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19404445 No.19404445[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

When did you realize the entire internet just came of age, had a mass existential crisis, and is now trying desperately to find religion?

>> No.19404518

Religion is never lost. It's only the gods that change.
Yaveh, money, the idea of progress, shiny chinese-made products, african americans, an idealized past, the prophet Muhammad. It's all the same.

>> No.19404537


>> No.19404669
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What happens when they fail though?

These are people who lived as materialists right up until the going got a little tough.
Maybe 500 years ago, it was easier to delude themselves, but in the age of high-speed information, it'll surely wash off in a few years, maybe even months.

>> No.19404843

What religion?

>> No.19404849

What the fuck happened to this board

>> No.19404858

Here it seems a head-to-head /pol/-rules Christianity vs. Flaky Western Interpretation of (insert eastern religion)

but mostly the christcucks who will eventually no longer be able to lie to themselves.
They don't feel it. 99% of the rhetoric is them trying to reprogram themselves.

>> No.19404902

Basically an online equivalent of a division happens inside every adolescent/early 20s institution

>> No.19404909

Yeah, Darwin literally BTFO hope. The world will slowly give up in time.

The world is pure material, there's no soul, life has no meaning

>> No.19404916

My personal take on Christianity is closer to universalist Unitarian soiboy position than Deus vult stuff, and I have many/pol/ beliefs. Christianity for me just has nothing to do with politics.

>> No.19404919

Its not the division I worry about.

As materialism chases more and more ancient concepts into the gaps, it gets harder and harder to maintain anything resembling dedication to the tenets.

Neither party will keep it up for long. Religion will not stick to this generation as they've accrued too much materialist teflon. Its the burden of our age.

>> No.19404927

I'm not saying that.
I can see one remaining spiritual even in the face of our material situation.
Its more to do with the type of outdated spirituality they're trying to make fit. It seems out of place because it is.

>> No.19405041
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Everyone needs to start over. Re-find the supernatural, where is it in your life? Do you not know? Then start looking everywhere! Uhoh, you are now an animist. Everything is aware, but most things don't care about you. However as you pay attention to it, it pays attention to you! The spirit will become active in your life. Whether it is the platonic spirit of strength or a large rock in your yard, it is now paying attention. Will the effect be good or malevolent? It depends what exactly you just invited over for dinner! Be careful, but keep looking as even the Japanese didn't stop at Shinto. You now suspect the things you see out of the corners of your eyes. You hear their movements when there should be no sound. Find the benevolent God that you can love. Make that divine presence manifest in your life. No, that is the wrong words, the divine is always present, you just didn't notice! Notice! There is nothing you can see that is not God!

>> No.19405624
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>Close my eyes
>See nothing
>God is nothing
>Theists BTFO

>> No.19405631

Wokeness is just the transition state to AI worship, which will be the final religion of humanity before it goes extinct.

>> No.19405646

People just want everything laid out in front of them. They have all the freedom in the world and it scares them into belief, the responsibility is too much and they demand a master.

>> No.19405841

Im about it. Trying to build a religion.

>> No.19405875

Sounds like you’re not a Christian, don’t know what Christianity is

>> No.19405960

based unwitting kabbalist

>> No.19405963

I invented my own protestant sect and there is literally *nothing* you can do it about sweetie

>> No.19405973
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God is also nothing. In the time between your dreams there will be nothing. Black void with only a voice saying all the logos of the world at once and individually. I have woke there only a few times and could know little sense of it beyond, the existence.

>> No.19406298
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Had a brilliant thought.

If just created a board for existential crisis, /ext/, we would eliminate philosophy fags and christfags in one blow.
After all, they're both working toward the same end,

>> No.19406305

*If we just

Its been one of those days.

>> No.19407079

Why don't you go complain in a Twitter thread.

>> No.19408201

>Read about joining a monastic order unironically over the next decade
>Fully understand every point and its implications
>Go over a point that says the candidates won't be accepted if they have "poor sociability or personality disorders"
>Immediately think I'm NGMI
I behave normally and I'm only diagnosed with depression, but do I have to account for it? What kind of poor sociability are they even referring to? Psychopath or low functioning? Do I actually not like people or do I just dislike the life they live? Were the people who gave everything away and joined a monastery ever normal at any point in time?
I feel like I've lost all insight on myself, I've spent far too much time in a bubble.

>> No.19408231

It's more people coming of age, outgrowing their atheism phase, and resolidifying in their family religions. Lapsed Catholics are looking up apologetics and buying copies of the Douay Rheims and Ignatius Bibles, lapsed Protestants are either coming back and becoming hardline evangelicals or converting to Catholicism or Orthodoxy because of muh history, and lapsed Orthodox are buying icons and going to Divine Liturgy to tradlarp.

>> No.19408315

cant make a venn diagram with 4 circles newfag

>> No.19408330

>Here it seems a head-to-head /pol/-rules Christianity vs. Flaky Western Interpretation of (insert eastern religion)
>Laughs in Emerson

>> No.19408347

I unironically need meds. Tried religion thrice already. Luckily it seems that I don't need anything too strong, aspirines seem to be working just fine. I'm trying to not abuse it because I got some of the sideeffects, but I can't say it isn't working just fine.

>> No.19408365

>When did you realize the entire internet just came of age, had a mass existential crisis, and is now trying desperately to find religion?

>> No.19408368

>Religion is never lost. It's only the gods that change.
>Yaveh, money, the idea of progress, shiny chinese-made products, african americans, an idealized past, the prophet Muhammad. It's all the same.
It isn't all the same. Life under the communist religion is substantially worse than a vapid materialistic life. Forget what you've heard from sad, envious Europeans. Most Americans have better religions than vapid materialism. There is good reason to be involved in society and to take part in shaping it in a good way, not allowing misinformed and malevolent people set the rules of the game. Life isn't the same everywhere you go. For some, for reasons that can be controlled, life sucks; it sucks worse for them than it does for others.

>> No.19408375

The problem is that over the last few decades Christianity has shown itself to be a religion almost entirely bereft of compassion and love and there aren't many replacements that focus on that in practice.

>> No.19408376

If you're interested just reach out to the order and talk with them about it.

I know you need to do seminary to be a diocesan/religious order priest, but what's the 'training period' for being a monk?

>> No.19408377

Most likely means no antisocial behaviour where you would disrupt their peace of living. Being a bit spergy and sad shouldn’t be an issue, but being inflammatory and causing mayhem in the monastery would be.

>> No.19408724

Makes sense. There are former drug addicts and criminals who became friars...
>what's the 'training period' for being a monk?
It's a really long thing (8+ years) with varying degrees of screening.

>> No.19408774
File: 241 KB, 1920x1252, into great silence.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but what's the 'training period' for being a monk?
check out the 2005 documentary INTO GREAT SILENCE
I've seen it a long time ago but from what I recall it follows a black fella getting admitted into an order... as they had no monasteries in Africa (like we had in Europe and Asia), it's truly a "beginner's" perspective.
It's also very nicely filmed.
Good luck and may you find peace.

>> No.19408806

Trump did set foot in the ring and was gifted with STONE COLD STUNNER BY STONE COLD STEVE AUSTIN.

>> No.19408932

>the best thing humanity can aim for is the american vapid materialistic life
the absolute state of americans.
choose another god, please

>> No.19410069
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Fair enough. I've only seen clips.

But you're ridiculous. I didn't make either of those images. I'm going to make a dozen overlapping circles and there is nothing you can do about it.
Pic is for you.

>> No.19410097

once this gay little moral puritan socialist-cuckservative monotheist-for-meaning trend goes properly mainstream, anons will go back to being fanatical atheists

>> No.19410137

No, they will just remain why they truly are, whiny contrarians.

Though fanatical atheists may be a little too moderate. I forsee that America and Europe will go through a ridiculous phase of false Christian piety, and that /pol/ will go full tankie. Then the whole of 4chan becomes leftist in the process, because no one on here actually has any kind of values they won't do a full 180 on in 5 minutes

>> No.19410173

Does this include you

>> No.19410187

I have seen that movie/doc, it's very beautiful. I really long for that kind of life but I think that case is a particularly romanticized scenario of monastic life. You are supposed to work with people, the sick, the elderly, many friars do missionary work in Africa. It's much tougher than just contemplating and praying.

>> No.19410204

>implying that I'm even aware of what the fuck is happening with normies
Anon, I...

>> No.19410231

Only when necessary. Most anons do this through for the same reason girls latch on and later ditch Uggs, out of trendiness

I have my own ideals that I obey (and occasionally change) but that's none of anyone's business and I'm not sharing it on here

>> No.19410240

>no one on here actually has any kind of values they won't do a full 180 on in 5 minutes
This is absolute truth, vast majority of people here are hedonistic vermin who are either immoral or actively malicious, not unlike normies.

>> No.19410255

you think leftists will become Christian? why?

>> No.19410267

It depends on the religious order. Carthusians (the ones in the documentary) and Discalced Carmelites do not leave their monastery, for example. They are contemplatives.

>> No.19410273

Do you think you're very different than the average poster here?

>> No.19410319

When psychedelics are legal and widespread (which they eventually will be), then it is inevitable for spirituality to resurge across the globe.

>> No.19410336

>psychedelic spirituality
Oh great everyone can decide that good and evil arent real man because it's all just like your perspective and what is truth

>> No.19410461

So far, yes. For one, I don't follow this stupid tradlarp trend, I'm critical of Judaism instead of the Jews and I think Adolf Hitler was a giant retard. That puts me well above the average anon

>> No.19410472

There are likely more people who agree with you than there are Hitler fans on this board. I think you're dramatically overestimating the neonazi population here.

>> No.19410497


>> No.19410513

Not the case at all. Psychedelic-induced mysticism tends toward a notion of objective good and evil. You know the whole hippie trope of "love is all?" Psychedelics tell you to love.

>> No.19410518

>posting on peruvian basket-weaving forum instead of helping the sick and the elderly
aren't you ashamed?

>> No.19410854

Dipshit, they're just looking for someone who isn't a shit-starter.
That's all. Don't start shit.

>> No.19410876
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No, they're going to unironically rope.
I don't know if you've noticed but the frequency of "What happens after death?" threads has shot up among the academic boards.

These people, us, we, are trapped in a roaring rapid grasping at anything on the shore vaguely resembling salvation.

>> No.19410894

All acid ever showed me was the truth of materialism.
Plus I got really into Incubus because the first time I dropped the party was listening to S.C.I.E.N.C.E. over and over again.

At least I think they were.

>> No.19410914

Just to ground this thread as /lit/, everybody has to read "Sarah, Plain and Tall" tonight and then discussions tomorrow.
I'll know if you haven't read it.

>> No.19410961

>All acid ever showed me was the truth of materialism.

You're going to elaborate on this, I hope

>> No.19410977

Not much to say.
I dumped chemicals on a material substrate and it shorted out like a motherfucker. It changed my entire perception, showing the truth of the mechanical puppet man and his tricks.

There was no spirit or cause, just a well coordinated play that got temporarily disrupted a few times.

>> No.19410995

>mechanical puppet man and his tricks

So you're a Gnostic now, huh?

>> No.19411003

Do you believe there's hope for us, anon?

>> No.19411016

Not really. I'd say no value > negative value in existential likelihoods.
On the other hand, if there is a creator, he created Steven Johnson's syndrome. So, put one hash in the Gnostic column.

I absolutely cannot say.

>> No.19411029

>When did you realize the entire internet just came of age, had a mass existential crisis, and is now trying desperately to find religion?

I think the fact that the hyperrich global upper class are all satanist transhumanists is starting to dawn on them.

>> No.19411044

Do you have anything resembling a personal philosophy? Would you consider yourself a philosophical pessimist?

I ask because I imagine it's difficult to endure with a materialistic worldview.

>> No.19411122
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I try not to be pessimist anymore, but its hard.
Its not even that its difficult to be purely materialist, its just that its strange enough as it is.
The fact there is anything is the most /x/ shit I can think of, and this back and forth over religion is just so insincere. I don't think anyone truly believes. I don't think we can post Darwin-Nietzsche.

I think any hope of moving forward lies in reconciling man's part in nature. Any attempt to capture that old time religion is doomed going forward. None of those stories will "take."

Even Schopenhauer coped with his eastern bullshit.

>> No.19411248

>The fact there is anything is the most /x/ shit I can think of


>> No.19411388


>> No.19411557


>> No.19411695

>he thinks the internet came of age in 2021

>> No.19411806

Not "baby's first existential crisis" coming of age.
30's-40's "baby's second existential crisis," which is far, far more brutal.

You'll see.

>> No.19411824

You had faggots in their 40s being all oWo and uWu in their MUDs long before Google existed, get outta here.

>> No.19411916
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>get outta here
I got nowhere else to go.

>> No.19413003

>I don't think anyone truly believes.
I know someone who thinks he's the president of the United States. (We can't get him services until he one of his misadventures gets him arrested.) One hundred percent convinced. Emperor Norton style. I know people from that point to total normalfag with every step in-between. It's a smooth continuum, there are plenty of true believers in Christ left.