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File: 305 KB, 1000x1316, Society+of+the+Spectacle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19530787 No.19530787 [Reply] [Original]

What book will most shock and break the normie mind?

>> No.19530871

My diary desu

>> No.19530874

Mitchell Heismans suicide note

>> No.19530877

Book insulting niggers, women and products

>> No.19530882
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>> No.19530895

Youd think it would be something political but it's actually subjects like alternative history, flat earth, demons and ufos. Normies can classify racism or sexism as just le bigot but they dont have a model for people who question very basic facts about reality apart from "crazy person" and they have very strong aversion to crazy people.

>> No.19530896
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Debord is pretty dated and something of a bait-and-switch because half the book is him seething that the a communist revolution will solve everything. You should move on to McLuhan, Baudrillard, or even Bataille, or if you want a better grasp on idealism as a foundation, with less ressentiment than Debord has, go through Plato, Spinoza, and Nietzsche. Kant and Deleuze if you enjoy pain

>> No.19530899


>> No.19530903

Der Einzige und sein Eigentum

>> No.19530909
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>alternative history
Stupid term. All history is interpretation.

>> No.19530917

There is a mainstream consensus that eg Atlantis did not exist. I use alternative history to refer to theories which contradict these sorts of beliefs.

>> No.19530926

Alternate history is already in use as a term for "what if" historical exercises, e.g. what if Napoleon won Waterloo, or Caesar died in Gaul, or the South won the US Civil War. People write whole books on this. What you guys are thinking of would be more historiography or pseudo-history, respectively

>> No.19530936

>Implying normies read or even think

>> No.19530944

Hypothetically, it they did read a book, would it impact their worldview or would they just think of it as another of their capeshit movies?

>> No.19530945

What a bad oversimplification and misunderstanding of Debord your pic is, OP...

>> No.19530956

It is quite literally an alternative to mainstream consensus

>> No.19530958

The author is dead

>> No.19530966

Fine, enjoy confusing people. The bigfoot guys call themselves crypto-zoologists, not alternative zoologists, because they study "hidden" animals. Obviously your version of history must be similar or it wouldn't be so disputed. It's not alternate, you aren't altering the actual events that took place and their consequences.

>> No.19530967

The second option, obviously.

>> No.19530969

Alternative history also reinterprets facts to come to different conclusions, more along the lines of Dee and Kelley founding multiple occult orders and working as spies in Europe as part of a plan within the Secret College. It's linked with historiography but is more often the cutting edge of anthropology and other disciplines undermining the status quo before their time.

>> No.19530974

And? It's a clear misunderstanding if you reduce the spectacle to le social media bad.

>> No.19530984

The term is already used in the way I described; I didn't make it up myself. It is a very straightforward use of the word alternative, which means an other possibility. It doesn't much matter if people take offense at it because they are never going to consider the theories anyway, so they are not part of the group for which the term exists.

>> No.19530994

What if we are the normies, and we have been misinterpreting capeshit all along?

>> No.19530995

If people can't get past the label they won't make it to the substance. Not doing yourself any favors imo

>> No.19531001

>you are already familiar with these
None of those existed when the French wrote their book

>> No.19531009

Most people will not consider the theories at all. That's literally the topic of the thread. Anybody willing to consider that Atlantis existed is not going to be put off by stylistic quibbles.

>> No.19531081

I think our initial impression that normalfucks aren't into any of this is mistaken. Many of them tend to hold some very conspiratorial beliefs, albeit mainline and often outright disinfo. I think well researched alt history can break them.

>> No.19531084
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If you want to know what God is, there is no better way than through reading Sade.

>> No.19531134
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>> No.19531140

There are no consequences for a normal person who "believes" or "disbelieves" in Atlantis. Pragmatically speaking it is entirely without value for them. Why it matters to you I won't attempt to guess but I imagine you don't share many of the concerns of the people you so want to educate.

>> No.19531149

It is damaging to social status to believe in things like Atlantis. Its distinctly associated with lower class people who are cut out of elite cultural circles.

>> No.19531154

>Stupid term. All history is interpretation.

this assertion is more offensive to the average normalfaggot than a thousand racial slurs

>> No.19531363


Since you're here on a literature board, I hope you've all read Crime and Punishment. Raskolnikov's myopic arrogance leads him to label "normies" as "louses." It's a form of ideological dehumanization. It's only until Raskolnikov witnesses the bravery and kindness of these "louses" in the face of suffering. Learn from a book for once and don't become like Raskolnikov.

>> No.19531436

Why yes I do believe that Athens singlehandedly saved Eurasia from the Atlantoid menace.

>> No.19531458

Monopoly of the means of communication in a democracy to manipulate public opinion and dictate public policy, basically.

>> No.19531465

we still here and we coming for you wyteboi

>> No.19531479

Unironically a book like Chaos by Tom O'Neill which is incredibly accessible but which really shows how many "conspiracy theories" are actually true. The problem is that most normies would read it and think "woah that's fucked up!" and then forget about it a week later and go on with their normie lives. Which, I can't really blame them desu.

>> No.19531499

Just bring up things that don't fit the narrative and have been stomped down the memory hole. Not a book, but here a Jersey murder / suicided that doesn't quite add up. This was on the news for less than 48 hours.


>> No.19531500

Tbh you fucking suck Butters. Get out of here.

>> No.19531521

What does this book even go over?

>> No.19531582


>> No.19531583

just show them freedom of speech laws in the western world.
On an 8 rating scale, America which is famous for its constitution is only a 5.73.
Most countries are barely above 4.

>> No.19531609


>> No.19531622

Tell me more about this spectacle

>> No.19531658

>eg Atlantis did not exist
You mean, Santorini?

>> No.19531937

Schopenhauer's essays and aphorisms

>> No.19532428

I feel like you can bludgeon anyone with a long text. Ideas are like tunes play that ink on loop until their whole mind is dyed

>> No.19532467

English speak how

>> No.19532555

Depends on the ‘normie’. I would say it’s an anti-establishment type book, so something like Manufacturing Consent, or The Age of Surveillance Capitalism. Maybe if they are really off the beaten path something by Uncle Ted.
Gotta remember, these concepts are fairly obvious, but if you haven’t thought too hard about it, it’s bound to be mind-blowing

>> No.19532794
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these desu

>> No.19532896

Sounds like anything by Mike Ma

>> No.19532902

At a certain point of normie, it doesn't matter how potent or well-crafted the pill is, they just will not take it and it will do nothing serious to them. The Epstein case was huge, and certainly a first for many people, and its kind of been shrugged off. Ohh the Queens family and every actor/politician hung out with him? Haha whatever....

>> No.19533199

Serial killer diary maybe

>> No.19533584

Dave McGowan - Weird Scenes Inside the Canyon: Laurel Canyon, Covert Ops & the Dark Heart of the Hippie Dream

Gordon Thomas - Journey Into Madness

Douglas Valentine - The Phoenix Program and The CIA as Organized Crime

John Decamp - The Franklin Cover-Up

R. Roy Blake - Objective Evil: Satanic Cults in US Intelligence

the US government, intelligence agencies, and unelected politicians at the highest points of the federal government are complicit in some of the worst crimes against humanity in history, including human trafficking for political blackmail (look up intelligence fusion command and the Finders connection) biological warfare testing against the US population, and occult experimentation using taxpayer dollars (look up michael aquino).

>> No.19533792

is it always the same anon that posts this comment everywhere?

>> No.19533799

I care for the world, but not for chavs

>> No.19533833

this image seems more someone read Heidegger but they misunderstood the theme of Being and Time

>> No.19533867

the difference between a genius and a schizo is the ability to order the chaos of reality into a digestible format.
The creator of the op image is the latter.

>> No.19534038

right wing critics of capitalism

>> No.19534064

manufacturing consent is often overlooked by this board

>> No.19534086


>900 pages to stay "capitalism is le bad"
Wow so profound.

>> No.19534360

look up LOLFIELDANDLOVE on YouTube. sounds silly but it's some autist who studies and did interviews and shit on this very subject. he's incredibly thorough.

>> No.19534389
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Anything sincerely reactionary.
>The existance of the authentic reactionary is usually a scandal to the progressive. His presence causes a vague discomfort. In the face of the reactionary attitude the progressive experiences a slight scorn, accompanied by surprise and restlessness. In order to soothe his apprehensions, the progressive is in the habit of interpreting this unreasonable and shocking attitude as a guise for self-interest or as a symptom of stupidity; but only the journalist, the politician, and the fool are not secretly flustered before the tenacity with which the loftiest intelligences of the West, for the past one hundred fifty years, amass objections against the modern world. Complacent disdain does not, in fact, seem an adequate rejoinder to an attitude where a Goethe and a Dostoevsky can unite in brotherhood.
—Nicolás Gómez Dávila

>> No.19534402

>G*D, this modern technology is SO boring!
>I'm also rich btw
Argument invalid

>> No.19534487
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>> No.19534502
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>> No.19534545

It's the judiciary report of the Dutroux case, Belgian Epstein-like, here some translated words for you guys
GILLES (12 years old ??) was emasculated by POLO
The other children had to drink his blood
She thinks she saw him cut up again in the dead room
Girls slashed with razor blades
The lips of X3's vagina were partially cut off and fed to the
Hunting prepared by CHARLY and POLO
Present : Charles-Ferdinand NOTHOMB (???)
On another place
Big white house with floor and stables
Park with round basin and fountain coming out of a character
The children were released naked and when they were caught, they were raped
The hunt ended with torture in the showroom
A girl's big lips were sliced and given to the dogs
Deprivation of a 7-9 year old girl by a dog
Exciting product on the girl's sex
Other children had to lick the blood
At the age of 10 she had to initiate other children
ndlr: she says however that it happens after her 12 years
A baby eaten by dogs
Delivery of a teenager by caesarean section
Baby ripped from the womb and fed to the dogs by POLO
She saw the dismembered mother in the dead room again
14/08/2005 = 1Mdl VERGNON
She saw the dead dogs in this room
She must have eaten human flesh cut up from the corpses in the dead room
She must have eaten pieces of children (fingers) served in gelatin
Good taste - slightly sweet
It caused a huge feeling of hunger and thirst
Drinking blood relieved the sensation of thirst
Delivery of a single woman
As soon as the baby was born it was eaten by dogs
After the birth: rape of the mother by POLO and CHARLY
The remains of the child must have been eaten by the children present
POLO kills the dogs and eats them like pigs in a butcher shop
A game consisted in having the children stick knitting needles into the vagina of a girl tied to a board.
girl tied to a board
The girl died and was raped by RALF, POLO, CHARLY, WALTER and ALBERT
She herself had to cut the throat of a girl with a knife given by POLO
She was then cut up and the inside of the body was given to the dogs
After the murder she was raped
The next day she attended a barbecue

>> No.19534551

She talks about another murder she committed on a 3-5 year old girl under the threat that
that it would be her brother who would be killed
She cut the girl open from the sex to the sternum with a cutter
She gave the inside of the body to the dog
Someone cut off the head
the child was eaten by the dogs
Murder of a young pubescent woman opened by VANDEN EYNDE
She had to give the girl's guts to the dogs who were then shot
The baby was screaming in her mother's belly
She sewed up the belly with the baby inside
CEDRIC (6-8 years old) was torn apart because he refused to have his throat cut
It is BAUDOUIN who saved her from being cut
She also had to eat dog excrement
4-5 years old boy who had his penis sewn to his purse
She had to cut the vulva of a dog named RITA
A girl who had her vaginal lips sewn on before she was raped
They also sewed threads to the lips of her sex to spread them apart
Social evenings
Same process as for the evening shows
Luxurious house with a surrounding wall and a gate, then a winding unlit path
There were stables
Flower beds with flowers
Entrance hall = cream and blue tiles - red fabric on the steps
Marble walls with a painting by BAUDOUIN as a teenager
She spent a whole night with BAUDOUIN - fellatio and sodomy
Presence of maid
She remembers an evening when she was smeared with fresh cream before being taken to
14/08/2005 = 1Mdl VERGNON
table on a tray
She was licked and raped
In this house there were many servants
the evening ended in an orgy
Description of the rooms
At the end of another evening a child of 08 years (??) was emasculated
The children present buried the boy in a flowerbed
She remembers a child who was decapitated and then cut up and fried before being eaten
She remembers children hanging from hooks in the kitchen
A certain Solange was enucleated by her and an old lady with a spoon

30 witnesses died during the case, a mix of bad luck and coincidences probably

>> No.19534675

Jesus christ is this fucking real

>> No.19534726

>a popularizer sheet that seek to summarize spectacle and interprets it in a simple narrative.
Seems a bit ironic :-DDD

>> No.19534768


>> No.19534775

Yep. Along with witnesses dropping like flies, a lot of evidence was destroyed or "misplaced."

>> No.19534805

And they called it the aristocrats

>> No.19535925

I've been reading about the 9/11 investigation on Wikipedia and the whole thing seems super suspect. Are there any good books on this matter?

>> No.19536200

go to the WikiSpooks article

>> No.19536368

reading it now. holy shit

>> No.19536414
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Of all the interesting things contained in Capital, that statement or anything even resembling it is in fact not included.

>> No.19536436

that capitalism is bad is implicit in every single one of marx’s writings

>> No.19536457
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>/lit/ is slowly becoming /x/

>> No.19536495

Not at all, capitalism simply becomes, creates and reacts. There is no moral dimension to any of it in the mature Marx, if you'll forgive me for indulging in a bit of Althusserianism.

>> No.19536506


Why did commies never figure out that mass movements always turn to piss because of the nature of mass men? Men are mostly bad

>> No.19536531

nobody reads books anymore anon, just internet fictions

>> No.19536538

>This 1235 page document presents a summary of key dates, persons, communications and financial transfers involved in the infamous 1986-1996 Dutroux case, in which a number of girls and young women were kept hidden underground and used as sex slaves before being killed. Dutroux was a figure in the European criminal underworld and the case had connections to other underworld figures, to police corruption and from there to Belgium political figures.
there's no english translation yet?

>> No.19536563

The naked lunch
It already broke normie minds in the 50s and we’ve just about undone all social progress since then

>> No.19536626
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man what

>> No.19536630

I bought it because I heard it was about time traveling wizards. Nope. Just gay sex

>> No.19536710

Don't make me laugh anon. I don't want to laugh about these kind of things

>> No.19536741

Manufacturing Consent, maybe. It's easy to digest and opens that Pandora's box of trust.

>> No.19537320



>> No.19537637

Can you post a quote?

>> No.19537972

Wow. For years I couldn't full grasp the concept of The Spectacle because of the obscurantist heavy academic jargon that it pulls from multiple contradicting disciplines e.g. Marxists and liberal thinkers, and the image in the OP finally made everything click.

>> No.19537985

These types of books are a spectacular way of getting white people to think that their culture is diseased, when, in reality, they're not even the ones creating it for themselves anymore. It's a sneaky move, really.

>> No.19538008

>Mitchell Heismans suicide note
holy shit

>> No.19538149

>An entire section dedicated to defending the Jews
>Repackaging Nietzsche and adding nothing to the discourse

I'll pass. Dude shouldn't have killed himself if it was just to leave behind second-rate stuff like that.

>> No.19538486

It's true though. Hegel destroyed the old objective conception of cause and effect by giving it a teleology. Now, we can only conceive of it in banal moralistic leftist terms like "right side of history" and "the dustbin of history".

>> No.19539106

>all those """"""'suicides"""""""

>> No.19539159

>dutroux is still alive

>> No.19539228
File: 942 KB, 999x3158, suicide note condensed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. It is the best explanation of the Jewish problem ever written.

Here's the link to the text:
(Read pp. 32 - 625)

TL;DR: https://www.scribd.com/document/198985140/Mitchell-Heisman-s-suicide-note-overview

Alternatively you can listen to it while gaming: https://youtu.be/BiMZi5P7WJA

Part 2:

TL;DR: Jews want to transcend biology so that AI can enslave humanity.

>> No.19539456

This was huge in the 90s when it came out, everyone who's actually lived back then will remember. Get ready for a massive blackpill

>> No.19539464

even a pimp. Imagine a suicidal pimp

>> No.19539576

Jews are fucking based

>> No.19539653

Red Cross report on Theresienstadt "concentration camp"

>> No.19539686
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>> No.19539749
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Yeah, it's me.

>> No.19540154

>Debord is dated
>Read Mchulan
>Read Baudrillard
Kek. Maybe pick someone who wrote about it from this century.

>> No.19540301
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>> No.19540336

maybe the real reason you are upset about 'the spectcle' is not out of any principled marxist reasons but because the media has begun to represent and recognize the humanity of people who aren't you(ie. not white cishet males) and you are just entitled and upset you are no longer the center of the universe. Situationism might be appealing to college aged straight white boys who just got out of the suburbs, and had some contact with the social justice critique of capitalism, but aren't yet ready to sit down and listen to marginalised folks or actually assume the responsibility that comes with their privilege. Representation is very important for marginalised folks, so let's NOT be dismissive of it, OK? You live in a world where (until very recently) all the superheroes, all the hollywood actors and politicians looked very much like you, it's a funny thing that you only started feeling alienated by the souless materialism of the consumerist spectacle'' when the culture started shifting towards a place of greater empathy and inclusiveness. gatekeeping is not rad. Were things actually better when popular culture was all white and straight, when only 'high culture', as defined by a narrow clique of white male gatekeepers was deemed worthy of being taken seriously? the position of postmodern baudrillardian irony can only be taken by one who is used to feeling safe, living a sheltered privileged life with no sense of urgency. You will never hear trans people, queers, people of color talk about the spectacle and the simulacra and this and that because they actually have real things to worry about, their lives are actually in danger.

>> No.19540343

PURPLE GUY?!?!?!?!!

>> No.19540385

>so let's NOT be dismissive of it, OK?
>gatekeeping is not rad
Drop these tumblr-tier "um sweaty" parts and it would actually be a decent bait.

>> No.19540447

Skimming it, the stuff about Mosaic Law is plain wrong. The Law was never understood as applying to all humans equally.

>> No.19540488
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>It is BAUDOUIN who saved her from being cut
>She spent a whole night with BAUDOUIN - fellatio and sodomy
why ... why is my dicc hard

>> No.19540642

but most people are reactionary or at least conservative, progressives and revolutionaries are mostly a minority

>> No.19540660


I mean have you tried bringing up nietszche or any western philosopher for that matter around your local lgbtsjwtfnpc marxist cattle? In no time you will see their beady stupid cowlike eyes light up in panic. Soon enough they will start with the usual subhuman bleating "wasnt he sexist? Arent you being dangerously eurocentric? Hasnt it been debunked as fake news russian bot pseudoscience?Why read books by dead white men when you could have been streaming the latest diverse and inclusive workplace comedies at netflix hulu and disneyplus? your daily mandatory dose of ''ethically sourced'' child pornography? Didnt you know reading antything beyond YA literature is ableist towards people who are too retarded to read? How does this further the short term electoral goals of the democratic party? Are you saying child sex workers arent real sex workers?Have you been taking your daily recomended dose of high fructuouse corn syrup your SSRIs and HRT? it is very important that you take the medication dr goldstein prescribed otherwise we will report you to corporate for mandatory sensitivity training as per the domestic terrorism act of 2021"

>> No.19540680

>your local lgbtsjwtfnpc marxist cattle
what did he mean by that?

>> No.19540717

Nothing, it's just a boring pasta. Sadly he didn't kill himself yet

>> No.19540789

The ideological monoculture allignment of cultural marxism with corporate capitalism. Like crabs in a bucket pulling down anyone who tries to rise out of buckbroken nigger npc status

>> No.19540807

This. Marginalized folks have every reason to trust progressive bourgeoisie and managerial strata over fascist white settlers who want them dead.we have every right to deplatform fascists and reactionaries and class reductionists ensure safety for marginalized and vulnerable members of our communities. We have every right to demand the destigmatization of sex work and mental illness, decolonization prison abolition family abolition the sexual enmancipation of children and an end to white supremacy and the gender binary.

>> No.19540829

Kill yourself

>> No.19540863


Wouldn't this be better called as "historical revisionism" or revisionist history? That's what guys like Irving were called I think

>> No.19540884
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You're so right and this is really interesting to me. People are definitely made uncomfortable by people who are "crazy" like how you said.

I personally don't believe in UFO, flat earth, just to give examples. I don't disbelieve them cause I genuinely have not done the research, and most flat earth people would probably be able to btfo me in a debate just because I've never done any real work on understanding physics, curvature of earth and blah blah.

It would be easy for me to say "but you believe in flat earth, you are silly and I am the winner." But I wouldn't have proved anything, or shown any mastery of the subject. For that reason I stay agnostic on these topics until I'm ready/able to do the work. In my head I defer to the "experts" as they're probably correct, but I know I can't prove it to myself because I'm an ignant retard.

Normies, however, see someone spouting something like flat earth or UFO and go "this guy is crazy, what a crazy thing to say, you are so wrong!" Without actually knowing much about the topic. It seems in their mind the logic flows like, "this guy says x, the experts in media have said x is a crackpot theory. I personally don't know anything about this, but I KNOW this is crazy and wrong. I KNOW you are wrong, and I will confidently tell you that you are."

>> No.19540911
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Most pleasurable reading of my life not gonna lie. I enjoyed it more than Schopenhauer and it never felt like homework. I enjoy it more than any Vedic hymn which feels like homework. It's like professor /lit/ is there lecturing me. He's the Sky King of BOOKS

>> No.19540920
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Any out of sync cognition that arouses them as not confirming their insecure torpidity and complacency follows as you said.

>> No.19540930


His writing is incoherent and terrible

>> No.19540958

Only white guys are privileged enough to bother with nonsense about UFOs and conspiracy theories, while marginalized folks and their allies HAVE to care about racism and sexism as a matter of life and death. The covid pandemic and russian fake news have shown that distrust of science and journalism is literally a public health issue that costs lives. Sure, CIA conspiracy theories might be harmless fun but may lead young white men into radicalization dangerous ideas such as believing in a 'deep state' 'white genocide' or the 'lgbt agenda'

>> No.19541049

Kill your """self""", but read books first.

The NOI is millenarian,[108] believing that humanity is living in end times.[109] It propounds a distinct eschatology drawing on the Book of Revelation.[79] Central to its view of the apocalypse is a large spaceship, known as the Wheel, the Mother Plane, or the Mother Ship.[110] Members usually refer to it with female pronouns.[111] Elijah Muhammad described this as "a small human planet,"[21] claiming that it is half a mile by half a mile in diameter.[112] The Nation teaches that this vessel is the Merkabah that appears in the Book of Ezekiel (1: 4–28).[113] It teaches that Allah and many of his scientists live in a magnificent city on the Mother Plane, from which they monitor humanity;[114] Farrakhan has claimed that Elijah Muhammad never died but is resident aboard this ship.[115] The Nation teaches that there are also smaller vessels, "baby planes," docked inside the Mother Ship and that these travel to visit Earth.[116]

>> No.19541074

No books necessary. Just show them the following:

>> No.19541079

So are most posts on this site :)

>> No.19541097

A couple more

>> No.19541103


Is there a turorial for this kind of visual summaries?

>> No.19541115

Lmao I wrote a small creative essay on this same subject in 12th grade.

>> No.19541118

nigger, here's your (((You)))

>> No.19541353

Should I, despite not being a leftist, read Marx? I was raised religious and still am, so I'm not sure how many of Marx's presuppositions I'd agree with. Maybe I'm overthinking it. I was gonna read Wealth of Nations anyway, might as well also read Kapital.

>> No.19541370

everybody is connected

>> No.19541388

Racist remarks are not allowed on this board

>> No.19541409

Thanks, Hitler

>> No.19541493

I'm not a marxist but read him. Don't read Kapital cause that's pure torture. Just read Alienated Labour, Commodity Fetishism, the Communist Manifesto,and maybe a few other selections. Maybe also read an overview of Hegel's Master-Slave dialectic. It's useful having some background of Marx's ideas for when arguing with Marxists. It's also helpful I find cause many other writers and thinkers in the 19th and 20th century obliquely allude to or are responding to Marx's ideas.

>> No.19541607

Source on that text?

Is it this? The X-Files: What Belgium Was Not Supposed to Know About the Dutroux Affair?

>> No.19541640

The Bible

>> No.19541666

I've looked into flat earth and it seems to be mostly rather stupid people. The one thing they do say which makes sense is that you can see over large bodies of water, which doesn't make sense because the opposite shore should be below the horizon. I'm not sure what the rebuttal to this is. I assume there is one though because so many other things would have to false for flat earth to be true that it seems extremely unlikely to me.

>> No.19541684

>devil trips on flat earth denying post
I want my schizophrenia to go away

>> No.19541686

>The one thing they do say which makes sense is that you can see over large bodies of water
How about the ocean?

>> No.19541705

I mean large lakes. The numbers don't make sense from what they say. Even on a hypothetical flat earth you could not see an infinite distance because of the way vision interacts with the atmosphere and perspective.

>> No.19541841

Neurotic depressed jew rambling about nothing

>> No.19541848

Marginalized people dont need to read because their lived experience than in all the white male theorybros books. In fact the worship of the written word has always been tied to colonialism and white supremacy.

White settlers benefit from capitalism hence they have every incentive to oppose revolution or any progressive advancement for marginalized folks more broadly. Instead of pandering to the most backward secrors of the working class we should lead the way along with the most advanced ones, black and indigenous people, and queer/ trans sex workers. Sex workers not the straight male labour aristocracy who are at the vanguard of the proletarian movemen, women and queer people taking the means of production into their own hands by refusing to perform unpaid sexual and emotional labor for white men. The real class struggle is not in factories but in womens bodies. work is a threat to patriarchy the capitalist system itself it is radically queer because it goes against the idea that sex is for the reproduction of the nuclear family and the patriarchal ideology of romantic love. Its a means for workers to take the means of production into their own hands here and now to abolish the distinction between the private sphere and the public, between work and pleasure and self expression. To break down the walls of lily white christian suburbia into a brave new world of pleasure rebellion and freedom. Yes it is true what they say about us queer postmodern neomarxists We are gonna groom all your daughters to be whores and your sons to be nympho trans sex workers.

>> No.19542013

Chomsky is treated like a punching bag here

>> No.19542062

What is your endgame buddy

>> No.19542228

Sex work is not alienated labour because the workers own body is the means of production and one can sell sex directly to the client while traditional relationships based on the heteronormative mold are literally a form of slavery a ploy to extract unpaid domestic sexual and emotional labour from women and queer people

>> No.19542430

The copypasta was funny the first few times but it's getting boring. Get some new material.

>> No.19542644
File: 2.46 MB, 640x480, meds.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The copypasta was funny the first few times

>> No.19542787

Dude's posted the same post on at least 2 other threads. Obvious troll.

>> No.19543571

The Voynich Manuscript.

>> No.19544422


>> No.19544696

The other incredibly anecdotal thing that might raise an eyebrow are the stories of plane flights that end up impossibly early to their destination, or become so wildly off course that it shouldn't remotely be possible considering gas constraints, which might make you question flight paths and the distance they travel. But nothing beyond "dude this happened to me one time".

>> No.19544819

Are you a real person?

>> No.19544842

It's because they're innocent that I don't hate the normies. You don't have to hate them to acknowledge that there is and always will be a lowest common denominator.
It's not our fault for being different or theirs for being normies. They just are.

>> No.19545437


>> No.19545495

Tell me more

>> No.19545814
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god fucking damnit

>> No.19546113


>> No.19546583


>> No.19547353


>> No.19547763

My Twisted World ;)

>> No.19547770

>human nature
Are you 5

>> No.19547780

Ahh yes, the good old Elite Cultural Circles, I can't wait to hang out with kike pedophiles and famous faggots at the Bohemian Grove to sell my soul, body and achieve lesser monetary gain.

>> No.19547819

Raskolnikov also had an actual harsh upbringing too, unlike some elitist faggots on some of the boards that still distance themselves from "lesser people"

>> No.19547820

>the opposite shore should be below the horizon
It often is, and you get freaky effects like floating islands etc

>> No.19548275

kys and filtered by marxism lmao

>> No.19548495

Based out of the bowels of Hell maybe.

>> No.19549111
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>> No.19549279

Based. Agreed. Pre-Draco Athens. Remember Kritias' Story.
There definitely was an Athens before "the one we know".

>> No.19549286

Stop it with this ridiculous meme. It has been found. Eye of Sahara in Mauritania. It's beyond doubt at this point.

>> No.19549337


read up anons

>> No.19549593

Metaphysics (no new age BS), the Periphysion, neo-platonic texts.

>> No.19549619

kill yourself i rarely say this

>> No.19549644
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>> No.19549670

taking notes on one of those non fiction books written by journalists about pop sci is bad enough but taking notes on other people's marxists thoughts like its science is the lowest level of cuck. the idea of philosophy as science or that sociology or whatever the fuck this is is science or something you learn like dogma rather than something to picked apart is a cancer. Marx is all the autism of germs and the schizophrenia of jews combined and it was ripe for the french degenerates to seize hold of and use to stain the mind of humanity for centuries. This shit is an embarrassment to the human species and a horrifying freakish degenerate parasite on the genuine progress of science and philosophy. Violence has never been so appealing to me.

>> No.19549734

they would simply dismiss it and not put the work in to understand it

>> No.19549873

Fake. Go back to pol nazi