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19361858 No.19361858 [Reply] [Original]

do you think musicians are capable of writing decent books? have you ever enjoyed a book by a musician?

>> No.19361904
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>This is the paradox of mass culture. The more ahistorical and pre-ordained its procedures are, the less temporal relationships become a problem for it and the less it succeeds in transposing these relationships into a dialectical unity of temporal moments, the more craftily it employs static tricks to deceive us into seeing new temporal content in what it does, then the less it has left to oppose to the time beyond itself and all the more fatally does it fall victim to that time. Its ahistoricality is the tedium which it affects to relieve. It evokes the question whether or not the one-dimensional time which is characteristic of the blind course of history is even identical with the timelessness of the ever-same, identical with fate.

>> No.19361925
File: 49 KB, 301x500, mcneill_pleasekillme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was pretty good.

>> No.19362658

this is one of my favorite books.
Tinges of Notes from the Underground

>> No.19362664
File: 10 KB, 195x293, 51lqvUMFa-L._SY291_BO1,204,203,200_QL40_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pic related

>> No.19362669
File: 37 KB, 462x577, images (42).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you guys excited for it??

>> No.19362671

Woah. Posting Adorno in a jazz thread…

>> No.19362676

Decent, yes. Great? No. Their lives are probably interesting enough to produce something entertaining, but most aren't read enough or in the craft enough to produce anything aside from fictional.

>> No.19362699

Springsteen's Born to Run was a great book.

>> No.19362703
File: 23 KB, 318x500, ATASTA_NC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nick Cave says hello

>> No.19362712

He’s a much better man now that one of his sons is dead.

>> No.19362727

damn nigga that's a flaming hot take. wtf??

>> No.19362740

He’s an arrogant shitcunt tall poppy.

Learn how Australia works cunt.

>> No.19363769

musicians and artists are usually really stupid. the better they are, the more stupid and unthinking they are. usually hedonists.

>> No.19364682
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>have you ever enjoyed a book by a musician?
i dont know man who knows these days

Mezz Mezzrow - Really the Blues (1946, woody allen meets harvey weinstein)
Eddie Condon - We Called It Music (1947, pretty boring)
Max Jones - Louis, The Louis Armstrong story, 1900-1971 (1971, based on taped interviews with Armstrong, pretty decent)
Marshal Royal - Marshal Royal Jazz Survivor (1996, kind of dry)
Rafi Zabor - The Bear Comes Home (1997, tortured prose)


>> No.19365671

I tend to agree, they just have to play back notes written on the paper
composers died off in the late 19th century (classical music) early 20th century (popular music)... after that, people either went bat shit crazy with degenerate music or kept recycling what was set between blues and early rock music
sure, the cold war produced a few gems, but it doesn't really "work that way" unless you have a rich and varied musical scene where people do not feel obliged to visit what they don't enjoy
are you talking about SJW's siphoning off public funds? because there haven't been any "artists" for at least 30 years. the last honest & authentic ones died off either by AIDS or by heroin overdose

>> No.19365810
File: 101 KB, 480x331, Joyce-and-guitar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19365828

>he hasn't heard of jazz

>> No.19365874

>early 20th century (popular music)
>recycling what was set between blues and early rock music
you seem to confirm what we noticed about musicians, amigo

>> No.19365965

>le blues