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19351000 No.19351000[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Every single woman at my university believes in astronomy.

>> No.19351006

You don't believe in astronomy...?

>> No.19351010

You mean astrology* OP

>> No.19351016

It was autocorrected

>> No.19351019

Space ain't real! and the earth is flat!

>> No.19351029

you failed. delete this

>> No.19351036

>yeah how dare does dumb roasties *flips notes* believe in Newtons laws!

>> No.19351049

Just a few seconds ago I posted a sorrowing thread and this failure of a post had me dying of laughter lmao.

>> No.19351051

The last time I listened to anything a woman had to say was when I was 20 years old. I have perfected the technique of letting a woman's words pass through my ear, glide over my brain without touching it at all, and exit out the other ear as if they were never inside my head to begin with. A woman's words to me are like the wind rustling through the trees while I am engrossed in another task. I have dated over five million women who claimed to be into astrology, and you know what, I'm into astrology too, really into astrology. You think I listened to anything they had to say about astrology? You think I heard a word they said about it? I didn't hear a single word they said. I don't remember anything about it.

Let me tell you brother. Never listen to anything a woman says. Just let it flow over and through you like the wind. Once you perfect this technique you can even answer them and make them think you're having conversations with them when in reality your responses to them are less conscious than your regulation of your own breathing. Theoretically, I don't remember a single thing any woman has ever said to me. I only know they say things at all because other men remind me of the fact.

>> No.19351064

Fucken Popperians. Tell em to read Kuhn and Lakatos. But NOT FEYERABEND.

>> No.19351069

What's your sign, honey? Sigma male, ENTP, what?

>> No.19351107

They’ve read philosophers like Paracelsus, Böhme, Hegel, Agamben, Mirandola, Ficino, Hermes Tristemegus unlike you who shitpost on 4chan all day

>> No.19351260

there's a difference between astrology in the esoteric Tradition and astrology in the newage tradition

>> No.19351266
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>> No.19351268

i would read this if it were a story opening

>> No.19351275

Other anon is giving roasties too much credit
>ohhhhh this guy I have a crush on has a compatible star sign!!!

>> No.19351277


>> No.19351278

The "newage tradition" is literally just Hermeticism and Western esotericism.

I mean it when I say "literally". Go read literally anything they were going on about back in the 70s, its all just Hermeticism dressed up with the occasional Orientalist term. Even "karma" as Westerners typically understand it is just Yahweh's will lifted from old Alchemical texts and renamed.

>> No.19351316
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>> No.19351337

denying that the sun wanders across the sky during the day, and is invisible during the night
accepting that the sun wanders across the sky (just like the other planets), and does not shine in the night

>> No.19351348

newage posits we are in the age of aquarius rather than the kali yuga
they are straight up opposed
don't become a victim to newage nonsense
read Guenon

>> No.19351369

by the way, borrowing and twisting some aspects from hermiticism does not make it a genuine continuation of the hermetic Tradition. it is literally a subversion. go read the kybalion or something, you disgusting normie.

>> No.19351371

>read Guenon
or... I say, or... if it happens to be that you are not a Muslim, you could... you know... like... kid... want some Evola?

>> No.19351390

>believes in astronomy

>> No.19351401

Final redpill here.

>We can only see this far
>well actually we know it's bigger for some reason
>well actually we can only send radio waves this far
>Well actually we know that it's bigger for some reason
>Well actually we can only measure light from this distance away which we've never been to
>Oh yeah BTW light only travels so fast so it's impossible that we can know about anything from beyond a certain distance
>Well actually we know it's 100,000,000,000,000 times bigger somehow because theres other galaxies which we've never seen
>well actually we know it's 1,000,000,000,000 times bigger because we are in a galaxy super cluster group which we've never seen
>well actually we know it's 1,000,000,000,000 times bigger because theres an "observable universe" that we haven't really observed but are just gonna claim that we've observed it.

The earth may be spherical but 90+% of what we pretend we know about "space" isn't real it's pseudo-mathematical circlejerk fantasies surrounding highly immeasurable distances with hypothetical fragments of "data" nobody can even begin to prove. Anyone who believes in space™ is a nigger chimp retard monkey mental infant who should be gassed.

>> No.19351409

I love you brother.
Lol 9/10

>> No.19351416
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And despite this, every single one of them is more successful than me

>> No.19351421

That's because astrology is true retard

>> No.19351477
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>Mfw women unironically believe this shit.

>> No.19351512

I should hope so, OP.

>> No.19351516

My sides

>> No.19351519
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>> No.19351527
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Ask a lady friend for some of her magic rocks

>> No.19351535
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>> No.19351537

Is that feta cheese

>> No.19351544

Shut up Butters you fucking believe in astronomy too don't you? I have it on good authority that you were born on Venus.

>> No.19351548

>he doesn't believe in astrology
What's next? Are you gonna say you don't believe in the tarot either?

>> No.19351554

Men cum from Mars women cum from Venus. It’s the gay agenda.

>> No.19351566

Women cum from my penus

>> No.19351585

well, sounds like they have a great science department then.
delete your life

>> No.19351598

Not in a Popperian sense given that every experiment has falsified the hypothesis.

>> No.19351609

Seeing as I've literally never had sex, you're probably right.

>> No.19351614
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It’s a bit windy

>> No.19351618

you're a 90s/00s romcom side character fella, word for word

>> No.19351855

Ffs now I'm manually breathing

>> No.19351898


>> No.19351904

I think he meant autonomy. It's their "thing" now.

>> No.19351912

Gee, that's some ugly bitch

>> No.19351913

Agreed. It could be a kind of counterpoint to 'Cat Person'.

>> No.19351916
File: 74 KB, 1080x1349, 2704A580-5647-40F6-9A1F-C8925B21D707.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pff. She’s making a face… oh nm. You’re just gay.

>> No.19351920

What about the married women?