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File: 73 KB, 900x600, patricia002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19641199 No.19641199[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Highsmith was an avowed antisemite; she described herself as a "Jew hater" and described The Holocaust as "the semicaust". When she was living in Switzerland in the 1980s, she used nearly 40 aliases when writing to government bodies and newspapers deploring the state of Israel and the "influence" of the Jews. Highsmith was an active supporter of Palestinian rights, a stance which, according to Carol screenwriter Phyllis Nagy, "often teetered into outright antisemitism."

>> No.19641200

post it

>> No.19641241

>Is Patricia Highsmith based?
Is she making me a sandwich right now?

>> No.19641267
File: 54 KB, 550x375, Patricia-Highsmith.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why should she? She's a free woman.

>> No.19641285

>he wants a sandwich from the most sociopathic snail lover on earth
Anon, don't eat it.
>Is Patricia Highsmith based
Yes. That's not even the most fucked up shit she's done. She's also the only person who imagined lesbians happy.

>> No.19641309

Nice smile. I wonder what the story behind this picture is.

First to portray a happy ending in sapphic love.

>> No.19641446


>> No.19641484

Not based then

>> No.19641501

How dare you ask for a sandwich to such a BASED woman? Have some respect or else you must be a Jew.

>> No.19641530

>Patricia Highsmith
Maybe in her racial views, but she was an outspoken lesbian, an atheist, and a social democrat. So overall, no. Sad, she was pretty when she was young. And now she's burning in Hell. Oh well.

>> No.19641533

lol crazy fucking bitch.

>> No.19641543

Fuck off, fryer Happyhands

>> No.19641550

>Maybe in her racial views
this has nothing to do with her racial views
>but she was an outspoken lesbian, an atheist, and a social democrat.
sounds pretty standard.

>> No.19641552


>> No.19641607

Yeah like I said, her racial views were based but not the rest of her life. Strangers on a Train was a good HitchCOCK movie, though.

>> No.19641613

But this has nothing to do with her racial views. It's her view on jews only.

>> No.19641620

The question was
>Is Patricia Highsmith based?
Are you stupid?

>> No.19641636

Her views on jews are not racial views. Are you stupid?

>> No.19641649

They are, and I wasn't just referring to her views on Jews but on niggers and chinks as well. Don't reply to this.

>> No.19641661

>They are
They aren't. Her views are not racial. She got along with blacks in school.

>> No.19641679

I recommend the Strangers on a Train novel if you likes the movie, it’s much more psychological (reminded me of Crime and Punishment), and the story also plays out differently.

>> No.19641844

You are too stupid for this conversation. Have a nice life.

>> No.19641877

You don't even know what racial views are. As a typical faggot, you make everything about race.

>> No.19641908

I've kindly indicated that I don't want to continue this conversation with you, and yet you keep jumping up and down demanding that I listen to you. Stop doing that. This is why you have no friends in real life.

>> No.19641929

Imagine being so easily pandered to that all it takes is someone saying "Me no like Jews" to win you over.

>> No.19641976

Well said. It's like cringey conservative whose little peepees go "BOI-OI-OI-OING!" when CNN or the New York Times publishes a headline that seems to notice or make some concession to them. Very sad indeed.

>> No.19641998

I don't give a shit what you say. I will continue replying. If you want to stop, stop.

>> No.19642004

Not that many people say that openly. It's an extremely hard pandering technique.

>> No.19642017
File: 86 KB, 923x895, mutt_larper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

muttcel moment.

>> No.19642022

No, it's true. Not that many people have the courage to say this openly . Especially not these days.

>> No.19642039

I work in a factory with a very multiracial workforce. Every day I say "White Power!" while putting a fist up when I great white people. Sometimes I even say it to the brown people just to remind them to check themselves. When politics come up I openly advocate for deporting Muslims, Jews, and spics. I don't have a massive sack, it's just not something you need courage for. Don't get too impressed by Patricia who said it back when white people had a bit of sense.

>> No.19642048

>I tell my friends and work buddies to depot the Jews! I'm a brave man

>> No.19642049
File: 1.17 MB, 1024x727, kreuzberg_berlin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking dumbass fucking mutt. go to kreuzberg and see what the people there have to say about the israel-palestine conflict.

>> No.19643269

>now she's burning in Hell.
I think she's okay with that, anon. Psychopaths don't have your fear of retribution. If she did, she would have never asked the parents of a teenage murder victim if the kid was raped and how much blood there was on live national television. There's some shit normies just are not cut out to do, and for that we have Highsmith.

>> No.19643298


>> No.19643304
File: 31 KB, 676x670, 1635179014230.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is it that every time somebody posts a woman who is the first to do something that millions of men have done before her, I'm supposed to be impressed?

>> No.19643322

>I'm unimpressed by the Ripleyiad
That's more try hard than Ripley, tbphw/ufam. It's like walking up on an American Psycho thread and being all
>I do more sit ups and my skincare routine is 12 step Korean, get on my level Bateman
I hope you're being ironic and not printing your own business cards.

>> No.19643328

Best selling male writers have described themselves as "Jew haters" and said that the Holocaust was not harsh enough while actively shitting on Israel? Name 5.

>> No.19643336


You didn't answer my question.

>> No.19643351

Your question doesn't pertain to Highsmith, but your gayness for yourself does.

>> No.19643372

Please tell me more about how antisemitism is a brave new idea.

Still no answer.

>> No.19643375

very cute, this is my idea woman. she in a nursing home somewhere?

>> No.19643388

She died in '95.

>> No.19643393

too bad