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19548435 No.19548435 [Reply] [Original]

Books on how men don't deserve women?

>> No.19548441

Boring. Can we just permanent ban this person IP address?

>> No.19548456

>check her instagram
>has herpes
blacks are so gross

>> No.19548488
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anything schopenhauer

>> No.19548491

m'lady care to use my face as a seat?

>> No.19548493

Isn't he the opposite of that?

>> No.19548501

men don't deserve (the punishment that) women (are).

>> No.19548548

Page 1.
I came too soon.
She's upset.
I'm sorry.
The end.

>> No.19548557


>> No.19548558 [DELETED] 

I want to titfuck this niggress but other than that I don't want to have anything to do with niggers because they disgust me.

>> No.19548587

If humanity does not address the Woman Question within the next 50 years, we honestly deserve to go extinct

>> No.19548658

made for bwc

>> No.19548662

>the Woman Question
What dare I ask is the woman question?

>> No.19548671


>> No.19548675

Women hate intelligence not just intelligent men. This is why they hate men and other women. This is why they love dating violent apelike men who cause the Single Mother Question who breed criminals. Stats.

>> No.19548676

They own the financial syst...
No wait

>> No.19548684

They're entitled to it in welfare and warfare and social security

>> No.19548698

>“What do you mean by the power of women?” I said. “Everybody, on the contrary, complains that women have not sufficient rights, that they are in subjection.”

>“That’s it; that’s it exactly,” said he, vivaciously. “That is just what I mean, and that is the explanation of this extraordinary phenomenon, that on the one hand woman is reduced to the lowest degree of humiliation and on the other hand she reigns over everything. See the Jews: with their power of money, they avenge their subjection, just as the women do. ‘Ah! you wish us to be only merchants? All right; remaining merchants, we will get possession of you,’ say the Jews. ‘Ah! you wish us to be only objects of sensuality? All right; by the aid of sensuality we will bend you beneath our yoke,’ say the women.

>“The absence of the rights of woman does not consist in the fact that she has not the right to vote, or the right to sit on the bench, but in the fact that in her affectional relations she is not the equal of man, she has not the right to abstain, to choose instead of being chosen. You say that that would be abnormal. Very well! But then do not let man enjoy these rights, while his companion is deprived of them, and finds herself obliged to make use of the coquetry by which she governs, so that the result is that man chooses ‘formally,’ whereas really it is woman who chooses. As soon as she is in possession of her means, she abuses them, and acquires a terrible supremacy.”
-Tolstoy, the Kreutzer Sonata

>> No.19548701
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That ain't it, chief.

>> No.19548728

>“But where do you see this exceptional power?”

>“Where? Why, everywhere, in everything. Go see the stores in the large cities. There are millions there, millions. It is impossible to estimate the enormous quantity of labor that is expended there. In nine-tenths of these stores is there anything whatever for the use of men? All the luxury of life is demanded and sustained by woman. Count the factories; the greater part of them are engaged in making feminine ornaments. Millions of men, generations of slaves, die toiling like convicts simply to satisfy the whims of our companions.

>“Women, like queens, keep nine-tenths of the human race as prisoners of war, or as prisoners at hard labor. And all this because they have been humiliated, because they have been deprived of rights equal to those which men enjoy. They take revenge for our sensuality; they catch us in their nets.

>“Yes, the whole thing is there. Women have made of themselves such a weapon to act upon the senses that a young man, and even an old man, cannot remain tranquil in their presence. Watch a popular festival, or our receptions or ball-rooms. Woman well knows her influence there. You will see it in her triumphant smiles.

>> No.19548730

She's gorgeous.

>> No.19548744

built for BWC (Big White Cock)

>> No.19548773

I really just want to be a literal slave to a beautiful women.
No penatrative sex.
She keeps me in a cock cage and sleeps around, has a boyfriend, or a husband. I don't care. I just want to be her property and for her to be having sex with whomever she pleases and for her to treat me in physically and emotionally abusive ways for her own pleasure.
(Books for this feel?)

>> No.19548782

That's the fate of most married men, you ain't special

>> No.19548803

The Big Tiddy woman in question

>> No.19548804

Why are black women such femcels?
It's kinda pathetic

>> No.19548818

Yes, but I also want to be forced fem, sleep in a cage, not be permitted to speak unless she tells me to, make dinner for her and her male lovers, etc

>> No.19548825

Same. The idea of being continually violated is the hottest fantasy. Maybe hopefully one of these days I can find some BPD crazy bitch to chain and abuse me.

>> No.19548870

I married a japanese/filipina mutt who has BPD. Do not do it. Just fuck them a few times, then disappear. It is not worth it.

>> No.19548877

the scum manifesto... go wild...

>> No.19548889

But I like the idea. Sex and emotional abuse. Sounds hot af. There just needs to be some forum where I can prostitute myself out to these crazy bitches.

>> No.19548890

Women don't deserve men.

>> No.19548907

You can find them at any "midwest emo" show. From my experience, any girl who could satisfy /mu/'s autistic taste most likely has BPD

>> No.19548913

I deserve a woman actually.

>> No.19548915

Thanks I'll look into it. You're doing God's work.

>> No.19548924
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and I wish you’d all go away sometimes

>> No.19548925

Though I don't really listen to emo music or have the look. So I might not fit in.

>> No.19548973

Just say you like American Football and the Front Bottoms and every girl in a 1 mile radius will come crawling as long as you look like a slightly functional human

>> No.19549038
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Thanks for the advice fren.

>> No.19549184

Modern women have sex with fifteen to thirty men in college, then legitimately think they deserve another human to lay down their life, pay for their food (despite it being the 21st century and them all having jobs) and take care of their every wish. And if you confront them on this point, that you feel spited for having to, if the time comes, give up your life in their defense, give up your wealth, your life source, and they squandered their gift to you in dark bedrooms in frat houses high and drunk out of their minds, I swear on my life they will not understand a single complaint. They will cry, oh of course they will cry, but they will never once wrap their mind around why you have an issue with it.

>> No.19549227

This blackpill nearly ruined my life

>> No.19549235
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They also don't know how to use a condom and think giving a small village body count of blowjobs is totally safe.

I really regret fucking women in college man. No regrets with prostitutes who know how to have safe sex. My ex gf would pound her ass to pop every condom through. Sex with prostitutes is just better mechanically. More skill. Less risk. Sure less emotional chemistry but c'mon as if we're having much of that these days without the media turning them into demon voice puppets.

>> No.19549236

How did you avoid it from ruining your life

>> No.19549238
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Women don’t deserve men

>> No.19549243

Please don’t fuck prostitutes. That’s really weird.

>> No.19549262
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According to Dennis Hof, pimp of the Moonlight Bunny Ranch Brothel, prostitutes in Las Vegas fail to use condoms at such rates that an estimated 10% of sex workers have HIV. (Art of the Pimp)
In 40 years of running 4 brothels, Hof has not had one unplanned pregnancy or failed one STD test. All girls who fail to use condoms properly are fired immediately.

Women have no direction for self preservation. If you fail to realize this by the time you're about to dick one down you're in extreme danger. Diagnostic clinics cannot diagnose every STD out there. Not all diseases are discovered or discoverable and antibiotics are more impotent each day.

>> No.19549323
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All women in my country are whores. Professional whores in my country are at least professionals. Prostitutes are out of my league 10/10 but not out of my budget. Lovers in my league are insane with hypergamy expectations completely dissonant from financial reality. Even when I settle for the ugliest smartest yet fuckable nerdy hag I still see no sign of sentient resilience. They're not even capable of being content at this point even though I'm jacked, 6' and have a steady respectable job and great reputation. It's their dissonance with our financial disaster running on fumes at this point having them wreck everything like hysterical tornados of simp conscription.

I actually had the perfect woman a decade ago. We were in love and about to start a family. I would have never done any of the immoralities I have been doing now just to have the impression of living present breathing company that doesn't provoke heavy normie fatigue. My high school sweetheart was my heroic Brunhilda shield maiden. Crazy He Calls Me was our anthem. I guess some Jewess phone spy and her Juden banker boy conspired against us at a micro and macro level to ruin our economy. I feel like the new South Park episodes are about me and my Pandemic Special weed farm plan. It was like a Goldrush out of California Settler history books. Like they were watching from every camera.

>> No.19549349
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>> No.19549367
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I even look like Randy Marsh in real life sometimes when the moustache is just right. I don't own a blue shirt though.

>> No.19549368

That isn't actually true.

>> No.19549372

What's the truth then?

>> No.19549380

Add a few zeroes

>> No.19549381

As much as I’m living it’s true

>> No.19549400

I don't like black women but I want to be smothered by her tits and ass

>> No.19549727


>> No.19549832

Don’t mention us ever again we are not apart of this retarted degeneracy

>> No.19550191


>> No.19550244

>That second paragraph

>> No.19550417

zoomer biographies