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19589080 No.19589080 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.19589085

>le cliff man
Nazism is such utter kitsch.

>> No.19589508

90% of high ranking Nazis were gay so it makes sense.

>> No.19589515

Kitsch is not a real thing take your meds

>> No.19589518

Now, I'm just speculating here, but I don't know if Goebbel oversaw this translation and was available for consultation about the choice of cover art.

>> No.19589526

It was likely a shut-in freak like you who oversaw it.

>> No.19589532

It was someone who worked in the publishing industry, my overly sensitive friend

>> No.19589541

>publishing industry
lol no

>> No.19589549
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some booool-shiet

>> No.19589550

You'd better listen to him, nothing Jews know better than the publishing industry since they own it.

>> No.19589551

You don't have a very solid grasp of logic do you

>> No.19589563

This is not a matter of logic, retard.

>> No.19589589

>someone whose job is publishing books is not in the publishing industry
I look forward to more interesting remarks from you

>> No.19589627

lmao fuck off Modern art fag.

>> No.19589640

Greenberg didn't invent the term, brainlet.

>> No.19589877
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Always do the opposite of what they say.

>> No.19589890

What is it with right wing chuddoids and this painting of a guy standing on a mountain?
>woah.. he just like me :)
>me stand up high, sigma male, against the whole world...

>> No.19589904

Yes how dare men aspire to any ideal. It's not even a me against the world vibe either, it's more a romantic appreciation of the grandeur of nature and men's place in it

>> No.19589907

what's with the left wing and cutting off children's cocks, salivating over destroying monogamous families, and "destigmatizing" AIDS mental illness and drug overdoses?

>> No.19589910

Right-wingers stand onto of mountains, you stand on chairs just before you hang yourself. We are not the same.

>> No.19589922

t. 14 yrs old

>> No.19589939
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>Be a Lefty and read
>Genre fiction for young adults
>Political theory that does not reach beyond what you're told to read
>Philosophical exploration seen only through the lens of pop culture
>Social critique that lays the blame for everything at your own feet
>Same five tropes repacked the exact same way every time with a different name

This is why you're depressed and lack the facilities needed to deal with an increasingly hostile world and it's occupants.

>> No.19589953
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It does you no favors to call a growing majority of the population children. It will not be long until these sentiments will be on the national stage once again.

>> No.19589965
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If it's new sincerity vs. Jew sincerity, sorry but I'm picking the former.

>> No.19590000

Watch this video, it will be like looking in a mirror.

>> No.19590007

>Live, Laugh, Love.

>> No.19590025

Children grow out of their edgy phase after they have sex, faggot.

>> No.19590027
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>Codreanu’s most effective propaganda in these years was to be work, action, and the example. Hundreds of voluntary labor camps of the Legion, then called the TPT Party, dotted the map of Romania, repairing village bridges, roads, and churches, building dams, digging wells and working “for the collective and national solidarity.” In these camps, the boyar son worked side by side with the son of the laborer and the peasant, creating a powerful feeling of national unity and renovation. If the new intellectuals who graduated (or failed to graduate) in increasing numbers from the universities and joined the ranks of the Legion were strongly anti-Semitic because of the Jewish middle classes blocking their way, the lower classes came to the Legion because they hoped to fulfill their desires for a social justice on a national rather than a Russian Bolshevik platform.

>As the Legion increased in importance, it had to take a certain number of stands on practical issues of the day despite its acute revulsion to dealing with the problems of the sordid twentieth-century industrial age. These stands and attitudes were taken on an ad hoc basis when the Legion had to face them, and the result was a curious mixture of their ideology and more realistic considerations. Although it concentrated its activities in the villages, the Legion formed the Corps of Legionary Workers in 1936 and in addition to the dozens of labor camps, Codreanu ordered the Legion to enter a very new field for Romanians, commerce. He wanted to prove that not only Jews could be successful in this area. "In less than a year, the Battalion of Legionary Commerce founded a chain of Legionary restaurants, groceries, and repair shops covering Bucharest and the provincial towns. The income from these establishments financed vacations for underprivileged children and provided funds for the movement.” Besides the commercial establishments, there was a Legionary welfare organization, and steps were taken to organize Legionary cooperatives. At the opening of the Legionary sanatorium in Predeal, different payment rates were established. Everybody was to pay according to his conscience; the poor were not to pay at all.

>> No.19590035

Checked and rekt.

>> No.19590057
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About to be wed and have my first child. I tire of democracy and the direction it is leading us. I long for a more austere and focused leadership caste that has my ethnic and ethical interests at heart.

I do not think that day is far.

>> No.19590073
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>> No.19590076
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>Though very young at the time, the writer remembers well the turbulent days in the autumn of 1937, when the most hotly contested elections of the interwar period were being fought in Transylvania. As a child of eight I visited with my parents some relatives and family friends in a village deep in the Apuseni Mountains, the heart of Romanian Transylvania .. In the evening, when the intelligentsia gathered in the salon .. {the villagers} discussed only one thing: the coming visit of Codreanu, the dreaded captain of the Iron Guard, the next day. There was simply no limit to the abuse these ladies and gentlemen, Hungarians of the Christian and Jewish faith, heaped upon him. One of the ladies, who had seen him in Târgu Mureș the year before, spoke of him as if she had seen the monster's head but dared not describe it.

>Something of an adventurer by nature, I decided I must take a closer look at this fabulous being, whatever the cost. The next day I proceeded to carry out my decision. My best friend, the son of the local Orthodox priest and older than I by four years, provided some pieces of peasant costume, and the two conspirators headed toward the churchyard where the Legionary meeting was to take place.

>The little square before the church teemed with peasants dressed in their colorful Sunday best. Many of them had walked dozens of miles to get there. And there were many, too many, gendarmes from the local gendarme station. The prefect of the district of Turda had, as officials of inefficient, corrupt regimes often do, administered a pinprick to exasperate rather than a blow to crush; he had forbidden Codreanu to speak but had not outlawed the meeting itself. And the crowd of simple, miserable peasants swelled until the churchyard could hold no more.

>There was suddenly a hush in the crowd. A tall, darkly handsome man dressed in the white costume of a Romanian peasant rode into the yard on a white horse. He halted close to me, and I could see nothing monstrous or evil in him. On the contrary. His childlike, sincere smile radiated over the miserable crowd, and he seemed to be with it yet mysteriously apart from it. Charisma is an inadequate word to define the strange force that emanated from this man. He was more aptly simply part of the forests, of the mountains, of the storms on the snow-covered peaks of the Carpathians, and of the lakes and rivers. And so he stood amid the crowd, silently.

>He had no need to speak. His silence was eloquent; it seemed to be stronger than we, stronger than the order of the prefect who denied him speech. An old, white-haired peasant woman made the sign of the cross on her breast and whispered to us, "The emissary of the Archangel Michael!" Then the sad little church bell began to toll, and the service which invariably preceded Legionary meetings began. Deep impressions created in the soul of a child die hard. In more than a half of a century I have never forgotten my meeting with Corneliu Zelea Codreanu.

>> No.19590081

Try not to make your child as cringe as you.

>> No.19590083
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>Bräuninger recounts a remarkable incident in which Mussolini invited the German – and incidentally Jewish – translator of Dante, Rudolf Borchardt, to a private audience in 1933, and quotes from Rudolf Borchardt’s Besuch bei Mussolini (Visit to Mussolini):

>'I could only be astonished that this man, the ruler of Italy, with all the burdens of the day’s work on his shoulders, found time to discuss with me the precise translation of individual words and expressions . . . He opened the first Canto and began to read. “That is a literal translation,” he remarked, and then said, “I understand it is written in a modern German style. Wait, what is this?” He pointed to a word he did not know, and I had to explain it to him. . . . Concentrated willpower and a positive sort of decisiveness mastered in large part the rounded and complete gestures of the kind one might expect from a dignitary of the Church or an aristocratic poet, reminding me of some pictures of the later Goethe. . . . Schlegel, Schelling, Hegel, King Johann of Saxony, Vossler, George – he made a brief appraisal of each. “Now to the fifth circle of the Inferno,” he exclaimed, adding rapidly and almost merrily, “Francesca da Remini.” . . . He went to the last stanzas, read out my German translation, then recited the original Italian verses from memory, read more German, and compared them exactly with the verses which he knew by heart. He pointed to a subtlety of tone in the Italian original and wanted to be sure that I had successfully reproduced it in German, reading out my German version slowly and carefully, with a strong but accurate pronunciation. Finally, he interrupted his own criticisms and suggestions by excusing himself, adding that he was only a layman and a mere reader. He closed the book, opened it once more, and finally closed it for good. “Thank you,” he said earnestly, and shook my hand warmly.' (p. 163)

>So much for the ignorant dictator! It would be interesting to know how many professors of Italian literature today could today offer an informed critique of a translation of Dante’s Inferno, citing stanzas by heart, let alone how many mere laymen and readers could do so. Bräuninger tells us that Mussolini was an avid reader of the Classics and a keen opera aficionado, something which tends to be ignored in post-war mainstream historical accounts.

>Much else tends to be downplayed as well, which Bräuninger highlights, including the enormous popularity of Mussolini’s economic and social policies.

>> No.19590095

>wall of text
Sorry. Didn’t read.

>> No.19590101
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>How then did Germany “break the bondage of interest”? Few now know. Rearmament is not a sufficient explanation. Prof. A. J. P. Taylor, the eminent British historian, and hardly a Nazi sympathizer, writes:

>"Fascism, it was claimed, represented the last aggressive stage of capitalism in decline, and its momentum could be sustained only by war. There was an element of truth in this, but not much. The full employment which Nazi Germany was the first European country to possess, depended in large part on the production of armaments; but it could have been provided equally well (and was to some extent) by other forms of public works from roads to great buildings. The Nazi secret was not armament production; it was freedom from the then orthodox principles of economics . . . the argument for war did not work even if the Nazi system had relied on armaments production alone. Nazi Germany was not choking in a flood of arms. On the contrary, the German Generals insists unanimously in 1939 that they were not equipped for war and that many years must pass before “rearmament in depth” had been completed."

>Answering predictions of ruin by orthodox economists throughout the world, Hitler explained that Germany had not withdrawn from world trade but had bypassed the international financial system by means of barter, stating:

>"If certain countries combat the German system this is done in the first instance because through the German method of trading their tricks of international currency and Bourse speculations have been abolished in favor of honest business transactions. . . . We are buyers of good foodstuff and raw materials and suppliers of equally good commodities!"

>> No.19590105
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You resort to ad-hominen and slurs. Why?

I am truly tired of the system we all readily agree is riddled with corruption, utterly inefficient and ineffectual at solving problems or even maintaining a comfortable state of affairs. We have people on trial right now that are confirming the most senior levels of business and politics are involved in what is the greatest child-sex ring the world has seen and the news media is silent on it.

I'd like to see those responsible for hiding it and those partaking in it hang.

Do you not want to see things change?

>> No.19590136

Why is this painting on literally every book (usually translations) with an egotistical author?

>> No.19590141

>We have people on trial right now that are confirming the most senior levels of business and politics are involved in what is the greatest child-sex ring the world has seen and the news media is silent on it.
And you think the Nazis were any better lol?

>> No.19590150
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I'm at the point where i am willing to find out, and if the sectors of society responsible for such a state of affairs are purged, I would be willing to accept that too.

>> No.19590160
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Sure. Mussolini annihilated the centuries-old Italian mafia within 10 years. The Allies reinstated them and they have since been more powerful than ever. Way to dodge his question though, nice pilpul. I see your strategy is always to reply with an obtuse, irrelevant one-liner until your opponent is annoyed and exhausted.

>> No.19590532
File: 502 KB, 1200x1605, 2021-09-12_Politik,_TV-Triell_Bundestagswahl_2021_1DX_3801_by_Stepro_(cropped).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you chuds want me to tell you what the new Chancellor of Germany has planned for his country? I doubt youll like it.
Oh and Ill tell you his favorite books to keep this /lit/erature related.

>> No.19590548

But you don't gain anything from sucking off your masters do you

>> No.19590567

at least rightoid imagines himself to be a great hero like Achilles or Caesar. leftoids imagine themselves to becoming a pharisee or somesuch beggar or hucksters as al Sharpton.

>> No.19591089

don't waste your time. you'll get the same experience just by browsing reddit for an hour or so.

>> No.19591145

>posts le epic corncob vaudeville nazi man