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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 98 KB, 1200x1169, bunker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19485701 No.19485701 [Reply] [Original]

You can only fit 5 books in your doomsday bunker.

Which do you bring?

You have no electricity, so you can't charge your kindle.

>> No.19485715

The holy bible with apocrypha
Moby dick
War and peace
The Phenomenology of Spirit
Sword art online vol 1

>> No.19486099

My Diary Desu
The Decline of the Sex
Incel Society and its Future
My Twisted World
The Reign of the Koreans and the Signs of the Hyperwar

>> No.19486108

Complete Poems and Prose of William Blake
The Cantos (New Directions)
Poems and Translations of Ezra Pound (LOA)
Poetical Works of John Milton (Oxford)
Dante’s Divine Comedy (Cary translation)

>> No.19486113

The Bible
Plato's Gorgias
Pride and Prejudice
Newton's Physics

Preferably a complete works edition of them all.

>> No.19486126

That's not a bunker, that's a pod!

>> No.19486135

I get myself a bookbinding kit and stitch together my entire library. One down.
I go on /lit/ to get recommendations on what else to bring

>> No.19486136
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>Evola - Introduction to Magic
>Evola - The Hermetic Tradition
>Plato - Complete Works
>Plotinus - Enneads
>probably the most massive book I can find on European or world history idk

>> No.19486155

Call of the Crocodile
Call of the Arcade
Call of the Kappa
Call of F. Gardner

The oxford world classics annotated edition for all of them.

>> No.19486391

I bring my kindle with several thousand titles and a hand-cranked usb charger. Get fucked paper cucks.

>> No.19486415
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I'm taking these. They're pocket size and count as 5 right.

>> No.19486426

Five copies of Dan Brown’s masterpiece Digital Fortress, of course.

>> No.19486512

Complete works of Aristotle
Critique of Pure Reason
Thus Spoke Zarathustra
The Holy Bible
Moby Dick

>> No.19487311

The Cantos
For My Legionaries
Nag Hammadi Library
This Spoke Zarathustra
Bardo Thodol

Not necessarily all of my favorites, but considering I’m locked underground at the end of the world for a long time, these will stay rereadable and be of good spiritual motivation during those trying times.

>> No.19487314

*Thus spoke. Fucking autocorrect

>> No.19487330

I recommend Terrell’s companion to the Cantos if you wanna solve some of the shorthand and cryptic parts

>> No.19487359

>trying to decipher the cantos
Read into what the imagists were trying to do. Pound never intended for the average person to translate and decode all of that stuff.

>> No.19487468

I meant the literary allusions but go off man.

>> No.19487622

>Complete works of Shakespeare
>The Odyssey
>Complete works of Voltaire
>Crime and Punishment

>> No.19487640

The Based Department is on the phone, they'd like a word.

>> No.19487651

The never-ending story.
That's it. All anyone needs.

>> No.19487680

>The Holy Bible
>The Complete Works of Plato
>The Complete Works of Shakespeare
>The Cantos by Ezra Pound
>Some kind of western history book, not march of the titans.

>> No.19487708

Whichever 5 books you choose exactly fills the hypothetical amount of storage space you have left in your bunker.

>> No.19487714

Absolutely based, good contrast with Pound and Milton you would be able to rectify that schism in the bunker with those. Though i might throw out the poems and translations of Pound for something like Ulysses or the Wake, Joyce takes a lot from Blake, they have similar projects.

>> No.19487715

I get a print on demand publisher to make massive tomes full of public domain classics

>> No.19487751

>spends the rest of your life reading religious bullshit, philosophical rambling, and fucking poems
Guaranteed to kill self after a week
I'll take whichever encyclopedia that can fit into 5 books. Maybe I'll learn something that can aid my shitty life in the bunker

>> No.19487766

King James Bible
The Divine Comedy and Other Poems of Dante
The Complete Shakespeare
Don Quixote
Complete Joyce

>> No.19487779

It would depend on the situation. Probably books on guerrilla warfare, camping, etc. If I were there forever and that's just how it is, I'd take:
>Montaigne's Essays as translated by John Florio
>Emerson's Essays & Lectures
>Carlyle's Critical & Miscellaneous Essays
>Schopenhauer's essays as translated by T. Bailey Saunders
>Johnson's essays from the Rambler, Adventurer and Idler
I would possibly switch Schopenhauer for Steele and Addison's Spectator / Tatler essays.

>> No.19487785
File: 153 KB, 735x735, id-love-to-go-back-in-time-and-blow-peoples-minds-with-my-incredible-knowledge-but-how-do-you-make-this-electricity-i-dont-know.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19487802

Funny. That guy looks like he reads philosophy and study gender inequality. Does he look like he know how to screw in a light bulb?

>> No.19487818

American Psycho
No Longer Human

>> No.19487823

No but encyclopedias aren't really detailed. Idk what you'd learn exact facts about things that ppl have done.
They've got some "how everything works" books but I figure a physics book would lead to that anyways and fulfill other crap.

>> No.19487840

They make up for their lack of details by covering a shit tons of topics. I'm not spending the rest of my life reading a physics text book. An encyclopedia would (partly) fulfill the urge to explore while being stuck in a bunker.

>> No.19487844

I think you hit the nail on the head. The other anon hasn’t even considered his practicality.

>> No.19487848


what's the rest of the bunker filled with

>> No.19487870

>The Cantos (New Directions)
Was going to buy this edition soon. Hard or soft cover?

>> No.19487880

Don't buy the hardcover new. The quality is very poor and looks like it was made in a Chinese basement. That said, I wouldn't get the new softcover either. Hunt for second-hand hardcover editions. The complete Cantos may be hard to come by or expensive, but here's a hint: you only need the first 50.

>> No.19487881
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Toilet Paper
Weapons and Ammo
Candles (you won't see sunlight for 5 years)
A single bed (you are alone)

>> No.19487939
File: 158 KB, 397x554, Mountain Chad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hand-cranked usb charger

>> No.19487947

How old are we talking about? How do I know if it's a good quality older edition or the new one?

>> No.19488002

Capital, Vol 1
Capital, Vol 2
Capital, Vol 3
Theories of Surplus Value

>> No.19488014

Hey idiot. As long as your away from people and don't think about sex, the instinct wanes. There is NOTHING to be gained from onanism. Useless device. Useless habit that leads to more net unhappiness than being abstinent.

>> No.19488046


>> No.19488158
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I only own 4 books however.

>> No.19488166

I don't know if a doomsday bunker even makes sense without electricity. You could've just said no e-readers

>> No.19488186
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This post is like a distillation of pic related.

>> No.19488209

Your ereader somehow got destroyed by the EMP.
Assuming it was the Oxford annotated Bible (which uses the NRSV as its backbone) then your pic rel wouldn't touch anything but the Vulgate or, if he was a true LARPer, the Douay-Rheims Version.

>> No.19488319
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Books are just the condensed thoughts of others. We read because we lack the time to think. Given enough time to myself I could probably figure it all out on my own. I would bring just ONE book, a massive notebook to summarise my thoughts.

>> No.19488344
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The Qur'an
Kitab al-Kafi
Plato's Complete Works
The Transcendent Philosophy of the Four Journeys of the Intellect
Divan-i Shams-i Tabrizi

>> No.19488345


>> No.19488383


>> No.19488387
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>> No.19488436
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>> No.19488454

The only ones that matter?
Bible and Homer.
Plato's dialogues.

>> No.19488547

The Anatomy of Melancholy
The Divine Comedy
Spinoza's Ethics
Borges' collected nonfictions
Montaigne - Essais

>> No.19489358

5 Matchbooks

>> No.19489691

Knox Bible
Christian Prayer (single volume Liturgy of the Hours)
Tolkien's Green Knight+Pearl+Orfeo deluxe hardback
The Hobbit
U.S. Army Survival Manual FM 21-76 (for if returning to the surface becomes possible)

>> No.19489698
File: 196 KB, 1080x1080, gawain-deluxe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic, have my own copy but at work. Lovely edition.

>> No.19489702

'That one book which contains over fifty books.'

>> No.19489722

four blank notebooks and a porno

>> No.19490342

The Bible
Complete Poems of Elizabeth Bishop
Complete Stories of Flannery O'Connor
Finnegans Wake

>> No.19490360

Abstract Algebra by Dummit & Foote
Algebraic Number Theory by Lang
Introduction to Analytic Number Theory by Apostol
Probability Theory by Borovkov
Algebraic Geometry by Hartshorne

I'm going to spend the rest of my days solving problems in number theory and I'm probably only ever going to use those books for when I forget stuff.

>> No.19490422
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Moby Dick
The Divine Comedy
Don Quixote

>> No.19490487

The Bible
Collection of masonic catechisms made by me
Philosophical history of the human race (2 volumes)
The Serpent of Genesis : The Key to Black Magic

>> No.19490780
File: 109 KB, 1069x1200, 2f6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Holy Bible, Authorized Version
1662 Book of Common Prayer bound together with Tate & Brady Psalter
Books of Homilies
The Christian in Complete Armour by William Gurnall
The Pilgrim's Progress by John Bunyan

>> No.19491334

The Chants of Maldoror
Moby Dick
The Will To Power
Tomb for 500.000 Soldiers
Thousand Plateaus.

>> No.19491460

5 Bibles, considering they will be worn out after a while.

>> No.19491492

>You have no electricity, so you can't charge your kindle.
how the fuck am i gonna read then? how many candles do i have? does this bunker have a window? are you retarded?

my book on foraging and trapping
my manifesto
the hobbit
watership down
a playboy

>> No.19491523

You have 1,000 candles and an air vent.

No window, it's underground.

>> No.19491540

1000 candles that last more than an hour each would cost more than multiple generators

>> No.19491598

Generators will make too much noise. THEY will find you.

You're stuck in your bunker for 5 years, but you only have 1 year worth of candles. So you'll have to live some days in complete darkness.

>> No.19491611

you have never lit a candle in your life huh?

>> No.19491659

Arguing over how fast a candle burns.

/lit/ has the highest rate of mental illness on this site.

>> No.19491671

Tales of Dying Earth
Solitary Fitness
The VALIS Trilogy

>> No.19491693 [DELETED] 

Paradise Lost
Divine Comedy
Complete Works of Shakespeare

>> No.19491699

I already reread these ones every other year.

Seneca's Letters
Lord of the Rings
The Book of the New Sun
Technological Slavery
The Bhagavad Gita

>> No.19491710

Switching out VALIS for something from the Stoics. dunno what but something Stoic lol

>> No.19491715

Either Paradise Lost or the Faerie Queene
Divine Comedy
Complete Works of Shakespeare

>> No.19491719

he has also only seen movie generators

>> No.19491755

>Useless habit that leads to more net unhappiness than being abstinent.
Imagine saying this while seething this bad

>> No.19491961
File: 236 KB, 945x595, Guide_to_Western_Literature.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Complete works of Plato
Complete works of Shakespeare
The Bible and apocrypha
The Vedas, Upanishads and Yoga compendium
An empty large format 10,000 page journal.

No point in learning science when you're stuck in a hole that will be your grave.