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/lit/ - Literature

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19504501 No.19504501 [Reply] [Original]

Shadow Territory edition

Previous Thread:>>19495939

>Recommended reading charts (Look here before asking for vague recs)



>A link to the ultimate colossal science fiction and fantasy collection torrent

Never going to be created.

>> No.19504508

So whatever happened to those Japanese sff stories from two threads ago? We ever got a pdf?

>> No.19504526

Any good speculative poetry? I liked Fungi from Yoggoth

>> No.19504528

i bump this

>> No.19504549
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Somebody in last thread who asked about Norse mythology got me thinking: are there any fantasy/scifi books out there about Christian "mythology"? I hesitate to use the word but I can't figure out a more suitable one for what I mean: a story involving the real presence of supernatural elements found in Christian cosmology. I don't mean stories with allegory or allusion, no matter how obvious, like Lord of the Rings or Chronicles of Narnia; nor do I mean sanctimonious (and heretical) American evangelical schlock about a so-called "rapture"; or the saccharine guardian angel business of fiction in the 1930s and 40s. No, I mean a setting where the Christian conception of capital-G God not only incontrovertibly exists but has a meaningful impact on the setting, and concerns themes of Christian philosophy and theology.

The closest examples to this that I have read/possess are God's Demon and The Heart of Hell by Wayne Barlowe, Perelandra by C. S. Lewis, and Many Waters by Madeleine l'Engle.

>> No.19504568

I started the last Ender book, but I think I'll just drop it. It's so poorly written I can bring myself to care about anything. It reads like generic trashbin YA fiction. Were the OG 4 Ender books also bad? I liked them a lot, but I haven't read them in a long time.

>> No.19504597

BotNS and Wizard Knight
Hell is the Absence of God

>> No.19504608
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Neal Asher, this guy is such a hidden gem

>> No.19504610

The bibble

>> No.19504623

"Hell is the Absence of God" - short story by Ted Chiang in the collection "Stories of your life and others"

>> No.19504675

The Salvation War kind of?
It's severe military autism and features Iraq War era US forces going to war with Hell, and later Heaven, which are revealed to some kind of pocket dimension. It's very pulp-y, but fun. (mujahideen using suicide attacks against the demonic army invading Iraq, before the demons are faced with the modern US forces stationed there).

>> No.19504688

That sounds like complete dog shit

>> No.19504712

If you like those tropes it's a fun read, if you don't, it's not.

>> No.19504733

I mean, Dante's Inferno sort of counts, doesn't it?

>> No.19504815

That sounds like complete kino

>> No.19504952

Does anyone have a recommendation for a good illustrated version of the Hobbit?

>> No.19505168
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King of /sffg/.

Simple as.

>> No.19505260
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>King of /sffg/.
>Simple as.

>> No.19505296

it really bothers my autism that your stupid reaction images never have the text bubble in yotsuba blue. only in yotsuba A or (god forbid) white. you’re probably a second or third worlder and english is your second language, which is why you were filtered so hard by bakker. the preoccupation must be stressful given that (You) have such an apparent deep-seated fear of anything you perceive as threatening to your fragile identity, such as the mere existence of gays and cuckoldry. being yourself far too low IQ to realize that just because an author is describing something doesn’t mean he’s endorsing it. anyways, get better memes.

>> No.19505315

It's template from harkach (Russian "imageboard" that is owned by russian equivalent of Amazon and that all Russians with triple digit IQ left many years ago). I guess this one wants to impress foreigners with their creativity.

>> No.19505329

>you’re probably a second or third worlder and english is your second language
He is.

>> No.19505337
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Recommend me some books where the protagonist goes through so much suffering throughout the journey.
Bonus points if other characters goes through suffering because of the protagonist.

>> No.19505342

robin hobb’s books should suit you well.

>> No.19505345

Not even memeing like most people in this thread but Bakker is a legit recommendation for people who want something like Berserk, and for your request in general.

>> No.19505438
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>> No.19505449

I'm not author of 19505337, but who is Bakker? Please expand, I don't know the guy and Google doesn't help me

>> No.19505489

Are you new here or something?

>> No.19505502

Good morning sir. Please expand.

>> No.19505509
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R. Scott Bakker is the Author and Creator of the Second Apocalypse series which is divided into two series. The first one is "The Prince of Nothing", which contains 3 books, and the second one is "The Aspect Emperor", which contains 4 so far.

The Prince of Nothing trilogy details the emergence of Anasûrimbor Kellhus, a brilliant monastic warrior, as he takes control of a holy war and the hearts and minds of its leaders. Kellhus exhibits incredible powers of prediction and persuasion, which are derived from deep knowledge of rationality, cognitive biases, and causality, as discovered by the Dûnyain, a secret monastic sect.

The key feature distinguishing the Prince of Nothing series from its contemporaries is the importance of philosophy to the work. The plot, characters, setting, and metaphysics of the Prince of Nothing are intertwined with philosophical positions unique to the series.

>>Bakker has mentioned that this series was primarily influenced by the works of Tolkien and Frank Herbert.

Whether you're new here or not, do know that this is part of the official /sffg/'s canon. You will not understand half the discussions and memes going on here if you haven't read him.

>> No.19505511
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>Bakker is being spamposted outside of sffg.
>Even the haters cannot resist
Bakkerchads, we just cannot stop winning...

>> No.19505533

We accept your surrender.

>> No.19505564

The Book of Joby by Mark J. Ferrari
It's shit though
Escape from Hell! by Hal Duncan, this is very short but based

>> No.19505570

with the mainstream success of Arcane and Western adults now open to watching non-comedic adult cartoons, this gives me hope that we can some day see faithful TV adaptations of books that would otherwise be impossible to translate into TV series like The Silmarillion, Prince of Nothing and BOTNS

>> No.19505591

>Wanting adaptations, ever, with how they pick cast in this day and age
I'm pretty sure they will butcher even PoN despite its characters canonically being 80% swarthy or arab looking.

>> No.19505630

> which contains 4 so far.
Arent we sure that if the story continues it will be a new trilogy/quadrology ?

>> No.19505639
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The upshot of animation is that most animators get paid fuck all so only people who actually care about it get into it, which filters out 99% of the narcissistic coombrains.
No, shit like rick and morty doesn't count as animation, it's created through a completely different process to larger animation projects. The process behind CalArts cartoons is more like a digitized version of how South Park is created.

>> No.19505658
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my Unholy Consult playlist during the final fight


>> No.19505665
File: 129 KB, 1024x563, golgotterath.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there is a one man black metal band named Golgotterath but it's unfortunately not that great btw

>> No.19505714

This Chad blows out the opposition without posting a single word

>> No.19505771

James Morrow
Only Begotten Daughter
Towing Jehovah

>> No.19505772

All /sffg/fags must hang

>> No.19505775

>filtered hard by Bakker
It bothers my autism that your autism prevents you from accepting that OTHER POSTERS ARE TIRED OF THE SAME STEREOTYPICAL BAKKER/SANDERSON POSTS FOR 3+ YEARS NOW you dumb fucking newfag abortion reject.

>> No.19505871

Be the change you want to see faggot, post about books you like instead.

>> No.19505929

I like Bakkerposting.

>> No.19505992

Ive never read Bakker but I bakkerpost too.

>> No.19506000

Probably, because the Aspect Emperor is no more.

>> No.19506002
File: 355 KB, 450x571, 1610931636264.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bakker is King.

From the beginning of /sffg/'s history. I've been here longer than you, so shut the fuck up.

Simple as.

>> No.19506008

Yet you're still here.

>> No.19506017

Elaborate. Elevator pitch me a story of his.

>> No.19506022

I never made it past Xenocide. I enjoyed the first two though.

>> No.19506030

Thanks for the explanation. I don't visit /sffg/ threads at all, but I got very excited when I saw Berserk related recommendation and wanted to check it out. Seems like it was well worth it.

>> No.19506037 [DELETED] 

Fuck you anon, he's a hidden gem, just fucking read it and thank me later BASTARD

>> No.19506048

Set in a world of its own, The Gabble - And Other Short Stories will appeal to fans of sci-fi, time travel and tales of alternative realities.

In the city of Wunder, in the heart of the capital, people are talking about a story in the newspaper. It claims that a strange and dangerous creature has escaped from a laboratory and is on the loose.

Hans-Manning Dankmeyer, a scientist, has spent his life locked in the basement of a laboratory. He is obsessed with the mystery of the story in the paper and must solve the puzzle of who the escaped creature is before it can attack again.

Solving the mystery will send Hans-Manning on a quest through a landscape of his own creation. His investigation will take him through a world of parallel dimensions, alternative realities and the future of humanity. It is a world inhabited by characters such as the Madman, the Angel of Death and the Beast. His destination will change as he discovers a story in the pages of The Gabble.

The stories are linked by themes of identity, time, madness and fear. It is a story of discovery, a world where danger exists and the line between right and wrong has become blurred.

>> No.19506056
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>> No.19506062

Regardless of the shit-posting around Bakker, he's definitely worth checking out.

>> No.19506071

no he's not

>> No.19506074

Yeah, he seems to be a controversial figure around here. I will check him out nonetheless. Thanks.

>> No.19506140

Today I saw a book on the shelf at the used book store called "The Camp of the Saints" so I picked it up, but it turned out to be gay post apocalypse bullshit about Nephilim instead of based French racism. Fuck you /sffg/, you foiled me again.

>> No.19506164

>I will check him out nonetheless
check him out if you want interracial gay rape with leftist undertones

>> No.19506214

Bakker is a good writer, but John Gwynne is better.

>> No.19506297
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You won't regret it.

>> No.19506333

We already accepted your concession. No need to samefag to further embarrass yourself.

>> No.19506417

dilate bakkerfag

>> No.19506425
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>Doesn't even deny it.
Do proselets really?

>> No.19506444

Why was Kellhus even carrying Malowebi's head around anyway? Do you think his last thought as he turned to salt was "oh shit now I won't get to do that totally awesome thing I was gonna do with this dude's head, damn"?

>> No.19506479
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You told me that booktubers couldn't be Based. WFT?!

>> No.19506498
File: 282 KB, 1280x896, E2GXsoAXEAYdARm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just found out today that Bakker's book, the darkness that comes before, has been translated into spanish and published in a physical edition by a Mexican publishing house. Might buy just to have some genre fiction to begin the new year

>> No.19506504

Bro what is that cover art?

>> No.19506506

Did you find this in Portuguese by any chance?

>> No.19506526

Probably some specific shit related to why he carries heads around in the first place but real reason is that author needed narrator that follows Kellhus but it couldn't be Kellhus himself because he is aware of something that is not supposed to be shown to reader.

>> No.19506544

How is humanity even supposed to fight back after the end of Unholy Consult? It seems like almost all of the fighting age men are dead and the rest of the population is just ready to be raped by the sranc and what not.

>> No.19506568

Serwa or Saccarees teleport to grab the Heron spear, point it at the No-God and instawin, then we get 3 books of Achamian having conversations with Mimara in caves while she breastfeeds her baby.

>> No.19506569

By having literally one single sorcerer not afflicted by plot-induced retardation because they did not put trinkets back into Mog's sarcophagus and every living person has permanent fix on where Mog is.
However that leaves 4 dunyain gnostic sorcerers who probably don't even need Mog to wipe humanity out if they feel like it.

>> No.19506594

Likely dead

Almost all sorcerers have jobbed in the end, definitely all Mandate sorcerers. The only reason we can assume Akka survived is because he was saving his hoes instead of trying to fight.

>> No.19506608

How did Celmomas come up with his prophecy? How does future sight work in TSA?

>> No.19506622

Why do bakkerfags keep asking the same questions?

>> No.19506627

Feeling of deja vu might be a sign of mental disorder. Maybe you should get yourself checked.

>> No.19506632

Is that how the alien ducks (makers of the Jane Tech) are supposed to look? I didn't imagine them like that.

>> No.19506642

They’ve been doing it for months now.

>> No.19506655

>dat chin
>those hands
>those feet
>dat torso
... That's a guy...

>> No.19506664

>... That's a guy...
I wish.

>> No.19506694
File: 285 KB, 1861x1081, 1525829192243.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's A FUCKING LEAF though
>pic related, the bakkerfag in his natural habitat

>> No.19506704

do you think Bakker has ever visited /sffg/?

>> No.19506732
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>> No.19506733

he's been caught actively shilling here, I wouldn't be surprised if the bakkerfags were just bakker himself relentlessly self-promoting because it's a hell of a lot easier being an obnoxious cunt (just ask GRRM) than getting off his ass and finishing his series

>> No.19506735
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>> No.19506776

I hope so, so he could see people tell him to actually finish his shit.
>but publisher
Imagine living in an age of mass information, already having recognizable name and still needing a middleman. Just make a kickstarter cunt. Imagine writing fuckhuge novel cycle about shortest path but not taking shortest path.

>> No.19506786

No just weirdos who impersonate him

>> No.19506891

I fucking hate the Australians in this thread so goddamn much

>> No.19506964

Ok, but who asked?

>> No.19506991
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>> No.19506996
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>> No.19507004
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>> No.19507264
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>> No.19507276

Didn't read.

>> No.19507284

Hell of an elevator ride. Thanks, anon.

>> No.19507344

Is Erikson worth reading? About to start Aspect-Emperor now, but would chasing it with Gardens of the Moon be a good follow-on?

>> No.19507355
File: 41 KB, 375x500, 1607774982691.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Erikson is a worthwhile read, but nothing that will blow you out of the water.

>> No.19507471
File: 292 KB, 805x503, ameripigrussia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Erikson is a worthwhile read, but nothing that will blow you out of the water.

>> No.19507592

what is the significance of the hand halos
i thought kellhus was conjuring them on purpose after learning basic sorcery tricks but talking to moenghus it seems like theyre accidental

>> No.19507602

I wouldn't say they're accidental, but they are certainly a mystery. I'm not sure everyone can see them, though. One anon was speculating here once about the importance and significance of the Halos, but I honestly don't recall why.

>> No.19507616

are the hand halos even real or are they something believers deluded themselves into seeing?

>> No.19507623

I would speculate that they prove Kellhus really is who his followers think he is even if that's not his intention. The halos are a symbol of divinity that he's clearly not responsible for and that others can observe, which rules out Moenghus' suggestion that he is insane.

>> No.19507625

No, I do think that the Halos are really there, since multiple people can perceive them.

>> No.19507661

here's a good one anyway.
it connects pretty well by analogy to the blind brain thing. just as consciousness is the reaction to the reaction to [...] of something that eventually is a reaction to direct reality, the probabilities of events are inflated by the involved actors' faith in them and it bubbles up in layers.

>> No.19507665

There was no clear explanation, at least I don't remember there was one. He sees them himself, so he did not conjure them, and IIRC they happened before he was taught sorcery. They are just present but never explained. Might be an outcome of what he did/will do in the outside, because it exist outside of time and its its effects might be manifested whenever.

>> No.19507732

>He is a main character just like a hurricane is or "the zombies" .It is more personal though. You get into his head to understand what's up, from the beginning you realize he is essentially a robot. He will get to Shimeh no matter what. He would rape a thousand women, burn down half the world while killing every baby he could find...If this is "the shortest path" he would do it. In the second trilogy he doesn't get much screen time, he is just "there"
>Kellhus says that about belief, but doesn't believe it. This series is essentially about a guy saying bullshit and realizing it is true. In one of the first battles, he makes some shady prediction about those knights being "redeemed". He gives them that bullshit about "belief" because he KNOWS those are his best chances. he is essentially rising the odds but even at the last battle in the second book he knows the odds are a long shot
>His "revelation" happens as he slowly "goes mad"(or he goes mad because of this revelation). He starts seeing the halos around his hand ,he starts to realize that his belief can actually ( objectively) change reality. He looks back at these long odds and is surprised for the first time, his success i a surprise to him
>Imagine this from Kellhus' POV. All his life, 2000 years of Dunayn training tell him about before and after. What comes before determines what comes after, this is so damn fundamental about him that he is literally "built" around this concept.
>So he goes out, plays his games, and discovers sorcery. Than he gets into the holy war and realizes this shit is a long shot. So he starts to "master circumstance". To his surprise, things go well. Things go to well. His 1 in a 1000 ideas that where "created" from the probability trance succeed. One after the other...There's the prophecy about him coming at the "end of times". He discovers the Consult. He learns about the No-God, he dwells into the Thousandfull though "in it's many corridors" and he sees the halos! that is such an important moment. Reread that part, it is the essence of the Series and Kelhus' "insanity". Serwe keeps talking about Halos, he looks down and he sees them...
>Also, one point to keep in mind, in this world sorcery works by "telling" reality what to do. Literally your words ( and they must be pure, of a different language) determine reality. Why not thoughts?
>Kellhus has many powers but the most dangerous one is his belief. Firstly it isn't as emotional, so it can be a lot clearer. He believes he needs to find his father or die trying. His whole being is built upon that. That is why he succeeds and "gets lucky". Add the belief of the thousands of crazy worshipers, and suddenly an army of 30k famished half dead soldiers can defeat a well train army twice their size
>War is not Intellect!...War, the world...reality itself is built upon "Indomitable conviction! Unconquerable belief !"
I know this is old, but this is one of the highest quality Bakker posts I've ever read here.

>> No.19507751

yeah reading his other posts in that thread too, this anon needs to come back, very insightful

>> No.19507861

Why does the no-god *have* to be an Anasurimbor?

>> No.19507884

The first one wasn't. Have you been paying attention?

>> No.19507904
File: 7 KB, 200x200, Its all so tiresome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just went to a local book club because I thought i'd find new frens who's on the same page as me to discuss kino
>mfw 2 out of 20 people there are troons
>mfw they are all libtard basedjak ledditors
>mfw they avidly discuss how much they love doctor who with the woman doctor and their favorite gay ships for over 20 minutes
>mfw they crack stupid fucking cringe puns and laugh unironically

>> No.19507910

It was Nau-Cayuti, who was likely an Anasurimbor (since the Seswatha thing isn't outright confirmed), plus the consult wanted to put Kellhus in the carapace but they settle for Kelmomas and just chuck him in anyway.

>> No.19507918

>but they settle for Kelmomas
They had no chance either way. Without the little Satan, Kellhus would have annihilate everyone.

>> No.19507976

The books are pretty clear on the haloes appearing before Kellhus even knows sorcery 101
you could argue that it's really basic magic, that he can do it innately without learning (but there are no reasons given to believe this)
this would also be subconsciously, as he's perplexed about them in his own PoV

I agree with them being an indication of Kellhus being an actual prophet.

I think the haloes become increasingly visible to people that believe in Kellhus being a prophet, it's his followers that starts to see them
or enemies when they are awed (at which point I don't think it's unreasonable to believe, that they think he's a prophet. Even if they still go against him)
people gaining faith in Kellhus is happening in parallel with him learning magic, so it's still a bit muddled

>> No.19507991

So, who do you think will embody Mimara's son?

>> No.19508069

What always annoyed me, as it seemed very careless of Bakker:
Kellhus is not only a Prophet, he's a Shaman - A Prophet that know Magic!
Given the INCREDIBLY detailed history given of his world, has there even been a Shaman?
So like, where did that term come from? ¨
If there were other Prophets than Inri Sejenus (given the historical accounting in the book, I feel like they should have been mentioned)
Sorcery has been anathema since humans inscribed the tusk, right? (Or shorty after, through Inchoroi meddling)
At which point mankind just recently learned magic from the nonmen.
So when exactly on the timeline could Shamans possibly fit in?

I assume when it talks about Prophets in the plural, it reffers to the guys that initially wrote the Tusk? at least I can square that one away.
But Shamans, uh. Why would people even know what that is?

Same with Akka being the only Wizard™ in the world.
Clearly some terminology Bakker wanted to use, despite it not making sense for the terms to exists in-universe.

>> No.19508073

I'm still reading through the last book, so I can't really comment on that

>> No.19508079

You surely remember the part when Mimara looks into her belly and sees light. Which certainly leaves a lot of room for speculation. The parallelisms between Christianity and her storyline are simply too strong to ignore.

>> No.19508088

trying to get back into reading, anything that blurs the line between general and genre fiction? like Gene Wolfe's stuff

>> No.19508099

Any works of Roger Zelazny

>> No.19508102

I don't know about Shamans, but Cishaurim sorcery is certainly not unholy to their religion. And at this point, we pretty much know that the the Inrithi Gods are evil Ciphrang. I'm inclined to believe that the Psûkhe is derived from the True God.

>> No.19508115

Except CoA
That shit was Zelazny trying to sell out for sure

>> No.19508128

Oh yeah. I'm just assuming some more information will be given through the book, he's not even born yet
Given the state I know the story ends at. (I'm thoroughly spolied)
Is there even anything that fits? Hmmm

He could be a Moses? Free his people from oppression - lead them to freedom
That would be the figure I think makes most sense to work with

>> No.19508133

Getting into the setting in the first few books was really fun
then it got a bit, too much of the same? yeah

>> No.19508176

>has there even been a Shaman?
I think that there might have been some kind of extremely ancient magic users who were capable of looking into Outside. They realized that they have no hope to be safe from gods other than convincing them to like you, so they wrote Tusk containing conditions of gods' favor they they have learned. They can be considered shamans, and reason why they warned about other shamans is because those can have different opinion on gods, which will disrupt their plan to save at least some humans.

>> No.19508275

I do not believe you

>> No.19508610

/sffg/ fandom IRL is literally the biggest cringe fest, only second to furries.

>> No.19508671 [DELETED] 

The thread on Children of Dune was already archived, so I'll just as here: why did the Preacher (Paul) sent Duncan to kidnap Jessica to Salusa Secundus so she could train Farad'n? Paul was trying to stop Leto's golden path, so that move makes no sense and even by the end it wasn't explained. Why would Duncan even agree to do such a thing when by that time he wasn't sure if the Preacher was Paul? Children is so fucking confusing...

>> No.19508677

Don't be an asshole and use the spoiler tags please.

>> No.19508694

I indicated that I was going to ask something about Children of Dune at the start, but fair enough, it's in spoilers now:

The thread on Children of Dune was already archived, so I'll just as here: why did the Preacher (Paul) sent Duncan to kidnap Jessica to Salusa Secundus so she could train Farad'n? Paul was trying to stop Leto's golden path, so that move makes no sense and even by the end it wasn't explained. Why would Duncan even agree to do such a thing when by that time he wasn't sure if the Preacher was Paul? Children is so fucking confusing...

>> No.19508695

If we start talking about the "belief" thing from just now and combine it with the idea that humans might actually be ciphrang, then is it possible that divine miracles and magic are actually the same thing? What's happening is that the material and immaterial ciphrang(man and gods) have different beliefs, and they're clashing in the form of the mark and sorcery. The reason men are damned if they don't follow the tusk isn't arbitrary at all, or at least not in the way it's presented, it's that they have different beliefs than the gods.
"Sorcery" is just a very strong system of belief, a method of instantly snapping men into a separate sphere of reality. What Kellhus is doing is more subtle, he's not using sorcery, he's becoming a god. The only distinction between man, lesser ciphrang, and gods is the strength of conviction. Men are weakminded, and can easily be dominated by ciphrang and CONVINCED they're in eternal torment. With sufficiently powerful belief, someone like Kellhus can override their mental assault and view HIMSELF as the dominant one.

>> No.19508698
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Thank you.

>> No.19508753

>Paul was trying to stop Leto's golden path
was he? i thought Paul was just afraid of becoming the sandworm to bring about the Golden Path but allowed Leto to become it so he wouldn't have to and also just sacrificed himself more or less. It's been a while since I read it but that's what I thought happened

>> No.19508762

are you seriously demanding story tags for a 50 year old book
Jesus dies in the Bible

>> No.19508768
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>Jesus dies in the Bible

>> No.19508803

That's because the Solitary God is the Absolute, Being coming to know Itself as Its self. In its immanence it included the material world and the outside, as Hegel said, a "circle of circles."

I can only imagine that in Erwa, Hegel would have been a sorcerer powerful enough to bring Khellus to his knees.

And still, he's btfo. One of the oddest reviews I've seen was one guy who hate Warrior Prophet because Kellhus is acting like Jesus. He sees the manipulation as undermining the Christian faith.

I have to wonder, how? Kellhus uses and abuses people, plays politics, grabs political power, becomes a fucking Goku shooting lasers and teleporting everywhere... and he still can't just go and beat two surviving aliens who've lost almost all their technology.

Jesus didn't have to use anyone. Kellhus has to stretch his mind to fathom to logos and comes up wanting; Christ is the Logos, the Word that creates to the world (meaning itself) become immanence. He was there at the beginning of the creation and creation proceeds through Him. He is Alpha and Omega.

If you can't see the difference, I don't see how you can be a Christian. Christ's historical manifestation is one small fraction of His reality.

>> No.19508807

Well, I haven't started God Emperor yet, but from CoD I got the impression that Paul absolutely despised the golden path, he wanted to die in the desert to end that possible thread of destiny, and because there was nothing else he could do to change the course of the empire at that time. He thought the golden path would bring stagnation to humanity, that it was better that society were free to make their own mistakes and learn from them instead of having peace forced onto them by some god emperor. Also something about a final war that would make his jihad seem like a picnic. Paul was fed up with ideas of a planned society. Leto thought he could bypass all those years of slow evolution into a brighter future for humanity.

But I might be wrong. This book could have been a bit clearer on those ideas.

>> No.19508810

He rose again, also. He created you

>> No.19508847

Skin spies can't understand paradoxes because they can't imagine something that doesn't exist. All they can perceive is the constraints of reality. Skin spies also cannot use sorcery, and they cease to exist after death, reaching oblivion. So this means that the thing that allows sorcery, is the same thing that allows damnation, and that that property is "the ability to perceive paradox".
And yet we have the Dunyain, an entire people dedicated solely to only perceiving objective truth and eliminating all subjective error and emotion, and yet ALL of them have tremendously powerful aptitudes for sorcery! All their attempts at removing subjectivity have made them LESS objective! The reason for this is that by carefully removing all ability for outside forces to sway them, what they've actually done is distanced themselves from the beliefs of men an gods, and isolated themselves in an entirely separate branch of reality, exactly what sorcerers do.
It's noteworthy that Nonmen sorcerors grow more powerful the older and more insane they become, detachment from reality deepens the mark.

>> No.19508856

See >>19506732

>> No.19508859

I'm not fucking kidding.
They talked about how Stephen King wrote the orgy scene in "It" while coked up then brought up how JK Rowling tweeted that he was her fav author, to which he replied " TRANS WAMEN ARE WAMEN" and they all clapped because even if he's a drug addict he's a decent person.

I hate these queer nerds so much, fuck my life.

>> No.19508879

I wonder if Kellhus is sort of a defective Dunyain. He goes rouge, he goes insane. He has that freak out at the very beginning of the series, staring at a leaf for a day.

He's like a robot throughout the first three books. Automatic, but not super deep.

Meanwhile, the Survivor is the Dunyain winnowed to their absolute hardest. The one who can't be put down. His narrative was whole levels from Kellhus in inhumanity and pure logic. It didn't even describe him as having thoughts and perceptions anymore, just an endlessly bifurcating horizon of all potentialities of action and thought chosen probabalistically.

He sounded pretty damn Absolute grasping at the end there, which is maybe why he did what he did. No use being in the material world any more when you're that ascended.

>> No.19508895

From where I'm from people don't even read.

>> No.19508902

well basically in Children of Dune Paul more or less tells Leto that he saw that he would need to become the sandworm to realize the Golden Path which would be necessary to prevent humans from stagnating. At this point, Leto has already begun the sandworm transformation by bonding his body to the sandtrout. It's not that Paul hates the Golden Path, he knows it's necessary too but he is scared of needing to transform into the sandworm to execute the plan. Part of Paul's problem of going blind is that he can't see anything except the Golden Path which terrifies him, hence him just wandering into the desert and having Leto take up the burden

>> No.19508947

If you're desperate for social interaction, you might (might) be better off joining a SF/F writing group. The downside is that you have to write some. The upside is that you get to talk to people who like books enough to write. The other downside is that a lot of those people are trash, too, but at least they're sometimes more motivated.

>> No.19508955

iirc Sejenus is referred to as the Latter Prophet in the Prince of Nothing books, I've always always thought he was a strick Jesus analogue to the Hebrew patriarchs of the Tusk. It would have been interesting to get a bit more info about Inrithism, but he's almost completely eclipsed by Kellhus among the faithful during the Aspect-Emperor series.
Shamans seem to predate the Tusk and its "civilisation," and maybe even the Tutelage of men by the Quya. The False Sun makes sorcery seem like something innate.

>> No.19508956

If that's correct, then it's mostly a matter of Paul not stomaching the idea of losing his humanity and making the ultimate sacrifice. Going full prescient god worm mode, and suffering alone for 4000 years. But that's not the impression I got. Paul said the only mistake he made willingly was accepting the mahdinate. Frank Herbert being again vague as fuck refuses to elaborate, but my best interpretation is that he knew the dangers of the golden path but focused on a timeline that would ''spare'' Chani of suffering. I think Paul saw the golden path as immoral and presumptuous, he didn't think the end justified the means. I thought this Paul vs. Leto conflict was a deontological vs. utilitarian thing.

>> No.19508967

There was a girl I knew who started a book club. I was gonna join but I was the only guy and it felt like I was intruding on something

>> No.19508975

I suppose that's possible, I hadn't really thought of it like that before. Do you plan on reading God Emperor of Dune? I will admit it's quite the weird book but it does sort of resolve things.

>> No.19508985

That's what I was basing my statement on anon.
I'm using it to equate "Having a Soul" to "Being a Ciphrang".
Gnostics and Anagogics see the world as different than other perceive it to be.
Cishaurim CAN'T perceive the world as other do and function by what they WANT reality to be.
Ciphrang perceive what they desire to be reality, and thus assert their reality over anyone of lesser will.
Dunyain make excellent gnostics because they already don't perceive reality as others do, and their quest for the absolute means they can readily accept that the TRUE nature of reality includes sorcery.
Dunyain make very poor Cishaurim because they have extremely strong perception, and can easily discern the stare of reality even while blind, and in addition have no real desire for reality to assume other than what it already is. It's possible that Moenghus could have become much more powerful by removing his other senses, and at the limit of not being able to perceive anything at all would have mastered the Psukhe.
The No-God locks the world by using sorcery to persistently draw the attention of men, forcing them to constantly acknowledge it. Because of this, the Ciphrang, who can't perceive sorcery, also can't perceive anyone who's perceiving sorcery!
And all the no-god is is a sensory deprivation chamber!
A member of the Few, imprisoned in a sensory deprivation chamber, cannot perceive anything, not the world, not the gods, nothing. And so his belief is amplified and spread around him as a field of oblivion.
An indoctrinated Dunyain, imprisoned in the No-God, would have no perception, and he would only desire one thing: the pursuit of the absolute, the darkness that comes before.
If Kellhus entered the sarcophagus, he would become the solitary god by directly percieving the absolute.

>> No.19509006

Sure, I intend on finishing the 6 Frank Herbert Dune books, but I'll take a break now to read something else, I did the first 3 books back to back. I know I'll revisit the Dune saga in a couple of years or so, this is the type of series that I enjoy better on a re-read.

>> No.19509029

You might just want to push ahead and finish God Emperor as the first four books are basically the first arc of the story and is a decent stopping point, but it's up to you really. The fifth and sixth (and unfinished seventh) book are basically another story arc.

>> No.19509044

Oh, I didn't know that. I thought God Emperor was the start of the new story arc because I was spoiled about the time skip. I'll read it soon, then. Thanks!

>> No.19509130
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is this guy good?

>> No.19509150

In the introduction to God Emperor it is said that it is supposed to be a "bridging book" between the first trilogy and the (sadly unfinished) second trilogy.

>> No.19509217

Possibly the epitome of great ideas terribly executed. Considering his circumstances that was understandable though.

>> No.19509295

Does it trouble you, Anon?
To know the Survivor burns in Hell?

>> No.19509317

Wheel of Time.

>> No.19509357
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Live footage of Bakker trying to write something meaningful

>> No.19509406

If Kellhus goes to the Pit as hunter, that dude goes even better, to be bored. Just chill in the flames like Odysseus in the Inferno.

>> No.19509475

pit and chill

>> No.19509697

without ajokli kellhus would have been btfo by the skin spies

>> No.19509857

no probs, i made all that up though

>> No.19509870

I see. What is the situation with Frank Herbert's unfinished notes on Dune 7? Are they freely available on the internet or only his son has access to them? (I have no interest in getting into his books)

Can someone please answer this? I don't believe such a huge plothole exists in this book. Why did the Preacher wanted Jessica in SS? Why did Duncan obey him? How were the Bene Gesserit involved? (Jessica and Duncan reach the conclusion they were tricked by them, somehow, because the BG wanted Jessica dead) What was Jessica's goal with Farad'n?

I can't put the pieces together and it's driving me crazy.

>> No.19510089

Thoughts on The Curse of Chalion?

>> No.19510352

He wouldn't have been if he acted smart
>Enter golden room
>Wreck sarcophagus with some sorcery before anyone reacts
>Retreat because you can fucking teleport
He likely had some other goal in mind besides just preventing No-God, because otherwise we can only assume that he was forced by writer to go full retard to set up conclusion as intended, and Bakker didn't do shit like this before.

>> No.19510399

>Winds of Winter
>Thorn of Emberlain
>Doors of Stone
>The No-God series
Any news on any of these? No? Just checking.

>> No.19510417
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Whats some metal scifi? I'm sick of "ohhhhhhhhhhh breaking the trooooopes" shitty left leaning anti-war military scifi I want the good shit.

>> No.19510573

Thread is only speculations and discussion about the prescience in Dune and Sorcery in Bakker’s book.

Truth shines!
I’m thinking based.

>> No.19510626

Most of the prescience talk in Dune is complete gibberish.

>> No.19510635

Filtered by Herberts gigabrain talk of Prescience. For you, my friend, I recommend the Mistborn series.

>> No.19510662

I hope you're memeing me. Most of relevant info on how the oracle works and how it influences the characters can be summed up in a few sentences: absolute knowledge of the future is comparable to death, relying on prescience is a trap, it isolates the user from his reality, etc etc etc. But we have to read pages and pages and more pages of pretentious nonsense on Frank Herbert's acid trips because he thinks he has some deep knowledge to share with us. Easily the worse aspect of Dune.

>> No.19510672

I’m partly memeing you. It’s true prescience can be summed in that but Herbert takes his time to describe the feeling of prescience in his prose.

>> No.19510678

Yeah, that's an understatement. Still a great series, though.

>> No.19510683

Herbert’s Dune really shows that Dialogue (as a literary genre) isn’t dead. Most of the books are just one on one discussions in almost white rooms. Once in a while something happens but any meaningful events takes a hundred pages to come to fruition. Not that I complain, some books have way too much action as a fluff (e.g., Mistborn).

>> No.19510708

That's pretty fair. But sometimes it goes too much into this extreme and misses some great opportunities for drama and action, like in Dune Messiah when Gaius Helem Morriam and Edric were unceremoniously executed off-page as an after thought

>> No.19510730

he was barely in the driving seat at that point and going crazy, his plan was probably golden room ajokli lets see what happens, maybe with some contingency plans

>> No.19510884

Regardless of whether he knew about the Consult's attack on Ishual before or after Akka told him he'd found it destroyed, Kellhus knew that the Dunyain would have already taken over Golgotterath and the fact that they still resisted him showed that they thought that the Consult's plans were worthy of their efforts. If they're Dunyain then they're worthy of rational debate with, so he heads up into the Horn to discuss what they should do next while men fight and die at their feet.
If Kellhus didn't know about Ishual, then he might have spent the Last Whelming in a probability trance, which might have given Sorweel the chance he needed.

>> No.19510932

You are probably wrong because he is the solitary god

>> No.19510945

Hammer's Slammers
Personally I don't care much for David Drake, but there you go

>> No.19510950

Where are you getting that from? He's a Ciphrang at the very best and a privileged servant of a demon at worst.

>> No.19510986

Anon there has only been 2 posts that have had the words 'Celmomas' and 'prophecy' in them, and they are not even close to similar.

>> No.19511164

The survivor, forget his name but they do say it, is defective in a way too. He survives because he has the boy to watch, which he should have dropped.

However, he seems to have a revelation in this, in that the Dunyain, by always working for advantage and treating all as object, none as subject, are actually enslaving themselves even more to the darkness. Everything becomes jockeying over deterministic material outcomes.

This sort of follows some strands in German Idealism, on the importance of their being two subjects for one subject to define itself. Or in Behemism, God (the Absolute) HAS to posit existence to be, and definition requires difference since the negative, what something is not, is what defines it. Other minds have to be posited for mind to be defined.

So for some of them, love plays a crucial role because it is the recognition of the self in an other. There is a whole Bernstein lecture on the importance of love in the Phenomenology, although I really didn't see it when I read it. Fichtean Ego might be more the Absolute of the Dunyain.

Bakker is probably using "Absolute" because it sounds better than Ego, which has Freudian connotations now. Also, even philosophy students get the ideas of Fichte and Hegel mixed up all the time because they get mashed up by secondary texts.

Anyhow, the Judging Eye absolutely freaks him out because it represents an absolute vantage, outside time and cause and effect. Its a vision of the afterlife, the future proceeding itself. After this he realizes the shortest path to the Absolute and takes it. The Dunyain do all that and maybe while he was high for an instant, that one dude actually did achieve what they set out for.

>> No.19511186

the christian conception of god is already that he has a meaningful impact on our setting. thats probably why you wont find this. you want god to be like a normal fantasy book god and you wont find it because christianity is an actual real religion

>> No.19511278

>/lit/ started when /sffg/ was created
Dumb newfag abortion reject, posting his board-themed feels guy substitute.
4chan has been utter trash for too long yet yes I am still here because nothing else fills the niche, newfag.

>> No.19511338

Who are you quoting?

>> No.19511345

I >>19510352
I will simply have to disagree, because I think that Kellhus planned his Death

Do you really think that Kellhus was unaware of the White-Luck Warrior and Yatwer when he had a full fucking pact with one of the most infamous and Treacherous Gods guarding his back? Ajokli, The God of Deceit himself!

It was all a ruse from the beginning. He played everyone, Ajokli and Kelmomas included and now he's coming for their asses in the Outside.

>> No.19511361
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His ass. He outs himself as a newfag so easily.

>> No.19511364

>Do you really think that Kellhus was unaware of the
Yes because he didn't even understand what the fuck has just happened when Kelmomas shanked Sorwell. He would have died in two separate situations if not for interference. Maithanet is almost as strong and smart in comparison to worldborn people for al intents and purposes, but he got killed by narindar just fine. The very point of what was happening in last books is that dunyain might be extremely smart and extremely powerful, but they are not infallible nor omnipotent.

>> No.19511367

You're assuming that Kellhus wasn't lying to the little shit. I refuse to believe that. You can't prove that he would have died and was unaware. You don't know if Kellhus wasn't a White-Luck Warrior himself. Maithanet didn't have a Ciphrang God behind him.

>> No.19511374

kellhus OBJECTIVLELY did not understand the WLW and kelmomas, he literally would have died twice if not for kelmomas's interference

>> No.19511376

I think Kellhus didnt see Sorwel as white luck warrior considering how much he interacted with Him. Kellhus should have been able to see Sorweels intern from his face but he was white luck warrior. Only in Golden room or near it it was such a strong topos that Ajokli could manifesti himself better.

>> No.19511377

ciphrang god > no god

>> No.19511378

You keep dodging the fact that Ajokli was with him and is pissed afterwards.
Did you pay attention to his speech before the sodium explosion? The true war is to be fought on the Outside. The material world is no longer of consequence. He needs the No-God to weaken the Ciphrang as well. It's folly to pretend he would be caught off-guard.

>> No.19511382

thought that was all pretty clear, wasn't moenghus or whatever like why do you dunyain guys trust sorweel when he clearly hates you and is fingering his sword and stuff, but they trust so much in their abilities to see people's emotions they disregard stuff like that

>> No.19511384

Ajokli > Yatwer

Simple as.

>> No.19511388

Implying that kellhus completely ignore that abnormality that Sorweel was as a believer King is the most retarded proposition I've read here today. You trust the writer way too much, when it should be the exact opposite since Bakker is who we're talking about.

>> No.19511395

So what is Kellhus doing now then? Did he do a pact with Ajokli but instead betrayed him enabling the second coming of the no god? Is he serving his own intentions or is he trying to reach the Absolute?

>> No.19511396
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I unironically believe that I've found Bakker's Reddit Account. Either that, or someone playing a prank on all of us, because the things he's writing are way too convenient to be true. Unless he's full of shit, but we will find about that soon enough.

Expect to hear from Bakker until the end of the year. Screen cap this.

>> No.19511399

you mean the speech where his head turns into a fucking torch and he starts going on like https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ggWDOKxQXgA this and how about he's going to rule the word and torture everyone with the rest of the dunsult as his 4 princes, and then ajokli gets btfo by kelmomas and gets really mad

>> No.19511401

Kellhus' only goal is conquering the absolute now. He needs the No-God to achieve that in order to weaken the Gods. He needed the help of a God in his ThousandFoldThought plan in oder to fill the gaps left by the God's plans (i.e. White Luck Warriors). He played them all.

>> No.19511403


>> No.19511405

It's the exact same weakness of his father, who lost most of the advantages he had over men by becoming a Cishaurim. Dunyain are trained from childhood to master people by reading their faces and controlling their Darkness via the clues that gives off. If you blind a Dunyain, or fool one of his basic instincts with a glamour then they've lost not only on of their greatest strengths, they've lost the very means by which they measure men.

>> No.19511406

Kellhus had a pact with Ajokli. I refuse to believe he was blind to the God's schemes.

>> No.19511407

Didn't he do an Ask Me Anything on reddit when the Unholy Consult was released?

>> No.19511409

He only needed ajokli to deal with the consult, he was no help against the WLW etc. Several dunyain with the unknown technology and resources of the consult are a pretty big threat, he admits that he's losing control as he draws closer to golgotterath.

I figured he took a gamble, lost, but has some kind of backup plan

>> No.19511411

I don't know, but I'm talking about another account altogether. I've just check the activity and it sounded way too good to now be him. But who knows, I will wait until the end of the year. If nothing happens I will call the guy here on his bullshit.

>> No.19511414


Ajokli if he knew of TWLW wouldn't have needed to tell kellhus since all he would have seen was the WLW failing, he definitely can't see kelmomas

>> No.19511416

Sweet Sejenus this is a masterpiece.

>> No.19511423

You bring an interesting point.

The fact that he was blind to Kelmomas doesn't mean he was Blind to the WLW's downfall. Just think about that. Who isn't blind to Kelmomas? Kellhus. What inference would you then make?
>"The God knows that the WLW will die at this moment, but he doesn't know how or why. I, Anarusimbor Kellhus am not blind to the No-God. If the No-God is invisible to the Gods, I can only conclude that my little satan is Nau-Cayûti incarnate"

>> No.19511429

Holy based.

These shitters think that Kellhus saved the little shit just to please Esmi. He knew right then and there that he was the No-God when the first WLF was killed.

I never thought about that. What the ACTUAL FUCK!!!!

>> No.19511434


>> No.19511438

I think you're overstating the bond between Ajokli and Kellhus, which only manifests itself inside Golgotterath because it's quite literally Hell on Earth. Also I find it very interesting that the Gods never interact with each other in the novels, despite the Appendix indicating that Earwa is full of "myths" about the struggles and alliances between different Gods. They're solipsistic fragments of a greater whole.

>> No.19511444

So he planned his death and in order for him not to get utterly assblasted in the Outside he has what going on? Decapitants, some pact with Ajokli that he would be saved? What?

>> No.19511457

It's absolute folly to think that Kellhus was interested in the material world any longer. The No-God will literally fuck with the Gods and give him leeway to conquer the outside unopposed. He needed the No-God. I suspect that he was desperate to find him during the entire series. He has made agreements with Ciphrang, he told that himself to Proyas. He is now ready to Ascend and become the God of Gods.

>> No.19511462

The issue with that is that it makes his failure to kill Kelmomas after the little shit kills the second WLW an unforgivable oversight. If he had the slightest suspicion that he was connected to the No-God, or at the very least he was a kind of living bane to the WLW, he should have killed him the second he outlived his usefulness in the Umbilical. The fact he leaves Esmi to die while he assaults the Horns shows that, despite his words, she's of no real value to him at that point. He had no reason to keep him alive.

>> No.19511464

I always knew K was the SG. Also E is Y

>> No.19511465

Dude, he needs the no God. read >>19511457

Are you Ok?

>> No.19511469

The No-God is the biggest weapon that Kellhus has against the Gods then.

That's very interesting indeed.

>> No.19511533

I think you're overreaching there, Kellhus' whole debate with his brothers is about whether they should follow the Consult's or the Prophet's plan for "salvation." Kellhus' caps off at becoming a Ciphrang, wheedling his way into the Outside where his Will becomes Word. The Consult serve as his "angels," creating the fear needed to sustain his faith in Earwa while sending fresh souls to him in the Outside. The No-God is completely, absolutely antithetical to Kellhus' plans. They can't coexist.

>> No.19511655
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>Author has a secret fanfiction account that gets discovered
>It's full of erotica
Why is this so common?

>> No.19511658
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We won Bakker Chads.

>> No.19511751

Fucking stupid Australian cocksuckers spamming the thread like a discord chat while everyone else is gone

>> No.19511764

Does it trouble you?

>> No.19511811

Name 10 examples

>> No.19511824

It’s probably Chinese webnovel writers so it doesn’t count. He couldn’t (note, he will never be a woman) name one traditionally published authors.

>> No.19511848

Other gods are hostile to Ajokli for some reason, and it was stated that he was hiding from them. Pact was probably reason narindar were hunting Kellhus, and if it like that, Ajokli probably couldn't do shit to help, since other gods have the upper hand in divine influence on the world in addition to specifically working to counter him. Other gods do not know about Mog and Consult, they just see that their enemy teamed up with powerful mortal figure and they're up to something.

>> No.19511872

Ajokli is the God of Deceit, though.

>> No.19511949
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>> No.19511954

Oh no, people are posting in a 4chan thread! The horror, the horror.

>> No.19512011

Yes, you're troubled. Considering the response he triggered from you.>>19511811

>> No.19512037

What's that Khezu doing on top the building? They live in caves.

>> No.19512098

This. Dismissing a pact with a God when Sorweel didn't even directly contact with Yatwer is retarded beyond belief. Assuming that Ajokli is weak, is dumb too.

>> No.19512099

Two or three people who know each other from their cocksucking discord server chatrooming with one another here, knowing who the other posters are, is not exactly in the spirit of this anonymous imageboard you cockmongling brainlet

>> No.19512100

Discord link please

>> No.19512123

people are in a secret discord posting here for no reaosn because.... they just are OK

>> No.19512128

nobody said ajokli was weak but he's not stronger than all the rest and i'm pretty sure yatwer is one of the strongest

>> No.19512129

Doubt it.

>> No.19512132

Not my problem.

>> No.19512196

He also goes all the way back to get him. Otherwise the logic is that he goes all the way back to save Esmi, and then promptly dumps her in a spot where she is likely to die.

I don't think the goal is quite that high. When he's talking to Proyas about the one God and how alien It is, he seems like he is being serious.

>> No.19512313

No one is forcing you to stay here, sweetie.

>> No.19512329

naomi novik

>> No.19512397

Black woman. Is she actually a good writer or did she win three Hugo awards because she is black woman?

>> No.19512405

Sounds based.

>> No.19512415

Is he wrong?

>> No.19512420
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>> No.19512526
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Just finished the first trilogy of this. It started really promising, but it became stupid fast. It's so frustrating the amount of rug pulls this guy has written. Also the caste system is fucking stupid.

5/10. Interesting characters, but the plot twists and the setting are a turn off for me. I don't think I'll be reading the second trilogy.

>> No.19512735
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Seething retard

>> No.19512801
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What the fuck what that ending? Was the entire story just a single dude tripping on a feather?

>> No.19512840


>> No.19512869
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Does it trouble you?

>> No.19512916


>> No.19512956

Use the archive or something newbros

>> No.19512959


>> No.19512984
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>> No.19513103

Worth pointing out this passage in one of the few Kellhus POVs

For twenty years now, he had dwelt in the circuit of his father’s Thought, scrutinizing, refining, enacting and being enacted. He had known it would crash into ruin after his departure …

Known that his wife and children would die

This is when he is also describing the one God, the God of Gods to Proyas. He is being frank with him here, as the inner monologue shows. The God comes to him in his dreams he says.

Anyhow, it seems obvious that he planned to have the ordeal abandoned and his children die, so why bring Kel if he wasn't going to turn him into the No God? He makes the pact with Ajokli, then brings along the one person who can fuck him up just by accident? Seems he was intending to "die" and get everyone killed all along.

>> No.19513121

BTW, the idea of evil, malevolent gods as rulers of the material world, while a mysterious incomprehensible God who doesn't act in our world because It is beyond it (what we have in SA), is pretty common in various flavors of Gnosticism, so the references make sense.

>> No.19513208

Based and truth-pilled.

>> No.19513225

I fucking love Bakker, man. Can't wait for Proyas' return on the Outside. He was my favorite character.

>> No.19513278

I finished the prince of nothing a year back and decided to hold off on continuing as I felt that by the third book the overall quality dropped, is the aspect emperor run worth my time?

>> No.19513298

Yes, and also rereading is an option. The series gets better each time.

>> No.19513494
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>From the moment I understood the weakness of my flesh, it disgusted me.
>I craved the strength and certainty of steel. I aspired to the purity of the blessed machine.
>Your kind cling to your flesh as if it will not decay and fail you.
>One day the crude biomass that you called a temple will wither and you'll beg my kind to save you.
>But I am already saved. For the machine is immortal. Even in death i serve the Omnissiah.

>> No.19513507

are any of the warhammer 40k books worth reading?

>> No.19513559

God no

>> No.19513574

Can anyone recommend me a good book like Rama? Something where they're exploring an old abandoned spacecraft or the ruins of a long-lost civilisation.

>> No.19513655
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Oh, you've personally read all of them?

>> No.19513665

I've read enough.

>> No.19513680

I can't decide do I read sword and sorcery or epic fantasy now? My reading schedule for the next few months is on your hands.

>> No.19513700

Read the following authors and their books, Dan Abnett, Ian Watson, J Barrington Bayley, Aaron Dembski-Bowden, and Matthew Farrer.

>> No.19513727

This makes no sense though.

If Kellhus doesn't care about humanity, why not tell the Dunyain about the Consult early on and join/dominate them? If he does want to help people, why bring the entire strength of arms and sorcery up north just to abandon it to destruction? He could have teleported there alone with just his son and done all of this. Seems like a plot hole to justify battle scenes. Unless the whole point is to get the Ciphrang/Gods to fight the No God to weaken them.

>> No.19513779

I thought it was weaker in pacing and plot, but had cooler ideas and lore going on. It dragged a bit at times, particularly books 1-2, parts a slog.

However, the good parts are amazing, better than anything in the first three. The last half of the fourth book when you get there is fucking awesome.

>> No.19513785

You want what is called Big Dumb Object fiction.

Chindi by Jack McDevitt is pretty much exactly like Rama, people exploring a big, weird ship. This is technically the third book about the pilot, Hutch, but its anthology like and this is the only one I've read and I read it without knowing that. IIRC there seemed to be some vague and minor meta-plot tie-ins, but nothing that couldnt be made sense of from context, like I said its very anthology-like.

Ship of Fools by Richard Paul Russo and Hull Zero Three by Greg Bear are both generation ship style books where the thrust of the book is exploring a generation ship that no one really knows whats going on on it.

>> No.19513839

>Bakkerfag is spamming his garbage on /a/
How low can he go?

>> No.19513848

Stop posting false flags, retard. You can't even quote posts from other boards.

>> No.19513862

This you?

>> No.19514078

What will the next thread be about?

>> No.19514085

Actual good recommendations.

>> No.19514118

Actual bad recommendations.

>> No.19514147

the duality of man
so who's right?

>> No.19514162

Both of them are right >>19514085 and >>19513700

>> No.19514177

“King” nice try shitlord

>> No.19514188

Towing Jehovah

>> No.19514194
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It's template from harkach (Russian "imageboard" that is owned by russian equivalent of Amazon and that all Russians with triple digit IQ left many years ago). I guess this one wants to impress foreigners with their creativity.

>> No.19514201
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>> No.19514203

Anyone read the final Expanse book? I think my partner is buying it for Christmas for me, so I'm waiting to buy it until then. I'm skeptical the authors can wrap up the story with one final book, but who knows?

>> No.19514207

At least he tried. The same can't be said about your English.

Opinion discarded.

>> No.19514217

Who do you think is right? The guy shilling for literal "who's", or the anon telling you the truth?

>> No.19514221



>> No.19514225

I accept your concession.

>> No.19514258

You don’t understand the joke

>> No.19514265

Anyone have any decent zombie novel recommendations my list is at 150 now and most are trash. Anything similar to Day by Day, Whiskey Tango Foxtrot or Arisen would be appreciated.

>> No.19514274

Have you tried the resident evil novels S. D. Perry? I heard they were okay.

>> No.19514287

Recommend a /sffg/ book that came out this year.

>> No.19514324

The Shadow of the Gods by John Gwynne

>> No.19514333

there is too much unspoilered second apocalypse spoilers in here

>> No.19514373


>> No.19514393

>John Gwynne
Good author. Can’t wait for the sequel of shadow of the gods.

>> No.19514419

I don't know what to tell you if you come here and haven't read PoN.

>> No.19514430

I’ve heard good things, and also that it makes CB a much more important book in hindsight. What did you think of the rest of the series?

>> No.19514437

it's coming out in April of next year.

>> No.19514438
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The rug pulls are fine for me because they always wreck the protagonist, and I love seeing Darrow crawl back from defeat every time.
Golden Son is probably my favorite sci-fi book of all time. Wonderful world building, frenetic pacing (not a single boring moment), insane hype moments and massive major plot developments throughout.
Tell me you didn't find the gala duel the hypest shit. Tell me you didn't feel anything when Darrow walked into Pliny's meeting, smiled at him and fixed his hair, then looked out the window while the other traitors fucking murdered him behind and presented the empty chair for him to sit on. Tell me you didn't shout KINO at the iron rain.
Morningstar was not as good though, and Iron Gold is definitely a 3/5. Dark Age however, was fantastic, nearly on par with GS.
It feels like Pierce Brown is the total opposite of normie trilogy writers. His second books are by far the best of the trilogy when normally second books are just shitty fillers lmao.

>> No.19514453

I heard the first book is just Hunger Games but set in Mars.

>> No.19514504

That was the norm back then. Every aspiring author tried to copy the hunger games and it’s dystopian setting. Most were pretty retarded though.

>> No.19514511

Yes, it was around the time when shit like hunger games and divergent was capeshit level popular, so I think Pierce Brown just wanted to capitalize on that or maybe his editors made him do it.
The first book is by far the worst book in the series, its a suitable introduction to the world, but the second book blows it so far out of the water you'd hardly be able to tell the same guy wrote it.
That said, Red Rising is still pretty decent on its own. It sets up the characters for future kino.
Dark Age is pretty damn insane too, it features basically a 40k scale planetary invasion that's actually realistic in terms of numbers and tactics.
The whole series is just peak sci-fi for me.

>> No.19514522

That's good to hear, so Red Rising is just hunger games to lure readers in?

>> No.19514533

>Pierce Brown just wanted to capitalize on that
Wouldn’t blame him if he was. Hunger games was lightning in a bottle.

>> No.19514554

Maybe I’ll give Pierce Brown another chance.

>> No.19514559


>> No.19514566

Yeah, but every hype moment get's conflated with something stupid. Darrow is just fucking retarded at points.
The world building is also very weak. Society wouldn't work with that many Golds. What would happen is that after conquering Earth, they'd just start fighting amongst themselves. Even if it was unified, there would be color revolts so often that it would be impossible to build anything of note.

Red Rising has a good premise.It's a bit like lord of the flies, hunger games and a few other things mixed in.

>> No.19514567

Alright, I'll buy the trilogies then.

>> No.19514574

>Society wouldn't work with that many Golds.
I disagree, I like the fact there’s many golds. Tired of the few elite. Besides, the entire solar system is colonized.

>> No.19514580

You won’t regret it.

>> No.19514585

New thread

>> No.19514632

Agree with this 100%. First book was fun but not great. Next two I loved. They aren't deep but are fun as fuck. Fourth was a bit less frenetic and enjoyable, but the fifth is an incredible page turner. The world is implausible, but the characters are still very interesting. It's one of my favorite series.