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19373991 No.19373991 [Reply] [Original]

why all good writers are homosexual

>> No.19373997

Sexual repression leads to God tier art.
Which is also why gays stopped making good art once they became widely accepted

>> No.19373998

It turns out adversity actually does build character.
Unfortunately it also makes you miserable and insufferable.
So, you write.

>> No.19373999

ginsberg was strictly into little girls

>> No.19374005

no wayyy

>> No.19374017

really interesting
if non assumed homosexual of our era would write would they will be good?

>> No.19374020


>> No.19375163
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And yet not all homosexuals are good writers.

>> No.19375217

>why all good writers are homosexual
Because I travel through time and put my penis inside them.

>> No.19375233

I think it’s mostly because 99% of aspiring straight writers give up their hoped and dreams after they’ve fallen for the vaginal lifetrap and end up wagecucked.

>> No.19375459

don't know. Why are all OPs homosexual?

>> No.19376939

No one likes what the straight white male has to say. I read no gay authors because I am not gay. I read the bad authors. The straight authors. You arr Gay, OP

>> No.19376950

Because all good writers are also fascist.

>> No.19376951

Waldun is not homosexual

>> No.19376959

Take your meds.
That is the most insane conspiracy theory ever posted on this board.

>> No.19377189
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Because a man can only achieve true greatness when he sincerely loves another man. Male-male love is the highest and purest form of love, as Greek philosophers wisely taught us.

>> No.19377442

This is false

All great "homosexual" writers were actually bi masterrace.

>> No.19377477
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based thread!

>> No.19377585

It has to be on /lit/'s iceberg, right?

>> No.19377590

Holy shit you're fucking right.

>> No.19377617


>> No.19377629
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the criminality/outsideness is what matters

>> No.19377630

It’s the same for straights. When it became acceptable to fuck people who’s names you don’t know or jerk off to pornhub every night people stopped making great art.

>> No.19377826

Good art is a form of longing

>> No.19378000
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Anons, please, how do I sexually repress myself? I want to be a good writer more than I want pussy

>> No.19378005

then incels should be making the god tier literature of today, but at most we have what? Elliot Rodgers manifesto? Your theory is wrong.

>> No.19378021
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Get off this porn site

>> No.19378024
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>> No.19378805

Failure to bust a nut makes for good writing

>> No.19378811
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Only retarded boomers who know nothing about art think Ginsberg is a good anything.

>> No.19378816

they're not, go ahead and name one, I'll wait
inb4 retarded reaching statements like Kafka was a fag that have no evidence except schizophrenia

>> No.19378829

exactly. if the 21st century produces any great writers, they will all be closeted pedophiles, because that's the one form of lust one still cannot openly indulge.

>> No.19378834

Sappho, Sophocles, Anacreon, Theognis, Ibycus, Pindar, Socrates, Callimachus, Bion, Nossis, Theocritus, Catullus, Tibullus, Meleager, Horace, Petronius, Martial, Qu Yuan, Bai Juyi, Ruan Ji, Xi Kang, Abu Nuwas, Al-Tifashi, Hilarius, Marbodius of Rennes, Baudri of Bourgueil, Hildebert of Lavardin, Judah Halevi, Judah Al-Harizi, Sa'di, Ibn Quzman, al-Jahiz, Khusrau, Cosmico, Poliziano, Buonaccorsi, Ficino, Cellini, Varchi, Tasso, Donatello, Caravaggio, Sodoma, de Viau, Ihara Saikaku, Barnfield, Marlowe, Shakespeare, King James, Katherine Philips, Aphra Benn, Frederick the Great, Byron, von Platen, Holderlin, Walpole, Sade, Winckelmann, Adolf Brand, Ludwig II, Hans Christian Andersen, Whitman, Rimbaud, Verlaine, Lorrain, Dickinson, Stefan George, Pater, Wilde, Mann, Gide, Proust, Genet, Auden, Housman, Hopkins, Forster, Woolf, Wittgenstein, Henry James, Maugham, Graves, D. H. Lawrence, TE Lawrence, Gertrude Stein, H.D., Murdoch, Renault, Yourcenar, Montherlant, Cocteau, Pasolini, Waugh, Kuzmin, Cavafy, Lorca, Roy Campbell, White, Mishima, Barthes, Foucault, Crane, Ginsberg, Baldwin, Vidal, Capote, Isherwood, Burroughs

>> No.19378841

im not gay and i write good.

>> No.19378847

She looks like she could fuck a cock into oblivion

>> No.19378849

>if the 21st century produces any great writers, they will all be closeted pedophiles
It seems like this was the case for half of them in the 20th century too

>> No.19378858


maybe for men, can say the lesbians.

>> No.19378865

Marguerite Yourcenar and Mary Renault are pretty good.

>> No.19378870

Sappho, Aphra Benn, Virginia Woolf, Gertrude Stein, Marguerite Yourcenar. It seems to apply to women even more than men

>> No.19378893

Yeah. Straight women have to take care of their home and small children, while lesbians have more free time to create stuff.

>> No.19378897

That's patrician-tier

>> No.19378900

Yeah plus all the straight ones these days are too busy dick hopping to do anything useful

>> No.19379174

fuck off butters

>> No.19379204

the dick and balls are the true fountain of knowledge

>> No.19379344
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Rent free

>> No.19380925

im not good and i write gay

>> No.19381318

I wish, given that they write a lot.

>> No.19381962

Incels have pornography.

>> No.19382003

Kek'd at this, but I also think there is something to it.

>> No.19382075

Shakespeare, Goethe

>> No.19382217
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because being gay is an enzyme for seeing beyond the pale of society's script. Whether it's through love or pure sexual desire, their body literally forces them to see beyond everything they know to the truth of their personhood and the intangible. they are forced to go beyond what traps straight people, things like religion or gender dynamics, the concept of what it means to be your own sex. literally every institution, the media, and basically all of captialist society is structured in a heteronormative way. imagine all of that happening (something every gay person even now goes through) and then add in the criminal element and the lack of social acceptance or media representation. straight people get there, sure, but only in middle to late adulthood after experiencing more of life. getting married and seeing it's not all that it's cracked up to be, or learning to love someone truly, the person beyond the biological constraints. for straight people that only seems to happen after long term marriage, unsurprisingly because the way we're taught is so strong.

basically because being gay automatically confers a lot of intellectualism and understanding of life that straight people don't develop until later in life. they don't get bogged down in ooga booga poopoo brain stuff like "i don't know how to talk to women" or "my fiancé just told me he doesn't like children" that reflect the baby brain and poor skills of straight people being unable to literally just communicate with each other. the unfortunate consequence of this though is most gay relationships move fast or change you deeply.

>> No.19382405
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d i l a t e

>> No.19382412

Good point

>> No.19382418

Post some of your work.

>> No.19382425

He was a NAMBLA member. He was for little boys all the way

>> No.19382466

*little boys

>> No.19382468

Emil Cioran wrote an essay about this. Something about vice. It's in A Short History of Decay.