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19452114 No.19452114 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.19452119
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>> No.19452122
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>> No.19452137

Difference and repetition

>> No.19452171

"Death of the Liberal Class" Hedges
(made me highly interested in radical politics and gave me a list of writers to investigate, Howard Zinn, Chomsky, Norman Finkelstein, Daniel Berrigan)
"Jewish-Christian Dialogue" Novak
(Caused me to reconsider some long held assumptions about religious thought)
"Hannah's Child" Hauerwas
(introduced me to the possibility of religious life without a conversion episode)

>> No.19452327
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No book has ever fundamentally changed the way I see the world, because I had the good fortune to see truth in the first place. I got the fundamentally correct worldview through cultural osmosis via parenting and early childhood: capitalism is good, and religion is nonsense.


Chris Hedges is a very stupid man who wears stupid "I'm smart!" glasses and never smiles. The reason why he never smiles is not because he's smart and """knows""" there's nothing worth smiling about, but simply to maintain a brand, a stupidity of sadness.

>> No.19452433

He is certainly not stupid. Neither is he brilliant. He writes hyperbolically and cites the same bundle of sources constantly, and over-extends himself often.

He writes very nicely and compellingly in the first person ("Losing Moses on the Freeway" is excellent) but falters and stumbles when trying to be an essayist.

He has a vast ego but also a sincere interest in doing good work. Anyways it was a handy pamphlet to come across at that point in my life, and it ended up being very influential.

>> No.19452482


Your feelings are wrong and baseless. Hedges is quite stupid, as are you for validating his work.

>> No.19452536

Have you read his books? Hedges is a covert Nazi, he's probably one of the most racist people to ever live

>> No.19452552
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Haven't even finished it yet, getting a real fucking head trip because I decided to do drugs before reading this book.
Sci-Fi shit was and has always been fucking crazy conceptually.

>> No.19452742


This little game that leftists play amongst themselves, about who is a "crypto-fascist". Keep it up. Keep eating each other. Help us win the midterms so that a little bit of healing can begin, even though your long-term catastrophe is inevitable.

>> No.19453015
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Pic related dispelled me of my Feyerabendian delusions

>> No.19453020
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>> No.19453024

girls dont poop idiot

>> No.19453031

I read the synopsis of that book and the content seems fairly obvious to me.

>> No.19453037
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>> No.19453387
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>> No.19453412
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>> No.19453925

Lol thought he meant “post-books” I’m like; “what’s that?”

>> No.19455211
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>No book has ever fundamentally changed the way I see the world, because I had the good fortune to see truth in the first place. I got the fundamentally correct worldview through cultural osmosis via parenting and early childhood: capitalism is good, and religion is nonsense.

>> No.19455283
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>> No.19455295

How, exactly, were you deluded?

>> No.19455318

Maybe one of the most insane books I have ever read. Guy was a Chad but had all the neurotic qualities of an incel.

>> No.19455320
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>> No.19455337
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>> No.19455354

Not quite on topic but you should read Feyerabend's autobiography if you haven't already. It's so good.

>> No.19455425
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>> No.19456134

A visual novel is a post-book.

>> No.19456820

Dharma Bums

>> No.19457082

By reading Feyerabend's delusions

>> No.19457642


>> No.19457703
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>> No.19457747

whos story?

>> No.19457785

>Lakatos was born Imre (Avrum) Lipsitz to a Jewish family in Debrecen, Hungary, in 1922.
from 'early life' section.
but I'll still give it a read

>> No.19457896
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>> No.19457936

It was an amazing book, but how did this fundamentally change the way you see the world? Not sure anything jumped out at me that shattered paradigms

>> No.19459446
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1984. It's the book that got me into reading. It does so well to illustrate how the simplification of langauge and the destruction of history serve to make humanity more easily controllable.

>> No.19459467
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>> No.19459477

The most profound thing to me when I read this at 17 was the idea of power for the sake of power as a goal for certain people and parties. I grew up a United States westerner romanticizing westerns and Jeremiah Johnson, the ideal was always self sufficiency in a hostile environment and self mastery born of natural requisite. Individualism and voluntary small community. I never even imagined the idea of centralized power would be enticing to anyone because it is so antigenic to my own romantic idealism that it is unfathomable. Long story short I'm an anprim now with some Georgist tendencies if we are to accept the evil of the state as necessary because the maintenance of public wildlife and forest lands is top priority as well as the reduction in global human population.

>> No.19459533
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"Candor and Realness", sounds like a book by Tolstoy if he was a Mississippi Negro.

>> No.19459575

In what way did it change you?

>> No.19459590

I see symbolism in everything especially movies and relate day to day things to myths and stories. Helped me in my screenwriting degree to see visual symbolism everywhere and in my classical literature and shakespeare courses (it was from the english department not the drama one like other film majors so technically it is an english degree)

>> No.19460041

>Seneca's Letters From A Stoic
taught me that the unexamined life was not worth living and to seek virtue and truth everyday
>St. Augustine's Confessions
taught me Faith and early stages of self-acceptance
>Blake's The Marriage of Heaven and Hell
taught me that I need to reconcile my wants and desires with my conscious mind
>Shestov's All Things Are Possible
taught me Hope and later stages of self-acceptance

>> No.19460059
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Made me realize government is a spook and essentially the same as a gang.

>> No.19460132


>> No.19460158

I’ve got this next on my stack after Epictetus. Do you think it would encourage me to give up my hedonistic ways and become a man of faith?