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/lit/ - Literature

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19495351 No.19495351 [Reply] [Original]

what literature best captures the reddit spirit? and please state your argument as to what the reddit spirit actually is

>> No.19495366
File: 84 KB, 1024x519, Prince of Nothing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This series captures the reddit spirit

>> No.19495375

anything by Bertrand Russell

>> No.19495379

Guns, germs and steel by JARED DIAMOND.

>> No.19495384

This is a homosexual shitposter and not typical of reddit spirit

>> No.19495391

idk man it was the only reddit related screenshot i had

>> No.19495393

is Bakker an atheist? haven't read any of him

>> No.19495401

He’s reddit personified.

>> No.19495412
File: 126 KB, 769x1181, 9780575081406.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This book for sure; something about the condescending, self-assured tone, the sarcasm, the quips, the prose that is trying to be well-written but isn't when compared to actually good prose, also the fact that the author is a fat neckbeard who spends his time streaming on twitch

>> No.19495432

Reddit pseudointellectuals love Pynchon and Mccarthy

>> No.19495435

This happened to me, that a friend of mine wanted to suck me off, I let him. Neither of us is gay.

>> No.19495438

4chan does too, nullifying the effect.

>> No.19495442

Ready Player One is the ultimate Reddit literature.

>> No.19495456

the reddit spirit is that of the benign and neutered pseudointellectual, someone deeply concerned about their image and perceived superiority.

>> No.19495473

nail on the head

>> No.19495509

These are spot on.
Rather than giving a formal definition of the reddit spirit, I would much rather present what I consider to be perfect examples of the reddit spirit, allowing all of you to expand on the concept yourselves.

As for Ernest Cline, he has committed this atrocity: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LwNOzWXb7RE
It has it all. I do not want to sully it with commentary - it is perfect, and perfectly obscene, and a perfect representation of the spirit of reddit. This poem is anti-art to me.

As for Rothfuss, his biography on goodreads has been quoted a few times in the past few weeks, with the commentary that he is the platonic ideal of a redditor, and I agree - another perfect example of the reddit spirit, allowing you to explore the indignity and obscenity of the concept yourself.

>It all began when Pat Rothfuss was born to a marvelous set of parents. Throughout his formative years they encouraged him to do his best, gave him good advice, and were no doubt appropriately dismayed when he failed to live up to his full potential.

>In high-school Pat was something of a class clown. His hobbies included reading a novel or two a day and giving relationship advice to all his friends despite the fact that he had never so much as kissed a girl. He also role-played and wrote terrible stories about elves. He was pretty much a geek.

>Most of Pat's adult life has been spent in the University Wisconsin Stevens Point. In 1991 he started college in order to pursue a career in chemical engineering, then he considered clinical psychology. In 1993 he quit pretending he knew what he wanted to do with his life, changed his major to "undecided," and proceeded to study whatever amused him. He also began writing a book....

>For the next seven years Pat studied anthropology, philosophy, eastern religions, the blade, history, alchemy, parapsychology, literature, and writing. He studied six different martial arts, practiced improv comedy, learned how to pick locks, and became a skilled lover of women. He also began writing a satirical advice column which he continues to this day: The College Survivial Guide. Through all of this he continued to work on his novel.

>> No.19495561

Anything by Terry Pratchett or Douglas Adams.

>> No.19495576

Hey fuck you buddy. Hitchhiker's is core lit.

>> No.19495583

It’s actually Reddit to think Douglas Adams is Reddit

>> No.19495588

never read Douglas Adams so I can't speak on that, but yeah while Terry Pratchett did usually cross into redditor territory, some of his stuff is actually decent; it also helps that he predated reddit by awhile

>> No.19495638

excellent analysis.
on the the ernest cline poetry thing, it’s so funny to me how these nerds, in trying to make it seem like they’re “above it all” when it comes to conventional standards of beauty (e.g. blonde haired, scantily clad, large breasted women) just wind up finding new attributes to fill those exact roles, and implicitly target girls they feel like they can ‘get’. like it’s so clearly a cope and so clearly ‘i’m not like the other ones’ behavior. fucking hate these redditors.

>> No.19495652
File: 1.07 MB, 4032x3024, 39C794BC-A69C-40C2-B49E-3855E1ADE39B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, I love Reddit because it never fails to upset me. I think personally Reddit is best exemplified by a double whammy of being excessively sentimental and rigidly conformist. It’s a weird kind of groupthink to describe. Redditors but they’re extremely naive, often choosing to disregard reality for the comfort of a digestible or handy narrative. The narrative itself may not necessarily be comforting but its simplistic presentation that the Reddit mind can grasp will be. Redditors hate ambiguity of any kind at all. They demand everything be meticulously explained in detail for them because they’re lazy and fearful of not being in the “know”.

Reddit is legit the apotheosis of MKUltra. You can get them to believe literally anything so long as they think everyone else also believes it. Left wing subs are gigantic on there and dominate virtually all other boards (news and politics normies frequently extolling or citing Marx in discussions) Perfect hivemind for the most retarded people of the 21st century.

(4chan is also like barely a standard deviation better than Reddit too)

>> No.19495678

I struggle to put it to words, because I really fucking despise reddit. Part of it is definitely the obsession they have with superficial intellectual shit, while at the same time not even understanding basic concepts about the arguments they repeat and the things they love. They're sort of like hyper-literate medieval peasants, keeping all the capricious mob mentality, but claiming to love science instead of God.

>> No.19495680

what an unwashed asshole

>> No.19495683

coinslot out of order

>> No.19495685

She’s latinx

>> No.19495689

but i thought your mom is white

>> No.19495750

>As for Ernest Cline, he has committed this atrocity: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LwNOzWXb7RE [Open]
>It has it all. I do not want to sully it with commentary - it is perfect, and perfectly obscene, and a perfect representation of the spirit of reddit. This poem is anti-art to me.
god. it's bad. this is really fucking bad. i don't think I've ever come across any piece of writing that reeks of reddit to this extent. the stench of it makes me sick to my stomach. it is not anti art. that would imply transgression. it is not art done poorly. that would imply it still was a kind of art. this is simply not art at all.

>> No.19495793

It is aggressively conformist

>> No.19496252

most slam poetry is just bad ranting, and it’s all either in this tryhard tone of someone who’s learned what literary devices are but has no notion of their purpose or it’s in a shitty civil rights preacher impression

>> No.19496266

Steven Pinker

>> No.19496271

R Scott Bakker. Not even joking. Read his Wikipedia, it's fucking hilariously self written and just full of his made up philosophy

>> No.19496313

>You can get them to believe literally anything so long as they think everyone else also believes it.
This is literally how women think

>> No.19496322
File: 1.51 MB, 950x708, d39.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This! By the Flying Spaghetti Monster, so much this!

Edit: Thanks for the gold kind stranger

Edit 2: 327 upvotes for this? Haha wow that's the most I've ever gotten, thanks guys and gals and everything in between!

Edit 3: WTF 600 upvotes wow thank you all so much this is the best birthday ever

Edit 4: Thanks for all the birthday wishes fellow r/wooooshers. I tippeth mine hat to thee on this pleasant morrow.

Edit 5: Ok, so this went viral overnight for some reason O_o 2000 motherflipping upboats I really have no words thank you all so much it means a lot!

Edit 6: ok I'm noticing some toxic discussion happening in this reply chain and I feel the need to address it. Sexism and racism are not cool guys, so please cool it and continue the good vibes please and thank you!

Edit 7: ok so I don't know why but I've received a lot of downvotes on this post recently, maybe i got raided by 4channel .org/b?? (commonly referred to as the "asshole of the internet" for those who aren't aware). I don't really ask for much but I was hoping we could show those losers a thing or two, so please give this post an upvote if you haven't already, it would mean the world to me and show these bullies you cannot mess with a good person.

Edit 8: turns out my girlfriend cheated on me, so that happened :/

Edit 9: so people have been wanting me to clarify the previous edit. I don't have the energy to go into a lot of detail so the general gist of it is this: Yes we were in an open relationship, no that doesn't mean you can't cheat on someone when you're in an open relationship. If you are having sex regularly with someone and never mention it until they get you pregnant, that is definitely a betrayal of trust even if you've both agreed that she can have as many partners as she feels she needs to be comfortable.

Edit 10: FYI, taking responsibility for the child does not make me any less of a man than you, actually it makes me more, so kindly fuck off please and thank you!

>> No.19496323

It is being satisfied with too little, preferring the broad to the deep. In a word: mediocrity.

The spirit of 4chan is more or less a reaction to this; being satisfied with what is grotesque, preferring what is complex to what is probable. In a word: contrarianism.

If Reddit is mainstream conformism, 4chan is alternative conformism.

>> No.19496359

Yep. Only closeted redditors will deny

>> No.19496378

He's reddit, his books are not. A lot like Warhammer 40k where it's based on accident even though the authors are cucks

>> No.19496381

>A lot like Warhammer 40k where it's based on accident even though the authors are cucks
What are some examples of this?

>> No.19496446

>became a skilled lover of women
No wonder his wife left his fat lazy ass.

>> No.19496525

did she leave him?

>> No.19496836

Always gets me

>> No.19496855
File: 96 KB, 500x500, 1610115864264.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any book where women are potrayed in a positive light.

>> No.19496900

You guys like mock fagddit, but let's see 4bitch's literature? And I mean the actual literature representing you people.

>> No.19497002

>comparing medieval peasants to reeeeedit.
you have to go back

>> No.19497101

>a confederacy of dunces
>the book of disquiet
>crime and punishment
>the moviegoer
basically pathetic directionless man core

>> No.19497110

4chan is reddit.

>> No.19497154

But I'm successful in my daily life.

>> No.19497174

>pathetic directionless man core
What books are the exact opposite of this?

>> No.19497177

I refuse to believe this man is human. he truly is the personification of this grand, new, godless idea. he represents a great deal of what all men should fight against. the slob, the 2/3rds of halfway to mediocrity. the ultimate "eh, good enough" of a """man""". the bugman, the hue-man, swilling away in the grey half light of a one bedroom apartment, bought off proceeds of selling reddit accounts. shilling away on forums; "this one has 500k post karma, 460k comment karma! 50,000 dollars'l set you up with this sweet new, shiny sportscar account." he lives in the suburbs, of course, neither rural, urban, or cosmopolitan. halfway between. godless, gutless, whoreson. fetal, unborn. even his beard shows the same lacklustre spirit of the whole. I don't think these kinds of """people""" have ever felt anything in their lives.

>> No.19497498

But the cashier’s brow was sad,

And the cashier’s speech was quiet,

And darkly looked he out the window,

And darkly at the riot.

“The looters will soon be on us

And the police will hide indoors,

And if those fuckers win the street,

What hope to save the store?”

Then out spake brave Hyuk Son Lim,

The Owner of the place:

“To every man upon the earth

Death cometh soon or late.

And how can man die better

Than facing fearful odds,

Defending his own shop

At Koreatown Esplanade?

“Haul down the ladder, Young-ja,

I’m-a going to the roof;

We’re going to-a waste these motherfuckers

If they try to come and loot

We fled chaotic wartime Seoul

To build a life across the sea

Now who will grab their rifle,

And keep the roof with me?

Adapted from "The Lays of Ancient Rome"

>> No.19497591

Anything by that ugly little frog who holds his cigarettes between his third and fourth fingers. I think he has a qt Asian wife

>> No.19497593

>excessively sentimental and rigidly conformist

>> No.19497712


>> No.19497725

He is agnostic and says he wishes for there to be a benevolent god but doesn't know.

>> No.19497745

Yes and no. Read does the whole science thing, sure, but they also balance it out with basic liberal humanism too. Bakker's whole thing is that ultimately neuroscience will make believing in humanism untenable, that humanism will be seen just as much a delusion as religion is.

You could say he is reddit that picked a side, but I honestly see much more of that sentiment over on /sci/.

>> No.19497807

did u kiss him after?

>> No.19497860

this is almost perfect except for edit 7, the mention of b is too conspicuous

>> No.19497896

It's also how most men think. Very few people are their own person. I will grant that there are much fewer female freethinkers, but there aren't very many male freethinkers, especially if they aren't autistic af.

>> No.19498290

>is an atheist
>against euthanasia
He’s an idiot

>> No.19498632
File: 20 KB, 220x333, 220px-Ready_Player_One_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm surprised that this wasn't the first post since Ready Player One is without a doubt the most reddit book ever written.

>> No.19498703

this, i mean can you get more reddit than this title?
>Enlightenment Now: The Case for Reason, Science, Humanism, and Progress

>> No.19498717

I've lost relationships to co-workers over this book.
Miserable to lose faith over someone to this, of all things, especially when they're really nice.

Data-entry will make you hate people in a special way.

>> No.19498725

Mark Twain

>> No.19498730

The Futurist by Other, it encapsulates the Reddit spirit.

>> No.19498740

I haven’t read this, but I once had the misfortune of knowing the physical personification of Reddit in real life for some time. He liked this book a lot and called me one of the characters in it, but I don’t remember which or whether it was a compliment or insult. So I second this answer.

>> No.19498801

>Data-entry will make you hate people in a special way.
I think desk jobs are their own special kind of hell, but why data entry in particular?

>> No.19498940


>> No.19499009

Is Neal Stephenson reddit-core? I like a lot of his work, but Seveneves and Cryptonomicon both radiate that "I fucking love science" energy that xkcd and a lot of other reddit things have.

>> No.19499012

Sounds like cope.

>> No.19499013

Tolkien creating a pagan arian epic despite being a christcuck tradcath

>> No.19499029

"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" is the most reddit book i can think of. I don't know why it just encapsulate the reddit spirit to me

>> No.19499047

These plus Kurt Vonnegut

>> No.19499113

I think this book is weirdly both Reddit and 4chan. On the one hand, yes, it is filled with many le-random quips and endlessly quotable bullshit. However, it was also written by a guy taking way too much LSD just shooting the shit at a typewriter.
In any case, Reddit and 4chan are forever intertwined anyway.

>> No.19499115
File: 42 KB, 631x612, ignatius-reilly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd say the opposite - to me A Confederacy of Dunces is peak /lit/. Just look at Ignatius. He's an over intellectual Trad Cath NEET obsessed with an obscure late Roman / early Medieval philosopher, at war with modernity and everything that the middle class find tasteful or aspirational, not adverse to wade into racial issues when it suits him, and ultimately in love with the mid-Century equivalent of an e-girl, even if he can never admit it to himself.

>> No.19499190


>> No.19499219

>thanks guys and gals and everything in between!
Kek nice touch

>> No.19499246

all great books

>> No.19499638

Very nice, inspiring! Do you have more?

>> No.19499655


>> No.19499675


>> No.19499685


>> No.19499689


>> No.19500248

He's reddit but he gets a pass because I liked Snow Crash despite the fact that in theory it should be cringe as fuck, but somehow his prose was charming enough to win me over.

>> No.19500281

Cryptonomicon is pretty based.

>> No.19500291
File: 26 KB, 534x328, Bakker seething at his ex-girlfriend mother.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is Bakker an atheist?
Yes. And a TDS schizo.

>> No.19500365

It's been years since I've read Cryptonomicon, and all I remember from it is a mediocre explanation of ciphers and cryptography, a chapter about a stocking fetish and antique furniture fetish, and a chapter on "the optimal scientific way to eat Captain Crunch". All of those things were pretty Reddit. What did I miss that was based?

>> No.19500371

>(4chan is also like barely a standard deviation better than Reddit too)
while this has become true over the last several years, at it's heart 4chan was contrarian, sometimes to a fault. currently we are stuck in a cycle where the contrarianism found here has become a sort of groupthink among the community itself, but remains "edgy" and countercultural in relation to the average attitudes of young people in the west as a whole. so what we see is the "culture" here sort of spinning it's wheels over the last several years, and it remains to be seen if it has simply become too inundated with tourists and normies that the original spirit can ever be recaptured, or if this identity is going to stick. but certainly the levity that defined the culture here 10-15 years ago is gone and way too many treat everything super seriously. it's embarrassing and I blame zoomers.

>> No.19500414

What is he even talking about? Of course referents require conspecifics to maximize conceptual load - has he never read Bandura?

>> No.19500419

>the blade

>> No.19500441

>Muh orange man bad
He really is r*ddit.

>> No.19500466

>leftist subs citing marx
americans CANNOT be leftist, objectively, the american has no revolutionary determination. im sorry but americans are braindead. the us has not spawned a single relevant social commentary. not one!

>> No.19500468


>> No.19500526

Randy is gay. Don't read about Randy. I reread it every few years, but only the Bobby Shaftoe parts. Bobby is pretty based.

>> No.19500689


>> No.19500714
File: 50 KB, 720x720, confused.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Upton Sinclair?

>> No.19501177

>Cryptonomicon is pretty based.
>Cryptonomicon is a 1999 novel by American author Neal Stephenson, set in two different time periods. One group of characters are World War II-era Allied codebreakers and tactical-deception operatives affiliated with the Government Code and Cypher School at Bletchley Park (UK), and disillusioned Axis military and intelligence figures. The second narrative is set in the late 1990s, with characters that are (in part) descendants of those of the earlier time period, who employ cryptologic, telecom, and computer technology to build an underground data haven in the fictional Sultanate of Kinakuta. Their goal is to facilitate anonymous Internet banking using electronic money and (later) digital gold currency, with a long-term objective to distribute Holocaust Education and Avoidance Pod (HEAP) media for instructing genocide-target populations on defensive warfare.
sounds gay as fuck

>> No.19501217

Reddit moment

>> No.19501291


>> No.19501297

>Reddit Player One
>Terry Pratchit
>Kurt Vonnegut
>Harry Potter, any franchise pulp fiction
>Joseph Peterson, self-help and -improoovement of any kind
>'dark academia'

>excessively sentimental and rigidly conformist
>extremely naive, often choosing to disregard reality for the comfort of a digestible or handy narrative
Toxoplasmotic Mouse Utopians

>> No.19501307

What the fuck is this dark academia meme I keep seeing? Is it horny fiction written by college girls smitten with the big dark mysterious professor or some shit?

>> No.19501343

I wanted to read Name of the Wind. Quick rundown on Fatrick Rothfuss and his books?

>> No.19501352

Just google it you lazy fuck

>> No.19501370

No, spoonfeed me your unbiased biased view or I won't suck your dick

>> No.19501548
File: 35 KB, 680x408, im just going to sit perfectly still for two or three weeks and itll all be okay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He wrote a YA power fantasy in which the protagonist gets cucked

It's supposed to be a trilogy but rather than writing the third book he streams on twitch

>> No.19501651

Upton Sinclair lied about working conditions in factories.

>> No.19501768


>> No.19501985

>has he never read Bandura?

>> No.19502085


>> No.19502631

>In any case, Reddit and 4chan are forever intertwined anyway.
deeply insightful post

>> No.19502643

terry pratchett was an unabashed british nationalist. you can feel it clearly in his writing. he, like Hitchhiker's Guide is both reddit and 4chan

>> No.19502929
File: 63 KB, 800x800, the-subtle-art-of-not-giving-a-fck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

never reading this but the title makes me draw this conclusion, or at least that it's marketed towards and popular with redditors

>> No.19503061
File: 26 KB, 516x595, images (16).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any books both can enjoy?

>> No.19503074

nah his prose is actually decent for a sci-fi writer, and he has legitimate interests in / suspicion toward the history of science that transcends the prototypical redditor "i am enlightened and thereby know everything by repeating jingoistic slogans that were fed to me by a wikipedia article".

plus snowcrash actively shaped (and continues to shape) the entire digital world as we know it today, so he gets a pass in most cases.

>> No.19503370

A man of culture and sheer fucking will I see. You have my sword!

Edit: Ok I seem to be getting a lot of angry comments from trans folx for assuming >>19496322s gender but that was NOT my intention. Trans lives matter yall. Stay awesomesauce as fuck trans peeps

>> No.19503500


>> No.19503560

Sci Fi is gay altogether

>> No.19503567

r. scott bakker

>> No.19503569

Lovecraft too.

>> No.19503887

look at how many posts talk about hitchikers guide itt

>> No.19503911

yes but he desperately try to hide it

>> No.19503925

Really? What's your source? I know his position on The Jungle was to prime an American audience for socialism, but The FDA can be traced to his work.

>> No.19503972

I'm sure there are some besides LotR, but both sides enjoy them for different reasons.

>> No.19505194

Read self-inserts on Fanfiction.net for all your pseud, conceited, pretentious needs

>> No.19506659

Yeah, I read Power and it felt like a powerpoint presentation