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19573262 No.19573262 [Reply] [Original]

Hello. Materialism sucks. If nothing exists except for matter and its movements and modifications, then there cannot be a God. If there is no God, then there is no inherent meaning to life. Materialism inevitably leads to atheism which inevitably leads to nihilism. That is, unless we create meaning for ourselves (existentialism). Which I tried. But then I read more, and started to realize that all these meanings I created were all spooks. God, religion, fatherland, motherland, nation, family, people, virtue, morality, the good, truth, freedom, humanity, justice, my people, etc. Eventually I came to realize that all there is, is me, and my ego.

I know peopel will say one of the following:

"Read epicurus. If there is nothing but your ego, and it's relation to the material around you, then live a life of simple pleasures, do whatever you want".
(I'm looking at you butter tranny)
Doing this rn, life is worse then it ever has been

"Bro just read the pessimists"
Already did, if anything it made it worse

Or "Bro just Eastern religion and stop caring".
This doesn't work either, just makes me into a neet

Or "Bro read Nietzsche"
Him and Stirner got me into this mess in the first place

Or "Bro just Christ"
Can't, I've tried praying the rosary every day for months. At first I thought maybe the problem was that I was just going through the motions/rituals, so I switched to just trying to talk to him every night, but still nothing. I've sobbed and I've cried, but I never heard anything, not felt even the slightest thing. I've always been like this. Some people are just cursed like this I dunno, but Christ won't work.

This sucks. This sucks so fucking bad. I need to cope cope cope.

So for my newest cope, I'm becoming a slavic pagan because I'm Polish. *honk honk*. Very cool isn't it. Recommend me slavic pagan lit please. I already looked here https://4chanlit.fandom.com/wiki/Charts, and I could only find charts for germanic and celtic paganism. Or alternatively, recommend me books on pre-Christian Polish religion.

Thanks in advance

>> No.19573271

bro i feel the same way i'm polish american and tried to get into cath larping the last couple years but it just drained by energy and life force. when i dropped it and went back and read homer my will came back. now i want to explore other european paganisms especially slavic.

>> No.19573282

I'm Polish Canadian. Parents immigrated to leafland. I was born here and lived my entire life here. But they only speak Polish in the house so I know it fluently

>> No.19573296

Why are you so convinced by materialism in the first place?

>> No.19573303

oh sweet, my family came here like 100 years ago in that wave of immigration at the turn of the last century, so i'm far removed from poland.

>> No.19573341

Kill me pete

>> No.19573346

Meaning is found by living, not just reading

>> No.19573382 [DELETED] 
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In fact, you might find me from time to time in the /polska/ threads on /int/. I think there should be barely any leafs other then me that frequent it.

I don't want to debate this stuff rn, because it is ruining my pagan cope that I'm trying to do. This debate can be done in the commie threads, since all the commies there share my materialistic worldview. There's one with 311 replies rn, please take it there.

Uh, this just seems like an empty platitude. It's way too broad. Be wayyyy more specific. Because I have been living plenty, and the problem feels like the fact that I am.

>> No.19573409
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>> No.19573428

1. You're a fucking cringe LARPer.
2. There is pretty much no surviving Slavic pagan literature.
3. The very idea that you'd read texts to become a part of a pagan religion shows that you have a modern protestant mindset. Pagan religion was a communal matter, you were a part of it by the virtue of being a part of the tribe, you learned about it from your mother and the priest, what they told you, which they learned from their own predecessors, and you practiced the rituals with your people, etc.

>I'm Polish Canadian

>> No.19573465 [DELETED] 
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>>>19573262 (OP)
>1. You're a fucking cringe LARPer.
>2. There is pretty much no surviving Slavic pagan literature.
>3. The very idea that you'd read texts to become a part of a pagan religion shows that you have a modern protestant mindset. Pagan religion was a communal matter, you were a part of it by the virtue of being a part of the tribe, you learned about it from your mother and the priest, what they told you, which they learned from their own predecessors, and you practiced the rituals with your people, etc.
>>>19573282 (You)
>>I'm Polish Canadian
>https://youtu.be/U1UtRnGn5hc [Embed]

>> No.19573475
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And what is your nationality, are you a mutt?

>> No.19573560

Do you even know how to talk in Polish anyway?

>> No.19573613

Wilhelm Meister, then more Goethe, then fill your life with engaging, productive activity. It’s probably not ideas that’s making you sad but the way you spend your time (the actual content of your life is bad)

>> No.19573649

Oh and if you need to larp to get started Goethe was famously pagan in spirit and character

>> No.19573795

Slavs have been Christian since the 10th century. In fact, the Byzantine missionaries Cyril and Methodius invented the Slavic script.
There aren't really many pagan books. Even a story such as Beowulf (700 ad?) is very Christianized, since it was adapted and later recorded by monks.
Beowulf itself might be of interest to you actually. It's a pretty cool mix of the Germanic lordship oriented, warrior culture and the Christian mythos. Worth at least learning about.

>> No.19573799 [DELETED] 

what should i read from goethe for this? i read that book about the emo kid, and i tried to read that rip off of marlow but got filtered and it wasn't particularly pagan anyways. maybe that book about his roman vacation?

>> No.19573909

Yes in case you couldn't read the previous posts, I am fluent in it. This includes talking. It was the first language I learned, before English

>> No.19573927

Thanks, I will look into his works. If I gave the specific details it would self dox, but sadly, I am in a situation where I cannot change the way I spend my time. I mean I could, but it would mean throwing away my future.

>> No.19573931

Boo germany. But really though, if we don't have writings, then what are the records of these traditions? Was it all oral? But I mean it has to be written down somewhere. Regardless, I guess slavic paganism literature in general would be good, if Poland is too specific

>> No.19574128
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Alright it's late, dead thread, gn

>> No.19574140
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>This undead rusalka is not invariably malevolent, and would be allowed to die in peace if her death is avenged. Her main purpose is, however, to lure young men, seduced by either her looks or her voice, into the depths of said waterways where she would entangle their feet with her long hair and submerge them. Her body would instantly become very slippery and not allow the victim to cling on to her body in order to reach the surface. She would then wait until the victim had drowned, or, on some occasions, tickle them to death, as she laughed.
>They were usually pictured as beautiful naked maidens, but in some areas they were imagined as hideous and hairy.[17] They were said to tickle men to death. According to some Russian beliefs, rusalki had the appearance of very pale little girls with green hair and long arms. In other beliefs, they were described as naked girls with light brown hair.
>In Poland and Czech Republic, water rusalki/rusalky were younger and fair-haired, while the forest ones looked more mature and had black hair – but in both cases, if someone looked up close, their hair turned green, and the faces became distorted.[18] They killed their victims by tickling them to death or forcing them to participate in a frenzied dance.[19]

>> No.19574152

Become a gay Catholic. Pray the anal beads every day. Eat the poop off of them like a good Lutheran.

>> No.19574232

>Or alternatively, recommend me books on pre-Christian Polish religion.
Gieysztor and Banaszkiewicz are two historians you're looking for. Since you're Polish you should be able to read them.
There's basically no primary material so only comparativist works like that are available in general.

>> No.19575545

Unironically read Ride the Tiger, it'll either give you the basis you need to fix yourself or give you the final push to crash and burn. Keep in mind that even according to your own experiences outlined in this thread, you have indeed created and destroyed your own meanings through your will, anon.
Wish I had any Slavic pagan lit to suggest, especially anything that's relevant to your issue. But my suggestion is already good enough. Just read it.

>> No.19575648

>If there is no God, then there is no inherent meaning to life.
why'd you need that in the first place lmao bugman retard

>> No.19576630

GermanIC. It's a legend Norwegian migrants brought over to England.
If you're interested in folk tales, a lot of writers collected those during the rise of nationalism in 1700-1900.

>> No.19576648

Isn't there anything on Perun? I'm sure there is. Also, avoid the nazis and Putin fags, and you'll be fine. Oh and listen to Percival

>> No.19576663

also, how does there being a god give life meaning? no one ever explains this.

>> No.19576964
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>Keep in mind that even according to your own experiences outlined in this thread, you have indeed created and destroyed your own meanings through your will, anon.
What did you mean by this, I don't understand

I always saw Evola and Guenon on here, but I never seriously read their works before. But thank you for the suggestion, I'll definitely read it.

>> No.19577023
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Re-read the OP

>> No.19577040

Kill me, Pete

>> No.19577099

Kill me, Pete

>> No.19577117

The Book of Veles
Ancient Slavic Paganism by Boris Rybakov

>> No.19577138

Kill me, Pete, but don’t let my family get any money or property.

>> No.19577451
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>> No.19577463

Google Petukhov science fiction.

>> No.19577800

Isn't that a forgery?

>> No.19577841

Yes, it was, the scribe illegally wrote down a Slavic Druid's oral traditions, thereby performing the world's first act of NFT theft.

Anyways, yeah it MIGHT be completely madeup nonsense from the 1800s. It also MIGHT be some dude taking an existing "Slavic Folklore" narrative (remember, Russia wasn't Christianized until the mid 1700s) and trying to make it seem more old-timey by doing the Russian equivalent of Ye Olde.