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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 140 KB, 1000x1524, 71YXCVlwmrL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19437109 No.19437109 [Reply] [Original]

Recommend me some

>> No.19437119

Unironically, just pick up a copy of Accelerate: tHE Accelerationist Reader

>> No.19437169
File: 441 KB, 1004x416, card ma debate 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off Ma, it's my board now.

>> No.19437221
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>Harassment Architecture
Paperback 30,000 BSR, 10 sales per day for $12.67 After print costs of approximately $5, he takes a profit of 60% or $4.60
E-book 18000 BSR, 15 sales per day for $5.95 and a $.10 filing cost. At 70% profit he earns $4.10 per e-book.
All in total this one book earns him approximately $107.50 per day.
>Gothic Violence
Paperback has a 190000 BSR rank, earning him 14 sales per day. At $13.29, after his $5 print cost and 60% royalties he earns $4.97 per book. That's $69.58 in total from this book daily.
He also has 1079 reviews total between these two books. Assuming only about 1 in 100 people leave a review on a book, Mike Ma has sold 107,900 copies between e-books and paperbacks, earning him approximately $500,000 over these last two years. Overtime his BSR has fallen because books sell best in the first 100 days.
>In total he earns $177.08 from these two books daily.
>That's $5,489.48 monthly
>Earned approximately $500,000 in royalties from these two books.

>> No.19437256

So Mike has carved his way into the hearts of readers. He was already wealthy before, with a networth last recorded at around $7,000,000. Something tells me Mike will be going nowhere soon and will in time become the heart of a new era.
Look out for him.

>> No.19437310

Card, is there anything new coming down the pipeline? Or are you just going to keep shilling your one out-of-print novella?

>> No.19437351

where did you get those numbers?

>> No.19437360
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>> No.19437404

All best seller ranks are on amazon.

>> No.19437503

Can you tell me what it's all about? I want to understand what it is because I keep hearing accelerationism as a sort of buzzword everywhere.

>> No.19437511

This doesn't take into account the chinese review scam.

>> No.19437523
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>> No.19437566

Based, I bought hoping it would probably end up being funneled into groups of ambitious youths.

>> No.19437576

Harassment architecture is about Right Accelerationism, and really gets to the heart of the thinking process of any spiritually healthy young white male in the modern world.

>> No.19437625

Well do tell. I myself do not know of what you speak.

>> No.19437661

middle class white guy shitposts. it doesn't come up with new ideas or does anything different

>> No.19437667

There is a chinese review scam to get fake reviews.
Or you thought shit like this sells as much as a penguin release and gets 5 stars?

>> No.19437684
File: 739 KB, 873x749, HelloBasedDepartment.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ooooh I see, you don't have direct evidence you just believe someone who had a large following on another platform couldn't have possibly had a large enough following to garner enough preorders to justify the number of reviews.
Idk what to tell you, the reviews are pretty close to what the BSR is.

>> No.19437715
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>> No.19437741

What is BSR?
Plus you're an obvious shill. If it was organic you wouldn't have to samefag all these threads Mike.

>> No.19437768
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Big it true. I was also shocked when I found out Sam Hyde makes 20k a month on gumroad alone.
I guess being a right wing extremist pays off.
I pirated his first book, but I bought Gothic violence, which isn't as funny, but I appreciate the bits in Portuguese.

>> No.19437774
File: 48 KB, 554x554, Dinka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best sellers rank.
What have I shilled? I haven't told you to buy the book, nor have I told you anything about it.
I told you the circumstance of its rise to prominence and the money which he has most likely made from it all.
In fact, I'm the only person in this thread not talking about the contents of the book at all.

>> No.19437778

give me some leftist accelerationism stuff please

>> No.19437780

You think a collection of tweets and /pol/ shitposts is literature. Fine. But most do not and no way garbage like this would get five stars by anyone.
Twitter is 90% fake anyway.

>> No.19437789

No one is talking about the contents. >>19437256

>> No.19437794
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It’s more real than Rupi Kaur’s collection of piss stains that has been translated into 42 different languages and sold 8 million + copies.
Shitposting is a form of art, and carries a deeper meaning no one unwilling to listen can hear.
Raise your vibration frequencies up and tune into truth radio.

>> No.19437810

based didnt know narcissa wright was right wing

>> No.19437867

Mike Ma is a total glownigger
i'm surprised he even shows up on camera

>> No.19437877

Which alphabet agency are you from?

>> No.19437887

What’s this book about?

>> No.19437927

There's no difference. Except Ma is even worse because he glows.

>> No.19437943

Never trust right wingers!
Never support right wingers!
Always support who exists in the status quo!

>> No.19437963

What does he believe that will help the west?
What does he write that will improve literature?
Nothing. It's just grifting and without glowie backing you'd be ruined for writing this shit.

>> No.19437991


>> No.19437995

We do not support degeneracy

>> No.19437997
File: 1.82 MB, 320x568, ChudVsIncelAntifa.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mike offers to the reader a second voice. He lets people know though they are isolated, there are others who think just like themselves. You're condemned by modern society and seek the next dopamine hit your body is trained to pursue. He puts all of this into a comedic, yet not into a non believable story where someone rejects that and attempts to bring about the collapse of society so he can just go back to his fucking beet root farming.
Fuck n*ggers
Fuck tr*nnies
Fuck k*kes
Fuck sp*cs
Fuck ch*nks
Fuck weak people who refuse to lift weights and drink milk.
Catch you on the flip side pencil neck, I'm going to go do my OHP and neck curls.

>> No.19438017

why are you self censoring on 4chan??
go back.

>> No.19438027

The only accelerationist literature worth reading is Meltdown.

>> No.19438065

Lifting weights isn’t going to help when you aren’t even going to participate in a physical war in near future. Being isolated and curating all these ideas into endless rambling that will never be executed into reality is pointless

>> No.19438072

>curating all these ideas into endless rambling that will never be executed into reality is pointless
Spotted the FBI agent.
Go try and get some other faggot to carry out your agenda, tr*nny.

>> No.19438143

>being a faggot 1980s liberal is the new punk rock
Just lol at this cope.

>> No.19438208
File: 95 KB, 400x400, Mom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And then The Dark Enlightenment
And then Cryptocurrent
And then Fanged Noumena
And his twitter
And all my posts

>> No.19438415

>Pic unrelated

>> No.19438421

>not a single person has said nick land
This board is doomer.

>> No.19438437

or you just can't read

>> No.19438442

I don't get you people. What the hell do you want to accelerate? You think human progress is some kind of time bar that you can set to x2 speed?

>> No.19438451

the violence

>> No.19438503

tell me why I know you haven't read the book

>> No.19438530

>Nick Land
Into the trash it goes

>> No.19438533

I want you to accelerate into a tree like someone driving a computerized car with information harmful to the government does

>> No.19438536

Oh sure, do share with us what you read.

>> No.19438951

You can extrapolate pretty much everything you need to know from just Meltdown.

>> No.19439009

>$500,000 in 2 years
No wonder he can afford those 4 wives

>> No.19439181

tell me why you think twitter posts constitute art?

>> No.19439194

>You think human progress
I think the opposite
There is no such thing as human progress, there's an ebb and flow. What accelerationists (I hesitate to call myself such but there is some overlap) care about is that our current civilization is at the end of its life cycle, and instead of trying to keep it on life support, we should just just get its fall over with already.
It's rather Spenglerian, though I'd imagine most 'accelerationists' haven't even heard of Spengler

>> No.19439234
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Why does nobody ever draw any links between Accelerationism and Evola's 'Ride the Tiger'?
They run along parallel lines. See below:
>"Ride the Tiger is intended for all those people who cannot or do not wish to abandon the contemporary world, but are ready to face it and to experience it even in its most feverish aspects, all the while preserving a differentiated personality and avoiding any capitulation."

>> No.19439247
File: 1.56 MB, 1914x2112, spenglers_high_cultures.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You forget yourself. Here on /lit/ almost everyone has heard of Spengler and his cycles. See also: Turchin's secular cycles, Kondratieff waves.

>> No.19439592

huh, your shilling Land unironically now.

>> No.19439845

I.e. pessimist Hegel "Totally original guys! Trust me, it's brand new!"

>> No.19439855

>I.e. pessimist Hegel "Totally original guys! Trust me, it's brand new!"
holy shit this is such a retarded take.
You clearly haven't read either. Fuck off with your youtube and wikipedia insight and keep your shitty opinions to yourself.

>> No.19440073

how does both a river and jungle produce pyramids

>> No.19440119

I think that Land is worth shilling.

>> No.19440129

Which protest was video related?

>> No.19440772

Basically a bunch of incels thinking that everything is shit and if things would become more shit, there would be a revolution and they would be kangz.

Pretty typical thinking for fringe movements.

>> No.19440803

The egyptian and mexican pyramids are opposites; the Egyptian is meant to go up into infinity, and the focus in inside, where the tomb of the dead is. The Mexican is meant to go down from the top from the outside, like the blood of the sacrificed.

>> No.19441468
File: 104 KB, 1080x781, 1636333296353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah haha things are perfectly fine let's just ignore:
>degradation of democratic ideals
>extreme wealth concentration -> wealth inequality
>intrusive technology
>governmental corruption
>mass suffrage
>corporate marketing psyops
>unrestricted mass immigration
>automation of routine jobs
>insufficient amount of new jobs being created
>climate change & global warming
>racial and ethnic tensions everywhere
>state-sponsored inquisition against whiteness
>potential chinese hegemony
>russian cold war 2.0
>weakening of USD as the reserve currency due to foreign governments and cryptocurrency
>cryptocurrency siphoning away tax dollars

I could go on and on but you get the gist.

>> No.19441494

>degradation of democratic ideals

>> No.19441504

whether you'd like to admit it or not, democratic ideals were the end-all-be-all for post-WWII boomers
they STILL want to believe in democracy, and for good reason
the fact that democracy is dying spells disaster for a large proportion of the west

>> No.19441524
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>> No.19441531

What are we accelerating towards?

>> No.19441559

>degradation of democratic ideals
kill yourself

>> No.19441890

How about ya'll accelerationist some bitches onto your dick

>> No.19441901


No honest self identity, no morals.
You will rot in the dark abyss of nothingness for eternity


>> No.19441977
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>> No.19442531

Hello, based department? Yeah, I’ll hold.

>> No.19442626

This is some sid meier's civilization tier mechanics lol

>> No.19442848
File: 207 KB, 631x405, 88066729-828C-4908-9AF0-413D52544A72.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What other authors do you guys read besides Mika Ma?

>> No.19442891

Ayn Rand

>> No.19442896

Cringe, next.

>> No.19442932

its OVER bros

>> No.19443517

Schizos are the best

>> No.19443574
File: 52 KB, 828x659, lmbt8p8ajkr61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

James Mason's Siege was the worst waste of time I have ever read. Some self aggrandizing boomer complaining on a weekly news letter and selling it as bible prophecy boy scout Nazi education.

>> No.19443599
File: 117 KB, 616x2132, 1e00fba0ef380ec0d0e48dfed83aea03_aa2bc89e_2048.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All the good schizos, left and right wing, either got banned from twitter or turned into boring snake oil salesmen. At least we had a fun couple years with them.

>> No.19443779

/lit/ completely fails at discussing accelerationists essays though.
It's all jsut for aesthetics.

no idea where the 2018 acc posters went.

>> No.19443840

I’m more saddened by the fact that there exist people who will critique what they have not read. They listen to others and make ill formed opinions on authors and books they will never touch.

>> No.19443866

i didnt read ur post but it was shit anyway fuck you

>> No.19444204

that's easily dismissible. Its annoying sure, but not being able to find any discussion is objectively worse.

>> No.19444415

With exception of "mass sufrage" and "state-sponsored inquisition against whites" this read like a leftist post.

It just shows that right-wing americans are just leftists who never read Marx.

>> No.19444611

>E-book 18000 BSR, 15 sales per day for $5.95 and a $.10 filing cost. At 70% profit he earns $4.10 per e-book.

There is no e-book version of either of his books for sale, so not sure where you pulled this lie from

>> No.19444638
File: 225 KB, 900x1200, E4Q3ahbXwAAqnDI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its better

>> No.19444680

>Paulo Coelho for Zoomer Edgelords

>> No.19444699


>> No.19444709

>With exception of … "state-sponsored inquisition against whites"
This issue matters more to right-wingers than you think

>> No.19445198

Will I get drone striked if I convert to "Islam"? (Just do bare minimum Middle East living and read Guenon on my free time. THE FOOD THO.)

>> No.19445230

no but your kids will turn into trannies

>> No.19446087

Karl Marx - On the Jewish Question

>> No.19446105
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the essentials

>> No.19447251

I remember this lol, guy was a meth addict and a pseudo-gangbanger with ties to several fedops. IDK why the agnecy threw their new islamic flag in that photo though

>> No.19447942

wheat and individualism
wheat and citizenship
dates and desire
animal husbandry and sacrifice
wheat and worship
maize and sacrifice
rice and legalism
rice and infantalism

>> No.19448737


>> No.19448744

Nick Land earned my respect when I found out he actually knows german and has fundamentals in ancient greek.

>> No.19448850

Why the fuck people keep shilling Ma stuff here? Is it some discord group?

>> No.19449119


>> No.19449127

>what are fans

>> No.19449134

>Mike Ma
Choose one.

>> No.19449158

Anyone have some good twitter authors to follow?

>> No.19449213

fucking based

>> No.19449223

literally just read fanged noumena

>> No.19449250

>no idea where the 2018 acc posters went
Probably grew up

>> No.19449590

ive been here for over a decade
you can never leave; you're here forever
enjoy your stay

>> No.19449622

They went on twitter and discord and started kaliacc and related nonsense

>> No.19449637

is there any ebook version? i can't find it on libgen

>> No.19449650

It's on b-ok, which I'm pretty sure mirrors libgrn anyway so you may as well just use it. The search function is better as well

>> No.19449659

/lit/ acc was never that intense or that actively retarded.
and twitter has near zero discussion of acc. All I find is making ironic posts and memes and giving 15 tweet threads opinion blogs on random political shit that amounts to nothing but ironic meme replies.

Or is there anything concrete you can point to?

>> No.19449665

It doesn't exist anymore, it was a brief blip in time for about a year (2019-2020). There was a left version too with people like NyxLandUnlife but everybody on both sides either got banned or quit

>> No.19449675

Am I right in thinking this was an attempt to synthesize Landian accelerationism and the fucking Hindu Yuga cycle?

>> No.19449687

thanks fren

>> No.19449700

Landian accelerationism/dark enlightenment + surface level right wing philosophy like Evola and esoteric hitlerism + some vaporwave discord tranny aesthetic
They have moved on to NFTs and crypto shilling since.

>> No.19449716

I can think of almost nothing as diametrically opposed as Land and Hinduism. Was that the conceit? That the Kali period was characterized by some sort of deceptive materialism, and Landian acc would eventually be reconciled by a new golden age?

>> No.19449752

There wasn't a whole lot to it, one of the founders of Kaliacc liked Land and cyberpunk nonsense and the other founder was into Varg style hyperborean paganism involving some Indian caste shit based on eye colors. I guess the connection was accelerating the Kali Yuga into the next age (Sattva or whatever) where things aren't so bad? But the whole thing was just a front for grooming underage girls and getting them to cut and starve themselves so it's not like there was a great coherent philosophy behind it.

>> No.19449757

>But the whole thing was just a front for grooming underage girls and getting them to cut and starve themselves
fucking based.
Source though?

>> No.19449780

not really. it's more even in tone than HA, but that doesn't work in its favor. HA was more surprising because of those weird tonal shifts between "Mike tells an imaginary story in his head about killing somebody" and "Mike is now at a party dissecting reality Seinfeld style". GV doesn't have much of those shifts. Also I liked the idea of that plot, I just wish he would've carried it better throughout the book. Nazi surf punks abusing technology to make money so they can do whatever, man? JR era Gaddis style mixed with bret easton ellis? Great idea. Meh execution.

BTW if you're reading this, Mike, please write more books. I admire your rage.

>> No.19449819

>what are fans
They barely discuss the book or its plot at all. Hell, I still don't know what the fuck it is even about despite reading like 6-7 threads about it.

>> No.19449867
File: 964 KB, 300x400, 2D4E2ECF-2DD3-4C9C-B25C-BC8AB0336250.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about you read the book.
If not watch this.
> https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=E_6nuX-43ME

>> No.19450037

formerly chuck

>> No.19450039

Holy shit you are fucking ugly

>> No.19450094

This looks good

>> No.19450105

Glad I got the rundown. I almost wasted time reading something quite cringe for a cool cover

>> No.19450129

This photo could have been fun despite its limited scope and depth, but they totally dropped the ball on Russians, not making the connection between the symbol of the flat plain and modernist architecture.

>> No.19450232

Hey shitposters, how do I get my first few twitter followers easily so I may grow an audience before posting my book?

>> No.19450328

unironically buy followers from an SMM site like smmtube.pro

>> No.19450519

Follow me for the grift.

>> No.19450775

Both of these books suck an infinity of cock, and Mike Ma is an autistic virgin. What kind of nigger suggests throwing rocks through car windshields at night as a means of combating the brown invasion? What kind of retard thinks cell phone signals come from satellites, and since you lose cell service when flying in a plane (which is closer to the satellites) that must mean satellites aren't real? What kind of unimaginably pathetic faggot imagines himself as a "sun worshipping bodybuilder" who parties with hollywood celebrities? These books are the fantasy of a weak, sad creature. Ask me how I know he's shorter than 5'8"

>> No.19450861
File: 3.08 MB, 3888x2591, 1457473808086.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Came back here to tell you all this. I was just on the bus ride home, reading Gothic Violence.
This woman sat in from of me, with her legs crossed, her right leg touching my outer calf. I don't know if she could feel it, but I could...None of us moved for like 25min. She then picked up her phone and spoke in English ( this was in Southern Europe) and eventually uttered:
>"you know I have social anxiety he he "

what do you make of this?

>> No.19450872

the books are alright Mike. We get it that it's post irony new wave comedy or wtv

>> No.19450888

How much does a like cost?

>> No.19451238

no you dont understand, I seriously hated them both, I only finished them because basedbro friend kept telling me they "get really good"