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/lit/ - Literature

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19594154 No.19594154 [Reply] [Original]

Alright this is a thread about taking a generic idea and executing it in a refreshing manner.
We will correct each other and what has been done before and how it should be done in a refreshing manner.

Bad guy romances. The whole story relies only on these 2 opportunistic morons, the girl who's an obvious self insert who's less of a piece of shit than the guy and the guy gets killed because "oh no I am a monster and just a figment of the author's imagination".
Yeah let's invert the genders then let's make it less of a grey matter, let's focus 50% of the action on an actual story instead of these 2 chucklefucks having basic-ass problems over their personalities.

Villain wants to destroy the world to rebuild it.
Obviously the simpleton way would be to say; do it step by step so he comes off less like a fatalist.
My idea is to keep the red button fatalism, but to show everyone that losing this world you're fighting for isn't worth it for because 1) you've barely lived for 200 years in the modern world 2) there's like 700 trillion planets with life on them far superior to our DNA, looks, weapons, entertainment, cuisine. Every fucking sci-fi loves making humans look like the only civilized species with superior everything.
Basically this villain would revert the modern world just 1000 years ago but kill any chance of those geniuses coming to progress your world to the 21st century and then he wiggles around "You sure you don't wanna press the reset button now, faggot?"

>> No.19594393

Modern people criticizing peasants and peasant literature. I honestly have not been paying attention to 1800-1940 literature being criticized so this comes off as unique and needed to me. However I will still try to avoid the obvious pitfalls.

I'd like to write a long separate side story of my main story where my main character shits all over redneck culture because it disgusts me I mean him harder than how Lovecraft was terrified of existential crisis. Except it's HR Giger raping his nightmares rather than running away from them.
In the main story he's a very benevolent elegant charming responsible character, but in the side story he adapts and evolves to his surroundings, even absorbing DNA and sun radiations to be more detailed about nature vs nurture.
He goes through every phase and portion of everything we hate about primitives, their misunderstanding of philosophy and traditions where they pervert and corrupt it, the disgusting peasant teachers that teach on the level of a special eds class and even have biased opinions about disrespecting intellectuals and skewing the perspective, the corrupted government, the mafia, the extremely poor people killing each over a loaf of bread, the bad pronunciation of the English language. Peasants are known for being vain and arrogant yet standardless and tasteless.

There are portions where my main character becomes a secondary character and the main antagonist. You see it from the redneck's perspective of how they view the main character as someone to be indifferent towards or far beyond them and to be jealous or dismissive of his intellectual qualities and how terrified they are of him.
However when enacting his disgust on them he is not a holier than thou fag from his ivory tower, on the contrary. He learns and copies from the peasants/gypsies/niggers and shows them how to be a proper sociopath, psychopath, killer, standardless sadomasochistic. He becomes a reflection of every character he met and terrifies them of their own negative qualities. He instantly becomes a feared mafia boss and politician at the top of the food chain to torture them all the better.

>> No.19594400

The only scene he gets a little high and mighty is where they try to hang him and read the list of atrocities he committed to which he laughs and snickers "reminds you of someone?" "You taught me this way, you born me this way, you elected me because I am you, you have nobody to blame but yourselves, nobody forced you to breed and to stay alive" they obviously stubbornly refuse his lessons. He shows that he faked their tiny rebellion, the rebels themselves were his men and they start beating the living shit out of the peasants. As a flex he flies off and leaves the entire region with a horrible parasite to suffer from, one which leaves them paralyzed yet conscious and constantly in pain, sleep-deprived, full of nightmares of him torturing them, lecturing them and teasing them with offering them the sweet release of death, but refusing and telling them they need to earn it. As well as imagery of babies beating the shit out of adults for daring to breed them and also toddlers setting the stove on fire to blow up the house and gypsies being hanged with their babies' own umbilical cords for daring to breed. All the good fucked up shit.

The parasite evolves and they eventually get trapped in a matrix like state where they end up in Hell where the main character is their Satan and he gives them the most tedious challenges and tortures ever. He keeps death on the most challenging route possible so only the most determined get to it, only for them to fail the final test of answering what they want to escape from.
He shows his utopian world where he comes from, the peasants are so stubborn and incapable of comprehending that they have no jealousy, they simply say " I don't get it, the farm life is good" eventually just like he copied their DNA, he implants them his own feelings directly into their brains and this demolishes them completely, they need no more at hand tasks to keep them busy for they have foresight and understand how futile they are and how everyone else evolved except them and how they need to die and stop breeding in order to evolve.

>> No.19594402

Didn't read

>> No.19594753

I read. It says you're a faggot.

>> No.19594794
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Niggerman Niggerman Niggerman HEYYYYOOOOOOOO AAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA everyone around me is going insane while I bask in their insanity like sweet nectar.

>> No.19594925


>> No.19595143


>> No.19596308

Ahem: Fuck niggers, fuck jannies, fuck mods and FUCK PEASANTS.

>> No.19596418


>> No.19596601

>Villain wants to destroy the world to rebuild it.
The problem often with this one is that they don't represent the entirety of the world and society as truly horrible. It's just 1 guy who had an unlucky hand and the protagonist in question goes "sucks to be you, I lived a happy life", in order to write this villain properly you need to actually make his dream tangible for the character and audience to see so they know what they're trading the world for.
Their current world also has to suck major balls for every single character.
Then you need to actually have the imagination to follow up the story with the new better world to explore without it being a bore fest of Mary Sue and Gary Stu lived a perfect happy life where nothing bad ever happened.

This story has been done before with countless immigration stories and "abandon your old home for the new safe haven" cliche, but they never had a world-ending villain. Funnily enough they had plenty of world-purifying heroes.

>> No.19597242

Gender inverted bad romances makes more sense.