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19597558 No.19597558 [Reply] [Original]

Baudrillard would have been the only one to properly explain what is currently happening all over the world. Saldy he is dead.
Some key terms to help explain this current situation :
>"movie title"

>> No.19597566

McLuhan also
JG Ballard not far off either

>> No.19597577

yes, very good.
Baudrillard would have certainly refrenced these guys as he can't help but constantly name drop his favorites.

>> No.19597581

I honestly overestimated normies. Most of them have literally had the cough at this point and they still think it's dangerous despite having firsthand experience that it's not because the tv tells them it is.

>> No.19597586

on topic, please, Jean.

>> No.19597597

twice as many Americans have died as did in WWII

>> No.19597598

>the only one
Debord's critique of the spectacle is far more incisive. Situationists and post-situationists were talking about "pandemics" as counter-insurgency decades ago. Foucault and biopolitics. Agamben, etc... There are way too many to cite; in fact, pretty much every thinker would've been against this masquerade.

>Il n’y a pas de gouvernement mondial ; ce qu’il y a, c’est un réseau mondial de dispositifs locaux de gouvernement, c’est-à-dire un appareil mondial, réticulaire, de contre-insurrection. Les révélations de Snowden en attestent amplement : services secrets, multinationales et réseaux politiques coopèrent sans vergogne, en deçà même d’un niveau étatique dont tout le monde se fout désormais. Et il n’y a pas, en l’espèce, de centre et de périphérie, de sécurité intérieure et d’opérations extérieures. Ce que l’on expérimente sur les peuples lointains, c’est tôt ou tard le sort que l’on réserve à son propre peuple : les troupes qui ont massacré le prolétariat parisien en juin 1848 s’étaient fait la main dans la « guerre des rues », les razzias et les enfumades de l’Algérie en cours de colonisation. Les bataillons de chasseurs alpins italiens, à peine rentrés d’Afghanistan, sont déployés dans le Val de Suse. En Occident, l’emploi des forces armées sur le territoire national en cas de désordre d’importance n’est même plus un tabou, c’est un scénario bien ficelé. De crise sanitaire en attentat terroriste imminent, les esprits y ont été méthodiquement préparés. Partout, on s’entraîne aux combats urbains, à la « pacification », à la « stabilisation post-conflit » : on se tient prêt pour les prochaines insurrections.
à nos amis, 2015

>> No.19597605

Your point being that the mythification of america as the winner of ww2 is purely spectacular and marks the inception of cybernetic society ?

>> No.19597608

mec, I just want a Baudrillard thread.

>> No.19597615
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Tout ce qui était vécu directement s'est éloigné dans une représentation.

>> No.19597630

Isn't the point of simulacra not whether they are real or not, does the reality even matter? It is more the consequences. Like regardless of the "reality" of the situation there are so many agendas out there waiting to seize and exploit it for their own purposes, if it is not one manufactured spectacle it would be some other. But the end destination, the control, ie the consequences, would always be the same...

>> No.19597640

why in God's name would that be my point

>> No.19597642

That's because the Americans army was so good in WW2. Britain and the US had a "steel not flesh" strategy to prevent high deaths with the use of a totally mechanised army.

>> No.19597649

>does the reality even matter
If you believe one can disconnect from the illusions then yes. As far as I can remember, Baudrillard thought no one could be saved.

>> No.19597650

Bro... bro.. bro!
The GULF WAR is like, only something you watch on the TV SCREEN bro, so it's like, NOT REAL, it's a TV SCREEN SIMULACRA.
Bro, hear me out.. there is like, like a PRECESSION OF SIMULACRA, which means that like, you sort of have like, preconceived notions of what REALITY IS, and that means that REALITY is actually lost UNDERNEATH YOUR PRECONCEPTIONS BRO, it's like, not real, it's like HYPERREAL because your PRECONCEPTIONS FIT THE HYPERREAL
Define reality? Nooooo bro, nooo, my stuff only works if you have the most basic bitch unreflective idea of what it is.

Broooooo... bro.. let's watch an Adam Curtis documentary and pretend that non-sequiturs about PHARMACEUTICALS and GEOPOLITICS in the SPEAK with REALLY COOL VINTAGE STOCK FOOTAGE to a background of BRIAN ENO is DEEP and EVOCATIVE to intellectually inclined minds such as our own.

>> No.19597659

The Consumer Society is the beginning and end of B. No need to read anything else.

>> No.19597701

Baudrillard differs from the situationist with the concept of hegemony, which is more or less what you say. Also the spectacle is not manufactured, it is produced immanently. The system produces commodity as much as it produces the division of labour and workers themselves. Situationist thought posits that economy is political first and foremost. In other words, short term profit is not the defining factor of capitalist growth, counter-insurgency is (hence why billions are "wasted" in afghanistan, a place with no market economy, hence lockdowns and 'social distancing' - such a crucial factor to understand given the amount of people who discarded the possibility of covid being counter-insurgency because "they would never halt the economy"). Hyperspecialization is not a product of the current mode of production but a CONDITION of its existence. COVID is not a symptom of globalization but a necessity.

It seems obvious, you don't exploit labour without producing exploitable labourers first.

https://www.cairn.info/revue-lignes-2010-1-page-67.htm Anselm Jappe on Baudrillard through a situationist lense.

>> No.19597721

So the tv tells you

>> No.19597733
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omae wa mou shindeiru

>> No.19597737

It can go on for as long as it wants for I all care.
>b-but muh economy
Oh no!! Not le economy! Not the heckin wholesome iPhonerinos!
Burn in hell.

>> No.19597791

COVID exists to perpetuate the economy

People are so autistic nowadays they can't apprehend anything beyond their narcissistic self. That some boomers in america oppose covid (people forget the antivaxx movement was a hyperbourgeois democratic cult just.... 3 years ago) because of their "economic freedom" means jackshit when you realize that european turbo anarchists oppose covid as well, and definitely not for the same reasons.

>> No.19597799

Humanity exists solely to purchase iPhones.

>> No.19597825

In the states total reported deaths in 2020 increased by 17% (500k) from 2019. Just a weird coincidence im sure.

>> No.19597828

This post says absolutley nothing lmao

>> No.19597835

Yes anon trust the tv instead of your own experience of it being a mild cough

>> No.19597841

You've inversed the reality. Covid is antithetical to the consumerist. Even consider the punishment thought of by the system: the threat of reducing one's economic participation if they don't comply.

To think that people someone have eschewed their egoism in the face of a virus is, also, false.

>> No.19597858

Just a flu bro!

>> No.19597861

I had it and it was actually even milder than a flu lol

>> No.19597864

I've had about 5 friends die of covid and quite a number of people catch it and get uncomfortably sick with issues that lasted long after the 'mild cough'

But I'm just another screen full of text talking to you, you are already predisposed to the facts and beliefs you already hold. What's the point in participating in this conversation anon? Why are you even here shilling /pol/faggot bullshit when you could be jerking off another /pol/fag back on >>>/pol/

Surely Baudrillard would have had some interesting things to say about how the entire thing is painted as a natural disaster when it was in fact, the decision of man to perpetuate it and the simulacra super structures of the hyper real have left us in such a diametrically polarized world that no one can feel safe, as we are now perpetually in a state of jan 6 and lockdowns.

Fun stuff, fuck you.

>> No.19597867

I’m happy for you

>> No.19597869

>COVID exists to perpetuate the economy
Is that why it has destroyed the economy?

>> No.19597871


>> No.19597874

>>Surely Baudrillard would have had some interesting things to say about how the entire thing is painted as a natural disaster when it was in fact, the decision of man to perpetuate it and the simulacra super structures of the hyper real have left us in such a diametrically polarized world that no one can feel safe, as we are now perpetually in a state of jan 6 and lockdowns.
Only one who tried itt. Thanks!

>> No.19597879

My local health authority got outed because they said a 14 year old died of COVID. His family came out and said he was in the late stages of brain cancer, was on his deathbed anyways and that he was tested AFTER he already died. Think about how often they could pull this off with people who don't know any better. It's lies.

>> No.19597896

The average age of death is like 80. The entire thing could literally just be fake lmao

>> No.19597901

Also January 6th itself is hilarious simulacra. An attempted revolution born out of the propaganda of the idea of the idea of the original revolution, only to end up actually being a large crowd of people being where they weren’t supposed to be, causing absolutely no change in any substantive working conditions way, only to become another fear tactic by corporate owned media conglomerates who wish to perpetuate it as something more than it was. Larping doesn’t even begin to describe the simulacra levels we reached then.

>> No.19597906

“Life is....le absurd”
>”-Just a bit to the right light a smoke- look away- and hold...thats great Jean-“
“Oui oui....oui oui”

>> No.19597911

Thinking it was an attempted revolution is the simulacra. It was a riot, not even a violent riot

>> No.19597916

I have no doubt much of it is. But the number I gave is simply total death certificates issued for any reason. 500,000 more people keeled over from something last year versus the year before

>> No.19597918

It wasn’t even a riot. Riot implies violence and only one dumb lady standing in the wrong place got shot. It’s all so dumb. I love it.

>> No.19597932
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Yeah very dramatic, unprecedented

>> No.19597939

I don't love it at all. They're rotting in prison being abused by guards for doing way less than tons of BLM rioters. They were stupid boomers, not terrorists

>> No.19597963

I've never been impressed with Baudrillard. His concepts in S&S seem very simple and likely could have been explained in much simpler terms so that they would develop a consciousness that leads to action and not masturbation.

>> No.19597975

The subtext of the last two years can easily be seen as "you can burn your own house down and we will celebrate it, encourage it, and film it, but don't dare come into our house."

>> No.19597983

Look at the ‘source’ link above the chart. It’s a UN projection published in 2019. Another lit user who cant read. Many such cases. Sad

>> No.19597988

>They were stupid boomers, not terrorists
I think the term "terrorist" at this point doesn't serve any purpose beyond labeling people as legitimate targets of state violence. I still don't know how you could describe that what happened at the capitol as "terrorism" and not say the same about any politically motivated riot while claiming to have a coherent or consistent worldview.

>> No.19598001

>I've had about 5 friends die of covid and quite a number of people catch it and get uncomfortably sick with issues that lasted long after the 'mild cough'
Wow I'm so sorry - if not for COVID your friends would be immortal. Grow up.

>> No.19598003

Are you dishonest or an idiot? The projections are for from now until 2100. It uses the data up to present day

>> No.19598008

The fact that you have to make a comparison with something else to prove the moral sway or to implicate guilt is hilarious. Again using the term riot outside the implication of violence, unless you call it a cop riot I guess. Your inability to articulate and define what a terrorist is and apply whatever definition you believe to be true or whatever authoritative or legal source for a definition is and apply it. I love it. It's fucking brainwashed idiots like you that only question the very narrow ideologically backed prerogatives of what your 'alterantive news sources' tell you.
It really is all simulacra. Neither of us were there at any of this. Last time I marched was occupy. We are arguing on the internet about shit that doesn't actually, directly, affect us and our tomato plants. You do have tomato plants, right anon?

>> No.19598011

Not even death implicates moral empathy. You love to see it.

>> No.19598017

I dont want boomers to be abused by the government for a riot and you spew this deck at me?

>> No.19598018
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>the holocaust didn't happen
woah! Jean!

>> No.19598020

Why don't you have an iPhone anon?

>> No.19598027

You want me to dumb it down and make my shit post short enough to keep your attention? Yo, this hyper real shit is getting too real for me.

>> No.19598039

Why do you want them to be abused? If you dont then what are you even saying

>> No.19598042

Then the chart maker cant do simple arithmetic because their numbers don’t add up. Sad.

>> No.19598053

Empathy isnt meant to be internet sized.

>> No.19598061

Post your own source of total deaths per year for the last 20 years and let's see how dramatic 2020 or 2021 have been. Dont post an article claiming x increase in deaths, post deaths in general, either total or percentage, for the past 20 years

>> No.19598068

This anon is correct

>> No.19598071

I am decoupling boomers being convinced to march on the capitol and the initial discussion of simulacra we were having in the first place. You keep moving the goal post to abusing old people instead of the point of the thread and what I had said. I don't think you have read Baudrillard and I don't think you understand any of the concepts or ideas in this thread of his. I think you saw a /pol/ thread and wanted to derail and shitpost in it. I think you are dumb and are attempting to pull the ol' bait and switch.
why not tho

>> No.19598077

They are really in jail, that's not simulacrum. Why are you sperging about me thinking that's immoral? Do your think they deserve to be abused for what they did? Many people do think that just say so if you do.

>> No.19598092

Tons of people are in jail for shit they did that was against the law. USA has the highest incarceration rate in the world. We are number 1. What's wrong with a few boomers being tossed in there too? We have a long tradition in america of protesters being arrested for minor violations of outdated statutes being used as justification for probable cause to get said protesters out of the way. These boomers are participating in an honorable tradition, normally set aside for druggies and anarchists.

I bet the boomers will love seeing all the sights jail and prisons have to offer. Joining gangs. Ramen currency. Renting e-readers. Gay rape. Dropping soap. over population. It's gonna be like a reverse Disney land for them.

>> No.19598096
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Here lies the complexity of the problem at hand: COVID is not antithetical to the consumerist, it is the aufhebung of the consumerist society, in which the obsolete unilateral spectacular relationship secedes.

Take cinema and video games. Video games is the aufhebung of cinema. Cinema is the most obvious, palpable form of the spectacle: a medium that portrays life in a way that is separate from life, while stopping the audience from concretely taking a part in it. It posits the consumer as a total passive element.
Video games is the next step, much closer to Baudrillard's concept of hegemony than Debord's spectacle. Vidya allows the subject to participate. But not materially, it allows him to burn out his energy towards some dead end goal, carefully cratfed to be as harmless as possible. Here in france the covid masses were clapping for healthcare workers every night at 8pm. It is EXACTLY like video games. Tiktok nurses is another manifestation. The pretence that you're taking a part of some grand social manoeuver, but in reality you're not, you're wasting away your energy in some weird necromantical fashion. It's disgusting really, nihilism seems virginal in comparison.

The preponderance and free exchange of commodities, the core aspect of consumerism, is a mean of governance in itself. Take a look at the liberal democratic regimes and oppose it to the totalitarian regimes of post ww2 society. The consumerists societies do not need an autoritarian figure because the availability of commodities serve the same purpose, in that they artificially aggregate the consumerist base (spectacle concentré vs spectacle difus)

My post here is crucial >>19597701 Consumerism is not a result of the mode of production, it is the condition by which it justifies-enables itself. It is also important to note that to consume is not a right but an obligation (GW Bush speech after 9/11)

So you see that nowadays, the system does not require you to consume in order to tame you into obedience. It has developped enough technology to ensure immediate autoregulation. Civilization up until WW2 was totalizing, in that it tended towards totality (cultural, economical, historical etc..) But now it is doing the opposite; it is destroying methodically, one after the other, every aspect it worked so hard to totalize in the first place. The family, the state, the law etc... Each of these are slowly being dismantled in order for the system to rule cybernetically, in a much more efficient manner.

>À partir de là, il n’y a pas de conciliation autre que médicamenteuse, et policière.

>> No.19598100

Other people are unjustly incarcerated so you approve of them being abused? Nice morality you have there. Especially the jokes about rape. Disgusting person.

>> No.19598113

1999-2019 https://wonder.cdc.gov/controller/datarequest/D76

2020, see table page 2 https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/70/wr/pdfs/mm7014e1-H.pdf

>> No.19598117

Post the numbers

>> No.19598123

>Covid is antithetical to the consumerist.

Tell that to Amazon, Uber Eats, Zoom, etc.

>> No.19598124

Dude I’ve been a criminal defense attorney. I’m joking. Slow your roll bruh. The whole system is fucked. Rehabilitation over punishment any day.

>> No.19598128

can't tell if really good LARP or sincere at this point.

>> No.19598130

>Desecrates the Capitol
>Somehow expected to survive
If a mob in China marched into the Great Hall of the People, what do you think would happen to them? Why would America be any different?

>> No.19598162

Based. If Baudrillard could explained fairly well the covid, it would have been in a verbose and obscure way. Debord would have done it much better and clearer way, though he likely wouldn't care.
>Le spectacle est la vie hors de l'histoire, qui s'occupe de vétilles et ignore tout évènement réel.

>> No.19598168

>I've had about 5 friends die of covid
This is almost statistically impossible unless you and your friends are all obese 80 year olds.

>> No.19598171

Weren't some cops kilked though? Sounds violent to me but I guess I'm just part of the sheeple.

>> No.19598173

Most of them were older outlaw country musicians. So... yeah.

>> No.19598184

You are indeed, since no cops were killed, the press just made that up and later quietly retracted it. One cop died the day after, not from injuries sustained in the riot

>> No.19598193

You are the dishonest one anon. Your screenshot omits this disclaimer:
NOTE: All 2020 and later data are UN projections and DO NOT include any impacts of the COVID-19 virus.

>> No.19598199

Ok then post the real numbers

>> No.19598207

>in a Baudrillard thread

>> No.19598213


>> No.19598215

jsut leave these morons alone.
They are completely missing the point of this being a Baudrillard thread

>> No.19598220

>just let your parents, grandparents, and newborn siblings/relatives die bro

>> No.19598224

>u cannot know nuffin, it is le hyper real
Very sophisticated and interesting

>> No.19598237

My immediate family have also all gotten it and...none of them were even badly sick let alone died. I dont know a single person who has been seriously ill from it. If the press and government didnt tell mr about it I wouldn't even know it existed at all

>> No.19598243

>none of them were even badly sick let alone died
That's great news, however, not all strains are equally dangerous and not all people are equally as fit/lucky.

>> No.19598251

According to the government, which I do not remotely trust or believe.

>> No.19598253

t. flat earther moron

>> No.19598255

>since no cops were killed
And you know this how? Every source I can find says some died as a result of injuries from the riot. Idk doubt they're all lying unless you have proof to the contrary.

>> No.19598262
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Makes u think

>> No.19598268

>business takes advantage of public crisis
Imagine my shock. Proves/disproves nothing, though.

>> No.19598279


>> No.19598289

Yeah theres no way these oligarchs could be influencing government policy for their own benefit. The newspapers they own dont say anything like that after all

>> No.19598311

Believe in your baseless conspiracies all you want. I'll stick to reality and what I've actually observed, which is myself, relatives, friends and coworkers getting sick and a few even dying.

>> No.19598322

And I will stick to what I saw, which is absolutely nobody getting seriously ill.

>> No.19598336

>muh conspiracy vs anticonspiracy 3iq perspective
you're on a based french thread, do yourself some good and read commentaires sur la société du spectacle.

Conspiracies do run everything, due to the nature of the current MPC (CIA? cybernetic agencies?). Conspirationist thought starts with the presupposition that human will is a historical determinant. It's not. But conspiracies pervade society on every level.
>La mafia comme matrice gouvernmentale

>> No.19598343

Way to not actually say anything at all

>> No.19598367

Talk to people from an area that actually suffered and your opinion will either change accordingly or your true colors as an ignoramus will show.

>> No.19598379

I'm aware there are areas where they murdered people by putting them on ventilators if that's what you mean. The disease is not magically deadly in some places and harmless elsewhere.

>> No.19598393

Looks like those true colors are already showing.

>> No.19598402

According to the CDC, total deaths in 2020 were over 3.3 million (provisional figures). Population of USA is just over 331 million. This would bring the death rate to about 10. Apparently the highest it's been since 1943.
CDC source: https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/70/wr/mm7014e1.htm

>> No.19598404

Continue being terrified of a cold and letting oligarchs make trillions amf restrict your freedom because you're credulous enough to believe very obvious lies.

>> No.19598411

My family and I got sick for weeks. We had coworkers who lost family. For us, it isn't a matter of belief, but a matter of observation. Not all strains are equally dangerous.

>> No.19598437

Covid Symptoms: Skepticivirgins Can't Stop Wining

There are two unique symptoms of Covid which BTFO our "normal" perception of world around. I am using these symptoms for building up my arguments because with example of pointing out that different people experience things differently doesn't break any dogma, words are just words on paper nothing more. Millions of people are experiencing these symptoms so now they know from their own experience the uncertainty that Skeptics have been pointing out since forever. These two covid symptoms are:

1. The loss of smell and taste
2. Brainfog

Smell and taste are taken for granted and after covid when put spoon full of some food into your mouth it doesn't smell or taste like anything so how can anyone say that the food they love is the best food the world? How can someone with covid could differentiate between the smell of flowers and smell of shit?

Now the other symptom which is brainfog destroys many dogmas about how we perceive time, how we feel emotion and ourselves within time. I had covid brainfog and all of sudden for me I was a totally different person. After this experience I am convinced that linear experience of time is retarded. There is no "progression", we're changing all the time. In the case of rebirth or afterlife which of my essence will continue, like when I was a teenager or when I was a kid or when I was healthy before covid or during my depression episode of bipolar or during my maniac episode of my bipolar so on and so on. Billions of years were passed before my birth and yet it all felt like nothing to me. If being is why it isn't? And what's stopping it from repeating? In the case of repeating how it would be different from the current life that we're living?

Another aspect of brainfog is a depersonalized state like you feel that you're watching yourself doing all of these tasks like some movie, your internal monologue is dim and you all of these emotions coming and going without invoking any significant reactions out of you.

Obviously I am saying that jump out of the window rather than taking stairs but uncertainty faith still rules the very large portion of our lives. How many of the big question are still there, unanswered and drenched in uncertainty.

>> No.19598488

reading the brainfog insights and comparing them to insight gained from philosophers such as Plato and Heidegger it seems like covid was the best thing to happen to you in your otherwise close minded life

>> No.19598500

Did you even read the link you posted? It says he died to natural causes but also mentions he was assaulted and that "About 140 police officers were assaulted"
Really does not prove your claim that it was non-violent.

>> No.19598518

same as it ever was

>> No.19598558
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I read Baudrillard but I don't understand what he said. I don't understand his lingo.

>> No.19598585

>Saldy he is dead.
From Covid?

>> No.19598601

>why not tho
I think because it particularizes a surreal level social connections that are abstractly large. Also, I want to be perfectly clear: I feel zero emotions to your loss, but the purpose of my hypercallous and admittedly rude comment was to 1) disprove your logical argument and 2) if you really have experienced that degree of loss then you have been blessed to see the fragility of life - though it is highly painful, it teaches that our life is something that can be snuffed out so casually that we must approach the spiritual. I hope I didn't anger you but that I at least stimulated some thought. Your friends are in my, albeit worthless, prayers.

>> No.19598612

Debord's "spectacle" is idealism viewed through marxist ressentiment. Baudrillard drops the pretense of advocacy for revolution and simply observes we are dealing with the collapse of a model-copy distinction

>> No.19598687

His take would be something along the lines of the media/government response to the virus being the actual crisis that shapes events and beliefs rather than the virus itself. Consider, it is not even possible for the measures taken to actually stop the virus and this has been well known for as long as it has been going on... contact tracing, masking, distancing, attempted quarantines, none are really done seriously or with the authoritarian enforcement necessary for compliance and efficacy. Almost two years down the drain and the virus is still spreading around. Only obvious and related benefit is to manage the amount of cases the hospitals can process by reducing the spread. But the costs of doing this have been staggering to the economy, labor market, supply chain, mental health, physical fitness, you name it, all these other crises have been ignited by government effort to fight the virus. One has to wonder if the virus has been outdone.

>> No.19598715

Skeptic exercise for general public who otherwise would not bat an eye on philosophical jargon. Now they're better ripe to understand Skeptic arguments.

>> No.19598822

>since no cops were killed
One cop was killed, and a number of them were roughed up. There were also a number of them with weapons on them, and I don't think they had peaceful intentions.
I think all the hand-wringing done about this as some sort of unprecedented or particularly heinous act of terrorism or "attack on our democracy" is ridiculous, but don't pretend it was some sort of non-violent demonstration and that the people arrested weren't breaking any laws.

>> No.19598861

according to this data, the death rate (/100k) decreased from 869.7 to 828.7 in 2020.

>> No.19598954

How do I into situationism?

>> No.19598977
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Tranny writers BTFO.

>> No.19598989

>I dont want boomers to be abused by the government for a riot and you spew this deck at me?
Why not?

>> No.19598993

Nice. Death doesn't effect me too much these days other than a few days of sad malaise. I had too much death in my youth of people close to me to really let it effect me radically in my 30s. But thank u friend. Good post.

>> No.19599055

You might as well have posted fart onomatopeia, for all you managed to state. Why make a thread if you have nothing to say?

>> No.19599124

Not enough, desu.

>> No.19599740
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Way ahead of you.

>> No.19599774


Yes, Baudrillard is a true Black Gnostic.

>> No.19599777

But less than half as many life years were lost, which is arguably a more important metric

>> No.19599976

The death rate in the pdf for 2020 is ‘age adjusted’ I don’t know how this is calculated. Page 1 gives this figure for 2019 as 715.

>> No.19601162

lol smd

>> No.19601509

he already explained it. you should be aware of that by now

>> No.19601522

that bitch believed in 9/11. he'd have got 2 jabs and a booster by now

>> No.19601528

You know who can explain covid better then your dead irrelevant hacks? Andrew Anglin.

>> No.19601557
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Sorry baudrillardbros
This thread = btfo
>Vive le Lacoste !
>Et le "street art"

>> No.19601576

>looting a business should be treated the same as looting the capitol.
What the fuck did they think would happen?

>> No.19601607

what you mean believed in 9/11? do you think it was all a hologram?

>> No.19601624

Fair enough, but does that mean the former, when done a a truly massive scale, should be encouraged the way it was? I don't have a problem with the capitol rioters being punished, but it's rich seeing people who gladly allied with communists and anarchists pretending that that actually give a damn about the continued existence of the country.

>> No.19601638

The book is very short. What are you on about?

>> No.19601967

>Vive le Lacoste !
what does this mean? literally the clothing brand or what?

>> No.19602018
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Why is he always so smug?

>> No.19602394

>can't be touched by french faggots
>can't be touched by oriental reactionaries
>can't be touched by marxists
>can't be touched by tranny coomers
>can't be touched by liberal humanists (they can't even grammatically understand him)
>even zizek avoids diagnosing him and almost never mentions him

You'd be smug too if you were him.

>> No.19602409

Whats his recipe of success?

>> No.19602419
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Black Gnosticism.

>> No.19602471
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We don't need Baudrillard to explain to us what is happening.
This Italian fuck right here wrote a few books, exactly about what was going to happen only a few years before Roner and it's consequences happened.
It's perfectly spelled out in homo sacer. With all the involved biopolitics and power-grab executed by the sates. And yet no one gives a shit except the people who where already weary about the abuse of power done by the institutions.

>> No.19602539

How to stop the power grab?

>> No.19603000


Note the how keenly he dissects the perversity of the Atonement.

>> No.19603078
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>> No.19603095

Americans have killed more civilians in France during WWII than French people have died of the Covid.

>> No.19603096
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>didneyland :))))

>> No.19603112

Baudrillard is the definition of an authentic, pure blooded psuedo-intellectual. The type of guy the Sokal affair was made to mock

>> No.19603117

And of those, how many voted for Biden?

>> No.19603119
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>Fleur du Pays
Ma main au feu qu'il fume la bonne fleur du terroir

>> No.19603126

>5 friends die of covid
If this is true, I’m sorry to hear that. But it does sound a bit much, coming from someone who knows not even one person (even through someone else) that has died from covid. Not even my elderly grandmother. I have known some people who got very sick with it

>> No.19603128

>jan 6
>covid is scary stuff dude
>baudrillard would’ve had some interesting stuff to say

>> No.19603141

Not an actual symptom by the way. Just a hypochondriac trigger phrase

>> No.19603153

I could put out to the media to say Omicron makes you desire to be a woman and you’d come on here ranting about how covid made you have sweaty dreams of sucking cock

>> No.19603202

d-donc les jeux vidéos ne servent a rien et sont nocifs ?

a-aide moi

>> No.19603275

Fuck if I know. I'm getting really desperate.
I want to say bomb the government but I'd assume that would just make things worse.

>> No.19603278

>except... of course carnaval, eurovision and other approved state-culture hehe :)

>> No.19603283

If only there were some conspiracy to kill off Trump voters.

>> No.19603296

what a fundamentally pathetic thing to say

>> No.19603373

this is a boomer reaction to their subconscious moorland and lifelong marginalized fear of death. boomers think subconciously they were above death, love trimphs, mundane life is life and so on... they are old now, this is a flu that destroy the old. so they command the world to protect the elderly.
they still want to see life as a crystal simulacrum disneyland park. they dont even know the difference anymore. the young is always the seed of hope, not backwards.
anyway i know the "let the old die" is not an answer. just pointing out something very baudriliiardly.

>> No.19604829
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He argued that there will be totally unfree future for the mankind. Baudrillard says you will be completely fastened to your corporate seats . There you go!

>> No.19605140
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trips of truth

>> No.19605190
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Hmm you did a terrible job of explaining anything. Although I sort of see how you'd see a parallel despite your utter failure of making it explicit.

People are not reacting to a virus. They are reacting to an image of a virus, a simulacrum composed entirely of their fears and convergent sociopolitical currents. The virus they are reacting to is more akin to a computer virus, an information vector consisting of hearsay, conspiracy, propaganda, misinformation, scientific data, and speculation all agglomerated into a composite hyperobject and virtual entity. The virus has become a vast overlord that dictates politics, economics, relationships: the Human. Its empire spans all regions of the anthropic territory. Except its true reality is veiled. The majority of the strife generated by the virus is not the thousands it kills or puts on ventilators, but the wasteland of shattered hopes and dreams it has left strewn about the territory of the Human which it has conquered.

>> No.19605221

>Hmm you did a terrible job of explaining anything. Although I sort of see how you'd see a parallel despite your utter failure of making it explicit.
Apologies OP, I'm sort of aggro today. This was needlessly snide.

>> No.19605291

This isn't to discount the concrete biomolecular reality of the virus in itself. Which indeed has caused damage through its own intrinsic operation. Otherwise there would be nothing to respond to; you can only scare people with shadows for so long. There has to be some substance to it. But the consequences of the virus far exceed illness and death. Those who it makes severely ill and those responsible for them suffer especially, but there is a surrounding miasma of more diffuse suffering which it has caused in the form of general discontent. Upset lives, disappointed youth, crushed plans. 150 million have been thrust into extreme poverty as a result of not the virus, but the response to it.

The causality of the virus goes beyond its mere biological process and replication as it infects the human body. It's causality branches into the human and into the future. Those millions who are impoverished will die or suffer in other ways indirectly because of the virus. Many lost opportunities will spoil into greater misfortunes. Stress will explode into violence.

Does the suffering of the 150 million who have been thrust into extreme poverty from medical expenses or lost employment greater than the suffering of those who died from the virus? Many of whom would have died from another cause sooner rather than later? The virus has created a shockwave that is not itself viral in constitution. Despite lacking in any intelligence or intentionality it has profoundly disrupted the entire framework of civilization and exposed its vulnerabilities. In this way the virus has humbled humanity and shown us the price for our hubris as supposed masters of the planet.

>> No.19606591


>> No.19607342


Kek based and sarcasm pilled

>> No.19607350

>Roughly 5


>> No.19607595

He's correct. See how the corporate entities have now absorbed identity politics into their "mode of being". Plenty of people will bow down to them in order to get a pittance and a sense of ease for their future. Does it matter that several Amazon workers were killed in a warehouse collapse because they weren't allowed to leave due to tornado warnings? No at least I got my trinket, and now to further drown out any semblance of guilt I will binge watch whatever show #10847920 for the millionth time, these people are like family!

>> No.19607773

they are so bad at fiction writing it is not even funny.

>> No.19608879


>> No.19609367

Every year at least twice as many Americans die than did in WWII.

>> No.19609953

something about his phenotype makes him look like he has the thickest johnson existence.

>> No.19610007

Thank you for the good post. I’d love to talk more with you. Email me johnsamuelsanswers@gmail.com

>> No.19610415

>how based is baudrillard?

/r/Baudrillard is banned.

>> No.19610451

Based and truthpilled
Pretentious pseudo-intellectuals should neck themselves

>> No.19610535

>The event captured not, as it used to be, in action, but in speculation and chain reactions spinning off towards the extremes of a facticity with which interpretation can no longer keep pace. Simulation is precisely this irresistible unfolding, this sequencing of things as though they had a meaning, when they are governed only by artificial montage and non-meaning. Putting the event up for auction by radical disinformation. Setting a price on the event, as against setting it in play, setting it in history. If there are any historical stakes, they remain secret, enigmatic; they are resolved in events which do not really take place. And I am not referring here to ordinary events, but to the events of Eastern Europe, the Gulf War, etc. Now, the aim of the Agency was precisely to set up against this simulation a radical desimulation or, in other words, to lift the veil on the fact of events not taking place. And thus to make itself secret and enigmatic in their image, to get through to a certain void, a certain non-meaning, by contrast with the media, which are frantic to plug up all the gaps. To move within the void of events like Chuang Tzu's butcher in the interstitial void of the body.*

>> No.19610557

>you sort of have like, preconceived notions of what REALITY IS, and that means that REALITY is actually lost UNDERNEATH YOUR PRECONCEPTIONS BRO, it's like, not real, it's like HYPERREAL because your PRECONCEPTIONS FIT THE HYPERREAL

>> No.19610584

blame China and the late government response, who to this day refuses to close travel. And who bans any mention of any alternative medicine other than vaccines.

>> No.19610988

How do I get into Agamben? What essays or books should I start with?

>> No.19611295

I imagine what he’s doing here is attempting to help stem nerds with no sense of a critical cultural lens realize that you can have a simulation play out across social networks instead of a literal computer simulation. However, The Matrix is actually a very clever way to smuggle the simulacrum idea into mainstream culture for those with the lens to see it deeper. It would have never been successful without the veil of an action sci-fi.

>> No.19611527

A decent metric, but not a particularly high bar.

>> No.19611546

I don't read french you fucking moron

>> No.19611957

the average life expectancy in the USA was 63.6 in 1945, so statistically almost every covid fatality would have already been dead before WW2 even started

>> No.19612415
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Provided you have a decent base in ancient and modern continental philosophy, just start reading Homo Sacer.

>> No.19612467

banning travel is probably the greatest faux pas to a liberal world order, you goddamn commie.

>> No.19612623

Zizek and the fag leftists who voted for Biden literally hate him. First time I was very happy that I gave money to a outright marxist author.(all Carl Schmitt scholarship is valid)