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19547540 No.19547540 [Reply] [Original]

Are your reading books that passes the Bechdel Test anon?

>> No.19547553

real life doesnt even pass the bechdel test

>> No.19547555

I think I first remember hearing about this test during the whole gamergate antia sarkeesian thing.

>> No.19547557

>Are your reading books

>> No.19547559

why are you here

>> No.19547563


>> No.19547564

t. never touched or talked to a woman

>> No.19547577

I skim sections that feature women so I couldn't tell you.

>> No.19547581

t. white knight incel

>> No.19547594

>features at least two women who talk to each other about something other than a man
learn to read

>> No.19547595

i work in a cafe most days, and most of the patrons are women meeting for coffee
they talk almost exclusively about men
right now my flatmate is drinking with her female friend
they have been talking about men for the last 2 hours
at one point they talked about instagram and did some bitching about a mutual friend, but now they're back to men

>> No.19547609

>bitching about a mutual friend
fuck i forgot about this. the bechdel test should account for this also

>> No.19548163

I use the bechdel test (or as I like to call it "the based-el test) extensively, I always make sure my next book doesn't pass before I buy it.

>> No.19548320


>> No.19548330


Men in terms of sex? Or just generic bitching and gossip

>> No.19548350
File: 64 KB, 390x260, Dykes_to_Watch_Out_For_(Bechdel_test_origin).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

According to the Bechdel test it wouldn't matter. See pic.
In my experience in school, eavesdropping/being bombarded in restaurants, etc. women can talk about plenty of other things: fashion, how hard their day was, woe is me "trauma", show shitty show/movie, etc.

>> No.19548375
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Can confirm, had two female flatmates few years ago. 70% of their talk was men, 30% mean gossip about other women. I genuinely don't think I heard them discuss any topic besides those two.

>> No.19548534

the real irony is that even hardcore lesbian separatist types spend all of their time talking about men, often more than actual heterosexual women

>> No.19548563

just men generally, but usually in terms of sexual relationships, e.g. 'oh gross he was so creepy' 'omg he's sooo nice' 'yeah why did he like, just message me back "kiss kiss kiss" after I said all of those things, should I reply or not, I mean I think maybe I should just leave it because like fuck him if he thinks that all he needs to say, it's not like I'm asking for that much, right?' 'yeah, yeeahhh, mm hmm, right, I knooooow'

>> No.19548595

but a lot of the time I'm surprised by their complete contempt for most of the men they meet, and their obvious venality and manipulation of the few they deem worth considering

this probably comes off as incellish but I'm fortunate to be quite attractive and have a wonderful girlfriend who isn't like that all (she's a high IQ eccentric type)

but I do feel pretty contemptuous towards women in general just from listening to their conversations and also from having dated so many in the past

also in the past I was far more attractive than I am now, having been a high-test chad type who was noticeably muscular and very confident, but then after a sustained period of illness I found myself thrust into the mass of mediocre men, and what surprised me was how so many women stopped treating me with the most basic courtesy (for example, making any room on the pavement when walking in the street so that we could pass each other without colliding), and instead were unfailingly rude and contemptuous

so, in short, fuck the Bechdel test. I don't read books written by women, and I don't read books about women.