, has a mortgage and kids
What decade do you live in? Most people are fat, the fertility rate has plummeted and home ownership is at a record low. And of those that do do those things, the majority are not leftists.

>> No.19643751

>This took place exclusively in classical Greece
Archaic, Classical and Hellenic Greece actually
>only a select few city states
I think it would be safe to say it took place in the majority
>most did not involve any sexual acts
This assertion doesn’t seem supported by the evidence, especially given that Socrates’ and the Spartans’ chastity in pederastic affairs is depicted as incongruous
>and those that did only really did thigh sex
Thigh sex was considered the cultural ideal, since it was less demeaning than anal, but jokes in Aristophanes suggest people’s behaviour differed from their ideals
>As well whether or not they found any value in these relationships thats not even the question at hand here
Not for me. My main problem was with you reducing homosexual relationships to simple fucking

>> No.19644157

There is no left intellectual today who has as much influence as Jordan Peterson. Just think about how pathetic that is. They are still stuck trying to emulate leftists in the 60s by just lazily pushing the envelope, alienating more and more people in the process

>> No.19644863
File: 502 KB, 872x597, 5903485834095.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The character of a nation is always characterized by its elites, including today.

>> No.19644882
File: 7 KB, 241x209, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>growing a spine and standing up for yourself is now a Faustian delusion and striving for the infinite

>> No.19644929

Extreme leftist here. That's not true. The right wing has a hard on for tradition which is always going to help in any rhetorical competition. Insane Catholics with fascist tendencies write beautifully even if their content is fucktarded.

>> No.19645203

>self-awareness.exe has stopped working

>> No.19645207

You aren't even allowed to know about right wingers that the establishment considers dangerous.

>> No.19645289

I don’t know about older writing too much but I’d rather hold a flame to my eyeball than read the delusions of the modern left. I start fantasizing about all the ways I’d love to see them die and well, that’s no way to enjoy a book

>> No.19645317


>> No.19645389

most right wingers who follow their ideology have jobs and don't care about online political crap lmao.

>> No.19645395

Because 90% of left wing discourse is optics.

>> No.19645407

>a twitch debate
reevaluate your life

>> No.19645423

the funny thing about the crossing state lines thing is that like half the rioters in manhattan last year croosed from new jersey and connecticut. the state line thing was one of the most absurd and dishonest things yet.

>> No.19645963

>Archaic, Classical and Hellenic Greece actually
There is no evidence of it occurring in archaic Greece
>I think it would be safe to say it took place in the majority
not at all
>This assertion doesn’t seem supported by the evidence, especially given that Socrates’ and the Spartans’ chastity in pederastic affairs is depicted as incongruous
Thats not at all strong evidence. This is your own biased interpretation of a couple cultural relics.
>Thigh sex was considered the cultural ideal, since it was less demeaning than anal, but jokes in Aristophanes suggest people’s behaviour differed from their ideals
Again your own biased interpretations are not evidence.
>Not for me. My main problem was with you reducing homosexual relationships to simple fucking
It is lmao. You can tell this by the fact I stated the Greek homosexual relations are not comparable to modern day faggots, and your way of proving me wrong is that you tried to prove unsuccessfully that they ate eachothers dingleberries too.