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19405734 No.19405734 [Reply] [Original]

What are some books that can give me hope? I'm tired of only sad stuff.
>inb4 religious texts
Yeah, I know, but I want something different.

>> No.19405816

Hope was BTFO by Darwin and materialism

>> No.19405824

Yes, this..

Just find a way to cope and endure

>> No.19405830
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Not if you're intelligent and have the fortitude to break through to the other side of pessimism and existentialism

Idk, we live in pretty dark times. Seems like the human race is about to go extinct.

>> No.19405832
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>> No.19405835
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>> No.19405840

>Not if you're intelligent and have the fortitude to break through to the other side of pessimism and existentialism

Can you help me understand what a path to this might look like?

>> No.19405869

A New Earth

>> No.19405881

>we live in pretty dark times. Seems like the human race is about to go extinct
Indeed brother, indeed

>> No.19405903
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>rejects Christ
No hope for you.

>> No.19405912

Very Christ-like, anon

You have a point, though. Cope or rope.

>> No.19405916

Not the same guy, but I imagine it's something like this:
>insulating yourself from perpetually angry/bitter/pessimistic people
>doing active, thoughtful, productive things. This helps keep things in perspective. If you dwell on negative things, you'll get used to seeing everything through a negative lens
>acknowledge the good and the bad and constantly remind yourself that those terms are relative and require perspective at all times
>talk to people in person and in polite terms so that you remind each other of your humanity. Interacting with everyone through a virtual medium ALWAYS chips away at our recognition of their humanity.

>> No.19406043

>Idk, we live in pretty dark times. Seems like the human race is about to go extinct.

This was said at absolutely every point in human history. There’s your whitepill.

>> No.19406368
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>> No.19406413

>Not if you're intelligent and have the fortitude to break through to the other side of pessimism and existentialism
holy cope

>> No.19406437

I'm unironically too intelligent to overcome cosmic pessimism

If only I could be blind again

>> No.19406451

yup i read and read but coming back to emil cioran ug krishnamuti etc gutted my corpse

>> No.19406462

Redpill me on Krishnamuti?

He's a spiritual guru, right? Why does he come up in conversations about pessimism?

>> No.19406532

Curious about this as well

>> No.19406666

I just opened one of his vids and he said I've already failed by looking to him, so I closed it. Lesson learned.

>> No.19406675

I'm here to remind you all UG Krishnamurti ended philosophy with statements similar to Hume, but went more in depth without any religious or mystical nonsense whatsoever. The problem with Hume is he doesn't know what to do with that insight the same goes for the east. Desires are mental, the self is an amalgam of passed down data in the form of thought, the body has no interest whatsoever in ideas, or gluttony. The body has two purposes, reproduction and survival. What happens is the body becomes hooked hormonally to pleasure, drugs, porn for example and created an addictive pattern, these patterns must be starved completely before anyone ever dreams of doing what UG did. His biological calamity is the cumulation of the mind/"I" thought bursting, breaking the link between subject and object (thought) as he said when this happens the body goes through an incomprehensible "calamity" and the functioning of the body is guided by the third eye or natural state and no longer dominated by thought.

>> No.19406683

I literally just heard him say when he's bored he watches tv. Then he said "why not?"

>> No.19406771

Dedicate your life to the multi generational goal of spreading humanity throughout the universe, so far and wide that no single tyrant, catasphophe, degeneration or mistake can ever truly extinguish our legacy. We are currently at a time where technology has introduced many new existential dangers for humanity(nukes, biological weapons, AI, etc), but technology is our only hope for overcoming the existing failure states of the human project (think natural disasters). So work on the safe use of technology is just as important as the development of new technologies. This means the ways of contributing are diverse and can suit many different types of people. Have hope, but don't be naive there is only type of path forward and it will take a lot of work to walk it and it is not a path that can be walked alone.

>> No.19407084

What can I do as one little individual, though?

>> No.19407089

Based /tv/ enjoyer

>> No.19407096

Where do I start with Spinoza?

>> No.19407135

If you're already familiar with Descartes, then there's nothing stopping you from going straight into Ethics. Reading the TTP is still a great primer, though.
Will note that Ethics is both compact and difficult, so it will take time to process. Needs to be mentioned because its short length suggests otherwise.

>> No.19407140
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It's quite probable that I will die an agonizing and debilitating death from disease before my 21st birthday. I have kept it secret for the last year or so. I thought my condition had stabilized but it is becoming more painful and probably accelerating. To think I expected a miracle. Such is human reality. My only true fear is an invasion of the brain and thus the destruction of my own mind. I've become some sort of hypochondriac and reticent semi-recluse whose own family does not even treat like a proper human being. I've realized at last that those I thought I could trust and confide in view me as nothing more than some sort of revolting oddity that causes them social stigma. I no longer attend school. It's merely a waste of finance and effort at this point. Recently all I've been doing is consuming Dostoevsky and the like, but nevertheless I prefer to imitate the more unhealthy than Christian aspects of his works out of youthful spite and ambition. I've also been reading about van Gogh and his life, which is surprisingly inspirational. But I will fade into obscurity like the remainder of the stumbling and stupid mass. Deficiency in true genius of value and material gain or whatever. There is little left to do as it stands. Perhaps God is sparing me from an even crueler fate that is to occur. I don't know and can't bring myself to care much anyways. Never before have I felt more depressed and self-aware. Periods of laughing at the absurdity of my situation and crying at the hopelessness of it all. The most potent suffering is caused by that consciousness. I wish I could be more of a neuro-typical so that I could bring myself to receive 'treatment' (profit for medical industry) and ensure my continued existence and subsequent individual contribution to economic consumption and production, sexual reproduction and tax payment, et cetera. But I would have preferred to contribute to the human species by offering something of divine value. Oh, well.

>Plaudite, amici, comedia finita est.
>Thank you for reading this blog-post.

>> No.19407151

Will it cure me of my crippling nihilism and pessimism?

>> No.19407168


Maybe he was exaggerating a little bit. It doesn't seem like Human extinction is approaching, just the end of our civilization.

>> No.19407174


The Talmud. Spinoza is full of Jewish trickery.

>> No.19407190


Sorry, man but transhumanists (aka "tech-trannies”) are scum and a huge part of the problem.

>> No.19407197
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Forgot to include a picture (the sculpture proudly stands in Israel). That's for those who are taking Baruch's excommunication too seriously.

>> No.19407205
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>> No.19407213


Tons of Jews and Judaizers. Nice that it includes the wonderfully entertaining "I am a cat" by Soseki though.

>> No.19407222

They are appropriating him like muslims do with their heretic thinkers today, for the claim to his stature. You're too small for the ride, goy.

>> No.19407235

Possibly desu. I can't guarantee anything, but I will say that "getting" Spinoza is one of the best things that can happen to anyone, period.

>> No.19407239

What dumbass thought The Unknown Masterpiece belonged on that list?

>> No.19407248

Point being, I think if you told UG "hey I want to jerk off to image boards" he'd be like "why not?, they're there."

>> No.19407292

Go get treatment and live longer you idiot. You may still do something of divine value if you live but you surely won't if you die.

>> No.19407300

I thought Pynchon was an edgelord. What makes Mason & Dixon a bloomer book?

>> No.19407413
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>> No.19408059
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>> No.19408483

> Mutual Aid by Kropotkin
There you go brother.

>> No.19408491
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>> No.19408588

it's all in the mind. You can choose to focus on the negative, or on the positive.