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19374906 No.19374906 [Reply] [Original]

Books to help confirm my faith in our Savior Christ and the Lord God? Amen.

>> No.19374910
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>> No.19374914

It's not faith if you need it confirmed dumb shit bitch nigga why are christians so retarded

>> No.19374923

You’ll drop the LARP once some ugly arthoe takes pity on your incel cock. Always the same case with 4chan catholicucks.

>> No.19374953

You got it the wrong way around. It's a lack of books which reinforces your faith. After all, the bible answers all the questions you could ever have. All problems are because of demons and talking snakes. Obviously.

>> No.19374961

You should read the Bible, seems like the board is being raided by angry athiest/pagan homos

>> No.19374967
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>> No.19374974

I think all three of groups have been on /lit/ forever. How new are you?

>> No.19374992

Yea but there seems to be rapid anti God
/Christian threads in the past hour. I get it, the athiest/pagan homos are angry.

>> No.19375454

And women.

>> No.19375470

Read the Bible. Research the prophecy of the Seventy Weeks, pray,
attend Church services and seek Christian fellowship (the most important)
They were getting BTFO hard yesterday in the last thread about strengthening faith. It must have really riled them up

>> No.19375607

Imagine needing constant positive reinforcement to keep up your LARP.

How embarrasing

>> No.19375769

I don't think most Christians have even read the Bible.
It's full of contradictions (don't bother saying it isn't because it is) and basically just a serious of books glorifying Jews.

To make it seem less contradictory they removed tonnes of content from the Old Testament - i don't see how you can even disregard them when some of the disciples referred to these books.

>But New Testament
Jesus called a gentile a dog and said he only came for the children of Israel - once again just Jew glorification.
Paul also stated Gentiles come after Jews once again showing favoritism.

>> No.19375838

>Jesus called a gentile a dog and said he only came for the children of Israel
Conveniently forgetting that he commends the woman’s faith and then heals her daughter just like she asked. First Jesus came for the people of Israel, who were already monotheistic and familiar with the message of the Prophets, and then for the whole world. The name she called her use a diminutive suffix too, differentiating it from the common term of abuse against Gentiles. Jesus tested her faith, and she passed the test. The Gospels are full of examples of faithful Gentiles, and Jesus commends a centurion in Luke 7 above anyone else in Israel. And then you conveniently forget the fact that every Gospel ends with Jesus telling the disciples to preach and baptize to every nation in the world. Let’s not even forget that the idea that ‘Jew’ was never an exclusively racial category, and that even the ancestry of Jesus has non-Jews by birth within it such as Rahab, Ruth, etc. Moses had a non-Israelite wife, namely Zipporah, and Esther 8:17 testifies that many people became “Jews” in the aftermath of the events of the book. Even Acts testifies to the existence of large numbers of Gentiles who followed the God of Israel in the 1st century, but who had not become full Jews due to things such as circumcision requirements. The New Covenant, needless to say, abolished these onerous requirements.

>once again just Jew glorification.
Almost the entire Old Testament is Jews whoring after pagan gods, idols and degeneracy, constantly in rebellion, constantly said to be inclined towards evil and to be hard or heart, and then you say it’s “Jew glorification” lmao. Let’s not forget parables such as the parable of the vineyard in Matthew 21:33-46 which talks of the tenants of the vineyard (the Jews) killing the prophets and the Son before being kicked out of the vineyard and replaced with another people (the Gentiles). The Church is the New Israel. The seed of Abraham are those who have faith in Jesus Christ. /pol/ niggers can’t read the Bible.

>> No.19376031

Heh, you got BTFO

>> No.19376140

I wouldn't suggest reading the Bible if you're looking to make your faith stronger.

>> No.19376229
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i don't mind people who are obessed with the bible, although i do believe a "god" is just possible as impossible, something about the bible seems connect with human nature (idk if its because of the vastness of it covers everything, the quality of its text, or the massive historical influence on culture it had) but either way, it seems to be a really common redemption path a lot of people who hit rock bottom tend to use and so long as the person isn't overbearing or zealous, i think the bible's influence on the word is a net positive post printing press (you can disagree with this, but only if you acknowledge the positives the bible's influence had as well as acknowledge that you can replace the bible with anything else and the corrupt torturer priest would still do their shit)

That said, i do feel like the bible is a sort of fallacy, if live by it good for you, but otherwise the bible doesn't address the advancement of technology (inb4 "human nature doesn't change" argument when technology advances faster then culture) the bible does come off as really dated, it still has its spritial uses, but the stories and context of if the bible is going to be outdated and unrelatable in the near future, and if you do believe in the spirituality of Christianity, it can be argued that god gave you a brain to use and realize that the bible was made for a certain yet impotant era of human development, and even then at that the bible is most relevant and "strongest" of all the abrahamic religions in the modern day. Also tl;dr because buzzed

>> No.19376289
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This will help you confirm your faith in the prophet Jesus (pbuh) brother

>> No.19376297
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God bless you brother. Read this and ignore the seething vermin in this thread.

>> No.19376301

T. Doesn't know anything about faith.

>> No.19376310

Catechism of Pope Saint Pius X?

>> No.19376312

Muhammad was inspired by demons and got his revelation from an ‘angel’, not God

>> No.19376352

Yes, the Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) received his revelation from an angel like every other prophet. What's your point?

>> No.19376369

>the Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) received his revelation from an angel like every other prophet.
You only make this claim on the grounds of the Islamic narrative being true. This is asserted by Muslims to make the idea of Muhammad never hearing from God seem fine. No Christian believes this, neither do any Jews. What is your justification for the corruption of previous scriptures?

>> No.19376373

>You only make this claim on the grounds of the Islamic narrative being true.
As does any Abrahamist

>> No.19376375

The Quran said so.

>> No.19376382

Christians can justify their claims via extra-biblical historical evidence and prophecies from older scriptures verifiably coming true in history, e.g. Daniel 9.24-27.
And why believe the Qur’an?

>> No.19376384

Yes, and christians assert that god literally has a son who is also god and there is still actually only one god in spite of this. Neither jews nor muslims believe this, so where's your justification?

>> No.19376389

So can Muslims, they conquered half the planet, and beat the Byzantines. I guess God prefers the verses of Muhammed over yours

>> No.19376390

Because it is the word of Allah.

>> No.19376405
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My wife is religious and wont let me fuck her ass, bros :( what do, its my main fetish. i almost regret marrying a virgin religious girl

>> No.19376410

Muslims cannot understand the distinction between nature and person, therefore they fail to understand the trinity. Multiplicity within the Godhead is attested even within the Book of Genesis, and also in Exodus, Judges and many other OT books. Even non-Christian Jews such as Philo had ideas of multiplicity within the Godhead, who spoke, just like Justin Martyr, of the Angel of the Lord of the OT being the Logos / Word of God, which according to John 1, is Jesus Christ, the Son.

Where are your prophecies that predict Muhammad and the Qur’an in previous scriptures? Where are your confirmed prophecies?

>> No.19376416

Fetishes are degenerate. God made you a tight wet hole to fuck and you want to fuck a hole that feces and filth come out of, just like a homosexual. Repent

>> No.19376421
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And I should believe the bible because...
>You just have to okay?!?!

>> No.19376432

>Where are your prophecies that predict Muhammad and the Qur’an in previous scriptures?
Daniel 7 and Isaiah 42

>> No.19376435

Already answered. We have a continuity of scripture and confirmed prophecies such as Daniel 9.24-27 (which no one can debunk)

>> No.19376442

>(which no one can debunk)
Then it's unfalsifiable trash and no one even needs to consider it in the first place

>> No.19376444

>therefore they fail to understand the trinity
You mean the thing that christcucks claim is beyond human understanding? The concept which cannot be illustrated by any metaphor without committing a heresy?

>> No.19376447

Having extensive experience with teenage church girls, I’d say she already got her ass blown out by highschool Chads and knows she can control her bitch hubby with pussy alone so she doesn’t bother.

>> No.19376453

Retarded pseud.

>> No.19376460

Both of those fit Jesus much more than Muhammad. Also, I thought those scriptures are corrupted? You are operating again on an ad hoc approach to the Bible. Isaiah also says:
>For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given, and the government will be upon His shoulders. And He will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Of the increase of His government and peace there will be no end. He will reign on the throne of David and over his kingdom, to establish and sustain it with justice and righteousness from that time and forevermore.
Of course this is ‘muh corruption’ now!

>> No.19376462

Way to not adress my point, I take this that you recognize to be full of shit and accept your apology

>> No.19376466

>Both of those fit Jesus much more than Muhammad.
Based on what, your feely feels?

>> No.19376470

This, filthy sodomite. If she were to give in you would want to go on to the next fetish an so on until you would find yourself in a gay sauna playing AIDS Russian roulette with other sodomites. Thank your wife for keeping your degenerate self out of harm's way.

>> No.19376475

God in his essence is ultimately ineffable, but we know from revelation that the Godhead consists of three hypostases—the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. The Son is eternally begotten, not made, of the Father, the Spirit proceeds eternally from the Father. The Father is the unbegotten eternal One. We can affirm all of this. >>19376442
I’m convinced you haven’t even read or tried to understand the passage in question. It demonstrably came true, and within the timeframe given. Cope

>> No.19376481

You're right, better stick to altarboys instead

>> No.19376482

>but we know from revelation
An oxymoron if I've ever seen one.

>> No.19376490

Do that in your own congregation, Rabbi

>> No.19376492

>I’m convinced you haven’t even read or tried to understand the passage in question.
If you say that it involves something that no one can prove wrong by default, I don't need to, as it makes what you believe in accurate, regardless of what we find in reality. That makes your beliefs worthless, and devoid of anything that can be called reliable knowledge

>> No.19376498

Common sense. Jesus was the light to the Gentiles. Every Gospel ends with him telling his disciples to go out and baptize the nations in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. It’s even funnier to try to fit Daniel 7 as Muhammad since the one like a Son of Man (a term Jesus used) is granted eternal dominion over all nations, languages, peoples, etc by the Ancient of Days. This isn’t a quality of a human being. And then again I can point to the fact that Daniel 9 says that the Messiah will be killed, so again that debunks the Qur’anic narrative about Jesus—you will just ad hoc call it corrupt though, surely

>> No.19376506

>The Son is eternally begotten
>the Spirit proceeds eternally
nvm, these are the real oxymorons.

>> No.19376509

Revelation is a valid epistemic mechanism.
Prove it wrong, I’m waiting. No one has been able to debunk it thus far.

>> No.19376511

>Common sense.
This is generally just anything term for Christian feels, and the fact that you never refer to anything or anyone that doesn't already agree with your own views confirms this

>> No.19376518

There was never a time when the Son was not, thus He has been begotten from eternity from the person of the Father. Same situation with the Spirit, except the Spirit proceeds, and is not begotten.
I gave reasons and you have not rebutted them. I’m waiting, Ahmed

>> No.19376524

>Prove it wrong, I’m waiting.
I don't need to if you tell me in advance you won't accept that this is even possible in the first place. Like I said, your beliefs are unfalsifiable horseshit, and therefore worthless.

People who possess reliable knowledge always state in which case their knowledge certainly isn't reliable, and the fact that you stated openly that nothing can disprove your views completely disqualifies them as being even slightly reliable

>> No.19376529

Prove me wrong and I will recant. It’s that easy.

>> No.19376538

>The act of coming into existence implies non-existence prior to the act
>excluding jesus, of course, because it just isn't okay!?!?

>> No.19376547

The Son never came into existence. Try again.

>> No.19376548

>There was never a time when the Son was not, thus He has been begotten from eternity from the person of the Father. Same situation with the Spirit, except the Spirit proceeds, and is not begotten.
I don't think you understand the terms "begotten" or "proceeds". The very terms imply causation, which implies that the Father precedes the Son and Spirit and is thus "more eternal" than them. But why tf am I arguing this with you, Christian theology has never made a lick of sense

>> No.19376552

I know, because you were mindraped by sunday school.


>> No.19376559

>filtered by the concept of logical priority and co-eternality coexisting simultaneously

>> No.19376564

Yes, because logic must bend the knee to bearded man in the sky


>> No.19376571

God is the source of logic

>> No.19376579

Yes, and a pot of gold really does exist at the end of a rainbow.


>> No.19376590
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Anti-Christians have been seething hard lately.

>> No.19376617
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Christcucks seething eternally.

>> No.19376686
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>> No.19376703
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The Word of God is here and He is alive.
The anti-christian people are afraid of Jesus and the people of God continue to embrace His divine grace.

>> No.19376711


>> No.19376717

What's this cube on his hat? Inb4 Saturn cult.

>> No.19377006
File: 130 KB, 850x1280, 7C0E241C-41FC-49D6-AFAC-4DF1B90A136E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amen. Some of the effort posts and demonstrations of prophecies have really got them scared.

>> No.19377028

On a curiosity of mine note, how does orthodoxy get away from the "don't make idols" stuff with their things?

>> No.19377032
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Amen brother.

>> No.19377071
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St. John of Damascus wrote the best defense of iconodulism, link below. Orthodox Christians do not worship icons or claim that they are in any sense divine or imbued with the power of deities or saints. Anyone who believes this is an idolator and a heretic. This is wholly consistent with ancient Jewish practices too. Look into the finds made in Israel and Syria of the Huqoq synagogue and the Dura-Europos synagogue, and see how they are beautifully decorated with mosaics and other sorts of artwork, and not austere at all.

>> No.19377091

ooh, so i had it wrong. I was thinking of something along the lines of catholic "relics" level for icon treatment.