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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 120 KB, 999x925, beja.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19351078 No.19351078 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.19351081


>> No.19351084


>> No.19351086


>> No.19351087
File: 497 KB, 240x240, Mug and Torus morph-2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I am turning insane.

>> No.19351091


>> No.19351103

Now we wait until butters makes its thread

>> No.19351119

Still better than an anime thread. And this one has more replies.

>> No.19351123

I wish there was an instructional book on how to write a book that you just have to fill in. Like a mad lab or something

>> No.19351132

Picture comes from here if anyone cares.

>> No.19351136

Why anon? There's a rather sexy frame in that gif where it looks like a woman's butt

>> No.19351168

interesting. none of this stuff really matters, you can be attractive without it.
its also pretty superficial since all these women seem to be wearing makeup and all these photos are clearly modeling photos

>> No.19351169
File: 39 KB, 512x395, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm writing a Mathematical treatise write now, that I'm planning to publish and use to teach my children with someday. I'm trying my best to write as straight-forwardly as possible while covering as much as I can but math tends to jump from the very dull and obvious to the exciting but difficult very quickly and that jump is often confusing and disorientating. Right now the preference is for explanations written in good prose rather than diagrams or introducing jargon and symbols and rules for manipulation. This is really fucking hard I got to say, but I think it could be a masterpiece, Idk.

>> No.19351180

Is it on math in general or a specific topic

>> No.19351204

I study math and it grounds me, since you connect to a part of god.

>> No.19351210

someone post some music please

>> No.19351218

what kind of music do you like

>> No.19351220


>> No.19351221


>> No.19351225

This is too real. Can't resist listen over and over and over again.

>> No.19351234

This is fucking horrible.

>> No.19351242

bladee - puppet master

>> No.19351247


>> No.19351248

Should I major in history or philosophy

>> No.19351255

i wonder how many wwoym threads we can make before mods stop us. like what if we just fill the fucking board with them right now.
i bet we can get like 10 going before a mod gets here

>> No.19351258

ready when you guys are. i can afford a 3 day. its the weekend anyways

>> No.19351263

You just posted this in the other WWOYM thread, give it up anime tranny, you lost. Accept it with dignity.

>> No.19351264

Didn't think some anons posting anime would make this general so mentally ill. The fuck is wrong with wwoym?

>> No.19351265

Do you kno dey wey?

>> No.19351271

some time last year there was a thread OP with a picture of a giant black cock on the front page of /lit/ when I went to bed and when I woke up the next morning the thread was still there this board does not have moderators

>> No.19351274

right on time

animefag is LOSING IT!

>> No.19351276

Anon, you need help, like legit go to a therapist.

>> No.19351279

bladee sucks but the salem remix of one of his shits goes tho


>> No.19351284

its for the comedy and to see how long it takes for the mods to clean it up .no one cares about butters or the anime dude. they are both lost causes

>> No.19351299

Except one anon is having a mental breakdown and calling anyone he sees a animetranny?

>> No.19351308

Look we're all agreed that anime is shit, butters is a retard, and trannies are faggots. Can we shut up about it now please?

>> No.19351325

You’re either with us or with the animetranny

>> No.19351332

Anime is based
>butters is a retard
Trannies are cute. CUTE! Some schizos are just obsessed with hating them

>> No.19351338

I want to write erotic material but I keep getting shy of writing the racy stuff. Maybe I should just write something super degenerate and just get over it.

>Anime is based
>Trannies are cute. CUTE!
Best anon on /lit/ rn

>> No.19351362
File: 84 KB, 346x503, Silvanus_P._Thompson_mature_-_no_signature.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In general, from arithmetic to calc. and beyond hopefully. I think with calc. I'll be able to benefit greatly from a treatment of calculus made by Silvanus P. Thompson and published in 1910 called Calculus Made Easy. Otherwise most textbooks kind of suck.

>> No.19351546


>> No.19351582

there is a tendency of people, especially those who browse this website, who are extremely online to overestimate the competency of the average person while underestimating their own

>> No.19351612

what do you mean

>> No.19351617

That there is a tendency of people, especially those who browse this website, who are extremely online to overestimate the competency of the average person while underestimating their own

>> No.19351622

No. Skip it.

>> No.19351629

i dont get it in terms of ehat?

>> No.19351630

I should stop cumming
I probably won't stop cumming

>> No.19351633

i agree yeah

>> No.19351672


>> No.19351676

i understand you
we are like brothers now

>> No.19351678

When I am high I always think of my parents and how much of a disappointment I've been to them. I look at myself and see what a failure I am, miles away from who I was supposed to be. My parents, I think to myself, are good people and I am a lazy, selfish narcissist. Pursuing my dreams is masturbatory and solipsistic and I will never make it up to them.
But lately I've been trying to accept myself more, warts and all, and perhaps by no coincidence when I was high yesterday I challenged my negative thoughts: (to myself) "Well then, what is NOT vain and masturbatory as you describe your dreams? I mean, not everyone is meant to be Mother Teresa. If you're going to deride your passions like that, then you might as well do that for what everyone else enjoys doing."
And the best part, anons, is that I realized that there are small things I can do, like finally get my drivers license, call more often, tell my parents I appreciate them, that would probably mean a good deal to them. Maybe it's dumb but I also thought about the girls that hurt me in high school and realized that I wouldn't want them to hold onto any kind of guilt about it (yes, I know, rebuking the support and love of parents does not compare to not reciprocating the interest of someone), and just move on.
So I've decided to move on instead of remaining in a dark place about it. I think I've developed a stronger sense of self lately. My roommate is a pretty moody guy-- after a few weeks of monitoring his reactions (like the sensitive person I am) I stopped caring about them almost completely, choosing to value what I felt over what he does, and this lack of concern was also magnified by watching a video series called Infamous League Players, in which notoriously skilled and toxic League players act really sociopathic in game and give no fucks about it.

>> No.19351694
File: 485 KB, 900x900, drawer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The piece was as simple as they come, standing five feet nothing or maybe less, large horizontal rectangular drawers top to bottom, each with its muted grey utilitarian looking semi-elliptical oblong plastic handle. Not remotely memorable if not for the reflective aspect of its varnish, a ruddy chocolate surface of reflective turbid wood, and because of its round corners that smoothly went up and concluded the structure in eye-pleasing curves and arcs of not too daring bending where sharp angles would otherwise be found, it seemed almost like some sort of gelatinous oily block of bronze tinged jelly. It tricked the eye into believing that it would idly and sluggishly jounce its colloid body up and down, that it would ooze and sweat in condensation, or melting of its molasses-built constitution, into generous thick drops that would trickle all the way to the ground. Or that one could extend and shove their hand into it, apprehensively, and discover that it has the tactile quality of molten caramel.

pic semi-related

>> No.19351726

can I cum inside you?

>> No.19351745
File: 110 KB, 1200x1498, 1634696988188.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking up her pale legs, her generous thighs and beautiful ample, round ass, a tight waist leading towards a feminine and sizeable, yet still beautifully shaped posterior that led to perfectly sized thighs, the way a female lower-body was supposed to be. His desire was to lift her transparent skirt, remove her white panties and get to it. Just directly consume the bountiful harvest of the infinite horn of the cornucopia, producing its honey, boundless abundance that kept on giving the more stimulated, the more teased and delighted it were by his mouth, consuming, suckling like a hungry baby on her clitoris, from behind, time and again, as anti-hygienic as it may be, alternating to lick her anus profusely out of sheer animalistic uncontrollable desire. It was a symphony of the most beautiful sounds accompanied by the tactile response of her body, like the vibrations of a piano responding to the pressing of the keys, she twitched and trembled, contorted and struggled to stay on her feet and the kitten heels she wore. Delightful little moans and whines from her nasally little voice, adorable little screams and grunts, and unfemine, beastial yet contained extended growls of pleasure. Sweat trickling down her neck and chest, he wanted it all. Wanted to lick all that sweat and smell her skin, pheromones, the scent of hormonal feminine horniness, directly from her shoulders to her neck, through her chest to her mouth, Kissing and licking and nibbling all the way through, her eyes and face aimed up, allowing herself to feel it, feel her skin being kissed and bitten and consumed, feel herself burning in pleasure and excitement, but he would be far too entertained for the time being with her pussy on his face, showering him in her juice. He could feel like the innocent garden leaves feeling the chilly atmosphere of the early wee hours of the morning, being covered by the dew provided by the heavens above in all its natural benevolence, the satisfaction of that monstrous desire inside of him being as refreshing as the soothing air and opportunity of a fresh new day.

>> No.19351762

From the now descending sun into the dark curve of the Earth, the entire city's skyline blossomed in an amethyst radiance that expanded like a bell curve, symmetrically up and down, peaking at the center of the somber horizontal line of pitch-black blocky buildings, monoliths of all manners of modernist shapes and designs, heavens tearing skyscrapers and superstructures that from this side of the bay seemed so small, yet still self-expressive, as if their pose had the attitude of a pulsing, living and breathing model, boldly making their fashion statement, with that look of determination in their eyes. This radiance was of a bright, downright neon-colored shine of magenta that dissipated smoothly towards the gentle rose tinge that coated the night's sky to a certain point, meeting the limits of darkness seamlessly, like the point where the daring eye shadow of a young woman meets her unpainted skin. The big bridge to the left, classically shaped as they always are, with tall foursquare metal structures connected to each other by long cables forming thin smiles over the sky, was still imposed onto the crepuscular backdrop of the tangerine dyed final moments of sun during dusk.

>> No.19351788

Fucking pedophile. Was it standing there in socks plain and low?

>> No.19351794

Only one sock and four feet ten.

>> No.19351851

Any literature that does not entertain is total garbage. Agatha Christie is the greatest writer of all time.

>> No.19351865

i'll give you a handjob

>> No.19351869


>> No.19351870
File: 169 KB, 1000x704, bus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Despite being fairly successful I feel very detached from myself. I've created a sort of confident work persona so that nothing gets to me but I spend all my free time alone. I get drunk too often, like tonight. I don't know if this is sustainable or if this is just true adulthood. As soon as I step into my apartment I am a different man. Not worse, but different. No one knows who I am, least of all me.

>> No.19351902

it's the best i can do

>> No.19351947

it's not that i'm totally retarded and depressed it's just that i really have no idea what to do.
I have no direction so to speak. I want something more for my life but i just don't know the steps to get there. I want to have money and enough fame for someone to recognize me on the street.
I want my deeds to do the talking for me.
I want people to want to be near me.
I want so much for myself but I just have no idea how to get anywhere. If someone wrote me a step-by-step guide i'd be able to follow it no problem. Hell i finished school with no problems, but school had structure. For whatever reason I can't give myself that kind of structure. My work gives me structure and i'm good at my job but i cannot give myself any of that. I want so much and i'm willing to work but i seriously cannot think of a way to get anywhere.

Everything has a system involved with it but the really good stuff has an unwritten system involved, one which as soon as it's found out or put into public eye becomes useless for anyone except the lowliest bottom feeders of society.

Aside from how to give myself enterprise levels of structure,I guess i just really want to know where all the hidden knowledge is and how to access it. I'll keep searching but outlook is bleak.

>> No.19352001

I haven't got much to say. You're very talented, and the way you use language inspires me. You should think about investing your time into writing longer things. But man, I really hope what you wrote was an act of sublimation.

Also, my ego can't handle someone is a better writer than me so it's ackchually spelled *bestial*.

>> No.19352052

I'm going to cum in Muslim qt then dump her lmao

>> No.19352053

Sometimes i look at my friend who has dated his cute girlfriend for over three years and think, what the fuck does he have that I don't, other than being white? And then I realize that he is much kinder than me, and much less pretentious as well. But I hold onto my arrogance, sense of superiority, and high standards with a callous stubbornness. I can't bear it to date someone I am not attracted to.

>> No.19352072
File: 84 KB, 689x617, 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posted this in the previous thread but I am just too drunk + happy and excited about having learned this song that I wanted to share it with my /lit/ bros:


>> No.19352095

everytime I see a black I can smell the homeless person who forced his way onto the bus a few years back when I was visiting my friend in New York

thank god for economic segregation

>> No.19352105

working with blue collar grugs is fun as a sort of exercise in sadomasochism but quickly becomes boring once the racist/sexist/homo jokes lose their appeal. its all fun until you want to discuss something seriously and the grugs look around at each other in a disbelief.

'we just 'ate niggas n shieet, none of that other shiiiet, ahahaha amirite Jimmy'.

i fucking hate these idiots as much i as i hate the faggots who make up my creative industry.

>> No.19352108

Thank you anon, this was very nice of you :D

Practice makes perfect, I've made hundreds of paragraphs like these as training. My prose used to be pretty shit before but only practice can make it sharper.

>> No.19352149

I think I understand now what bothers me about life. It's the fact that almost every human being on earth is some a retard and an asshole and yet despite that I STILL can't convince myself I'm any better than them

>> No.19352174

>this nigga so upper class he has one specific event he saw a homeless person close to him

>> No.19352181

I think speedrunning videogames is seriously cool

>> No.19352182

>If you ain't never been to the ghetto, don't eva come to the ghetto, cuz you wouldn't undestand the ghetto, so stay the fuck out of the ghetto


>> No.19352189

Blue collar grug here who absolutely despises homos and niggers. But not as much as I hate myself, due to the women who have spurned my touch and the countless times life left me properly downtrodden. What do you do, my friend? I have been on the lookout for a career change as of late.

>> No.19352206


>> No.19352218

Going to the Sauna tomorrow, that will be nice.

>> No.19352258

its sos coldnou4side. im si coled..

>> No.19352267


>> No.19352284

stop posting and go drink water
You seem inebriated

>> No.19352306

Calculus Made Easy is dogshit. Use something like Spivak.

>> No.19352328

>hundreds of paragraphs
Well, you've inspired me to do the same in the hopes of leveling up my own writing. Hopefully I'll develop the resolve to do so and look back and feel I've come a long way.

>Thank you anon, this was very nice of you :D
You're welcome-- I vouch for your ability but don't take my words too seriously. I am just an amateur writer on a message board. If I were you I would seek out writers who are better or on the same level to give you something more worthwhile.

If you have any real ambition (which I take it you do, given your hundreds of paragraphs written), please make something of your talent by working on a story or novel if you aren't doing so already. And not to be a pearl clutcher but for the sake of children please sublimate all your deviant urges in your writing.

>> No.19352354

ive drank a fair bit but im home now. tje typos are mostly becausemy fingers were frozen. also i dont drink water much

>> No.19352360

>also i dont drink water much
Not healthy :/

>> No.19352404

i use to drink a lot of flavored sparkling water, then i stopped for some reason. yea. i dont drink much water anymore. and i dont really have an excuse for not drinking it. i just drink juice, soda and beer now i guess

>> No.19352416

I definitely have plans to start a novel, but I'm still honing the last bits and pieces of my "style" with these exercises to get there, with my sights locked on starting in the following two months or so. And don't worry about my urges anon, that second one was written mostly as a joke in a moment where I had been (by the influence of Instagram, what else) possessed by thinking with the little head, and in the projects I have schemed for the foreseeable future, I see no hints of smuttiness.

Here's another one for you, to make up for the horny one:

"The dormant cerulean seaway stretched itself ahead of the plots of land, huge peninsulas of rich, bountiful swathes of green. The sky above had a muted ghostly azure that encompassed the mountains at the distance in an ethereal mist of ambiguous presentations, seeping in slowly as if to eventually entirely swallow them into its fog. Here, on the land, there were watercolors of flowers of all varieties and pigments, painting a kaleidoscope of many different shades and hues. Fuchsia flowers that painted the green canvas in horizontal thick brush strokes, contrasting somewhat with other hot pink ones, used sparingly in the landscape, grouped into little bunches or bushes. Some of the red flowers were of a blood red yet blushing hue, a plush, pinkish sangria, while others were of a salmon-inclined scarlet that responded to the sunlight by transforming to a coral shade that gave the impression of delicately painted auric contours at the edges of its petals. Little round white flowers, like floating ivory particles, twinkling little sparkles of shining snowflakes floated atop the bushes upon which they grew. The grass, all around, and the leaves of the shrubs gleamed in the bright chartreuse of a sun-blasted transparency of an emerald."

>> No.19352490

Why are people not only on this site but nearly all of the internet so reluctant to accept any views on anything? What is the point of arguing or debating anything if you're not ready to alter your stance or simply admit that you genuinely agree with arises? What is the point of just arguing for arguing's sake?
Whenever I'm having a mild disagreement with anybody on this site, I might agree with a certain point they made and continue, but then I'm labelled a loser, but I don't feel like a loser. How did I lose when we came to a compromise? Isn't that one of the points of debating over something, so you can come to a mutual agreement? Are you never supposed to agree or acknowledge a good point?
I am genuinely asking this. In school, I was taught like many others that you shouldn't only focus on your side of the argument, but I never really learned how to do it correctly.

Reading over this I'm realizing how fucking stupid I am but I'm posting it anyway. I should buy a journal. Oh well

>> No.19352506

>What is the point of arguing or debating anything if you're not ready to alter your stance or simply admit that you genuinely agree with arises?

To win over those viewing.

Conceding your position will lose you viewers and subscribers, even if your position is demonstrably wrong from multiple angles you can still win people over if your denials are charismatic enough. A loss of viewers means a loss of subscribers and naturally a loss of revenue follows if your debates take place on a monetizable platform like twitch or youtube.
If you are entering the whole internet debate arena your end goal isn't to be correct it is to appear strong and unphased and in doing so provide a sense of grounding that ameliorates the viewer's own anxiety about their inability to articulate their own beliefs/biases under pressure.

>> No.19352516

my bf wrote a song about me and I cried for the first time since I was a child, I think I might be becoming human again

>> No.19352666

A twink boyfriend for christmas.

>> No.19352675

happy at last

>> No.19352714

i was history/philosophy major. I got much more from philosophy than history, but studying history taught me its fraught with bullshit in every sense of the word. philosophy will at least expand your mind.

>> No.19352717

I'm not mature enough to be smiled at.

>> No.19352742

I will ask again. Explain to me with a hegelian historic perspective why philosophy took a strong linguistic turn in the 20th century.

>> No.19352834

I still flirt with girls and like their affection even though I’m gay. Maybe because there are not enough qt twinks around with which to gauge my attractiveness I find other ways to stroke my sexual ego. I am straight passing so it’s doable.

>> No.19352838

shut up your opinion is shit

>> No.19352988

You sound based anon.

>> No.19353006

Saw some titties at the beach today. Life is good.

>> No.19353058

Philosophy is about stripping off and examining layer upon layer of the Logos, word of God. The linguistic discourse was the next logical thing to arise after philosophers failed to invent a universal language to imitate the Logos.

>> No.19353117

>have a awkward moment with a chick after getting rejected by her
>a week later tell myself "this sucks" so I go on a trip to visit my extended family
>same chick sees my story on social and says she's also where I'm at
Man, what the fuck. Is life just trolling me?

>> No.19353159

I've been reading a bunch of manga recently due to friends recommendations, and I've realized how fucking awful and totally shit the medium is.

Genuinely feel like I could just write my own mediocre web comic and have it be better than most of that shit. Probably just vanity or self-delusions talking, but I've been earnestly considering it - I'm a skilled illustrator, and writing a basic, competent story of good vs evil, or the monomyth, doesn't seem very difficult at all.

>> No.19353178
File: 292 KB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20211106_115742.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah Royal Mail yeh you man are an actual fucking joke. Since yesterday I've got about 4 messages and emails saying that my package is getting delivered on the 6th between 7:36 and 11:36 so you better fucking be there to open the door or else we'll just take it back with us. So I've been downstairs at my window like a fucking dog since half seven in the morning on a fucking Saturday and this is what I get. No-one even turnt up, no knock at the door, no note that they always leave telling you to book a re-delivery, fuckin ugatz, and yet apparently we somehow missed each other and I've got to re-book anyways. Fuckin useless gobshites.

>> No.19353217
File: 135 KB, 789x612, Leonid_Pasternak_-_The_Passion_of_creation_(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like that picture so much that I tried reverse image searching it. Took me some time, but the name of the painting is Passions/Agonies of creation by Leonid Pasternak. The results are interesting, however. The image seems to be wildly popular amongst writers, bloggers, novelists etc. as a profile pic. I also found these articles that use the image:
>"The Non-Rewritable Disc: the Fateful Impact of Childhood"
>"Why writers' block was good for me"
>"The power of writing by hand"
>"The art of messing up a project"

Here's also something related to the image. Pasternak himself talking about creation. Do with all of this what you want, just thought I'd share.
>Also, included a higher quality image.

Pasternak's on Inspiration and Creation

Reverse Image Search

>> No.19353244
File: 20 KB, 781x910, 1615491002660.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The world has become an exceedingly ugly place. Even the smallest beauty must be cheapened at all costs. It's hard to believe that at some point human beings had respect for their own world. I can hardly stand it any longer...

>> No.19353264
File: 34 KB, 580x548, 1541635741589.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God fuck, I’m so lonely. I miss my home, I miss my parents.

I’m just a hamster on a wheel, the rat-race, the waging-slave, pigeon stuck in its coup, a debased modern husk of a human being ticking in and out, then ticking in again, sand, then ticking out, and in, and out. ANIMALS! (cockroaches)

I respect my mind and body, especially sexually! I’m not going to consciously be dragged into post-modern, hardcore, fetishised propaganda. I’m not a worm. “Democracy manifest!” Where the hell did I leave my cigarettes? We’re so confused, primitive, and cattle-like.

Cramped like anchovy, interconnected tubes, running underground. A to B, B to A. I hate touching its surfaces. Everything reeks, that smelly smell that smells. It stinks, God it reeks. For fucks sake. They wallow in it, I wallow in it. PIGS! Pig...

Every street corner needs to be filled with hedonistic bombardments of electronic pleasure. Flashing images, bursting with sound. OBEY! The slimmest detection of silence sends everyone into a frenzy, I notice it. We scatter. ANIMALS!

Step 1: Block out vision, no peripheral, concentrate a beam of pure energy directly into eyes, plug in your ears and by God, please don’t make eye contact, please don’t make any God damn fucking eye contact with me you filthy useless sack of shit, you swine, you’re in my way. I see you looking at me! Otherwise i’ll be reminded by the existence of another human being and I might have to grow sympathy. Eyes go too deep. WELLS!

I stare at them purposefully, secretly laughing, I like to make them uncomfortable, somehow I believe I can rip them out of their delusion. Somehow, maybe, I hope, that eventually someone will stare right back at me, straight into my soul, desert, don’t break eye-contact, a real connection, of course that never happens.

Everything’s filthy. GARBAGE! Everyone hates each other and tries to outdo the other, it’s all so artificial. Fake leather and that God awful sound it makes. I spit on the homeless. (I also spit at the mirror every time I see my reflection.)
”They smell of booze, what lowlifes, look at them, useless leaching parasites. Why don’t they just die, we’d be better off without them.” DON’T THINK LIKE THAT!

Then I get home and drink half a bottle of wine (the good stuff) out of sear boredom. “That’s a tasty beverage!” Numb those senses™, have a little shit giggle by myself, fart in the bathtub, do a little naked dance. “HAHA, I’m so funny”. Not because I’m drunk, but because I’ve allowed myself to actually express myself for a second.

“I CAN’T LET ANYONE KNOW, DOH! They must never know. I’d better set an alarm, go to bed early. I should keep up appearances.”

>> No.19353267

Kek, I've had to come to terms with this.
I suffered a brain aneurysm randomly about 2 years ago, and dropped around 20 IQ points. Before the incident I was extremely content with my self image and worth, but now I'm pretty depressed knowing that I'm only a shell of my former self.
I'm pretty fucking retarded now, not actually, but compared to before, I'm a sloth. I'm not as quick, I learn things slower, and my vocabulary, grammar, and ability to enunciate have taken a noticeable hit, at times I genuinely struggle with writing, reading, or speaking.
It's humbling, I suppose, to be brought down intellectually, to have your own self "weakened" and essentially robbed of your highest capacity and function. I've always believed that one's intellect is tied to their personality, and that doesn't seem unsubstantiated, critical thought and self reflection affects how one acts in their day to day lives, and the more willing, or rather, more capable you are to either make complex decisions, or understand and discern social situations (ex. humor), effects your interactions with the world. I'm much less witty now,, and certain jokes fly over my head, whereas previously I would have caught on immediately. I also tend to repeat myself, more times than it is necessary, in writing and speech.
Another big problem is that I feel like there's a part of me missing, it's difficult to describe, not only in that I'm not like myself anyone (which I'm not), but it's almost as if I'm missing a part of my "thought process," for lack of better words. When I think of an idea, or something I want to explain, instead of idea -> explanation -> communication, it's just idea -> communication. I suppose that's just a roundabout way to say that I don't think as much, and it's much more difficult to explain my thoughts than before, as evident by this half nonsensical rant that I've written. I'm constantly plagued by brain fog, and where as before I'd be able to explain my ideas succinctly, it now takes a very painful and annoying amount of time.
But perhaps the most troubling part, as briefly mentioned in the beginning, is that I'm stuck like this. I will never be how I was before. I won't be the same, and it's odd knowing that I'll live the rest of my life, not fully being myself, not being completely who I am. It's like I've been lobotomized.

>> No.19353270


I’ve got friends, it’s all shallow, it’s just a weight measuring game, dick-swinging competition, dog eat dog world. Hot-dog eating contest?
Im wrong.
I’m being too harsh, they’re nice, they care about me, but they can’t help me, they just don’t understand.
Im wrong.
They’re just naive and stupid and they don’t have it as hard as I do
Im wrong.
I’m lying to myself, it’s hard out here, they must feel the same way as me, they just don’t like showing their ugly side. TWO-FACED! I crack a smile at them...

”Oh hey Mark, OOoooH yes, I’m reading blabla book. Yes really healthy. I know right.”
Big words, BIG WORDS, congruent, lecherous, indignity.
”Oh me? Yes HA HA HA, going to the gym now, body important, understand? YES! Very healthy. I know.”
”Yes yes, eating GOOD, cooking SOOOOO good. I love cooking, so great.”
“Pulling on what? My weenee?! NO! Hahaha! Maybe once every two weeks. Wink* It IS bad for you, you know?”
Infantile, cuckold porn industry, toxic, emancipation, weak chins.
“MY PHONE? No... superficial human connection, FACE TO FACE! AM I RIGHT OR AM I RIGHT!?”
“Oh wait, you do that too...” CRUSHED!

I check the lists, I do the tedious little tasks, I do the dance, my ballet, I do it every day like a good little boy, mama is so proud. I’m so graceful. I wash the dishes, I fold the clothes, I sort the trash, I take the shower, I mop the floor. Pat on the back. (I’m so good at this.)

There is only one thing I enjoy doh, it’s a simple man’s hobby, I cut images into synthetic flooring, I spread ink on it, I lay a paper on top of it, I push down on it with a spoon, imperfection. So cloggy, unwieldy and hypnotizingly meditative. Lovingly.

Sometimes I cut myself on accident, I’d never hurt myself behind my desk, it feels so good to bleed, I wish someone would punch me in the face, I think I could do this for the rest of my life. I don’t dare to show them to anyone doh... (Breather)

Eventually, like always, I end up slumped back, eyes fixed, seductive commercial entertainment, what beautiful stories they tell, I can almost imagine living them... thank you Disney, GLOBALISE! “God bless their stupendous gains, production value!”. Leaches, sapping away my hard-earned money, CONSUME! In an endless cycle of earning and spending, spending earning. Spending so I don’t feel so bad earning. Earning so I can justify my spending. INTERLINKED!

“I haven’t seen the fifth season yet, is it good?”
“It isn’t his best role, in my opinion.”
Writhing hands, rake it in, does it sound well when it hits the marble table? RINKLE! KA-CHING! Pocket money.

>> No.19353276

All this so I can sit in front of a screen catatonically hallucinating to images that have been perfected over a hundred years to satisfy my drooling monkey brain. Watch it clap as you wind it up! “Eat the bugs, live in the pod.” Thank you... I guess.

Money won’t resolve this issue, I need to relocate. It’s the city, I swear to God it’s the fucking city. It’s the root cause, cradle of culture my ass, ANIMALS! I’d rather die anonymously, I don’t need their products, I don’t need 24/7 grocery stores, I don’t need fast and accessible ATM’s, I don’t need cheap transportation. I don’t need processed garbage from chains with great reputability, reviews, customer service and convenient delivery to your very doorstep for only $9,99!!! INTEGRATE!

“Look at this pathetic idiot.” He said.

I want silence, I want wind, I want unpolluted air, I want my own fire, I want water I can swim in. I need an out, I wish there was an out, there is no out, I’m stuck here forever...

This is no way to live, I wish I could just have a good hard cry, family is important. HOME SWEET HOME. I wish I’d just crash, but the crash never comes, it will always be like this, sometimes I imagine myself taking a deep breath, stepping onto the tramline, and getting crushed, utter bliss...

“Oh woe unto me, woe to whoever allowed me to be born, cruel world” “I’m so sad, yes, feel sad for me, cry for me please, OH PLEASE” Damn, I’m so sorry, little slip of the tongue, almost seems like I’ve expressed myself there for a second.

Step 2: Something about worms. I am sooooooooo special...

>> No.19353294
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>> No.19353299 [DELETED] 

I've been sleeping around 2-4 hours a night for the past 2 years.

I've probably fucked my brain beyond repair.

>> No.19353301

Spivak is good too, but I wanted intuition to play a massive part in the work and everybody recognizes Thompson for his masterful use of intuition. I wouldn't say it's dogshit but it's definitely built on the intuition that drove Leibnizian calculus rather than modern calculus.

>> No.19353305

Thanks anon, I try.

>> No.19353312

Honestly you sound like a faggot. Stop writing in capital letters every other word it's irritating and doesn't help your expression.

>> No.19353322 [DELETED] 

holy shit so did apple music livestream all those people getting crushed to death at travis scott's concert? i thought about watching it for a minute but after the travis scott happy meal or whatever i felt he's just too sold out. imagine being crushed to death by thots rushing the stage because drake made an appearance. what a way to go out. but on the other hand your death might have been livestreamed to the world via apple music, so there's that.

>> No.19353331

28/29 is objectively the best age for a man.

>> No.19353332


>> No.19353345

as a 31 yr old neet i've developed a lot of impotent rage these days

>> No.19353380
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There is a cup on my desk! It is a white cup, a tea cup! It is very cute and quaint! My tea cup is my friend! My tea cup is always there for me! Whenever I'm sad or lonely, my tea cup fills me up with a nice beverage. Cradling my cold hands on it's shiny, warm porcelain makes me happy! I love my tea cup! My tea cup is my friend!

But now, my tea cup is missing! Oh no! Where could have my tea cup gone? Could it have run off, grown it's own little legs, and be off somewhere far!? Where could it have gone? I search and search for my tea cup! I cannot find it!

The coolness comes, and now I am sad. Sad for my missing tea cup, and sad for me. I cannot find my tea cup. My tea cup which has brought me warmth and happiness, my tea cup, who is my friend.

Where could you have gone?

>> No.19353382

If you really want to raise your self belief you should try reading web novels

>> No.19353386

Does anyone else find they have an absurd amount of control over their emotions? Recently I have found that all I need to do to generate an emotion is construct a thought like "I am great" "This day is going to be good I can feel it" or "You are worthless kill yourself" "no one loves you" and I can flip between happy and sad in less than a minute. Anger is harder but doable, I haven't been able to manifest Fear yet.

A consequence of this is gaining a perspective on how the accidental is considered to be authentic and the intentional somehow fake. How much of what I have until now assumed was my "genuine self" has merely been psychic debris.

>> No.19353395

Stretch it out to 300 pages and you've got yourself a best selling self help book

>> No.19353400

underrated post

>> No.19353402

Have you really harassed ForestAnon out of /lit/? Is he not coming here anymore?

>> No.19353428

How do i do jobs interviews if i have no dreams or ambitions?

>> No.19353431

I'm a very mentally unbalanced person. I dont know how to make peace with the current me and go towards improvement of present qualities.

>> No.19353433


>> No.19353434

The same way you should do anything, honestly.

>> No.19353439

tell them you'll be too lazy to ever leave

>> No.19353458

Properly packaged and illustrated, this could initiate a new genre: Children's books for grown-ups.

>> No.19353469
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>> No.19353535

we should remake this world in plastics

>> No.19353544


This made me happy.

>> No.19353554

I was thinking styrofoam

>> No.19353604

what the fuck was the name of that book with a black winged monkey-like creature on a green field on the cover?

>> No.19353613

Chainsaw Man

>> No.19353632

I thought it is plastic too

>> No.19353636

It is, but typically when we think of plastic we think of the hard clear stuff, and not the soft, frail styrofoam type

But you right I just had a monkey brain moment

>> No.19353664

I made a memory on instagram showing a section on Hegel saying hes pretty cool. Now everyone knows what a geek I am.

>> No.19353667

In a little bronze bowl on my dresser lies a keychain. It consists of a main ring, holding onto itself all the other paraphernalia. It consist of an ovally flattened piece of iron twisted into a circular shape. Impeccably shiny. The ends of this ring overlap each other after having made a full rotation onto itself in order to facilitate the locking mechanism.

The first accessory is a key belonging to the front door of my Budapest appartement. The boring old, practical kind you’ll find at your modern key maker. It has filthy nudges, a matte surface bearing and jagged teeth. Obtained from an obviously avarice landlord judging by its unexpectedly insubstantial weight. Eluding to the flimsiness of an unclean, cheap, mixed metal.

The second accessory, again a key, belongs to the door of my bedroom which I begrudgingly requested from my landlord in front of my other flatmates the first day I arrived in Budapest. Communicating my natural inclination towards distrustfulness very effectively to my fellow appartement dwellers. Resembling a miniature version of a comedically stylised key you’d see a medieval monk wearing in a cheesy historic drama. There’s a thick cilinder perturbing from its rectangled, octagon shaped head. At the end of the cilinder a wavelike iron fitting vertically sticks out from the center’s mass.

The third accessory consists of a similarly smaller ring onto which six chain links connect to a rubbery white decoration. It has already been tainted by that distinctive, city-smog discolouration. The inscription is some unintelligible Hungarian which my culturally insensitive, western-european mind hasn’t bothered translating yet. It’ll likely accompany me for a prolonged period despite its apparent, kitch-like appearance. Mainly because of that subtle, mental hurdle such banal objects produce remaining on the edge of our peripheral perception.

The last accessory, originating from skate culture, is a small, bronze, clipping mechanism that attaches to your belt loop. Though I’m a straggler for style, all my fellow hobbyist have long abandoned this archaic mode of fashion. I’d be lost without it, as would my keys. The black paint has worn to the point where putting your tongue on the clipper gives you that distinctive bronze tingling which so obsessed and fascinated me as a kid. A small twisted rope hangs onto its ring. A stress relief, life saver and good friend in many times of need. Orally Freudian. Like sucking the weird air bubbles out of a finished popsicle or damaged pencil, I put the object to my lips in times of trouble.

>> No.19353705
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Lit/ has become less edgy. We're nowhere near perfect, but at least I notice more and more mid-range threads where people actually engage with each other.

>> No.19353712

Holy Christ, what a beautiful man, like a perfect statue come to life.

>> No.19353750

you were just being more specific

>> No.19353779

It would be a crime to not give this man modelling work and give it to some mulatto with vitiligo instead.

>> No.19354243

Is an anarchist country an inherent contradiction?

>> No.19354272

There must be some way to defeat lust. I'm not religious but I know, I can feel, it's a sin.

>> No.19354273

Does the sneed feed?

>> No.19354475

I haven't been derealized or depressed for two whole weeks. This is the best streak in the past 10 years.

>> No.19354538

We stood for two hours. Surrounding us were chest-high metal gates; "Barriers". Every gap was filled, where your feet were placed were where they stayed. Within 30 seconds of the first song, people began to drown- in other people. There were so many people. Where the only thing you could see was the back of the person in front of them. The rush of people became tighter and tighter. Breathing became something only a few were capable of. The rest were crushed or unable to breathe in the thick, hot air. My friend began to gasp for breath and told me we needed to get out. We tried. There was nowhere to go. The shoving got harder and harder. If someone's arms had been up it was no longer a possibility to put them down. So, people began to choke one another as the mass swayed. It became more and more violent. We began to scream for help. We could see security just a few people over in the VIP section in the middle of the venue. It got tighter. Impossible to breathe, as our lungs were compressed between the bodies of those surrounding us. More people began to scream for help, some began to collapse. The music continued. Hundreds of people ripped their vocal cords apart screaming for help, but we were not heard. There was nowhere to go. My friend was trapped between people on every side of her and she desperately tried to move towards the rail. It was no use. The screaming intensified, as more people realized they could not breathe. We begged security to help us, for the performer to see us and know something was wrong. None of that came. We continued to drown. More and more. Once one fell, a hole opened up in the ground. It was like watching a Jenga tower topple. Person after person were sucked down. You could not guess which direction the shove of hundreds of people would come next. You were at the mercy of the wave. I watched my friend be dragged away from me and lost sight of her. I realized people were going to be trampled to death.

>> No.19354539

I can enroll into a top-tier uni next year but I don't know if I should do it. The program is economics, it is basically 95% math which will take me a lot of time to study. I don't know if I'll have enough time to read books in those 4 years. This is driving me insane. If I graduate I will be able to make a shit ton of money, but is it worth killing my soul and becoming an empty husk over it? Anyone here who studied stem in top unis? Can you have some free time from studying for your hobbies while having IQ below 130? I don't want to be the best in my class, I'm just wondering will it even be possible to keep up without being expelled?

>> No.19354578

Upon further reflection I have decided to not write the sex scenes and just "fade to black", so I can focus on the romance stuff I can actually write.

>> No.19354666

He couldn't post here anyway because his network's mobile IP range was banned but he still talks if you ask him stuff on YouTube.

>> No.19354683

Damn I love my ex and wish I hadn't left her.

>> No.19354691

Why didya then

>> No.19354705

Why do I feel like the world is mocking me?

>> No.19354716

She's crazy and made me miserable. Being alone is miserable too though. I'd forgotten about that.

>> No.19354718
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Amuro Ray
Quatro Bajeena

>> No.19354742

I quite like the OST of Nier replicant remake. The seafront song really hits something in the my heart.

>> No.19354817

I wanna know, have you ever seen the rain?

>> No.19354823

Scarier than ghost stories.

>> No.19354838

I may have achieved kensho

>> No.19354950

It is fascinating how I, as a 29 years old khv up until 4 weeks ago, completely missed out on a cultural and biological dimension of life - love and (erotical) relationship. Suddenly music makes sense to me on a whole new level, lyrics become understandable, literature becomes more accessible, media, movies, video games, stories and advertisement and social tropes suddenly become much more relatable, I understand so much more context in almost every aspect of life and it is crazy how all that went over my head all these years. And the weird part is how I feel like I'm more of a part of this world now, I feel much more at home, and it is almost overwhelming but it is also a very warm feeling giving me self trust and calmness.

>> No.19354995

Anyone else not care about social advancement? I'm not a NEET but I genuinely don't care about getting a nice/prestigious job. I'd like to earn more money and have enough to be comfortable to pursue whatever I like but I don't care at all what others think about me.

>> No.19355023

I've finally stopped caring about women and no longer have regrets about my sexless youth. Middle age approaches. Actually does feel good, man.

>> No.19355068

yep that happened to me too. I gotta say though, that feeling and that worldview disapper if you fall back to loneliness again, which is what happened for me, so cherish it while it lasts. Also, tell us how you lost your v card at such age.

>> No.19355083
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>> No.19355120

I had a good amount of sex precisely because I was worried I'd regret if it I didn't, and frankly, the only thing I'm glad about is that I don't have to wonder whether I missed out.

The sex itself was a total waste of time and I massively regret all the humiliating thousands of hours I sank into dates and caring what women thought of me. It's not even the overt stuff and the hours directly wasted on dates and talking to girls, it's more the hundred little ways that I henpecked at my own confidence and self-image. You can't be engaged in dating and normie socializing without caring about being a "good looking well dressed sociable acceptable guy" in a lot of interconnected ways. It may not have always dominated my consciousness but it was always there in the background in some way or another. What "kind of guy" does it make me to wear this, what male archetype am I being or failing to be right now.

It all seemed swirled together as one thing back then, like I was just trying to be acceptable, attractive, normal. But in hindsight, only 10-20% of it was wanting the respect of my friends and peers. The other 80-90% was putting on a good exterior so I was more likely to meet women and get women to like me.

It's not just the thousands of hours lost on obvious things like dating and degrading myself on apps. It's the millions of opportunities for authenticity and peace of mind that I lost by caring about the gash lottery.

>> No.19355125
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I'm not big on Jarritos desu.

>> No.19355172
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Every weekend it's something
>car needs repair
>internet doesn't work
>toilet doesn't work
>shower needs to be snaked
>fridge is freezing shit
Every fucking weekend.

>> No.19355187

I haven't written anything since hitting 200 pages. It's not that I can't get the motivation to keep going, but I've only got around 100 pages left and I don't want the fun to stop lol.

>> No.19355197

>You can't be engaged in dating and normie socializing without caring about being a "good looking well dressed sociable acceptable guy" in a lot of interconnected ways.
Yeah no you're just an insecure bitch with confidence issues, not everyone is like you
Many people naturally socialise (with women and otherwise) without feeling subconsciously humiliated ("degraded!" as you say) because they are not mentally ill traumatised or autistic like you

>> No.19355207

I finally watched the Revenant and was waiting for the scene where Glass treats himself with maggots to happen, since I saw a clip of it on a thread on /tv/ a couple of years ago.
The movie ended and the scene didn’t happen. I searched for it and discovered the scene doesn’t exist, although the real Glass did use maggots the eat the rotten flesh of his wounds.
The whole thing confuses me, since I remember bits and pieces of said scene. Did I really imagine it?

>> No.19355290

have recently re-had this experience though the effect has been even stronger than in the past. I've had erotic experiences since I was a teenager but they usually didn't last long or were with women I secretly despised. this recent emotional havoc caused by a 'love at first sight' moment (that has only happened one other time in my life) has devastated me and opened up this portal once again. my situation isn't so cozy but it nonetheless echoes the sentiment of being reintroduced into the emotional whirlwind that love puts you in which is subsequently the cause of all those pieces of media you've mentioned.

>> No.19355297

Welcome to the library.
Yeah of course you can borrow ebooks, but we have the real things here.
No it’s not a subscription service, it is just not that bad an idea for people to share things.
You have plenty, mate.
Yeah I think we have some DVDs and things, Blu Rays, whatever.
Honestly though, why not just read books?
Once you’ve got vegetables and you can cook, and you have books for the evening, you only need money for fixing the roof, repairing the radiator, bribing the police, that sort of thing.
You don’t need to keep having these constant overheads going to these creeps. These books have been handled by a binch of different people, but they are still in reasonable condition.
Exactly. Like your mum.
You’ll own plenty, mate, and you’ll be happy.
Some people just come here to hang out, theres some people here who don’t have many other places.
Seems like they are meant to find online spaces now, but that is the sort of suggestiuon that comes from the infected, you know what I mean?
It’s not true human interaction, and if you aren’t interacting in a way where you could end by making out or coming to blows then you might as well read a book.
You don’t need a bigger screen or a folding screen or a faster camera or a more detailed thumbprint scanner, you just need to get a nice position for your table lamp so you can read without glare.
Out the back we have a bunch of e readers that have been donated second hand from people whose fingers have become too flaky to operate the touch screens. You can have one once we’ve removed all the digital rights management, but again, they are inferior to books. You can’t take them into cold weather, you can’t hit insects with them, you can’t use them as coasters or use them to keep your buttocks seperated while you apply a medicated cream. But as I said, you are welcome.
Erm? Right, what sort of thing? DIY? I would recommend this book that lets you brick the electronic tracking on dockless bikes. There are enough of them around that everyone who doesn’t have a bike can have one of these, and then everyone can travel for free, that's what I call a great reset haha. Sure, it’s illegal. Everything will be soon, you can’t even say boo to a goose, or ask the local petrol station to atone for deliberately poisoning indigenous peoples with chemical waste. I would say that if that’s not your ticket then read this book. Or that one or any of these. They're all here and they have been written over the course of centuries.
You have plenty, mate. Don’t pay the fees.

>> No.19355303

I do naturally socialize, I just don't naturally socialize with neck-stepping status-mongering subhumans like you who are always looking for opportunities to acquire pointless clout by showing off how much better at "naturally socializing" you are than people who have trouble with it or who aren't popular and "fun" by default.

That's what I mean. I put a lot of effort into becoming accepted by white noise subhumans like you who are proud of being bland and "acceptable" by nature, instead of being happy at being accepted by interesting worthwhile people, which I already was.

I would say kill yourself but you're not alive.

>> No.19355315

how do you write a book? Why? How?

>> No.19355331

This post could also have been made by an AI.

>> No.19355378

My brain has been balkanized.

>> No.19355395

i studied philosophy as a minor.

I loved it, but it's truly useless unless you want to go into academia.

I would recommend reading philosophy in your free time. The only thing you miss with that approach is the opportunity to talk to professors.

>> No.19355398

Ive been on various imageboards since 2006 and always hid the fact. But now i see people promoting 'critical meme reader' and such bullshit.

>> No.19355400

Barely an AI, even a lowly bot.

>> No.19355463
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>but math tends to jump from the very dull and obvious to the exciting but difficult very quickly
I also lately try figuring out why that happens. I think it's because of a fundamentally wrong way we think about numbers.
I got the inspiration from Schopenhauer when he said that numbers are one dimensional and so exist in time. I noticed that we use them for geometry, so it's just a projection.

For example: You calculate the area of a rectangle by a * b and get one number. So that one dimensional number represents a two dimensional shape. You can have thousands of rectangles with the same area (a = 3, b = 4 or a = 6, b = 2, ...), because the number is just a shadow of the shape.

But the area is not really that number, because the number is just the amount of units (square with the side length of 1) in that rectangle. It doesn't regard for the shape or more specifically for the arrangement of the units. It means the area needs a two-dimensional number. We don't have that (except imaginary numbers), but the most correct (although impractical) way would be to have a notation like [a * b], it means you don't resolve the calculation and put it in square brackets to show that it's a shape and still regard for the dimensions.

But like I said it's not practical, so we always use numbers to represent shapes. With the problem that we will have some issues like for example with an equation like x^3 - 15x = 4. Because a one dimensional number tries to represents the calculation of 2 three dimensional cuboids (with the side lengths of (x,x,x) and (15,x,1)). So we had to make up imaginary numbers to solve a problem that was caused by a projection we make when using numbers in multi dimensional calculations. That's the reason it gets difficult very quickly.

That's what I got briefly, maybe it helps in any way.

>> No.19355486

Where the hell can I read more of this

How do you think in geometry while doing maths?

>> No.19355546

>How do you think in geometry while doing maths?
x^2 is the area of a square with the side length of x.
26x is the area of a rectangle with the side lengths of 26 and x.
3x^2 is the volume of a cuboid with the side lengths of 3, x and x.
That's how mathematicians thought about maths for most of history. The purely algebraic notation fully devoid of the geometrical connection is rather new.

>> No.19355551

Sorry quoted wrong post >>19355546

>> No.19355565

Have you ever read Loss of Certainty by Kline? I am wondering if there's a way to recover this on an intuitionist basis as a way to teach maths. Or if there are teaching materials that already do this.

>> No.19355577

are there any particularly good, free, diary programs? or is it best to stick with paper, or to just take notes in a text document?

>> No.19355609

End of college and grim prospects. I should have done interning and volunteer work. I have zero experience whatever.

>> No.19355612

>Have you ever read Loss of Certainty by Kline?
No, is it good?
>I am wondering if there's a way to recover this on an intuitionist basis as a way to teach maths. Or if there are teaching materials that already do this.
There probably are, but I don't think we can make schools change the way they teach maths.

>> No.19355625
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>> No.19355641

his name is Apu Apustaja, pls rename file

>> No.19355656

I don't care about Finnish people.

>> No.19355759

Happened at a work party, we were both drunk. I didn't now the next day what it meant. Then we met again the next week and we both didn't expect much but it was a good time. I am slowly still opening up to her because after years of solitude and a wizard mind set it was not easy in the beginning, I couldn't come the first two times and it scared me. Now already it's much much better. I can trust her, tell her everything and my emotional barriers break still even more.

>> No.19355822

i wish they sold pre-shat in pants so that i would feel less bad when i shit them

>> No.19355841

Anyone know where to sell books?

I have a couple that I do not need, and they're in perfect condition (unused).

Don't want to sign up for anything, just want to get rid of those books as soon as possible.

>> No.19356014

I tell myself that I will create a comic, though I can neither write nor draw. Drawing is perhaps the easier deficit to fix: a technical skill which, despite my past difficulties, I might still commit to learning. Writing, though, is very difficult. I can type almost any amount when arguing on the internet or when required to for other purposes, but when it comes to setting my mind to writing a full story, beginning middle and end, or to holding together characters and the rest, the result is that I can't even write a hundred words.

>> No.19356054

Thread theme

>> No.19356109

Eugenic as fuck
Dumb racists, nigger means black trash

>> No.19356203

I(B) had an affair a year ago - starting today.
It lasted nearly until Christmas, but, I was caught; threatened to lose my children, I left the girl(J) alone.
I miss her, more and more each day. I am so sad.

>> No.19356301

This sounds really depressing anon, if it's any consolation I thought your writing here was coherent. The fact that you're still able enough to analyze your own thought process and communicate those ideas shows a level of self reflection deeper than most others. I hope the days ahead look brighter for you.

>> No.19356387

I had a dream where spiders and scorpions were crawing up on my body. Everywhere I went I couldn't escape. I woke up trying to sweep them away from in real life and was tense.

>> No.19356438

>Dreaming of Scorpions with spiders means you have to stop running away from your problems and struggles in your life. Dream Momma says it is not good to have bad attitudes knocking around you. Learn to face the painful things you encounter in order to get rid of it.


>> No.19356455


godspeed retard

>> No.19356464

if i don't get a girlfriend soon i'm afraid rape is the only option i have left

>> No.19356480
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how about both

>> No.19356554


>> No.19356569


>> No.19356681

Damn. Not exactly wrong though, given my situation.

>> No.19356695

first world problems

>> No.19356809
File: 473 KB, 500x666, sheep_jesus_parson_parable_christ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have bestowed my love upon you, just as my Father has bestowed his love upon me; live on, then, in my love.

John 15:19

That's beautiful

>> No.19356862

I cycle between distraction and depression.

>> No.19356882

This. Love makes you weak and invested in supporting the satanic systems of the world.

>> No.19356894

It is the End Times. Whether by the fires of global warming or AI, the human era is drawing to a close. Why was I born now, when we face our doom? Couldn't I have been born into a peaceful time? But even as I ask these questions, I know the answer too, even though I do not want to accept them. All is hukam after.

>> No.19356930 [SPOILER] 
File: 746 KB, 1023x723, 1636253366863.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck off you fucking repungent pseud fuxking ibtellectual masturbator fuckwit faggot fucking god damn eyes are green fucking there is no skull fucking jagoff locator

>> No.19356940

It's not end times, we're on the cusp of technological revolution, but the problem is that the elites want to use that power to enslave instead of liberate. They want to keep a system of artificial scarcity even when technology can solve scarcity. Scarcity and contol of money is why they are elites, they don't want to a regular person. They want a class system. That's what I think.

>> No.19356945

be a regular person*

>> No.19356958
File: 134 KB, 1000x865, TJ2nz1MKjqPVywyXVsW5vWdHyud8Zrucw4fTsZl4zMQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They want a class system. That's what I think.
Our elite are literal Marxists, working to bring about the socialist stage of development. I don't know how people can still think they want a class system when everyday their actions point to them collecting ownership and creating a planned economy. They are Marxists who happen to prefer the colors blue and green to red and yellow.

>> No.19356962

>Rich elites people don't want to have a class system
Does that make any sense to you?

>> No.19356964

1 + 1 = 2, done. Get on level faggot pseud.

>> No.19356966

I've been sleeping around 2-4 hours a night for the past year and a half.

I've completely fucked up my brain.

>> No.19356978

Yes. Mao and Engels are examples of this as well. But let me explain our elite. They know "green line go up" cannot last forever, they know capitalisms is eroding the cultural and social structures which make it possible; everything Marx said, they believe. They know the transition to socialism must be made if humanity (including them) is to survive.

>> No.19357001
File: 113 KB, 1024x576, 2nd-Bill-of-Rights.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The CIA did everything in there power with their Wallstreet friends to prevent nationalization of resources in countries across the world and scare people with the Soviet Union cold war propaganda. They want a system where they can control the money and resources. Why do you think the democrats fucked over Bernie Sanders if that's what they want?
Because they don't want that. They don't want another FDR. They did everything they could to stop it. They still are. They want class system based on money scarcity.

>> No.19357033

> 1. A job
> 2. An adequate wage and decent living
> 3. A decent home
> 4. Medical care
> 5. Economic protection during sickness, accident, old age or unemployment
> 6. A good education
All things which can not reasonably be called rights and which are provided well enough by the market.
Not to mention, all of these things are consistently inadequately provided by the government, with exception of perhaps 5 under a UBI system.
Social Security etc. is the most retarded shit and FDR was a fag.

>> No.19357060
File: 582 KB, 1079x1644, Screenshot_20211106-211615_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Such a great system, majority living paycheck to paycheck. People go bankrupt because of medical bills. All the while banks get strings free bailout money and Afghanistan and Iraq war trillions of dollars transfered to the rich elite of the military companies and their banker stock holders.

>> No.19357071

What do you think of Gullberg’s math book? Didn’t he write that for his kids too?

>> No.19357089

They didn't want it back then because the capitalist stage was still productive. A premature shift to the socialist stage results in the Holodomor or Great Leap Forward. The Western elite understood this, and they worked to develop the capitalist stage and reap the benefits until the time for the shift to the socialist stage could begin. It's literally the same exact thing that post-Deng China has been doing.

>> No.19357108

>if humanity (including them) is to survive.
They don't intend for humanity to survive. They don't care about socialism or capitalism. They care about ruling forever. They are transhumanists obsessed with merging with machines and liquidating the rest of mankind when we are no longer needed.

>> No.19357125
File: 253 KB, 1079x1159, Blankenfield.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You see this guy, you think he wants socialism? They donate to people to get bailout money. Why didn't they push Bernie Sanders? They pushed Hillary Clinton instead because they want neoliberal capitalism. It came out in the wiki leaks that the democrats top brass sabotaged Bernie and he was the most socialist. Obama, the Clintons, the Bushes are all rich and they take money from banks in speaking fees bribes. They are not pushing socialism.

>> No.19357151

Our elite are much more benevolent than you seem to think.

I don't care about what the underlings like the CEO of Goldman thinks. The real elite, the Schwabs of the world, are much wiser than this guy.

>> No.19357181
File: 237 KB, 1280x1521, 4AB44301-247F-4C84-BCE2-46DA35DB8B88.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At best they’re absent minded sociopaths that actually breath in their own farts about being essential job creators.

>> No.19357193

And what has Schwab done?

>> No.19357212
File: 21 KB, 360x450, 450[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I had emotions. I spend a substantial amount of effort evoking emotions according to what is expected of me in social situations. In that sense you can call it control. Otherwise, days are just checklists.

>> No.19357215
File: 50 KB, 712x518, ofaqpeoapx931.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a marijuana-induced psychotic fit and hallucinated that I had weird intersex genitals. I saw and felt that my once normal cock and balls were a mangled mess. I began recontextualizing my memories to fit with my newfound belief that I had these botched nuts and a clit-like cock. For example I was circumcised when I was ~4 years old and convinced myself that it was actually an intersex genital surgery. I got so freaked out that I called my mom. My dad heard too. I was absolutely panicked and deranged. A confluence of working out (legs), toking a few times, busting a giant nut, and having a long hot shower resulted in my balls sucking into my body and my cock temporarily shrinking. I began to hallucinate sounds as well, particularly the sound of a bowl being placed onto the counter repeatedly. I began writing in my journal in order to keep a record of what I was experiencing. It was all fucked up and would randomly be in all caps or would be written on only one side of the page. This is completely out of character for me and I fear that I've ruined my parents' opinion of me. Did I mention that I'm currently living with them after graduating during COVID?

>> No.19357232

Give it time. China thinks it'll take them until 2050 to reach socialism. We might get there a little earlier, like the late 2030s. That's when Schwab's influence will become apparent.

>> No.19357298

Socialism or at least increased social security is inevitable because whatever system the US has is failing Americans.

>> No.19357343

not a fan, too prosaic. Didn't give me a chub either. needs a twist
not a fan but has potential, stick with it
well said, it can be the audience
the second she rejected you was the second you should have committed to making her persona non-grata. You're trolling yourself by just continuing to think about her. I'm not saying it's easy to move on, but I am saying you should and must move on.
Based Gallo poster. Amazing how that troll-Republican he managed to become an indie darling through filming an incel fantasy

>> No.19357406
File: 92 KB, 850x400, quote-i-believe-in-the-theory-of-evolution-but-i-believe-as-well-in-the-allegorical-truth-christopher-langan-72-63-67.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

200 IQ quote

>> No.19357428
File: 159 KB, 744x732, 40E3DB18-FBE4-4BE9-8229-D039390BD05A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19357435

care to elaborate on your response?

>> No.19357448
File: 26 KB, 699x435, FC4F4A51-74D2-431A-8199-4ABD12EC7674.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19357459

lol imagine saving that image just so you can use it to use it to try and cloak how stupid you are

>> No.19357470

this is a complete and utter waste of time

>> No.19357482

The quote is extremely bad and is riddled with nonsense. I do not feel I need to go into it point by point just where it all falls apart. Save yourself the humiliation.

>> No.19357496

Better not go into it, it would be hilarious watching you debate a 200IQ man who is quoted.

>> No.19357500

It seems a lot to me like you're the one who just humiliated yourself by trying to act smug and superior with nothing to back it up. total butterfly moment

>> No.19357518

It’s completely self evident in the quote, christcucks

>> No.19357535

how so?

>> No.19357542

Explain how this “loop” is closed

>> No.19357794

No. It’s just a dumb quote

>> No.19357808
File: 23 KB, 400x400, 1616221216585.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know if pathetic is the right word to describe myself, but I am sure that lonely doesn't fit.

I feel as though I have no friends despite having a gf of 5 years and people whom I regularly hang out with. The problem is that I don't get to indulge in my own interests with them and feel like I am just floating along with whatever surface level stuff they talk about. I also feel a certain kind of distance with my gf, as we don't really do much together outside of sex and walks in the city. She is a companion who I love dearly, but not someone that I can converse with greatly. I also guess I am a bit of a coward for staying with her for so long despite having these feelings, as I don't want to be alone and doubt that I would ever find someone who I could connect with.

This has brought me to spend a lot of time in my own head and genuinely make me feel like a loser. I don't know how to seek out people with similar interests and none of my peers like talking about things at length. I've gotten to the point where I literally talk with dozens of people all over the world on HelloTalk because I crave conversation so badly and it only hurts me greater because these friendships are purely digital. I spend dozens of hours in 4chan each week talking with people across a variety of boards because I can't find this kind of easily accessible conversation anywhere else.

The one time things got really bad for me was during this summer, in which I genuinely tried to learn Korean (still am) and began to talk with someone on HelloTalk daily. She was a couple years older than me but had grown up reading a ton of English novels and had that same appetite for good conversations. Over the span of a couple weeks we became very close and she knew that I had a gf but couldn't stop herself from getting feelings for me. She left a very long message for me one day saying that she will seek me out again once she overcomes her feelings for me because she knows it wouldn't be fair to continue as things were. She deleted her account shortly after and it was the first time in a very long time where I felt so utterly hurt. I really felt like I lost someone close to me and I really do miss her.

>> No.19357567
File: 256 KB, 1300x1163, street-of-boarded-up-council-houses-port-clarence-near-middlesbrough-E038W9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

british people can behave weirdly, but you have to be an american to really be weird

>> No.19357817

hahaha ok, now WE'VE come full circle, care to elaborate on that? are you just trying to act superior even though we all know your bluff is a bluff? why would you even humiliate yourself by posting this instead of just moving on if you arent interested in the discussion?

>> No.19357587

even the cat looks ashamed to be in Britain

>> No.19357591

Lol youre kidding right? because we've come full circle and set ourselves aside from the rest of nature with our intelligence and ability to wield matter and possibly even set new life in motion through a process not unlike that which we stem from?

>> No.19357664

a fine old british trait

>> No.19357883

>care to elaborate on that?

>> No.19357888

we've been through this though, you cant actually explain how it is "bad and riddled with nonsense"

>> No.19357718
File: 23 KB, 344x288, Jan_Gullberg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gullberg’s math
Holy shit, I didn't know who and what book you were talking about but I actually have this exact book.
It's incredible in it's scope and incredibly illuminating on matters both mathematical and historical, but it isn't structured well enough to be a coherent and stand alone introduction to mathematics like, say, Euclid's Elements or Euler's Algebra is.
It's really fucking good though and you can tell the author, despite professionally being a surgeon, was passionate and knowledgeable about mathematics and it's history.

>> No.19357894
File: 653 KB, 1366x768, Screenshot (12).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is anyone else's catalogue acting weirdly?
This is fucking freaking me out man.
The catalogue isn't updating correctly, shit is just getting shuffled around. That DFW thread has been up there for a while too and every time I check there isn't even a new post.

>> No.19357729

So he’s suggesting we’ve become the god now?
And there’s another part that doesn’t fit. Unless he’s talking about some vague new age notion of a “god”. Trying to salvage the Bible as simply a metaphor just means it’s all quite fallible. Are any parts of it to still be considered divinely revealed? No? It’s all just metaphorical myths? He doesn’t seem to make the connection. He’s either not thought this through or gleefully picks and chooses which is which. There’s more layers of dimwit in this, but let it go, please

>> No.19357901

Maybe the board is getting purged like /qa/ was (one can hope)

>> No.19357904

Same thing is happening in /tg/

>> No.19357906

Wait! so you see this too? or something similar? I really hope I'm not experiencing some schizo reality warp.
God that would be amazing though (the /qa/ thing, not the reality warp thing).

>> No.19357908

>Wait! so you see this too? or something similar?
Yeah, the DFW thread is at the top even though later threads have been bumped

>> No.19357909

It's a big surprise that I am still breathing. For years I have been plagued by depression and have attempted suicide several times. 4chan is the only place where I can take comfort in the degeneracy and rottenness of today's world.

>> No.19357912
File: 280 KB, 646x595, PepeUncomfortable.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh thank God! I was confused for a while.
wtf is going on do you think? any clue?

>> No.19357913

I thought I was going fucking nuts when this happened to me the other week but it turns out i was retarded and had somehow changed the sorting options. judging by your screen cap this isn't the case here though

>> No.19357916

>any clue?
Allah willing the /pol/tards, communists, and their ilk are all being deported to /pol/. I doubt that's the case though

>> No.19357758

I do not remember specifically (what I dreamt) but I wonder, and felt, if there are two different ways of thinking in sleep. One knows the absurdity and is bored waiting for reality to be restored and another like a broken player generates the conglomerated faux memories to commence throughout the night. Some have awakened one to force discipline to the other, neither of which I have had any success bridling. While I arbitrarily divide these acts into two it sometimes feels like three. The imagined puppets around the boozed consciousness which wallows tripping through crockery, a third is bitter and split bearing witness to the failure or virtue of the two other parts on stage and when bearing witness too strongly one is either jolted awake or even awakens while asleep to grab reigns . it may just be the same operator of me, transformed between three sets of machinery all of which are forming some level of coupling. Maybe these machines uncouple as I awake and I lose the three for the one. Likely but unfruitful I lean to wish that the machines still run as my livid self walks. The imaginative operator slips to sleep in uncontrolled subconscious imagery. The servile operator then coupled with the proctoring operator to form the duel perpetrator-witness anima of waking action.

>> No.19357771

i dont think so, perhaps like god, or understanding of god. i dont even know if chris is christian, and im not christian, but the whole idea of creation set into a feedback loop kind of goes well with the idea of man created in gods image to know infinite pain and pleasures, love and rejection, empathy and apathy, creation and destruction etc, perhaps to one day truly understand things and evolve into something higher.

desu i dont even know what you are trying to say here lol, it seems like you're just using this quote to launch into an unrelated tirade about how angry you are at Christianity because christian people shit on you for being an idiot at some point in your life and you still haven't gotten over it, grown up, and moved on.

>> No.19357935

Yeah, I'm actually amazed at how little a change this was to fuck with me; I honestly felt like I was going insane there for a sec. Pretty spooky...
Doubt it but I guess we have to just wait and see.

>> No.19357941

>any clue?
Only that the blue boards are affected. Just went to some green ones and they're okay.

>> No.19357955

well it looks to be back to normal now

>> No.19357968
File: 586 KB, 1366x768, Screenshot (17).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like the catalogue is going back to normal now (though realistically it's still kind of fucked, the DFW thread's last post was from over an hour ago while the post just after it was from 6 mins ago).
I wonder what happened.

>> No.19357970

Yeah, thankfully lol.

>> No.19358017

I want to be better at writing, but I realize that I haven't read enough to be good at writing, if that makes sense. I think it does: poor quality stuff goes into the brain, so poor quality stuff will come out. Thus, I am going to read more.

>> No.19358112

I wonder: is it valid to think Marx was worth listening to while completely despising Marxist-Leninists and their ideological descendants?

>> No.19358132

It is completely valid lol, you can be anti-ML and a Marxist, you can probably be a Italian Left Communist or any form of Ultra-Leftism, Basically just read anything by Bordiga lol.

>> No.19358233

>this is what amerimutts actually believe

>> No.19358288

There is something beautiful and liberating upon realizing the fact that you're not the only person that matters in the world.

>> No.19358302

Then you'll be comforted even more by the fact that I am the only person who matters at all.

>> No.19358324

I'm against corporate welfare and bailouts fag. If a business fails it should fail, that's fine by me.
Socialized healthcare is fucking retarded, people should pay upfront for medical care and where they can't catastrophic insurance should probably cover. Pharmaceutical companies should be competing to lower their prices too. they shouldn't be subsidized and the barrier to entry shouldn't be so high as to price out competition (lobby fags should be hanged too) but they shouldn't be overregulated either.
Lets also not mention that America contributes disproportionately to the global pharmaceutical market so us going socialist would fuck with the rest of the fags who are basically leeching off of us when they make our drugs generic.
The market (i.e. the people) should decide what drugs they think is necessary, not bureaucrats.
Also people work paycheck to paycheck because of taxes and regulation which eat up their income directly and indirectly by raising prices. Inflation also hurts the consumer as well so you should be against that.

>> No.19358335

Dw that guy was a subhuman.

>> No.19358370

Your post is pure hysterics lmao you are so fucking triggered. It is no wonder you can't talk to people or you believe dating bitches from tinder is degrading you. You really think I give a fuck what you call me, go touch grass

>> No.19358373
File: 249 KB, 1000x750, How-Does-The-U.S.-Healthcare-System-Compare-To-Other-Countries-chart-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's what capitalism gets you, what you're seeing right now. The rich elite can buy off politicians so that corporations can dodge taxes and get bailout, this is a byproduct or outgrowth of American capitalism. America pays more for Healthcare and has the worst health outcomes compared to other countries. You can go bankrupt in America because of medical bills, doesn't happen in other countries.

>> No.19358379

And the working man gets stuck with the taxes while Amazon pays no taxes because the capitalists buy the politicians.

>> No.19358380

Went to a wedding today. I'm a decent looking guy, get complimented often, attract women, can use it to my benefit. But there was a legit 9/10 guy there who was charming and can also sing. So depressing seeing how women act around him, no matter the age. Old fucking ladies talking about how hot he was right in front of their husbands. Young girls looked like they were drooling. It was crazy.
These people live on a different planet. I talked to him, he was a nice guy, but you can tell he isn't "there". Like he has never actually felt reality. Just a bubble of highness his entire life. Can't forget that his family is wealthy well known musicians. Ultimate blackpill. I can be the best looking or most interesting in 95% of rooms but just knowing people like that exist at the back of your mind is crushing. Maybe it was good for my ego

>> No.19358393

proper weirdo

>> No.19358415

The best thing I ever did was give myself a fucked up buzzcut, stop shaving, and start dressing like a complete retard.
Totally effected how people treated me, and as a handsome guy, it was interesting to see how much of my "personality" and charm, was just based off my good looks.
I lived like this for like a year, and honestly, I think I've become much more funny and just better at conversation than I was before. And after I started dressing up properly and taking of my appearance again, I felt like a fucking god. It was surreal.

>> No.19358468

You should've fucked the guy

>> No.19358474
File: 61 KB, 680x454, b72.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19358491


>> No.19358503

Trust me, he has felt that before too. There's always a bigger mog

>> No.19358510


>> No.19358529
File: 2.32 MB, 4000x3000, IMG_20211107_134104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

made a bone pipe
am i in whalermode yet

>> No.19358547


>> No.19358615


Find woomen, make family and this will all go away

>> No.19358842

Hmm a bit too easy, not really satisfied by this answer, but thanks anyway.

>> No.19359374

nobody ever replies to my posts but I like to think that everyone reads them and it influences their future posts

>> No.19359401

crowdsurfing corpse at a rap concert

>> No.19359448


heart warming story, even if the wapo is an imperialist rag: uneducated low wage workers stage a walk out from their mini wagge job without any wealthy union bureaucrats or trust fund marxists pulling strings in the background.

>> No.19359461

Mods are daveposting you?

>> No.19359495
File: 81 KB, 250x250, 1635108331832.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19359512

did anyone watch the livestream on apple music friday? i thought about tuning in but scott jumped the shark with that happy meal or whatever it was so i didn't. could u see the corposes floating around the crowd? did apple just cut the stream? i watched two of those kanye west livestreams and not one person died.

>> No.19359528

i feel the very same.

>> No.19359879

He isn't calling the entire bible a metaphor, he's only specifically referring to creation theory, which would just limit the claim to genesis. No one would ever try to reduce the bible into one monolith, it's a collection of diverse writings spanning thousands of years. You can call genesis metaphorical without having to concede that the life of Jesus was also a metaphor.

>> No.19359882

if you had any comedy chops you would've left that on 0 replies

>> No.19359893

Creation isn’t even a theory, it’s a supposition.
Christians have been declaring all of the Bible as fact for centuries. It’s all quite questionable now. Some just can’t let it go

>> No.19359913

New thread

>> No.19359921

literally me, the thing is despite most of those women saying as much they wouldn't do shit

>> No.19359922

Alright. That’s good

>> No.19359925

We know you made it butters, you don't have to hide it like a little bitch that you are.

>> No.19359942

animefag seething

>> No.19359944

the very annoying aspect of this is that other men don't seem to see the treatment you get from women. they seem to think that their evaluation of you transfers over to women's evaluation of you when this is not the case. obviously the more similar you think women are to men the more pronounced this effect.

>> No.19359954

Butters, this is low even for you.

>> No.19360108

im not a comedian

>> No.19360807

>not going "whoops, meant to quote >>(another post)"

>> No.19360912
File: 2.87 MB, 342x238, 1615587012197.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>american posters