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File: 71 KB, 897x1360, Peterson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19352147 No.19352147 [Reply] [Original]

>Says that you're not allowed to criticize the world unless your life is in perfect order.
>Criticizes the world.
>Gets addicted to benzos and for some reason goes to Russia to be put in a coma to try to get sober.
>Is never the same afterwards.

>> No.19352150

If a philosopher is not a hypocrite, I don't want to listen to him.

>> No.19352169

well no one's perfect dumbass
that's the lesson you were supposed to learn as a kid

>> No.19352177

Really is sad to see him these days
They did a number on him over there

>> No.19352179

But, he literally said that you had to be perfect to criticize the world right as he was doing it. I think it's only fair to hold him to same standards that he holds everyone else to.

>> No.19352180

Wait till you learn about Kazzas lifestyle. You’re going to become a Marxist son.

>> No.19352190

I dunno, most people I know haven't been fucked up to the point that they were willing to take experimental Russian drugs to get over an addiction.

>> No.19352191

But Peterson says not to listen to people that don't have their shit together. Following his own philosophy you shouldn't listen to him. It's like he said I'm wrong you shouldn't listen to me.

>> No.19352192

When did he say that

>> No.19352197

it's literally a trick statement. did you also believe when your parents told you about santa claus?

>> No.19352207


This boomer faggot was always full of shit and only other retard boomers who want to blame all their problems on the children whose lives they systematically participated in destroying said otherwise and people with stockholm syndrome for boomers. Sad but true

>> No.19352234


He was right about this

I don't care for him as a psychologist or self help book writer. But he was right about the risk of governments and institutions thinking they have the right to legislate on language

>> No.19352249

No one is perfect. Even Dostoevsky for all of his wisdom was a very flawed person. None of that removes the truth of what Peterson says about improving yourself before trying to improve the world, which is hardly original, it's been stated by other great thinkers before.

First of all, Peterson was never a political advocate who wanted to change political institutions, which is what he was criticizing. Second, even after his drug issue, he followed his own advice by withdrawing from the spotlight, getting help, then coming back a year later improved. So I don't see what the issue is here.

>> No.19352261

>Says that you're not allowed to criticize the world unless your life is in perfect order.

>> No.19352276

>Peterson was not an advocate to change political institutions

Lmao you're a faggot. He literally got famous for criticizing bill c16 and claims institutions are built on competence and not power. Fuck off.

Let's not forget how he said "don't mindlessly criticize creative achievement" and went on to poorly construct arguments against Frozen.


yea I hope he's stopped believing in jungian nonsense.

>> No.19352286

This isn't a matter of hypocrisy it's a matter of the coherency of his stated philosophy. Either Peterson's philosophy is right and you shouldn't listen to people who don't have their shit together which definitely includes him or his philosophy is wrong. If I said everything I say is wrong you wouldn't be making an ad hominem attack to point out that what I said was incoherent

>> No.19352528
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Why do people act like he was out snorting benzos off a toilet seat on Friday nights and thus he's not worth listening to?

It has been covered multiple times in multiple podcasts. He utilized these drugs with a doctor prescription, without knowledge of their tendency to cause dependence. He quit and got better.

>you're not allowed to criticize the world unless your life is in perfect order
>I think it's only fair to hold him to same standards

This is rather ungenerous and bad faith. He obviously never said you cannot criticize the world unless you were perfect -- he made the point that, to change the world, you need to have your life in order. The consequences of people not following that maxim can be seen in the puritanical intrusion of far left extreme egalitarianism -- the filthy mix of religious fervor and accounting culture autism that is ruining our institutions.

As stated, he was not abusing benzos, and when he had a problem he got it fixed before getting back into the world. Grade A+ in sticking to his convictions.

>> No.19352644

His wife was ill, you prick. Never loved anyone, have you?

>> No.19352704

>writing angry comments under video he didn't like
>getting btfo by an actual intellectual
sad old goon. i dont get how anyone can take him seriously.

>> No.19352716
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Show us where he said that you need to be perfect before critizing the world, idiot, or fuck off.

>> No.19352724

Like Marx who never worked a job, never owned a business, and wasted his Engels money on the stock market while being racist towards blacks and Jews?

>> No.19352728

Nobody ever loved anyone. Jesus Christ read.

>> No.19352732

Pythagoras never did nuffin wrong

>> No.19352813

He also said that academia is controlled by socialists and when asked to point them, he realized in real time that he couldn't, he even admitted that he had no clue of what he was talking about.
>The elusive communist, they are everywhere and control your thoughts. You need to have faith though. I don't know what i am saying.

>> No.19352817

no he didn't, not even """""literally""""".

>> No.19352818

>takes money from rightwing billionaires to tell disaffected young men to go after their pet peeves and ignore what they are doing to the world

>> No.19352926
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>not allowed

He never said you were not allowed, how are you too stupid to understand this guy. People seething over Peterson is the greatest filter.

>> No.19353028

>He utilized these drugs with a doctor prescription, without knowledge of their tendency to cause dependence. He quit and got better.
Lolwat? As a psychologist he should know how clonazepam works.

>> No.19353065

>Is never the same afterwards.
You don't listen to his podcast or you'd know this isn't true.
You're post is disingenuous.
Opinion discarded.

>> No.19353069

Why does this mild mannered professor make leftoids seethe so much?

>> No.19353071

because he actively tries to provoke them

>> No.19353090

no u

>> No.19353104

No idea. He should make right wingers seethe more.
>mildly controversial opinions
>in denial on the JQ
>champions conservative thought but gets BTFO in a debate with zizek because he's a midwit who didn't even read around the topic that was being discussed.
>his daughter is a schizo and a general embarrassment to whatever political ideology she decides to co-opt this month
>pwned the libs (college kids) on youtube compilations thus raising his notoriety, before getting pwned by benzos and becoming an easy target for leftists and a general laughing stock.
>is a clinical psychologist who LARPs as an old timey Freud/Jung stereotype, both of whom were actual psychiatrists.

I think anyone, whether left or right, would be embarrassed to have this guy associated with their ideology or political movement.

>> No.19353105

I'm not saying it's a bad thing

>> No.19353109

Wife diagnosed with aggressive cancer. Daughter's relationship falling apart. Public spotlight thrust upon you when your only goal had been to continue being a research scientist, university professor, and continue your clinical practice (i.e. helping people on a person-to-person level). The mob directs its fury upon you and ideologues rally against you.

Get a prescription for stress medication and have a terrible reaction when you stop taking it; turns out you were susceptible to akathisia (which can be brought on by various prescribed medications). Have a bunch of pseuds characterize it as a drug addiction when it was actually brought on by cessation of prescribed medication.

The pseuds think "gotcha!" However, you continue the public persona career you had unexpectedly thrust upon you late in life--you did your part and you can dial it back a bit. Sure, they'll ignore the volumes of published research alongside a great h-index long before you were in the public eye, the fact you were a professor in superb standing (who had that career threatened and still decided to take a stand), and the fact you spent much of your life counseling people whose suffering is only theoretical to the pseuds. They'll also pretend that your public talking head persona is all there is to you, but that's ok because they can't help it--that's the level of discourse they're on. They can't tell the difference between contrarianism and wisdom so who cares. Just stay positive and help others to be the same way.

>> No.19353125

Should've set his room in order so he could do something about his wife being ill. (this is what he tells other people)

>> No.19353136

> t. had no father figure growing up

>> No.19353141

>blah blah blah junkie in denial is an actual hero and totally not a brand selling books to incels

>> No.19353147

Agreed. I like his stuff when he isn't talking about politics desu

>> No.19353151

>Nobody ever loved anyone.
There is no such thing as love. There is only desire. And the will to possess what we desire.

>> No.19353182

And the will to put what we desire inside our anus.

>> No.19353236

He got caught up in the wave of right leaning conservative Youtubers in the Trump election period, despite the fact he isn't particularly right leaning, which he has said so himself.

What started him off was that he used his advanced education to say that there are absolutely psychological and brain differences between men and women. It was a strong part of his general work and background.
This made the schizo tier leftists mad because they were raving about trannys all the time.
He was also concerned about free speech infringements in education and media at the time, which was all down to the extreme left.

Just goes to show how insane the commie trannys went, that a centrist with maybe a little right lean to him can be described as some kind of evil cult leader nazi or some shit.

>> No.19353240

I had Peterson as a prof before he was famous and he actually gave me a hard time about getting an extension on an assignment when one of my parents died.
>blah blah I have nothing to say so I'll just write drug addict again and say he profits from selling books as if it's a bad thing...forget the stuff about being a counsellor for decades because I gave a homeless person $1.45 once.

>> No.19353290

>They'll also pretend that your public talking head persona is all there is
You were right.
>totally not a brand selling books to incels
He was right.

>> No.19353320

To be fair he just parrots Campbell, Nietzsche, and Jung. You don't need to listen to him. When he first popped up on Rogan I was like this is the same shit as the power of myth back in the 80s.

>> No.19353326

My father was severely burned during a barbecue grill gone wrong, so bad that despite 40 years of the incident his skin remains scarred and they look almost "melted".
Mother was a very sensitive woman and had really bad personal philosophy that led her to being ordinary. When he was deported into the icu, she didn't fall into drugs, alcohol or any of that nonsense. All she required was the companionship of her friends.

Peterson, despite being a psychologist himself, doesn't know the effects of such a drug? As a psychologist himself he turned to drugs to ease his pain rather than introspect or go with the flow of life? I would call this weak, pathetic and self detrimental. Just because he's read some Nietzsche and Jung doesn't prove him to be an emotionally strong person.

How many parents have been lost while their children/lovers watched them pass? This is the limit of wanting to become a self loathing ubermensch. It's really unfortunate that the self proclaimed "civilized monster" cannot deal with something like this.

>> No.19353334

>Says you should be careful about criticising the world unless you got your life overall in order (based on your personal individual situation).
>Criticizes the world.
>Wife he knew since he was in elementary school gets cancer. Gets prescribed medication that he's unaware was as addictive as they were. After trying numeral less drastic solutions goes to Russia to be put in a coma to try to get sober.
>Is changed, but despite the tragedy of life, does the best he can to get his life in order again (based on his personal unique situation).

>> No.19353403

Having never read Peterson myself, can someone explain how he is a philosopher and original thinker, not just a self-help author?

>> No.19353404

>she didn't fall into drugs
Neither did Peterson.
>As a psychologist himself he turned to drugs to ease his pain
As a psychologist, he was prescribed a drug commonly used in the treatment of anxiety. He isn't anti-pharmacology and most psychologists/psychiatrists aren't. Quite the opposite actually...pseuds like yourself put a huge stigma on psychiatric medication which has led to the counterbalance of advocacy. Further, he had an extreme reaction to the cessation of taking the medication and that's what led to his treatment and hospitalization. Quit acting like he OD'd on street drugs and had to go to rehab.
>Just because he's read some Nietzsche and Jung doesn't prove him to be an emotionally strong person.
What about the decades of being a research scientist with a great h-index? What about being a highly respected university professor training thousands of students? What about the decades of being a clinical psychologist wherein he personally helped countless individuals overcome suffering and build a better life? Have you done anything on that level? No, probably not...but you think being an armchair analyst who can't even discriminate between media and actuality somehow works toward the effect that you can distill pearls of wisdom regarding a BBQ accident.

>> No.19353422

He was a research scientist/university professor/practiced clinical psychologist. His window into philosophy is in regard to his background in psychology and, by sheer happenstance, he became a public intellectual. People acting like his public persona is that of a great philosopher are pseud retards who don't understand how media works and have no idea regarding how philosophy, in terms of practicality as well as influence, interacts with psychology...they've likely never heard of Binswanger/Boss and aren't even acute enough to recognize Rogerian methodology with regard to how Peterson conducts himself.

He's a philosophically-informed psychologist who became a media personality. People are triggered by his calling out of their political motivations so they reduce him to his public persona and engage in media rabble instead of thinking for themselves about anything.

>> No.19353456

Damn sounds like he should have used newspaper and a chimney instead of a fuck ton of lighter fluid. God forbid if it was the propane regulator because propane grilling sucks. Personally I burn a bob dylan biography because I hate that fag.

>> No.19353468

Peterson has always given off the vibe that he was preaching to himself as much as he was to anybody else.

>> No.19353500

He said he doesn't see himself as part of the group that needs help in that regard.

>> No.19353512

Well he is a multimillionaire and a phd

>> No.19353540

It's literally one of his 12 rules: "Set your house in perfect order before you criticize the world." His life was clearly not in any sort of order.

>> No.19353549

>he literally said that you had to be perfect to criticize the world
His message isn't that only perfect people have a right to have a worldview--that's retarded. The idea behind that message is that you should scrutinize your motivations, with regard to how you measure and conduct your personal life, before you diagnose the order of the world as a means to prescribe and fiercely advocate a solution (i.e. don't force your own pathologies on the world because you haven't done the work to become aware of them).

It's an admirable goal and its challenge is constant. No one is able to live up to that ideal at all times but the message isn't therefore inaction. Become more self-aware, work in order to come by your ideas and opinions as honestly as you can, and act from a place of kindness and positivity.

It's a pretty simple message and it's telling that people want to turn it into a totality and focus on Peterson failing to be perfect; pretty much the pathology he's alluding to coming to the fore.

>> No.19353550

This >>19353549. Stop being retarded.

>> No.19353571
File: 48 KB, 480x584, 1584539540932.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you do that many xans and still have such a boring life?

I have basically been NEET for three years off of selling imported Indian knock off xans and Egyptian knock off addy. It's the life. Got qt hs girls over like every night, just play video games all day.

>> No.19353655

"Do you have habits that are destroying your health and well-being? ... Are there things that you could do, that you know you could do, that would make things around you better? Have you cleaned up your life? If the answer is no, here's something to try: Start to stop doing what you know to be wrong. Start stopping today. ... Don't blame capitalism, the radical left, or the iniquity of your enemies. Don't reorganize the state until you have ordered your own experience. Have some humility. If you cannot bring peace to your household, how dare you try to rule a city?" (pp. 157-158)

He LITERALLY says this. It isn't just about self-reflection before diagnosing the world. He tells people to stop doing harmful things before criticizing. He doesn't say that one has to be perfect, but what quite clearly follows is that one should stop and resolve one's benzo addiction before blaming the left. It is up there above, not just reflection, but "start stopping today" and "don't blame the radical left" until you have "brought peace to your household".

>> No.19353713

>He LITERALLY says this.
First, no matter how much you want it to be true being treated for extreme withdrawal symptoms caused by a prescribed medication doesn't indicate abuse let alone the connotation of "drug addict" that you imbue it with. Second, the literal message of the quote isn't that people with personal problems shouldn't have opinions--it's they should be aware of their motivations and take action to maximize their lives so they can come from a positive place. Further, the idea that his ideas concerning the radical left are related to his reaction to his wife having aggressive cancer is a complete nonsequitur and it's hard to imagine how retarded someone has to be in order to make that leap.

Seriously, you're a complete idiot and you should probably stop expressing yourself openly. That isn't the literal message that Peterson is putting out there, just how someone on your obviously limited intellectual level would express it, but you should act on it. Given that you lack the cognitive ability moral character to rise above the rabble--why would you expect people to be able to benefit from your ideas when it's quite obvious that you cannot?

>> No.19353739

Are your like his secretary or smth?

>> No.19353744

Snake oil salesman. His fans lack imagination. Stop making him relevant. Bait thread.

>> No.19353780

i mean i agree with that

>> No.19353785
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>He utilized these drugs with a doctor prescription
He's old and educated enough to not trust doctors.

>> No.19353794

This, his daughter is also a pill head

>> No.19353797

Marx did own a job - he was running the Neue Rheinische Zeitung newspaper, until the Prussian government had the entire editorial board arrested or deported.

He then had a job writing columns for multiple newspapers as a correspondent - but those tended to be censored by governments as well, with New-York Tribune being the notorious exception.

>> No.19353822
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>>Says that you're not allowed to criticize the world unless your life is in perfect order.
There is a difference between campaigning for a radical change in the way society has progressed when the average fan of said changes is an objective failure at all aspects of life. You can criticize, debate and reason all you want but as with anything, if you're unable to maintain a small set of particulars, you should not be trusted with a larger and more important set

>>Criticizes the world.
Offers solutions to the problems plaguing a subgroup of society, many people take on the advice and life begins to slowly improve for many of them.

>>Gets addicted to benzos and for some reason goes to Russia to be put in a coma to try to get sober.
Wife has stage 4 cancer, your entire professional career of identifying and rejecting authoritarianism, totalitarianism is completely inverted by actual howling retards who claim you are the very thing you have studied and worked against all your life.

>>Is never the same afterwards.
Must be rough.

I don't care for everything he says, nor do I hang on his every word but I appreciate what he has done in regards to young, disenfranchised men, his introduction to philosophy for many and classical literature. I would not be where I am now if I had not listened occasionally to him.

>> No.19353836

I agree with this. Somebody had to take up Joseph Campbells torch and bring mythological teachings to the masses again. People are so secular and directionless and miserable and don't know how to read into symbolism or subtext and get that our stories and myths do have meaning and practical application. The only reason I found out about Campbell before him was from a screenwriting book referencing The Hero with a Thousand Faces. Personally I liked Jungs takes better but my friend completely changed his life after reading Campbells books.

>> No.19353846

>Has job
>Writes freelance articles
Pick one.

>> No.19353854
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>individualism for whites, collectivism for jews, minorities and women
>uhm I dont actually want pronoun laws, but I am still gonna obey them because...ITS JUST BASIC POLITNESS OK!
>*gets asked about JQ* "yeah I am not allowed to answer that"
How does controlled opposition dare to be so transparent? At some point you think they will at least put in basic effort, but I guess fatherless nu-males will swallow up anything

>> No.19353861

>if you're unable to maintain a small set of particulars, you should not be trusted with a larger and more important set
Why though? We assume that it is the same set of skills and capabilities?

>Offers solutions to the problems plaguing a subgroup of society
That's just different words for "campaigning for a radical change in the way society has progressed".

I do think that Peterson is a total hypocrite, but I don't think that it invalidates his works in any way - those have numerous issues in themselves.

>I appreciate what he has done in regards to young, disenfranchised men, his introduction to philosophy for many and classical literature
Successfully driving people towards education and literacy is always good, but then again there is faggotry about how he did that. I mean

That's kinda the crux of the contradiction at hand ITT. He dunks on the entirety of political discourse when it suits him, and once he's done that - he goes
>"Be political in a way that I preach"
If that was not his intention - he has only himself to blame for misunderstanding.

>> No.19353878

Nope, I just don't like pseuds who express half-baked opinions.
Psychopharmacology is a complex subject and I'd probably listen to a clinical psychologist more than I would someone on 4chan. That being said and given the fact that we have a very limited model regarding the mechanism of action for psychoactive drugs and the brain, a decision to take the drug would be weighed against the impact of alleviating the positive/negative symptoms stemming from the disorder under treatment.
You're a schizo. Seek help and learn to recognize the difference between feeding delusion versus building a worldview that actually corresponds to reality.

>> No.19353884

>no one's perfect dumbass
yeah but most people don't fuck up this hard

>> No.19353885
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>Why though? We assume that it is the same set of skills and capabilities?
Because they increase in complexity and seriousness, the consequences in failing are not personal but can harm a great deal more people to the point where we are unable to recover from the damage inflicted by them.

>That's just different words for "campaigning for a radical change in the way society has progressed".
You are purposefully conflating people opting to follow a personal doctrine and change their own life based on new information and people banding together to force change on society. Not the same.

>Successfully driving people towards education and literacy is always good, but then again there is faggotry about how he did that. I mean
Gateways are just that. He studied Nietzsche and Solzhenitsyn, Dostoevsky far deeper than the average man and includes all in his teaching. If you keep going through the gateway you don't go anywhere, the idea is to go beyond these books and continue exploring and reading.

Collectivism is needed now.

>> No.19353890

Because he perfectly spotlighted their flaws. He basically called them out for being man-children who all repeat each other because they are incapable of not conforming to the dominant worldview. He’s not even very intelligent but he is much more intelligent than most of the liberals who hate him, so he served his purpose imo

>> No.19353894
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>I just don't like pseuds who express half-baked opinions.
You mean like Jordan Peterson?

>> No.19353895

>You're a schizo.
Ad hominem isnt substitute for argument. I accept your concession

>> No.19353899

>Psychopharmacology is a complex subject
No, shit made in a lab is always poison. When you take something that doesn't exist in nature it means your body was not made to deal with it. So it obviously won't heal you, but only repress your symptoms. You don't have to be a genius to figure that out.

>> No.19353900
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>collectivism is needed now

>> No.19353902

>Because they increase in complexity and seriousness, the consequences in failing are not personal but can harm a great deal more people to the point where we are unable to recover from the damage inflicted by them.
So, you are assuming that it is the same set of skills and capabilities. Why?

>You are purposefully conflating people opting to follow a personal doctrine and change their own life based on new information and people banding together to force change on society. Not the same.
There are no personal doctrines. Human condition is a social one.

>Gateways are just that.
Would you agree if the gateways in question were the ones you personally happen to find repugnant?

>> No.19353905

>No, shit made in a lab is always poison.
How come?

>When you take something that doesn't exist in nature
Define "exists in nature".

>> No.19353911
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Appeal to nature fallacy

Also why shrooms are dope as fuck

>> No.19353916

Appeal to nature is when you say polygamy is natural because lions practice it. It does not apply to paleofags.

>> No.19353920

>How come?
Like I said, your organism wasn't made to deal with it because it hadn't to in its evolution. It's a foreign chemical.
>Define "exists in nature".
Shit synthetically created in a lab.

>> No.19353921 [DELETED] 

>So, you are assuming that it is the same set of skills and capabilities. Why?
Forethought, effort, consistency, dedication. They all require the same qualities, you pretend they are not. This is the same reason we do not take health advice from the morbidly obese.

>There are no personal doctrines. Human condition is a social one.
This does not refute what was said. The solo efforts of a person improving his surroundings does not match the collective wills of failures to impose their bad choices on the collective.

>Gateways are just that.
You won't know until you go through and read. The reason people find such repugnant is you on such shaky ground that you fear being convinced your position is not secure, and may even be wrong.

>> No.19353928
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>So, you are assuming that it is the same set of skills and capabilities. Why?
Forethought, effort, consistency, dedication. They all require the same qualities, you pretend they are not. This is the same reason we do not take health advice from the morbidly obese.

>There are no personal doctrines. Human condition is a social one.
This does not refute what was said. The solo efforts of a person improving his surroundings does not match the collective wills of failures to impose their bad choices on the collective.

>Gateways are just that.
You won't know until you go through and read. The reason people find such repugnant is you on such shaky ground that you fear being convinced your position is not secure, and may even be wrong

>> No.19353931

That is a job. I'm not allowing you to move that goal post you weaselly shit.

>> No.19353933

>Appeal to nature fallacy
Onions argument, it doesn't even mean anything. It's not even an opinion that natural is better than synthetic.
I mean you can do what you want but just don't deny it. You can also smoke and drink all day, but don't deny that it's unhealthy.

>> No.19353936

Depends on what "better" is

>> No.19353938

>that led her to being ordinary


>> No.19353950

>being treated for extreme withdrawal symptoms caused by a prescribed medication doesn't indicate abuse let alone the connotation of "drug addict"

This is extremely retarded, and I don't think I have to point out why. Any person who knows the meaning of the words within the sentence, and Peterson's circumstances, will understand.

I never said he thinks such people shouldn't have opinions. But what he quite clearly says is that people who have quite serious problems such as addiction (which he clearly had and doesn't shy away from expressing himself, no matter how much you don't want it to be so) should stop criticizing and trying to change society based on their own conclusions until they have gotten their life in order by stopping their own self-destructive and harmful behavior. This involves self-reflection and action which he explicitly states. It is, as you say, "they should be aware of their motivations and take action to maximize their lives so they can come from a positive place." But not only is it that one should reflect and take action, but it is also that you should do this BEFORE criticizing and changing society. Peterson says that if people did this "the world might stop being an evil place." He unequivocally states that this should take place BEFORE trying to influence society. And he didn't do this himself. This, of course, does not mean that it might be true some of the time, especially with serious problems in life which need attending to. But it is such a trivial non-helpful fucking rule and is demonstrated as such by his own retarded self. One can criticize the world while being addicted to fucking benzos. One should not silence suffering people who suffer precisely because of the current organization of society to preserve the status quo. He says "so, simply stop, when you apprehend, however dimly, that you should stop. stop acting in that particular, despicable manner." He says that one should take responsibility and blame oneself for one's shortcomings. He says that "The ancient Jews always blamed themselves when things fell apart. They acted as if God's goodness--the goodness of reality--was axiomatic, and took responsibility for their own failure. That's insanely responsible." (p.157). "don't blame capitalism, the radical left" until you have "Set your house in perfect order before you criticize the world."

He is a fraud, a cheap self-help guru, who doesn't believe his own words.

>> No.19353951

In this context healthier.

>> No.19353953

So no anesthetic?

>> No.19353981

If you're talking about the media personality/talking head, you can make the criticism. Still, it's pretty shallow given what's out there for broad public consumption and it's the take one would expect from a midwit. If you're talking about his decades as a university professor, the fact he worked as a research scientist and produced an enviable h-index, and his gift for communicating with the public as an informed an (again decades-long) career as a clinical psychologist, wherein he personally bettered the lives of countless individual people, we'd have to disagree. Actually, you know what? Given that next to last sentence, I'd have to call your initial opinion pretty retarded.
>Ad hominem isnt substitute for argument. I accept your concession
Delusions are a positivistic symptom of schizophrenia. Further, treatment generally involves not playing into them so I'm not going to have a discussion with you about how a cabal of jews enlisted Jordan Peterson as controlled opposition to stifle the revolution you're leading from behind your keyboard.
>No, shit made in a lab is always poison.
What an informed and valuable opinion. You should write an article and submit it to Nature. Be sure to school them on what I'm sure is a vast knowledge regarding the mechanism of action psychoactive drugs and provide them with your groundbreaking behavioural model concerning such.

>> No.19353989

You mean like when he settled for UofT because he lacked rigor kek

>> No.19353992

pobodies nerfect

>> No.19353994

I meant a real job

>> No.19353997

>You should write an article and submit it to Nature. Be sure to school them on what I'm sure is a vast knowledge regarding the mechanism of action psychoactive drugs and provide them with your groundbreaking behavioural model concerning such.
Appeal to authority. I'm sure a magazine that is also influenced/controlled by the pharmaceutical industry will accept my article.

>> No.19354020

The only medicine I would accept is when I had an accident or so and am under a lot of pain. But not because I think that it's good for me, I now it's still poison, but I don't want to go unconscious, then I couldn't control what the doctors do to me.

>> No.19354058

I guess that's fair

>> No.19354083

U of T has one of the best medical schools as well as one of the best, and oldest, psychology departments in the world. So I don't know what you mean by that. Did you go to a lesser school or something? Napoleon complex?
Not really an appeal to authority so much as making fun of you for thinking you have something enlightening to say about psychopharmacology and human behaviour when it's quite obvious your level of insight (i.e. nature good, chemicals bad) is laughable. Aside, I don't think it would take even a whole confederacy of dunces to hold you back from publishing that oh so valuable hot take: "natural good, science bad"

>> No.19354094

>nature good, chemicals bad
I said the reason, you just dont't accept it, because you think things are more complicated than they really are.

>> No.19354104

>that oh so valuable hot take: "natural good, science bad"
And I don't think science is bad. I just don't think that saying chemicals is good is science. It's influence from the industry.

>> No.19354111

Yes he's not extremist, so what? He's still a net positive for the far right: the ideology he preaches is critical of Jewish institutionalism (as in (((Marxists))) controlling academia teaching degeneracy ie anti-nuclear family, pro trans etc) but not to the point of it being extreme enough to deplatform him. He points to some of the problems that the bugmen are unaware of, thus waking leftoids out of their commi fantasies. Not many rw academics have the optics persuasive enough to turn around a leftis, which JBP should get credit for. He's turned plenty of onions to our side, at least those who are capable of overcoming JBP as daddy

>> No.19354129

What an original thread

>> No.19354165

No, you just said midwit shit about something being from a lab meaning it's poison and your body isn't meant to deal with it. Which is pretty fucking retarded given nature itself produces a lot of poison. There's also the whole "mechanism of action" thing that I brought up which you probably don't even know is actual terminology regarding how a given substance interacts with the body in order to produce effects dependant on one's naturally evolved biology and biochemistry.

Basically, your insight boils down to a simplistic idea of nature and the body and you think you're on to something because you can probably reference pharmaceutical companies doing terrible shit. Also, you think the fact that science doesn't have a perfect knowledge of the body adds weight to your ideas but, in reality, you really just don't have any understanding of how drugs are developed and how behavioral therapies are modeled and put into action via clinical practice.

To paraphrase you: one doesn't have to be a genius to figure out you're a midwit and have no fucking idea what you're talking about. You should go read.

>> No.19354175
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>makes nazis seethe
>makes commies seethe
>makes tranny thought police seethe
>makes Twitter seethe
>makes corporate press seethe

All because he tries to help men become better. They hate him so much.

>> No.19354178

>It's influence from the industry.
>"you think you're on to something because you can probably reference pharmaceutical companies doing terrible shit" (>>19354165)
Called it. You're out of your league.

>> No.19354197

>Forethought, effort, consistency, dedication
Forethought about what? Effort towards what? Consistency in what? Dedication to what? None of those concepts possess any inherent content separate from the subject of their relation. By this logic, we would argue that, say, a dedicated pick up artist Kyle would make a better philosopher than Rene Descartes - since the former is extremely consistent in his efforts to chase pussy, while Descartes was notoriously lazy. Therefore Kyle is more capable to teach us on the nature of reason and being than Rene. Or for a more blunt example - your doctrine argues that religious fanatics are 100% more capable of discovering the truth than scientists, as an Afghanistani mullah definitely puts more forethought, effort, consistency and dedication towards beheading infidels tan a British research fellow puts towards his doctorate.

>This is the same reason we do not take health advice from the morbidly obese.
So, the blood circulation system is a hoax because William Harvey was known to be quite fat?

>The solo efforts of a person improving his surroundings does not match the collective wills of failures to impose their bad choices on the collective.
This does not refute what was said.

>You won't know until you go through and read.
I did. I think it's a bad gateway and I don't want to shut up about it, and I WILL ask Peterson to sin a copy of 200 Years Together should I ever meet him.

>The reason people find such repugnant is you on such shaky ground that you fear being convinced your position is not secure, and may even be wrong
Nice personal accusation you got there anon, certainly showcases the security of your own position.

>> No.19354214

Ok, pharma puppet. What a sad existence, lol.

>> No.19354219

>Like I said, your organism wasn't made to deal with it because it hadn't to in its evolution.
The organism didn't evolve to deal with most things ever - like full fractures, bacterial infection or living beyond the age of 20 (literally, due to the nature of evolutionary process - natural is incapable of considering what happens to you after you had your last child). You might as well refuse to drive cars or shitpost on the internet since humans didn't evolve for it, it's the same argument.

>Shit synthetically created in a lab.
"Shit synthetically created in a lab" is "what exists in nature"? Wah?

>> No.19354224

>natural selection is incapable of considering what happens to you after you had your last child

>All because he tries to help men become better
Everyone does - and everyone makes everyone else seethe because one man's "better" is different from another one's.

>> No.19354244

Not at all. Big Pharma is terrible in a lot of ways and there are serious systemic issues relating to drug lobbying influence and profit-driven development. I can totally have a discussion about that. However, you're a pseud who doesn't know shit about it and can only offer retard takes that ape the idea of the above in service of half-baked ideas about how nature and the body are one.

You're a pseud and you should reflect on this current embarrassment before entertaining the idea of offering your opinions in the future.

>> No.19354255

>All she required was the "companionship" of her friends
Who's gonna tell him, anons?

>> No.19354265

/thread. Kek how retarded do you have to be to be filtered by Peterson?

>> No.19354271

Opps, I replied to the wrong comment (>>19354083).

>> No.19354282
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>None of those concepts possess any inherent content separate from the subject of their relation
That was the original point you argued counter, assuming you are the same anon who I began debating with. These qualities are used in the maintenance of ones own life, and then applied to the changing of society. If one can not adequately show these qualities in personal life they will not show them on the macro level.

>So, the blood circulation system is a hoax because William Harvey was known to be quite fat?
Blood circulation is not health advice, eating gross amounts of high cholesterol foods that harden arteries and restrict blood flow is. If the person is obese and unable to follow their own advice by what authority should they instruct society? They have proven their method of managing health is terrible. The science is correct, but the application of it is not working and should be addressed.

>I did. I think it's a bad gateway and I don't want to shut up about it, and I WILL ask Peterson to sin a copy of 200 Years Together should I ever meet him.
Don't be afraid of great knowledge, you may find something you did not want to find, but after some time you will be glad you did. Since you mention 200 Years Togehter, I will put a meaningful quote at the end.

>Nice personal accusation you got there anon, certainly showcases the security of your own position.
I'm always willing to listen to more information, more speakers, more writers. If I can strengthen my arguments or discover a flaw in them, I would gladly read so.

I will supply this quote on the 'savagery and madness' that is anti-antisemitism.

>It was this savagery and madness that compelled all peoples of all time, Egyptians, Persians, Romans, Arabs as well as the modern nations up to this day, to consider Jews as a nation menace and take measures against them.

>It was this savagery and madness which darkened the understanding of the most prominent representatives of the culture of all nations, such as
>Cicero,Seneca, Tacitus, Mohamed, Martin Luther, Giordano Bruno, Frederick The Great, Voltaire, Josef II, Napoleon I, Goethe, Herder, Immanuel Kant, Fichte, Schopenhauer, Charles Fournier, Ludwig Feuerbach, Richard Wagner, Bismark, Rudolf Virchow, Theodor Billroth, Eugen Duhring
>-And countless others in all fields- to come out against the Jews.

It really made me think.

>> No.19354288

>like full fractures, bacterial infection or living beyond the age of 20 (literally, due to the nature of evolutionary process - natural is incapable of considering what happens to you after you had your last child).
That's not true. Humans lived longer back then than now (please no fake graphs now) and you have more bacterial cells in your body than your own cells. Even digestion is mostly bacterial and to a small part from your own enzymes.
>b-but there are good AND bad bacteria
Tell me you took the jab without telling me you took the jab.

I'm out, you guys have fun defending man-made chemicals.

>> No.19354313

Pretty fucking retarded.

>I'm out
Good. Stay that way. Again, next time you're going to say the asinine shit as you did above, roll your tongue 10 times and reflect on how hard you were just BTFO'd.

>> No.19354316

>Humans lived longer back then than now
1. No.
2. Even if they did - that's not the point. Point being that anyone living beyond the age that they had their last child is "evolutionary unnatural", as evolution literally cannot account for any effects that happen beyond this point - whatever adaptations you have for that age, you don't pass them on. So, you factually did not evolved for living that long. By your argument, you sholud go and die, since doing something your body did not evolve for is bad.

>and you have more bacterial cells in your body than your own cells
Ehm. So. You don't know what "infection" is, do you?

> Even digestion is mostly bacterial and to a small part from your own enzymes
Em. No. It's it mostly enzymatic, and a fraction of those enzymes are supplied by symbiotic microflora.
I hereby invite you to ingest the entirely natural organism that is helicobacter pylori and report on the effects.

>> No.19354365

>Blood circulation is not health advice, eating gross amounts of high cholesterol foods that harden arteries and restrict blood flow is. If the person is obese and unable to follow their own advice by what authority should they instruct society?
So if a fatass tells you that eating too much is wrong and leads to health issues - he is wrong, and we should in fact go against this advice and stuff our faces?

>If the person is obese and unable to follow their own advice by what authority should they instruct society?
By the validity of the argument presented?

>Don't be afraid of great knowledge
I am afraid of any knowledge that any men call "great" - all knowledge is miniscule and in revealing itself increases it's own minisculity against the vastness of ignorance. So whatever men call "great knowledge", in how they see it covering and explaining everything and solving all of their the questions, is in fact not knowledge but ignorance.

>I'm always willing to listen to more information, more speakers, more writers.
Do you really? have you read much Marx or Derrida?

>It really made me think.
Erm, good for you?

>> No.19354368

booohoo he told me to clean my room and i dont wanna!

>> No.19354369

Bro, I haven't been following your conversation but this guy is a complete and total retard. He's probably going to be dumb enough to reply to your comment even though he just told me he was leaving the conversation.
>I...I...I'm leaving! I haven't been BTFO! I'm leaving and you're...you're frustrated! I'm in control! I'm leaving!
Fucking kek.

>> No.19354375

His words bro

>> No.19354401
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>Bro, I haven't been following your conversation but this guy is a complete and total retard.
Of course And if I was not interested in having conversations with complete and total retards - why the fuck would I (or you, for the matter) even be here?

>> No.19354406
File: 111 KB, 800x1095, Thomas_Carlyle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So if a fatass tells you that eating too much is wrong and leads to health issues - he is wrong, and we should in fact go against this advice and stuff our faces?

As I said, the science is correct, the application of it is wrong. As it clearly not able to reach people effectively, part of this is the messenger is intrinsically tied to the message. If the messenger itself is unappealing, the message if rejected. This has been proven by putting rival politicians words in the mouth of each other and seeing people become very amenable to it.

>Don't be afraid of great knowledge
Typo, it was meant to read greater.

>Do you really? have you read much Marx or Derrida?
I've not read Derrida, but I have read Marx. I think he has many fundamental issues wrong. But some things he has correct, capitalism has a great many flaws.

We've drifted wildly from the original topic, so unless it is refocused, I'm done.

>> No.19354413

>If the messenger itself is unappealing, the message if rejected. This has been proven by putting rival politicians words in the mouth of each other and seeing people become very amenable to it.
I think it may have something to do with political knowledge not having anything to do with truth of any kind.

>We've drifted wildly from the original topic, so unless it is refocused, I'm done.
Fair enough.

>> No.19354424

Again, one of the best medical schools in the world and one of the oldest and best psychology departments as well. Among other elite-level departments but those aforementioned are most related to his field. (We could also mention the research opportunities available at U of T, especially as related to psychology). So I don't see how you could objectively deride UofT as a bad career path for a professor or research scientist; even more so given its level of international standing.

>> No.19354429

>you need to be on jewish payroll to be controlled opposition
>you have to be aware of being controlled opposition to be controlled opposition
Never said that. However everything he did or said only reinforces status quo and he did it while deliberately maintaining status of dissident, making him by definition controlled opposition. If at any point he actually threatened establishement he would lose his platform and access to media in a second

>> No.19354432


>> No.19354438

>if I was not interested in having conversations with complete and total retards - why the fuck would I (or you, for the matter) even be here?
There are a variety of animals in the zoo. Don't spend all your time looking at the monkeys.

>> No.19354442
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Also picrelated sumarizes it pretty well

>> No.19354479

>His message isn't that only perfect people have a right to have a worldview--that's retarded. The idea behind that message is that you should scrutinize your motivations, with regard to how you measure and conduct your personal life, before you diagnose the order of the world as a means to prescribe and fiercely advocate a solution (i.e. don't force your own pathologies on the world because you haven't done the work to become aware of them).
This would be a fine thing to do, but it's not what "set your house in PERFECT order" means.

Maybe when he develops the "rule" in his book it's a you say (I haven't read it, nor I plan to do so), but the rule briefly expressed, "set your house in perfect order before you criticize the world" do conveys the idea that the person must arrange his own life and having working "perfectly" before he sets out to criticize the world.

I also disagree with the brief sentence. A person own's disorder may very well be intrinsic to the social reality, making it impossible to order life without changing reality.

But again, I haven't read the book. I found some of his Personality and Its Transformation lectures great, and got me into Jung, but reading his self-help book isn't a priority right now.

>> No.19354497

Someone already quoted from his book and it has nothing to do with what his defense force is claiming. >>19353655

>> No.19354513

How are you not getting this? Are you seriously this stupid? Like, how low is your reading comprehension? Here's a tip: generally the message of something won't boil down to a single word.

>> No.19354540

you need to chill out and learn how to handle conflict, kid

>> No.19354543
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>> No.19354553

>Like, how low is your reading comprehension?

Like, only a bit higher than yours

>> No.19354556

Is he wrong tho? Would you want to listen to someone who has their life in order more or one who doesnt? In terms of order of operations, I think getting your personal shit down is probably a good indicator. Rather than someone who tries to fix the exterior without a well founded setting with more interior matters. Does mean you have to be perfect in your own world, but a sense of internal responsability and maturity I find much more compelling then someone who goes on a tirad while not even addressing more intimate concerns first and then extrapolating from that core. You know the type, Criticizes the world and making broad statements of fact while being a shitty person on a more personal level. Focusing on x y and z without having an understanding of a and b.

>> No.19354562

>ITT people bashing others who don't agree with them because they feel personally attacked when it happens

The state of this board...

>> No.19354590

Do you consider this conflict? You don't have very many social outlets, do you?
>ability discern conversational English from formal English
>inability to recognize it doesn't matter on a message board
No, probably a lot lower.

>> No.19354597

He isn't wrong, but his statement strikes me as conservative.

>Would you want to listen to someone who has their life in order more or one who doesnt?
It depends for what.

Revolutions have had many leaders whose personal life was largely in disorder. This disorder was akin of those who follow them.

"Geetting your personal shit down" is mostly an indicator of how well integrated you are to the system. A person who has his life in order can give better advice than someone who doesn't, when the advice is about integrating someone to the ongoing system of society.
Now, criticizing the world may very well not what the people who criticize the world wish to do.

>> No.19354605
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>> No.19354621

>"Geetting your personal shit down" is mostly an indicator of how well integrated you are to the system

No, this is completely wrong and comes from a very narrow worldview.

Having your shit together implies completion of adolescence and the implicit knowledge that comes with entering a newer stage of your life. What appears to be happening is people who don't have their lives together, blame their inability to do so on the system. In fact it their own poor choices that prevent it thus proving that one the rule is true. You don't get to tell others how to arrange their house when yours is full of shit.

>> No.19354623

His books are shit. OP is right

>> No.19354627

The best part is him giving parenting advice while his tragedy of a daughter is dating schizophrenic pimps

>> No.19354635

Posting an image of Uncle Ted after someone pointed out you have paranoid schizotypal tendencies isn't going to help your cause. Aside, Peterson had around 100 or so fellow faculty members petition the dean to have him removed from the institution. Let me guess, that's controlled opposition! You can do a little loop and shield the core of your theory from criticism by saying it's still all just illusionary because real opposition would socially isolate themselves and mail bombs! Wake up sheeple! lol

>> No.19354649

>What appears to be happening is people who don't have their lives together, blame their inability to do so on the system. In fact it their own poor choices that prevent it thus proving that one the rule is true
Depends of where they're born. It can be true for middle to upper class people, likely the only one who can spen their time reading mostly useless self-help books. A privileged class to you likely belong.

>> No.19354653

Didn’t ask don’t care.

He makes trannies seethe therefore he’s based.

>> No.19354658

>Depends of where they're born. It can be true for middle to upper class people, likely the only one who can spend their time reading mostly useless self-help books. A privileged class to you likely belong.

No, it is true from the poorest pleb to the most unaccomplished upper middle class trust fund kiddie. They all fail and make poor choices and that is why their shit is not together and want to change the system. We know that weak people would rather change their surroundings than change themselves. This does not imply that I think we should not help them, we should.

>> No.19354664

And what was the end result of the "attacks" on him? He got vastly more famous and richer than before. 100 moaning trannies on humanist university that hold zero actual power and only act as lightning rod to detract attention mean nothing. Wake me up when social media robber barons try to silence him

>> No.19354674

>They all fail and make poor choices and that is why their shit is not together and want to change the system.
That's almost cute. To believe they fail because they make poor choices is wishful thinking - people actually have a chance to put their life in order and be successful. But most people don't, doesn't matter what choices they make. Having a life "in order" according to the system doesn't depend on people choices, they only do what they're allowed to do and think.

>> No.19354680

Kaczynski didn't lead a real rebellion though. The guy is a narcissist who was upset his tenured life didn't give him the attention he crafted. His manifesto is just him schizophenically ranting about a world that denied him relevance before he put down the bombs.

>> No.19354708

He had people posting his picture around his neighborhood with a list of hate crimes. He had his funding revoked for research that he had been conducting for multiple years. Again, he had a couple hundred faculty members petition to have him removed.

It wasn't planned out retard. There isn't one narrative that explains everything and the fact you manipulate every fact you hear in order to meet up with your delusional idea of an overarching social order means you're probably sick.

If the attacks had worked you'd be saying he's a martyr. Since they didn't you say he's part of the system. There's literally no way for your hypothesis to be wrong and that's what makes you a delusional idealogue who needs to read more. You can start by not idolizing an autist who moved into the woods and mailed bombs to people.

>> No.19354711

I can understand being disenfranchised, But for you to recognize honest societal disenfranchisement rather than a flight of fancy, or just WANTING TO BELIEVE something is true and repressing you, there must be some level of security intimately. Otherwise your beliefs are just spurious. Does a shizo who thinks the FBI is planting tracking chips in his fingernails legit just because he feels disenfranchized? Or is someone who takes an honest consideration of a situation from multiple views and comes to a particular conclusion, even if it might be against his interest/narrative (Does just have to be a strict pro, self victimization can be a thing) more legit?

If you consider yourself Disenfranchised A PRIORI than that gives rise to any claim, regardless of substantiation a similar legitamacy and leads to a quagmire of truths. Making your bed or whatever shows that you at least made an EFFORT to combat a potential self-sabotage or whatever. You made the attempt to apply shit on a smaller scale rather than spouting out grand narratives x against the 1% or the jews or whatever. Your ultimate conclusion after making your bed may still be those things, But at least you displayed the benifit of the doubt on the small scale before applying it to a larger system that has more variables and more unknowns.

>> No.19354723
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>That's almost cute.
Childish phrase used to belittle.

>To believe they fail because they make poor choices is wishful thinking
Demonstrable, by the composition of those protesting and wishing to rebuild society.

>But most people don't, doesn't matter what choices they make.
Yes it does, choices matter. You've made bad ones, good choices improve your life in both the short term and long term.

>Having a life "in order" according to the system doesn't depend on people choices
Being in a 'system' is moot, you can be unplugged and still have a life in order. Some of those unplugged are the happiest. You're life is not in order because you make choices that decrease the structure and increase the chaos and unpredictability.

>they only do what they're allowed to do and think.
So, they do what they are told? They don't actually think or act for themselves? If only there was another word for what kind of choices they were.

>> No.19354727

>Childish phrase used to belittle.
It was intended as a plain insult.

>> No.19354733

I know.

>> No.19354758

dipshit pillhead Boomer eGrifter.
Faps of Memeing had some decent psychological insight, buried underneath some of the densest plagiarized Jungbabble and shittiest visual AIDS I've ever trudged through.
Fuck Jordan Benzodiazepenison and his whore daughter

>> No.19354763

Hi Mikaela.
you are a disgusting whore.

>> No.19354812
File: 214 KB, 997x792, X9RldUF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>getting filtered

>> No.19354832

I don't listen to the philosophies of philosemites.

>> No.19354895

>upper middle class trust fund

>> No.19354898

>had around 100 or so fellow faculty members petition the dean to have him removed from the institution
Tenure is fucking magic. What the fuck.

>> No.19354906

You can kind of tell that his entire conception of women is fucked by how his daughter came out desu.

>> No.19354935

Peterson's a hack, but out of all the statements he's made this one isn't that far off. It's hyperbolic to say all of academia is controlled by socialists. But it's not wrong imo to say today that in America a lot of the humanities are full of marxists. I'm no mccarthyite so it doesn't make me paranoid, but it does mean that universities offer an ideologically skewed view of the world.

>> No.19354946
File: 82 KB, 1024x795, Faps of Memeing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Microsoft Dad Simulator said he spent the better part of 2 decades on this thing...and yet he couldn't make a day trip to McGill's art department for a graphic design refresher. this shit is MSpaint tier

>> No.19354948

Tenure doesn’t exist son. Moreover it never has. I’d suggest the history of the institution itself but well you won’t read will you?

>> No.19354974

Actual Marxist here. They’re not. They’re not even full of the hyperbolic liberals you’re describing as marxists. You haven’t done stats have you: bright things stick out on a dull field and you’re triggered by ordinary paper titles when they have unpleasant adjectives for your own politics.

If the academy were full of Marxists they would have gone on strike for decent wages and conditions. QED

>> No.19354983

I went over the names and one of them lead a seminar I took. He told us that science education (with specific regard to the engineering department as that was his background) was ideological indoctrination. One of the books we read was Scientific Knowledge by Barnes/Bloor (i.e. the strong programme guys) and we each had to give a presentation on one chapter from it with his specific instruction that we don't criticise the book and present our work as a summary of the text with examples we generate ourselves. Somehow he didn't see that as being indoctrinating.
Fuck off pseud.

>> No.19354992

>Actual Marxist here
Ok. Fuck off.

>> No.19354993

Past authoring unironically pulled me out of hopelessness and suicidal depression recently and fully ignited my newfound passion for writing in general. Shit works.

Yeah he's flawed, who isn't? But he's a good man.

>> No.19355007

Putting your house in perfect order doesn't mean you're a messiah you fucking retard
And why do people criticize Peterson on the notion that he's not a messiah as if they're accusing him of pretending to be one or they unconsciously view him like one and repress it by projecting it onto him

>> No.19355015

Not the samefag, just laughed at the suggestion that freelance writing is a "job"

>> No.19355051

Sorry mate while there’s wage labour you get us. Go back to whence you came mate.

>> No.19355079

He's just a legit academic that got famous on the side, he's good at what he does and his contributions to political debate were valid and part of his academic background too.

His podcast style youtube videos are just him and other professors discussing work. It's genuinely above my brain level to even follow it most of the time.
His anecdotes and insights to certain things are very good.

>> No.19355136

>Go back to whence you came mate.
The real world--not an idealized one conceived by a utopia-inclined NEET with the aid of his trust fund sidekick. Cool ideology bro. Retro.

>> No.19355356

I might have been too harsh on him

>> No.19355493

I mean, didn't he go pretty quiet while he worked on his addiction? Sounds like the guy was putting his house in order.

>> No.19355496

You’ve read summaries of their biography but you’ve not read summaries of their thought. Next time you shit your diaper in public ask someone for a reading list.

>> No.19355528

People leave countless comments on kpop videos everyday claiming BTS saved their life. So I don't give a fuck about what suicidal men who worship masculinity latch onto.

>> No.19355543

Isnt his "philosophy" supposed to help you in times of stress? What good is life advice that only works when your life is going great already?
>great h-index
means nothing outside of STEM and even there not as much as people think

>> No.19355583

>You jus...just don't get it! That's jus...just a summary of their bio! Ad hom! Ad hom! I've read their-their work! Work! (It doesn't matter that neither of them ever worked a day in their lives!) I understand...work!
Haha, fuck off pseud. Try a real discipline next time...one where when you usefully systematize the world instead of just idealizing it to the point that you end up murdering millions and spawning generation after generation of charlatan ideologues.

>> No.19355603

King of the pseuds

>> No.19355613

>People leave countless comments on kpop videos everyday
...and you tell strangers about how your dad fucked up making dinner to the point of maiming himself. What, are we supposed to be impressed that you mother, with all her "bad personal philosophy," still fucked his "melted" face? Because if she can still breed, and there's a chance she produces another retarded son like you, that's the real horror.

>> No.19355614

Why the fuck would I want to read the thoughts of a failed NEET those writings have covered half the world in the carcasses of nations that listened to him? That's some "King in Yellow" shit.

I'm with the other dude- fuck off, Marxist.

>> No.19355615

Peterson doesn't say anything of importance so his views have no relevance to how he lives his own life.
And he's a closeted materialist constantly whining about materialists. Yeah how can you do that while preaching evolutionary psych nonsense. That's the only hypocritical aspect that annoys me.
And the only worth he sees in religion as how Christian virtues and morality benefits society. Peak bugman. But don't expect less from a protestant desu

>> No.19355647

Who said it was for when your life is going well already? I'm sure the hundreds of people he counseled over several decades benefited. As far as h-index goes...I guess it was easier to take a shot at that than the fact he's worked one-on-one with people whose suffering remains entirely theoretical to people like yourself. Aside, he was a research scientist retard (it is STEM). (inb4 "psychology is soft!"...you can tell that to the mice with electrodes in their brains).

>> No.19355658

Being a successfully psychiatrist doesn't add any credibility to the man. If anything it makes his descent even more of a shock. Considering he should have the tools (psychological tools, not drugs) to fix his shit.
There's an old interview with him and his daughter where she describes going onto antidepressants at the age of 12 because she had fears when going to sleep. So he just threw drugs at her.
Top level psychiatrist, top level father. Right?

>> No.19355664

I just like some of Kaczynskis passages. Better examples of guys being punished for going against the system would be Watson, Lynn and Murray, which coincidentally Peterson also agrees should be punished harshly for their terrible thoughtcrimes.

>> No.19355681


>> No.19355693

>Who said it was for when your life is going well already?
its implied in the post I responeded to that his philosophy, teachings, however you want to call it, only failed because of hardships he faced. But isnt it supposed to help you especially then?
Also psychology is pseudoscience, you cant empirically show that any of the "I need rescue my father from the belly of the whale" isnt just a crackheads reading of Jung. Mice with electrodes in brain would be neuroscience.

>> No.19355694

>she describes going onto antidepressants at the age of 12 because she had fears when going to sleep. So he just threw drugs at her.
>Top level psychiatrist, top level father. Right?
She had her hip and ankle replaced before she was 18 due to the strong food allergy shit their family tree has. I think her medication was down to a lot more than just being scared of the dark or whatever.
Petersons cousin died from it.

>> No.19355723

And you’ve avoided history.
Truly: /lit/ we don’t read.
Are you more touchy that Canadaddy admits his drug use while snifflepop hides his coke habit, or, is it that Zizeks fantasy is abstinence meaning that the reality is that women are wiping their pussies all over him?

For me it’s that they’re both weak bourgeois cunts.

>> No.19355746

First, being a successful clinical psychologist (not psychiatrist, learn the difference pseud) does add credibility. He worked for decades helping people suffering from serious issues overcome them and live better lives. Second, drugs are a standard tool in psychiatric treatment (see >>19353878 re: weighing the risks when it comes to taking them). Third, severe withdrawal symptoms stemming from the cessation of a prescribed medication isn't ODing from street drugs and going to rehab, so stop with the false equivocations midwit. Fourth, I know his daughter suffered from severe depression and had to have multiple surgeries as a child (which he talked about at length in class more than once...I can't remember the surgery but I think it was a joint replacement) so I highly doubt he threw her on medication to help her get to sleep.

Don't be a retard. Learn the difference between media and real life. Read more.

>> No.19355752
File: 223 KB, 907x1360, 71E3Mp7X5pL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Actual Marxist here.

Actual anti-marxist here. The varied teachers unions are some of the strongest and most funded and powerful in the Western world. From retirement, to tenure, to mandatory hires, dedicated recruitment pools, specialized training programs and more. They are the most protected and pillowed industry we know.

>> No.19355772

No, the post you were responding to was me and that wasn't implied at all. Also, you need to learn more about psychology if you think it's a pseudoscience--it's a midwit/pseud opinion. Peterson was also a research scientist studying neuronal response in mice relating to fear response. He also wrote extensively on alcoholism and addictions. Oh! Let me guess "AADDISHUNS! THA IRONIC!" He was prescribed a medication retard.

>> No.19355849

was a vegan bean worshipper

>> No.19355868

I can seperate media and real life. That's why I'm not fanboying a public intellectual.

>> No.19355872

Pythagoras despised beans =(

>> No.19355889

True. But they don’t give two fucks about curriculum do they leaving it in the hands of the Texas textbook authority or the Department or Education depending on if you’re a dumbfuckistani or commodewealther. Teachers are a perfect example of a militant class in itself as sellers of labour like fitters and turners were. Teachers aren’t a class for themselves demanding control over labour process. They want to beat and belittle children not beat *particular* ideas in.

You’ll agree that a trivial handful of exceptions can’t over come the Texan textbook purchasing racket as a curriculum control structure.

If I were you I’d be more worried about Infiltration of my church than Satan’s society btw. Look to the eternal.

>> No.19355910

>I can seperate media and real life.
Yeah, you haven't really demonstrated that at all. Keep trying and maybe you'll convince some other stranger on the internet (maybe try one that didn't BTFO you for being a midwit and spreading falsehoods).

>> No.19355938

I said the same thing to someone yesterday. His circumstances are more complex, because of the disparity in intelligence, but he is at the end of the day a manifesto waving school shooter. If they believed in what they wrote and held a modicum of responsibility for the world they wanted to live in, they wouldn't throw murder tantrums and end up in prison.

Should OP take Peterson's advice? There's millions of self help authors, you don't need to waste time deciphering him and giving him a fair hearing over his many personal and family problems. But it's not that much wasted time and he's very funny to watch where most self help tends to be really dry. It's fun to watch his launch into rants that he probably understands very well, but the listener struggles to separate into coherent points.

the hierarchies involved in the division of labour at breakfast time, mayn, you're in a dark place. And when you run oot of maple syrup, you're toost. That's it.

>> No.19355942

>views media figure as a father
>anyone but you confusing real life and the media
Lmao. I never said he overdosed on 'street drugs' by the way. And am I incorrect in him being a failure of his profession? Doesn't matter if he had hundreds of happy clients. A carpenter who cant repair their own home isn't much of a carpenter.

>> No.19356002

Actually, he's my former professor and I think the public persona shit is a huge step down for him. In general, media personalities spout the same simplified message over and over again. It leads to pseuds like yourself thinking you're wise because you can offer a (pretty contrived and basic) contrarian opinion without reflecting on the fact you're directing your (oh so thoughtful) take at a message constructed for midwits.

As far as being a failure in his profession--yeah you're objectively wrong (about all three of them). First, it does matter that he personally counselled hundreds of "clients" and improved their lives (btw, I get you're trying to be snide by using the term 'client'...too bad it doesn't really work that way when the "clients" are being offered pro bono services and suffer from a variety of severe mental disorders). What the fuck have you done? Offered pseud takes about media personalities over the internet and conflated medication withdrawl with drug addiction. (I bet your parents are really proud!) Second, his h-index indicates that his research work was also successful. Have you ever even publishing anything let alone had it cited? Third, as a professor he was extremely popular among undergraduates and mentored several dozen grad students who went on to careers in research and mental health.

You're a pathetic pseud who can't even win an argument with a stranger on the internet.

>> No.19356038

Apart from the h-index fallacy this is a good post.

>> No.19356062

(As far as the h-index goes...what else can you point to in order to convince these retards that his research was successful? Yeah, some professors have retarded scores via circle jerking in crap journals but it's easier than linking them to papers he's published that they won't regard, let alone read, any way),

>> No.19356091

Holy shit lmfao you really do view him as a father figure, don't you?
Protip. Strong withdrawals happen when you are munching handfuls of pills for a long period of time.

Cope. He is a shitty self help guru and can't follow his own advice. End of story. Sorry but I'm not sorry that your e-daddy cries when doing interviews lmfao.

>> No.19356110

He's gatekeeping the radicalists who are the only ones capable of bringing about real change in this broken two-party controlled system. Glownigger fuck he is. Lord Terry, blessed be his name, would have that glownigger run over.

>> No.19356117

I’m more concerned that he’s considered seminal and his two books are low impact as specifying discipline wide new problems or discourses. I know you know what I mean and why I’m concerned. I’m not attacking him having a job: just execute him if you disagree with him politically; but attacking the idea that he’s anywhere near as seminal as say eProf RW Connell for example. His popularity is media. His output (two books) is sufficient to keep his job. He talks a lot outside of his area of expertise but so does snifflefuckstick—neither of them are good intellectuals.

Anyway I couldn’t help but knife h-index in a drive by while agreeing with you.

>> No.19356126


>> No.19356162

>He yo father figyo!
Yeah, you used that one already pseud. Do you have anything else to throw at me or are we done?

As far as withdrawal from medication goes you're completely wrong. Withdrawl from those types of drugs is extremely common and happens even after short-term exposure and regardless of abuse. For example, some people taking SSRIs can go through pretty heavy withdrawal symptoms even if they just miss a single day's dosage. Further, akathisia was fairly common with early generations of psychoactive drugs and is less common now but can be extremely harmful (even leading to suicide in a lot of cases). I volunteered at a mental health center and met a lot of people who went through it and you're a complete and total asshole for conflating their suffering with being a degenerate drug addict. I frankly have no idea why you think anyone of value would ever take anything you have to say seriously--you're obviously a complete degenerate with the moral compass of a lynch mob.

So again, are we done now?

>> No.19356169

He's not a philosopher, he's not /lit/, he isn't even worthy of discussion. It would be like discussing the cunt who wrote "The Secret" here. Talk about him over on the fucking containment board.

>> No.19356193

Benzos are benzos not ssris. The fact he even needed them instead of just following his le ebin based and red pilled 12 rules is proof enough he's a hack and a fraud.
I don't care about his h-scores or whatever the fuck. His entire field is a joke to me. I have no respect for any psychologist.
Huur duur but he a professor and you not!!1! Yeah so what, are women's studies professors also some sort of solid authority?
Get the fuck out of here.

>> No.19356195
File: 40 KB, 380x475, 51yJrZrB5ZL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His only academic book (outside of the research papers) is Maps of Meaning. The other two books are pretty much mass-market self-help books. I'm not going to argue that Maps of Meaning is seminal or anything--he worked pretty hard on it but it isn't exactly groundbreaking shit. After I took his personality course I was done and didn't bother with the smaller course he had based on Maps--my gf at the time took it and liked it a lot though.

The textbook we used in the personality lectures is pretty fucking based though (pic). It's been out of print for a few decades (Peterson licensed it for the class) but you can find it on Amazon. I got mine for around $8 back when I took the class.

>> No.19356229

SSRIs are just an example retard. I used it because the first generation of them is synonymous with causing akathisia which is what Peterson had. I should have known you'd be too much of an idiot to make such a connection so I apologize for not dumbing down my post. Anyway, the point is that extreme withdrawal isn't caused by abuse moron.

If you think his entire field is a joke go stand outside CAMH and tell that to the first schizophrenic you see. Tell them their treatment is based on pseudoscience and they should just accept that they're going to become homeless.

Also, nice nonsequitur conflating STEM with women's studies--you truly are a complete and total retard.

>> No.19356245

>Ctrl+F akathisia
This is all that needs to be said, the conversation stops here until people wise up about this. He was not a drug addict, he was being neruochemically tortured because he stopped taking benzos. And no, it was not his fault that he didn't know. Just stop talking if you don't know what it is and read this before you continue opening your mouth. You're making yourselves look like inconsiderate retards every time this subject comes up.

>Akathisia is an extremely distressing neurological disorder characterized by severe agitation, an inability to remain still, and an overwhelming sense of terror. It is well known to cause suicide. Additionally, akathisia can cause aggression with violent and homicidal impulses, and is suspected to have played a role in certain mass shootings (Lucire, Crotty, 2011; Spingola, 2015).1,2
>Akathisia is also common in benzodiazepine withdrawal, especially when discontinued too quickly after long-term use.

>> No.19356255

I’m not an alcoholic. I am just neurochemically tortured when I’m down in a mine or painting a sign or straining until I thought I’d burst

I sure got a thirst

And the best thing for a hard earned thirst

Is a bit cold beer

And the best cold beer is Vic
Victoria bitter.

As A matter of fact I’ve got it now.

>> No.19356278

so mad lmfao. go pop some benzos and calm down

>> No.19356281

Haha, those were me.

You might be interested in this...it's one of his papers that we had to read for his class (it's from the second half of the lectures that were more technical and not online). See if you can recognize the dumbed down public persona message that came from it by the abstract:

>Human neuroscientists are frequently cortex centric, concentrating on the large prefrontal, temporal and parietal cortices that distinguish man most clearly from the animals – or, if not that, studying the structure and function of the underlying limbic system. But the really important circuitry, phylogenetically ancient and extremely sophisticated, is deep down in the central nervous system, near the brain stem. When the chips are down, it is the hypothalamus that is in control, not the cortex (and, if not the hypothalamus, then the periaqueductal gray (PAG), or something else equally demanding, interesting, and unpleasant). Basic motivation stems from activity in these low level, low resolution, high power, dominating circuits. In the case of aggression, the hypothalamus and PAG circuits underly negative-affect potentiated defensive rage, or incentive reward motivated sexual/predation/exporation. Diverse forms of pathologies or abnormalities, genetic, psychopharmacological, and developmental, likely undermine the capacity of finely differentiated, phylogenetically newer emotional and cognitive circuits to modulate these more ancient systems. Poor modulation, regardless of cause, produces chronic, situationally inappropriate, socially troublesome aggressive behavior, both predatory and defensive.

sO yOU SaYin' wE loBStas?!

Paper: https://www.jordanbpeterson.com/docs/230/2014/20Petersonaggression.pdf

>> No.19356293

If you think you have any control over my emotional state, a complete and total stranger who made you look like a fool on the internet, you have a really sad and pathetic life. You clearly need such a (meaningless) win way more than I do...so yeah, you totally showed me and I'm seething uncontrollably. You've won! I'm very upset.

>> No.19356297

>it was not a psychologists fault he didn't know benzo has withdrawals
huh? everyone knows that taking hard drugs=withdrawals
inb4 noo noo it's not withdrawals from long term use its just side effects !

>> No.19356311

>inb4 noo noo it's not withdrawals from long term use its just side effects
You can't be inb4 anything when we're 220 messages in and that point has already been explained multiple times retard.

>> No.19356326

holy based

>> No.19356348

He's a grifter. He hasn't had an original thought in his life. He's also an hysteric who willingly allows himself to be spooked hard by Christianity due to his mental infirmities.

That said, he has some fun lectures on psychology, and he's pretty good at spitballing freestyle "philosophy." He probably would've been entertaining to have a roommate in college, aside from the fact that he was a fedora who literally wore capes.

He's a word salad bullshit artist. Once you've seen enough of his videos you'll never want to watch another, but if you haven't watched any of his classroom lectures, I can recommend them for the entertainment value.

>> No.19356355

you said it yourself
>Akathisia is also common in benzodiazepine withdrawal, especially when discontinued too quickly after long-term use
exactly like a junkie with his needle. such a successful clinical psychologist should have known the risks of drug abuse.

>> No.19356368

Exactly this. He's a very emotionally unstable, womanly character who has never been able to accept the absurdity of life. Hence his retreat to Cucktianity, even though his IQ is a bit too high to actually buy in wholesale. He's one of those smart guys who has used his intelligence as a weapon of elaborate rationalization his whole life so he doesn't have to face head-on the terrible realities an intellectually-honest person must confront when exploring philosophy.

>> No.19356396

You know there's a difference between people you see on TV and people in real life, right? You know that hot take (that we've totally never heard before!) is directed at a dumbed-down message offered by a public persona leaning into an unexpected career as a media personality, right? You've totally read his academic work (e.g. >>19356281) and totally aren't going off of the self-help shit directed toward the general public...that's why you've offered such a deep take concerning a boiled down message meant for midwit mass-media consumers.

>> No.19356422

You quoted from a post I didn't make and replied to me. I was the guy who pointed out that withdrawal from psychoactive drugs has been an extremely common problem going back several decades. Look up tardive dyskinesia next. Educate yourself before you end up calling a mentally ill person a drug addict retard.

>> No.19356436

What, you mean people are judged for what they put out into the world? What a shocking revelation. Did you have to earn a PhD to figure out that bit of sociological esoterica?

>> No.19356447

>What, you mean people are judged for what they put out into the world?
So why are you going off the shit marketed to midwits instead of his academic output? You know what that says about you...right?

>> No.19356460

He has a debilitating auto immune disease and his wife was sick too. At least he helped tens of thousands Maybe hundreds of thousands get their life together. He's a good fellow in my book

>> No.19356476

Withdrawals occur because of.... addiction! It's so simple.

>> No.19356478

Nobody understands this man.

>> No.19356490

Its quite hilarious how willing you are to dismiss the entire front facing body of work of your favourite e-daddy just so you can hide behind his 'academic' work.
>no no nothing he posted on the Internet, none of his hundreds videos, none of his tweets, none of his books matter!
I'm glad you agree he's a hack then.

>> No.19356504

It means I'm not an academic. And if his dumbed-down theorizing is so absurdly wrong, I can only imagine the perversity of his actual papers. If someone comes up to me and tells me they're a delusional borderline-schizophrenic, I don't rush out to read their bibliography.

The sad thing about Peterson is that he would've been tolerable as a minor Youtube celebrity. Instead, every failson and lost boy decided to turn him into a deity because they didn't read books when they were teenagers. His work will be forgotten by time, but I have the misfortune of living in a period when people pretend, very publicly, that it won't. That's a shame.

My tolerance for men who believe themselves characters in a Dostoevsky novel is very low.

>> No.19356516

He'll be remembered more than you

>> No.19356528

and George Floyd will be rembered more than Peterson

>> No.19356539


>> No.19356558


>> No.19356566


>> No.19356572


>> No.19356574

No need to talk to yourself

>> No.19356579

I'm not talking to myself

>> No.19356633

Okay fine, I admit it. I was talking to myself, and I'm a gigantic faggot. You win, Chad. I'm ashamed of myself for defending Peterson like a clueless intellectual gimp.

>> No.19356638

>>19356574 (You)
>>19356579 (You)
I’m not taking to myself.

>> No.19356645

Not dismissing it at all. Just pointing out you're buying into criticizing the body of work specifically marketed to midwits and producing the same retarded takes again and again. Most self-help shit is base-level stuff and as far as his public persona goes it's just funny to me that pseuds think they're dunking on him because they feel above that specific body of work. It's like playing a game on the easiest possible level and flexing to people that you can beat it.

It's not absurdly wrong. It's boiled down shit for midwits. I bet you're one of the ones who couldn't recognize the lobster shit that came from this paper (>>19356281).

Big however though...as far as talking heads go I like Peterson. He's a lot more fun to watch than the usual guests that go around on that circuit. Still though, it's something you put on in the background while you're doing dishes; flexing over your ability to criticize it is pretty fucking pathetic. It's also kind of dickish to mock the people who find value in it. Yeah, I've called them midwits but that's almost a synonym for the general public at this point. Also, my judgemental mindset here is largely reactionary and based on how retarded the pseuds confusing contrarianism for wisdom are being.

>> No.19356696

Hey, relax friend. I accept your apology. It's a mark of great maturity to admit when you're wrong. Also, excellent double-dubs! You've been "checked," haha.

>> No.19356704

>yes he's retarded, but you're not allowed to criticize him for being retarded because he's just pretending to be retarded for your benefit.

Damn you got us bro

>> No.19356730

>I want to feel special by making fun of a media personality I disagree with politically via conflating medication withdrawal and drug addiction. Please don't elevate the board by discussing his actual work...it makes me feel insecure.
Criticize all you want but if you say retarded shit and I'm around I'm going to make fun of you for it. Seriously, it's like listening to a 30-something-year-old brag about doing karate. Pathetic but funny at the same time.

>> No.19356751 [DELETED] 
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In America you can go bankrupt from medical bills, that's messed up. Looks like Obamacare helped but didn't fix the problem

>> No.19356784 [DELETED] 
File: 40 KB, 543x351, Screen-shot-2013-07-22-at-10.30.42-AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's total bankruptcies, this is medical ones.

>> No.19356788


We've been talking about his actual work this entire thread. What are you even talking about? Do you think his public-facing work doesn't count? The stuff he got rich off of? The only reason anyone knows his name? This really is incredible cope. I will never understand Peterson cultists. Even Matt fucking Dillahunty bodied this man, and that was before the Zizek debacle. At what point do you realize you're a mirror-image clone of the Dawkins fanboy from 2010? Even finding Jesus would be an improvement on this pathological idol-worship.

>> No.19356798

This really isn't something to joke about.

You have all the resources you need to get a clue.

>> No.19356820

>anno Domini 2014
>still seething at lobster man

>> No.19356861

>This really isn't something to joke about
Learn to read better. Watching a Canadian addict destroy himself is exactly what you joke about. The dead baby is what makes the joke funny.

>> No.19356965

>disagree with politically
No one cares about his politics itt

>> No.19356968

Projecting the idea that I'm a member of his fanboy club after I qualified his media work as food for midwits is a pretty pathetic move. I get you're seething because I called you out for being a contrarian pseud who seeks personal validation by placing themselves above a media message meant for the general public.

Also, I know name because I had him as a prof. Keep up the pseudery and congratulations on being able to regurgitate retard takes about a talking head.

>> No.19356983

Yeah, I doubt that
>>19354111, >>19353104

Probably a lot more if you can figure out a better word to search;
"politic" turned up 18.

>> No.19356984

Not an argument, big guy. Why are you so defensive about him if you know he's a charlatan who publishes slop?

>> No.19356998

I kind of wish he had a politics so I could bash him. But he doesn’t. He’s just sickeningly naïve for a man with a PhD who decided to play public intellectual. Also he didn’t do his reading before tutorials: way to make yourself look stupid.

I feel the worst possible emotion regarding him: pity.

>> No.19357029

Well, I can say confidently that I'd hate to be you.

>> No.19357080

Not many people enjoy being Australian except for Australians.

>> No.19357129

What is the deal with his daughter besides being a beefeater

>> No.19357141

But college professors are all socialists. They're children who have never actually worked.

>> No.19357168

>he is wrong, and we should in fact go against this advice and stuff our faces?

No we should ignore him and get our information from someone more respectable. Fat fucks can't be trusted as they lack honour and discipline and that shows in all of their work.

>> No.19357173

She left her husband and child to have sex with (I am not making this up) a cringelord pickup artist. Seriously, look him up. It's fucking hilarious. She also takes 10+ pills and has a bunch of health issues, so she's severely dysgenic, and now she's using her father's name to grift his stupid fanbase for any remaining dollars they have left. Probably making tens of thousands. She's done nothing other than ride her dad's coattails and badboy cock. To top it all off, she's unbearably smug and considers herself an intellectual because she attended college. Go watch one of her videos, you'll see what I mean. We've all met girls like her.

>> No.19357328

Marx lived like THAT? based as fuck

>> No.19357382

You realize in that debate, when asked that question he quickly provided statistical evidence? And your daddy even said that he knows who these people are and that he doesn't like them either.
Its incredible, like no one even watched the debate.

>> No.19357393

Did you watch it? Peterson admitted he hadn't even read the Communist Manifesto. He literally didn't read Marx. In a debate about Marx. What a fucking jackass.

>> No.19357439

All I found was twitter posts

>> No.19357441

>He also said that academia is controlled by socialists and when asked to point them, he realized in real time that he couldn't, he even admitted that he had no clue of what he was talking about.
where did he say that, sounds funny

>> No.19357444

But why would you read marx? His entire theory of value is mentally retarded. You may as well read l ron hubbard

>> No.19357479

>Why would you read marx?
Because you're doing a debate on his ideas. Should I not read the Bible if I want to debate Christianity also?

>> No.19357490

I don't think you need to. You can just destroy it with facts and logic like any other cult.

>> No.19357516

I'm enrolling in the University of Toronto just to work with him

>> No.19357795

Mikhaila Peterson, look her up

>> No.19357556

He did though but you didn't actually refute what i said.
It didn't actually happen

>> No.19357643

>sad old goon. i dont get how anyone can take him seriously.
The guy in that video did though?

>> No.19357694

Having a whorish daughter really break a nigga

>> No.19357886

his daughter is a slut whore but I still wouldn't fuck her. ugly pig.

>> No.19357905

None of this is relevant.

>> No.19357936

you lied to me. I found it.

>> No.19358002

So why are you replying to it?

>> No.19358151

Suppose it depends on the discipline and the school. I'm only speaking from my experience and my anecdotal observation is that literary studies is full of marxists. And idk where you're getting the idea I'm triggered by it. I said nothing about hating them. I've had professors who identify as marxist that I enjoyed even though I disagree with their politics. Just an observation.

>> No.19358338
File: 23 KB, 1262x687, Jungian Chart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is just a bastardization of the Jungian chart, that would look something like this

>> No.19358345

This one is not bad, its more concise.

>> No.19358354

Oh. *those*. They’re just bourgeois liberals who read Gramsci once and think counterhegemony exists in Gramsci’s works. I restate my point regarding their union membership and failure to organise strike or sabotage.

>> No.19358890

Wow, all of you guys are losers.

>> No.19358953

>he realized in real time that he couldn't

No, he immediately cited research that gave an exact percentage of self-proclaimed Marxists in the academy. Why are lefties so utterly disingenuous? You realise it makes people hate you right?

>> No.19358977

>weak bourgeois cunts

as is literally every "Marxist" in the 21st century west

>> No.19358996

Lmao, universities are filled with Marxists. Explain why so many members of the Weather Underground become professors. Explain why so many college students are socialistic, or why do many universities offer courses on Marxian economics

>> No.19359037
File: 1.54 MB, 1200x3500, 57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only thing you fags will ever be able to rag on him for is his Benzos addiction. So-called "hypocrisy" even though it's nothing against the fact that he's actually helped people.
Texas Sharpshooting to the absolute maximum.

>> No.19359064

You don't even understand what they're saying.
Listen to those retarded seals in the audience clapping as well, they don't understand a word that's being said.

>> No.19360260

Not a real scotsman huh. But you you are the real deal, an ACTUAL marxist wow! In any case you're moving the goal posts. First it's that marxists are rare. Now it becomes well there are plenty of self-identifying Marxists but they aren't "real" Marxists cause they don't strike or something. Fuck off. And even outside those that explicitly self-identify, Marxist ideas and critiques of capitalism have become widespread via the frankfurt school and underneath the banner of critical theory.
In support of the idea that marxist ideas have become increasingly common on campuses:

>> No.19360525

I wish I had a father like Jordan Peterson.

>> No.19360550

I rag on him for being a fake Christian who only sees religion for the material utility it provides to a neoliberal society

>> No.19360560

>Yes it does, choices matter.
>Being in a 'system' is moot
The system influences your choices, people arent isolated rational agents
why put a faggot image when youre going to spout lolbertarian nonsense

>> No.19360924

If you ignore the reason why he got addicted then yea, he sounds like a hypocrite. But when your wife's dying of cancer and every day someone on twitter calls you a fucking Nazi then getting addicted to anti-anxiety medication suddenly sounds like one of the most rational choices you can make

>> No.19360930
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>[Show Blotter]

>> No.19360946

His life was in perfect order when he criticized the world. It was only after that he got addicted.

>> No.19360956

That's what advice and self help is

>> No.19360994

>So he just threw drugs at her.
This is what all psychologists and psychiatrists are trained to do. Yes psychologists don't prescribe, but 9/10 will refer you to a psychiatrist to get prescribed something alongside therapy. You can't fault Peterson for it without faulting modern institutional psychiatry and psychology as a whole, which I believe deserve a lot of criticism.

>> No.19361028

Socrates was not a hypocrite. Also, Jordan Peterson, Philosopher? The guy never even read Hegel. If he is a philosopher, i'm a bodybuilder, because i have some muscles.
Marx never worked a manual job, sure, but have you seen his bibliography? It's tens of thousands of pages, thus tens of thousands of working hours.

>> No.19361035
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>if only you knew how unsorted things were

>> No.19361141

Hold it. What if addicts have their lives in perfect order. What if your conception of perfection is flawed?

>> No.19361439

>This is what all psychologists and psychiatrists are trained to do. Yes psychologists don't prescribe, but 9/10 will refer you to a psychiatrist to get prescribed something
That's pretty sad.

>> No.19362813

>have to be perfect to criticize the world
This is so wrong I can't wrap my head around it. Its the kind of mistake only a non-Christian who LARPs as a Christian could make. Christianity is fine with criticizing the world, the difference is that a faithful mind knows that God is in charge, and we cannot solve certain problems with human nature.

It's better at this point just to adopt the scientific understanding of what is meant by human nature; that people are cavemen, naturally ill-suited to civilized life, and that their prime directives are food and sex. At least if you take this view, judgement becomes just another thing that humans do, and not some elevated position of criticism. So do as much judgement as you want, it won't get you closer to the truth about anything.

>> No.19363375

He is the dumbest creature ever, a fag taking himself for being an intellectual for assholes like him. He is the worst piece of shit I've ever seen in my whole goddamn life...

>> No.19363381


>> No.19363385

Are you talking about Peterson or Zizek?

>> No.19363395

no, he says no one will listen to you if your house isn't in order.

>> No.19363536

The irony of Marxism being co-opted as a social whipping stick by Twitter liberals never fails to make me chuckle. Marx is literally NEET prime, patient zero for the sort of humorously subversive philosophy thought characteristic of image board culture.

>> No.19363549

>blah blah Peterson bad
This got lame really quick.
Marx had several jobs, stop spreading this myth.

>> No.19363559

>>Says that you're not allowed to criticize the world unless your life is in perfect order.
He never says this lol. He REASONS you SHOULDN'T do so, because it's generally more reasonable to expect yourself to be capable of dealing with localized issues. It's almost impossible to miss this specification with how much he drones on about it. Peterson additionally reasons that ignoring localized issues under the pretense of fighting for grander social causes is motivated by perceived impotence and fear.

As for the benzo shit, it's wholly irrelevant to what he stands for lmao I suggest you ditch the puritanism before it becomes a life ruining obsession

>> No.19363699

The other day I told my therapist how much of a hard time I had planning for the future when I'm almost certain the world is going to get terrible soon.
He told me to "get my own room in order before trying to fix the world", each session costs me $80, maybe I just should get a whore instead.

>> No.19363912

>A real job
Lmao. Your gender studies degree isn't a real job bro. Journalists aren't proles.

>> No.19364119



>> No.19364458
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