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/lit/ - Literature

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19434071 No.19434071 [Reply] [Original]

>Letters were sent to him. Oh mighty-mouthed inventor of harmonies, oh skilled to sing of Time or Eternity. God-gifted organ-voice of England, Milton, a name to resound for ages; whose Titan angels, Gabriel, Abdiel, starred from Jehovah's gorgeous armouries. Tower, as the deep-domed empyrean rings to the roar of an angel onset--me rather all that bowery loneliness.
>What a load of lube he said while God looked from upon as the brooks of Eden are mazily murmuring, and bloom profuse and cedar arches charm, as a wanderer out in ocean, where some refulgent sunset of India streams over a rich ambrosial ocean isle and crimson-hued the stately palm-woods whisper in odorous heights of even.

>> No.19434603

She is so pretty

>> No.19434625

It's so overwrought and pretentious it was difficult to read because my mind was immediately repulsed. Given how it is so incoherent and breaks grammar regularly it reads like something GPT-2 would spit out.

>> No.19434835

blah blah blah

>> No.19434842

reads like a tryhard. not pleasant. clunky and fat. trim it again.

>> No.19434856


>> No.19435011

stick to shelley

>> No.19435221
File: 196 KB, 499x764, bummmm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was a "poem" originally.

Isn't it funny how English "poets" fundamentally can't rhyme (and nowadays can't even keep to a meter) and thus are limited to what essentially is "beautiful prose," especially evident when put into paragraphs?

>> No.19435230

Nobody said it was beautiful prose though. Everyone said it sucked, so your "point" is nonsensical.

>> No.19435241
File: 10 KB, 700x394, 1db47b8aef84b4345dd0558e4f54aae7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Holy thesaurus, batman!
I'm generally a fan of purple prose but this was some of the most pretentious, most excruciating shit ever ever laid eyes on. I was genuinely exhausted after finishing
>pic related. Far right, my dude

>> No.19435271

jesus christ this is awful

what exactly do you think good prose should be? because this reads like an 8th grader's first attempt at putting pen to paper while imagining himself as the 14th century poet he saw depicted in a direct-to-video docudrama the teacher played in history class

modern prose which starts a sentence with "oh" should be punishable by death

>> No.19435363


this thread is just about the shittiness of english "poetry" and how it isn't even poetry. it's just shitty prose.

>> No.19435372

Didn't read past the first word. Fuck you.

>> No.19435390

That was pretty funny. I think it just goes to show /lit/ can't read, much less recognise Alfie when he's being quoted.

>> No.19435777

disgusting nails

>> No.19436259
File: 52 KB, 300x300, DB437936-7708-4002-AAC1-AFA11487A1BF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>calling Tennyson pretentious and AI tier


>> No.19436272


>> No.19436301

>"oh" and not "o"

>> No.19436368

Not anymore

>> No.19436754

Most Ancient Greek and Latin poetry didn't rhyme, either. However, there are plenty of English poems that do employ rhyme quite well. Any decent anthology can show you as much. The specific form used here by Tennyson is highly unusual in English poetry, and appears to be modelled on a much older Greek one. The strong use of rhythm and imagery is readily apparent, but the poet's rarefied language and choice of structure don't lend themselves well to any modern prose style—austere or not. You may wish to read some of Northrop Frye's essays if you're interested in the musical advantages of unrhymed verse (especially in longer works). Excessive rhyme can also be bad in its own way. Lastly, I'm not a huge fan of the free verse which you alluded to. It's often an excuse for poor discipline, but a little metrical variation is occasionally warranted.