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19547632 No.19547632 [Reply] [Original]

I did not care for Siddhartha.

>> No.19547638

The entire western canon is trite, and I don't see why people speak fondly of them.

>> No.19547653

I did not care for The Trial and The Castle is even worse

>> No.19547654

BLOOD MERIDIAN, but I'm thinking of giving it another go.

>> No.19547658

1984 it's boring dull and not entertaining

>> No.19547660

Yeah, that book is short but I couldn't finish it (I was close to the end too).
Yeah, I get it bro, this guy fucks off, does a bunch of shit, has sex a couple of times, settles down, and then fucks off again, *yawn*.
It's not even fucking deep and prose is unremarkable, so all there is to the book is this bland fucking narrative. Dissapointing.

>> No.19547662

Moby Dick

>> No.19547664

I also found Siddhartha uninteresting. If I found it earlier maybe I would have liked it but I got like 30 pages in.
Personally I couldn't finish the brothers karamazov, just too fucking boring and his philosophy is pretty well explained in Crime and Punishment.

>> No.19547743

A Confederacy of Dunces.
It was just ok.

>> No.19547754

In Search of Lost Time


>> No.19548207

All of Sci-fi except 1984 and Fahrenheit 451.

>> No.19548232

I thought Anna Karenina was not good

>> No.19548556


>> No.19548591

Instruction manuals aren't meant to be entertaining.

>> No.19548608

it insists upon itself

>> No.19548996

Neuromancer. Call me a brainlet but I got so frustrated with Gibson's autistic technobabble that I wanted to deck him in the face towards the end

>> No.19549092
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I just could not stand the snide boomer humor and the thought of Russian "polite" society makes me physically ill.

>> No.19549108

The Recognition
Beckett’s Trilogy
Henry James
Any epistolary novel
Motley Stones
Under the Volcano
Infinite Jest

>> No.19549139

Dune, Book of the New Sun, Foundation, Infinite Jest, Gravity's Rainbow, Ulysses, Neuromancer, Brandon Sanderson, any fantasy more recent than Tolkien, also bonus album: fuck Mastodon and their album on Moby Dick

>> No.19549149

Farenheit 451

>> No.19549230

The Heart of Darkness.

>> No.19549306

A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man

>> No.19549324

Othello has more holes than swiss cheese. King Lear is overrated as fuck. Hamlet drags on. Romeo and Julliet is okay.

>> No.19549333

This. It has some cute moments but overall it wasnt very good.

>> No.19549396

Game of thrones

>> No.19549399

The Iliad. The Oydssey is based though.
Don Quixote. I read it in native Spanish so I don't know if anons are reading some translation that make it sound better than it really is.

>> No.19549462

I thought that ISAIF was pretty entertaining.

>> No.19549579

kek both are among my favorites

>> No.19549705

Crime and Punishment

200 pages in and the only interesting thing was Marmadelov or whatever his name was. I did not sign up for 70+ pages of Raskolnikov being so fucking retarded as not being able to form proper scentences and excusing it into having a fever.

Also, his friend narrating his mental status was fun the first time, but after 40 times it gets dull.

>> No.19549722

Yeah. Only if you're 15 and it's your first book

>> No.19549973

Tbf it’s an exemplary “introduction” book. It’s his most shallow work by far. Demian and Steppenwolf are Kino though. Just great stuff

>> No.19550031

I saw a quack paki Psychologist once and he had the book on his desk. I didn't know anything about it at the time, but he gave me weird vibes so I never returned.
Another reason I now know that Psychology is bullshit.

>> No.19550041

Try Kafka again in a few years. I hated him at first, now he’s a favorite

>> No.19550056

>even considers sci-fi shit as literature

>> No.19550065

M&M didn't do it for me either. It's just not funny. A cat that talks wow hilarious. Just meh

>> No.19550330


>> No.19550339

Everything by DeLillo and Infinite Jest. A lot of postmodern lit outside of Pynchon is not too interesting to me

>> No.19550345


>> No.19550406

once the murder has happened, that book becomes so god damn information packed and eventful that I found it almost too interesting to put down. The final third is the best section as well, so maybe worth sticking around for it.

>> No.19550410

same. perhaps the translation was bad but both time i tried Kafka it was incredibly tedious and hard to read.

I gave up Anna Karenina Part 2 halfway. I liked the first part, but the second just kind of goes nowhere

same. absolutely terrible book

I'm gonna be honest and say that I don't think i've really enjoyed anything by Dostoievski. I've read like 2 or 3 of his books when I was 18 and I felt like I was supposed to like it because it's literature with a capital L, but I barely remember any of it except that it was kinda boring. Again perhaps the translation was not good.

Also the Count of Monte Cristo is ok but overrated. "What if you someone wronged you and you came back 10 years later with infinite money and knowledge and skills and you're super handsome and every women in town wants to fuck you, except you are le dark character". The style is ok and easy going but the gist of the book is Naruto-tier.

>> No.19550420

I’ll be the first to admit I was filtered, although I did finish it. There just wasn’t anything that blew me away, it was boring but not the good kind of boring.

>> No.19550464
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I honestly found no depth or anything interesting at all in the Great Gatsby. The only reason I can conceive for its prominence is that it was pushed hard by the education system in the late 20th century as the "wasp upper class" became the great boogeyman, enough for it to stick. I can't imagine someone genuinely enjoying reading it though.

>> No.19550488
File: 63 KB, 376x467, such-an-amazing-love-story-boys-when-reading-shakespeare-you-are-a-saucy-boy-what-you-egg-stabs-him.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only ever enjoyed Shakespeare's comedies, some of which I do really like and have repeatedly come back to, but all of his tragedies felt lackluster and, for lack of a better description, reddit & tryhard to me.

>> No.19550502

Catch 22
Found it annoying and boring. Stopped 4 chapters in

>> No.19550512

>buy the idiot
>first chapter pages is just a bunch of gibberish names
>don't even know whose talking by the third page
>tfw I'm the idiot
>close book

>> No.19550610

I tried reading Crime and Punishment but the old drunk guy moaning out his life story was just too much misery porn for me.
>dude so then after losing my job I like went to my daughter, who became a prostitute to survive, and then begged her for her last cent so I could come here and get drunk, she'll probably get kicked out of her home lol
fucking russians

>> No.19551121

Fucking hated The Picture of Dorian Gray.

>> No.19551157

Marmeladov is pure tragicomedy. I found him funny and sad in equal parts.

>> No.19551266

The Count of Monte Cristo is 700 pages too long. You could edit it into lean little thriller and it would be perfect

>> No.19551818

Ten chapters into Lonesome dove and it has mostly been about drunk cowboys getting cucked by a whore. I don't think I'll continue reading it.

>> No.19552699

>Infinite Jest
The writing first few pages were so weirdly writen that I couldn't go on.
>Don Quijote
Each chapter is writen almost exactly the same.
>Don Quijote meets some normal people
>confuses them for villains or peasants in dire need of a knight
>cringe monologue
>gets hurt in some way
The constant references to Spanish capeshit books are also tiring. It's not too bad of a book but it's boring as fuck and too repetitive.

>> No.19552703

*the first few pages

>> No.19552718

So many soulless people here.

>> No.19553082

Try City by Clifford D Simak (very interesting exploration of the tiredness of the human race and how its creations now attempt to make sense of the world without them)

>> No.19553142

>200 pages in
Read the whole book. The best parts are the ones with Porfiry. Good luck. Dont filter yourself.

>> No.19553166

Fahrenheit 451, the prose felt so boring, god

>> No.19553174

Read moar, get to the part when Don Quixote gets published and becomes ""self-aware"" (the story more than Alonso) of the fame.

>> No.19553182

You need to have schizo tendencies to enjoy Kafka

>> No.19553387

Harry Potter, I read the first couple pages when I was a kid and got bored.

>> No.19553518

Thank you for the feedback bros, perhaps I was indeed to quick to judge a classic, as soon as I finish the Illiad I will try and give it another chance.

>> No.19553587
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The Iliad. Sorry anons. There were some good parts, but I mean there are only so many times I can care about a guy getting stabbed with a spear. I liked the beginning and end ok though.

>> No.19553941

Lolita feels like dry wank.

The great gatsby is ok but not fantastic.

Sult is narcissistic and boring. Other authors have done it better. Include to this list any other book where the main story was that the MC was a struggling author, it's as bad as music about wanting to be a big musician

Fear and loathing in las vegas is literally "dude... DRUGS LOZL!!!!!!1!1!" the book

Hamlet is something a 15 year old would think is deep, otherwise it's plain; Shakespeare's language in Hamlet is weak compared to Julius Caesar or Othello. On the topic of Shakespeare, his comedies are grotesquely underappreciated by the education system.

Some of the quotes in Meditations are just the equivalent of a 14 year old girl's Instagram page; I can see why Aurelius didn't want anyone else to read it

The Art of War did not help me win any CS matches

I liked it, but it was one of the first 'lit' books I read so I'm probably biased towards it. I liked how it blended realism and fantasy, it seemed to work well.

This is the best summary I've ever seen of Anna Karenina. I can remember many parts of war and peace vividly, but when it comes to Anna Karenina, I have to struggle to think "what actually happened in that book". One or two sections spring to mind, but I never felt like I was in the book.

Comedy of errors is one of my favourites. Have never read Romeo and Juliet.

>> No.19553967
File: 56 KB, 313x500, 2A90F3D1-34B3-4EA0-838F-213D1F20B66C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

big surprise, imageboard brains can’t appreciate literature. let’s just discuss the pretty covers instead. here’s my fav<3

>> No.19554054

Crime and Punishment is one of the worst novels I have ever read. It reads like what a sociopath imagines having a conscience would be like, and exaggerates it to an absurd degree. The characters are all manic while also being contrived and trite. The guy his sister is supposed to marry is basically the only decent character in the book but half way through he commits a crime which is completely retarded and in full view of someone who hates him which is, of course, immediately found out so the author has an excuse to cut him out of the story. Just horrendously bad, but not surprising since Dosto was a degenerate pulp fiction writer who was paid by the word to fuel his insatiable gambling addiction. If you like his work you are the literary equivalent of a soccer mom picking up a harlequin romance novel in the check out line at the local super market.

>> No.19554352
File: 349 KB, 1894x670, atwood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No Longer Human
I didn't feel any sympathy for the narrator. Being pathetic was the most interesting aspect of his character and it wasn't enough to carry the novel. I found the "he was a good boy" ending contrived/cheap. I gave Dazi another try via his short stories and found them unimpressive (Run, Milos! was actually terrible and read like something a grade-schooler would write). An anon told me to read The Setting Sun, saying it's a lot better than his other word--I intend to check it out but I'm done with Dazai if it's anything short of spectacular.

>Anything by Margaret Atwood
Pic related.

>> No.19554357

I dont mean to say this in a stupid meme way, but you actually got filtered by it.

>> No.19554376
File: 14 KB, 309x400, 9781500986308.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19555673


The chapter on christ is pure KINO though

the rest i didn't read ; ^ )

>> No.19555681

this thread is making me feel a lot better about my intellect

>> No.19555700

Crime & Punishment. I don't get why a book about a socially inept schizo who ruins everything he touches has gotten so much acclaim, I got almost halfway through before I couldn't deal anymore.

>> No.19555710


Also, Dune. Cool world but the writing and dialogue is just beyond shit.